IPHY 2420 Nutriton - Exams 1 & 2

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ash is getting his fasting blood glucose level measured and he is hoping his blood glucose is in the normal range. Which of the following blood glucose values fall into the normal range? -55 mg/dl -85 mg/dl -115 mg/dl -135 mg/dl

85 mg/dl

Seiji wants to go on a low fat diet to lose weight and has decided to eliminate all dietary fat sources from her diet. What could be the danger of choosing to eat this way? -A low fat diet will cause her body to store more visceral fat leading to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease -A low fat diet could inhibit the absorption of some essential nutrients into the body -A low fat diet can make it difficult for the body to break down complex carbohydrates into monosaccharides for use in the body -A low fat diet can increase her risk of diabetes due to her body's inability to create steroid hormones from fat

A low fat diet could inhibit the absorption of some essential nutrients into the body

When seeking out nutrition information, which is not always considered to be a reliable source? -A nutritionist offering services through craigslist.org -A journal article published by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics -A journal article sourced through the website PubMed -A government website such as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

A nutritionist offering services through craigslist.org

Alciel, a strength athlete, is looking for a protein supplement to take after his workout. Which of the following is the best option and why? -A protein shake with about 45 grams of protein, as that is the most protein the body can use for muscle protein synthesis after a workout. -A protein shake with about 25 grams of protein, as that is the most protein the body can use for muscle protein synthesis after a workout. -A protein shake with about 75 grams of protein because the more protein one consumes after a workout, the more muscle protein that will be synthesized. -A protein shake with about 15 grams of protein, as any amount more than 15 grams will not be absorbed and will be excreted in the feces.

A protein shake with about 25 grams of protein, as that is the most protein the body can use for muscle protein synthesis after a workout.

Which of the following statements regarding dietary supplements in the US is false? -There are currently no federal guidelines or practices to ensure the purity, quality, safety, and composition of dietary supplements. -The FDA must prove a supplement is unsafe before it can be removed from the market. -The regulation of dietary supplements is not as rigorous as the regulation of prescription drugs. -According to the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, dietary supplements are categorized as prescription drugs.

According to the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, dietary supplements are categorized as prescription drugs.

What category will be added to nutrition facts labels on food packaging by July 2018 to contribute to consumers' overall knowledge about packaged food? -Trans fat -Total calories -Glycemic index number -Added sugars

Added sugars

Which of the following would not cause protein denaturation in a food? -Frying an omelette -Sautéing chicken in olive oil -Marinating steak with lemon juice -Adding black pepper to salmon

Adding black pepper to salmon

Based on the listed risk factors, which of the following individuals cannot modify their risk for CVD? -Hideki, who smokes ½ pack of cigarettes each day. -Alfonso, whose maternal grandfather and uncle have both had heart attacks. -Nadia, who is sedentary and does no physical activity during the day. -Lara, who has high levels of LDL in her blood.

Alfonso, whose maternal grandfather and uncle have both had heart attacks.

Which of these does not affect vitamin D synthesis in the body as a result of UV ray exposure? -The time of day -Latitude (angular distance north or south from the equator) -Race/ethnicity -An individual's iron status (hemoglobin level)

An individual's iron status (hemoglobin level)

Christine started supplementing her diet with iron, selenium, and copper. For what body function are all three of these minerals required? -Red blood cell formation -Cholesterol excretion from the body -Nerve impulse transmission -Antioxidant enzyme system activation

Antioxidant enzyme system activation

Carbohydrates and fats: -Are both used as energy sources by the body -Both allow water soluble vitamins to be more easily absorbed into the body -Are stored in equal amounts in adipose tissue -Are used in equal amounts during high-intensity workouts

Are both used as energy sources by the body

Lucy was told by her doctor that she needs to reduce the amount of cholesterol in her diet. The reduction of which of the following foods will help lower Lucy's dietary cholesterol levels? -Rice and beans -A vegetarian burrito bowl -Beef Lo Mein -Lettuce salad topped with pine nuts and oil and vinegar

Beef Lo Mein

Which of the following lists functions that bones provide for the body? -Bones provide structural support, produce blood cells, and act as a carbohydrate storage reservoir. -Bones provide structural support, a mineral storage reservoir, and produce blood cells. -Bones act as storage reservoir for calcium. -Bones only provide structural support.

Bones provide structural support, a mineral storage reservoir, and produce blood cells.

