issues in sports

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According to Tom Curtis, the NCAA board of governors permits student athletes to earn up to how much a year?


Before Title IX, just _____ percent of all high school athletes were girls


How many male college students have committed acts that meet the legal definition of rape

1 in 12

How many women have reported being raped or have been a victim of an attempted rape?

1 in 6

The current minimum age for international gymnastics competition is ___.


According to Dr. Huizenga, a study showed that ____ of 5th, 6th, and 7th graders are currently taking anabolic steroids.


According to Bernie Horn, what percent of the revenue in the average gambling establishment obtain from gambling addicts? (Voices in Sports and Society, p. 276)


25 years after Title IX was implemented high school females made up what percentage of student athletes?

40 percent

Dewey said that there were _________ steps in his analysis of effective inquiry.


There are three different sets of rules of golf that include _____________________________

A B and C

Billy Jean King helped generate management actions _________________________________.

A and B

Billy Jean King's match with Bobby Riggs ______________________________.

A and B

The PGA argued that ______________________________

A and B

When a coach tells an athlete to violate a rule for the benefit of the team ____________________.

A and B

If a professional sports franchise offers young athletes millions of dollars to give up their college careers in order to play professional sports then _______________________.

A and B only

When Lee Roy Selmon said that his parents taught him to work hard on the farm,

A and B only

World Umpires Association spokesman Lamell McMorris said "In our view, it is a total invasion of privacy (having investigators from Major League Baseball talk with the neighbors of umpires), and we strongly recommend that the neighbors and friends not answer any of these questions."

A and B only

All of these are characteristics that a champion embodies except; ___________________________________

A champion is selfish, willing to sacrifice the team's goals to his own ambition.

According to Bernie Horn which of the following is true about sports betting?

A, B and C

Goal Ball _______________________________________

A, C, and D only

What is the purpose of the NATA?

All of the above

Analyze the problem: When a boycott is called people are required to evaluate their ideas regarding the target of the boycott. In the case of South Africa, people were required to evaluate all the following ideas except

All of the above are required to be evaluated when considering the boycott.

Sonny Day, who was a former Chicago mob bookie, argued what point?

All sports are threatened by sports betting.

Which of the following incidents did Bill Saum cite as an example of an athlete getting involved with a student bookmaker?

At Arizona St., a basketball player was in debt and started point shaving and then got other teammates involved.

Dr. Jan Boxill claims that sport is education because

Both a & b

In the case of the boycott of South African athletics all of the following are true except

British athletes did not participate in the boycott.

What program was designed to provide student athletes with the education and experiences to assist them in transferring from college to professional life?


This person founded National Sportsmanship Day.

Dan Doyle

Inquiry as understood in this web activity and as used in education was developed by


Why is the NCAA the subject of so much criticism?

Due to the fact that the NCAA has been so successful and exerts so much influence on colleges.

Blake Burleson maintains that you cannot be a great athlete and not be a great person.


Gambling does not create special obligations in otherwise ordinary people in sport.


Larry Hinman does not believe that we develop virtues within the context of sport and then carry them over into life as a whole.


Which broadcaster said "We make sports entertaining"?

Howard Cosell

One of the top sports agency bought a training facility in South Florida. Who is it?


According to Bernie Horn, what are the benefits of gambling?

It employs people and brings in tax revenue.

Who said athletes are not general public because they are cheered for and looked up to by young people?

Jeff Benedict

______________l stated that coaches who teach athletes how to get away with breaking the rules should be run out of the business of coaching.

John Makovik

Which philosopher had an influence on Jan Boxill's moral views?

John Rawls

The following are important aspects of journalism ethics, except __________________________________.

Journalists should not accept pay for their reporting so they can be independent of authority.

Dick Devenzio praised Coach Dean Smith as one of the finest developers of young people in the history of college sports. What does Coach Smith sometimes urge players to do who have exceptional talent?

Leave school early for the NBA.

Which of the following is NOT a cost of gambling according to Bernie Horn?

Losing a bet means losing money.

Which of the following statements is not true?

More NCAA rules are the means to restoring the balance between athletics and academics on our nation's campuses.

Mr. Selmon learned teamwork while doing his chores on the farm and played sports with his many siblings at home.

Mr. Selmon saw his brother join a high school team and later followed his lead by also joining the team. This eventually resulted in his attending the University of Oklahoma.

What does NATA stand for?

National Athletic Trainers Association

How does Dick Devenzio refer to NCAA?

National Conspiracy Against Athletes

Analyze: Which of the following are not true about the analyses in the Knight Commission 2 Report?

Over the last decade, the amounts of money involved in collegiate sports has declined based on an inflation adjusted statistics.

Jeffrey Pollack mentioned Charles Barkley saying he doesn't want to be a role model for kids. Why?

Parents should be the role models.

Bill Morgan says that there is a clash between what two groups in the discussion on using performance enhancing drugs?

Paternalists and Libertarians

The following are true about segregation and football except: ____________________________________

Racial issues were not a concern in college football.

_______________ stressed horrible statistics concerning the general level of violence in surrounding society.

Richard Lapchick

_______ believes that every community takes their sports seriously.

Rick Wolff

What is the nation's largest and most broad-based journalism organization?

Society of Professional Journalism

What organization adopted a code of ethics for sports journalists?

