Introduction to Sociology - Exam # 4

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1-44. The first step in the research process is to develop one or more hypothesis. True or False

F - False

1-45. A discovery made by accident and not accounted for in the original research design must be placed aside and not reported. This protects the integrity of the original design. True or False

F - False

1-46. Secondary analysis is appropriate for contemporary investigations; however, it is almost useless for collecting historical or longitudinal data. True or False

F - False

1-48. Unlike the material aspects of culture, nonmaterial aspects of culture take on the same meanings from one society to another. True or False

F - False

1-49. Social scientists have identified some societies that apparently do not have a culture. True or False

F - False

1-50. Because they are so basic to human social life, concepts like time are understood in the same way in all human cultures. True or False

F - False

2-41. Nurture is the term social scientists use for describing the biologically inherited patterns of complex behavior. T/F


2-43. Gender can be changed through surgery and socialization without the conscious will and consent of the person. T/F


2-44. The status of mayor is dependent on who occupies that position. T/F


2-45. Race is an achieved status in our society. T/F


2-47. People can only occupy one social status at a time T/F


2-48. Statuses and roles are insignificant social characteristics. T/F


1-47. Cultural relativism is an approach to doing objective cross cultural research. True or False

T - True

2-42. Socialization takes place within subcultures of race, ethnicity, class and religion that are part of the general society. T/F


2-46. According to Wilson, although people have free will, our genes make certain behaviors more likely than others. T/F


2-49. Role set is all the roles attached to a single status T/F


2-50. For ethnomethodologist, all social interactions are equally important because they provide information about a society's unwritten rules for social behavior. T/F


2-28. A professional association is: a. a secondary group b. a primary group c. the source of role order in an occupation d. a splinter or subgroup of bureaucracy

a. a secondary group

1-12. Which of the following is NOT true about WEB Dubois? a. because of institutionalized racism, he was never able to obtain a college degree. b. he advocated militant resistance to white racism c. he believed that doctrines and theories had a powerful effect on social conditions d. he felt sociological studies of African Americans would have a positive effect on while public opinion

a. because of institutionalized racism, he was never able to obtain a college degree.

1-23. In a recent national survey, it was learned that the grade point average of college seniors was correlated with their class attendance. In that study, the independent variable was a. class attendance b. class rank in senior status c. grade point average d. the national survey

a. class attendance

1-11. Recent social protests in the US are being called the 99% movement. The name of the movement points to the fact that only 1 percent of households in the country have incomes over a million dollars a year. This movements claims point to long term inequalities and disadvantages based on class in our society. Which paradigm is represented in this story? a. conflict theory b. ethical protest c. survival of the fittest d. social psychology

a. conflict theory

1-33. _______is defined as all that human beings learn to do, to use, to produce and to know and to believe as they grown to maturity and live out their lives in the social groups to which they belong a. culture b. society c. culture shock d. ethnocentrism e. cultural relativity

a. culture

2-17. School class rings, code words, and special handshakes all serve what function? a. define group boundaries b. develop primary relationships c. develop secondary relationships d. gain entry into reference groups e. make members feel good

a. define group boundaries

2-30. Groups tend to: a. descend to the level of the worst member b. mimic or copy the behavior of the most successful member c. often pattern their rules after historical precedents that are part of collective memory d. ascend to the level of a core of regular leaders

a. descend to the level of the worst member

2-12. One of Charles Horton Cooley's principal contributions to sociology was his idea that: a. how we believe others will react to us is important in determining our behavior b. the individual must constantly yield to society's pressure to keep internal feelings under control c. not every person is capable of thinking about morality in exactly the same way d. the generalized other is really the same as the superego, or conscience e. the sum total of an individuals personality is determined by cognitive development

a. how we believe others will react to us is important in determining our behavior