When a whole grain is processed, which part(s) of it are removed and what are the effects of the processing? -Only the bran; increase in the grain's concentration of vitamins -Endosperm and germ; decrease in the grain's saturated fat content -Bran and germ; decrease in the grain's fiber and micronutrient content -Endosperm and bran; decrease in the grain's calorie content

Bran and germ; decrease in the grain's fiber and micronutrient content

Selasi wants to increase his selenium intake after reading about all of its antioxidant properties in the body, but does not want to take a supplement to do so. A single serving of which of the following foods would most easily help meet his needs for selenium? -Brazil nuts -Spinach -Yogurt -Red meat

Brazil nuts

Which of these nutrients are part of the structure of bone? -Calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus -Potassium and calcium -Calcium, magnesium, and potassium. -Calcium, phosphorus, and potassium

Calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus

Which of the following accurately lists functions of vitamin C? -Collagen production, immune system enhancement, vitamin E reactivation, and enhanced iron absorption. -Collagen production, vitamin A absorption, and immune system enhancement. -Prevention of dental caries (cavities), Vitamin E reactivation, and enhanced iron absorption. -Prevention of heart attacks, preventing fatigue, and vitamin K reactivation.

Collagen production, immune system enhancement, vitamin E reactivation, and enhanced iron absorption.

Which of the following meals does not contain a complete protein. -Quinoa salad with vegetables. -A soy burger on a whole wheat bread -Corn on the cob with butter -A strawberry banana smoothie with chia seeds

Corn on the cob with butter

Daphne moved from Colorado to the University of Texas to run on the cross country team; after several weeks, she has noticed that she feels more comfortable exercising the heat and humidity. Which of these adaptations would not occur when someone is acclimating to the heat? -Sweating earlier during activity -Sweating over a larger area of the body during activity -Increased blood volume during activity -Decreased blood pressure during activity

Decreased blood pressure during activity

Deanna has gestational diabetes and has not managed it well, which puts her child at risk for macrosomia. What is macrosomia and what is an associated risk? -Delivering a low birth weight baby; the child is at risk for being overweight after age 40 -High blood pressure in the baby; development of cardiovascular disease at an early age -Delivering a large (in weight) baby; the child is at risk for being overweight later in life -The child being born with type 2 diabetes; development of cardiovascular disease at an early age

Delivering a large (in weight) baby; the child is at risk for being overweight later in life

Constantina has recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and was told by her doctor to perform weekly foot checks as she began treatment. What is the purpose of this? Diabetes often results in poor circulation and damage to nerves (numbness). Therefore, even a minor foot injury can progress to an ulcer, which often requires hospitalization. -Diabetics are more likely to develop sores on their feet due to excess glucose in the blood reducing the collagen deposits on the bottom of the feet. -Diabetics can bruise their feet very easily due to poor circulation and may need to go on bed rest if the bruising gets too bad. -Diabetes can cause a loss of function in the toes due to hypoglycemia so their functionality should be closely monitored.

Diabetes often results in poor circulation and damage to nerves (numbness). Therefore, even a minor foot injury can progress to an ulcer, which often requires hospitalization.

Haileigh has a cancerous tumor that was successfully removed with surgery, but she is now undergoing chemotherapy to kill any remaining cancer cells in her body. Based on the side effects she will likely experience as a result, which diet plan would you recommend for her? -A low carb diet to prevent high levels of blood glucose associated with chemotherapy -Eating mostly red meat to benefit from the B vitamins and their antioxidant effects -A gluten free and vegan diet to avoid excessive free radical production in the body -Eating as many calories as possible in order to prevent malnutrition and excessive weight loss

Eating as many calories as possible in order to prevent malnutrition and excessive weight loss

Which of the following best explains the relationship between fiber and bile. -Bile is used to digest fiber in the small intestine where the fiber is then absorbed into the body. -Fiber binds to bile and both are excreted in the feces. -Fiber absorbs excess bile and makes it more absorbable by the body. -Bile is absorbed by fiber, increasing the effectiveness of the fiber.

Fiber binds to bile and both are excreted in the feces.

