Intro to Theatre Final Study Guide

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How does a dramaturg assist the director? a. By researching the historical or literary background of a play in order to help the director better understand the text b. By helping cast the most appropriate actors for the various characters c. By evaluating scripts for audience and financial appeal d. By rewriting older plays to meet modern tastes in costumes, language, and staging

a. By researching the historical or literary background of a play in order to help the director better understand the text

Which structural component of a formula plot does the playwright use first to draw the audience into the play? a. Event that changes the balance of the basic situation b. Point of attack c. Disturbance d. Statement of the protagonist's decision or goal

a. Event that changes the balance of the basic situation d. Statement of the protagonist's decision or goal

Theatre can take place anywhere an audience can gather: parks, basements, streets, or jails. What is the name given to these theatrical spaces? a. Found spaces b. Proscenium theatres c. Arena theatres d. Thrust theatres

a. Found spaces

Which of the following playwrights wrote "high comedies"—cerebral, socially relevant plays—that had an intellectual scope so vast they forced audiences to reassess their values? a. George Bernard Shaw b. Anton Chekhov c. Oscar Wilde d. Henrik Ibsen

a. George Bernard Shaw

Why was Willis Richardson considered a groundbreaking playwright? a. He wrote about black historical heroes in ways that challenged white stereotypes of blacks. b. He was the first black playwright to create a Broadway musical. c. He wrote plays about black lives in ways that greatly pleased white audiences. d. His scripts called for the "color-blind casting" of actors.

a. He wrote about black historical heroes in ways that challenged white stereotypes of blacks.

Which of the following is the most important step in solving a problem? a. Identify the specific problem b. View the problem from different angles c. Ask new questions about the problem d. Look for a creative solution

a. Identify the specific problem

n what way is the play Trojan Women an example of cross-cultural theatre? a. It adopts Chinese staging methods in a play about Greek life in a small town in New England. b. It takes a Greek tragedy, uses modern Western staging, and includes classic Japanese theatre styles. c. it uses the Greek female character of a stage manager/narrator to invoke audience's imagination, as in Beijing Opera. d. it takes a greek tragedy and incorporates mask, mime, and dance techniques of Japanese noh theatre.

a. It adopts Chinese staging methods in a play about Greek life in a small town in New England. b. It takes a Greek tragedy, uses modern Western staging, and includes classic Japanese theatre styles.

This French playwright's upbringing was so strict, he was even forbidden to read. But his love of classical Greek plays led him to write his most famous play, Phaedra. a. Jean Racine b. Molière c. Jacques Pradon d. Pierre Corneille

a. Jean Racine

Which of these non-Western theatre styles esteems highly stylized, exaggerated movements so much that it borrowed many of its movements from traditional Japanese puppet theatre? a. Kabuki b. Noh c. Bunraku d. Kathakali

a. Kabuki

____________________ is a dramatized version of the Hindu epic poems Ramayana and Mahabharata. a. Kathakali b. Natyasastra c. Noh d. Kabuki

a. Kathakali

Unlike most straight plays, musicals often require several writers. What title is given to the person who writes the words to the musical? a. Lyricist b. Composer c. Melodist d. Book writer

a. Lyricist

This theatre professional designs, builds or purchases all the objects the actors handle while on stage, such as pens, fans, cigars, and umbrellas. a. Prop Master b. Technical Director c. Sound Designer d. Set Designer

a. Prop Master

The director's job can be split into two phases. Which of the following activities does not take place in the first phase? a. Rehearsals b. Structural analysis c. Script analysis d. Casting

a. Rehearsals

These popular entertainers had shows filled with jugglers, acrobats, comic skits, buffoonery, and plenty of vulgar language, indecent songs, and nudity. a. Roman mimes b. choregos c. gladiators d. goat singers

a. Roman mimes

Who was one of Rome's greatest tragic playwrights and, as the tutor of the future emperor Nero, greatly influenced the ruler in becoming one of the greatest supporters of art and theatre in Western history? a. Seneca b. Caesar Augustus c. Claudius d. Marcus Fabius Quintilianus

a. Seneca

Which teacher of acting believed in training less significant parts of the body to develop a level of power and control that frees the body to interpret the most complex aspects of character? a. Tadashi Suzuki b. Lee Strasberg c. Sanford Meisner d. Stella Adler

a. Tadashi Suzuki

This theatre professional supervises the construction crews, as well deals with the designers' drawings, paintings, blueprints, scale models, and sketches. a. Technical Director b. Set Designer c. Prop Master d. Sound Designer

a. Technical Director

Cross-cultural plays try to fuse styles and techniques into a performance that celebrates diversities and similarities and promotes cultural pluralism. Which of the following plays was influenced by Asian theatre, but did little to portray non-stereotypical Asian characters or to promote cultural understanding? a. The Mikado b. Black Elk Speaks c. Faust d. Our Town

a. The Mikado

Which of the following statements about "theatre of protest" is FALSE? a. The National Endowment for the Arts cannot deny a grant application because the play challenges traditional American values. b. Luis Valdez wrote Zoot Suit to tell the story of Chicano cultural survival in a country in which racism and violence are advocated by the press and state. c. It is often called "theatre of militancy" because its purpose is change. d. Lysistrata is an anti-war play dating back to the ancient Greeks.

a. The National Endowment for the Arts cannot deny a grant application because the play challenges traditional American values.

Which of the following is not true of early African theatre? a. The audience of the earliest African theatre sat and watched actors with masks. b. Theatre was tied into myths, rituals, rites, and communal celebrations of daily life. c. It is likely to be the oldest theatre in the world. d. African theatre in its purest form was prior to colonization.

a. The audience of the earliest African theatre sat and watched actors with masks.

Which of the following is not true of the first all-black show to play at a top Broadway theatre? a. The show was called Blackbirds. b. The ragtime musical was an instant success and was signed on for a long run. c. The white theatre owner did not know the troupe was black when the manager signed them. d. The composer, Will Marion Cook, was black.

a. The show was called Blackbirds.

Theatre is typically the first of the arts to have its content restricted. There are many reasons for this. Which of the following is not one of them? a. Theatre rouses the emotions of single individuals instead of entire groups of people. b. Theatre actors can change their performances for each showing. c. Theatre performances can hide subliminal messages. d. Theatre actors can take seemingly harmless written dialogue and interpret it differently.

a. Theatre rouses the emotions of single individuals instead of entire groups of people.

Which of the following is not a typical quality of "natural born" actors? a. They do not experience stage fright. b. They have charisma. c. They have stage presence. d. They make acting appear effortless.

a. They do not experience stage fright.

How did Indian playwrights use Western-style theatre in the twentieth century? a. They masked their political points in the guise of historical or mythological stories. b. They celebrated the British occupation. c. Western influence ceased as Indian theatres fell prey to heavy censorship. d. All of these answers are correct.

a. They masked their political points in the guise of historical or mythological stories.

Which of the following is characteristic of non-Western theatre, which may prevent Westerners from fully appreciating the art form? a. They use bright costumes with symbolic colors and masks b. The stories are about everyday people c. They appeal more to the intellect than the senses d. The styles of theatre are ever-changing

a. They use bright costumes with symbolic colors and masks

An actor's lifelong training focuses on which three aspects of their "instrumentS"? a. Voice, mind, body b. body Language tempo, diction, rhythm c. Eyes, voice, soul d. Face, hands feet

a. Voice, mind, body

Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman (1949) mixes realism and expressionism. Which of the following illustrates the expressionistic part of that play? a. Willy's rosy visions of the past and his great hope for his two sons b. Willy's purchase of supplies with which to end his life. c. Willy's attempts to pay his debts. d. d. Willy's blind desire to attain the elusive American Dream.