1-17. Explaining how crime rates are related to where people live will probably require which type of theory? a. middle range theory b. new paradigm c. network analysis d. settlement approach e. interactionist theory of society

a. middle range theory

2-24. A (n) _____ depends on the cooperation of individuals in many different positions who perform specialized tasks: a. organically integrated society b. mechanically integrated society c. corporation d. bureaucracy e. association

a. organically integrated society

1-42. People sometimes disobey the DONT WALK sign at street intersections because they see that there are no cars coming. This behavior reflects a. real norms b. customs c. ideal norms d. folkways e. pedestrian norms

a. real norms

1-14.. Social Darwinism attribute one's lack of success to a. the inferiority of the individual b. barriers created by society c. barriers created by fear d. racism e. sexism

a. the inferiority of the individual

2-15. In order to understand other people, you have to "walk in their shoes" This approach reflects on Max Weber's notion of : a. verstehen b. gemeinschaft c. nonverbal communication d. focused interaction e. gesellschaft

a. verstehen

2-26. Which of the following statements is true about institutions in society? a. Institutions move frequently and change their address, so they are mobile b. Institutions provide stability in the organization of a society that balances change and uncertainty c. Institutions are so corrupt today that it is unclear how they function to benefit the majority of people in our society d. Institutional patterns have always been ideal types rather than identifiable fundamental relationships

b. Institutions provide stability in the organization of a society that balances change and uncertainty

2-11. ________is anything people are conscious of doing because of other people: a. Social interaction b. Social action c. Social interaction d. Social restraint e. Conflict

b. Social action

2-37. John was past retirement, almost 80 when he discovered that people were defining him as a senior citizen. This role required John to: a. apply for more insurance to help him retire b. adjust to the social identity given to him by society c. perform more roles based on respect and honor d. deal with his anomic personality e. adjust his id to the pressures of the ego

b. adjust to the social identity given to him by society

1-19. When two variables are related but one does not cause the other, researchers term the situation a. a validity b. an association c. a bias d. a reliability e. an establishment

b. an association

1-7. Which of the following examples is closest to how Weber understood the relationship between beliefs and actions a. beliefs are the opium of working people helping them cope with work b. beliefs in an afterlife shaped the behavior of early protestants c. beliefs are less important than class relationships that position workers d. only by competing to survive can workers believe in their jobs e. beliefs are private, so we should look at history to explain actions

b. beliefs in an afterlife shaped the behavior of early protestants

1-36. Anna traveled to another country to visit relatives who offered her live sea urchin at their first meal together. Watching the urchin moving across her plate made her feel anxious and queasy; she didn't want to eat it but felt rude refusing. Anna's experience is an example of: a. ethnocentrism b. culture shock c. cultural relativism d. ethnomethodology e. cultural newness

b. culture shock

1-22. Social class background is a good predictor of achievement in school. In this statement, achievement in school is the a. independent variable b. dependent variable c. significant variable d. control variable

b. dependent variable

2-23. Relationships that are intimate, cooperative, and personal are known as: a. gesellschaft b. gemeinschaft c. reference d. bureaucracy e. organic

b. gemeinschaft

1-9. In recent cases in the United States, older women employed as teachers have been prosecuted for having sexual relationships with young male students under the age of consent. If we believe in Durkheims theory, which of the following would be seek to explain this social problem a. how individual mental disturbances could be generalized b. how female teachers are influenced by norms and social ties c. how single women adapt to environmental opportunity d. how working class youth are exploited by better educated classes e. how the symbolic segregation of students and teachers is a pattern.

b. how female teachers are influenced by norms and social ties

1-41. The child who learns to cross the street only when the light is green has been taught an a. real norm b. ideal norm c. qualified norm d. custom e. situational norm

b. ideal norm

2-22. The style of leadership in which the leader activity proposes tasks and plans to guide the group toward achieving its goals is known as: a. expressive b. instrumental c. bureaucratic d. hostile e. heavy handed

b. instrumental

2-4. In his experiments with monkeys raised in isolation, Harry Harlow found that these monkeys: a. always preferred the imitation mother that gave them food b. preferred a soft cloth imitation mother with no food over a hard wire "mother" with food c. learned how to mate through instinct d. eventually learned to be good mothers themselves e. developed more quickly if the dolls were given tape recorded monkey emotions.

