Intro to Hypothesis

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State the null and alternative hypotheses for the following claim. The average age of community college statistics students is greater than 21.5 years old.

H0: μ ≤ 21.5 and H1: μ > 21.5

State the null and alternative hypotheses for the following conjecture. The average age of a senior surgical resident in the United States is more than 30.8 years old.

H0: μ ≤ 30.8 and H1: μ > 30.8

State the null and alternative hypotheses for the following claim. The average age of community college statistics students is at least 29.5 years old.

H0: μ ≥ 29.5 and H1: μ < 29.5

Assume that a simple random sample has been selected and test the given claim. Claim: The average age of actresses when they win an acting award is more than 34 years old To test this claim a simple random sample (SRS) of 27 actresses is used. This sample of 27 actresses had a sample mean of 31.4 years and a standard deviation = 11.2 years. Assume the the distribution of actresses ages is approximately normal. Select all TRUE statements from those given below..

.ALL-- 2. For this hypothesis test, the test statistic is t = -1.21. 3. We decide to reject the claim that the average age of actresses when they win an acting award is more than 34 years old. 4. The correct decision is to "support" (fail to reject) the null hypothesis H0. 5. For this hypothesis test, the P-value = .881

A medical supply manufaturer claims that their first-aid cream contains, on average, at least 26.5 mg of the active ingredient. The amounts of active ingrediant is known to vary Normally from tube to tube. You select a simple random sample of 9 tubes and assess the quantity of active ingredient they contain. The 9 amounts, in mg, are; 23 24 23 29 28 26 27 28 26 A hypothesis test to test the medical supply manufacturer's claim is conducted using these9 tubes. From the statements below which relate to this hypothesis test, please select all TRUE statements


Use the given information to state the conclusion about the null hypothesis H0. Assume a significance level of 0.05. Original​ claim: The proportion of male golfers is less than 0.5. The hypothesis test results in a P-value of 0.085.

Fail to reject reject Ho because the P-value is greater than alpha.

Use the given information to state the conclusion about the null hypothesis H0. Assume a significance level of 0.05. Original​ claim: The proportion of male golfers is more than 0.3. The hypothesis test results in a P-value of 0.12.

Fail to reject reject Ho because the P-value is greater than alpha.

Identify the type II error. Choose the correct answer below.

Fail to reject the null hypothesis that the percentage of adults who have a job is equal to 88% when that percentage is actually less than 88%.

An experiment examined the impact of THC (the active ingredient in marijuana) on various physiological and psychological variables. The study recruited a sample of 50 young adults who were habitual marijuana smokers. Subjects came to the lab 3 times, each time smoking a different marijuana cigarette: one with 3.9% THC, one with 1.8% THC, and one with no THC (a placebo). The order of the conditions was randomized in a double-blind design. At the start of each session, no subject reported being "high." After smoking the cigarette, participants rated how "high" they felt, using a positive continuous scale (0 representing not at all "high"). For the placebo condition, participants reported a mean "high" feeling of 1.3, with a standard deviation of 0.5. Is there evidence of a significant placebo effect, with subject feeling significantly "high" after smoking a placebo marijuana cigarette? Please select all TRUE statements below for this hypothesis test.

For this hypothesis P-value = 0 which is less than alpha. So, we therefore "reject" the null And ho:u=0 and h1:u not equal 0

State the null and alternative hypotheses for the claim below. The average number of calories that a diabetic should take in dailly is at most 1,250 calories.

H0: μ ≤ 1,250 and H1: μ > 1,250

In a statistical test of hypotheses, we say the data are statistically significant at level a if

P-value is less than or equal to alpha.

Use the given information to state the conclusion about the null hypothesis H0. Assume a significance level of 0.01. Original​ claim: The percentage of households with more than 1 pet is.more than 65% The hypothesis test results in a P-value of 0.002.

Reject reject Ho because the P-value is less than alpha.

Use the given information to state the conclusion about the null hypothesis H0. Assume a significance level of 0.05. Original​ claim: The percentage of settled medical malpractice suits least 50% The hypothesis test results in a P-value of 0.012.

Reject reject Ho because the P-value is less than alpha.

Use the given information to state the conclusion about the null hypothesis H0. Assume a significance level of 0.05. Original​ claim: The percentage of settled medical malpractice suits is.less than 50% The hypothesis test results in a P-value of 0.012.

Reject reject Ho because the P-value is less than alpha.

In past years, the average time that it takes for a woman to complete the San Francisco Marathon was 4.62 hours. This year the average time for the 3845 women who finished the SF Marathon was 4.59 hours with a standard deviation of 1.11 hours. Can it be concluded that this years average time for women to finish the SF Marathon is statistically significantly less than the past years' average time? Please select all TRUE statements from those given below.

ho: u greater/equal 4.62, H1 u less 4.62 4. The P-value = .047 and we decide to "support" the claim that this years average time for women to finish the SF Marathon is statistically less than the past years' average time.

A sugar company packages sugar in 5 pound bags. An FDA food inspector suspects that the average amount of sugar in the 5 pound bags is at most 5 pounds on average. A simple random sample of 75 of the 5 pound bags results in a sample avarage of 4.85 lbs. with a standard deviation of 0.5 lbs. The inspector wishes to be 98% confident in his final determination about this company's packaging practices. Please select al TRUE statements below.

ho: u less/equal 5 and H1: u greater 5; p-value=.995

Identify the type II error. Choose the correct answer below.

1. Fail to reject the null hypothesis that the percentage of adults who have a job is equal to 88% when that percentage is actually less than 88%.

Identify the type II error. Choose the correct answer below

1. Fail to reject the null hypothesis that the percentage of households with Internet access is equal to 60% when that percentage is actually greater than 60%.

Find the critical value for a left-tailed hypothesis test in which α = .02 Assume that this is a normal distribution. Round your answer to the thousandth decimal place.


A large fishing farm with thousands of fish has been treating its fish to stop a spreading fungal infection. The owner of the fishing farm claims that fewer than 25% of the fish are infected. A random sample of 50 fish is taken to determine the proportion p that is infected in this population. A careful examination determines that 6 of the fish sampled are infected. Please select any of the statements below which are TRUE.

