In the client-server model:
Two or more machines share the load of executing the instructions in a software application
Which kind of analytics are typically present in reports and visualizations through executive dashboards, OLAP tools, or scorecards?
Descriptive analytics
A NoSQL database adheres to the relation model.
Which are the three layers of software applications?
Data management, application, presentation or user interface
What is the focus of 'descriptive analytics'?
To better understand what has occurred is a cloud file hosting service providing storage and file synchronization through a specific software. On which architecture is it based?
Which kind of analytics consists of optimization algorithms that seek to identify targets to guide decisions or monitor current operations?
Prescriptive analytics
Which among these trends was the catalyst for the current attention to analytics?
Proliferation of data generated by sensors, machines and humans
Which are the three dimensions in trade-off considered by the CAP theorem?
Consistency, availability, and partition
Batch processing is a vestige of the past and is increasingly abandoned.
BitTorrent is a software that enables data and file sharing on the Internet directly among users. Which of the following best describes its architecture?
Which of the following is an example of predictive analytics?
The election result projections using exit polls data
What does the term 'business analytics' mean?
The examination of business data in an effort to reveal useful insight for better decision making
What is the focus of 'predictive analytics'?
To better understand what will occur
Online transaction processing (OLTP) systems are designed to provide real-time or near real-time results