a. Willy's rosy visions of the past and his great hope for his two sons

The characters' deeds and their responses to circumstances, which in turn affect the course of the story, are called: a. actions b. denouements c. climaxes d. expositions

a. actions

The earliest American musicals were _____________________ , brought from England and popular during the colonial period. a. ballad operas b. revues c. vaudeville shows d. burlesque shows

a. ballad operas

Good entertainment, as opposed to good art, likely does all of the following except: a. challenged the audience's values b. adjusts its product to please the audience c. makes the audience feel good about themselves and what they believe in d. uses test audiences to march product values with the consumer

a. challenged the audience's values

Art generally conveys three main ideas. What is not one of them? a. collaboration b. meaning c. skill d. beauty

a. collaboration

Complete the equation: Desire + obstacle + lack of compromise = ________. a. conflict b. denouement c. inaction d. climax

a. conflict

____________________ offers the reader a discriminating, often scholarly interpretation and analysis of a play, an artist's body of work, or a period of theatre history. a. Dramatic criticism b. Playbill review c. Souvenir program d. Playwright's Note

a. dramatic criticism

Of Bertolt Brecht's greatest innovation was ________, a type of play with a large cast, that covers a long period of time, and that includes a number of unrelated incidents. a. epic theatre b. melodrama c. realism d. musical comedy

a. epic theatre

Which of these situations does the First Amendment guarantee? a. expressing a factually wrong or politically incorrect opinion b. the publication or statement of alleged facts that are false and harm the reputation of another c. speech used to perpetrate a fraud d. expression of obscenities

a. expressing a factually wrong or politically incorrect opinion

As actors prepare for the part, they conduct background research. This is discovering the ____________________, which can include the character's upbringing, religion, and social standing. a. given circumstances b. motivation c. character flaw d. inner conflict

a. given circumstances

When a film director wants to focus the audience's eye she simply zooms in. What do stage directors have at their disposal to focus the audience's eye? a. lights / costumes / blocking b. beginning / middle / end of each scene c. story / plot / rising action d. crises / conflicts / complications

a. lights / costumes / blocking

This genre of theatre can be called more-real-than-realism, an accurate "slice of life," a documentary-like look at existence. a. naturalism b. docu-drama c. absurdism d. tragicomedy

a. naturalism

A director working Aristophanes' Lysistrata decides to set the play as a modern rock opera and use song lyrics to question the idea of war. Once she finishes her research, she meets with the design team so that the interpretation and metaphor is consistently presented to the audience. The director has just devised the _______. a. production concept b. marketing strategy c. advertising hook d. motivation

a. production concept

The modern concept of a director did not come about until the nineteenth century, when a new genre of theatre called ____________________ became popular. a. realism b. modernism c. fanaticism d. naturalism

a. realism

The hidden meaning behind the words, the real reason a character chooses to speak, is called: a. subtext b. disturbance c. darkest Moment d. enlightenment

a. subtext

While every rehearsal process is different, the approximate order of events is: a. table work / off-book / tech rehearsal b. blocking / table work / dress rehearsal c. off-book rehearsal / tech rehearsal / blocking d. dress rehearsal / tech rehearsal / table work

a. table work / off-book / tech rehearsal

Playwrights love the music of language. When they write dialogue to be spoken at a particular speed, they are concerned with its ________. a. tempo b. sound c. tone d. rhythm

a. tempo

A form of theatre that mixed traditional African ritual theatre and Western-style drama, and that encouraged African nationalism and glorified Africa's past, is called________________. a. total theatre b. multicultural theatre c. ritual theatre d. neo-African theatre

a. total theatre

A strong argument in favor of government funding of the arts is that, without government assistance, only the privileged culture will be heard. a. True b. False

a. true

Creativity takes time. People whose lives are totally booked with family and work obligations seldom have much time to be creative. a. True b. False

a. true

During design team meetings the director and designers talk about mood, pace, atmosphere, colors, character, story, and the production's style. a. True b. False

a. true

Every time artists make a choice about what aspect of existence to select and arrange they express a value judgment and reveal their beliefs. Because of this, art is inherently political. a. true b. false

a. true

Inability to solve a problem is often due to trying to solve too many problems at once. a. True b. False

a. true

Members of a privileged group only become aware of their privilege when their lives are contrasted with another group. a. true b. false

a. true

One of the best ways to enhance creativity is to get regular exercise and plenty of sleep. a. True b. False

a. true

Plays can pursue a metaphorical, symbolic, or stylized look. Stylization can take several forms; one of the most common is expressionism. With expressionism, the audience sees the story through the mind of one character. a. True b. False

a. true

Shakespeare's name first appeared in London in 1592, as an actor with the Lord Chamberlain's company. a. True b. False

a. true

Some of the rules of theatre etiquette include: not texting, tweeting, taking photos or recording video during a play; not talking; and not arriving late. a. True b. False

a. true

The French director Antonin Artaud (1896-1948) summed up the purpose of protest plays when he said, "The action of theatre, like the plague, is beneficial for, impelling men to see themselves as they are, it causes the mask to fall, reveals the lie, the slackness, baseness, and hypocrisy of our world." a. true b. false

a. true

The basic elements of design are line, dimension, balance, movement, harmony, color, and texture. a. True b. False

a. true

The duties of the dramaturg may include acting as a literary advisor or serving as the expert in theatre history who helps the director understand specifics about a play's performance history. a. True b. False

a. true

Theatre and drama have three qualities that make them unique art forms: the performance is always live, its always about human beings, and its collaborative. a. True b. False

a. true

Thomas Edison's invention of the incandescent light bulb and the ideas of Charles Darwin, Sigmund Freud, and Karl Marx contributed to the birth of the theatrical style we call "Realism." a. True b. False

a. true

Traditionally, theatre artists were divided into two groups: creative artists, the playwrights who create the scripts, and interpretive artists, the directors, actors, and designers who work within the parameters the playwright has set. a. True b. False

a. true

In what year did the first straight play by a black playwright make it to Broadway? a. 1920 b. 1959 c. 1898 d. 1965

b. 1959

This theatre movement was born to reflect the feeling that human beings face a cold, hostile universe and that most plays fail to reflect the ridiculousness, anxiety, and chaos of the world. a. Realism b. Absurdism c. Romanticism d. Naturalism

b. Absurdism

In his book, The Empty Space, what three elements does Peter Brook say are needed for theatre to occur? a. Story/Plot/Rising Action b. An empty space/ someone to walk across it/someone to watch c. actors/directors/designers d. beginning/middle/end

b. An empty space/ someone to walk across it/someone to watch

Playwright Tony Kushner grew up Jewish and homosexual in the turbulent South of the 1960s. His award winning play _________________ interweaves the stories of several gay men. a. Topdog/Underdog b. Angels in America c. Fences d. Tales from the City

b. Angels in America

Who was Alexander the Great's teacher, who instilled a passion for Greek theatre? a. Socrates b. Aristotle c. Plato d. Euripides

b. Aristotle

This theatre professional is in charge of the overall creative vision or goal of the ensemble. This person will often choose which plays to produce, who will direct them, and who will design them. a. Literary Manager b. Artistic Director c. Producer d. Stage Manager

b. Artistic Director

This type of casting deliberately casts actors who are the exact opposite of what is expected in the role. a. Cast to type b. Cast against type c. Color-blind casting d. Cross-gender casting

b. Cast against type

What term describes the designer's sketches—the ones that the costume construction crew uses to assemble the costumes? a. Virtual attire b. Costume plates c. A dress parade d. "Pull" costumes

b. Costume plates

Which of the following is not an argument made by critics of cross-cultural theatre? a. Intercultural borrowing sometimes reduces culture to an interesting stage technique. b. Cross-cultural plays expose the complexities among cultures by putting them on stage side by side. c. Cross-cultural plays may trivialize other cultures because the actors frequently do not have the necessary, traditional training (in Kabuki, for example); therefore, they cannot comprehend the foreign content or culture of the play. d. Cross-cultural plays mix cultures without grasping their ideological dimensions.

b. Cross-cultural plays expose the complexities among cultures by putting them on stage side by side.

Which members of the theatre ensemble participate in concept meetings? a. Playwright and director b. Director and designers c. Playwright and designers d. All of these ensemble members participate.

b. Director and designers

Playwrights, like actors, can join closed-shop unions in which all employees must belong so meaningful strikes for better wages are possible. a. True b. False

b. False

The term "rum and fun" comes from the Roman politicians, who knew that if they gave the general population enough food (rum) and entertainment (fun), the public would not question the government. a. True b. False

b. False

Women were not allowed on stage in Shakespeare's England. It was considered unseemly for women to appear on stage; however, the Puritans approved of boys playing the younger female roles and mature men playing the parts of older women. a. True b. False

b. False

Which of the following is not characteristic of existentialist themes in theatre? a. The absence of God means that humans have no fixed destiny so they can create their own. b. Following rules is more important than individual decisions. c. Human beings are naturally alone. d. People have no purpose.

b. Following rules is more important than individual decisions.