. The P-value for this hypothesis test is 0.017 4. For this hypothesis test since the P-value is less than or equal to alpha means we reject the null hypothesis.

A safety administration conducted crash tests of child booster seats for cars. Listed below are results from those​tests, with the measurements given in hic​ (standard head injury condition​ units). The safety requirement is that the hic measurement should be less than 1000 hic. Use a 0.01 significance level to test the claim that the sample is from a population with a mean less than 1000 hic. 756 742 1219 639 636 580 Please select all TRUE statements from those given below.

1. For this hypothesis test n = 6 3. For this hypothesis test the P-value = .0275

A researcher claims that the average annual salary of part-time community college instructors is at least $45,000. To test this claim, a sample of 45 part-time community college instructors is selected at random. The sample average is $42,500 with a sample standard deviation of $3,100. Please select all TRUE statements below.

1. For this hypothesis test the P-value = 0. Therefore we reject the Ho and reject the researcher's claim that the average annual salary of part-time community college instructors is at least $45,000. 5. Ho: μ ≥ $45,000 and H1: μ < $45,000

The Kaiser Medical Foundation claims that the cost to rehabilitate a football player following a head injury is at least $28,500. To test this claim a researcher surveys the medical billing records of 45 football players who were treated for head injuries. The average cost for rehabilitation in this randomly selected sample is $30,885 with a standard deviation of $1,123. Is the actual cost of rehabilitation at least $28,500 as Kaiser claims? Please select al TRUE statements for this hypothesis test.

1. For this hypothesis test the P-value = 1 2. We decide to "support" Kaiser's claim that the cost to rehabilitate a football player following a head injury is at least $28,500. 4. For this hypothesis test the test statistic is 14.25 5. HO u greater/equal 28500, H1 u less 28500

A medical supply manufaturer claims that their first-aid cream contains, on average, more than 25 mg of the active ingredient. The amounts of active ingrediant is known to vary Normally from tube to tube. You select a simple random sample of 9 tubes and assess the quantity of active ingredient they contain. The 9 amounts, in mg, are; 23 24 23 29 28 26 27 28 26 A hypothesis test to test the medical supply manufacturer's claim is conducted using these9 tubes. From the statements below which relate to this hypothesis test, please select all TRUE statements.

1. Since P-value is greater than 5%, we fail to reject the H0, null hypothesis. 2. The P-value = .108 4. We reject the medical maufacturer's claim that their first-aid cream contains, on average, more than 25 mg of the active ingredient. 5. The n = 9

Researchers wanted to know if people, on average, tend to underestimate the duration of a typical cold. Clinical literature reports that the actual duration of a typical cold is roughly 18 days. The researchers surveyed a random sample of 352 healthy adults and asked them how long they think that a typical cold lasts. The results of this survey were that the average time that the 352 people thought a cold lasts was one week (7 days) with a standard deviation of .5 days. So, according to this survey, do people tend to underestimate the duration of a cold (with statistical significance)? Please select all TRUE statements below based on this hypothesis test.

1. THis survey supports the researcher's claim that people, on average, tend to underestimate the duration of a typical cold. 2. The test statistic for this hypothesis test is -412.77 3.ho u greater/equal 18, h1 u less 18 5. For this hypothesis test the P-value = 0. So, we reject Ho.

Which of the following is a type I​ error?

2. Reject the claim that the proportion of settled malpractice suits is 0.24 when the proportion is actually 0.24.

A simple random sample of 25 filtered 100 mm cigarettes is​ obtained, and the tar content of each cigarette is measured. The sample has a mean of 20.4 mg and a standard deviation of 3.23 mg. Use a 0.05 significance level to test the claim that the mean tar content of filtered 100 mm cigarettes is less than 21.1 ​mg, which is the mean for unfiltered king size cigarettes. Please select all TRUE statements from those givem below.

2. ho greater/equal 3. There is not sufficient evidence to support the claim that the mean tar content of filtered 100 mm cigarettes is less than 21.1 mg. 4. For this hypothesis test the test statistic is t = -1.084 5. For this hypothesis test the P-value = .145

Which of the following is a type II​ error?

3. Fail to reject the claim that the proportion of settled malpractice suits is 0.24 when the proportion is actually different from 0.24.

Identify the type II error. Choose the correct answer below.

3. Fail to reject the null hypothesis that the percentage of adults who have a job is equal to 88% when that percentage is actually less than 88%.

The Kaiser Medical Foundation claims that the cost to rehabilitate a football player following a head injury is $28,500. To test this claim a researcher surveys the medical billing records of 45 football players who were treated for head injuries. The average cost for rehabilitation in this randomly selected sample is $30,885 with a standard deviation of $1,123. Is the actual cost of rehabilitation $28,500 as Kaiser claims? Please select al TRUE statements for this hypothesis test.

3. Ho: μ = $28,500 and H1: μ ≠ $28,500 5. For this hypothesis test the P-value = 0

A researcher claims that the average annual salary of part-time community college instructors is less than $45,000. To test this claim, a sample of 45 part-time community college instructors is selected at random. The sample average is $42,500 with a sample standard deviation of $3,100. Please select all TRUE statements below.

3. Ho: μ ≥ $45,000 and H1: μ < $45,000 5. For this hypothesis test the P-value = 0. Therefore we reject the Ho and support the researcher's claim that the average annual salary of part-time community college instructors is less than $45,000.

Identify the type I error. Choose the correct answer below.

3. Reject the null hypothesis that the percentage of households with more than 1 pet is equal to 65% when that percentage is actually equal to 65%.

Which of the following hypothesis test statements below is a Type I Error?

4. Reject the claim that community college students pay at least $1,250 per year on textbooks when the actual amount that community college students pay for textbooks is actually at least $1,250 per year.

Identify the type I error. Choose the correct answer below.

4. Reject the null hypothesis that the percentage of college students who own cars is equal to 35% when that percentage is actually equal to 35%.

Identify the type I error. Choose the correct answer below.

