Issues in Nursing

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A nurse is caring for a client with renal failure. The client wants to go back home but the family members want the client to undergo a kidney transplant. The nurse gives details about the possible threats and benefits of the surgery to the family and informs them that the client wants to stay home. What role does the nurse play here? 1 Educator 2 Manager 3 Caregiver 4 Advocate

4 Advocate

Identify factors associated with an increased incidence of abuse within a family. Select all that apply. 1 Acute illness 2 Pregnancy 3 Drug abuse 4 Chronic illness 5 Sexual orientation

2 Pregnancy 3 Drug abuse 5 Sexual orientation

A pharmacy technician arrives on the nursing unit to deliver opioids and, following hospital protocol, asks the nurse to receive the medications. The nurse is assisting a confused and unsteady client back to the client's room. How should the nurse respond to the technician? 1 "I can't receive them right now. Please wait a few minutes or come back." 2 "Please leave the medications and sign-out sheet in a location where I can see them." 3 "Please bring them to me and I will be sure to put them away in a couple of minutes." 4 "I can't receive them right now. Please give them to the unlicensed healthcare worker."

1 "I can't receive them right now. Please wait a few minutes or come back."

What services do nurse-managed clinics provide in preventive and primary care services? Select all that apply. 1 Crisis intervention 2 Wellness counseling 3 Health risk appraisal 4 Employment readiness 5 Communicable disease control

2 Wellness counseling 3 Health risk appraisal 4 Employment readiness

A nurse instructs a client who leads a sedentary lifestyle to take up regular physical activity. What are the client's responses in the order reflecting the stages of health behavior change?

1. "I'm fit and completely healthy, and I have no time for physical activity." 2. "I know that exercise is good for my health, but so far my lifestyle hasn't caused me any problems." 3. "I don't even know how to begin exercising. Could you refer me to a personal trainer?" 4. "I go to the gym every day, but I feel like giving up." 5. "I need help fitting my exercise routine into my daily schedule."

A nurse is teaching staff members about the legal terminology used in child abuse. What definition of battery should the nurse include in the teaching? 1 Maligning a person's character while threatening to do bodily harm 2 A legal wrong committed by one person against property of another 3 The application of force to another person without lawful justification 4 Behaving in a way that a reasonable person with the same education would not

3 The application of force to another person without lawful justification

The nurse is providing care in a multi-specialty hospital. Which nursing action is indicative of a failure to provide equitable care to clients? 1 The nurse treats all male and female clients alike. 2 The nurse maintains direct eye contact while talking to clients. 3 The nurse provides preferential treatment to clients from low economic status. 4 The nurse asks a female nurse to attend to the client according to the client's wishes.

3 The nurse provides preferential treatment to clients from low economic status.

A nursing student is listing the key points that need to be remembered to maintain health and wellness of the client. Which key points listed by the nursing student are accurately stated? Select all that apply. 1 "Internal and external variables are considered when planning care for the client." 2 "The health belief model considers the relationship between a person's health beliefs and health behaviors." 3 "The health promotion model highlights factors that increase individual well-being and self-actualization." 4 "Holistic therapies are used by nurses only for pregnancy and pregnancy-related issues to help clients deal with the pain." 5 "The American Nurses Association (ANA) emphasizes identifying a client's individual needs, prioritizing the needs, and encouraging the client's self-actualization."

1 "Internal and external variables are considered when planning care for the client." 2 "The health belief model considers the relationship between a person's health beliefs and health behaviors." 3 "The health promotion model highlights factors that increase individual well-being and self-actualization."

