Intro to Public Speaking: Chapter 8

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(Connectives) words and phrases used to link ideas in speech. Show the audience the relationship between ideas.

Speaking Outline

A condensed form of the preparation outline to use when speaking. Contains keywords and phrases rather than full sentences to ensure speaking in a conversational manner.

Preparation Outline

A detailed outline of your speech that helps you evaluate the organization of your ideas. It contains your main points, sub points, and sub-subpoints written out in complete sentences.

Spatial Pattern

Pattern of organization in which ideas are arranged in terms of location and direction.

Topical Pattern

Pattern of organization that allows the speaker to divide a topic into subtopics, each of which addresses a different aspect of a larger topic.

Types of Connectors

Transitions, internal previews, internal summaries, and signposts.

Casual Pattern

Pattern of organization that describes a cause-and-efffect relationship between ideas or events.

Problem-Solution Pattern

Pattern of organization that identifies a specific problem and offers a possible solution

Chronological Pattern

Pattern of organization that traces a sequence of events or ideas.


Phrases that indicate you are finished with one idea and are moving to another.


Simple word or statement that indicates where you are in your speech OR highlights a certain idea.

Internal Previews

Statement in the body of a speech that details what speakers plan to discuss next.

Internal Summaries

Statement in the body of a speech that summarizes a point a speaker has already discussed.

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