4. Reject the null hypothesis that the percentage of households with more than 1 pet is equal to 65% when that percentage is actually equal to 65%.

A drug company believes that at least half of all 13- to 17-year-olds with autism will repond better to a new drug therapy for autism. A random sample of 900 13- to 17-year-olds with autism found that 411 had responded better to this new drug therapy for autism. Let p be the proportion of all teens in this age range who respond better. Please select all TRUE statements below.

All 1. We decide to reject the drug company's belief that at least half of all 13- to 17-year-olds with autism will repond better to a new drug therapy for autism. 2. The test statistics for this hypothesis test is -2.6. 3. For this hypothesis test the P-value = .005. 4. 5. "P - hat" for this hypothesis test is 0.457.

A research sports medicine physician claims that athletes who train using 'cardio workouts' on a regular basis have a maximum oxygen uptake greater than the average of all adults which (is 39 ml/kg). To test his claim he randomly samples 105 'cardio workout' athletes and finds that the sample average is 42.3 ml/kg with a sample standard deviation of 6 ml/kg. Please select all TRUE statements below.

All 1. Ho: μ ≤ 39 and H1: μ > 39 2. For this hypothesis test the test statistic = 5.64 3. For this hypothesis test the P-value = 0. 4. For this hypothesis test since P-value is less than alpha we reject the null hypothesis. 5. We decide to "fail to reject" or "support" the sports medicine physician's claim that athletes who train using "cardio workouts" on a regular basis have a maximum oxygen uptake greater than the average of all adults.

Use the given information to state the conclusion about the null hypothesis H0. Assume a significance level of 0.01. Original​ claim: The percentage of settled medical malpractice suits least 50% The hypothesis test results in a P-value of 0.012.

Fail to reject reject Ho because the P-value is greater than alpha.

Use the given information to state the conclusion about the null hypothesis H0. Assume a significance level of 0.05. Original​ claim: The percentage of settled medical malpractice suits least 50% The hypothesis test results in a P-value of 0.12.

Fail to reject reject Ho because the P-value is greater than alpha.

A simple random sample of 25 filtered 100 mm cigarettes is​ obtained, and the tar content of each cigarette is measured. The sample has a mean of 19.8 mg and a standard deviation of 3.23 mg. Use a 0.01 significance level to test the claim that the mean tar content of filtered 100 mm cigarettes is less than 21.1 ​mg, which is the mean for unfiltered king size cigarettes. Please select all TRUE statements from those givem below.

For this hypothesis test the P-value = .028

In past years, the average time that it takes for a woman to complete the San Francisco Marathon was 4.62 hours. This year the average time for the 3845 women who finished the SF Marathon was 4.59 hours with a standard deviation of 1.11 hours. Can it be concluded that this years average time for women to finish the SF Marathon is statistically significantly different from the past years' average time? Please select all TRUE statements from those given below.

Ho: μ = 4.62 and H1: μ ≠ 4.62 The P-value = .094 and we decide to "reject" the claim that this years average time for women to finish the SF Marathon is statistically significantly different from the past years' average time.

A researcher claims that the average annual salary of part-time community college instructors is at most $45,000. To test this claim, a sample of 25 part-time community college instructors is selected at random. The sample average is $42,500 with a sample standard deviation of $3,100. State the null and alternative hypotheses for used to test this claim.

Ho: μ ≤ $45,000 and H1: μ > $45,000

Researchers fed cockroaches a sugar solution. Ten hours later, they dissected the cockroaches and measured the amount of sugar in various tissues. Suppose the researchers were not sure that the population of responses is Normal. Which of the following would then be a violated inference assumption? (Please select the best answer from those given below.)

Normal sampling distribution

Identify the type I error. Choose the correct answer below

Reject the null hypothesis that the percentage of households with Internet access is equal to 60% when that percentage is actually equal to 60%.

You conduct a statistical test of hypotheses. You find that the null hypothesis is statistically significant at level a = 0.05. You may conclude that

the test would also be significant at level a = 0.10.

To the nearest thousandth, find the "p-value" in a right-tail hypothesis test given the Test Statistics z = 2.57


Find the "p-value" in a right-tail hypothesis test performed in the "t-Distribution" when n = 22 and the test statistic = 2.518. Give your answer to the nearest hundredth decimal place.


To the nearest thousandths, find the 'p-value' for a left-tail hypothesis test for which the Test Statistics z = -1.21.


A large fishing farm with thousands of fish has been treating its fish to stop a spreading fungal infection. The owner of the fishing farm claims that fewer than 10% of the fish are infected. A random sample of 50 fish is taken to determine the proportion p that is infected in this population. A careful examination determines that 6 of the fish sampled are infected. The test statistic for the above hypothesis test of proportion of fish that are infected is... (Round your answer to two decimal places.)


The American Veterinary Medical Association conducted a survey of veterinary clinics to estimate the proportion that do not treat large animals (cows, horses, etc.). In the survey of 120 randomly selected veterinary clinics throughout the country, 88 responded they do not treat large animals. The proportion 'p-hat' for the proportion of clinics that do not treat large animals is... (Give your answer as a two place decimal)


A phycologist is interested in determining the proportion of algae samples from a local rivulet that belonged to a particular phylum. A random sample of 50 alga was obtained and each alga was categorized as either being cyanobacteria or not. It was found that 38 were, in fact, cyanobacteria. The proportion 'p-hat' that were cyanobacteria is


A research sports medicine physician claims that athletes who train using 'cardio workouts' on a regular basis have a maximum oxygen uptake no more than the average of all adults which (is 39 ml/kg). To test his claim he randomly samples 105 'cardio workout' athletes and finds that the sample average is 42.3 ml/kg with a sample standard deviation of 6 ml/kg. Please select all TRUE statements below.

1. For this hypothesis test the P-value = 0. 2. For this hypothesis test the test statistic = 5.64 3. Ho: μ ≤ 39 and H1: μ > 39 4. We decide to reject the sports medicine physician's claim that athletes who train using "cardio workouts" on a regular basis have a maximum oxygen uptake no more than the average of all adults. 5. For this hypothesis test since P-value is less than alpha we reject the null hypothesis.

