Intro to Public Speaking Chapter 9 (delivery vocalics and nonverbal)
what must transitions in groups speeches have?
-a really strong preview -transitions notes that are written out in advance
what are tips for giving your answer to Q&A after a speech?
-address both the questioner and audience -respond politely to each question -if you don't know state that you don't know -don't take forever answering questions -stay on topic, ask questioner to talk afterwards.
what are some suggestion for walking during a speech?
-avoid pacing -don't trip yourself -face the front -move with your speech transition -move from front to back to front.
what are tips for making eye contact during a speech?
-begin your speech with eye contact -keep eye contact throughout speech -make eye contact with multiple people (read the expression of the audience, helps your understand if they are following your speech)
what are methods of speaking to a larger audience?
-just speak up -use a mic -give a shorter speech -breath and relax your voice cords to increase air pressure.
what are tips for using gestures?
-natural gesture don't force it -when holding cards it should be at chest level -hands should be in front or at sides, not behind -don't play with things in pocket
what are tips for having good speed in a speech?
-not too fast or slow -practice slower than normal pace allowing for clear articulation
what are examples of speaking aids?
-note cards -PowerPoint -color coding your outline. -larger words on a sheet
what are the aspects of cooperation in a group presentation?
-planning (agree on a topic and purpose) -division of labor (split task, but share results and check progress, adjust) -speaking times (give even time, w/minimal transitions)
what are tips for practicing delivery of a speech?
-practice all the way through at least four times -practice in front of an audience -practice making mistakes -just breathe.
what are examples of things that should be written out words for word?
-quotations -quantitative info -names for the sources referred -complex lines such as antithesis.
what are two methods for coordinating group presentations?
-relay presentation -master of ceremonies
what are methods for interpreting question?
-slow down to fully understand the question asked -restate the question -think about the question behind the question
they are the types of preparation and delivery in a speech?
-speaking from memory -speaking from manuscript -extemporaneous speaking -impromptu speaking -staying on time
what are some suggestion for standing in a speech?
-stand straight (helps project your voice) -keep your chin up and shoulders down (helps with eye contact) -settle your weight on both feet. (don't do unexpected movements)
what are the three things to think about your body when giving a physical delivery?
-standing -walking -gesturing
how should you practice your speech all the way through?
-standing up -rely less and less on note cards. -focus no voice and eye contact with your audience -ask for feedback
what are two methods for communicating credibility?
-through eye contact -appropriate dress
what are methods for anticipating questions you might get?
-topic in your speech in which you struggled to understand -technical material, complicated concepts. -topics what you didn't put much time talking about -questions from practice sessions
what are tips for creating focus and energy from your anxiety?
1) every one is in the situatiuation 2) mange your expectations 3) use nerves to give your speech energy 4) that you don't look nervous as you feel 5) it is a learning process 6) topic is more important than your Nevers 7) practice 8) don't worry if your practiced 9) visualize your success and believe in it. 10) the audience is on your side 11) act "as if"
that are the three main size of rooms that affect volume?
5-10 people in a small room, 10 to 50 people in a larger rooms, more the 50 people in a big room or auditorium
what are group presentations? what is a good group presentation?
A coordinated report by two to six people about their group's research or creative work. presents a consistent set of ideas and arguments in a compelling way, it is seamless, and the audience doesn't notice work of coordination.
what is relay presentation? what are the pros and cons of this method?
A group presentation structured as one speech, in which the speakers take one or more of the elements (such as intro, body, and conclusion) and transition to the next speaker. Pros: takes less time bc its simple and direct Cons: each person needs a good transition
what is extemporaneous speaking?
A speech delivered from written notes or an outline.
what is impromptu speaking? what is the method to impromptu speaking?
A speech delivered on the spot, without preparation. it is to rapidly structure your speech.
what is a manuscript speech?
A speech that is written out and read to the audience.
what is appropriate clothes? what is a general rule for clothes?
Appearance that fits the occasion and adds to your credibility. it should not be distracting for the audience. it should add to your creditability.
what are the pros and cons of speaking from memory?
Pros: -appearance of spontaneity Cons: -forgetting your material -getting lost -sounding rehearsed and mechanical.
what is master of ceremonies (MC)? what are the pros and cons of this method?
The person who provides the introductions and transitions in a group presentation. Pros: MC allows speaker to focus during transition. Cons: requires more time
what is contrast?
Verbal emphasis on a word, signaling an opposition.
what is focus?
Verbal emphasis on a word, signaling that it is the key to a sentence's meaning.
what is inflections? what are examples of inflections?
Verbal emphasis on certain words to reinforce meaning. Examples: speeding up or down, becoming louder or softer.
what is important in delivering a group presentation?
being consistent. -make slides or handouts consistent in style -organize each section of the presentation in a similar way
what are the two important aspects of group presentation?
cooperation's and coordination
what are the two parts to inflection when stressing a word?
focus and contrast
what is eye contact?
meeting the gaze of people in your audience
how should you deal with mistakes in a speech?
move on and don't make a bid deal out of it, the it will through off the audience
what are the pros and cons?
pros: it's easier than memorizing cons: it could should robotic and monotone.
what is articulation? what are tips for articulation?
the clarity with which words are pronounced -don't overenunciate -speak more crisp than usual
what is a teleprompter?
used in a manuscript speech, where the speeches looks at a prompt that is displayed in front of them to make it look natural.
what are the aspects of your voice that you can control when speaking?
volume, speed, articulation, and inflection.