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Why should a sport product or event be promoted in ethical and socially responsible ways?

It creates a positive affinity for consuming the product

Jobs in Facilities:

o Managers and Directors (Facility & Event) o Booking o Guest Services (Front of House - FOH) o Operations o Ticketing o Marketing o Information Technologies o Finance and Business Operations

Jobs in Events

o Managers and Directors (Facility & Event) o Booking o Operations o Logistics o Ticketing o Marketing o Finance and Business Operations

• Seven Basic Steps of Event Management Plans

o Scheduling o Negotiating o Coordinating o Staging o Settling with the promoter o Cleaning up o Evaluating: Documenting this process is critical for protection against litigation/lawsuit but also a guide to plan future events


relationship between the price of a product and the amount of the product that consumers are willing to buy

Extrinsic Rewards

rewards given to a person by someone else

Intrinsic Rewards

rewards received by a person from experience itself

Law of Demand

consumers will demand less of a product as its price increases and more of a product as the price falls

What types of positions are available in financial management in the sport industry?

- Business managers, representatives like agents who handle contracts, assistant GM, vice president of financial operations

What are the major sources of revenues and expenses in the sport industry?

- REVENUES= Game attendance and ancillary purchases (parking, tickets, luxury boxes, concessions, personal seat license) also, media rights/ sponsorship and endorsements/ licensed merchandise/ donations/ NFL and the FCC EXPENSES= cost of sports facilities (Cowboys stadium 1.2 billion/ cost of player salaries (A-Rod 10 year, 275 mil). Expenses broken into 4 categories: direct expenses (cost of sales), operating expenses, other expenses, and income tax expense

One-way model of public relations

A communication model focusing exclusively on the flow of information from the sport organization to its publics

Two-way model of public relations

A communication model focusing on communication give and take between a sport organization and its key publics

Sport Public Relations

A managerial based communication based function designed to identify a sport organization's key publics, evaluate its relationships with those publics, and foster desirable relationships between the sport organization and those key publics.

What is a mission statement and how does it influence the development of sport marketing plans?

A mission statement is a context to provide a direction for what a company is trying to accomplish and how they expect to do it, it creates in people's hearts and minds a frame of reference, a set of criteria or guidelines by which they will govern themselves

Strategic Sport Communication Model (SSCM)

A model depicting the dynamics of communication and the various settings in which communication occurs in sport.

What are the three components of an attitude?

A person's experiences (behavioral component), feelings (affective component), and beliefs (cognitive component)

Sport Communication

A process by which people in sport, in a sport setting or though a sport endeavor share symbols as they create meaning through interaction.

What are the key motives for sport participation?

Achievement motivation- the need to compete, to win, and to be the best Social motivation- participants seek social opportunities through participation Mastery motivation- skill development, learning, and personal challenge

What are some strategies that can be used to distribute a sport product to consumers?

Advertising, publicity, activities and inducements, public relations, community relations, media relations, personal selling, sponsorship.

Electronic Communication

Communication by electronic media, including sports broadcasting on television, sports radio, sports film, and sport photography

What skills and experiences are most important to sport communication professionals?

Communication skills. Writing and speaking abilities. Experiences such as learning activities in your classes, volunteering with a sport organization or with a mass media outlet.

New Media

Communication through nontraditional media platforms, most of them Internet based and ranging from traditional websites to mobile applications to e-commerce systems.

Print Communication

Communication through printed publications, including sport sections in newspapers, sport magazines, and sport books.

What is the difference between consumer involvement and fan identification?

Consumer involvement- characterized as a combination of people's interest in a sport product (e.g., team, athlete, sport), and the degree to which they consider the product important in their lives Fan identification- the process of identification occurs as people's role (as a participant or as a fan) becomes central to their personal sense of self--- that is, their identity. Hence, the statements "I am a Blackhawks fan" and "I am a field hockey player" are expressions of identification with a team and with a sport

What are potential group influences on a person's decision to attend a sporting event?

Culture, Reference group direct or indirect, social class, subcultures

What are key motives for sport spectation?

Diversion from stress or boredom, desire for drama and excitement, economic gain (betting on sport), innate beauty of athletic performance, and affiliation (family time)

Why is communication a critical concern to all sport managers, whether they are communication specialists or not?

It involves everything from conversations between an event manager and volunteers regarding the logistics of hospitality to the release of new info through social media to the presentation of a live event on TV. Forms of communication at a sporting event includes that involves sport managers includes interpersonal interaction such as between fan and guest services, a meeting between a sales director and clients, and media members receiving game notes. Communication is critical for success of sport managers.