(n) ________ begins whenever a character enters or exits the stage until the next entrance or exit. a. objective b. French scene c. motivation d. beat

b. French scene

Which influential playwright wrote The Dumb Waiter, a "comedy of menace" meant to both frighten and entertain? a. Samuel Beckett b. Harold Pinter c. Luigi Pirandello d. Eugène Ionesco

b. Harold Pinter

What distinguishes Euripides' work from the other great playwrights of ancient Greece's Golden Age? a. He was afraid to speak his mind. b. He was one of the first writers to treat women as major characters. c. He celebrated the oracles. d. His plays were filled with heroic acts of the Athenian warriors.

b. He was one of the first writers to treat women as major characters.

This type of director tries to translate the play to the stage as accurately as possible. a. Conceptual director b. Interpretive director c. Musical director d. Casting director

b. Interpretive director

How does the U.S. educational system fundamentally fail to stoke students' creativity? a. It isn't open to exposing students to new experiences. b. It doesn't teach students how to ask productive questions. c. It doesn't support students in taking learning risks. d. It doesn't build students' self-esteem and confidence.

b. It doesn't teach students how to ask productive questions.

This theatre professional reads and evaluates scripts, acting as a liaison between playwrights, agents, and the theatre. This person often writes grant applications to help support new play development and stage readings of new plays. a. Artistic Director b. Literary Manager c. Stage Manager d. Producer

b. Literary Manager

Which of the following categories of "theatre of identity" came first in American history? a. Harlem Renaissance b. Minstrel shows c. Yiddish Broadway d. Plays by Suzan-Lori Parks

b. Minstrel Shows

Stage lighting can be divided into two categories. ____________________ comes from an identifiable source such as a candle, a table lamp, or the sun. ____________________ reinforces the mood of a scene but doesn't necessarily come from an identifiable or onstage source. a. Fixtures / Ambient lighting b. Motivated light / Non-motivated light c. Fixtures / Spotlighting d. Non-motivated light / Motivated light

b. Motivated light / Non-motivated light

____________________ is the reason a character takes a particular action, which can be best identified and understood by looking at the situation from the character's point of view. Sometimes it can just be the desire to do the right thing. a. Resolution b. Motivation c. A fatal flaw d. A general circumstance

b. Motivation

After the Peloponnesian War, playwrights were denied freedom of speech and turned from political satire to these comic plays, known as ______________, which were mundane and steered clear of insulting those in power: a. politico plays b. New Comedy c. Old Comedy d. satyr plays

b. New Comedy

These comic plays were written before the end of the Peloponnesian War, when playwrights enjoyed a relatively high degree of freedom of speech in Athens. a. Satyr plays b. Old Comedy c. New Comedy d. dithyramb

b. Old Comedy

Which of the following statements accurately describes how the playwright differs from others key leaders in the theatre ensemble? a. Playwrights often sell the copyrights to their plays, earning them more wealth and prestige than other members of the ensemble. b. Playwrights are the primary artists and get top billing in the program, even above the director. c. Playwriting is the least time-consuming job of all theatre artists. d. Playwrights are members of closed-shop unions, which the other artists are forbidden to join.

b. Playwrights are the primary artists and get top billing in the program, even above the director.

This department of the theatre company promotes the plays, which might include setting up an interview with the director at the local radio station or arranging times for actors to tour area schools as a part of the theatre's outreach program. a. Costume shop b. Publicity department c. Producer's assistant d. Artistic director's office

b. Publicity department

____________________ is defined as a permanent, professional theatre located outside of New York City. a. Off Broadway theatre b. Regional theatre c. Off-Off Broadway theatre d. Little theatre

b. Regional theatre

Which specific technique does the playwright use to heighten the drama and seriousness of the action in the middle of a formula plot? a. Disturbance b. Rising action c. Enlightenment d. Point of attack

b. Rising action

____________________ is an early form of theatre that used theatrical techniques such as song, dance, and characterization, but it was still firmly rooted in religion. a. A parable b. Ritual theatre c. Mass d. A morality play

b. Ritual theatre

Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. Theatre in one form or another has been performed in every part of the world for thousands of years. b. Ritual turned into theatre the moment when dialogue was written down. c. Theatre is artificial and usually has a story with a conflict. d. Ritual plays were passed down through generations.

b. Ritual turned into theatre the moment when dialogue was written down.

In the 1990s, Jesse Helms proposed legislation to stop what some considered to be a progressive agenda by artists who intended to destroy traditional American values. The law was passed to ensure that every art grant given by the NEA must take into consideration the general standards of "decency and respect for the diverse beliefs and values of the American public." Which of the following was not part of that "progressive agenda"? a. Feminism b. Segregation c. Gay and lesbian rights d. Multiculturalism

b. Segregation

This theatre professional often uses a computer to aid in creating the stage elements that make up the physical appearance of the stage. a. Sound Designer b. Set Designer c. Technical Director d. Prop Master

b. Set Designer

What are parentheticals? a. Notes that indicate the physical movements of the characters. b. Short descriptions of how a line of dialogue is to be performed. c. The words each character must speak. d. Notes that indicate on which part of the stage the actor should be.

b. Short descriptions of how a line of dialogue is to be performed.

This theatre professional designs and records various effects that range from synthesized rhythms and pre-show music, to the noises of the onstage doorbell or offstage ambulance sirens. a. Set Designer b. Sound Designer c. Technical Director d. Musical Director

b. Sound Designer

This theatre professional not only runs the show during the performance but also helps the director throughout the rehearsal process by taking notes, recording blocking, scheduling rehearsals, and assisting during auditions. a. Artistic Director b. Stage Manager c. Literary Manager d. Producer

b. Stage Manager

According to Culture Wars author Richard Bolton, what does censorship of the arts say about our American democratic society? a. That the American general public does not understand or appreciate fine art. b. That the government failed to articulate the complexity and diversity of the American public. c. That the society has become too liberal and needs to take a step to the right. d. That it is more communistic than democratic.

b. That the government failed to articulate the complexity and diversity of the American public.

What is the last thing to happen just before the theatre doors are locked for the night? a. The stage manager writes the performance report. b. The ghost light is rolled onto the stage. c. Ticket sales are tallied. d. Actors remove their costumes and make-up.

b. The ghost light is rolled onto the stage.

The number of Broadway musicals has steadily declined since the 1920s. Which of the following is not a reason? a. The costs of production have skyrocketed so only huge corporations can afford to invest in making big musicals. b. The themes of modern musical theatre are too controversial for mainstream American theatergoers. c. Other forms of entertainment, namely movies and television, compete with theatre. d. Ticket prices have increased beyond the means of more and more people.

b. The themes of modern musical theatre are too controversial for mainstream American theatergoers.

Which of the following is a job of the house manager? a. To gather cast members in the greenroom. b. To deal with any seating problems and to make sure the play begins on time. c. To turn on the theatre's microphone system so that the actors do not miss their entrances. d. To make final adjustments to costumes and makeup.

b. To deal with any seating problems and to make sure the play begins on time.

Which of the following statements does not reflect the main purpose of the National Endowment for the Arts? a. To uphold the freedom of artists who wish to express a minority view, even if considered offensive by some. b. To let the American people decide which culture is the American culture and aid the direction of government policies and funding to reflect that decision. c. To financially support viewpoints that might otherwise be drowned out. d. To give a voice to all cultures as it "increases the public awareness of our cultural heritage."

b. To let the American people decide which culture is theAmerican culture and aid the direction of government policies and funding to reflect that decision.

