Interpersonal Test 2

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In some cultures, kisses on both cheeks are the standard mode of greeting and bidding goodbye to business contacts (T/F)


It is common to feel multiple emotions at the same time (T/F)


People with high status and/or power tent to touch other and invade others' space more than people with less power and/or status (T/F)


Silence is considered a form of nonverbal communication (T/F)


______ in interpersonal relationships involves believing in another person's reliability and emotionally relying on that person:


Which type of non listening actually involves listening very carefully to a message?


The personal objects we use to announce our identities and heritage and to personalize our environments are known as


The counterpoint to evaluation is:


Reciprocity of self-disclosures is more important after a relationship has become established than it is in the early days of the relationship: (T/F)


Selective listening is effective because we focus on the most important parts of a message (T/F)


Some researchers assert that humans experience only one kind of emotions which are based in biology and thus instinctual and universal: (T/F)


Chris says he loves Betsy, but he's not sure they have a future together. Chris's feelings towards Betsy indicate he loves her but isn't:


In Bruno's car, he has many bumper stickers and several souvenirs from all the roadtrips he has made in that car. What are Bruno's personal items examples of?


"Stop bothering me" and "I feel we should work as a team: are examples of:

Counterfeit emotional language

Emotional intelligence is the ability to listen supportively when other people share their feelings: (T/F)


Feeling rules define the emotional meaning of situations (T/F)


Happy and confirming relationship should feature openness rather than closedness. (T/F)


In general, men and women self-disclose with equal frequency and depth (T/F):


Maintaining direct eye contact is a sign of respect and attentiveness around the world (T/F)


Men generally talk more about personal feelings, especially their shortcoming or self-doubts. (T/F)


Most relationships are either fully confirming or fully disconfirming, and few relationships fall in between (T/F):


We should use you language to express our emotions to others. (T/F)


When expressing emotions, it is best to be as general as possible (T/F)


In some military academies, such as West Point, using ____ is a recognized method of stripping a cadet of personhood if he or she is perceived as having broken the academy code


Most scholars think that most emotions are:

Socially constructed

Of the many influences that shape relationships, four are particularly critical for building and sustaining satisfying personal relationships: Investment, commitment, trust, and comfort with relational dialectics (T/F)


Of the many influences that shape relationships, four are particularly critical for building and sustaining satisfying personal relationships: investment, commitment, Trust, and comfort with relational dialectics (T/F):


Repetition, mnemonics, and regrouping are all ways to help us remember what we hear (T/F)


We respond differently to the same phenomenon depending on the meaning we attribute to it (T/F)


According to relationships counselors, the most central and continuous tension in the majority of close relationships arises from which of the following dialectical tensions:


Verbal communication and nonverbal communication are similar in all of the following respects except


While listening to the lecture, Carlos begins to think about the things he needs to do after class, but stops himself and consciously focuses himself on the information being presented in the lecture and takes in as much as he can. This is an example of

Being mindful

Marge says to Homer, "I don't want to hear it, you cannot change my mind." These statements illustrate:


"Memorial Day parades are patriotic, yet sad events," is an example of a(n) ______ rule:


Research indicates that in general the LEAST effective and LEAST satisfying response to the tension generated by relational dialectics is to:

Honor one need and ignore the other

We are most likely to engage in emotion work when we:

Think what we are feeling is inappropriate

All of the following are reasons why we may refrain from expressing emotions EXCEPT:

Too much emotion work

Communication climate is the overall feeling or emotional mood between people-- warm or cold, safe or anxious, comfortable or awkward, accepting or rejecting, open or guarded-- that is shaped by verbal and nonverbal interaction between people (T/F):


Defensive listening involves perceiving personal attacks, criticism or hostility in communication that is not critical or mean-spirited. (T/F)


External obstacles to listening include message overload, message complexity, and noise (T/F)


Failing to acknowledge another person's feelings or thoughts disconfirms him or her (T/F):


Mindfulness grows out of the decisions to attend fully to another person (T/F)


Monopolizing is detrimental to both the person who is being neglected and the person who is dominating the conversation. (T/F)


Most people feel defensive when others use neutral, rather than empathetic, communication with them: (T/F)


Nonverbal behaviors should be interpreted while keeping in mind individual differences and context (T/F)


Nonverbal communication is arbitrary, ambiguous and abstract (T/F)


Poor listening is the leading reason that some people don't advance in their career. (T/F)


The organismic view regards emotions as instinctual responses to physiological arousal caused by external stimuli (T/F):


Which statement provides good advice for listening supportively to someone who is sharing emotions?