b. preferred a soft cloth imitation mother with no food over a hard wire "mother" with food

1-34. Culture is transmitted through a. social isolation b. social interaction c. DNA d. dietary habits e. sociological experiments

b. social interaction

2-8. Sociologist describe the process of two or more people taking each others actions into account as: a. verstehen b. social interaction c. social organization d. social action e. social discourse

b. social interaction

2-33. You see a photograph of a young male holding a handgun. What do you need to make sense out of this photograph? a. a universal definition of what a gun means b. the context of the person in the photograph c. if the ascribed status male holds the achieved status of gangster d. the normative status order among males in a society

b. the context of the person in the photograph

1-29. Validity refers to a. the quality of consistency in measurement b. the extent to which the researcher measured what she had planned to measure c. the manner in which the researcher has operationalizing variables d. the sum of independent and dependent variables e. the lack of researcher bias which can be demonstrated statistically

b. the extent to which the researcher measured what she had planned to measure

1-3. Which of the following statements is closest to a sociological approach to understanding the iPhone? a. the design of the new Iphone attracted people b. we can see which groups of people are most likely to own and use an iPhone c. individual choices were affected by discovering how others selected smart phones d. the inventor of the iPhone interface was raised by Armenian parents in California e. a successful technology must meet basic human needs

b. we can see which groups of people are most likely to own and use an iPhone

2-21. According to Robert Michels, oligarchy often develops in bureaucracies: a. if there are no reference groups b. when there are too many people to permit group decision making c. when leadership is too authoritarian d. if leaders are not selected from the appropriate class backgrounds e. when the level of creativity among members is too limited for democracy

b. when there are too many people to permit group decision making

1-5. Marx predicted that eventually a. workers and owners would work things out through better labor laws b. workers would organize and take control of the economy c. owners would redistribute wealth more equitabily to workers d. the most powerful would prevail and control everyone else e. owner sponsered unions would develop and intervene on behalf of the worker

b. workers would organize and take control of the economy

2-32. A social status that is conferred on us by virtue of birth or other significant factors not controlled by our own actions or decisions is know as: a. achieved status b. roles c. ascribed status d. master status e. status offense

c. ascribed status

2-35. An inability to trust people and form relationships with others is known as: a. identity crisis b. status conflict c. attachment disorder d. disaffiliation e. disconnection

c. attachment disorder

1-40. The concept of cultural relativism advises us to practice which of the following? a. Rarely changes so we can better see cultural difference b. understand ourselves in relationship to others c. conduct objective cross cultural research d. avoid sanctions in a society e. judge others suitability for our views in the research process

c. conduct objective cross cultural research

1-27. Which of the following research designs is least used by sociologist? a. survey research b. participant observation c. controlled experiment d. structured interview e. secondary analysis

c. controlled experiment

1-38. Cultural relativism means that a. absolutes such as right or wrong, do not exist with regard to cultural practices b. some cultures are clearly superior in relation to others c. cultures must be studied on their own terms before being compared or judged d. all cultures must be understood as consisting of many subcultures e. cultures which are inferior can learn relatively little from superior cultures

c. cultures must be studied on their own terms before being compared or judged

2-6. Stephen Jay Gould challenged the equation of behavior with genetic biology: looking at altruistic behavior, he saw: a. variations in cognitive capacities b. cognitive development stages c. how people adopt cultural traits in social and material environments d. stage schemes of moral development

c. how people adopt a cultural traits in social and material environments

1-39. Which of the following would not be considered an example of material culture? a. elevators b. jewelry c. marriage vows d. sunglasses e. charity pledge cards

