IST 225 Quiz

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copyright tag


> tag


< tag


Choose the special character that is used to indicate a blank space.


How would you configure a hyperlink from the index.html file to another file named services.html which is located in the same folder?

<a href="services.html"> Services </a>

hyperlink tags

<a> href=example.html>example</a>

Choose the tag pair configures text to be indented from both the left and right margins.

<blockquote>.. </blockquote>

description list tags

<dl> <di> <dd>

CSS color and background color example

<h1 style="color:#FF0000;background-color:#cccccc">

italic tag

<i> </i>

insert an image tags

<img src="image.jpg" alt="image of an image"

to list an item tags

<li> </li>

how to link a CSS

<link rel="stylesheet" href="color.css">

ordered list tag

<ol> </ol>

unordered list tag

<ul> </ul>

Choose the item that creates an image link to the school.html page when the school.gif graphic is clicked.

A) <a href=school.html src=school.gif alt=school></a>

Select the best description of "white space".

A) empty screen area around blocks of text and images

Select the code below that configures a class called "offer" with blue text using CSS.

B) .offer { color: blue; }

Select the true statement below.

B) Animation should be used only if it enhances your web site

Select the group whose mission is to create guidelines and standards for Web Accessibility.

B) Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)

Select the three most common methods of organizing web sites.

B) hierarchical, linear, and random

A smaller version of a image that usually links to the larger image is called a:

B) thumbnail image

Select the best reason to include height and width attributes on an image element.

B) to help the browser render the page faster because it reserves the appropriate space for the image

Which of the following will configure all the span elements with red (#FF0000) text color?

C) .span { color: #FF0000; }

Select the recommended design practice that applies to a web site using images for main site navigation.

C) both a and b

Use the __________ property to configure italic text using CSS

C) font-weight

Select the attributes that are used in the area element to configure a clickable area on an image map.

C) href, coords, shape, alt

The process of creating an image with the lowest file size that still renders a good-quality image is called ______________.

C) image optimization

The process of ensuring that web pages coded with new or advanced techniques still are usable in browsers that do not offer support for the newer features is called:

C) progressive enhancement

Choose the technique below that will provide for accessibility when a web page uses graphics for the main navigation links.

C) provide text hyperlinks in the page footer and configure an alt attribute for each navigation image

Select a good design recommendation for text hyperlinks.

C) use a key phrase as a hyperlink

A set of rules for exchanging files such as text, graphic images, sound, video, and other multimedia files on the Web

HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol

Choose the preferred element to use when displaying text in a bold font style when there is no special importance to the words in the text.


Which of the following is the CSS property used to set the background color?


Choose the element that configures text to be indented from both the left and right margins.


background image

body { background-image: url (smile.png); background-repeat: no-repeat];


body { color: blue; background-color: yellow; }

What element contains each item in an ordered or unordered list?

description list

Use the ______ element to create a generic area or section on a web page that is physically separated from others.


The purpose of the ________ element is to configure the footer information on a web page document.


Which of the following is a CSS selector that will configure the paragraph elements within the footer element.

footer p

Which type of selector is specified by placing a # symbol in front of the selector name?


Domain name system

ides the Internet into logical groups and understandable names

A(n) ________ is an image that is configured so that parts of the image can be used as one or more hyperlinks.

image map

Choose the graphic format that is best-suited to display photographs on web pages.


A ____________ is a sketch or blueprint of a web page that shows the structure (but not the detailed design) of basic page elements such as the logo, navigation, content, and footer.


The meta element is coded in the ___________ section of a web page document.


Consider _______ when designing for display on a mobile device.

all of the above

Select the items below that can be used as a CSS Selector.

all of the above

Select the items below that can help to appeal to the intended or target audience of a site.

all of the above

Where do you place the code to associate a web page with an external style sheet?

D) in the head section of the web page document

Choose the attribute used to provide accessibility by configuring a text alternative that is available to browsers and other user agents that do not support graphics.


Choose the true statement below.

The content that displays in the browser is contained in the body section


n describe a relationship between two computer programs

The purpose of the ________ element is used to configure the main navigation area on a web page.


Which of the following is a CSS selector that will configure the anchor elements within the nav element.

nav a


or more computers connected together for the purpose of communicating and sharing resources

What type of HTML list will automatically place a number in front of the items?

ordered list

What element is used to configure a new paragraph?


Cascading Style Sheet rules are comprised of:

selectors and declarations

Choose the preferred element to use when configuring important text that is intended to be displayed a bold font style.


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