A client tells the nurse, "I keep reverting to my old habit of drinking soda, although I have stopped drinking as much." What stage of health behavior change has the client reached? 1 Action stage 2 Preparation stage 3 Maintenance stage 4 Contemplation stage

1 Action stage

A nursing student is listing the steps that need to be considered when preparing discharge planning for a client. Which steps listed by the nursing student are accurate? Select all that apply. 1 "Plan the client's discharge at the time of leaving the hospital." 2 "Teach the client the safe and effective use of medications and medical equipment." 3 "Remember that discharge planning is a centralized, coordinated, interdisciplinary process." 4 "Coordinate with the primary healthcare provider only when preparing discharge planning. " 5 "Develop a care plan that moves the client from the hospital to another level of healthcare."

2 3 5

What are the important points to be considered when imparting practical knowledge to nursing students about preventing complications in the hospital? Select all that apply. 1 Nursing students are not accountable if a client is harmed. 2 Nursing students should never be assigned any tasks they are unprepared for. 3 Nursing students are employees of the hospital and may act as witnesses to consent forms. 4 Nursing students can work as nursing assistants or nurse's aides when not attending classes. 5 Nursing students should notify the nursing supervisor in case they are delegated tasks they are not prepared for.

2 Nursing students should never be assigned any tasks they are unprepared for. 4 Nursing students can work as nursing assistants or nurse's aides when not attending classes. 5 Nursing students should notify the nursing supervisor in case they are delegated tasks they are not prepared for.

The nurse administrator is assessing the quality of health care provided by the nursing team in a health care center using the Donabedian model of care quality. What components should the nurse assess while evaluating the "process" of the health care delivery system? Select all that apply. 1 Whether the nurses renew their licenses regularly 2 Whether the nurses work in coordination with each other 3 Whether the nurses are providing adequate client education 4 Whether the facilities are adequate to fulfill the client's health care needs 5 Whether the clients are satisfied with the care provided by the nurses

2 Whether the nurses work in coordination with each other 3 Whether the nurses are providing adequate client education

A nursing student is listing the points that need to be remembered about the loss of a client's medical records. Which point listed by the nursing student is accurate? 1 "Loss of medical records may lead to libel charges." 2 "The registered nurse should maintain accurate nursing records." 3 "There is an assumption that the care provided to the client was negligent." 4 "The healthcare facility needs to demonstrate why the medical records were lost."

3 "There is an assumption that the care provided to the client was negligent."

The nurse is preparing to insert an intravenous catheter in a thin, emaciated client who is scheduled to begin intravenous fluid therapy. Which interventions should the nurse follow to provide high-quality care? Select all that apply. 1 Insert an 18 gauge IV catheter 2 Change the intravenous line every 7 days 3 Flush the intravenous line with normal saline 4 Insert the intravenous catheter in the client's femur 5 Stop the insertion procedure when there is a break in technique

3 Flush the intravenous line with normal saline 5 Stop the insertion procedure when there is a break in technique

A client is injured from falling from a hospital bed on which the side rails were not raised appropriately. The client's family files a malpractice suit against the nurse responsible for taking care of the client. Which statements regarding the lawsuit are accurate? Select all that apply. 1 The nurse is the plaintiff and the client is the defendant. 2 The plaintiff selects experts to establish the appropriateness of nursing care. 3 The defendant obtains all of the plaintiff's medical records in the discovery phase. 4 The jury uses certain standards of care to determine whether the nurse acted properly. 5 The plaintiff outlines what the defendant did wrong and how it resulted in injury in the pleadings phase.

3 The defendant obtains all of the plaintiff's medical records in the discovery phase. 4 The jury uses certain standards of care to determine whether the nurse acted properly. 5 The plaintiff outlines what the defendant did wrong and how it resulted in injury in the pleadings phase.

A nursing student notes that a nurse is required to integrate best current research with clinical expertise and client preferences and values in order to provide quality healthcare. Which Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competency does this comply with? 1 Safety 2 Quality improvement 3 Patient-centered care 4 Evidence-based practice

4 Evidence-based practice

The nurse is assessing a client 24 hours after the client underwent permanent tracheotomy. The nurse concludes that the client has complications as a result of a medical error. Which finding led the nurse to this conclusion? 1 The client is unable to talk. 2 The client is unable to swallow fluids. 3 The client has a hole in front of the neck. 4 The client has a hole in the thyroid gland.