c. marriage vows

2-3. Adult socialization differs from primary socialization in that adults: a. are generally immune to the process of socialization b.usually are hostile to socialization attempts. c. often have more control over how they wish to be socialized d. are more likely to be influenced by their peers e. know more hence need less socialization

c. often have more control over how they wish to be socialized

1-24. Riding in unmarked police cars to collect data on drug dealers is using a. a longitudinal survey b. a laboratory experiment c. participant observation d. a semi structured interview e. secondary observation

c. participant observation

1-20. Which of the following is a statement of causality? a. rural areas have fewer services than urban areas b. this sociology course is difficult c. poverty produces low self esteem d. mean income in New York is higher than mean income in Florida e. On average more persons are murdered in Texas than Arizona

c. poverty produces low self esteem

2-39. Cults teach their members an alternative world, with pressure to conform to new group norms. This is called: a. conversion therapy b. solidarity c. resocialization d. secondary group socialization

c. resocialization

2-5. The identity obtained by occupying culturally and socially defined positions is called a: a. self b. status c. social identity d. personal identity e. cultural identity

c. social identity

2-2. The process of social interaction that teaches a child the intellectual, physical, and social skills needed to function as a member of society is called a. identification b. social adjustment c. socialization d. social conditioning e. human modeling

c. socialization

2-13. According to Freud, the _______ is the internal censor or conscience that represents societys norms and values as learned primarily from our parents a. ego b. id c. superego d "I" e. me

c. superego

2-29. The strength of week ties refers to: a. the influence of family and primary groups even at a geographic distance b. how institutions use bureaucratic rules to bind diverse people together c. the likelihood of finding something you need through an acquaintance in a network d. how pattern-driven human beings are because we copy one another in social action

c. the likelihood of finding something you need through an acquaintance in a network

2-40. Non verbal communication: a. is instinctual b. is basically the same in every culture c. varies from culture to culture d. is used only when words may be misunderstood e. cannot be understood without special training.

c. varies from culture to culture

1-16. Janet listened as the manager of the store offered her a wage rate of $10 dollars per hour. She accepted the job. How would a conflict theorist characterize this action? a. by adapting to the employers needs, Janet benefits by gaining wages b. wages are symbolic of Janets value to her employer c. wages offered to Janet for her labor position her in the class structure. d. Janet accepts that she must work her way up the ladder to achieve

c. wages offered to Janet for her labor position her in the class structure.

2-1. Why is nature versus nurture called a false debate? a. Human beings dominate nature, as confirmed by the worlds great religious texts b. Biology creates adaptive challenges that humans solve using innate intelligence c. No one can be sure what the mysteries of genes are or how they influence emotions d. Culture or nurture directs social behavior that is influenced by biological factors e. Watson was proved completely wrong by Gould

d. Culture or nurture directs social behavior that is influenced by biological factor

1-18. Education of women, rights of immigrants and care for the poor were the focus of which organization a. Chicago School b. Harvard Sociology Department c. NAACP d. Hull House

d. Hull House

2-19. Who first developed a framework to describe bureaucracies? a. Karl Marx b. Solomon Asch c. George Simmel d. Max Weber e. Emile Durkeim

d. Max Weber

1-13. A symbolic interactionist would be most likely to ask which of the following questions? a. what function does the education system serve for the larger society? b. Why is education a useful service? c. How is the educational system used to benefit those in power? d. What messages are communicated to students by the structure in the education takes place? e. How does the economic system determine the welfare system?

d. What messages are communicated to students by the structure in the education takes place?