Which ingredient in foods like oatmeal and legumes keep you feeling full for long periods of time, and why? -Carbohydrates, because they take a long time to be absorbed -Fiber, because it takes longer to move from the stomach into the small intestine -Protein, because it keeps your blood sugar stable -Fat, because it has the most calories per gram

Fiber, because it takes longer to move from the stomach into the small intestine

One form of carbohydrate is not digested or absorbed by humans but is fermented by bacteria in the body. Which carbohydrate is this and in what location is it fermented? -Glycogen, Small Intestine -Fiber; Small Intestine -Glycogen; Large Intestine -Fiber; Large Intestine

Fiber; Large Intestine

Carter has been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Which type of molecule is associated with an increased risk of this disease? -Cholecalciferol -Free radicals -Antiphospholipids -Phytochemicals

Free radicals

Which of the following carbohydrates would not require any digestion in order to be absorbed from the intestine into the body? -Fiber -Glycogen -Fructose -Lactose


Which pathway is the correct order for the process of fat digestion after the liver produces bile? -Liver releases the bile, bile emulsifies the fat in the small intestine, products of fat digestion are absorbed from the small intestine -Gallbladder stores bile, bile is released from gallbladder, bile emulsifies the fat in the small intestine, enzymes break down the fat in the small intestine, products of fat digestion are absorbed from the small intestine -Enzymes break down fat in the small intestine, bile emulsifies the fat, products of fat digestion are absorbed from the small intestine -Liver releases the bile, products of fat digestion are absorbed from the small intestine, bile emulsifies the fat

Gallbladder stores bile, bile is released from gallbladder, bile emulsifies the fat in the small intestine, enzymes break down the fat in the small intestine, products of fat digestion are absorbed from the small intestine

Louisa, who is overweight, has recently become pregnant. She has been feeling very fatigued and needs to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Based on these symptoms, what will her doctor likely test her for? -Hypertension (high blood pressure) -Gestational cardiovascular disease -Gestational diabetes -Type 1 diabetes

Gestational diabetes

Kenneth adds table sugar to his coffee each morning. Which monosaccharides will he eventually break the table sugar down to in his GI tract? -Glucose and fructose -Two molecules of fructose -Glucose and galactose -Two molecules of glucose

Glucose and fructose

Which of the following individuals would be most likely to benefit from a dietary supplement? -Harrison, who is recovering from major surgery as a result of burns on 60% of his body. -Teddy, a cross country runner who consumes a variety of fruits and vegetables each day. -Linval, a sedentary male who works a desk job 8 hours/day. -Marcus, a 30-year old male who does moderate cardiovascular exercise for 1 hour/day.

Harrison, who is recovering from major surgery as a result of burns on 60% of his body.

Timmy Turner is looking for the least processed loaf of bread in the store. Based on the name, which of the following is most likely to be the least processed? -Bob's Mixed Grain Bread -Tracers Organic Honey Glazed Wheat Bread -Heavy's Whole Grain Sandwich Bread -Dr. Stob's Organic Brown Bread

Heavy's Whole Grain Sandwich Bread

What information cannot be provided by a DEXA scan? -Bone density -Percent body fat -Percent lean mass -Hematocrit level (%)

Hematocrit level (%)

Which of the following dietary mineral ratios would you recommend for someone with high blood pressure? -Higher potassium and lower sodium -Lower potassium and high sodium -Lower potassium and lower sodium -Higher potassium and higher sodium

Higher potassium and lower sodium

Don Jung was just diagnosed with anemia and, despite increasing her iron intake, cannot seem to increase her iron levels in the body. What other dietary factors could be causing her anemia? -Inadequate vitamin C intake -Excess vitamin A intake -Low protein intake -Excess fat intake

Inadequate vitamin C intake

Hung is interested in controlling his risk of developing CVD and decides to try the DASH diet. Which of the following would be representative of the DASH diet recommendations? -Increase consumption of high-fat meats such as salami. -Increase consumption of fish while reducing red meat intake. -Use margarine instead of olive oil. -Focus on consuming only 1 type of fruit and 1 type of vegetable in the diet.

Increase consumption of fish while reducing red meat intake.

Which of the following would not be a stimulus for the thirst mechanism in the brain? -Decreased blood volume -Dry mouth -Increased concentration of solutes in the blood -Increased blood pressure

Increased blood pressure

Which of the following is not a way in which an antioxidant enzyme system keeps free radicals under control? -Increased neutrophil production -Break down oxidized molecules -Convert free radicals to neutral molecules -Make more antioxidants available

Increased neutrophil production

Excess nitrogen may exist in the body as a result of synthesizing compounds that do not contain nitrogen from proteins. How does your body handle this excess nitrogen? -It is processed by the body and excreted as urea -It is processed by the kidneys and goes back into the bloodstream -It is used by the liver to make new antibodies -It is absorbed by muscle cells to help in muscle growth

It is processed by the body and excreted as urea

What does it mean for a nutrient to be essential? -It must be taken as a dietary supplement -It must be eaten in the diet -At least 1000 mg of it must be consumed every day -It is produced in the body and is not found in food

It must be eaten in the diet

Which of these individuals is most at risk for developing hyponatremia? -Sonic, a long distance runner who is avoiding consuming any liquid during his 5-mile race. -Knuckles, who has been drinking high volumes of water throughout a marathon. -Amy, who has been drinking Gatorade to hydrate herself during a 2-hour cycling race. -Eggman, a sedentary individual who sips water throughout the day, drinking about 2 liters (64 ounces) each day.

