Islamic Studies Semester 2 Final Study Guide

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In which surah were the etiquette of the rooms of the wives of the Prophet (pbuh) discussed?

Surah Al-Hujurat

Recall the Ayah in which Allah (Swt) forgives the Archers for their mistake in Uhud.

Surat Ali-Imran, Ayah 152

Build up to Battle of Badr: Where was the caravan initially headed to?


What was the dream that the Prophet saw regarding Uhud, and how did he interpret it?

The Prophet (PBUH) was wearing an armor and saw a cow being slaughtered in front of him. While he fought with his sword, the top part broke, but then was in one piece at the end. He interpreted that he will lose a relative (Hamza) and that the army is going to be hit at one point, but will get together towards the end.

What dreams were people seeing of Makkah?

The Prophet's aunt sees a dream that mountains of fire are going to destroy Makkah. Several other Makkans began seeing similar dreams.

Why do the Shias dislike Aisha?

The Shias hate Aisha for her opposition to Ali upon the latter becoming Khalifa. While she wanted to lead an army in support of Muawiyah to go after the killers of Osman, Ali didn't want to deal with the situation just then, in efforts to avoid an internal conflict amongst Muslims.

Discuss the significance of the brotherhood that the Prophet (pbuh) created between the Ansar and Muhajireen in today's times.

The brotherhood was significant because it established mutual economic and psychological support for both those local to and having just emigrated to Medina.

In what ways was the Prophet (pbuh) injured during Uhud and by whom?

Utbah ibn Abi Waqqas shot an arrow through the prophet's cheek, and also threw stones, injuring the prophet's lip. ibn Kamiya came with his horse and raised his sword to strike the face of the prophet PBUH. Talha protected the prophet PBUH with his shield but it didn't deflect fully, minimizing the blow but hitting the helmet of the prophet PBUH. The force caused his armor to damage and go inside his cheekbone

Briefly mention three of the major components of the treaty between the Muslims and the Jews.

1) No Believer shall oppose the client of another Believer. 2) Whosoever is rebellious, or seeks to spread injustice, enmity or sedition among the Believers, the hand of every man shall be against him, even if he be a son of one of them. 3) A Believer shall not kill a Believer in retaliation of an unbeliever, nor shall he help an unbeliever against a Believer."

How many companions were killed and tortured in n the incident of Rajeea?


Distinguish Ma3sia & Khatia

A ma3sia is a major sin that was done with the intention of sinning and the urge to do wrong, while a khatia is a minor sin that was done without the intention of doing wrong

Which Sahabah warned the Prophet (pbuh) of the planned attack of Uhud?

Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib

What were Abu Bakr and Omar's difference in opinions regarding what to do with the prisoners?

Abu Bakr: educate them about Islam and let the educated teach the Muslims to read and write, and make them pay ransom Omar: suggested that every prisoner is beheaded by his relative in public Allah preferred Omar's suggestion- an ayah was revealed. Due to letting them go, they came back to harm the prophet a few years later.

What is the greatest struggle a Muslim can face, according to the Quran?

According to the Quran, the greatest struggle a Muslim can face is that against his desires, where he/she aims to overcome their inner struggles to live out their Muslim faith as well as possible. Otherwise known as the "greater jihad," it also includes building a strong Muslim society and defending Islam."

Distinguish Sariyya & Ghazwa

An expedition in which the Prophet (saws) personally participated (i.e. traveled with) is called a ghazwah and an expedition that he (saws) ordered but didn't personally participate in it and rather appointed others to lead is called a sariyyah.

Where was the Qiblah before Hijrah? Where was it changed to?

Before Hijrah, the Qibla was Bait ul Maqdis. It was changed to Makkah. (noor)

Why was Bilal chosen to call the Adhan?

Bilal had a beautiful voice, and he was a former slave (To signify Islam doesn't care about one's race/background)

Who was the prophet married/engaged to during Hijrah? Afterwards?

During the hijrah, he was married to Sawda and he was engaged to aisha. Afterwards, he married Hafsa bin Omar

How old was Aisha when she was engaged to the Prophet? Married?