A research sports medicine physician claims that athletes who train using 'cardio workouts' on a regular basis have a maximum oxygen uptake which is at least equal to the average of all adults (which is 39 ml/kg). To test his claim he randomly samples 105 'cardio workout' athletes and finds that the sample average is 42.3 ml/kg with a sample standard deviation of 6 ml/kg. Please select all TRUE statements below.

1. For this hypothesis test the test statistic = 5.64 3. For this hypothesis test the P-value = 1. 4. We decide to "support" the sports medicine physician's claim that athletes who train using "cardio workouts" on a regular basis have a maximum oxygen uptake which is at least equal to the average of all adults. 5. For this hypothesis test since P-value is greater than alpha we fail to reject (or "support") the null hypothesis.

The Kaiser Medical Foundation claims that the cost to rehabilitate a football player following a head injury is at most $28,500. To test this claim a researcher surveys the medical billing records of 45 football players who were treated for head injuries. The average cost for rehabilitation in this randomly selected sample is $30,885 with a standard deviation of $1,123. Is the actual cost of rehabilitation at most $28,500 as Kaiser claims? Please select al TRUE statements for this hypothesis test.

1. For this hypothesis test the test statistic is 14.25 2. We decide to "reject" Kaiser's claim that the cost to rehabilitate a football player following a head injury is at most $28,500. 3. Ho: μ ≤ $28,500 and H1: μ > $28,500 4. For this hypothesis test the P-value = 0

The Kaiser Medical Foundation claims that the cost to rehabilitate a football player following a head injury is at least $28,500. To test this claim a researcher surveys the medical billing records of 45 football players who were treated for head injuries. The average cost for rehabilitation in this randomly selected sample is $30,885 with a standard deviation of $1,123. Is the actual cost of rehabilitation at least $28,500 as Kaiser claims? Please select al TRUE statements for this hypothesis test.

1. For this hypothesis test the test statistic is 14.25 3. For this hypothesis test the P-value = 1 4. We decide to "support" Kaiser's claim that the cost to rehabilitate a football player following a head injury is at least $28,500. 5. HO; u greater/equal 28500, h1 u less 28500

The Kaiser Medical Foundation claims that the cost to rehabilitate a football player following a head injury is more than $28,500. To test this claim a researcher surveys the medical billing records of 45 football players who were treated for head injuries. The average cost for rehabilitation in this randomly selected sample is $30,885 with a standard deviation of $1,123. Is the actual cost of rehabilitation more than $28,500 as Kaiser claims? Please select al TRUE statements for this hypothesis test.

1. Ho: μ ≤ $28,500 and H1: μ > $28,500 3. For this hypothesis test the test statistic is 14.25 4. For this hypothesis test the P-value = 0 5. We decide to "support" Kaiser's claim that the cost to rehabilitate a football player following a head injury is more than $28,500.

A medical supply manufaturer claims that their first-aid cream contains, on average, at least 30 mg of the active ingredient. The amounts of active ingrediant is known to vary Normally from tube to tube. You select a simple random sample of 9 tubes and assess the quantity of active ingredient they contain. The 9 amounts, in mg, are; 23 24 23 29 28 26 27 28 26 A hypothesis test to test the medical supply manufacturer's claim is conducted using these9 tubes. From the statements below which relate to this hypothesis test, please select all TRUE statements

1. The df = 8 and HO

Researchers wanted to know if people, on average, tend to underestimate the duration of a typical cold. Clinical literature reports that the actual duration of a typical cold is roughly 18 days. The researchers surveyed a random sample of 352 healthy adults and asked them how long they think that a typical cold lasts. The results of this survey were that the average time that the 352 people thought a cold lasts was two weeks (14 days) with a standard deviation of .5 days. So, according to this survey, do people tend to underestimate the duration of a cold (with statistical significance)? Please select all TRUE statements below based on this hypothesis test.

1. This survey supports the researcher's claim that people, on average, tend to underestimate the duration of a typical cold. 2. For this hypothesis test the P-value = 0. So, we reject Ho. 3. ho u greater/equal 18, h1 u less 18 The test statistic for this hypothesis test is -150.1

A simple random sample of 12 adults is obtained from a normally distributed​ population, and each​ person's red blood cell count​ (in cells per​ microliter) is measured. The sample mean is 5.10 and the sample standard deviation is 0.56. Use a 0.05 significance level and the given TI-83/84 calculator display to test the claim that the sample is from a population with a mean of at least 5.4 (which is a value often used for the upper limit of the range of normal values). Please select all TRUE statements from those given below.

1. We decide to reject the H0; null hypothesis 2. The P-value is .045 4. ho 5. The Student - t "test statistic" is -1.86

A safety administration conducted crash tests of child booster seats for cars. Listed below are results from those​tests, with the measurements given in hic​ (standard head injury condition​ units). The safety requirement is that the hic measurement should be less than 1000 hic. Use a 0.05 significance level to test the claim that the sample is from a population with a mean less than 1000 hic. 756 742 1219 639 636 580 Please select all TRUE statements from those given below.

1. ho 2. For this hypothesis test the P-value = .0275 3. There is strong evidence that the mean is less than 1000​ hic, but one of the booster seats has a measurement that is greater than 1000 hic. 5. For this hypothesis test the test statistic t = -2.493

In a manual on how to have a number one​ song, it is claimed that a song must be longer than 210 seconds. A simple random sample of 20 current hit songs results in a mean length of 204.3 sec and a standard deviation of 54.14 sec. Use a 0.05 significance level and the accompanying TI -83 display to test the claim. Please select all TRUE statements from those given below.

1. ho 2. The Student - t Test Statistic is t = -0.47 3. The P-value for this hypothesis test is approximately 0.678. 4. The correct decision is to fail to reject the H0 null hypothesis.

A drug company claims that fewer than 1% of pills that it produces and ships fail to retain full potency after 60 days of production. An inspector inspects a shipment of medications to determine the efficacy in terms of the proportion p in the shipment that failed to retain full potency after 60 days of production. To do so, she selects an SRS of 200 pills. Suppose that eight of the 200 pills have failed to retain their full potency. Please select all TRUE statement below.