Society of Professional Journalists

Evaluate the management actions: The mere fact that a boycott has been called does not mean that one must respond. When a boycott is called we must reflect on our values, important consequences, and our beliefs regarding the rights and responsibilities of all involved with the sport and the target of the boycott. In the case of South Africa and apartheid sport all of the following were cited as important values, consequences, or rights and responsibilities that motivated the boycott except:

South Africa was losing large sums of money by not being able to participate in international sporting events.

What statement reflects the NCAA's position on gambling?

Sports wagering demeans the competition and competitors alike by a message that is contrary to the purposes and meaning of "sport."

According to Dan Doyle, which statement is true?

Sportsmanship is not only playing within the rules but within the spirit of the rules.

Who or what determines the responsibilities of sports journalists?

The Code of Ethics adopted by the Society of Professional Journalists

Management Action: Which of the following statements are not true about the recommendations made by the Knight Commission Report?

The Knight Commission demands that the NCAA dissolve and that the power to govern college sports be given to a committee of presidents of colleges.

Evaluate: The following principles are cited as reasons for the Knight Commission's recommendations except -

The educational values, practices and mission of the NCAA should determine the standards by which we conduct our intercollegiate athletics program.

All the following are claims made by the Knight Commission 2 Report except:

The good name of the nation's academic enterprise is less threatened today than it was when the Knight Commission published its first report a decade ago.

According to Dr. Jennings Bryant, which of the following is NOT one of the three significant areas where media are employed in sports?

The media allows athletes to showcase the many different items they purchased with the money they made.

_____________ is an attorney with the University of South Florida since 1994, focusing on intercollegiate athletics, technology law and intellectual property.

Theodore R. Curtis, J.D

According to Dr. Sperber, which of the following is(are) true when comparing many aspects of the sports of today to sports of the past in America?

Today's sports are much improved.

A stakeholder can have values that are in conflict and also have rights and responsibilities that are in conflict.


One way to determine the stakes of a stakeholder is to "put yourself in the shoes" of the stakeholder and do your best to see the situation from their point of view.


Team owner Arthur Blank and Falcons president and general manager Rich McKay said the Atlanta Falcons would "aggressively" seek repayment of Vick's signing bonus because any monies received could provide salary-cap relief in future years.


The Atlanta chapter of the NAACP argues that Vick should not be banned from football for life and that Vick deserves a chance to redeem himself.


Title IX says that no person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.


Values and virtues were an important part of Lee Roy Selmon's interview. He described the virtues and values of hard work and personal responsibility.


What is the best question that the USA Gymnastics Center should be asking?

What are health enhancing and what are health harming behaviors by athletes, coaches and parents?

James (BaaBaa) Battista and Thomas Martino were arrested in the scheme to gamble on basketball games with inside information passed to them by Donaghy.

a and b only

Jeffrey Pollack put celebrity into a societal context where celebrity is ______________________.

a commodity

Including physically challenged athletes in sporting events ___________________________.

a snd b

Bill Curry believes a coach should NOT be judged by _________________.

a win-loss record

Journalists should be free of obligation to any interest other than the publics right to know by __________________.

acting independently

A team doctor can be said to have an obligation to _______________.

all above

In males, the excessive concentrations of performance enhancing drugs may interfere with normal sexual function and cause:

all of above

A journalist should be ________ when reporting and interpreting information.

all of the above

According to Arthur Blank _____________________________________________.

all of the above


all of the above

Androgenic steroids work to

all of the above

As a result of his participation in the gambling scheme, ___________________.

all of the above

Athletics plays an important role in primary and secondary education because it _________________________.

all of the above

Cathy Freeman, an Aboriginal woman, raised her arm to light the Olympic Flame in Sydney during the Opening Ceremonies of the 2000 Games. The following were results of this selection __________________________

all of the above

Consider the case of Fred, a student athlete in a non-revenue producing sport, such as wrestling, and Sam, a student athlete in a revenue producing sport, such as basketball or football. Their athletic director argues that the revenue producing sport athletes should be paid. Which of the following are true of the SEEing analysis of the situation?

all of the above

Danny Andrews ___________________________________

all of the above

Donaghy's choice to participate in the gambling scheme ____________________________.

all of the above

Dr. Jay Coakely states:

all of the above

Drugs are used in sports for what reasons?

all of the above

Eli Wolfe __________________________

all of the above

Fans and players have the right to expect impartiality and fairness from sports officials to protect the purity of the competition. As a result, _______________________

all of the above

Floyd Landis had his Tour de France cycling title taken away due to his failing the drug test.

all of the above

Gay and Lesbian coaches and athletes are a target of what?

all of the above

IOC banned the following methods:

all of the above

In females, the excessive concentrations of performance enhancing drugs may cause male characteristics to develop and interfere with normal female functions. The drugs can:

all of the above

In what way can athletes be identified and shamed during their sport experience?

all of the above

Jan Boxill claims that _________________________.

all of the above

Management actions in the Vick case may come from __________________.

all of the above

Managing and deciding whether to employ certain drugs is made difficult because _______________.

all of the above

Michael Vick admitted to not being truthful to ______________________________

all of the above

Michael Vick admitted to not being truthful to _______________________________.

all of the above

Michael Vick says __________________________

all of the above

Money has changed sports in the following way(s):

all of the above

Richard Lapchick stresses that _________________________.

all of the above

Some of the values that a good coach must exhibit are ____________________________________.

all of the above

Some people argue that athletes should be held to a higher standard __________________________.

all of the above

Some people argue that college athletes should not be paid because _______________________.

all of the above

Some professional athletes have _____________________.