Why did actors begin wearing stage makeup? a. To denote villains victims b. To make their expressions visible in dim theatres c. To mimic actors from ancient Greece d. To avoid wearing masks

b. To make their expressions visible in dim theatres

Which of the following likely would not provide a character with an inner conflict? a. A ghost from the past b. Unexpected good news c. A sense of inadequacy d. An unresolved argument

b. Unexpected good news

When we watch a production of Hamlet, we know that the actors playing Gertrude and Hamlet will not actually die after being poisoned. What term explains our decision to go with the flow? a. A standing ovation b. Willing suspension of disbelief c. Breaking the fourth wall d. Aesthetic distance

b. Willing suspension of disbelief

If the character's internal turmoil is powerful enough to affect good judgment and causes the character to make unfortunate choices, then it's called a ____________________, which can prevent him from achieving his goal. a. motivation b. a character flaw c. a superobjective d. given circumstances

b. a character flaw

An environment that is conducive to creativity has all of the following attributes except: a. a mingling of different lifestyles and beliefs b. a conformist culture and an insistence on adherence to tradition c. a free exchange of ideas d. an encouragement of new ways of problem solving

b. a conformist culture and an insistence on adherence to tradition

The Broadway play Beautiful was built around the music of Carole King; therefore, it is known as ________ musical. a. a book b. a jukebox c. a dance d. an operatic

b. a jukebox

One of the most valuable historical records of Indian theatre is the Natyasastra, which is _______________________. a. an ancient form of ritual dance, song, and storytelling b. a written compilation of dramatic theory and practice written sometime between 200 BCE and 200 CE c. a form of Sanskrit drama d. All of these are correct in identifying the Natyasastra.

b. a written compilation of dramatic theory and practice written sometime between 200 BCE and 200 CE

This type of set features true-to-life interior rooms, allowing the audience to look in on characters' private lives. a. in-the-round set b. box set c. site specific set d. tennis court set

b. box set

These impromptu farces were performed by professional acting troupes throughout Italy in the 1500s. a. mystery troupes b. commedia dell'arte c. boy companies d. the groundlings

b. commedia dell'arte

Big budget Broadway musicals like Chicago, that are designed to appeal to the majority of people, can best be described as ____________________. a. historical theatre b. commercial theatre c. political theatre d. experimental theatre

b. commercial theatre

There are subtle ways to lead the audience's eyes and pull focus. When the actor standing away from a group pulls focus, it is called __________________. a. triangulation b. contrast c. level d. attention seeking

b. contrast

Which of the following is introduced in the middle of the play? a. denouement b. crisis c. disturbance d. exposition

b. crisis

Although there are many theories about how theatre began in Athens, many scholars accept Aristotle's claim that theatre grew out of a ritual called the ____________________, a hymn sung at the altar of the god Dionysus. a. homage b. dithyramb c. satyr d. preface

b. dithyramb

Which of the following types of plays break down the barriers and push the limits of traditional theatre by eliminating the actor/ audience relationship or by trying out new staging techniques? a. commercial theatre b. experimental theatre c. political theatre d. historical theatre

b. experimental theatre

A work that ignores common standards of technique and beauty, that reflects no skill, that offends viewer's sensibilities, and is practically impossible to comprehend cannot be considered art. a. true b. false

b. false

All plays have a style. Some plays, like most television shows, are lifelike imitations of nature. This is a style known as surrealism. a. True b. False

b. false

Americans were the first to add song and dance to theatre. a. True b. False

b. false

Artists create because they want to reinforce the audience's values; entertainers create primarily to express themselves. a. true b. false

b. false

Collaboration is essential to creativity. a. True b. False

b. false

Freedom of speech allows a playwright to write a script in which the government is criticized, changes are demanded, or which advocates violence for removing leadership from power. a. True b. False

b. false

The two decades after World War II were considered the golden age of American musicals because the productions were over-the-top, mindless spectaculars. a. True b. False

b. false

Three of the most productive questions for analysis were proposed by Greek philosopher Aristotle: What is the artist trying to do? How well has the artist done it? Is it worth doing? a. True b. False

b. false

To a certain extent, all works of art share five basic qualities: (1) they are created by humans, (2) they create consensus, (3) they have a subject, (4) they use a medium, and (5) they are structured. a. true b. false

b. false

Two types of permanent public playhouses began appearing around London: small indoor theatres such as the Blackfriars, which were open to the general public, and huge outdoor theatres such as the Rose and the Globe, which catered to wealthy clientele and echoed the arena-like design as in ancient Rome. a. True b. False

b. false

he primary motive behind many reviewers today is to promote a play to help the theatre survive in an environment of intense competition from film and television entertainment. a. True b. False

b. false

Noncreative people may look at a situation and see only chaos, but creative people have the ability to ________ a. bypass the situation b. find (or create) order c. deny its existence d. overlook problems

b. find (or create) order

By 1915, it looked like theatre was being killed off by ________. a. automobile b. movie theatres c. Kodak still camera d. the Industrial Revolution

b. movie theatres

The technique that directors use to compose pictures with the actors that reinforces the story is called _______________. a. imaging b. picturization c. staging d. visualization

b. picturization

Aristotle deconstructed plays into six basic elements. Which one was essential in ancient tragedies but is optional in theatre today? a. Diction b. Song c. Thought d. Plot

b. song

When actors have little or no emotional bond with a character, they replace the character's emotions with unrelated but personal emotions of their own. This technique is called: a. magic if b. substitution c. technical approach d. emotional memory

b. substitution

After World War I, ________ musicals and ________ music influenced the musical theatre. a. dance, swing b. sweetheart, jazz c. operatic, classic d. jukebox, popular music

b. sweetheart, jazz

Which of the following "isms" sought to replace the specific and concrete with the suggestive and metaphorical? a. absurdism b. symbolism c. expressionism d. existentialism

b. symbolism

A ____________________ is a post-performance discussion where the audience gets a chance to meet and ask questions of the director, actors and playwright. a. standing ovation b. talk-back c. rehearsal d. preview

b. talk-back

What kind of theatre did Romans prefer? a. satire b. unsophisticated comedy c. Musical d. tragedy

b. unsophisticated comedy

Different types of songs are used for different dramatic and theatrical purposes. Which type of song would enhance a touching, romantic moment? a. A comedy number b. A showstopper c. A ballad d. Choral

c. A ballad

What is the major difference between a review and criticism? a. A review leads you to a greater understanding of a play while a criticism tells you want someone thinks of a play. b. A review is published in specialty theatre publications while criticism is published in daily newspapers. c. A review is an opinion and a criticism is a detailed analysis. d. A review is shorter in length than a criticsm.

c. A review is an opinion and a criticism is a detailed analysis.

What aspect of Eastern theatre influenced American designer Julie Taymor in her work on The Lion King? a. Kathakali and Kabuki-inspired productions of Greek tragedies and Shakespeare's plays b. Fables and history from all over the world exploring the universal human experience c. African, Asian, Mayan, and Indian traditional uses of puppetry and masks d. All of these are correct.

c. African, Asian, Mayan, and Indian traditional uses of puppetry and masks

Which of the following is not characteristic of the commedia dell'arte plays? a. Each actor specialized in playing one particular stock character based on a common stereotype. b. The Church looked upon its vagabond actors as rogues and a public nuisance. c. All parts were played by either men or boys. d. Common subjects of the plays were slaves tricking their masters, misunderstandings between lovers, and peasants who are smarter than aristocrats.

c. All parts were played by either men or boys.

Which of the following playwrights wrote about stagnant and helpless people whose frustrating inaction, this writer hoped, would prompt audience members to take action in their own lives? a. Oscar Wilde b. Henrik Ibsen c. Anton Chekhov d. George Bernard Shaw

c. Anton Chekhov

Which statement accurately describes theatre in the digital age? a. The average age of a person who attends a Broadway musical is 23. b. Theatres are adding cutting-edge technologies to many performances. c. Artistic directors are choosing crowd-pleasing musicals like Always Patsy Cline over classics by Ibsen and Shakespeare. d. Increasing government and patron support have allowed many theatres to experiment with socially relevant plays like Nickel and Dimed.

c. Artistic directors are choosing crowd-pleasing musicals like Always Patsy Cline over classics by Ibsen and Shakespeare.

Which of the following playwrights was a good friend of William Shakespeare and is buried upright in Westminster Abbey? a. Thomas Kyd b. Christopher Marlowe c. Ben Jonson d. Pierre Corneille

c. Ben Jonson

Which playwright wrote many of the masques staged by Inigo Jones, which offended the Puritans? a. Molière b. Thomas Marlowe c. Ben Jonson d. All of the above

c. Ben Jonson

Artists create the perception of order in many ways. which of the following is not one of them? a. By emphasizing certain parts of life and deemphasizing others b. By creating a meaningful form c. By meticulously creating a slavish copy or an exact replica of visual media d. By selecting and arranging their perceptions of the world

c. By meticulously creating a slavish copy or an exact replica of visual media

Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. For many of us, failure is not an option in our jobs or in our lives. b. Creative people test their ideas and seek criticism. c. Creativity happens when failure is not an option. d. Creative people know that the odds of finding a creative answer to a problem are directly related to the number of attempts.

c. Creativity happens when failure is not an option.