2. HO: P greater equal.01, HI: P less .01 3. The P-value for this hypothesis test is 1. 4. Since P-value > alpha, we fail to reject Ho. 5. We reject the drug company's claim that fewer than 1% of pills that it produces and ships fail to retain full potency after 60 days of production.

In past years, the average time that it takes for a woman to complete the San Francisco Marathon was 4.62 hours. This year the average time for the 3845 women who finished the SF Marathon was 4.59 hours with a standard deviation of 1.11 hours. Can it be concluded that this years average time for women to finish the SF Marathon is statistically significantly the same as the past years' average time? Please select all TRUE statements from those given below.

2. The P-value = .094 and we decide to "support" the claim that this years average time for women to finish the SF Marathon is statistically significantly the same as the past years' average time. 4. Ho: μ = 4.62 and H1: μ ≠ 4.62

Researchers wanted to know if people, on average, tend to underestimate the duration of a typical cold. Clinical literature reports that the actual duration of a typical cold is roughly 15 days. The researchers surveyed a random sample of 352 healthy adults and asked them how long they think that a typical cold lasts. The results of this survey were that the average time that the 352 people thought a cold lasts was two weeks (14 days) with a standard deviation of .5 days. So, according to this survey, do people tend to underestimate the duration of a cold (with statistical significance)? Please select all TRUE statements below based on this hypothesis test.

2. The test statistic for this hypothesis test is -37.5 3. For this hypothesis test the P-value = 0. So, we reject Ho. 4. HO: u greater/equal 15, HI: u less 15 5. This survey supports the researcher's claim that people, on average, tend to underestimate the duration of a typical cold.

A research sports medicine physician claims that athletes who train using 'cardio workouts' on a regular basis have a maximum oxygen uptake which is not less than the average of all adults (which is 39 ml/kg). To test his claim he randomly samples 105 'cardio workout' athletes and finds that the sample average is 42.3 ml/kg with a sample standard deviation of 6 ml/kg. Please select all TRUE statements below

2.For this hypothesis test the P-value = 1. 3. For this hypothesis test since P-value is greater than alpha we fail to reject (or "support") the null hypothesis. 4. For this hypothesis test the test statistic = 5.64 5. We decide to "support" the sports medicine physician's claim that athletes who train using "cardio workouts" on a regular basis have a maximum oxygen uptake which is not less than the average of all adults.

A clinic believes that a majority of migraine prone patients would benefit for Botox therapy and see a complete migraine elimination. A study examined the effectiveness of Botox injections in the corrugator supercilii muscles for the treatment of chronic migraines. Of the 29 migraine-prone patients participating in the study, 16 reported complete migraine elimination. Please select all the TRUE statements below.

3. HO: p less equal .50, H1: P greater .50 4. For this hypothesis test P-value = .2887

An experiment examined the impact of THC (the active ingredient in marijuana) on various physiological and psychological variables. The study recruited a sample of 50 young adults who were habitual marijuana smokers. Subjects came to the lab 3 times, each time smoking a different marijuana cigarette: one with 3.9% THC, one with 1.8% THC, and one with no THC (a placebo). The order of the conditions was randomized in a double-blind design. At the start of each session, no subject reported being "high." After smoking the cigarette, participants rated how "high" they felt, using a positive continuous scale (0 representing not at all "high"). For the placebo condition, participants reported a mean "high" feeling of 1.3, with a standard deviation of 0.5. Is there evidence of a significant placebo effect, with subject feeling significantly "high" after smoking a placebo marijuana cigarette? Please select all TRUE statements below for this hypothesis test.

4. For this hypothesis P-value = 0 which is less than alpha. So, we therefore "reject" the null hypothesis and conclude there was a significant placebo effect. HO u =o, H1 u not equal 0

An experiment examined the impact of THC (the active ingredient in marijuana) on various physiological and psychological variables. The study recruited a sample of 50 young adults who were habitual marijuana smokers. Subjects came to the lab 3 times, each time smoking a different marijuana cigarette: one with 3.9% THC, one with 1.8% THC, and one with no THC (a placebo). The order of the conditions was randomized in a double-blind design. At the start of each session, no subject reported being "high." After smoking the cigarette, participants rated how "high" they felt, using a positive continuous scale (0 representing not at all "high"). For the placebo condition, participants reported a mean "high" feeling of 1.3, with a standard deviation of 0.5. Is there evidence of a significant placebo effect, with subject feeling significantly "high" after smoking a placebo marijuana cigarette? Please select all TRUE statements below for this hypothesis test.

4. For this hypothesis P-value = 0 which is less than alpha. So, we therefore "reject" the null hypothesis and conclude there was a significant placebo effect. ho u=0, h1 u not equal 0

You are thinking of employing a t procedure to test hypotheses about the mean of a population using a significance level of 0.05. You suspect the distribution of the population is not Normal and may be moderately skewed. Which of the following statements is correct?

4. You may use the t procedure, provided your sample size is larger than 30, say at least 40.

A drug company claims that fewer than 1% of pills that it produces and ships fail to retain full potency after 60 days of production. An inspector inspects a shipment of medications to determine the efficacy in terms of the proportion p in the shipment that failed to retain full potency after 60 days of production. To do so, she selects an SRS of 200 pills. Suppose that eight of the 200 pills have failed to retain their full potency. The test statistic for the proportion of pills that have failed to retain their potency is... (Round your answer to two decimal places)


A medical supply manufaturer claims that their first-aid cream contains, on average, at least 26.5 mg of the active ingredient. The amounts of active ingrediant is known to vary Normally from tube to tube. You select a simple random sample of 9 tubes and assess the quantity of active ingredient they contain. The 9 amounts, in mg, are; 23 24 23 29 28 26 27 28 26 A hypothesis test to test the medical supply manufacturer's claim is conducted using these9 tubes. From the statements below which relate to this hypothesis test, please select all TRUE statements

All 1. The df = 8 2. The P-value = .261 3. We support the medical maufacturer's claim that their first-aid cream contains, on average, at least 26.5 mg of the active ingredient. 4. ho 5. Since P-value is greater than 5%, we fail to reject the H0, null hypothesis.