all of the above

Sports management issues can be represented in terms of the ______________________.

all of the above

Sports management issues may be evaluated based on _____________________________________.

all of the above

The NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has had to make decisions regarding problems in the NFL and he has handed down significant penalties to players such as __________________.

all of the above

The history of sport for disabled people shows that _____________________________

all of the above

The line that separates what can be written about and what cannot be written about may be drawn by _________________________.

all of the above

There are several competing values, rights, and responsibilities which are difficult to manage coherently in the face of institutional demands for ___________________.

all of the above

There may be management ethics issues at the level of ________________________.

all of the above

Title IX and gender equity issues are difficult to address because such issues apply to _____________.

all of the above

What do the drugs HCH, HGH, IGFI and DHEA all have in common?

all of the above

What examples of racism in the recent past does Oriard bring to our attention?

all of the above

When applying the consequences point of view you have to determine to the best of your ability __________________________________.

all of the above

When applying the rights, rules and responsibilities viewpoint ______________________________________.

all of the above

When evaluating an option we ____________________________.

all of the above

When it comes to coaching and winning at the college level, you should be expected to _______.

all of the above

When looking at a situation to SEE issues (as in the first step in SAGE) we should ___________________.

all of the above

When the media and the sports teams are owned by the same people, there is a perception that __________________________.

all of the above

Which of the following is an example of violence in sport?

all of the above

If student athletes get good grades in a class even though they do not do the work, then the __________________.

all of the above are stakeholders

Bill Curry feels that in this day and age a coach is no longer _________________________________

allowed just to be a coach. He/she must be a disciplinarian, a truant officer, a drug and alcohol expert, a firearms expert, as well as an expert in other areas associated with athletics.

Dr. Jay Coakley characterizes abuse as _________________________________.

any behavior that harms a child and/or limits the child's physical or psychological development

The Title IX policy that the government insists upon does not allow _______.

any discussion of interests

Title IX applies to _______.

any educational program in an institution that receives any federal funds

Dr. Jim Malone ______________________________________.

argued that historically developed economic and legal restrictions build stereotypes of blacks, and that African-American athletes risk their wealth and position when they directly challenge racial stereotypes

Dick Devenzio claims NCAA has not done a wonderful job for __________________.


According to Jeffrey Pollack the _______________ images of some athletes are exactly what some advertisers are seeking.

bad boy

According to Bill Curry, what is the number one problem on college campus today?


"There is a sense of nationalism about caring about other people that is absolutely vital to the moral fabric of our lives." was stated by

bill morgan

Joan Ryan argued that judging in women's figure skating and gymnastics rewards children's _________ with victories.


Poor choices by _______ may result in harm to children who are vulnerable to exploitation in sports.

both A and B

What is the purpose of the NCAA?

both A and B

Diana Nyad discusses how coaches can be criminals to the youth they coach by relating _______________________________.

both A and C

Sports celebrities may be _______________.

both A and C

Because of the money that athletes earn and the realities of book publishing _____________________________________.

both A and b

About business & sports and how much is too much, which is true?

both B and C

Selmon urges students to take responsibility for their own decisions and

build their character by doing age and skill appropriate tasks well and then be ready to evaluate opportunities as that you may qualify for due to your prior work.

John Rawlings, editor of The Sporting News, promotes anti-gambling by doing what?

by not posting the betting lines and not taking ads from sports betting advance programs

Gary Jacobus stresses ______ is(are) critical to the success of the investments.

celebrity athletes

Armen Keteyian

characterizes sports agents as people who confront an ever deteriorating ethical sports environment when they vigorously compete to represent athletes.

Which famous athlete claims he wants nothing to do with his title of "role model"?

charles barkely

When Dan Doyle told the story of his friend who used hand signals to change the shooter for a free throw in a basketball game, he was giving an example of (give the best answer) ______________.


The Michael Vick case shows that ________________________________

choices made can be bad for you even if you never intended to do harm.

Bill Curry __________________________________________.

claims that society is perpetrating a scam on our youth by leading them to believe that professional sports is a career path for athletes

Jeff Benedict feels that good and well-trained __________ can be a significant part of the solution to reducing violence and harm to athletes.


Toffler notes that aggressive and negative language by __________ and __________ can cause significant damage in children.

coaches, parents

The NCAA committee on Sportsmanship and Ethical Conduct ______________________________.

concluded that the pressure to win undermines sportsmanship

Dr. Jennings Bryant identified three areas where media are employed in the sports experience. All of the following are areas he identified except ___________________________.

creating new methods of billing fans

Which of the following is not part of Critical Thinking?

criticizing anything that is said by another

Since Title IX, the percentage of women coaches in college athletics has


In the equation Pat Griffin uses to frame some of the issues that gays and lesbians experience, double lives + double standards = ____________.

double trouble

It is essential that athletes understand the importance of completing their _________________.


Dick DeVenzio believes that by letting the free market apply to college athletes some of the value conflicts inherent in the student athlete situation are ______________.


Coach Bill Curry _______________________________________.

emphasizes that coaches have a spectrum of responsibilities

Billy Jean King's relationship with her husband ____________________________________.

enlightened her to social concerns

Some people believe that sport simply is ______, and should be paid accordingly.


Distributive justice means?

everyone receives the same treatment

A team doctor should let the athletes direct their own treatments.


According to the essay by Chris Fumari in the Santa Clara newspaper taking performance enhancing drugs is not cheating in the same sense that Bill Belichick of the New England Patriots was cheating when he was stealing another football team's signals.


