Intro to Biology
A characteristic of life that says that living things reproduce with this substance
A characteristic of living things that concerns maintaining a steady state of balance
A characteristic of living things that happens at the population level, change over time
Sense and Respond
A characteristic of living things that they do in reaction to the environment
Obtain energy
A characteristic that living things must get from the environment to support metabolism
A dinoflagellate that attacked fish that was used in Discover Biology that provided a case study of the application of using the scientific method
Scientific fact
A direct and repeatable observation of any aspect of the natural world
Scientific Method
A logical approach to testing a problem or question
A mathematical science that uses probability theory to estimate the reliability of data
A well designed experiment should have this number of variables
According to Dr. Felisa Wolfe-Simon and her colleagues one bacterium has substituted this substance for phosphate in its DNA
An educated guess around which an experiment is designed in order to answer a question about the natural world
Multicellular organisms
Any complete and entire living thing that has many specialized types of specialized cells to make up the entire organism
Any complete and entire living things
Characteristic of any object or individual organism that can change
Consumers, those that eat the producers such as plants, are called this
Genetic material in humans is spread among 46 of these, or 23 pair of these and contain genes
Biological Hierarchy
Levels of organization from smallest to largest is: atoms-> molecules>Cells>tissues>organs>organ system>organism>population>community>ecosystem>biome>biosphere
One of the characteristics of life that is the basic unit of structure and function
Organisms such as bacteria and some algae have their entire existence in a one cell state called
Plants are able to capture light energy and convert it into a chemical potential energy in the form of a sugar molecule, and also release oxygen by this autotrophic (building up) process
Draw conclusions
Step five of the scientific method that states whether or not the hypothesis was supported or rejected by the data
Test predictions, set up the experiment
Step four of the scientific method that sets up the plan, completes the study, and records data
Make observations or ask a question
Step one of the scientific method
Make predictions from the hypothesis
Step three of the scientific method that specifies the future outcome if a certain set of conditions are set up
Make a hypothesis to explain observations
Step two of the scientific method that is in the form of a statement
The capture, storage, and use of energy by living things is called this
Dependent variable
The characteristic that changes as a result of the independent variable
The dependent factor in an experiment is graphed on this axis
Control Group
The group in the experiment that is maintained under a set of standard conditions with no change in the independent variable
The hypothesis is accepted as this when scientists have collectively repeated the experiment and accepted its results as the gold standard throughout the test of time
ATP (Adenosine tri-phosphate)
The immediately usable form of energy storage used in metabolism
The independent factor (one being manipulated)of an experiment is graphed on this axis
Independent variable
The one condition that scientists change in the experimental group
Treatment Group
The other group in the experiment that is exposed to the independent variable or experimental factor
Plasma membrane
The outer boundary of the cell that is water repelling and acts as the cell's gate keeper
Experimental group
The part of the experiment in which the scientist has manipulated one factor or variable as compared to the control and is the independent factor
Charles Darwin
The person who proposed the theory of natural selection and evolution
The practical application of scientific techniques and principles
Controlled experiment
The researcher measures the value of the dependent variable for 2 groups of study that are the same except for the one group is exposed to the independent variable
The science that studies living things
The science that studies the elements that make up matter, their interactions and physical properties
Experimental factor or variable
The thing for which you are testing to see its affects in an experiment
Sexual Reproduction
The type of reproduction in which 2 haploid cells join to create a genetically variant zygote(first cell).
Asexual Reproduction
The type of reproduction which results in one cell splitting into 2 identical cells
This is a body of knowledge about the natural world and an evidence-based process for generating that knowledge
Biological evolution
This is a change in the overall genetic characteristics of a group of organisms over multiple generations of parents and offspring
This is a description, measurement, or record of any object or phenomenon
This is a segment of DNA that codes for distinct genetic traits
Food chain
This is a simplified portion of a food web that portrays a sequence of who eats whom in a particular habitat
Control group
This is the baseline or normal part of an experiment
Cellular Respiration
This metabolic process breaks apart (catalyzes) the sugar molecules to release the chemical potential energy of sugar and capture it in an immediately usable form of energy storage
Germ theory of disease
This specific theory says that some diseases are caused by microorganisms
Testable and falsifiable
To be valid a hypothesis should be
True or False: A hypothesis can be proven to be true.
True or False: Correlation does not establish causation.
True or False: The scientific method has limits.
Two or more aspects of the natural world behave in an interrelated manner
Artificial selection
When humans intervene and breed specific animals for specific traits this is called