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Which of the following is not a chart type?


Which chart type displays the data vertically?


What chart type can display two different chart types at the same time?


Which chart type is best when you want to chart two unrelated data types?

Combo chart

What do you use to separate arguments in a function?

Comma (,)

To what does the @ symbol refer in a structured reference?

Current row

What is the best practice to switch the columns and rows in a range?

Cut the range, then use the Paste Special option called Transpose

What does Excel not determine about the value axis when you create a chart?

Average value

What error will you get if you type a function name incorrectly?


What will you see if you enter the TODAY function without the parenthesis?


In the formula, =1+(2-3)+5/6-6^2, what will Excel evaluate first?


Central processing unit (CPU) components (2)

* Arithmetic/logic unit, the control unit, and the register areas • Part of the computer that sequences and executes instructions

New workbooks typically contain how many worksheets?


The ROUND function requires how many arguments?


In the formula, =1+(2-3)+5/6-6^2, what will Excel evaluate second?


As a general rule, Pie charts should be limited to how many slices?


How many sizing handle are found on embedded charts?


Which of the following would not be considered text?


Which of the following would not give the same result for "=(5+32+75+21)/4"?


Which of the following is not a valid =IF statement?

=IF(A5>19,Greater,Not Greater)

Which of the following does not comply with the preferred way of using the SUM function?


Which is not a valid range?

A1:A3, B1:B3

What two functions compute the central tendency of values?


In the task pane, what does a diagonal black triangle next to a chart category indicate?

All the category's options are displayed.

Which of the following is not a valid keystroke for navigating around a worksheet?

Alt + Up arrow

Which chart type displays the data horizontally?


Which chart type is preferable when the category names are long?


Which chart type cannot be displayed as a sparkline?

Bar chart

What font color does Excel use by default for many of its elements?

Black, Text 1, Lighter 35%

In a structured reference what do you use to indicate a column heading or field name?

Brackets []

If you wanted to count the number of entries in a list that contained numbers, text, and blank cells, but ignore the text and blank cells, which function would you use?


Which function would you use if you wanted to count the number of values, but ignore cells that have text or are empty?


If you wanted to count the number of entries in a list that contained numbers, text, and blank cells, but ignore the blank cells, which function would you use?


What is the technique known as Hyper-Threading?

CPUs that can virtualize two cores for every one physical core that's available technique known as Hyper-Threading


Caching is a technology based on the memory subsystem of your computer

Which axis in a chart displays the descriptive labels for the data points?


What can you not do from the Select Data Source dialog box?

Change chart type

What is not found on the Chart Elements List?

Chart type

Which of the following will not return the system clock's date?


What does the AVERAGE function not ignore?


If a cell containing =B$14 is copy and pasted three columns over and two rows down, what would the resultant cell reference become?


Which keyboard shortcut puts the user in cell edit mode?


Which keyboard shortcut toggles through the types of reference options?


What keyboard shortcut will automatically update any formulas using =TODAY() or =NOW()?


To look up an exact match, what should you enter in the range_lookup argument?


What is the small green square in the bottom right of a cell called?

Fill handle

What is not true about creating a data table?

For efficiency, make sure your data table does not exceed 256 rows.

What group is not found on the Sparkline Tools Design tab?


Where can you find more alignment options?

Format Cells dialog box

What can you not do within the worksheet tabs shortcut menu?

Format the worksheet

What Paste option would you choose if you wanted to maintain the formatting of the copied cell, but not its contents?


Which of the following is not a freeze option?

Freeze Section

The default number format is ________.


Which of the following is not a category of functions?


Multicore processor

Has two or more independent processing units, called cores

What should you do if there are columns you need, but do not want to display?

Hide the columns you do not want to display, then unhide them when finished.

Hardware components include devices that perform:

Input Processing Data storage Output

What is a bus?

Inputs and outputs that flow along an electronic path

Which tab displays the tools for creating charts?


Besides the Page Setup dialog box, where else can you create headers or footers?

Insert tab, Text group, Header & Footer

If a cell contains =$N$21 and two new columns are inserted in front of column N and three rows are inserted above row 21, what happens to the =$N$21?

It becomes =$P$24

What actually changes the value Excel stores to a user determined number of decimal places?

ROUND function

How is text aligned by default?


Which function would you use to find the oldest date in a range?


What is not one of the tabs in Excel?


What is the default data table style?

Medium 2

Which status bar statistic can you not enable?

Range Name

What describes a function's purpose?


What can the phrase "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally" help you remember

Order of operations

A 100% stacked column chart is similar to what other chart in that it converts values to percentages?


Input/output devices

Provide data and instructions to the computer and receives results from it


Provides the processor with a working storage area to hold program instructions and data

Which wildcard character only replaces one character with one other character?

Question Mark ?

What is not a purpose of using an effective chart?

Reveals even subtle errors in formulas

Which chart type is a visual "dashboard" of your data?


Which chart type is not listed in the All Charts window?


Which group on the Sparkline Tools Design tab would you choose if you wanted to change the data source of the sparkline?


What does Excel use to indicate optional arguments in a function?

Square brackets []

What can you not do directly from the Backstage, Print screen view?

Switch to formula view and print formulas


T/F. Computer monitors or hard drives are sometimes very incorrectly referred to as the CPU

T/F In some processors, the ALU is divided into two units, an arithmetic unit (AU) and a logic unit (LU).


What is the clock speed of a processor?

The clock speed of a processor is the number of instructions it can process in any given second, measured in gigahertz (GHz).

Grid computing

The use of a collection of computers that work in a coordinated manner to solve a common problem

What does pressing the Enter key while in a cell, do?

The value is set, and the cell below becomes the active cell

In a pie chart which of the following is a good reason for using category data labels rather than the legend?

They are easier to read.

If you use the Icon sets conditional formatting, you are limited to how many categories?

Three, four, or five

What is the best way to make sure your worksheet prints on only one page?

Use the Fit to option

What is the best practice for centering a title over multiple columns?

Use the Merge and Center alignment

Which of the following is not an argument associated with the IF function?

Value if neither true nor false

Which Paste option would you choose if you wanted only the computed values to be pasted, but with all formatting intact?

Values & Source Formatting

In a bar chart, which axis displays the categories?


What should you not select when selecting data for a chart?

Worksheet titles

What does it mean when you see ####### in a cell?

Your column is not wide enough.

ALU + def

arithmetic-logic unit is the part of a computer processor (CPU) that carries out arithmetic and logic operations on the operands in computer instruction words

The best way to apply Page Setup options to multiple worksheets is to

group the worksheets

The main purpose of a cache is

to accelerate your computer while keeping the price of the computer low. Caching allows you to do your computer tasks more rapidly.


• Involves the simultaneous execution of two or more instructions at the same time • One form uses coprocessors


• Speeds processing by executing specific types of instructions while the CPU works on another processing activity

Massively parallel processing systems

• Systems with thousands of such processors • Links hundreds or even thousands of processors to operate at the same time

Parallel computing

• The simultaneous execution of the same task on multiple processors

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