A simple random sample of 12 adults is obtained from a normally distributed​ population, and each​ person's red blood cell count​ (in cells per​ microliter) is measured. The sample mean is 5.10 and the sample standard deviation is 0.56. Use a 0.05 significance level and the given TI-83/84 calculator display to test the claim that the sample is from a population with a mean less than 5.4 (which is a value often used for the upper limit of the range of normal values). Please select all TRUE statements from those given below.

All 1. We decide to reject the H0; null hypothesis 2. We decide to "support" (fail to reject) the sample is from a population with a mean less than 5.4. 3. The Student - t "test statistic" is -1.86 4. ho 5. The P-value is .045

Assume that a simple random sample has been selected and test the given claim. Claim: The average age of actresses when they win an acting award is more than 34 years old To test this claim a simple random sample (SRS) of 27 actresses is used. This sample of 27 actresses had a sample mean of 35.4 years and a standard deviation = 11.2 years. Assume the the distribution of actresses ages is approximately normal. Select all TRUE statements from those given below..

All 1. ho 2. For this hypothesis test, the test statistic is t = .65. 3. We decide to reject the claim that the average age of actresses when they win an acting award is more than 34 years old. 4. The correct decision is to "support" (fail to reject) the null hypothesis H0. 5. For this hypothesis test, the P-value = .261

In a manual on how to have a number one​ song, it is claimed that a song must be longer than 210 seconds. A simple random sample of 20 current hit songs results in a mean length of 234.3 sec and a standard deviation of 54.14 sec. Use a 0.05 significance level and the accompanying TI -83 display to test the claim. Please select all TRUE statements from those given below.

All 1. ho 2. The Student - t Test Statistic is t = 2.01. 3. The P-value for this hypothesis test is approximately 3%. 4. The correct decision is to reject the H0 null hypothesis. 5. The correct decision is to support the manual's claim that a song must be longer than 210 seconds.

Use the given information to state the conclusion about the null hypothesis H0. Assume a significance level of 0.05. Original​ claim: Women have heights with a mean equal to 151.0 cm.. The hypothesis test results in a P-value of 0.1272.

Fail to reject reject Ho because the P-value is greater than alpha.

Use the given information to state the conclusion about the null hypothesis H0. Assume a significance level of 0.05. Original​ claim: The proportion of male golfers is more than 0.8. The hypothesis test results in a P-value of 0.197.

Fail to reject reject Ho because the P-value is greater than alpha.

An experiment examined the impact of THC (the active ingredient in marijuana) on various physiological and psychological variables. The study recruited a sample of 50 young adults who were habitual marijuana smokers. Subjects came to the lab 3 times, each time smoking a different marijuana cigarette: one with 3.9% THC, one with 1.8% THC, and one with no THC (a placebo). The order of the conditions was randomized in a double-blind design. At the start of each session, no subject reported being "high." After smoking the cigarette, participants rated how "high" they felt, using a positive continuous scale (0 representing not at all "high"). For the placebo condition, participants reported a mean "high" feeling of 0.3, with a standard deviation of 0.05. Is there evidence of a significant placebo effect, with subject feeling significantly "high" after smoking a placebo marijuana cigarette? Please select all TRUE statements below for this hypothesis test.

For this hypothesis P-value = 0 which is less than alpha. So, we therefore "reject" the null hypothesis and conclude there was a significant placebo effect. ho: u=o, H1: u not equal 0

An experiment examined the impact of THC (the active ingredient in marijuana) on various physiological and psychological variables. The study recruited a sample of 50 young adults who were habitual marijuana smokers. Subjects came to the lab 3 times, each time smoking a different marijuana cigarette: one with 3.9% THC, one with 1.8% THC, and one with no THC (a placebo). The order of the conditions was randomized in a double-blind design. At the start of each session, no subject reported being "high." After smoking the cigarette, participants rated how "high" they felt, using a positive continuous scale (0 representing not at all "high"). For the placebo condition, participants reported a mean "high" feeling of 0.0, with a standard deviation of 0.005. Is there evidence of a significant placebo effect, with subject feeling significantly "high" after smoking a placebo marijuana cigarette? Please select all TRUE statements below for this hypothesis test.

For this hypothesis P-value = 1 which is greater than alpha. So, we therefore "support" the null hypothesis and conclude there was no significant placebo effect. ho:u=0, H1: u not equal 0

Researchers wanted to know if people, on average, tend to over-estimate the duration of a typical cold. Clinical literature reports that the actual duration of a typical cold is roughly 15 days. The researchers surveyed a random sample of 352 healthy adults and asked them how long they think that a typical cold lasts. The results of this survey were that the average time that the 352 people thought a cold lasts was two weeks (14 days) with a standard deviation of .5 days. So, according to this survey, do people tend to underestimate the duration of a cold (with statistical significance)? Please select all TRUE statements below based on this hypothesis test.

For this hypothesis test the P-value = 1. So, we fail to reject Ho. The test statistic for this hypothesis test is -37.5

A researcher claims that the average annual salary of part-time community college instructors is at most $45,000. To test this claim, a sample of 45 part-time community college instructors is selected at random. The sample average is $42,500 with a sample standard deviation of $3,100. Please select all TRUE statements below.

For this hypothesis test the P-value = 1. Therefore we fail to reject the Ho and "support" the researcher's claim that the average annual salary of part-time community college instructors is at most $45,000. Ho: μ ≤ $45,000 and H1: μ > $45,000

A researcher claims that the average annual salary of part-time community college instructors is more than $45,000. To test this claim, a sample of 45 part-time community college instructors is selected at random. The sample average is $42,500 with a sample standard deviation of $3,100. Please select all TRUE statements below.