How is SWOT analysis used in directing or informing marketing plans?

Its is used to assess the strengths and weaknesses of an organization and the opportunities and threats that it faces

Economic interaction

the exchange of one product of value for another product of value

Community Relations

Often focuses on the promotion of charitable initiatives affiliated with the sport organization and the development of opportunities for face-to-face contact with sport organization stakeholders

What benefits and challenges do new and social media present to sport marketers in terms of consumer behavior?

Participants can purchase hard-to-find equipment; fans can buy tickets and licensed products for teams anywhere in the world. Fans can find a community of other fans online. They can participate in online fantasy leagues. They can post photographs or short videos from sporting events on smartphone apps like Instagram. They can share thoughts and feeling about different sports or events on blogs and in the comment sections of new websites. Participants can receive or share information about their sport, team, players, and coaches instantly. It is easier for fans to stay involved. It is also easier to market for and reach fans. Compulsive consumption is when the repetitive consumption of sport leads to addiction. Sports betting, fantasy leagues, or spending beyond your means for sport participation. Sport marketers need know how to build effective marketing strategies without feeding consumers' addictions.

What are some of the common ethical issues facing sport public relations professionals?

Protecting people's privacy, not releasing any private organizational info such as salaries, addresses, grades of students, etc. Also social media and student-athletes. Some coaches ban their players from using social media.

How would you describe some of the tasks performed by sport community relations professionals?

Sport community relation professionals who work for a team, facility, or organization are responsible for creating, organizing, and executing charitable initiatives and other programs designed to involve the sport entity in community enhancement.

Marketing Plans

comprehensive strategic frameworks for identifying and achieving a sport organization's marketing goals and objectives

What are the different types of business structures in the sport industry? Give examples of each

Single entity structure= MLS Soccer / other= (could not find any but assume any other professional sport organization). Each team is operated as a separate entity.

What are some of the non-traditional forms of communication now being used by sport managers?

Social Media, traditional websites, mobile applications, e-commerce systems, sport web logs (blogs), etc

How have social media changed the way people relate to sport? What are the ramifications of these changes for sport communicators?

Sport organizations can now disseminate messages to their mass media audiences quickly and inexpensively, there is now a two way flow of communication between organization and public so the public and organizations can now interact. This shared information engages people to share the experiences and opinions and to express dialogue and shared experiences. The ramifications are that sport communicators now have to be able to work across the different social media platforms to gather and disseminate sport news. Communicators are receiving a lot of requests from new media reps for game credentials and interview access to players/coaches, faced with a growing amount of non-credible info or false rumors that spread on the Internet. Sport communicators now underuse direct communication because they are relying so much on technology now. The direct communication skills are still essential.

What does the term economic impact mean? Provide an example of how it can be used in sport

The effect that an event, policy change, or market trend will have on economic factors such as interest rates, consumer confidence, stock market activity, or unemployment impact. The amount of economic activity that one event can bring (impact to local economy). Examples: Measure the increase in revenues, tax dollars, and jobs attributable to a sport event or facility in Olympic Games, Super bowl, NCAA final four, etc

What is the role of packaging in selling a sport product to specific target audiences?

The role is to present the product in the best possible manner to encourage selected target audiences to purchase it.

What are the primary elements of the Strategic Sport Communication Model (SSCM)? What kinds of career opportunities pertain to the various elements?

The sport communication process, The personal and organizational communication in sports which includes intrapersonal, interpersonal, and small group basis communication. (Component 1), The Sport mass Media which consists of publishing and print communication, electronic and visual communication, and new media (Component 2), The sport communication services and support which includes advertising, public relations, crisis communication, and research (component 3). The elements often overlap.

How do promotional activities help to position or establish an image of sport product in the minds of consumers?

They create a specific image of the product through four elements i. Open and honest communication with the public ii. Images and messages that are socially responsible iii. Cooperation with the public and response to their interests iv. Good faith relationships with the public

What are the methods used to segment a market in order to identify viable target audiences for a sport product?

They look at i. Demographics: age, gender, income, race, education ii. Psychographics: attitudes, interests iii. Media preferences: sports media iv. Purchasing behavior: how often games are attended

Describe the sport media relations professionals. What sorts of tasks are included in their job descriptions?

They work for a team, facility, or organization and are responsible for creating, coordinating, and organizing information about that entity and disseminating it to the public indirectly through mass media and through direct channels such as organizations websites. Tasks include: Writing news releases, Planning news conferences, managing game services, working long hours for low pay.

What are the dimensions of a sport product, and in what ways do the unique elements of sport influence sport marketing?