An athlete can refuse to submit to doping control if he/she chooses to do so and is not penalized for doing so.


An athlete has never lost a gold medal because of a cold/flu medication.


Errors in reporting are often repeated since one news source will cite the other news source without doing fact checking. As a result, one error by a less than ethical reporter may result in an error being repeated in many forms of media. This problem is unique to sport and does not happen in any other area of reporting.


Everyone agrees that just by being a celebrity you have a positive obligation to do more for society than someone who is not a celebrity and an obligation to behave better than other people who are not celebrities.


International organizations such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International are not critical of the Chinese government's continued repression of its citizenry.


Jimmy Carter was against the boycott of the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow which was a protest against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan


Journalists are never off duty and are always working. As a result anything a person says or does that a journalists sees or hears will be used in a story.


Medicine is separate from sports and does not play a significant role in athletics.


Only the Olympics require their participants to be tested for performance enhancing drugs.


The NBA will not give a lifetime ban to Tim Donaghy so he may be able to officiate in the league when he gets out of jail. When an individual's deceitful actions bring shame and humiliation to an organization, the violator must be able to rehabilitate himself.


A diuretic is a substance that increases body mass to improve performance in some sports.


According to Myles Brand, head of the NCAA, diversity and inclusion should not include economic class.


According to Rich McKay, athletes should make much less than what they do.


Advanced level universal inquiry occurs when students are provided with a hands-on problem to investigate, as well as proceedures and materials, but are not informed of expected outcomes. Students are to discover relationships between variables or otherwise generalize from data collected.


Athletes are being exploited if the university is earning money off of their efforts, because anyone who makes money off of an other's efforts is exploiting them.


Bill Shelton wants us to believe that all college sports are alike.


David Stern argues that NBA players have traveled to Africa and have raised a substantial amount of money to help the needy there. In this analysis David Stern maintains that the only interpretation of their action is that the players are doing this to improve their image.


Elementary school gym classes typically teach students to love sports.


Even highly successful athletes find that a good education is irrelevant to the enjoyment of their life after sports.


Fighting during games is a recent phenomenon.


Gamesmanship was defined by Dan Doyle as the extension of skills beyond the bounds of the game.


In the discussion "The Role of Athletes in Sport" it was claimed that It is not the responsibility of parents and coaches to assist athletes in embracing the idea of being a role model.


Management action options are all the same and affect all stakeholders equally


Management action options are all the same and affect all stakeholders equally.


Management actions must be able to resolve all the conflicts among the stakeholders.


Michael Vick did not apologize for his actions that harmed the dogs. He only apologized for the fact that he was caught.


Michael Vick made more money in his dog fighting business than he did playing football, so putting his football career at risk in his business dealing was a reasonable choice.


Public investment in sports franchises are universally agreed by scholars to be good investments for the community.


Richard Lapchick values sport as a means to address social problems though his work with Mother Theresa showed that sport is not his only interest.


Rights and responsibilities often are encapsulated in rules. "The best aspect of rules is that they are clear and they do not conflict in situations." Is this claim true or false?


The NFL did not have African-American players playing during part of its history but during that period all the owners of the NFL teams agreed that their teams should be integrated.


The Tiger Woods action plan is designed primarily for high school children.


There has been a dramatic improvement in the number of African-Americans in sports management positions and ownership positions over the last 3 years.


There is an agreed upon level playing field (fair and equal competition) throughout collegiate sports.


WADA and the National Anti-Doping Agency can advise athletes on which nutritional supplements are safe and legal to use.


When analyzing the values taught by the FIrst Tee it is clear that many of them are of dubious real value for young athletes.


Winning, graduation rates, grade point averages, and comportment by the athletes are all equally important in the retention of college coaches.


Women's gymnastics and tennis are the only sports where children are at risk.


The availability of _____________ makes parents and coaches appear not to be solely interested in the good of the child.

fame and riches

Michael Vick blames his poor choices in the dog fighting as a result of his being led by bad people who tried to take advantage of him.


NFL teams, per the collective bargaining agreement, are not allowed to seek repayment of money paid to players as a signing bonus if the players are deemed to have defaulted on their contracts.


Rickey Hampton argues that Michael Vick is being prosecuted because he is black and that a famous white athlete would not be prosecuted.


A paternalist is one who

favors the ban on drugs because it protects athletes from needless harm.

According to Rick Wolff, to a large extent, becoming a professional athlete or getting a college scholarship as a student athlete really depends upon _____________________________.

genetic makeup

When Wingate (erroneously identified as Wingett in the book) College hired an independent consulting firm to find out what they could do to make their college more attractive to prospective students, the firm's recommendation was to ___________________________.

get a football team

Before Title IX

girls were just 1 percent of all high school athletes.

Which of the following is NOT one of the five characteristics that Robert Williams sees as important for the successful marketing of an athlete as a celebrity?

giving lots of money to charity

Compared to the general public, athletes have a _______________________________.

greater incidence of violence

Which are the two most popular sports for female athletes in which girls are better than women, thus promoting rigorous sports training with girls?

gymnastics and figure skating

Well-intentioned acts of parents can result in ________ to children when pushing them to participate in sports at an early age.


Gay men and lesbian women are often assumed to be what?


Celebrities are social creations, and as social creations they ____________ the character of our society and the way in which we understand it.