4 The client has a hole in the thyroid gland

What does a nurse understand by the quality improvement competency, according to Quality and Safety Education (QSEN)? 1 Using information and technology to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate errors, and support decision-making 2 Integrating best current evidence with clinical expertise along with client and family preferences and values for the delivery of quality healthcare 3 Functioning effectively within nursing and interprofessional teams by fostering open communication, mutual respect, and shared decision making to achieve quality client care 4 Using data to monitor the outcomes of care processes and use improvement methods to design and test changes to continuously improve the quality and safety of health care systems

4 Using data to monitor the outcomes of care processes and use improvement methods to design and test changes to continuously improve the quality and safety of health care systems

A client who had been receiving palliative care for cancer has deteriorated and now needs end-of-life care. The nurse identifies that which types of care will now be removed from the treatment plan? Select all that apply. 1 Chemotherapy 2 Repositioning 3 Regular oral care 4 Blood transfusion 5 Radiation therapy

1 Chemotherapy 4 Blood transfusion 5 Radiation therapy

While visiting the hospital, the spouse of a client slips and falls on a recently washed floor in the hallway leading to the client's room. To meet the criteria of ethical practice, what action should the nurse who witnessed the occurrence take? 1 Initiate an agency incident report. 2 Report the fall to the state (provincial) health department. 3 Write a brief description of the incident to be kept by the nurse manager. 4 Determine that no documentation is needed because the visitor is not a client in the hospital.

1 Initiate an agency incident report.

A nursing student is recalling the definition of Nurse Practice Acts. What do the Nurse Practice Acts do? 1 Nurse Practice Acts describe and define the legal boundaries of nursing practice within each state. 2 Nurse Practice Acts reflect the knowledge and skills possessed by nurses practicing in their profession. 3 Nurse Practice Acts are legal requirements that describe the minimum acceptable nursing care. 4 Nurse Practice Acts protect individuals from losing their health insurance when changing jobs by providing portability.

1 Nurse Practice Acts describe and define the legal boundaries of nursing practice within each state.

A nursing student is listing the different aspects of the healthcare services pyramid. Under which type of healthcare services should the nursing student include family planning? 1 Primary care 2 Continuing care 3 Restorative care 4 Secondary Acute care

1 Primary care

According to Quality and Safety Education (QSEN), what is patient-centered care? 1 Understanding that the client is the source of control when providing care 2 Functioning effectively within nursing and interprofessional teams to deliver quality care 3 Using data to evaluate outcomes of care processes and designing methods to improve health care 4 Minimizing the risk of harm to clients and health care workers through improved professional performance

1 Understanding that the client is the source of control when providing care

A nurse is teaching a client about false imprisonment. What information should the nurse provide? Select all that apply. 1 "False imprisonment is an example of an intentional tort." 2 "False imprisonment refers to any intentional touching without consent." 3 "False imprisonment involves restraining a person unjustly without any legal warrant." 4 "A falsely imprisoned client should be aware of his or her confinement." 5 "An unconscious client in restraints is considered to be falsely imprisoned."

1 "False imprisonment is an example of an intentional tort." 3 "False imprisonment involves restraining a person unjustly without any legal warrant." 5 "An unconscious client in restraints is considered to be falsely imprisoned."

What information should the registered nurse provide when educating a nursing student about living wills? Select all that apply. 1 Health care workers should always follow the directions of a client's living will. 2 Living wills provide clinically specific instructions that help in dealing with unforeseen circumstances. 3 Clients use living wills to declare any medical procedures they want or do not want when terminally ill. 4 Living wills are written documents that direct the client's treatments in the event of a terminal illness or condition. 5 Living wills allow authorized individuals to make medical decisions on behalf of the client if he or she is unable to do so.

