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What will be returned when the following SQL query is executed? Select driver_no, count(*) as num_deliveries from deliveries_T group by driver_no having count(*)>2;

A listing of all drivers who made more than 2 deliveries as well as a count of the number of deliveries

What will be returned when the following SQL statement is executed? Select driver_no, count(*) as num_deliveries from deliveries where state = 'MA' group by driver_no;

A listing of each driver who made deliveries to state = 'MA' as well as the number of deliveries that each driver has made to that state.

Which of the following is true about the SQL statement? Select*From Product Where Quantity=1 Or Quantity=2;

All fields will be selected from the Product table for products that have a quantity of 1 or 2.

What does the following SQL statement do? Alter Table Customer_T Add (Type Varchar(2));

Alters the Customer_T table, and adds a field called "Type"

What does the following SQL statement do? Update Product_T Set Unit_Price=775 Where Product_ID=7

Changes the unit price of Product 7 to 775

Which of the following counts ONLY rows that contain a value?


What does the following SQL statement do? Delete from Customer_T where state = 'HI';

Deletes all records from Customer_T where the state is equal to HI

Which of the following finds all groups that meet the stated conditions?


To get all the customers from each state sorted together in their own sections (customers in one state are listed, then those in the next state listed, and so on), which of the following would be used?

Order By

Which of the following will produce the lowest value of all standard prices?

Select min(standard_price) from product_v;

What results will be reproduced by the following SQL query? Select sum(standard_price) as total_price from product_v where product_type = 'WOOD';

The total price of all products that are of type wood

The SQL command ___ allows adding one or more new columns to a table.

alter table

To eliminate duplicate rows in a query, the ___ qualifier is used in the SQL. Select command.


The entity integrity rule states that:

no primary key attribute can be null

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