The skills that directors most need to create a production that is made by many, but "speaks" in a single voice, includes all of the following except: Which of the following statements about the skills a director needs to succeed is FALSE? a. Directors are relatively new to the history of the theatre. b. Directors represent audience members in the way they frame scenes. c. Directors often begin their careers in office management, which allows them to better manage theatre staff. d. Directors must be able to coordinate all theatre personnel to work with a singleness of purpose.

c. Directors often begin their careers in office management, which allows them to better manage theatre staff.

Which of the following is not an example of a major dramatic question (MDQ) ? a. Will Dorothy Gale ever find her place in the world? b. What is the point of revenge? c. Does Hamlet avenge his father's death? d. Will Elder Price understand that religious message is more important than adherence to scripture?

c. Does Hamlet avenge his father's death?

Although each person in a theatre audience is an individual, as a group their feelings, reactions, and thoughts can be manipulated in three ways. Which of the following is not one of these ways? a. The suspension of belief b. Group dynamics c. Dramatic criticism d. Aesthetic distance

c. Dramatic criticism

In the last part of a formula plot, the end, what is the sequence of the structural components to bring the play to a close? a. Denouement, enlightenment, climax b. Climax, denouement, enlightenment c. Enlightenment, climax, denouement d. Climax, enlightenment, denouement

c. Enlightenment, climax, denouement

_____________ plays often use deliberate distortion such as walls slanted inward to create a claustrophobic feeling, and characters that are portrayed as the protagonist sees them, such as pigs or cogs in a machine. a. Impressionist b. Absurd c. Expressionist d. Surrealistic

c. Expressionist

Which of the following terms is used when an actor forgets her lines? a. Speed through b. Bad run c. Going up d. Off book

c. Going up

The Duke of Saxe-Meiningen, Georg II, is known as the first modern director for many reasons. Which of the following is not one of them? a. His costumes, scenery, and props were fully integrated and authentic. b. He made many advances in staging. c. He eliminated rehearsals, but ordered his actors to explore every psychological aspect of their characters. d. He organized his actors - his subjects - into an ensemble in which there were no stars.

c. He eliminated rehearsals, but ordered his actors to explore every psychological aspect of their characters.

Which of the following is not true of a "rehearsal report"? a. It is circulated among everyone involved with the production to let them know how rehearsal went. b. It informs designers about any concerns. c. It is written by the director. d. It includes any ideas that arose affecting the set, lights, props, or costumes sight lines.

c. It is written by the director.

Which musical attempted to become a hit by building its story around popular music the audience already knows? a. Legally Blonde b. The Fantasticks c. Mamma Mia! d. Hamilton

c. Mamma Mia!

Which of the following accurately describes a difference between the Writer's Guild of America (WGA) and the Dramatists Guild of America (DGA)? a. Members of the WGA are considered managers in their professions. Members of the DGA are writers-for-hire. b. The WGA is an open-shop union and the DGA is a closed-shop union. c. Members of WGA have power when demanding higher pay. Members of the DGA have little power to demand higher pay. d. The WGA comprises playwrights and the DGA comprises television and screenwriters.

c. Members of WGA have power when demanding higher pay. Members of the DGA have little power to demand higher pay.

The quintessential American musical combines which two genres of theatre? a. Musical drama, operetta b. Musical drama, vaudeville c. Musical comedy, serious drama d. Musical comedy, minstrel show

c. Musical comedy, serious drama

Which of the following was one of Sophocles' most famous characters? a. Agamemnon b. Orestes c. Oedipus Rex d. Clytemnestra

c. Oedipus Rex

The first American play to win a Pulitzer Prize, the highest award given for American drama, was awarded to which of the following? a. A Chorus Line b. Guys and Dolls c. Of Thee I Sing d. How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying

c. Of Thee I Sing

Which of the following describes a type of musical theatre where all the dramatic lines are sung to grand classical music? a. Revue b. Musical comedy c. Opera d. Vaudeville

c. Opera

Which influential playwright during The Golden Age of Spanish theatre was ahead of his time because he attempted to explain the human character as shaped by environmental and psychological causes, rather than by fate or dictated by "final cause"? a. Lope de Vega b. Miguel de Cervantes c. Pedro Calderón de la Barca d. Lope de Rueda

c. Pedro Calderón de la Barca

Which Eastern theatre form did the German playwright Bertolt Brecht imitate by having actors perform on a bare stage and make no attempt to hide the fact that it was a performance? a. Kabuki b. Shadow plays c. Peking opera d. Bunraku

c. Peking opera

Which of the following statements most accurately describes how playwrights handle a theme? a. The theme typically is stated outright, so it is not left open to interpretation by audiences and readers. b. The best themes make statements about life in the present without regard to how the central idea will stand the test of time. c. Playwrights allow the theme to reveal itself during the writing process. d. Playwrights believe explicit themes are more powerful than when revealed through action.

c. Playwrights allow the theme to reveal itself during the writing process.

Which of the following members of the theatre ensemble manage the budget? a. Artistic director, head of publicity b. Producer, technical director c. Producer, artistic director d. Director, head of publicity

c. Producer, artistic director

This type of theatre separates the stage from the audience creating the illusion of seeing the play through a picture frame. a. Arena theatre b. Black box theatre c. Proscenium arch theatre d. Thrust theatre

c. Proscenium arch theatre

Which institution or group in England attacked the theatre because they believed that the only way to escape the fires of hell was through hard work, abstinence from all profane amusements and sensual pleasures, and careful observance of religious rites? a. Catholic Church b. Anglican Church c. Puritans d. University Wits

c. Puritans

This ancient Greek playwright's plays are known for their complex characterization, harmonious lyrics, and effective dialogue. He also concentrated his plays on just a few critical moments within a character's life. a. Aristotle b. Euripides c. Sophocles d. Aeschylus

c. Sophocles

Religious dramas called autos sacramentales were still being performed in ____________________ two hundred years after liturgical plays had lost popularity in the rest of Europe. Even though secular plays were allowed, they often had liturgical and ____________ themes. a. England, colonial b. Germany, nationalistic c. Spain, patriotic d. Italy, fascist

c. Spain, patriotic

What aspect of Indian Sanskrit drama influenced Western playwrights such as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Bertolt Brecht? a. The happy endings and non-violent themes b. Emphasis on feeling and stylized movements of actors c. The staging techniques and epic proportion of the plays d. Use of standard roles such as scholar, lover, hero, maiden

c. The staging techniques and epic proportion of the plays

Which of the following statements about how actors train their bodies is FALSE? a. Actors may train in fencing to prepare for fight scenes. b. Actors may practice yoga and martial arts to enhance movement. c. Unlike athletes who train for years, most actors achieve greater physical control quite reduce body tension d. Actors learn to reduce body tension as they focus on the mannerisms of a character.

c. Unlike athletes who train for years, most actors achieve greater physical control quite reduce body tension

The next time you have a problem to solve, which of the following presents the best sequence for solving it? a. Write down choose the top three most probable solutions. / Walk away from the list. / Return and evaluate each solution. b. Write down each solution that comes to mind solutions with the most probable one at the top and least probable one at the bottom. / Walk away from the list. / Return and evaluate the first three solutions. c. Write down every solution that comes to mind. / Walk away from the problem and list. / Return and evaluate each solution. d. Write each solution under one of two categories : possible and improbable. / Walk away from the list. / Return and evaluate each of the possible solutions.

c. Write down every solution that comes to mind. / Walk away from the problem and list. / Return and evaluate each solution.