Knuckles, who has been drinking high volumes of water throughout a marathon.

Nishika eats a bagel and fruit for breakfast before going to class. Her body does not use all of the carbohydrates immediately, so where can they be stored? -Brain & heart -Liver & muscles -Large & small intestine -Spleen

Liver & muscles

Which accessory organ in the GI tract is incorrectly paired with its function? -Liver; produces bicarbonate to neutralize chyme -Pancreas; produces many digestive enzymes -Gallbladder; stores bile -Small intestine; absorbs the majority of the nutrients from food once they are digested

Liver; produces bicarbonate to neutralize chyme

Who is most at risk for dehydration? -Boulder: age 32, high level of muscle mass, family history of high blood pressure. -King Dedede: age 64, overweight, diet high in sodium. -Merlin: age 85, healthy weight, poorly controlled type 1 diabetes. -Marth: age 25, healthy weight, family history of sodium sensitivity.

Merlin: age 85, healthy weight, poorly controlled type 1 diabetes.

Consumption of which of the following fatty acids will have the most favorable effect on blood cholesterol levels? -Saturated -Monounsaturated -Polyunsaturated -Trans


Vitamin E protects cell membranes by: -Neutralizing free radicals present in the cell membranes through electron donation. -Activating vitamin C so that vitamin C can directly neutralize free radicals in cell membranes. -Preventing free radical synthesis that occurs as a result of exercise. -Stimulating the synthesis of vitamin K in the large intestine, which can be used to protect cell membranes there.

Neutralizing free radicals present in the cell membranes through electron donation.

Harvey is consuming 1,550 mg of potassium/day. Does this meet the recommendation for daily potassium intake? -Yes, Harvey is just slightly over the recommendation of 1500 mg/day. -No, the recommendation for potassium is 2800 mg/day. -No, the recommendation for potassium is 4700 mg/day. -There is no DRI set for potassium since it is not an essential nutrient for humans.

No, the recommendation for potassium is 4700 mg/day.

Mikayla eats "Multi-Grain Clusters Cereal" for breakfast. Based on only the name of the cereal, can it be determined if she is consuming whole grains? -Yes, the use of the words "multi-grain" indicate that the cereal contains whole grains. -No, the word "whole" must appear in the name or the ingredients of the cereal, so it may still contain whole grains listed in the ingredients. -No, the use of the word "clusters" always indicates the presence of processed grains. -The name of the cereal does not matter, as all breakfast cereals in the U.S. must contain 100% whole grains.

No, the word "whole" must appear in the name or the ingredients of the cereal, so it may still contain whole grains listed in the ingredients.

Ayushi has a cold and has decided to take vitamin C supplements to help boost her immune system. Is this an effective treatment method? -Yes. Vitamin C is fat soluble therefore her body can store the extra, providing her immune system with a better supply -No. Vitamin C is fat soluble therefore excess will be absorbed into her fat cells and used for energy instead of immune function -Yes. Vitamin C is water soluble therefore excess can be sent into the bloodstream to bolster immune organs. -No. Vitamin C is water soluble therefore excess will be excreted in the urine.

No. Vitamin C is water soluble therefore excess will be excreted in the urine.

Jafar recently suffered a heart attack and is changing his diet to reduce his risk of having another one. Which type of fatty acids would you recommend that Jafar increase in his diet and why? -Monounsaturated fatty acids, as they come from plant sources and will decrease his HDL levels. -Omega-3 fatty acids, as they can help reduce inflammation and triglyceride levels in the blood. -Short chain fatty acids, they are absorbed directly into the blood and will reduce LDL levels. -Saturated fatty acids, as they help lower blood triglyceride and LDL levels.

Omega-3 fatty acids, as they can help reduce inflammation and triglyceride levels in the blood.

