Intro To African American Studies

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Fugitive Slave Act

This law allowed slave owners to pursue and capture alleged slaves in free states without due process. The enslaved individual was not allowed to testify and often many free blacks were sold into slavery as a result.

african american studies must include discourse on africa


organic intellectuals

African Americans who are not formally trained in traditional universities (i.e. did not have degrees) but who have a critical understanding of their world and communicated their ideas to black audiences are defined as __

S.I. Hayakawa

Appointed by Governor Ronald Reagan, this individual became president of SFSC during the strike, was not supportive of the strike and declared a state of emergency calling in the Taq Squad to squash the strike.

black power

Coined by Kwame Ture, this term calls for self-determination and the political and economic independence of the black community.

san franscisco state college

In 1968, the first Black Studies program was created at this institution.

student power movement

In the 1960s, this national movement provoked unprecedented incidents of violence and disruption on campuses as students began to challenge the meaning and purpose of education. This forced colleges and universities to reexamine their role and function in American society.

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

In the spring and summer of 1961, this organization conducted Freedom Rides throughout the south in an attempt to desegregate interstate public transportation.

Denmark Vesey

Inspired by the Haitian Revolution, this individual planned to organize a rebellion in Virginia but was betrayed before it could come to fruition resulting in his and his fellow conspirators' arrest, trial, and execution.

nascent period

James P. Garret defined this intellectual period as the earliest period of Black Studies before it became a discipline in the university.

Dr. Nathan Hare

Known as the father of Black Studies, this individual was the first chair of the Department of Black Studies at San Francisco State College but was fired shortly after by the university's president.

Kerner Commission

Organized by President Lyndon B. Johnson, this board analyzed the causes of riots and protests in black communities across the nation and concluded that the riots were a reflection of frustration and hopelessness because of racism. It also warned that the United States was moving towards two separate and unequal societies—one black and one white.

13th Amendment (1865)

This amendment abolished slavery and involuntary servitude except for the punishment of a crime where convicted.

Third World Liberation Front

This organization was comprised of a group of Mexican American, Black, and Asian American students at San Francisco State College who hoped to build a broader student movement on campus even joining in solidarity with the student strike even adding five more demands including a School of Ethnic Studies

Montgomery Improvement Association

This organization was created in response to the community-wide boycott of Montgomery, Alabama's transit system and was headed by Martin Luther King, Jr.

Grandfather Clause

This was used to restrict African American voting by stating that only those eligible to vote on January 1, 1866 or those who were the son or grandson of a person eligible to vote on that date which effectively disfranchised majority of the black population in many southern states.

Alain Locke

Trained in philosophy, ____________ was an important contributor to the New Negro Movement and the Harlem Renaissance and thus the future field of African American Studies.

Mary Ann Shadd Cary

advocated for black emigration to Canada and edited a weekly paper called the Provincial Freeman which covered the lives of black Canadians.

Ida B. Wells

became a journalist after launching an anti-lynching campaign which brought exposure to the horrors of lynching in the south.

david walker

believed in universal emancipation and wrote an essay which urged black people in the United States to rebel against slavery and whites.

According to the chapter, the term black is exclusive specifically referencing African Americans and excluding other groups of African descent.


As black people moved to the North and Midwest in a mass movement, they no longer endured racism, discrimination, and violence like they did in the south.


At the conclusion of the strike, students were able to achieve autonomy for the Department of Black Studies and student control of departmental affairs.


The institution of slavery that existed before the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade was the same as the system of slavery experienced by enslaved Africans in the Americas.


The black Intellectual tradition

is the critical thought and perspectives of intellectuals of African descent and scholars of black America, and Africa, and the black diaspora.

The National Council of Black Studies

is the official organization/association for the field of African American Studies.

These were laws and customs that segregated black and white people in every area of southern life.

jim crow

Marcus Garvey

Born in Jamaica ________ created the Universal Negro Improvement Association, one of the largest black movements of the 20th century, which focused on black self-sufficiency, self-determination, and pride.

Sojourner Truth

Born into slavery in 1797, this individual was an advocate of the Underground Railroad and the antislavery movement. She believed it was her mission to dismantle slavery and famously delivered the speech, "And Ain't I a Woman?" at the National Woman's Suffrage Convention in 1852.


