ISM3004 Exam 4 Week 14

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Explain the gig economy; with remote work/technologies, a lot of people are saying.... -----

" I don't want to work for the man, I want to work for myself"

"La fin du monde" means what in French? How does relate to AI? -----

"End of the World"; some think AI will destroy humans' well-beings.

Engagement is not the same as __________ or ____________

"satisfaction" or "happiness"

Digital Dexterity is the ability and desire of the workforce to use (what?) for (what?) ---

- is the ability and desire of the workforce to use existing and emerging technology for better business outcomes.

Explain a proximity aware system and explain how it works and what it's benefits are -----

Location-Based Technology - track people, devices and assets; Ex. Find my iPhone ; tracking devices and assets (some are expensive such as cars); proximity-aware systems example - at an IT conference RFID chip in each badge so everywhere you went in the conference center, they knew exactly who you were, what you were walking into, and at what time you were walking into.

Give one example of AI-induced tumult ----

Journalism: companies release thousands of press releases every day. There's algorithms that extract the meat out of those releases automatically generating an article and publishing it without a human being involved. Narrative science cofounder predicted that 90% of articles will be written algorithmically by 2026.

How can gig economy benefit employers? -----

Managers could quickly build a team of freelancers that are skilled, engaged, digital, agile workers to complete projects. Once the project is complete, the managers can disband the team.

What endpoint changes in recent years affect telecommunications?

Mobile-First (software designed to be mobile), Better Networks (faster and cheaper), HD video (digital cameras have much higher resolution and are cheaper)

Mobile is a cornerstone of the digital workplace because it's not a place you go but... -----

a thing that you do.

First mode of IT -----

traditional, keeps the lights on, runs the systems that make sure we get paid on time, it is rock solid and reliable, changes at glacial pace (not prepared for all the changes things make).

Smart Contracts are program code that's baked into the __________ and takes actions based on __________ -----

transaction; conditions

An organization can address the ever-increasing security threat to mobile devices by implementing ___________ -----

Containers - all corporate data is on the container and when the employee leaves, they can delete all the data without deleting everything else

What is Gartner's opinion of AI's likely impact over the next 5 years? "Through 2022, few jobs are fully replaceable, but most occupations will have at least... ----

...some activities augmented by AI"

Why do blockchain systems have distributed ledgers? Distributed ledgers (describe) that enables trusted transactions in an untrusted environment (describe) -----

1. Multiple copies, publicly readable 2. Transactions are immutably recorded via encryption

Businesses put sensors on "things" because they're able to get (what?). Why is this thing important? -----

1. We can get data about the "thing" and its environment 2. Data is an asset which gives us powerful analytics that is great for making business decisions.

6 steps of AI ----

1. learn from experience 2. arrive at its own conclusions 3. appear to understand complex content 4. participate in natural-language dialogues with people 5. enhance human cognitive performance 6. replace people in executing routine tasks.

Units with employee engagement in the ¼ are ________% more productive and _______% more profitable.

17 and 21

Only about ________% of US workers are engaged and ________% globally.

33 and 15

Endpoint diversity shows that we will soon be using _____ devices for work purposes by 2020. -----


Gartner analyzed 38 million job postings over the last 4 years and found that there was a ______% growth in the tech skills required for non-IT jobs. Also, _______% of the CEOs that Gartner surveyed think that digital dexterity should be a key requirement when hiring new employees. -----

60 and 80

Explain the Legos metaphor when it comes to Digital Dexterity -----

Basically, we're all using the same Legos (the same technical tools); who is better at building amazing things with those Legos. The employees who can build Legos really well will be in high demand and will make a real difference.

What is meant by the term "Digital Workplace"? The Digital Workplace program is a business strategy to boost (what?) through (doing what?)

The digital workplace program is a business strategy to boost employee engagement and agility through a more consumerized work environment.

Be able to explain one of the business-related uses for smart garments that was presented in the lecture. -----

UV Sensors - employees who work outdoors can be protected from staying out in the sun too long and being at risk of skin cancer.

Explain steps in the Virtual Assistant Worklow ----

User Interface of voice request; Processing request; Handling done with decision trees; Feedback (should be verbal if input is verbal); Exception Handling (request sent to human if can't be completed)

Describe difference between AR and VR ----

Virtual reality separates us from physical reality and surrounds us with a simulated virtual computer generated 3D environment; Augmented Reality is real time addition of the virtual world superimposed on the physical world.

Explain Everyday AI in Office Suit Software ----

Word: editing and avoiding grammar mistakes.

Explain the "New Role for the Dextrous" for the New Media Mogul -----

able to use all sorts of media to persuade and educate people with your message (creative, persuasive, and knows how to pull on the heartstrings of people and grab their attention.

Describe engaged employees

actually involved in their work, they're enthusiastic about it and have developed connections to their workplace, the people that work there, and the goal of the organization

Give and explain use case of AR/VR ----

in a simulation, a surgeon can get a feel for an upcoming procedure by looking at a VR operation room.

Give one way Virtual assistants make meetings better before, during and after the meeting. ----

before - determining who needs to be invited to the meeting; during - takes notes so you can listen; after - create tasks for individuals and send reminders.

Elon Musk said that AI is the biggest what? ----

biggest risk that we face as a civilization.

What is the most mature implementation of blockchain on the market today? -----


Why does Erik Brynjolfsson say we're in the second machine age? Computers and other digital advances are allowing us to... -----

blow pass previous limitations and take us into new territory.

Blockchain is a ledger for.... ----

keeping track of transactions.

How does Lindt's digital workplace strategy make life better for their sales executives? The _________ solution empowers the sales executive to have more power at their fingertips allowing them to ___________ -----

tablet; can show all sorts of displays, product catalogue, place orders

The typical Lindt sales executive has their office in their _________ -----


Describe actively disengaged

consistently negative and will actively tell you they don't like their job.

The greatest source of competitive advantage for 30% of organizations will come from the workforce's ability to..... -----

creatively exploit digital technologies.

Second mode of IT -----

experimental, innovative (tries something, learns, does things different

Distributed ledger enables us to -----

have trusted transactions in an untrusted environment.

AI is a set of related technologies that seems to emulate (what?) ----

human thinking and action.

How does Moore's Law help make the Internet of Things possible? -----

if some applications only need the same consistent amount of relatively low power, then every two years the price for that application plummets.

Gartner says "Five years ago, we struggled to find 10 AI- based applications... in 5 years, we will struggle to (what?) -----

in 5 years, we will struggle to find 10 that are not.

Describe non-engaged employees

might be "satisfied" or even "happy" at work but do the bare minimum required, they represent a threat to possible errors but also an opportunity to transform into an engaged employee

What are some aspects of a conversational interface (give 3) ----

natural language; context aware; evolution of VPA

An RPA (__________) is a software that behaves as if __________________ thus eliminating _______________. ------

robotic process automation; it were an employee; routine tasks and allowing employees to engage in more difficult tasks.

Gartner thinks this has the greatest growth potential of any wearable device. What is it and where is it on the hype cycle? -----

smart garments; innovation trigger

Difference between VPA vs VEA ----

something I own vs something owned by company but used by employee. For VPA, think Siri. VEA can access company data.

Where are head-mounted displays on the hype cycle and why? In the _____________ because even though the initial hype of google glass was insane and it's now fully developed, there's a lack of ______________ to create real value. Will take __________ years to become mainstream. -----

trough, fully developed, 5-10 years

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