Introduction to Research and Clinical Epidemiology

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The object of epidemiologic research

Is the occurrence of disease and it's relation to determinatnts

Good studies consist of...

Large sample size Good control of... Bias, confounding effects, random chance

The peer Review Process

Manuscript submitted Referred by editor to 2 or 3 reviews (non-biased) Authors respond to reviser questions and requests for clarifications Decision made ( Reject, Accept, accept if revised)

peer reviewed

Must pay to subscribe and articles are published only after careful analysis by experts

Non-peer reviewed

Often sent free to practitioners and report expert opinions rather than new data

What should a practitioner read?

One of the Big 4 At least one peer reviewed specialty journal. Throw-aways are

Two types of journals

Online and Pay-to-publish -legitimate but predatory

Why do ineffective treatments persist after published articles

Patient may recover in spite of treatment 3 popular rationalization -Didnt start right treatment soon enough -Didnt use the treatment long enough -Used inadequate dose of the treatment

Blinding controls for what

Patient: control placebo effect Researcher: Control for observer bias

Observer bias

People hear and see what they expect Patients want to please their doctors

The means by which new medical knowledge is gained


The gold standard in Clinical Research

Double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

Which research is the best source for information

Evidence-based medicine

Why is human research difficult

Hard to control all the variables Hard to control bias and confounding Hard to control for random chance Hard to protect the rights and safety of patients

All placebos are not equal

Incision> injection> pill> touch> verbal Red pills are the best placebo Placebos can be influenced by culture

Results are published in

Medical literature

Question bias is a type of observation bias, what shouldn't your questions look like

Shouldn't ask" you are feeling better today, aren't you?


The study of factors affection health and Illness of populations.

Effectiveness of placebos

They work best for subjective complains such as pain, well being, and mood They are effective for a brief period of time Work for less than 6 months

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