Three dimensional: i. Tangible goods (clothing or equipment) ii. Support services (game officials, trainers, etc) iii. The game/event (core product being the competitions and product extension being entertainment)

What is the main purpose of each of the financial statements?

To answer: What to do with current financial resources • How to procure additional financial resources Balance sheet= a snapshot in time/ reflects the financial condition on a particular date/ assets= liabilities + owners' equity - Income statement= provides financial results of an organization's operations over a specific period of time/ net income= revenues - expenses/ gross profit= total revenue - COGS (costs of goods sold)


Varied results of communication in regard to its effect on audience members and society in general.

Social Media

Web-Based applications that enable people to share content such as information, opinions, and experience.

What are some ethical challenges confronted by sport marketers in the social decade of the 21st century?

With new technology, problems have risen. Overemphasizing the entertainment of sport may undermine the sports themselves. Also, different consumers have different wants, so there is no way to unify all the marketing strategies for a specific group.

Sport economic impact studies

analyses of how expenditures on sport teams, events, or facilities economically affect a specific geographic region

Work order

a detailed document that illustrates all requirements of the event. The event coordinator designs this for employees to follow. It is the game plan for the event


a distraction from a course or activity

Aspirational Reference Group

a group to which an individual wishes to belong

Lifestyle Marketing

a means of promoting products to particular groups of consumers (target audiences) who exhibit certain lifestyles

Market Segment

a portion of the population that is distinctive in terms of its needs, characteristics, or behavior


a prearranged negotiated percentage used to divide various sources of revenue between the promoter and the facility.


a price at which the quantity demanded of a product is greater than the quantity supplied


a price at which the quantity supplied of a product is greater than the quantity demanded

Cost Analysis

a systematic process used to provide an estimation of the revenues and expenses of an event.

What are two sources used to obtain feedback about a sport marketing plan?

a. Inside: ticket sales, merchandise sales, customer inquiries, complaints, and suggestions b. Outside: consumers, corporate sponsors, advertisers, and media personnel

Event Coordinator

designs a work order for employees to follow. Other things they do: • May be involved in the scheduling/contracting phase • Must evaluate event requirements • Review any contract "riders" and insure facility can provide services and personnel • Conduct a cost analysis for services provided • Arrange proper staffing • Serve as the point of contact for the event


detailed records that describe the event.

Internal Factors

factors inside a sport organization that affect the sport-marketing client (players, owners, management, staff)

External Factors

factors outside sport organizations that affect the sport-marketing climate (media, sponsors, regulations)

Cognitive Dissonance

feelings of anxiety or doubt that can occur after an important decision has been made


generic document that uses standard language and a fill-in-the-blank format to outline expectations between parties.

Event management includes

includes planning, coordinating, staging, and evaluating

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

legislation that protects people with disabilities from discrimination. Specific to sport facilities, the law states that managers must provide "reasonable accommodations" for people with disabilities.

SWOT Analysis

management technique that assesses the strengths and weaknesses of an organization as well as opportunities and threats

Target Market

market segment or segments identified as the focus of an organization's marketing efforts


moving the management of facilities from the public sector to private companies or organizations.

Need Recognition

perception of a difference between a desired state and the actual situation; the first stage of the decision-making process


positive levels of arousal provided to sport spectators


reconciling the expenses and revenues of an event and dividing the profits according to a contracted arrangement.


securing and contracting one specific sport or entertainment event.


services provided by the facility staff.

Law of Supply

suppliers will increase production as the price of the product increases and decrease production as the price falls

Sport Sponsorship

the acquisition of rights to affiliate with a sport product or sporting event in order to derive the benefits from the affiliation or association


the basic economic problem facing all institutions, including sport. A sport product is considered scarce if people want more of the product than is freely available for consumption.


the comprehensive manner in which sport is distributed to consumers

Marketing Mix

the elements of product, price, place, and promotion, which sport marketers manipulate to achieve marketing goals

Situational Influence

the influence arising from factors that are particular to a specific time and place and are independent of individual customers' characteristics

Market Equilibrium

the price at which the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied

Sports Marketing

the process of designing and implementing activities for the production, and distribution of a sport product to satisfy the needs or desires of consumers and to achieve the company's objectives


the process of using a name, design, symbol, or any combination of the three to help differentiate a sport product from the competition


the relationship between the price of a product and the amount of the product that suppliers are willing to produce and sell

Types of Facilities

• Single Purpose: Designed for only one sport: softball complex, bowling alley, large stadium. • Single purpose, specialized: Ice arena • Multipurpose: large stadium (Staples Center in LA), high school field house. • Nontraditional: Skateboard park, convertible indoor-outdoor facility.

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