Kareem Abduhl-Jabbar emphasized that individuals must be evaluated by ________________________________.

individual character

Robert Huizenga said that in order to make decisions, you need _____________.


In SAGE generating a management action ______________________________.

is for use in managing any issue or situation with stakeholders in conflict

A libertiarian is one who _______________________.

is opposed to bans because they feel we should be able to live our own individual lives as we see fit.

Professor John Hoberman ____________________________.

is the author of "Darwin's Athletes: How Sport Has Damaged Black America and Preserved the Myth of Race"

Bob Goldman

is the chief physician for the sport of bodybuilding worldwide.

Distinguishing between good and bad drugs should be left to the athletetes to decide. This would be a belief of a ______________.


Sports marketing programs use athletes to sell products and athletes that are marketable can command high fees for endorsements. This _________________________________.

makes sport a means to a marketing end rather than an end in itself

The 3 significant areas where media are employed in the sports experience does not include __________________________.

making as large profits as possible on game tickets

Bob Groseth argues that Title IX and gender equity issues should not solely be framed as a

male-female conflict, but should be framed as an economic "have's vs. have not" conflict.

Celebrity has been defined as someone who is famous for being famous. Having the ability to direct attention to oneself and favorably upon a product or issue __________________________________.

may create an additional responsibility upon the athlete that others may not have

Of the hundreds of pages of the NCAA rule book, which of the rules are voluntary?

medical guidelines

A model or paradigm of sport given by Dr. Jan Boxill includes the following features except __________________________________.

must be sanctioned by the international Olympic Committee

In which state is sports gambling legal?


About how much money a year does Sports News make off of gambling advertisements?

none of the above

In 1890's, early football was a media event because the universities wanted ________.

none of the above

The World Golf Foundation has implemented a drug testing program

none of the above

Which of the following is not an important characteristic for a successful marketing athlete?

none of the above

Sports coverage in the newspapers and on television is the same in small towns and _______________________.

none of the abve

Bill Shelton says that "....we have a society today where losing is __________________."

not acceptable

When athletes complete their professional athletic career they ___________________________________________.

often are still young and need to work

Todd Boyd points out that an athlete's image is controlled by what?

part of life's high drama

William Morgan maintains the view that it is morally okay to interfere with someone s freedom if it is good for them and produces some good result. This is an example of


"For a long time after writing North Dallas Forty, which was my first novel, I was sort of the resident expert on every television show that had talked about drugs." is a statement by

peter gent

Sports Business Daily coined this term for today's athletes: ________________________

post-modern athlete

The goal of Title IX is to _________________________.

prohibit discrimination based on gender in federally supported educational institutions

The NCAA is responsible for __________________________.

providing leadership in the effort to improve collegiate sports by developing an ethical environment in which fair competition can thrive

Rich McKay also argued that large ______ investments could make a big difference.


According to Dick DeVenzio, the incredible growth in the dollar value of the Final Four Basketball Tournament over the last 30 years results in the players who performs in the games___________________.

receiving less than before

Diana Nyad pointed out the violence that coaches can do to young people when she __________________________.

revealed that as a youth, she was repeatedly raped by her coach

Which of the following are celebrities characterized as?

role models

Nancy Marshall qualified for the 1972 Olympic team when she was 14. Because of ______ she chose not to compete in the 1976 Olympics.

separation from her family, burn out, and puberty while training

What kind of violence happens in all kinds of schools, to all kinds of girls and young women?

sexual harassment

It is the belief of Richard Lapchick "that any athlete who crosses the social norm, who hurts another person whether it be a woman or anyone else, who is driving under the influence and hurts somebody, or is using drugs and hurts somebody, _______."

should be banned form the game

When coaches and athletic directors integrated sports because of Title IX, they found that trying to decide whether or not there is discrimination based upon a _______ was an invalid inference.

simple ratio of men to women

According to Bill Curry, __________________________ is an important value that a team sport can teach.

singleness of purpose

Bill Shelton of Eastern Michigan University now believes that college athletes should receive __________ of the money that sports generate at colleges.


If an athlete calls a reporter and asks that a story be changed the reporter will __________________.

sometimes change the story if the story is not accurate

The ______________ section of the newspaper is the most popular.


Professor Oriard uses the name "Faustian bargain" to explain the relationship of ____________________.

sports and media

Professor Ken Shropshire ____________________________.

stresses that sports opportunities are too narrowly focused and that we must see the opportunities more broadly

Studies show that girls who participate in sports are less likely to experience all of the following except __________________.

success and trophies

Dr. Huizenga

suggested that team doctors get second opinions and rescue themselves from decisions in which their team loyalty may interfere with their medical judgment.

The best way to find the proper proportion of women to men in a college's sports offerings is to _______.

survey and respond to the college's student population

Agents and managers of athletes work with their clients to insure that they know how to deal with the media. Part of the training involves the athletes duties to the media.


Agents can be important in protecting an athletes rights when a team no longer desires the athletes services.


Arthur Ashe was pressured to publicly disclose that he had AIDS since a journalist was threatening to publish the information either with or without his cooperation.


Arthur Ashe went to South Africa in the early 1970s because he thought his presence would help white South Africans see what people of color could achieve while inspiring the oppressed masses of that nation.


Athletes are ultimately responsible for what they put into their bodies by swallowing, injecting or applying to the skin.


Basketball is being used by the government of South Africa to encourage peace among the races there. It is the only sport where blacks and whites regularly play together and compete.


