Islam Study Guide for 11/29 Quiz

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"struggle in the way of God"

Meaning of Islam

"submission to the will of God"

Festival of the breaking of the fast

(Eid-al-Fitr) celebrates the end of Ramadan.

friday prayer

(Jum'a-tul-Mubarak)—worship in mosque.

Life of Muhammad

-born in 570 CE clan of Hashim, tribe of Quarish, who controlled Kabbah -orphan that was raised by his uncle, abu-Talib chief of Quraish -was illiterate and worked on caravans -met his first wife Khadija and was married for 25 years. -Mohammad is not divine -during the month of Ramadan on mount Heron the angel Gabriel appeared to him -for the rest of his life he received revelations -written down to become the Qu'ran -Muhammad- final prophet of a series of prophets including Abraham, Moses and Jesus

central beliefs of Islam

-ihad means "struggle." Can be physical or psychological. -Monotheism -Respect for earlier prophets -Muhammad last prophet -Satan -Repentance -Muslims are forbidden to eat pork, gamble, or use alcohol or drugs. -Racism is forbidden. -Jesus a prophet, not God. -Resurrection day. Dualism: Heaven and Paradise

life of Mohammad continued

-in 619 CE the deaths of Khadija and abu-talib occurred -in 622 CE "the Hijrah" migration= trek from Mecca to Medina occurs encounters -encounters opposition in Medina -623 CE marries Aishah (aisha) daugther of his friend abu-barker -war with the Meccans -dies in 632 CE (62 years old) -succeeded by Abu barker his friend


-reading or recitation -the word of Allah -114 chapters (surahs) and 6000 verses (ayas) -roughly arranged in descending order not chronological or thematic with a fairly random arrangement -hafiz (memorization or guardian)

pillar 4

. Fasting (sawm): During the month of Ramadan.


10-15%. Believe that Ali (The Prophet's cousin and son-in-law—married Fatima) was Muhammad's successor. Belief in divinely inspired figures called imams, prize martyrdom, Qur'an has hidden meanings


85-90%. They consider themselves the guardians of Islamic tradition and orthodoxy.

pillar 3

Almsgiving (zakaht): Muslims must give between 2.5-10% of their earnings to the poor.

Festival of the Sacrifice (Eid-ul-Adha)

Celebrates the completion of the Hajj and Abraham's call to sacrifice his son.

pillar 2

Daily Prayer (salaht) 5 times per day facing Mecca


First wife of muhammad and first to convert to Islam.


Muhammad's migration from Mecca to (Yathrib) Medina


Muhammad's uncle

Sufism (Sufis):

Mystical movement. Often spin to seek oneness with Allah.

pillar 5

Pilgrimage (hajj): Trip to Mecca.

pillar one

Repetition of the Creed (shahadah)


The compiled work of the life and teachings of Muhammad. -word or actions of Muhammad and his close companions


head scarf


long, usually black, covering


most holy place in Mecca; contains the Black Stone of the Kaaba: a. Kaabe means "cube" b. Fell from the heavens to the ground c. Turned black because of the sins of man d. Important to the Muslims

meaning of muslim

one who submits


women is completely covered; eye vents

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