Created in 1909, this organization worked to end segregation and lynching, fought for equal education, and demanded that the provisions of the fourteenth and fifteenth amendment be enforced.

Black Panther Party

Created in Oakland, California, this organization critiqued capitalism, social injustice, and police brutality against African Americans.


Developed by Molefi Asante, this worldview posits that the intellectual perspective begins from the standpoint of the agency of African people and the centrality of Africa in its own story.

Freedman's Bureau, 1865

During Reconstruction, these were created to reinforce second-class status among African Americans and were reminiscent of slave codes limiting employment, residence to segregated areas, and access to education.

black codes

During Reconstruction, these were created to reinforce second-class status among African Americans and were reminiscent of slave codes limiting employment, residence to segregated areas, and access to education.

Malcolm X

Following in the tradition of Marcus Garvey, this individual was a member of the Nation of Islam and one of the most important leaders of the 1960s arguing that African American should create their own communities and institutions, promoted Pan Africanism and stressed self-help, self-determination and self-defense.

Jimmy Garrett

Having participated in the Civil Rights Movement, in March 1967, this student-activist submitted the first proposal to San Francisco State College for a Department of Black Studies. This individual was central to the formation of the department and the strike at SFSU.

master plan for education

In 1960, California implemented this plan which was a tracking system in the state's higher education system that resulted in black students overwhelmingly attending junior colleges and a decline in black student enrollment


This component of the black intellectual tradition has attempted to challenge and critique the racism and stereotypes that have been ever present in the mainstream discourse of white academic institutions.


This component of the black intellectual tradition presents the reality of black life and experiences from the point of view of black people themselves.


This component of the black intellectual tradition suggests that there is a practical connection between scholarship and struggle and must transform the conditions of society.

Booker T. Washington

This individual was one of the most influential African American leaders in the late 19th and early 20th century especially among white Americans. He encouraged African Americans to focus on vocational training and self-help as well as to be patient in terms of immediate equality and civil rights

Plessy vs. Ferguson

This infamous Supreme Court case which institutionalized Jim Crow by arguing that separate-but-equal public facilities or accommodations were not in violation of the fourteenth amendment.

black student union

This organization was instrumental in advocating for a Department of Black Studies and began the student strike at San Francisco State College.

Black Consciousness and Community Orientation

This paradigm posits that Black Studies must be connected to the black community promoting problem solving and social action in the black community through education and research

conceptual period

This period of Black Studies, from Reconstruction to the Great Depression, would result in the development of scholarship on people of African descent by black intellectuals trained predominately at historically black colleges and universities.

The Voting Rights Act

This policy eliminated discriminatory voting practices practiced in southern states since Reconstruction which disfranchised African Americans from voter participation. It reinforced the fifteenth amendment

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

This student organization which was created to organize the sit-in movements of the early 1960s to abolish segregation in the south

experimental college

This student-run program allowed students to create and teach courses in Black Studies (some of which would eventually be taught in the department). Although started at San Francisco State College, it spread to other colleges becoming a national prototype


This term refers to a policy of enforced separation.

kawaida theory

This theory is a combination of Pan Africanist, Black Nationalist, and socialist thought and practice and posits that the African diaspora has been dissociated with their natural values and so their culture needs to be rebuilt.

black atlantic

this paradigm posits that people of African descent in the United States and the Caribbean represent a hybrid of cultures instead of a single cultural group.

Administered by President Abraham Lincoln, the Emancipation Proclamation abolished slavery only in states at war with the union.


Black students needed (and had) the support of white students and faculty in order for the strike to be successful.


Humankind originated in Africa and then migrated out of Africa to Europe and Asia.


Many Black Studies programs have received a lack of institutional support resulting in them being structurally weak and underfunded.


Many strike leaders were ultimately banned from campus (even the state) and were unable to teach in the Black Studies department their activism helped create.


The purpose, function, and rationale for African American Studies are to expand and impart knowledge through scholarly research, theoretical inquiry, and policy analysis.


There is an absence of a single, definitive term to characterize the field resulting in various terms being used interchangeably.


black studies is interdisciplinary


Most African Americans can trace their ancestral lineage to this geographical region because this is where most enslaved people were captured and sold.

west africa

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