Which of the following fatty acids do most Americans not consume enough of and what food would be a good source of this fatty acid? -Saturated fatty acids; ground beef -Omega-6 fatty acids; flax seeds -Omega-3 fatty acids; salmon -Trans fatty acids; green leafy vegetables

Omega-3 fatty acids; salmon

Aurelia is 7 months pregnant and has been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. She is doing her best to manage her symptoms but she is unaware if her gestational diabetes can ever be cured. What would you tell Aurelia? -You need to lose weight, which will decrease your body's resistance to insulin and bring your blood glucose levels back to normal, curing your gestational diabetes. -You need to eliminate carbohydrates from your diet which will reset your insulin production in your body, curing your gestational diabetes. -Once you give birth, this will cause your diabetes to disappear, but you will be at a greater risk for type 2 diabetes in the future. -You need to lower your cholesterol intake, which will force your body to make its own insulin, there by curing your gestational diabetes.

Once you give birth, this will cause your diabetes to disappear, but you will be at a greater risk for type 2 diabetes in the future.

What is the first sign of early or mild osteoporosis? -Intense bone pain -Fatigue and dizziness -Fractures in adolescence -Osteoporosis does not exhibit outward symptoms

Osteoporosis does not exhibit outward symptoms

Andrew ate a slice of cheese pizza for lunch. Once it reaches his stomach, which enzyme is acting on the food and what is its function? -Salivary amylase- breaks down the carbohydrates in the crust -Gastric HCl- breaks down all macronutrients in the pizza -Pancreatic lipase- breaks down the fats in the cheese -Pepsin- breaks down the proteins in the pizza

Pepsin- breaks down the proteins in the pizza

Which of the following people is showing the symptoms of a food allergy? -Miranda, who gets bloated and has an upset stomach after having cereal and milk in the morning -Joaquin, who claims to have a headache every time he eats food containing gluten -Percy, who notices hives on his hands after eating at his favorite seafood restaurant -Valentina, who had diarrhea after eating walnuts in her oatmeal for breakfast

Percy, who notices hives on his hands after eating at his favorite seafood restaurant

Beta-carotene is a(n)__________ which means__________. -Antioxidant and fat soluble vitamin; it donates electrons to free radicals and is absorbed with fats. -Mineral and antioxidant; it donates electrons to free radicals. -Phytochemical and antioxidant; it is found exclusively in red meats. -Phytochemical and provitamin; it is found in plants and is converted into a vitamin in the body.

Phytochemical and provitamin; it is found in plants and is converted into a vitamin in the body.

Payton is considering the benefits of a plant-based diet. If Payton becomes a vegan, which of the following would be present in abundance in her diet? -Complete proteins -Phytochemicals -Vitamin B12 -Vitamin B1 (thiamin)


Which of the following is not an effect that atherosclerosis has on the cardiovascular system? -The heart must work harder to push blood through the vessels -The arteries become hardened and lose elasticity -Blood flow in the arteries is impaired due to scar tissue and lipid deposits (plaque) -Plaque begins to build up and expands the artery walls, promoting more blood flow

Plaque begins to build up and expands the artery walls, promoting more blood flow

Which of the following statements about sodium and potassium is false? -Both are major electrolytes in the body. -Processed foods are a major source of both sodium and potassium. -Both participate in maintaining fluid balance. -Both are involved in nerve signal transmission.

Processed foods are a major source of both sodium and potassium.

Kahil is constantly sick and cannot seem to recover quickly from his illnesses. Recently he found out that he is protein deficient; how could these two things be related? -Proteins help create key immune system proteins. Therefore, protein deficiency causes lowered immune defenses. -Proteins function in fat metabolism and a lowered fat metabolism makes the body more susceptible to viruses. -Proteins are essential in the transport of vitamin B1 (thiamin) which can help increase immune defenses. -Proteins are one of two dietary sources of nitrogen, which is essential for proper immune system function.

Proteins help create key immune system proteins. Therefore, protein deficiency causes lowered immune defenses.

Ryuk has recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Which of the following dietary changes would be the most appropriate to help him manage his disease? -Increase monounsaturated fat intake in order to stimulate more insulin production in the body. -Decrease protein intake so his body will have to convert sugars into protein. -Reduce total carbohydrate intake in an effort to demand less insulin production by the pancreas. -Increase simple carbohydrates, as they do not need insulin in order to be absorbed into the cells of the body.

Reduce total carbohydrate intake in an effort to demand less insulin production by the pancreas.