For this hypothesis test the P-value = 1. Therefore we fail to reject the Ho and reject the researcher's claim that the average annual salary of part-time community college instructors is more than $45,000. Ho: μ ≤ $45,000 and H1: μ > $45,000

A safety administration conducted crash tests of child booster seats for cars. Listed below are results from those​tests, with the measurements given in hic​ (standard head injury condition​ units). The safety requirement is that the hic measurement should be less than 1000 hic. Use a 0.05 significance level to test the claim that the sample is from a population with a mean less than 1000 hic. 756 742 1219 639 636 580 Please select all TRUE statements from those given below.

For this hypothesis test the test statistic t = -2.493 3. ho/h1 4. For this hypothesis test the P-value = .0275 5. There is strong evidence that the mean is less than 1000​ hic, but one of the booster seats has a measurement that is greater than 1000 hic.

Assume that a simple random sample has been selected and test the given claim. Claim: The average age of actresses when they win an acting award is at most 34 years old To test this claim a simple random sample (SRS) of 27 actresses is used. This sample of 27 actresses had a sample mean of 35.4 years and a standard deviation = 11.2 years. Assume the the distribution of actresses ages is approximately normal. Select all TRUE statements from those given below..

For this hypothesis test, the P-value = .261 3. The correct decision is to "support" (fail to reject) the null hypothesis H0. 4. For this hypothesis test, the test statistic is t = .65. 5. We decide to "support" the claim that the average age of actresses when they win an acting award is at most 34 years old.

State the null and alternative hypotheses for the claim below. The average number of calories that a diabetic should take in dailly is 1,250 calories.

H0: μ = 1,250 and H1: μ ≠ 1,250

State the null and alternative hypotheses for the claim below. The average number of calories that a diabetic should take in dailly is NOT 1,250 calories.

H0: μ = 1,250 and H1: μ ≠ 1,250

State the null and alternative hypotheses for the claim below. The average number of calories that a diabetic should take in dailly is different from 1,250 calories.

H0: μ = 1,250 and H1: μ ≠ 1,250

State the null and alternative hypotheses for the following claim. The average age of community college statistics students is 21.5 years old.

H0: μ = 21.5 and H1: μ ≠ 21.5

State the null and alternative hypotheses for the following claim. The average age of community college statistics students is NOT 29.5 years old.

H0: μ = 29.5 and H1: μ ≠ 29.5

State the null and alternative hypotheses for the following conjecture. The average age of a senior surgical resident in the United States is 30.8 years old.

H0: μ = 30.8 and H1: μ ≠ 30.8

State the null and alternative hypotheses for the claim below. The average number of calories that a diabetic should take in dailly is more than 1,250 calories.

H0: μ ≤ 1,250 and H1: μ > 1,250

State the null and alternative hypotheses for the following conjecture. The average age of a senior surgical resident in the United States is at least 30.8 years old.

H0: μ ≥ 30.8 and H1: μ < 30.8

State the null and alternative hypotheses for the following conjecture. The average age of a senior surgical resident in the United States is less than 30.8 years old

H0: μ ≥ 30.8 and H1: μ < 30.8

State the null and alternative hypotheses for the following conjecture. The average age of a senior surgical resident in the United States is less than 30.8 years old.

H0: μ ≥ 30.8 and H1: μ < 30.8

A simple random sample of 12 adults is obtained from a normally distributed​ population, and each​ person's red blood cell count​ (in cells per​ microliter) is measured. The sample mean is 5.10 and the sample standard deviation is 0.56. Use a 0.05 significance level and the given TI-83/84 calculator display to test the claim that the sample is from a population with a mean of at least 5.4 (which is a value often used for the upper limit of the range of normal values). Please select all TRUE statements from those given below.

HO/H1 2. The P-value is .045 4. The Student - t "test statistic" is -1.86 5. We decide to reject the H0; null hypothesis

A marketing research firm believes that more than half of adults drink mostly either regular or diet soda. To test this claim, Gallup took a nationally representative sample of 2027 adults and asked them about their soda consumption. The survey shows that 950 of those surveyed drink mostly either regular or diet soda. Please select all TRUE statements below.

HO: p less/equal .5, H1: P greater .5 4. SInce P-value > alpha, we fail to reject the null hypothesis.

A sugar company packages sugar in 5 pound bags. An FDA food inspector suspects that the average amount of sugar in the 5 pound bags is at most 5 pounds on average. A simple random sample of 75 of the 5 pound bags results in a sample avarage of 4.85 lbs. with a standard deviation of 0.5 lbs. The inspector wishes to be 98% confident in his final determination about this company's packaging practices. Please select al TRUE statements below.

Ho: u less/equal 5, HI u greater 5; p value .995 "support"

The Kaiser Medical Foundation claims that the cost to rehabilitate a football player following a head injury is more than $28,500. To test this claim a researcher surveys the medical billing records of 45 football players who were treated for head injuries. The average cost for rehabilitation in this randomly selected sample is $30,885 with a standard deviation of $1,123. Is the actual cost of rehabilitation more than $28,500 as Kaiser claims? Please select al TRUE statements for this hypothesis test.

Ho: μ ≤ $28,500 and H1: μ > $28,500 2. For this hypothesis test the P-value = 0 3. We decide to "support" Kaiser's claim that the cost to rehabilitate a football player following a head injury is more than $28,500. For this hypothesis test the test statistic is 14.25

A researcher claims that the average annual salary of part-time community college instructors is more than $45,000. To test this claim, a sample of 25 part-time community college instructors is selected at random. The sample average is $42,500 with a sample standard deviation of $3,100. State the null and alternative hypotheses for used to test this claim.

Ho: μ ≤ $45,000 and H1: μ > $45,000

A researcher claims that the average annual salary of part-time community college instructors is at least $45,000. To test this claim, a sample of 25 part-time community college instructors is selected at random. The sample average is $42,500 with a sample standard deviation of $3,100. State the null and alternative hypotheses for used to test this claim.

Ho: μ ≥ $45,000 and H1: μ < $45,000

A researcher claims that the average annual salary of part-time community college instructors is less than $45,000. To test this claim, a sample of 25 part-time community college instructors is selected at random. The sample average is $42,500 with a sample standard deviation of $3,100. State the null and alternative hypotheses for used to test this claim.

