Intro to Teaching Chapter 3: What does each theory explain?
sociocultural theory:
This theory explains that children are social beings and develop their minds through interactions with people in their lives, which is social interaction.
moral development:
His theory is that beginning in childhood, everyone follows the same progression but not everyone attains it at the highest level.
psychosocial development
At each of the stages, people face and must successfully resolve a psychological conflict. If they do not this will affect their future stages.
social cognitive:
It explains that people are affected by rewards and punishment but their reactions to them are filtered by their own perceptions, thoughts and motivations.
cognitive theory:
It explains that people change throughout different stages in their life.
classical conditioning:
It is the theory that behaviors can be associated with responses.
operant conditioning:
It is the theory that explains that people tend to repeat behaviors that have a positive result or are reinforced.