Being a reporter requires you to be fair. The relationship between journalists and athletes can sometimes compromise the integrity of the story by making the journalist biased.


Celebrity is a commodity and has value in and of itself.


Certain athletes can be targetted for drug testing by the testing agencies.


Contact with agents can cause athletes to lose their eligibility to play collegiate sports.


Dennis Brutus, one of the most persistent campaigners against racialism in sport, became a special target of the South African regime. From the early days when SASA was formed he was closely watched by the security police. In 1960, when a state of emergency was declared following the Sharpeville killings, security officials raided the homes of SASA officials and took away all the documents they could find. None were returned. Dennis Brutus was placed under severe personal restriction. Banning orders served on him prevented him from attending gatherings of more than two persons. Anything he said or wrote could not be printed, published or distributed. He was also banned from teaching and journalism, which deprived him of the means of earning a livelihood.


Diligently seeking out subjects of news stories to give them the opportunity to respond to allegations of wrongdoing is a part of seeking the ttuth and reporting it.


Dr. Bob Goldman said that many athletes would be willing to take a drug that would significantly shorten their life if it would guarantee them an Olympic victory.


For the U.S. and the Soviet Bloc, high medal totals at the Olympics were one means of proving the superiority of their respective political and economic systems.


Gentile, a former executive producer at CBS Sports, said ``I've been in the sports industry forever and we dance around the gambling issue. There's a feeling that people believe that gambling is more impacting than we've thought.''


Going back to the 20's Ty Cobb and Babe Ruth behaved in ways that today would have been reported thoroughly in the news. Not writing the story made these two baseball players more popular than they would have been. Sometimes not writing a story is as important as writing one. The Graff and Agassi relationship is one example where writing the story may have changed the way things eventually worked out.


Members of the Olympic Committee are alleged to have violated their responsibilities to athletes and to the international Olympic movement by personally profiting from their activities on behalf of the Olympic Committee.


Nelson Mandela was a prisoner on Robben Island for most of his 27 years of incarceration. Mandela and the others prisoners first heard of international protest against apartheid when the news of a demonstration against a South African team leaked onto the maximum security island. He said his fellow prisoners were jubilant in the yard.


One aspect of the SPJ code of ethics advises journalists to distinguish news from advertising and shun hybrids that blur the lines between the two. This ethics rule may limit the coverage of David Stern's presentation of NBA Cares since it could be interpreted as a commercial promotion for the league.


Prior to the Tim Donaghy case, in the history of the four major professional sports in the United States (football, basketball, baseball, and hockey), there has never been an umpire, referee, or other in-game official indicted or arrested for fixing the outcomes of a game.


Professional sport has been estimated to be a $213 billion industry. Professional sport rests on the assumption that athletes are competing against one another on an equal footing.


Some believe that leagues, associations, and unions regulate sport to the extent that athletes are limited in expressing their personality to the public. Being able to show their personality often is important to securing sponsorships and other advertising deals. As a result, some athletes do things off the playing field that they want to be reported in the media. The question is this: is it true or false that an important consequence of an athlete having a public persona is the potential to increase their earning power.


Some believe that newspapers should not post the betting line on sports games.


Some journalists believes that there are so many people with a blog or web site that report events and activities or athletes that they are dragging down the standards of all the other media outlets.


Some people maintain that gambling adds interest to football and basketball games that may not be widely popular.


The International Olympic Commettee, IOC, does not have more members than the UN.


The NBA may work with its referees' union to implement greater accountability on its referees. Every action will be taken with the intent of proving the NBA's seriousness in preventing dishonest officials from harming the game's integrity again.


The Vorster regime began openly to interfere in sports. It issued a Proclamation in February 1965, under the "Group Areas Act", prohibiting any mixed sports or even mixed audiences, except by permit. (Until then, segregation in sport was by "custom", not law). In the few cases when permits were granted, the organisers were required to separate spectators by race, with six-foot wire fences, and provide separate entrances, toilets, canteens etc. In some events, only Coloured people and Indians were allowed.


The celebrity media landscape seems to apply to the sports world. The gossip column part of Sports Illustrated gets more popular almost every week.


The imposition of apartheid in sport means in effect that no 'mixed' sport is permitted under the aegis of the official organisations which are accorded international recognition and bear the responsibility for selecting representative teams for international competitions. There are no open trials to permit the selection of the best sportsmen in each class from the entire sporting community. Instead, competition is limited to whites only and it is from them that national teams are selected. This situation was well-known to all the international sports bodies which granted unqualified recognition to the racialist, official organisations in South Africa. Just as the South African white sports bodies are responsible for enforcing racial discrimination in domestic sport, so the international bodies which granted them membership are responsible for bestowing respectability upon such practices.


Using artificial substances in sport has been around a long time. The first evidence of doping can be traced back to the ancient Olympic Games. There is evidence that competitors were willing to take performance enhancing substances, such as mushrooms and plant extracts.


When Palestinian terrorists seized and then killed eleven Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympic Games, they explained their choice of venue with what was in many ways an astute assessment: We recognize that sport is the religion of the western world.... So we decided to use the Olympics, the most sacred ceremony of this religion, to make the world pay attention to us.


When a sports organization finds that a violation of important values such as fairness and honesty in officiating occurred, then the consequences must be swift and severe. Leaders cannot show tolerance for deception.


Women's sports opportunities have grown dramatically over the last 20 years in both high school and college.


Mary Carillo shares her personal observations about the role of adults - the parents, coaches, and promoters - in the early development of young athletes in what sport?


