ISR CDP Module 2

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Department of Treasury (DOT)

Advances national security and protects financial integrity

National Military Strategy (NMS)

CJCS strategic direction for the U.S. Armed Forces, supports the NSS and implements the NDS (the means of meeting goals/objectives)

GEOINT (Geospatial Intelligence)

Collection of photographic or other imagery

Coast Guard Intelligence (CGI)

Conducts intel activities to provide timely, objective, relevant and actionable maritime intel to coast guard operations

Step One

Define the Operational Environment

Step Two

Describe the Impact of the Operational Environment

Step Four

Determine the Adversary and Other Relevant COAs

Central Intel Agency (CIA)

Director of this Intel Community serves as head and supports the DNI. Responsible for collecting intel through HUMINT

1N4X1A - Digital Network Intel Analyst

Employ techniques to collect, identify and exploit appropriate communications to ensure accurate targeting. Produce technical products and intel reports for customers

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

Enforces controlled substance laws and regulations of the US

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Equip enterprise with the timely intel and info it needs to keep homeland safe. Only IC element statutorily charged with delivering intel to our state, local, ect...

Step Three

Evaluate the Adversary and Other Relevant Factors

Army Intel and Security Command (INSCOM)

Executes mission command of operational intel and sec fo; delivers linguist support & advanced intel training, specialized capabilities in support of Army, Joint and coalition commands and the US IC

Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)

Head of the IC, overseeing and directing the implementation of the National Intel Program. Head advisor to POTUS, National Security Council and Homeland Security Council for intel matters related to national security

AF Global Strike Command (AFGSC)

Headquarters: Barksdale AFB, Louisiana Mission: provide strategic deterrence, global strike and combat support


Headquarters: Ft George G. Meade, Maryland Mission: direct, synchronize, and coordinate cyberspace planning and operations to defend and advance national interest in collaboration with domestic and international partners

Pacific Air Forces (PACAF)

Headquarters: Hickam AFB, Hawaii Mission:ndeliver rapid and precise air, space and cyberspace capabilities to protect and defend the US, its territories and our allies and partners; provide integrated air and missile warning and defense


Headquarters: Honolulu, HI Mission: overseas AOR from west coast of US to western border of India from Antarctica to North Pole. Promotes development of region while cooperating to enhance security, deter aggression, respond with force when necessary and provide humanitarian assistance.

AF Special Operations Command (AFSOC)

Headquarters: Hurlburt Field, Florida Mission: provide special ops forces for worldwide deployment and assignment to regional unified commands

Air Combat Command (ACC)

Headquarters: Langley AFB, VA Mission: supports global implication of NSS, operates fighter, bomber, reconn, battle management and electronic combat aircraft. Provides command, control, comms and intel systems


Headquarters: MacDill AFB, FL Mission: planning and conducting special ops, direct short duration strikes and small scale offenses, special reconn, unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, civil affairs ops, counter terrorism, psychological ops, information ops, counter proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, sec fo assistance, counterinsurgency ops and any specific activities directed by POTUS or SECDEF


Headquarters: MacDill AFB, FL Mission: responsible for operations in the central area of the globe, builds cooperation among nations, responds to crisis, deter and defeat threats and supports stability in regions


Headquarters: Miami, FL Mission: operates in 31 countries in Latin America, South America and Caribbean Sea, works to deter illegal activities associated with illicit trafficking and conduct multi national military exercises designed to strength partnerships while developing collective capabilities


Headquarters: Offutt AFB, Nebraska Mission: conduct global ops in partnership with other combatant commands, services and US government agencies to deter and detect strategic attacks against the US, responsible for out nuclear capabilities, space ops, global surveillance and reconn, intel, comms, computers, global missile defense and combating weapons of mass destruction


Headquarters: Peterson AFB, Colorado Mission: operates AOR with Continental US, AL, ME, CA portions of Caribbean and surrounding waters. Responsible for civil support and homeland security.


Headquarters: Peterson AFB, Colorado Mission: oversees AOR encompassing space 5 mile above earth's surface

USAF in Europe (USAFE)

Headquarters: Ramstein AFB, Germany Mission: executes AF, USEUCOM and USAFRICOM missions with forward-based air power and infrastructure to conduct and enable theater and global operations

Air Education & Training Command (AETC)

Headquarters: Randolph AFB & Lackland AFB, TX Mission: recruit, train and educate airmen. Provides BMT, initial and advanced tech training, flying training and professional military/degree training

AF Reserve Command (AFRC)

Headquarters: Robins AFB, Georgia Mission: provide combat ready forces


Headquarters: Scott AFB, Illinios Mission: provide DOD with transportation capabilities, enables diverse array of joint mobility missions

Air Mobility Command (AMC)

Headquarters: Scott AFB, Illinois Mission: provide air mobility. Airlift, refueling, mobility support and aeromedical evaluation

AF Central Command (AFCENT)

Headquarters: Shaw AFB, South Carolina Mission: delivers decisive


Headquarters: Stuttgart-Vaihingen, Germany Mission: works with NATO and other partner nations in Europe and parts of the middle east and eurasia. Works to find cooperative solutions in peace and wartime alike, plan training missions, provide humanitarian assistance and develop strategies for promoting peace and stability in region


Headquarters: Stuttgart-Vaihingen, Germany Mission: responsible for military relations within African Nations, protects and defends the interest of the US by strengthening the defense capabilities of African Nations and conducts military missions to deter threats

AF Material Command (AFMC)

Headquarters: Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio Mission: deliver and support agile war winning capabilities. Manages, researches, acquires, develops, tests and maintains existing and future weapons systems and their components

HUMINT (Human Intelligence)

Information gained through spies, informers, or other human means. (interrogation, source operations, debriefing, document and media exploitation)

16th Air Force

Integrates multi source ISR, cyber & electronic warfare, and info ops capabilities across the conflict continuum to ensure that our AF is fast, lethal and fully integrated.