1-32. Love would be a Western example of a. material aspects of culture b. technological measurement c. a universal shored by all cultures d. a non-material aspect of culture e. an innate aspect of culture

d. a non-material aspect of culture

1-21. On average, the taller a person is, the more she or he is likely to weigh. The evidence for this statement would most likely be a. a statement causality b. random insight c. an examination of the first ten persons walking into a classroom in a non biased way d. a statement of association e. a firm biological relationship

d. a statement of association

2-18. Which of the following is a characteristic of an association? a. It can be characterized as a special interest group. b. It is created to serve a specific purpose c. It has official ways of doing things d. all of the above e. none of the above

d. all of the above

2-34. The 99% demonstration turns violent as rumors spread that the police hit a demonstrator with tear gas canister. This is an example of: a. unattributed behavior b. revolution c. resistance to normative constraints d. collective behavior

d. collective behavior

2-31. Two large companies compete for the same scarce resource. Each one tries to injure or sabotage the other. This interaction is called: a. exchange b. economic cooperation c. coercion d. conflict e. social cooperation

d. conflict

1-37. The movement of cultural traits from one culture to another is called a. cultural lag b. culture shock c. ethnocentrism d. diffusion e jet lag

d. diffusion

2-25. In a bureaucracy, people are hired because they: a. have collective conscience b. belong to the right associations c. have personal contacts within the company d. have the ability and skills to do the job e. are used to working in corporations

d. have the ability and skills to do the job

2-20. A characteristic of bureaucracy is that power and responsibility making are typically; a. informal and unplanned b. democratic and open to discussion c. horizontal d. hierarchical e. longitudinal

d. hierarchical

1-1. Science is to method as: ________ is to _________ a. economics; political process b. sociology; creative writing c. psychology; therapy d. organized knowledge; process of discovery e. history; victory

d. organized knowledge; process of discovery

1-25. In the early 1960's sociologist Herbert Gans moved into a newly developed suburb in New Jersey where he lived for two years observing and interviewing his neighbors. In research terms Gans conducted a _________ study. a. documentary b. experimental c. survey d. participant observation e. secondary analysis

d. participant observation

2-14. One of the reasons peer groups are so powerful in individuals lives is: a. they reinforce primary socialization in the family b. peer groups help anchor individuals in their family of origin's moral order c. peers are unlikely to brutally reject or hurt children when they break norms d. peers are social equals, and we interact in peer groups throughout our lives

d. peers are social equals, and we interact in peer groups throughout our lives

1-30. You just proved a research hypothesis false. As a sociologist, how should you treat this? a. when a hypothesis is false, you should double check your sample for errors b. hypothesis testing is flowed by nature, so you should try again until things fit c. false hypothesis are rare, so this finding is itself worth keeping d. proving a hypothesis false helps to eliminate wrong answers and clarify research e. a hypothesis that is false in one sense may be true in another

d. proving a hypothesis false helps to eliminate wrong answers and clarify research

2-7. Total institutions are associated with which process? a. societies general belief systems such as religion b. primary institutions that shape children's personalities such as the family c. education over the life course and how schools contradict family d. resocialization in places like the military and prison that isolate and shape individuals

d. resocialization in places like the military and prison that isolate and shape individuals

1-26. Sociologist utilizing the Census, the FBI statistics or statistics from the Department of Labor would be engaged in which type of data collection method? a. participant observation b. survey research c. experiments d. secondary analysis

d. secondary analysis

1-28. What type of research did Emile Durkheim depend on in his classic study on suicide? a. primary research b. public research c. qualitative research d. secondary research e. Durkheim did analysis not research

d. secondary research

2-27. Society's fundamental needs are fulfilled through: a. social networking b. primary group relationships c. economic networks at large group level d. social institutions

d. social institutions

1-6. In Durkheims perspective, if you saw that one religious group had higher suicide rates than the another, and that single people had higher suicide rates than married people, which statement would you make a. protestants have higher suicide rates similar to Catholics b. single people have lower suicide rates than married people c. people without children have equal suicide rates to people with children d. suicide rates are related to how closely tied people are to one another in groups e. suicide rates may be related to indiviual income and ascribed chracteristics

d. suicide rates are related to how closely tied people are to one another in groups