A single unit of thought is called __________________________. a. an objective b. a French scene c. a beat d. technical approach

c. a beat

In ancient Greece, playwrights staged the plays they wrote. The term for these playwright-directors was didaskalos, which also means __________. a. a disciplinarian b. a guide c. a teacher d. one who inspires

c. a teacher

Which of the following philosophers would agree with the statement: "Theatre is therapy for the soul." a. plato b. pascal c. aristotle d. socrates

c. aristotle

To sanitize a script in order to remove anything that might be deemed offensive: a. cauterize b. enflame c. bowdlerize d. harvest

c. bowdlerize

The time the actors arrive at the theatre is known as their ____________________, and the time the play starts is called ____________________. a. preparation / the go b. start time / end time c. call / curtain d. appointment / the game

c. call / curtain

The purpose of Greek tragedies was not to make the audience feel somber but to enable them to experience an intense twofold feeling known as ______________, which occurs when one truly encounters life and confronts its many riddles. a. hubris b. peripeteia c. catharsis d. hamartia

c. catharsis

Some members of the American public want to be warned about the content of a particular play and to restrict the content of plays so that certain ideas will never be heard, even by those who desire to hear them. This restriction is known as: a. sedition b. lampooning c. censorship d. encoding

c. censorship

When was the first text written about how to write a play? a. approcimately 535 b. in the early 12th century c. circa 350 bc d. in the late 1400s

c. circa 350 bc

Orson Welles' production of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar - in which he placed the action in pre-World War II Rome, made the character of Caesar into the dictator Benito Mussolini, and replaced the Shakespearean music with the anthem of Mussolini's fascist regime - made a political statement in 1937 and was considered to be a ___________ production. a. illegal b. creative c. concept d. political

c. concept

Which of the following terms is defined as the key to the movement of a story and is what qualifies a theatrical work as a 'play'? a. theme b. dialogue c. conflict d. character

c. conflict

Two basic elements of humanist theatre popular in Italy were adherence to Aristotle's unities________________ and ___________________. a. dancing b. choral singing c. declamatory acting d. puppetry

c. declamatory acting

All the theatre designers must work together to create the visual effects of a dramatic production—in other words, the play's ______________, which sets the tone and reminds the audience who the players are and where in time and place they're supposed to be. a. genre b. attitude c. environment d. metaphor

c. environment

We all see the world from our own point of view, and most people tend to think that their take on it is the correct view. This phenomenon is called: a. culture b. stereotype c. ethnocentrism d. multiculturalism

c. ethnocentrism

A theatre's ____________________, written by the artistic director, declares in clear and concise terms the theatre's purpose and key objectives. It can also state what type of theatre is to be produced—from comedies and classics to thought-provoking, socially relevant plays or perhaps even new plays by up-and-coming playwrights. a. program liner notes b. non-profit status c. mission statement d. dramaturgical research

c. mission statement

If the story is the chronological sequence of events, then the _____________________ is the causal and logical structure that connects events. a. dialogue b. theme c. plot d. action

c. plot

Which of the following plays of social indictment had the common theme, "We have met the enemy and he is us"? a. comedy of manners b. satires c. problem plays d. farces

c. problem plays

In the twentieth century, many Western directors cited Eastern theatre as a major influence in their work during the revolt against ____________________________. a. traditionalism b. naturalism c. realism d. surrealism

c. realism

Two forms of Islamic theatre that existed prior to coming into cultural contact with the West include: a. Puppet theatre and ritual theatre b. puppet theatre and the Ta'ziyeh religious dramas of Iran c. shadow theatre and the Ta'ziyeh religious dramas of Iran d. Shadow theatre and ritual theatre

c. shadow theatre and the Ta'ziyeh religious dramas of Iran

The ____ of a work of art is what the work i about, what it reflects or attempts to comprehend. a. must b. medium c. subject d. theme

c. subject

Which of the following is not a basic type of theatre of the people? a. cross-cultural theatre b. theatre of identity c. theatre of coexistence d. theatre of protest

c. theatre of coexistence

This type of theatre promotes a particular people's awareness of themselves and their experiences, traditions, and culture: a. theatre of the oppressed b. theatre of coexistence c. theatre of identity d. cross-cultural theatre

c. theatre of identity

The main features of ancient Greek theatres were a seating area called the __________________, or "seeing place" and a circular playing area called the ______________________ or "dancing place," a. orchestra, skene b. skene, theatron c. theatron, orchestra d. choregos, theatron

c. theatron, orchestra

Which term describes the principles, standards, or qualities considered worth while or desirable within a given society? a. goals b. aesthetics c. values d. politics

c. values

The scenery of Elizabethan theatre was minimal, so playwrights' words painted pictures so that the audience could "dress" the stage in their imagination. This technique was known as: a. visual reality b. visualization c. verbal scene painting d. iambic pentameter

c. verbal scene painting

Who ________________ was known as the father of tragedy and the earliest writer of Greek tragedy whose plays still exist? a. Aristotle b. Sophocles c. Euripides d. Aeschylus

d. Aeschylus

French tragic playwrights wrote in ________, which sounds rather boring to modern ears. a. iambic pentameter b. couplets c. elegy d. Alexandrine Verse

d. Alexandrine Verse

Which of the following may be an antagonist? a. A one-dimensional person b. A force in nature c. An aspect of the protagonist's own character d. All of the these.

d. All of the these.

How did the fall of Athens to the Spartans, which ended the Peloponnesian War, affect the growth of theatre in Greece? a. The pragmatism of Spartan thinking produced few poets, artists, actors, or playwrights. b. Freedom of speech was strictly controlled so playwrights turned to safe themes, more mundane topics, such as marital misunderstandings and meddling in-laws. c. Greek tragedy became shallow, scripts were mediocre, and performances seldom noteworthy. d. All of these affected the growth of Greek theatre.

d. All of these affected the growth of Greek theatre.

Rather than rating a particular production, literary criticism has more to do with delving into a play's: a. aesthetic effect b. history c. dramatic structure d. All of these are correct.

d. All of these are correct

The running crew includes which of the following jobs: a. stagehands b. dressers c. riggers d. All of these are running crew jobs.

d. All of these are running crew jobs.

Aristophanes' famous comedy Lysistrata? a. is an anti-war comedy. b. is about a woman who organizes the women of Athens and Sparta to deny their husbands sex until the men stop the war. c. was written during the Peloponnesian War which lasted 27 years. d. All of these describe Lysistrata.

d. All of these describe Lysistrata.

Which of the following entities decide what the general public will hear, see, and read, as well as which actors, musicians, writers, and artists will be spotlighted? a. Powerful entertainment corporations that know what the public wants b. Organizations that have the means to make the art or entertainment available c. People of power with the most status, money, and privilege d. All of these entities make the entertainment decisions.

d. All of these entities make the entertainment decisions.

Despite the decline in productions over the years, the American musical has staged a comeback. How has it accomplished this? a. By staging revivals of popular older musicals b. By basing "new" musicals on well-known movies c. By producing small musicals with small casts and that can be produced on a shoestring. d. All of these have helped musicals stage a comeback.

d. All of these have helped musicals stage a comeback.

How did the Western world influence Chinese theatre? a. Urban students staged plays by Brecht and Ibsen to shed light on China's social and political problems. b. Realism is still the dominant form of Western theatre performed in China today c. Many of the Peking opera's simple stages have been replaced with proscenium arches, including curtains and an orchestra pit. d. All of these have influenced Chinese theatre.

d. All of these have influenced Chinese theatre.

Producing a large-scale production, such as a musical, may include which of the following theatre professionals? a. Musical Director b. Choreographer c. Fight Director d. All of these may be included.

d. All of these may be included.

Which of the following originated in Italy and influenced theatre throughout Europe? a. commedia dell'arte, b. humanist theatre c. perspective scenery d. All of these originated in Italy.

d. All of these originated in Italy.

How did Islamic audiences respond to the introduction of Western theatre in the 1800s due to colonization by Britain, France, and Italy? a. Because they were used to puppets, the human actors were foreign to them. b. They kept most early performances private and that were not unseen by the general public. c. In 1847, Marun al-Naqqash wrote the first European-style play in Arabic. d. All of these reflect Islamic audiences' responses to Western influence.

d. All of these reflect Islamic audiences' responses to Western influence.

Which of the following describes how the introduction of Western influence affected the tradition of Kabuki theatre? a. It prompted the emergence of a modified form of Kabuki which translates as the New School of Movement. b. It toned down the spectacle of Kabuki and allowed some Western realism into the performances. c. Women played women's parts for the first time in hundreds of years, but only in Shimpa plays. d. All of these reflect Western influences on Japanese theatre.

d. All of these reflect Western influences on Japanese theatre.

Like singers, actors take years of voice training to learn to control ________. a. Pitch b. Volume c. Resonance d. All of these.

d. All of these.

Playwriting is a limited form of storytelling, so to build a story, a play script is limited to: a. dialogue b. stage Directions c. parentheticals d. All of these.

d. All of these.

Today's sound designers can record, mix, filter, reverberate, modulate, amplify, and cue up sound effects exactly when they are needed. Their sources for these sounds include _____. a. recording sounds from real life b. using sounds from vast sound libraries c. digitally sculpting sounds d. All of these.

d. All of these.