Gamesmanship is _________________________________.

the art and science of gaining a strategic advantage through morally questionable means.

Dr. Shelton related five major changes that have taken place in collegiate athletics, but he did not state that _______________________ is one of them.

the athletes are much stronger now

We have defined Ethics and Morality as _______________________.

the standards and practices which are or should be sanctioned by a group

High profile athletes are getting in trouble and committing serious acts of crime because ______________________.

there are basically no boundaries and no lines for these guys and there is always someone around to excuse their behavior

Moral absolutism is the belief that ___________________.

there is only one set of true moral beliefs

The NCAA is federated into ________ divisions.


Bill Shelton referred to _________________ as a non-revenue sport.


A "true believer" or lover of sports who has experienced the pure delight of sport may be said to love sport as an end in itself.


A fundamental principle of the Olympic Charter states: "No discrimination is allowed against any country or person on grounds of race, religion or political affiliation".


A management action may be a series of actions taken over time by a variety of people or agencies and all of the actions taken can be considered a single management action.


A society or an institution that encourages young athletes of any race to rely on sports as their sole life skill would be harming those athletes. By relying upon professional sports as their only potential career opportunity, the vast majority of those athletes would lose out.


According to David Stern, Olympic participation promised to South Africa helped to end apartheid earlier than it would have been without the promise


According to David Stern, there is an obligation for corporations to address society's issues, since government seems incapable of addressing all the issues that they need to do.


After completing a SAGE analysis of an issue and choosing the best option, we may find that we are thrust into another situation requiring another SAGE analysis.


Arthur Blank said that to build a great team you need to have a team with a shared sense of values and you have to pick the right players.


Baseball is one of the last legally protected cartels in an essentially capitalistic market economy.


Blake Burleson claims that sports is a window on our culture so sports ethics is like business ethics and medical ethics and each of these studies address much the same basic issues.


Cheating destroys the basis of sports competition.


Claudia Card argues that from a feminist standpoint, women who have been outstanding athletes have had to pay a social penalty, so as a consequence women are discouraged form going out for sports because they learn early on that it is unfeminine


Claudia Card is a feminist who believes that competition develops competence and that feminists who are critical of competition are wrong.


Claudia Card links sport with music and art as activities that make life worth living.


Coaches should consider how their management actions might be understood by others.


Coaches who are lesbian have been fired when their sexual orientation was made public.


College coaches are limited by the NCAA with respect to the amount of time they may spend with their student-athletes.


Colleges must now graduate athletes or they may face reductions in the scholarships that they may have for sports.


Collegiate sports are an integral part of American universities but not foreign universities.


Collegiate sports provides for more than just financial rewards for select colleges. They provide special personal development opportunities for students


Collegiate sports provides for more than just financial rewards for select colleges. They provide special personal development opportunities for students.


Dick Devenzio argues that it is in the economic interests of the NCAA to limit the economic opportunity of college athletes.


Discrimination in the early years of sports, when the franchises were first being developed, established privileges for the original white ownership groups which have become economic realities which are difficult to change.


Dr. Louis Guenin, argued that gender equity should be based on equal interest not on equal numbers.


During 1880-1890 the newspapers were the most powerful mass medium that transformed football from an extracurricular activity at a few northeastern universities into a popular phenomenon with a national following.


Dwachter argues that sports is a restricted area of experience and what is learned in that area does not necessarily transfer to other areas of life.


Evaluating the options generated in a SAGE analysis might not determine a single winning option but may determine that some options are comparable.


Even when college sports teams do not make surplus revenue, they still significantly contribute to the overall college environment.


Framing management issues in the most inclusive way using the language of values, consequences, and rights and responsibilities can better prepare a manager for making an ethical decision.


From a moral point of view, parents who push their kids into training at young ages for a professional sports career are no different than parents who push their children into acting careers or singing careers.


Hinman argues that Aristotle encourages us to develop precisely those virtues that are needed in the world of sport.


If your option meets all the rules that apply no one can hold you accountable for violating any rules even if the option might not have the best consequences of the available options.


In U.S. professional sports, the racial balance in team ownership and management does not mirror the racial balance of the athletes.


In team sports where athletes are well coached, the athletes can develop character.


International action against apartheid sport began in earnest in 1963. "Papwa" Sewgolum, an Indian golf caddie, won the Natal Open Golf Championship (after winning the Dutch Open in 1959 and 1960). He was not allowed inside the clubhouse where whites were celebrating. The photograph of "Papwa" receiving his trophy in heavy rain outside appeared in many newspapers around the world and greatly helped the boycott of apartheid sport. (He was banned from all major tournaments in South Africa after 1963.)


Jackie Robinson's breaking the color line in professional baseball was an important step in social change but it was not sufficient to alleviate racism in baseball.


Jan Boxill claimed that excellence in sports, or anything else, is achieved through following the rules in order to be creative within the artificial space created by the rules, and this is what allows the individual to achieve as high as one wants to achieve in sports.


Justice Alan Page claimed that athletes have a special obligation to be people of character whether they like it or not.


Justice Alan Page claimed that race issues in America and in sports will be determined by our ability to treat people as individuals, with individual qualities, not as stereotypes.


Kareem Abduhl-Jabbar believes that Coach Wooden was the perfect role model as an educator, coach, and person.


Lack of ethics in sports can affect sponsorship, attendance, and the ratings of sports.


