Intro into sports science Final Exam

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Exercise physiology

Monitoring of oxygen uptake and exhalation of carbon dioxide, measuring heart rate and function, and analyzing the chemical activities of the body during exercise are examples of research in this exercise and sport science.

Motor learning

Researchers in this exercise and sport science study information processing, types of feedback, and methods of practice.

. Sport biomechanics

Specialists in this exercise and sport science study the mechanical principles of force application and absorption, leverage, and stability.

autonomic nervous

The _ system can be divided into two divisions: parasympathetic and somatic.


The _ system eliminates waste products from the body and regulates the volume, electrolyte composition, and pH of the body fluids.

Greeks and Romans

The first written recordings of individuals participating in sport and athletic competition arises from the


The generation of a constant force by a muscle and movement of the joint.

A result of lifestyle related diseases

The leading causes of death in the United States and other developed countries are


The main components of the _ system are the chemical compounds contained in the energy pathways of the cells and macronutrients carbohydrate, fat, and protein.


The process of heat loss through sweat leaving the skin surface.


The process of heat loss through the air to solid cooler objects.


The process of heat loss to the air surrounding the body


The process of moving information from long-term memory store to short-term memory store is


True or False? Acute musculoskeletal injuries are most commonly treated by using reevaluation, ice, compression, and elevation. (R.I.C.E.)


True or False? Although specific exercises cannot stop the progression of Parkinson disease, improving muscle strength through physical activity and exercise can help an individual feel more confident and capable in his/her movements.


True or False? An indirect measurement of how long it takes for an individual to process the information involved in making a decision and to respond is referred to as reaction time.


True or False? Antioxidant vitamins are needed in sufficient quantities in the diet because of their ability to protect the body from damage caused by oxygen-free radicals.


True or False? Atherosclerosis is a disease process that results in an increase in blood flow to cardiac muscle.


True or False? Athletic Trainers are healthcare professionals who also collaborate with Physicians.


True or False? Athletic Training is an area of exercise science that is involved in the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of injuries to physically active individuals and athletes?


True or False? Athletic Training is not under the Sports Medicine umbrella.


True or False? Both cardiac muscle and smooth muscle respond to input from the nervous and endocrine systems.


True or False? Carbohydrate loading has been shown to increase muscle glycogen levels and improve certain types of aerobic endurance exercise performance.


True or False? Creatine is an ergogenic aid that improves exercise performance by increasing energy production during high-intensity exercise.


True or False? Electrolytes are lost predominately in sweat and a significant reduction in electrolytes can impair both sport and athletic performance.


True or False? Endurance training results in an increase in parasympathetic nervous activity and this allows for a reduced resting heart rate.


True or False? Fat-soluble vitamins are not stored in the body and therefore must be consumed in the diet on a regular basis.


True or False? Franklin Henry developed the memory drum theory and is often considered the "father of motor skills research".


True or False? In general, athletes do not require more minerals than healthy physically active people, but athletes who do not receive sufficient minerals from foods may be at risk for certain disease conditions.


True or False? Insulin resistance describes the condition of the body when elevated levels of blood insulin are required in order to help control blood glucose levels.


True or False? Motor behavior is the understanding of how the body develops, controls, and learns movement skills that individuals use in physical activity, exercise, sport, and athletic competition.


True or False? Motor control is the study of the neurologic, physiologic, and behavioral aspects of movement and how our brain and spinal cord plan and perform those movements.


True or False? Motor learning is the study of how individuals learn skilled movements from practice or experience.


True or False? Muscle fiber hypertrophy results in an increase in the number of fibers within a muscle.


True or False? Nutrition is defined as the science that interprets the connection between food and the function of the living organism.


True or False? Nutritional intake strongly influences the development and progression of chronic diseases and poor health conditions such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, osteoporosis, a variety of cancers, and obesity.


True or False? Osteoporosis is a disease condition characterized by high bone mineral density.


True or False? Physical activity is defined as those movement activities of daily living, including work and leisure time activities.


True or False? The NATA was founded in 1960.

to assist in the rehabilitation process

What are therapeutic modalities used for?

Elizabeth Jewell

Which of the AT's that were interviewed also works at North Carolina Central University?