Which of the following acting techniques would be an example of controlling your emotions from the outside/in? a. Wearing a costume b. Holding a prop that relates to your character c. Dressing like a professional for a job interview d. All of these.

d. All of these.

Which playwright of Greek comedies is famous for caricatures of Greek leaders, stinging attacks on society, lampooning celebrities in the audience, and writing about a father who advises his spendthrift son to take lessons from Socrates on logic and argumentation to outfox his creditors? a. Euripides b. Aeschylus c. Sophocles d. Aristophanes

d. Aristophanes

In a repertory theatre, which two of following members of a theatre ensemble carry the most responsibility for getting the administrative, creative, construction, and production teams on the same page to produce what appears to be an effortless theatre experience? a. Artistic Director, Director b. Stage Manager, Technical Director c. Playwright, Director d. Artistic Director, Stage Manager

d. Artistic Director, Stage Manager

This word can describe any work of art that is experimental, innovative, or unconventional. Examples include symbolism, Dadaism, surrealism, and absurdism. a. Romantic b. Uber-realism c. Expressionism d. Avant-garde

d. Avant-garde

For most of theatre's history, what was the most common way for a person to learn acting? a. By watching a great many performances from the audience b. By attending acting school c. By being born into an acting family d. By becoming an apprentice in a theatre

d. By becoming an apprentice in a theatre

Which book written by an American author has been the most frequently censored book in the United States since its publication in 1951, primarily because the main character takes the Lord's name in vain almost 300 times? a. Beloved by Toni Morrison b. The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Malcolm X and Alex Haley c. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury d. Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger.

d. Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

In theatre lingo, this kind of audition is also known as the "open call," where actors only have about one minute to show what they can do. a. 60-second audition b. Cold reading c. Callback d. Cattle call

d. Cattle call

In this type of audition, actors are simply handed a script and are not given time to prepare. a. Spontaneous audition b. Callback c. Role call d. Cold reading

d. Cold reading

________________ has changed the way set designers work because it allows almost unlimited changes and creative experimentation. a. Data warehousing b. Elevation c. Physical modeling d. Computer aided design (CAD)

d. Computer aided design (CAD)

This type of director adds concepts and designs beyond what the writer intended. a. Interpretive director b. Conceptual director c. Casting director d. Creative director

d. Creative director

At the beginning of a formula plot, information about the characters and setting is conveyed through several structural components. Which is not one of them? a. disturbance b. Event c. Major dramatic questions d. Enlightenment

d. Enlightenment

Which of the following statements about Euripides and Medea is false? a. Euripides won only four popularity contests, like the one held at the Theatre of Dionysus. b. Euripides questioned the existence of the gods c. The protagonist in Medea sought revenge, destroyed her ex-husband's life, and killed her children without retribution for her actions. d. Euripides is the least produced of the ancient Greek tragic playwrights.

d. Euripides is the least produced of the ancient Greek tragic playwrights

Which of the following playwrights wrote about the moral failings of modern society in A Doll's House and Hedda Gabler? a. Anton Chekhov b. Voltaire c. Oscar Wilde d. Henrik Ibsen

d. Henrik Ibsen

Which of the following statements about the Ta'ziyeh religious drama of Iran is false? a. It contains some comedic plays. b. Religious leaders sometimes condemn their being enacted because of the ban on graven images. c. The plays enact the suffering and death of the Prophet of Islam's grandson. d. In Saudi Arabia, both female and male actors perform in open-air spaces.

d. In Saudi Arabia, both female and male actors perform in open-air spaces.

Why was Rodgers' and Hammerstein's production of Oklahoma! considered influential? a. It incorporated storytelling techniques new to musicals. b. It used dance to develop the plot. c. It used dance to develop the characters. d. It was influential for all of these reasons.

d. It was influential for all of these reasons.

In which country was opera developed 500 years ago? a. Germany b. France c. China d. Italy

d. Italy

This is the ability to order and unify structures and to perceive patterns and causal relationships. a. Personal intelligences b. Musical intelligence c. Linguistic intelligence d. Logical-mathematical intelligence

d. Logical-mathematical intelligence

How were contemporaries Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare similar? a. They were both well-known actors. b. They were both well educated. c. They both roomed with fellow playwright Thomas Kyd. d. Marlowe wrote plays filled with classical allusions.

d. Marlowe wrote plays filled with classical allusions.

Why did minstrel shows flourish in the United States? a. Black music was very popular. b. The shows gave Northern white audiences an idea a of what the lives of the slaves were like. c. It was considered improper for whites to go to a theatre to hear black musicians play so white performers wore blackface and performed what was supposedly black music. d. Minstrel shows thrived for all of these reasons.

d. Minstrel shows thrived for all of these reasons.

This French playwright was supported by King Louis XIV. He wrote scathing comedies, such as Tartuffe, that satirized French life. a. Pierre Corneille b. Jean Racine c. Jacques Pradon d. Molière

d. Molière

Which of the following French playwrights was called "a demon in flesh" and told that he should be burned at the stake as "a foretaste of the fires of hell" for writing plays about a religious hypocrite and freethinker who doesn't believe in heaven, hell, or devils? a. Jean Racine b. Pierre Corneille c. Jacques Pradon d. Molière

d. Molière

Starting in the late 1950s, small theatres sprang up in several Manhattan neighborhoods to put on plays about the issues of the day. These theatres became collectively known as ____________________. a. Times Square b. LORT houses c. regional theatre d. Off Broadway

d. Off Broadway

This French playwright refused to follow the strict writing code of l'Académie française (the French Academy). His popular play Le Cid was loved by the public, but criticized by the Academy. a. Jacques Pradon b. Jean Racine c. Molière d. Pierre Corneille

d. Pierre Corneille

This type of theatre makes no attempt to offer a realistic illusion onstage, and the actors openly acknowledge the audience and sometimes even invite members to participate. a. Representational theatre b. Method acting c. Realism d. Presentational theatre

d. Presentational theatre

This theatre professional financially backs the theatre or orchestrates funding through grant money and ticket sales. a. Stage Manager b. Artistic Director c. Literary Manager d. Producer

d. Producer

Which of the following statements about theatrical sound is FALSE? a. Sound designers can win Tony Awards as of 2008. b. Sound designers know where to place speakers for desired effects. c. The right sound can often express things that words cannot. d. Sound effects were first used on one of Shakespeare's plays.

d. Sound effects were first used on one of Shakespeare's plays.

Which of the following terms is defined "shortcuts in thinking that attribute a generalized identity to people who are not like us." a. Profiling b. Culture c. Enculturation d. Stereotypes

d. Stereotypes

Malcolm Gladwell, author of Outliers: The Story of Success, popularized the ________ rule, which suggests that this is the minimum amount of time masters of creativity spend practicing in their respective fields before rising to significant and constant success. a. 10,000-hour b. 1,000-day c. 1,000-hour d. 100-day

a. 10,000-hour

Which of the following would be considered a set decoration? a. A chandelier hanging high above a dining room table b. The living room sofa used by the family c. The bed the character sleeps in d. A pen used to sign a contract

a. A chandelier hanging high above a dining room table

Which of the following qualifies as having a short run of a play? a. A community theatre production that runs for less than 10 performances. b. Any play that runs for no more than two years. c. A Broadway play that runs for a year. d. An off-Broadway production that runs more than a couple of months but less than a year.

a. A community theatre production that runs for less than 10 performances.