Ho: μ ≥ $45,000 and H1: μ < $45,000

A sugar company packages sugar in 5 pound bags. An FDA food inspector suspects that the average amount of sugar in the 5 pound bags is actually less than 5 pounds on average. Aa simple random sample of 75 of the 5 pound bags results in a sample avarage of 4.85 lbs. with a standard deviation of 0.5 lbs. The inspector wishes to be 98% confident in his final determination about this company's packaging practices. Please select al TRUE statements below.

Ho: μ ≥ 5 and H1: μ < 5 ; p-value = .005, therefore reject Ho and support the FDA food inspector's claim that the average amount of sugar in the 5 pound bags is actually less than 5 pounds on average.

Which of the following would be strong evidence against the null hypothesis?

Obtaining data with a small P-value

The American Veterinary Medical Association claims that half of veterinary clinics do not treat large animals (cows, horses, etc.). The American Veterinary Medical Association conducts a survey of veterinary clinics to estimate the proportion that do not treat large animals (cows, horses, etc.). In the survey of 120 randomly selected veterinary clinics throughout the country, 88 responded that they do not treat large animals. Please select all TRUE statements below.

P - value = 0 4. ho:P=.50, H1: P not equal .50

Use the given information to state the conclusion about the null hypothesis H0. Assume a significance level of 0.05. Original​ claim: The proportion of male golfers is at mst 0.5. The hypothesis test results in a P-value of 0.035.

Reject reject Ho because the P-value is less than alpha.

Identify the type I error. Choose the correct answer below.

Reject the null hypothesis that the percentage of households with more than 1 pet is equal to 65% when that percentage is actually equal to 65%.

A marketing research firm believes that more than half of adults drink mostly either regular or diet soda. To test this claim, Gallup took a nationally representative sample of 2027 adults and asked them about their soda consumption. The survey shows that 950 of those surveyed drink mostly either regular or diet soda. Please select all TRUE statements below.

SInce P-value > alpha, we fail to reject the null hypothesis. AND ho equal/less.5 hi greater .5

A researcher claims that at least 10% of young children suffer from some food allergy. A survey of food allergies in a random sample of 184 young children found that 13 had some food allergy. Please select any of the statements below which are TRUE.

The P-value for this hypothesis test is 0.092 HO: P greater equal .10, H1: P less .10

Assume that a simple random sample has been selected and test the given claim. Claim: The average age of actresses when they win an acting award is 34 years old To test this claim a simple random sample (SRS) of 27 actresses is used. This sample of 27 actresses had a sample mean of 35.4 years and a standard deviation = 11.2 years. Assume the the distribution of actresses ages is approximately normal. Select all TRUE statements from those given below..

The correct decision is to "support" (fail to reject) the null hypothesis H0. 2. ho/h1 3. We decide to "support" the claim that the average age of actresses when they win an acting award is 34 years old. 5. For this hypothesis test, the P-value = .522

Researchers fed 5 cockroaches a sugar solution. Ten hours later, they dissected the 5 cockroaches and measured the amount of sugar in various tissues. The amounts (in micrograms) of d-glucose in the 5 cockroaches are recorded A 'T-Test' using the 'Student-t' distribution was the hypothesis test used in this example. A 'T-Test' is used to reach conclusions about the... (Please select the one best naswer from those given below.)

glucose u for population of all lab

A simple random sample of 25 filtered 100 mm cigarettes is​ obtained, and the tar content of each cigarette is measured. The sample has a mean of 19.4 mg and a standard deviation of 3.23 mg. Use a 0.05 significance level to test the claim that the mean tar content of filtered 100 mm cigarettes is less than 21.1 ​mg, which is the mean for unfiltered king size cigarettes. Please select all TRUE statements from those givem below.

ho greater/equal 3. For this hypothesis test the P-value = .007 4. For this hypothesis test the test statistic is t = -2.632 5. There is sufficient evidence to support the claim that the mean tar content of filtered 100 mm cigarettes is less than21.1 mg.

A sugar company packages sugar in 5 pound bags. An FDA food inspector suspects that the average amount of sugar in the 5 pound bags is NOT 5 pounds on average. A simple random sample of 75 of the 5 pound bags results in a sample avarage of 4.85 lbs. with a standard deviation of 0.5 lbs. The inspector wishes to be 98% confident in his final determination about this company's packaging practices. Please select al TRUE statements below.

ho u=5, h1 u not equal 5; p value=.009 "support"

A sugar company packages sugar in 5 pound bags. An FDA food inspector suspects that the average amount of sugar in the 5 pound bags is NOT 5 pounds on average. A simple random sample of 75 of the 5 pound bags results in a sample avarage of 4.85 lbs. with a standard deviation of 0.5 lbs. The inspector wishes to be 98% confident in his final determination about this company's packaging practices. Please select al TRUE statements below.

ho: u=5 +H1: u not equal 5; p-value=.009 "support"

A phycologist is interested in testing the claim that the proportion of algae from a local rivulet that belonged to the particular phylum cyanobacteria is at least half. A random sample of 50 alga was obtained and each alga was categorized as either being cyanobacteria or not. It was found that 38 were, in fact, cyanobacteria. Please select any of the statements below which are TRUE.

ho:p greater/equal .50 h1:p less .50

Clinical literature reports that the duration of a typical cold is 18 days. Researchers wanted to know if people tend to underestimate the duration of a typical cold, on average. They surveyed a random sample of 352 healthy adults in Georgia and asked them how long they think that a typical cold lasts. The sample average for the 352 health adults was 6.9. What are the null and alternative hypotheses that these researchers wanted to test?

ho:u=18vs.h1:u not equal 18

A sugar company packages sugar in 5 pound bags and claims that the bags contain at least 5 pounds of sugar. A simple random sample of 75 of the 5 pound bags results in a sample avarage of 4.85 lbs. with a standard deviation of 0.5 lbs. Is the company's claim that the bags contain at least 5 pounds of sugar correct? Please select al TRUE statements below.

in this hypothesis the test level of significance is 5% because alpha not given ho:u greater/equal 5 and H1: u less 5; p-vaalue=.005, reject ho, reject company claim average sugar 5 lb bag at least 5 lb average

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