Engaged at 6 years old, married at 9 (noor)

What mistake did Hatim bin Abi Balta'ah make in Badr?

He wrote a letter giving secret information about the Prophet's plan before fatih Mecca and sent it to the leaders there. Allah informed the Prophet of this and so he sent Ali and Al-Miqdad to intercept the lady carrying the letter (found it tied into her hair). He said he did this because he has family in Mecca that could be in harm when it was conquered so he sent the letter to get protection from Quraysh. The Prophet forgave him because he fought in Badr

What is the significance of Adhan?

It is the Muslim call to prayer and the distinguishing factor between Muslims and non-Believers.

Who were the two leaders of this battle on the Quraysh side that later converted to Islam?

Khalid bin Walid and Amr bin al Aas

Discuss the virtues of Aisha, mother of the believers, in detail.

Muhaddith: transmitted over 2000 ahadith. The knowledge of aisha Defense of aisha in the quran (noor)

What was the reasoning behind the interception of the caravan?

Muslims attempt intercepting the caravan, because the money in that caravan was going to be used against the muslims

What were Pros/Cons of fighting Uhud outside or inside Madinah?

Outside: pros- juniors would be granted the honor to die as a martyr outside of their city Inside: pros- the sahaba know the city well and could utilize it to their advantage; cons- if Medina were to be taken over, their wives and children could be in harm's way

Recall the story of: Rafi bin Khadij & Samra in Jundub.

Rafi' bin Khadij was amongst the young companions, but because he was standing on his toes, the Prophet let him stay to fight in the battle of Uhud. When Samura bin Jundub, who was the same age as him, found out, he told the Prophet (SAW) to hold a wrestling match between them. Samura beats Radi' and they are both permitted to participate; both died as shaheed

What are some lessons we can learn from Uhud? List 3.

Realize the significance of not losing hope Proving to the enemy your strength Show that you are not defeated— your spirits always have to be revived

What are some of the rewards of saying salawat on the Prophet (pbuh)? What is the best time to recite them?

Salawat on the Prophet removes your worries (anxiety, depression, pain). it gives you a glow on your face and protects you from Shaytan. It is something we have in common with Allah, as He sends prayers on the Prophet as well. Best time to recite them is on Friday (the ummah's actions are presented on friday and monday).

Recall the story of the miracle of the milk bowl.

Small bowl of milk was enough to feed 40 people

What was the importance of the alliance with Non-Muslims (i.e the Jewish tribes)?

The importance was to reject their calling but still respect their faith and maintain good ties.

What was the reward/virtues of those who participated in Badr?

The prophet said that all the participants of the battle are forgiven of their sins and granted jannah

Recall the story of Zainab & the necklace of Khadijah.

Zainab had no money to ransom her husband, so she sent her necklace, which was a gift from Khadija, who was gifted it by the Prophet. The prophet consulted his sahaba if they allow him to release his son-in-law, to which they all agreed. The prophet, however, made al-Aas promise to send his daughter zainab to medina. Upon arriving to mecca, al-Aas tells his wife of his promise, and makes the proper arrangements for her travel. The non-Muslims decided to intercept zainab and harm her as a way of taking revenge after their loss in Badr. They physically abuse her and throw a spear at her camel. She fell, had a miscarriage, and kept bleeding. Abu sufyan made sure she got the proper medical care because killing her would result in a tribal conflict, which no one wants.

Why was the Qiblah changed? (Name 3 reasons.)

happiness of the Prophet (PBUH), accommodation of the Jewish tribes, and limits of tolerance. (noor)

Define Awrad

athkar that you do everyday that protect us from shaytan and other evils

Define Mubaarazah

combat (A tradition where all the troops would watch duals between the best combatants)

Define Badr

full moon

Define Ashab Al Suffa

poor people at the time of the Prophet who accepted Islam but didn't have anywhere to go. T

Define Sakinah

tranquility; rain (one of the events leading to Badr)

Who were some of the prisoners in Badr?

العاص بن ربيع son in law of the prophet, married to zainab العباس بن عبد المطلب uncle of the prophet أبو عزيز brother of musab bin umair عقيل بن أبي طالب brother of ali نوفل بن الحارث uncle of prophet

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