Lawrence Hinman discusses how sport is a subset of play and how play is a sort of rehearsal for the real world.


Maradona's "hand of God" Goal helped beat the English in the World Cup.


Michael Oriard wants to discover the answer to the question "what has football actually meant to people in America over the course of history?'


Moral values are often expressions of group norms.


More than ever before, graduates from U. S. institutions of higher education need the critical-thinking skills and ethical commitment that are necessary for both economic development and world citizenship.


Myles Brand argued that the NCAA leadership must persuade colleges and universities to do the right things.


Myles Brand said the NCAA and CBS Sport communicate to help insure that college sport and the athletes are presented in an appropriate manner.


NCAA Division 1 colleges and universities operate their athletic programs under different rules and obligations than NCAA Division 3 colleges and universities.


National Sportsmanship Day was begun to increase discussion about sports ethics.


One athlete's taking performance enhancing drugs forces other athletes to make a decision about whether to put themselves at a competitive disadvantage.


Open inquiry is similar to guided inquiry, but students also devise their own problems to investigate.


Prejudice against gay and lesbian people in sport is common, just as it is in American society at-large.


Rich McKay, former General Manager of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, argued that professional athletes are entertainers and professional sports franchises are in the entertainment business, so they should pay the athletes entertainers salaries.


Rule changes could make sports safer for athletes, but some say that economic reasons argue against making those changes.


SAGE requires critcal thinking and inquiry skills when analyzing an issue.


SEEing a situation (as in SAGE) may require additional inquiry into the situation to learn who may be involved and in what way. Some of the stakeholders may not be obvious at first glance.


Some situations or issues are such that there may be no management action that resolves all of the stakeholder conflicts.


Sometimes a SAGE analysis requires us to chose which of the options are the least bad.


Sports and the media have grown together throughout the twentieth century, so much so that some have said that the media needs sports as much as sports need the media.


Sports can provide opportunities which can be better exploited by athletes who are well prepared academically.


Stereotyping occurs when characteristics frequently are applied to an individual or group without determining whether the characteristics in fact apply to the particular individual under consideration.


The Anti-Apartheid Movement has always urged that the outside world should boycott all apartheid sport.


The NCAA has an obligation to enforce the rules agreed to by the member institutions upon the member institutions.


The NCAA is criticized as taking action on behalf of the student-athlete only when they have public relations crises.


The Northeastern University Center for the Study of Sport in Society maintains a data base of qualified African-American sports professionals for consideration by teams for positions in sports management.


The average professional athlete will have a career of less than 5 years.


The commentary in the Washington Times blames moral relativism for many of the evils of "thuggery".


The interests of physically challenged athletes may conflict with the interests of other athletes.


The percentages of black athletes in baseball is falling as many are playing football and basketball.


The purpose of SEEing in a SAGE analysis is to set up the framework for further inquiry and critical thinking about the situation.


There are many factors that determine whether or not a story will be reported. Journalism ethics is only one of the factors that determine if a story is reported.


There are some people who argue that big time athletics on college campuses creates hypocrisy in the administration of the educational institution.


There is much more than just playing on the field to aspire to in sport. You can aspire to managing and ownership in sport. Progress is being made.


Travel teams and elite teams in elementary school age sports are seen as necessary to develop high performance athletes to prepare them for the next level of competition.


Volunteering to help others is part of the Tiger Woods action plan.


When evaluating options you may uncover information that may cause you to revise the options, to revise the analysis, or to modify the stakeholder analysis.


When generating a management action you must be creative in coming up with ways that address the major conflicts among stakeholders.


When there are too many rules, some are led to believe that whatever is not prohibited is permitted.


When two values, such as security and opportunity, attach to a possible action, such as may occur when someone joins a rugby team, it is fair to say that they have a conflict of values since their physical security may be threatened by participating in rugby and they may also have the opportunity for fun, excitement, and the chance to compete.


When we analyze a historical situation back or a situation occurring within other nations, we may have to consider applying the values and responsibilities that were current in that time period or in that location. Applying the values or responsibilities does not mean we agree with them but is just a way to understand the stakeholders. This does not mean that we agree with the stakeholder.


When you have three options you could conceivably have a situation based on three ethical perspectives of VCR where each option may be determined to be best based on one of the VCRs.


Young women tennis players who are capable of competing with more mature women tennis players may be drawn into professional competition long before they have matured sufficiently to handle professional athletic success.


lack of ethics in sports can affect sponsorship, attendance, and the ratings of sports.


the average professional athlete will have a career of less than 5 years.


The final transition to retirement for all but the very best athletes usually occurs when the athlete is still _________________.

under the age of thirty

Frank DeFord claims that the appearance of conflict does not necessitate the reality of _________________________________.

unethical behavior

Aristotle's ethical thought is associated with ___________________________.

values and virtues

"My teammates would expect me to cheat if it meant the difference in winning a game" ______________________________________.

was agreed to most by men in Division I basketball

All of the following were claims made in the Giving Back panel except: _______________________________________________.

we are most concerned about our reputation when we pick a charity

Jan Boxill said that "the death of ethics is the sabotage of excellence" and by this she means that ______________________________.

when you cheat in sports you harm yourself

Gamesmanship was defined by Dan Doyle as ______________________________.

winning by unsportsmanlike conduct yet within the rules

Which of the following men's sports is thought to have been negatively affected since Title IX came into existence?


When applying the values and virtues point of view __________________________________.

you should view the options from a variety of value and virtue possibilities

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