Laura is trying to eat nutrient dense foods. Which of the following would be the most nutrient dense? -A Snickers candy bar -Roasted peanuts at a Rockies game -A Starbucks hot chocolate made with soy milk -Deep fried onion rings at Chili's restaurant

Roasted peanuts at a Rockies game

Which type of exercise would be the best to help to reduce osteoporosis risk? -Road biking -Running marathons -Endurance swimming -Olympic rowing

Running marathons

Which statement is incorrect regarding fatty acid intake for most individuals? -Saturated fatty acids are able to pack tightly together and are solid at room temperature -Saturated fat intake should be emphasized over unsaturated fat intake -All fatty acids have kinks or bends in their carbon chain -Unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature and are found primarily in plant foods

Saturated fat intake should be emphasized over unsaturated fat intake

Spock desires to pursue a vegan diet, but knows he must pay attention to his protein consumption in order to get an adequate amount of essential amino acids in his diet. What would you suggest that he do? -Since very few plant foods are complete proteins, he should focus on complementary proteins like beans and rice along with planning ahead to assure adequate protein intake each day. -Eat only quinoa for protein needs, as getting a variety of sources of any one nutrient is not advised. -Consume a source of dairy at least once a day. The incomplete proteins in dairy will complete the incomplete proteins in plant-based foods. -Focus on consuming fatty foods, as fatty acids can be converted to the essential amino acids in the body.

Since very few plant foods are complete proteins, he should focus on complementary proteins like beans and rice along with planning ahead to assure adequate protein intake each day.

Which of the following is the pathway that the majority of lipids follow for absorption into the bloodstream? -Small intestine-chylomicron-micelle-bloodstream -Small intestine-chylomicron-intestinal wall-bloodstream -Small intestine-micelle-intestinal wall-chylomicron-lymph-bloodstream -Small Intestine-lymph-micelle-capillary-bloodstream

Small intestine-micelle-intestinal wall-chylomicron-lymph-bloodstream

What would be the best method of cooking food to minimize loss of nutrients? -Steaming broccoli and carrots -Boiling potatoes before roasting -Soaking green beans in water before pan frying -All cooking methods will result in the same degree of nutrient losses.

Steaming broccoli and carrots

Which of the following foods and their associated vitamins would be best for someone who wants to decrease free radicals in their body? -Sunflower seeds, which are high in vitamin E -Sweet potatoes, which are high in vitamin B12 -Strawberries, which are high in vitamin K -Oatmeal, which is high in fiber

Sunflower seeds, which are high in vitamin E

It is best to get nutrients from foods: -That have had micronutrients added -That are considered "Super Foods" -That are raw -That are unprocessed ("whole" foods)

That are unprocessed ("whole" foods)

Which of the following statements is true? -Humans reach their peak bone mass at age 20. -The body no longer adds to bone density after 15 years of age. -The bones begin to slowly lose density after age 40. -Humans have no need for dietary calcium after age 27.

The bones begin to slowly lose density after age 40.

If the seal pictured here is found on a dietary supplement package, what does that mean? -The dietary supplement is verified by the U.S. government, meaning that it is free of contaminants like lead and arsenic. -The dietary supplement is "Under Specific Protocols", meaning that it must be manufactured only by the Food and Drug Administration because it has been harmful to consumers in the past. -The dietary supplement has been tested and verified to contain the ingredients in the amounts listed on the supplement label. -The dietary supplement has been verified by the U.S. Pharmacopeia to be dangerous to human health and should be used with caution.

The dietary supplement has been tested and verified to contain the ingredients in the amounts listed on the supplement label.

How might rapid and excessive water consumption be fatal? -The excessive water intake causes water to accumulate outside of cells. In an effort to balance the electrolyte concentrations inside and outside of the cells, water will move into the cells. When this happens in the brain, severe cell damage can happen, eventually causing death. -An excess of water in the body has nowhere to go so it begins leaking into the lungs, literally drowning the person. -Rapid overconsumption of water leads to lower sodium levels in the blood, which can immediately result in death via hypertension. -Since water is a base, overconsumption can increase the blood pH, eventually leading to death.

The excessive water intake causes water to accumulate outside of cells. In an effort to balance the electrolyte concentrations inside and outside of the cells, water will move into the cells. When this happens in the brain, severe cell damage can happen, eventually causing death.

How does the body transport endogenous fats (fats that are made in the liver)? -Endogenous fats are water soluble so can they travel alone in the blood stream. -The liver packages endogenous fats into a VLDL for transport. -The liver packages endogenous fats into a chylomicron for transport. -The pancreas packages endogenous fats into a chylomicron for transport.