1 Health care workers should always follow the directions of a client's living will. 3 Clients use living wills to declare any medical procedures they want or do not want when terminally ill. 4 Living wills are written documents that direct the client's treatments in the event of a terminal illness or condition.

A nursing student is examining the health services pyramid. Keeping in mind that care services begin at the bottom of this pyramid, in which order should care services be arranged?

1. Population-based health care services 2. Clinical preventive services 3. Primary health care 4. Secondary health care 5. Tertiary health care

A nurse instructs a client who avoids bathing to take a bath or shower each day as a means of maintaining hygiene and preventing infection. Which of these reactions should the nurse expect if the client is in the action stage? Select all that apply. 1 "I only take a bath once a week, but I don't see any infections on my skin." 2 "I try to take a shower every day, but I skip it sometimes because of my tight work schedule." 3 "I understand that bathing regularly is a good habit, but my bathroom is very cold in the mornings." 4 "Please tell me how to get into the habit of taking a bath daily so I can keep myself clean and healthy." 5 "I want to take a bath regularly, but I don't have time because I need to look after my kids and my parents."

2 "I try to take a shower every day, but I skip it sometimes because of my tight work schedule." 3 "I understand that bathing regularly is a good habit, but my bathroom is very cold in the mornings." 5 "I want to take a bath regularly, but I don't have time because I need to look after my kids and my parents."

A nursing student lists the preventive and primary care services available in schools, primary healthcare provider's offices, occupational health clinics, community health centers, and nursing centers. Which service provided by these centers is most expensive? 1 Running errands 2 Health education 3 Disease management 4 Routine physical examinations

3 Disease management

The nurse should understand the effects of internal and external variables to plan and deliver individualized care. Which variable is an example of an external variable? 1 Spiritual factors 2 Developmental issues 3 Socioeconomic factors 4 Perception of functioning

3 Socioeconomic factors

What is a living will? 1 It is a legal document that allows registered nurses to offer special skills to the public. 2 It is an order that directs primary healthcare providers to refrain from reviving clients. 3 It is a written document that directs treatment according to the client's wishes, in case of a terminal illness or condition. 4 It is a legal document that designates a person or persons chosen by a client to make health care decisions on his/her behalf.

3 It is a written document that directs treatment according to the client's wishes, in case of a terminal illness or condition.

A nurse caring for a client from another country asks about the client's healthcare traditions. Which Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competency does the nurse comply with? 1 Safety 2 Informatics 3 Patient-centered care 4 Teamwork and collaboration

3 Patient-centered care

When should a medical examiner decide whether a postmortem examination should be conducted? 1 When a client dies under normal circumstances 2 When a client dies after 48 hours of admission to the hospital 3 When a client dies within 24 hours of admission to the hospital 4 When the client gives a written consent to perform autopsy before death

3 When a client dies within 24 hours of admission to the hospital

A nursing student is recalling information about hospice care. What is hospice care? 1 Hospice care is a resident's temporary or permanent home, where the surroundings have been made as homelike as possible. 2 Hospice care offers an attractive long-term care setting with an environment akin to the client's home, which offers the client greater autonomy. 3 Hospice care is a service that provides short-term relief for people providing home care to an ill, disabled, or frail older adult. 4 Hospice care is a system of family-centered care that allows clients to remain at home in comfort while easing the pains of terminal illness.

4 Hospice care is a system of family-centered care that allows clients to remain at home in comfort while easing the pains of terminal illness.

Which nursing action during a psychosocial assessment of a transgender client may contribute to health disparities? 1 Asking specific questions about gender and sexual practices used 2 Reporting any physical or mental abuse of the client to the appropriate authority 3 Assuring the client that the confidentiality of the information gathered during the assessment will be maintained 4 Insisting on using the name listed on the client's driver's license

4 Insisting on using the name listed on the client's driver's license

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