Parasympathetic component

Which of the following components of the nervous system experiences a decrease in the level of activity during exercise?

Increased exercise duration

Which of the following factors would increase the use of fat as an energy source?


Which of the following nutrients is predominately responsible for providing energy during moderate to high intensity physical activity or exercise?

Exercise science

_ is an area of study that is primarily interested in the nutritional, physiological, psychological, and functional adaptations to movement.

Qualitative research

_ uses extensive observations and interviews to provide nonnumeric data obtained in natural environments.

Motor development

__________ is the study of change in motor behavior over a life span and the various processes which underlie these changes.

Promote carbohydrate utilization as an energy source

Consuming a beverage or meal high in carbohydrates prior to exercise will


Excess sodium and alcohol consumption has been shown to increase a person's risk of developing

Sport philosophy

A person in this exercise and sport science would study sportsmanship and other aspects of ethical behavior in sports.

Less protein than endurance athletes

Athletes participating in sports that require high levels of muscular strength require

primary survey

Athletic trainers perform a (blank) when an athlete is injured.

Response selection

Deciding what response to make with the information including determining the stimulus-response compatibility is

Sport history

Individuals in this exercise and sport science use both descriptive and interpretive research.

Stimulus recognition

Information about successful completion of a movement skill requires three stages, the first of which is


Low levels of physical activity and dietary calcium intake result in an increased risk of developing

An increase in protein synthesis

Muscle fiber hypertrophy describes the change in muscle fibers that is a result of

The behavior sequence of infants and young children.

Myrtle B. McGraw studied

Carbohydrates and fat

One of the early experiments in nutrition demonstrated that dogs fed only ______ would die prematurely


One of the first people to recognize the importance of physical education in school curriculum was Johann Bernard because he made which sport mandatory for 3 hours each day?


One of the most significant contributors to increasing the risk for colorectal cancer is a diet high in

National Association of Sport and Physical Education (NASPE)

One organization that is sponsored within AAHPERD is

Response programming

Organizing and initiating an action after a stimulus has been identified and a response has been selected is

A decrease in bone mineral density

Osteoporosis is a disease condition affecting the skeletal system and is characterized by


The _ system is responsible for regulating oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the blood and maintaining a normal acid-base balance in the body.


The _ system works to transfer macronutrients, micronutrients, electrolytes, and water from the food we consume into the body.


The __________ is the area of the brain in humans that serves to coordinate complex voluntary movements, posture, and balance

Type 1 diabetes

The condition of ______ occurs when blood glucose cannot be taken into the cells of the body as a result of insufficient insulin production.

Fast muscle glycogen was depleted during exercise

The development and use of the muscle biopsy procedure by Swedish researchers in the 1960s allowed for the original determination of how

Occurs more frequently in women who have amenorrhea

The female athlete triad is a condition that


The generation of force by a muscle without any movement of the joint.


The generation of force by a muscle and movement of the joint at a constant speed or velocity

Increased swelling of the body part

The immediate effects of an acute injury to a body part include


The process of heat loss through direct transfer to a cooler object.

Allied health care

The professional field that works to deliver patient care services for the identification, prevention, and treatment of diseases, disabilities, and disorders is called


The structured movement process that individuals consciously and voluntarily engage in for the purpose of improving or maintaining fitness and health is called


True or False? Dietary fat and cholesterol are critical to the normal functioning of body tissues and overall good health of the body.


True or False? During exercise it is important to match fluid and electrolyte intake to water loss in order to prevent dehydration.


True or False? During prolonged exercise, the body uses its available stores of muscle glycogen and increasingly relies on blood glucose supplied by the liver.


True or False? Intermittent compression is manipulation of soft tissue causing mechanical, physiologic, and psychological responses.


True or False? Most of the prominent information in motor development came from observing the activities of babies and their changes in reflexes, movements, and feeding behaviors on a day-to-day basis.


True or False? Regular physical activity and exercise can assist the person with type 2 diabetes with the regulation of blood glucose levels.


True or False? Skeletal muscle can only contract in response to a stimulus from the nervous system.


True or False? Skeletal muscle can only contract in response to a stimulus from the nervous system.


True or False? The Dietary Guidelines for Americans summarize and synthesize knowledge regarding nutrient and food components into recommendations for a pattern of eating that can be adapted by the general public.