Which statement about social media and expressing emotions is correct?

We are more likely to communicate socially inappropriate feelings when we are anonymous online

What type of communication is confirming because it feels open, honest and unpremeditated?


"I really know know a lot more about this than you do, so you should listen to me." This comment is an example of communication that:

Claims superiority of the speaker

A person who controls outward expression of his or her feelings but does not control the inner feelings is engaging in deep acting. (T/F)


Cultural training does not influence which emotions we express and how we express them. (T/F)


Cultures do not differ in their orientations toward time (T/F)


The cognitive labeling view of emotions regards emotions as instinctual responses to external stimuli. (T/F)


Morgan does not want to take chemistry, because he knows he will fail the class even before taking the course. In addition, he believes that if he takes the course, he won't make any friends in the class. Morgan is suffering from which fallacy:

Fear of catastrophic expectations

Paralanguage is communicated through all of these EXCEPT:

Hand Gestures

Which statement does NOT provide good advice for sustaining a confirming climate?

Ignore criticism

In interpersonal relationships , it is as important to affirm and accept yourself as to affirm and accept others (T/F):


Investments are what we put into relationships that we could not retrieve if the relationship were to end (T/F)


It is common to feel multiple emotions at the same time: (T/F)


The counterpoint to neutrality is:


The strongest level of confirmation is:


The ___ view of emotions posits this model: stimulus > physiological response > emotion.


Randy says, "I am really bummed out about not getting any job offers." His roommate, Lance, responds, "Sounds as if you're feeling pretty low about the response so far." Lance's communication is an example of:


According to the perceptual view of emotions, what occurs second:

Perception of event

A common form of expressing feelings INEFFECTIVELY is:

Speaking in generalities

Cosmetic surgery and eating disorders are associated with ______, one type of nonverbal behavior.

Physical Appearance

It is estimated that nonverbal communication accounts for what percentage of the total meaning in interpersonal communication?


Listening skills need to be modified according to the goals, situations and people to whom we are listening. Using different listening skills when listening for information and for relationship listening is known as

Adapting listening appropriately

Chelsea does not enjoy the speaker's topic, but her goal is to gather and evaluate the information being presented so she can write a report on the presentation. This is an example of:

Listening for information

Which type of non listening involves listening only for content and ignoring the relationship level of meaning?

Literal listening

Mari and her partner respond to the tension in their relationship by deciding to spend part of the weekend together and part of it engaged in separate activities in order to balance their needs for autonomy and connection. This response to relational dialectics is called:


During a student speech, the campus landscapers begin mowing the lawn, making the student's presentation difficult to hear. The audience is experiencing _____, one of the several listening obstacles.


The counterpoint to control is:

Problem orientation

When communicating with a person with a disability, all of the following are generally accepted guidelines EXCEPT:

Provide assistance without asking

Which type of communication involves openness to other points of view:


Giving priority to one dialectal need and neglecting the other is known as:


A form of nonlistening is ____, which involves focusing only on particular parts of a message.

Selective listening

What involves controlling the outward expression of emotion?

Surface acting

According to Goleman, people who have high emotional intelligence quotients are more likely than people with lower EQs to create satisfying relationships, to be comfortable with themselves, and to work effectively with others: (T/F)


According to John Gottman, the "magic ratio" for a happy relationship is to have at least 5 pleasant interactions for every 1 unpleasant interaction. (T/F)


According to John Gottman, the "magic ratio" for happy relationship is to have at least 5 pleasant interactions for every 1 unpleasant interaction (T/F):


Ambushing is listening carefully for the purpose of attacking a speaker (T/F)


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