The liver packages endogenous fats into a VLDL for transport.

Your friend tells you that she is going to buy a supplement that contains 2,500% of the recommended amount of each of the B vitamins, as it is going to give her energy to make it through finals week. Given what you have learned in class, what should you tell your friend? -The supplement will give energy to anyone who takes it, as B vitamins are the most energy (calorie)-rich vitamins. -The supplement will give her more energy, especially if she takes it when she wakes up. -The supplement is dangerous and would cause a heart attack in anyone who takes it. -The supplement could make someone who takes it feel more energetic only if they are deficient in the B vitamins, as the additional B vitamins will help turn macronutrients into energy.

The supplement could make someone who takes it feel more energetic only if they are deficient in the B vitamins, as the additional B vitamins will help turn macronutrients into energy.

Mikal has a milkshake as part of his lunch. Of the two main milk proteins that were discussed in class, which is absorbed the fastest? -The casein because it is a fast-acting protein -The soy because it is a fast-acting protein -The whey because it is a fast-acting protein -Both of the proteins will be absorbed at the same rate

The whey because it is a fast-acting protein

Which of the following unhealthy nutrients will be largely removed from the food supply by the summer of 2018? -Saturated fatty acids -Fiber -Trans fatty acids -Added sugars

Trans fatty acids

While he is studying, Finnick is eating a pastry that is high in fat content. What form is the fat that he is eating and what form will the fat be stored as in his body? -Phospholipids; triglycerides -Triglycerides; triglycerides -Sterols; phospholipids -Triglycerides; phospholipids

Triglycerides; triglycerides

Masano has noticed lately that her 5 year-old son is drinking more water than usual and is always tired. After going to the doctor, she finds out that he has also lost a bit of weight. What could be causing these problems in her son? -Type 1 Diabetes, as his body is unable to absorb glucose to use as energy and he is excreting the glucose in his urine -Celiac disease, as the gluten in his diet is causing damage to the stomach lining making it difficult to absorb nutrients -Type 2 diabetes, as his body is extra sensitive to insulin, making it difficult to properly store glucose in the body -Peptic ulcers, as his small intestine has become too damaged to absorb fat soluble vitamins leading to malnutrition and dehydration

Type 1 Diabetes, as his body is unable to absorb glucose to use as energy and he is excreting the glucose in his urine

Which of the following most accurately describes type 1 diabetes? -Type 1 can only occur in adults past the age of 40 who are overweight or obese. -Type 1 occurs when excessive weight is lost in a short period of time, resulting in cells that become less responsive to insulin. -Type 1 is an autoimmune condition in which the pancreas cannot make insulin, there by requiring insulin treatment. -The only risk factor for type 1 is genetics. It cannot be treated with diet, only with glucagon therapy.

Type 1 is an autoimmune condition in which the pancreas cannot make insulin, there by requiring insulin treatment.

Anastasia wants to start taking a multivitamin but is worried about an excess of certain nutrients causing toxicity in her body. Which nutrient would be most likely to be toxic when taken in excess amounts? -Vitamin A -Vitamin C -Folate -Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)

Vitamin A

In order to prove that pellagra was not an infectious disease, Dr. Joseph Goldberger exposed himself to blood and secretions from pellagra patients. Which of the following vitamins was discovered as a result of Dr. Goldberger's work? -Thiamin (vitamin B1) -Vitamin C -Vitamin E -Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

If Nahdia already takes a calcium supplement daily to reduce her risk of osteoporosis, what other supplements, if any, should be paired with calcium supplementation? -Magnesium -Vitamin D -Vitamin C -Taking calcium by itself is the best option for reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

Vitamin D

In response to low blood calcium levels, vitamin D helps to increase blood calcium levels by performing which of the following? -Vitamin D acts at the level of the skin, increasing the absorption of UV rays to stimulate more calcium production in the body. -Vitamin D acts at the kidney, stimulating it to excrete more calcium in the urine. -Vitamin D activates osteoclasts, causing calcium to be released from bone and moved into the blood. -Vitamin D acts to decrease absorption of calcium from the intestine.

Vitamin D activates osteoclasts, causing calcium to be released from bone and moved into the blood.

How does water move throughout the body? -Water moves freely in the blood, as its movement in the body needs no regulation. -Water moves through the lymphatic system and is stored in the lymph nodes. -Vitamin B6 regulates water movement in the body, as vitamin B6 must be attached to water for it to move in and out of cells. -Water moves by the principle of osmosis, meaning that it follows the movement of electrolytes in the body.