Federal Beau of Investigation (FBI)

Intel driven and threat focused national security organization with both intel and law enforcement responsibilities. The principal investigative arm of the US Department of Justice and a full member of the IC

1N8X1 - Targeting Analyst

Make recommendations of the appropriate form required to disable an adversary's targeting system. Determine the specific air craft and ammunition and anticipate effort of the weapons to minimize the collateral damage while still accomplishing the mission

1N3X1 - Cryptologic Language Analyst

Operate and manage communications equipment. Translate spoken or written foreign language material, recognize essential elements of info, analyze communications and report times of interest

1N4X1B - Analysis and Productions Analyst

Perform detailed analysis on target network communications for additional exploitation. Author time sensitive intel reports in accordance with established guidelines to support decision makers

Department of State (DOS)

Primary mission is to harness intel to serve US diplomacy

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)

Provides geospatial intelligence in support of US national security and defense

Defense Intel Agency (DIA)

Provides military intel to war fighters, defense policy makers and force planners in the DOD and IC.

Department of Energy (DOE)

Responsible for all intel and counterintel activities. Protects vital national technologies, representing intellectual property of incalculable value.

Counterintelligence (CI)

Similar to HUMINT. Obtains info by/through the functions of CI operations, investigations, collection and reporting, analysis, production, dissemination and function services.

Levels of War

Strategic, Operational, Tactical

Joint Intel Preparation of the Operational Environment (JIPOE)

a continuous process that intel professionals use to manage the analysis and development of products that help the commander understand complex operating environments, adversaries and other relevant entities

National Security Strategy (NSS)

addresses the tasks that, as a nation, are necessary to provide enduring security for the american people and shape the global environment (the end goals/objectives)

Level 2 Contingency Plan

base plan

OSINT (Open Source Intelligence)

based on publicly available information as well as other unclassified info that has limited public distribution or access.

Contingency Plans

branches of campaign plans that are planned for potential threats, catastrophic events and contingent missions without a crisis at hand. React to conditions beyond the scope of the Combatant Command Campaign Plan

1N7X1 - Human Intel Specialist

collect and report intel info obtained from human sources in response to requirements. Screens documents and open source materials to identify potential source leads. Assess, debrief and interrogate sources in English

Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI)

collects, analyzes and produces maritime intel

Level 1 Contingency Plan

commander's estimate

TECHINT (technical intelligence)

derived from exploitation of foreign material and scientific info. Assesses the capabilities and vulnerabilities of captured military material and provide detailed assessment of foreign technological threat capabilities, limitations and vulnerabilities.

1N1X1A - Gespatial Intel (GEOINT)

exploit and analyze multi sensor imagery in conjunction with all source intel info. Determine type, function, location and significance of military facilities and activities, industrial installations and surface transportation routes of travel

SIGINT (Signals Intelligence)

exploiting foreign communication systems and non communication emitters. Subcategories: COMINT, ELINT and FISINT

Campaign Plans

implement the military portion of national policy and defense strategy by identifying those actions the Combatant Commands will conduct on a daily basis; direct the activities the command will do to shape the OE and prepare for, mitigate or deter crisis on a daily basis

1A8X1 - Airborne Cryptologic Language Analyst

operate, evaluate and manage airborne SIGINT information systems and operate activities; performs identification, acquisition, recording, translating, analyzing and reporting of assigned voice communications

Marine Corpse Intel

oriented towards operational and tactical levels

National Defense Strategy (NDS)

outlines DOD's approach to implementing the NSS (or current situation) (the end goals/objectives)

National Security Surveillance Program (NSSP)

outlines the environment, objectives, approaches and challenges in the Space domain with a specific focus on national security

1N2X1C - Communication Signals Intel Analyst

perform communication SIGINT analysis to include acquiring signals through optimum antenna manipulation and receiver turning

1N0X1 - All Source Intel Analyst

prepare, maintain and present intel displays, reports and briefings. Instruct air crew on collecting and reporting requirements and procedures

1A8X2 - Airborne ISR Operator

primary aircrew onboard a wide variety of aircraft to operate, evaluate, and manage airborne ISR information and related ground processing systems

9S100 - Scientific Applications Specialist

reporting identifier without skill levels. Operates in the surveillance realm for treaty verification. Apply physical science on systems/platforms. Collect data, analysis, observation, acquisition, maintenance, research & deployment, laboratory functions and fielding of prototype and operational sensors.

National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)

responsible for research and development, acquisition, launch, deployment, and operation of overhead systems

MASINT (Measurement and Signature Intelligence)

scientific and technical intel obtained by quantitative and qualitative analysis of data derived from specific technical sensors.

1N2X1A - Electronic Signals Intel Exploitation Analyst

support SIGINT activities and operations by monitoring and collecting non communications electronic signal transmissions using passive receiving equipment

PCPAD (Planning & direction, Collection, Processing & exploitation, Analysis & production, Dissemination & interrogation)

the intel process that describes how the various types of intel ops interact to meet the commanders needs

National Security Agency (NSA)

the intelligence agency that is responsible for protecting U.S. government communications and producing intelligence by monitoring foreign communications.

NIPF - National Intelligence Priority Framework

the primary mechanism to establish, manage and communicate national intel priorities

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