ISQS exam 3 Ben Mitchell TTU

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Maker movement

Individuals embracing cutting-edge manufacturing methods with, or in place of, traditional craftsmanship. • Technological advances and the democratization of industrial technologies fueled this movement.

Classical vs quantum computing

"Quantum computers are completely different from classical computers and thus getting used to them is a process."

software developer duties

- Develop and test software to meet consumers' and clients' needs. - Recommend and develop upgrades for existing applications. - Create models and diagrams to show programmers the code needed for applications. - Monitor quality and performance of applications through testing and maintenance. - Document all work for future reference.

software development

- The multistep process of designing, writing, and testing computer programs. - SDLC works by lowering the cost of software development while simultaneously improving quality and shortening production time.

AR (augmented reality), VR (Virtual reality), and MR (mixed reality)

- Virtual reality (VR) immerses users in a fully artificial digital environment. - Augmented reality (AR) overlays virtual objects on the real-world environment. - Mixed reality (MR) not just overlays but anchors virtual objects to the real world.


- loops allow a set of statements to be repeated when program runs - allows for more compact, efficient source code

robots in business

- walmart for example has robots that clean floors, check stock, and acts as an assistant. - Predictions from McKinsey, by 2030: - Up to 800 million jobs could be displaced - The workforce will spend up to 55% more time using technical skills than in 2016 - "A generation ago, the half-life of a skill was about 26 years. Today, it's four and half years and dropping."

3D printing

3D printing refers to any manufacturing process which additively builds or forms 3D parts in layers from CAD data.

Quantum computing will:

Create new drugs

Quantum computers in business

Finance - e.g., portfolio optimization, fraud detection Insurance - e.g., risk analysis, product valuation Energy - e.g., usage predictions Transportation - e.g., autonomous vehicles, traffic optimization Logistics - e.g., optimize supply chains Chemicals/ Pharma - e.g., drug discovery, R&D Materials - e.g., new substances, new architectures Cybersecurity - e.g., secure cryptographic methods Technology - e.g., database processing, AI Value creation generally? - Potent

SDLC stages

Identify the problem - This stage of the SDLC means getting input from all stakeholders, including customers, salespeople, industry experts, and programmers. strengths and weaknesses Planning: - "what do we want?" determines cost and resources. design - "how will we get what we want? make a design plan called design specification and all the stakeholders will give feedback and suggestions. Failure at this stage will almost certainly result in cost overruns at best and the total collapse of the project at worst. Build - " let's create what we want." At this stage, the actual development starts. It's important that every developer sticks to the agreed blueprint. code test: - "Did we get what we want?" we want to verify if the code meets the defined requirements. software deployment - "Let's start using what we got." This allows any stakeholders to safely play with the product before releasing it to the market. Besides, this allows any final mistakes to be caught before releasing the product.

machine to assembly language for programming

Machine language: binary codes unique to specific platforms • Assembly language: uses short words (mnemonics) for instructions instead of binary numbers (e.g., MOV for move) • High-Level language: allows simple creation of powerful and complex programs

Types of Augmented Reality

Marker-based - (also called Image Recognition) uses a camera and some type of visual marker, such as a QR/2D code, to produce a result only when the marker is sensed by a reader. Markerless - (also called location-based, position-based, or GPS) augmented reality, uses a GPS, digital compass, velocity meter, or accelerometer which is embedded in the device to provide data based on your location. projection based - works by projecting artificial light onto real world surfaces. allows for human interaction by sending light onto a real world surface and then sensing the human interaction (i.e. touch) of that projected light. Superimposition - either partially or fully replaces the original view of an object with a newly augmented view of that same object.

applications 3D printing

Prototyping, aerospace manufacturing, medical devices, entertainment sets, low volume production, and more.

Quantum computers are trying to solve

Real hard life problems

Related technologies

Similar purpose, different technology • Create objects via subtraction (i.e., carving, etching, etc.) Additive manufacturing - Adding malleable plastics, metal, etc. vs. Subtractive manufacturing - Taking away with lasers, etchers, etc. These tools put into the hands of individuals what was previously reserved for traditional manufacturing


Software Development Life Cycle- The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) refers to a methodology with clearly defined processes for creating high-quality software.


Technical ability: - understanding how machines function and how to interact with them. Data discipline: - navigating the sea of information that's generated by these machines. human discipline: - "which is what we humans can do that machines for the foreseeable future, cannot emulate." (i.e empathy)

Virtual reality approaches

Virtual World - 3D environment where user can interact with others and objects VR Immersion - Mental immersion, Physical immersion. Sensory Feedback -vision, hearing, touch, etc. Interactivity - realistic response rates, elements behave naturally

SDLC Methodologies

Waterfall Methodology/ Process - Every stage of a product's life cycle takes place in sequence. The progress cascades steadily downwards through these phases like a waterfall. Agile Methodology/ Process - Promotes iterative development via short, regular intervals. Development is incremental. DevOps - is a natural extension of agile methodologies. - It continues the integration of analysis, design, and development to incorporate the integrated continuous release of software.


a virtual-reality space in which users can interact with a computer-generated environment and other users.

drones in business

agriculture - Drones can help track almost everything including water use, crop health, heat signatures, and soil analysis. Infrastructure Development and Maintenance - The use of drones to inspect existing infrastructure can be cheaper, faster, and importantly safer. - Drones aren't just being used to inspect traditional infrastructure but also to replace it. Construction Drone Applications - Real time aerial inspection allows for the ability to quickly survey sites or catch mistakes. According to PwC, threatening accidents on construction sites monitored by drones decreased by up to 91 percent. Warehousing and Inventory - Using drones to quickly scans thousand of crops in a field is not much different than using drones to scan thousands of items in a warehouse, so it is only natural that large retailers are adopting similar drone technology for their inventory needs.


can sense environment think about next plan of action act on the real world a standard drone is not a robot because it can not sense and think on it own. However, an autonomous drone is.

metaverse pros and cons

pros It will be "like we're right there with people no matter how far apart we actually are, we'll be able to express ourselves in new joyful, completely immersive ways." cons - it could shake up the world, shifting our existence from being rooted in the physical world to one in which our digital presence increasingly supplements our real one.

3 types of quantum computers

quantum annealer - least powerful, most restrictive, easiest to build. Same as normal computer. Optimization problems. analog quantum - complex quantum interactions. Intractable to any know machine. universal quantum -most powerful, most general, hardest to build. Known speed up

Mixed reality approaches

real world - virtual objects are not just overlaid on the real world but can interact with it. virtual world - the digital environment is anchored to and replaces the real world. In this case, a user is fully immersed in the virtual environment while the real world is blocked out.

Maker movement value

• "This Maker Movement puts power in the hands of the people to fund, design, prototype, produce, manufacture, distribute, market, and sell their own goods." -- Jeremiah Owyang • 57% of U.S. adults are Makers (~135 Million Americans) • By 2025, crowdfunding investment market estimated to hit $93 billion. • For every $100 spent in independent stores, $68 gets returned to the local community/ economy (vs. $43 for national chains). • Helps contribute to the 8 million new jobs created by small since 1990 (2 out 3 jobs)


• programming statements are executed sequentially • programmer must determine the logical sequence necessary to solve the problem


• selection statements allow branching logic in programs • choice of which path to follow is based on a specified condition

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