Water moves by the principle of osmosis, meaning that it follows the movement of electrolytes in the body.

In humans, water is obtained via beverages, food, and metabolic water. What is metabolic water? -Water that is created from metabolic reactions in the body. -Water created by certain foods when exposed to extreme heat. -Water absorbed through the skin following evaporative cooling. -Water that is stored in the body for use when someone is severely dehydrated.

Water that is created from metabolic reactions in the body.

Knut recently found out that he has high LDL cholesterol in his blood and has told you that he is going to eat less LDL cholesterol in an effort to reduce his levels. How would you respond to him? -This is a great idea, as it is the best way to reduce LDL levels in the blood. -We do not eat LDL cholesterol, just cholesterol, so reducing LDL cholesterol intake is impossible. Eating more unsaturated fats is a prudent way to reduce LDL cholesterol in the blood. -Increasing your HDL cholesterol intake will more effectively reduce LDL cholesterol in your blood. -Levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood are determined at birth and cannot be changed, so you will always have high LDL levels.

We do not eat LDL cholesterol, just cholesterol, so reducing LDL cholesterol intake is impossible. Eating more unsaturated fats is a prudent way to reduce LDL cholesterol in the blood.

Delaney has celiac disease and must consume a gluten free diet. Which of the following foods contains gluten and what part of the GI tract would be damaged if she were to eat it? -Whole wheat bread; villi in the small intestine -Sesame seeds; stomach lining -Celery; large intestine -Brown rice; esophagus

Whole wheat bread; villi in the small intestine

Which of the following individuals has increased vitamin C needs? -Vash, a 57-year-old man who competes in triathlons. -Ms. Miku an 87-year-old woman with chronic dehydration. -Wolfwood, a 30-year-old man who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. -Jenny, a 4-month-old infant.

Wolfwood, a 30-year-old man who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day.

When trying to consume adequate iron in the diet it is helpful to: -eat non-heme iron, which is found only in plants, because it is absorbed most efficiently. -consider taking synthetic iron supplements because they are better absorbed than iron in foods. -eat iron-containing foods last during a meal so all of the other nutrients get absorbed into the body first and then iron can be absorbed more efficiently. -combine vitamin C-containing foods with non-heme iron to increase its absorption.

combine vitamin C-containing foods with non-heme iron to increase its absorption.

Peristalsis is important because, without it,: -the esophagus would not produce enzymes. -heartburn would occur far more frequently, especially in the elderly. -we would not be able to perform mechanical digestion. -food may not properly move along the GI tract.

food may not properly move along the GI tract.

The purpose of the villi and microvilli in the intestine is to: -move food components quickly through the intestinal tract to be removed from the body in the feces. -reduce the absorptive surface of the intestine. -increase the absorptive surface of the small intestine and move nutrients into the body. -prevent fat soluble nutrients from being absorbed.

increase the absorptive surface of the small intestine and move nutrients into the body.

The function of myoglobin, which contains _______, is: -zinc; transporting fats to the liver. -iron; transporting oxygen in the blood. -zinc; helping carbohydrates be turned into energy in the body. -iron; transporting oxygen within the muscle.

iron; transporting oxygen within the muscle.

Hypertension is considered a "silent killer" because: -people usually pass away from complications associated with hypertension while sleeping. -the process of measuring one's blood pressure requires the patient to be silent. -it exhibits no outward symptoms. -hypertension is not associated with any negative health effects.

it exhibits no outward symptoms.

Brita and her husband are trying to become pregnant and want to avoid any chance of birth defects in their child. Which of the following foods would you recommend Brita consume in her diet in order to decrease the risk of birth defects? -Bacon -Spinach -Sparkling water -Grilled chicken breast


Most nutrients are absorbed from the intestine into the circulatory system and are routed to: -the liver, which then decides how to handle each nutrient and sends them where needed. -the brain, which must use a combination of fat, protein, and carbohydrate for energy. -the kidneys, which then excrete all water soluble nutrients in the urine. -the heart, which has the first chance to use all nutrients that are absorbed into the body.

the liver, which then decides how to handle each nutrient and sends them where needed.

Iodine plays a role in the production of _____________ and is often added to ____________ in the US. -pancreatic hormones; salt -thyroid hormone; salt -bone tissue; grain products -the mucous lining of the intestinal wall; grain products

thyroid hormone; salt

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