Introduction to Microcomputing - Ch8 - Excel

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mathematical operator used in Excel

+ (addition), - (subtraction), * (multiplication), / (division), and ^ (exponentiation)

default height of a row


Which of the following is not a valid cell or range reference 1)Z1 2)3Z 3)Z1:Z100 4)AA1


default size of a column


Formulas begin with what sign


Which of the following is not a valid operator formula


adds a currency symbol ($ for US and Canada), comma in thousands, and two decimal places

Accounting Number Format

Used to choose a currency symbol other than the dollar sign

Accounting Number Format button arrow

Sheet tab bar

Area with sheet tabs used to navigate between worksheets and New sheet button

Feature used to enter data automatically based on a pattern or series that exists in an adjacent cell or range


Changes the width of the column to fit the contents of the active cell


Automatically detects range to be added


This button creates a SUM function in the active cell


How can a range in Excel be rearranged?

By sorting in either ascending or descending order on one or more columns. (Ex, A list of names and cities can be sorted first by the city then by the last name)

A set of predefined formatting options that can be applied to a single cell or a range

Cell Styles

location of button used to insert or delete cells

Cells group of the Home tab

Formats values with a comma in thousands and two decimal places

Comma Style Format

Font group in Excel

Contains buttons to change font, font size and font color and to apply bold, italic, underline, borders and shading

One decimal place is removed from the active cell or range each time you tap or click this

Decrease Decimal button

name box

Displays active cell address or name assigned to active cell

status bar

Displays messages indicating the current mode of operation

sheet tab

Displays the name of the active worksheet

numbered 1 to 1,048,576

Excel row

Copies entries in the first cell to the other cells within a selected range

Fill Right

new to Excel 2013, it automatically fills data as soon as a pattern is recognized


where AutoSum button is located

HOME tab

To accept an AutoComplete entry

Hit Tab, Enter, or an Arrow key OR continue typing to ignore the suggestion

To select non -adjacent cells in Excel

Hold down the control key while you click the mouse in each desired cell - Ctl + cell

One decimal place is added in the active cell or range each time you tap or click this

Increase Decimal button

When no pattern or series applies, what does the fill feature do?

It can copy an entry or formula across or down to other cells

technique used to add more space between cells to improve readability or emphasize a section of a worksheet

Manually changing the column width or row height

Used to choose to merge without centering or to unmerge a merged cell

Merge and Center button arrow

Used to combine a group of cells into one large cell and center its contents

Merge and Center button in the Alignment group

Used to insert a new worksheet

New sheet button

where Excel opens by default

Normal view

Used to choose other formats for dates, times, fractions or scientific value OR to open the Format Cells dialog box from the More Numbers Formats option

Number format list arrow

Converts decimal values to percentages and includes the percent symbol

Percent Style Format

To delete contents in an active cell

Press Delete key OR tap or click the Clear Button in the editing group of the HOME tab and then click Clear All at the drop-down list

indicates worksheet is ready to accept new data


Do not appear under misspelled words in Excel

Red wavy lines

A preprogrammed function that can be used to add a column or row of numbers


Shows the value that is being copied to selected cells in Fill Handle

Screen Tip

How new sheets are named by default

Sheet# where # is the number of sheets in the workbook

What happens to the cell pointer when you point at the square with a mouse in Fill Handle?

The cell pointer changes appearance from a large white cross to the fill handle (+)

Excel fills many common text or number series and also detects patterns for other data when you select what?

The first few entries in a list

1) Select range, 2) Tap or click Fill button, 3) Tap or click Series, 4) Tap or click Auto Fill , 5) Tap or click OK

To AutoFill a Series

last column of an Excel spreadsheet ever


used to enlarge or shrink display

Zoom button

View and zoom buttons

Zoom, Page Layout, Page Break

New rows are inserted where

above the row

cell with green border around its edges

active cell

location in the worksheet in which next typed data will be stored or that will be affected by a command

active cell

By default, text entries align

at the left edge of a cell

By default, numeric entries align

at the right edge of a cell

How Excel widens columns when a format that adds more characters to a column is applied


Think of a workbook as a "____" and a worksheet as a "_____"

binder; page

Used to underscore column headings or totals or to otherwise emphasize cells


What happens when new rows or columns with data are added to or removed from a worksheet

cell reference within formulas and formula results are automatically updated

"what-if" analysis

change in one or more values in an Excel chart that affects other values

Alignment group

contains buttons to align text or values within cell edges

formula bar

displays contents stored in the active cell and is also used to create formulas

Quick Analysis button

displays when a group of cells has been selected - shows Formatting, Charts, Totals, Tables, and Sparklines

To copy data in Fill Handle OR extend a series from the active cell or range to adjacent cells

drag right or down when you see the fill handle icon

How to begin new worksheet

enter titles and column and row headings to provide organizational layout and context for reader

budgets, income, expenses, investments, loans, schedules, grades, attendance, inventory, research data

examples of data that is saved in Excel


files that you save in Excel

a small, green square that appears at the bottom right corner of the active cell (or selected range) when you are using the Fill Handle to Copy Cells

fill handle

=; cell address; mathematical operator; second cell address

formula entry

Where is the Sort dialog box located

from the Sort & Filter button drop-down list

General Format (no specific appearance options)

how cells in a new worksheet are formatted by default

address of the cell at the top left corner, a colon(:), address of the cell a the bottom right corner (ex.: A1:F15

how to reference a range

cell pointer

icon that displays that you are able to select cells with the mouse by clicking or dragging

Where are Delete Sheet Rows or Delete Sheet Columns button located

in the Delete button arrow drop-down list


intersection of a column and row into which you type text, a value, or a formula

cell pointer in Excel

large white cross icon

How to identify cell

letter of the column and number of the row where the two intersect

HOME tab

location of formatting options for changing the appearance of text, values or formula results


matches an entry in the same column with the first few characters that you type

formulas in Excel

perform calculations to analyze data

To delete a single row or column

position the active cell in any cell within the row or column to be removed and choose Delete Sheet Rows or Delete Sheet Columns

To start over in Excel

press the Esc key

rectangular-shaped group of cells


To format cells in Excel

select cells with a mouse by positioning the cell pointer in the starting cell and dragging in the required direction until all cells have been included in the shaded selection area OR select a cell using touch

To sort by more than one column

select the range and open the Sort dialog box

How to fix if you've tapped or clicked wrong cell

simply tap or click correct cell - the cell reference is not fixed in the formula until you type an operator

Microsoft Excel

spreadsheet application used to create, analyze, and present information that is organized onto a grid of columns and rows


structure into which you enter, edit and manipulate data

How to select cell with no mouse

tap a cell to display handles (round circles) at the top left and bottom right corners

To display the Mini Toolbar which contains most common formatting selections for text

tap inside the selection area

how to move active cell position

tap or click in another cell OR use Arrow keys

When Flash Fill presents a suggested list in dimmed text

tap or press Enter to accept the selections, OR ignore the selections and continue typing

New columns are inserted where

to the left of the column

Difference between selecting cells on a touch device in Excel versus in Word

two selection handles (empty circles) display in the active cell

To spellcheck worksheets in Excel

use the Spelling feature in the Proofing group of the REVIEW tab

buttons in the Numbers group of the HOME tab

used to format the appearance of numeric entries in a worksheet


used to perform mathematical operations on values

horizontal and vertical scroll bars

used to view parts of a worksheet not shown in current viewing area

A Flash Fill Options button appears

when a list is presented with options to undo Flash Fill, accept the suggestions, or select changed cells

collection of worksheets in Excel


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