When we watch a production of Hamlet, we enjoy the acting and the spectacle, but also find ourselves contemplating its themes, like the idea of revenge. What term describes this phenomenon? a. Aesthetic distance b. Breaking the fourth wall c. Willing suspension of disbelief d. A standing ovation

a. Aesthetic distance

This type of theatre is presented in-the-round, similar to a boxing ring. a. Arena theatre b. Black box theatre c. Proscenium arch theatre d. Thrust theatre

a. Arena theatre

Which of the following lists the basic order in which designers approach the preparatory work for their respective contributions to the play? a. Research the customs, manners, and culture of the time / study the script / research the customs, manners, and culture of the time / develop an understanding of the characters b. Study the script / examine the theatre space / develop an understanding of the characters / research the customs, manners, and culture of the time c. Examine the theatre space / study the script / research the customs, manners, culture of the time / develop an understanding of the characters d. Study the script / develop an understanding of the characters / research the customs, manners, and culture of the time / examine the theatre space

d. Study the script / develop an understanding of the characters / research the customs, manners, and culture of the time / examine the theatre space

Which acting coach emphasizes physical and mental stamina, including training the body so completely that actors are able to express emotion with their feet? a. Stella Adler b. Lee Strasberg c. Sanford Meisner d. Tadashi Suzuki

d. Tadashi Suzuki

What is the main difference between a non-formula plot and a formula plot? a. In the non-formula plot, the final outcome of the play is a short final scene that shows the audience that the protagonist, because of the preceding events in the play, has learned some kind of lesson. b. The non-formula plot has three basic sections: beginning, middle, and end. c. In the non-formula plot, the fundamental elements (such as event, disturbance, point of attack, major dramatic question, conflict, and so on) all occur in exactly the same order. d. The non-formula plot grows naturally from characters' motivations and needs.

d. The non-formula plot grows naturally from characters' motivations and needs

Which of the following statements about playwrights is FALSE? a. Theatre begins with the playwright who conceives the theme, characters, dialogue, and story. b. The playwright has the most authority over the theme of the play. c. The playwright retains control of their script and technically no director, actor, designer, producer, or anyone else can change the script without permission from the playwright or the playwright's lawyer, publisher, or estate. d. The playwright "builds" the play's outline which the director, actors, and designers then use to inspire their own versions of the dialogue, stage set, portrayal of characters, etc.

d. The playwright "builds" the play's outline which the director, actors, and designers then use to inspire their own versions of the dialogue, stage set, portrayal of characters, etc.

These rigid rules for playwriting insisted that 1) the action of the play take place within twenty-four hours; 2) the play must never combine comedy and tragedy; and 3) all the settings in a play could be reached within twenty-four hours. a. The Poetics b. Shakespeare's Golden Rules c. Rules of Concise Theatre d. The three unities

d. The three unities

Researchers have found that creative people share many traits. Which of the following is not one of them? a. They are resourceful when unusual circumstances arise. b. They have a hopeful outlook when facing complex or difficult tasks. c. They enjoy being playful. d. They work against their own impulses.

d. They work against their own impulses.

This type of theatre's stage protrudes out into the seats so the audience sits on three sides. a. Proscenium arch theatre b. Black box theatre c. Arena theatre d. Thrust theatre

d. Thrust theatre

Which of the following plays does not attempt to combat or minimize ethnocentrism? a. On the Road: A Search for American Character b. Roosters c. Watermelon Rinds d. Trojan Women

d. Trojan Women

Which of the following statements about creative problem solving is FALSE? a. Critical thinking skills are necessary when testing the solution. b. Brainstorming can be a group or an individual act. c. Most problems are made up of dozens of smaller problems. d. Unlike the sciences, testing the solution in the theatre does not require data.

d. Unlike the sciences, testing the solution in the theatre does not require data.

Which of the following does not describe the effect that colonization had on African theatre? a. Biblical themes brought by missionaries were used to win converts. b. Islam's antagonistic view of theatre meant fewer theatre performances c. Occupying governments used drama to promote their political views. d. Western plays performed at the time celebrated and assimilated African theatre.

d. Western plays performed at the time celebrated and assimilated African theatre.

You have just earned an MFA and landed your first job in community theatre. You plan on a long and varied acting career. Which of the following organizations would you join? a. Actors Equity Association b. Screen Actors Guild c. American Federation of Television and Radio Artists d. You join all of above these organizations.

d. You join all of above these organizations.

Allowing your mind to wander in appropriate situations can do which of the following? a. Activate different parts of our brain b. Make us more imaginative c. Make us more productive d. all of these

d. all of these

When it comes to creativity, which is more important than raw intelligence? a. The kind of intelligence you have b. Talent c. Technique d. all of these

d. all of these

Which of the following is considered a spatial art? a. dance b. movie c. theatre d. architecture

d. architecture

The movement of actors on stage is called ____________________. a. intention b. objective c. motivation d. blocking

d. blocking

The costume designer is an expert at play analysis, especially ___________ analysis. a. thematic b. actor c. superobjective d. character

d. character

When discussing mental agility, ____________________ thinking is measured by IQ and involves well-defined rational problems that have only one correct answer. ____________________ thinking involves fluency and the ability to generate a multitude of ideas from numerous perspectives. a. inactive / proactive b. aware / unaware c. conscious / unconscious d. convergent / divergent

d. convergent / divergent

Theatre is intended to be experienced by our eyes, our ears, our mind, our whole being, so theatre has always had __________ in one form or another to help create the experience. a. playwrights b. muses c. sound effects d. designers

d. designers

Songs are placed strategically within the story, usually at points where ________. a. scenes and set props need to change b. dance numbers advance the plot c. the audience grows bored d. dialogue is not sufficient to express what the characters are feeling

d. dialogue is not sufficient to express what the characters are feeling

Creativity is ____________________. It is the moment someone invents something that is new or transforms something extant, thereby adding value to our culture, society, or lives. a. dependent on talent b. instantaneous c. correlated to technique d. discovery

d. discovery

Part of Konstantin Stanislavsky's acting method includes ____________________. The idea is to think back over a certain incident and remember it well enough to relive the accompanying feelings. a. the magic if b. a technical approach c. substitution d. emotional memory

d. emotional memory

Our ___________________ is one of the chief factors that helps us develop our talents. a. genetics b. culture c. intelligence d. environment

d. environment

A growing contemporary trend in playwriting is_________. a. for the playwright to work in isolation for the purest vision of the play. b. for the director to push back on the playwright's final script and recreate it, rather than interpret it. c. for the director to also be the playwright for the production. d. for the director , designers, actors, and playwright to collaborate on the script.

d. for the director , designers, actors, and playwright to collaborate on the script.

An innovation of realism, the ____________________ is an imaginary barrier between actors and the audience. a. sight lines b. suspension of disbelief c. aesthetic distance d. fourth wall

d. fourth wall

Experts have found that the reason for wanting to be creative can affect the extent of creativity. If the product is more important than the process, you will be generally ____________________. a. more creative b. more motivated c. less motivated d. less creative

d. less creative

In the West, straight makeup is used to __________. a. make actors look more like the characters they are playing. b. transform a young actor into an older-looking actor. c. exaggerate actors' features d. make actors' faces look more three-dimensional.

d. make actors' faces look more three-dimensional.

By World War I, ________ were dominating Broadway. a. burlesque shows b. melodramatic tragedies c. sentimental dramas d. patriotic comedies

d. patriotic comedies

Performances that mix theatre, visual arts, music, dance, gesture, and rituals are a new type of experimental theatre called ________. a. a problem plays b. Naturalism c. Realism d. performance art

d. performance art

Because artists infuse their beliefs into their work, and are apt to state an opinion that may challenge an audience's values and deconstruct their preconceptions, many artists are likely to become involved in______________. a. fundraising b. international causes c. corporate sponsorships d. political activities

d. political activities

Which category of theatre allows playwrights, directors, and actors to express their personal opinions about current issues and might even ask the audience to join them in calling for social change. a. commercial theatre b. historical theatre c. experimental theatre d. political theatre

d. political theatre

Greek tragedies were presented in groups of three and were followed by a short comic-relief play. This comic-relief play was called a _________________________. a. parody b. trilogy c. burlesque skit d. satyr play

d. satyr play

Aristotle contended that the least important element of a play was: a. thought b. song c. diction d. spectacle

d. spectacle

Ancient Greek plays have a framework consisting of five elements: a prologue, a parodos, alternating episodes and ________, and an exodos. a. commentary b. soliloquy c. chorus d. stasimons

d. stasimons

In the theatre, the medium is exactly the same as the ________. a. time period b. theme c. setting d. subject

d. subject

The plays, We Keep Our Victims Ready and The Conscience of a Scab, exemplify the type of "theatre of the people" known as the _______. a. theatre of coexistence of culture of identity of protest

d. theatre of protest

An actor who takes focus when he is not supposed to is ________ the other actors. a. profiling b. triangulating c. opening himself to d. upstaging

d. upstaging

Actors in the Peking opera ________. a. improvise their singing and speaking parts b. use realistic props to mimic horseback riding and mountain climbing c. use puppets to express deep emotions d. use precise stylized gestures

d. use precise stylized gestures

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