1-15. Andy thought that Kim said that she was not interested in complaining about the lack of parking for employees, but Kim thought that Andy said that they were being ignored because they were part time workers. Kim was not sure if they were talking about he same thing, so she did not offer to help Andy write a complaint. Andy collected signatures on a letter asking for more parking. This situations is likely to attract sociologists working with which paradigm? a. phenomenology b. sociological imagination c. functionalism d. symbolic interactionism e. social conflict

d. symbolic interactionism

1-43. When two or more individuals agree about the things a particular object represents: a. that object becomes a symbol after a decade of tradition b. that object becomes a symbol only if laws can be passed in support of its meaning c. that object becomes a symbol if they can get others to agree with them d. that object becomes a symbol by virtue of its shared meaning for those individuals e. that object takes on a sacred intimate status between two people

d. that object becomes a symbol by virtue of its shared meaning for those individuals

1-2. Both sociologist and historians are interested in the past. Using a recent military war as a case for investigation, a sociologist would be most interested in: a. particular battles and how they were won or lost b. individual military and political leaders and the strategies they developed c. whether American involvement in the war was moral or immoral d. the impact of the war on political attitudes and events in the united states e. how various smaller battles affected the outcome of the larger war

d. the impact of the war on political attitudes and events int he united states

1-35. How people behave toward a childs cry would be a. instinctual b. universal c. fixed within a group but variable between groups d. variable within a group and variable between groups e. naturally related to the gender of the parent

d. variable within a group and variable between groups

1-8. Where hillsides have been cleared to provide lumber for housing, rain often causes mudslides Sociologist would regard mudslides as a. the negative effects of global warming, which has increased rain fall nationally b. a cost which has to be borne by some members of society for the common good c. a bad method of securing lumber d. a major outcome of a clash of values over which policies are best for America e. a latent outcome of cutting trees on hillsides where rain is a possibility

e. a latent outcome of cutting trees on hillsides where rain is a possibility

2-10. All the roles attached to a single status are collectively known as: a. one role b. multiple roles c. several statuses d. a master status e. a role set

e. a role set

2-16. People have formed a social group when they: a. have a purpose b. share certain role expectations c. attach importance d. begin to feel special in contrast with others e. all of the above

e. all of the above

2-36. Which of the following is needed by human infants if they are to grow and develop normally? a. frequent contact with other humans who demonstrate affection b. people who provide adequate food and shelter c. interaction with people who teach them the required physical and social skills d. interaction with people who teach them their culture e. all of the above

e. all of the above

2-9. In sociological terms, the context of social interaction includes: a. the social environment b. activities surrounding the interaction c. the physical setting in which it occurs d. what precedes the interaction e. all of the above

e. all of the above

2-38. Authorities rescue a young woman aged 14, raised in a cage by foster parents who rarely interacted with her. She cannot speak a language or behave in a socially acceptable way . The rescued girl lacks: a. secondary group identity b. biological stage development c. money for better care d. any experience with boys her own age, so shes is socially shy e. primary socialization

e. primary socialization

1-4. Comte, Spencer, Durkheim, Weber and Marx all witnessed what major societal change? a. values related to marriage were under attack as society grew rapidly b. growth in factory production made labor more democratic c. better printing and communications led to the rapid spread of new ideas d. European royalty partnered with elected parliaments, causing more social tensions e. tradition was undermined by the industrial revolution, political conflict and grown in urban society

e. tradition was undermined by the industrial revolution, political conflict and growth in urban society

1-31. Dr. Tom is doing research about the vampire in American society. What is the first problem he must solve before he selects a research design method? a. people have such strong reactions to vampires that an objective index will be hard to write b. Vampires do not exist so how can this be an empirical study c. can a big enough selection of cases related to vampires be identified for research d. how many variables are related to vampires e. what is the operational definition of a vampire in this research

e. what is the operational definition of a vampire in this research

1-10. Web DuBois believed that this group had primary responsibility for changing the place of African Americans in american society. a. African Americans b. branches of government c. The NAACP d. the military, because they rule e. whites, because they hold the power

e. whites, because they hold the power

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