True or False? The bone marrow contained within the skeletal system is responsible for the formation of a number of blood cells.


True or False? The chronic adaptations to exercise improve various functions of the body while at rest and during both submaximal and maximal exercise.


True or False? The immune system does not improve its ability to protect the body from certain disease conditions in response to improvements in the level of physical fitness.


True or False? The kidneys have little control over the elimination of metabolic waste products from the body.


True or False? The primary minerals of the skeletal system are calcium and phosphorus.


True or False? The term chronic adaptations to physical activity and exercise refers to the changes that occur in the systems of the body in response to one bout of physical activity or exercise.


True or False? There are 5 domains in athletic training.


True or False? To become a Physical Education teacher you need at least a bachelor's degree along with a certification.


True or false? Exercise physiology is the study of how the systems of the body individually and collectively respond to acute and chronic bouts of physical activity and exercise.


True or false? Exercise science is an interdisciplinary field of study because it includes knowledge developed in a variety of academic disciplines and sub-disciplines.


True or false? Qualitative research uses a scientific approach designed for the collection and analysis of numerical data typically obtained from subjects through direct testing or questionnaires.


True or false? Quantitative research uses a scientific approach designed for the collection and analysis of numerical data typically obtained from subjects through direct testing or questionnaires.


True or false? The integration of human systems provides for the coordinated control of the body environment and allows the body to respond to the challenges encountered every day.


True or false? The morbidity rate describes the relative increase in a disease condition within a specific population of people.


True or false? The mortality rate describes the relative increase in a disease condition within a specific population of people.


True or false? The nervous system and the endocrine system serve as the two primary control systems of the body.


True or false? The opening of the Harvard Fatigue Laboratory in the early 20th century was instrumental in promoting the development of exercise physiology.

Anterior Cruciate Ligament

What does "ACL" stand for ?

Harvard University

What is the name of the first School that established exercise Physiology as a Science discipline?

Eccentric muscle contraction

When a muscle increases in length and develops tension.


When individuals move information about a movement learned during practice from short-term to long-term memory store, the process is called

Concentric muscle contraction

When the joint angle decreases, you have this type of contraction.

An acute response

When the systems of the body respond to a single bout of physical activity or exercise this is referred to as

Arm Wrestling & Tug of war

Which 2 of the following activities are more likely to make use of ISOMETRIC muscular contraction?

Badminton smash & Biceps curl with barbell

Which 2 of the following activities are more likely to make use of isotonic muscular contractions?

Adapted Physical Education

Which course would you mainly focus on how to work with individuals with disabilities in a physical activity, exercise, and/or sport setting?

Sport and exercise psychology

Which of the exercise and sport sciences is the study of human behavior in sport, including an understanding of the mental processes that interact with motor skill performance?

Exercise physiology

Which of the exercise and sport sciences is the study of the causes and consequences of bodily functioning and changes occurring due to physical activity?

Motor development

Which of the exercise and sport sciences would include research into developmentally appropriate physical education for all ages?

Motor development

Which of the exercise and sports sciences is described by the maturation and changes in motor behavior throughout life and individuals progressing from unskilled movements to the learning of complex motor patterns?

Reduced carbohydrate intake in daily diet

Which of the following factors would require an increased daily protein intake?

. Body of scholarly knowledge

Which of the following is a characteristic of an academic discipline?

Skeletal muscle

Which of the following muscle types are under direct conscious control during exercise?


Which of the following sources provides the most energy during the performance of low intensity exercise?


Which of the following terms describes the condition of the various systems of the body when the body is in a resting state?

Dr. Arcelia Jeffreys

Who is the instructor for the course PETE 2095 Stunts & Tumbling?

Basic Research

_ is referred to as pure or fundamental research and aims to expand the knowledge base by formulating, evaluating, and expanding a theory.

Applied Reseach

_ is used to test theoretical concepts in real-world situations in order to acquire solutions to an immediate practical problem.


. ______ is commonly considered the "father of modern medicine."

An increased susceptibility to illness

A decrease in athletic performance due to excessive amounts of training is called overtraining syndrome and is characterized by

A major website for this discipline that was discussed in class is:

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