ISYS 210 Exam #1 Review:

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Restarting a computer is called a:

"Warm Boot"

Mark Zuckerberg says that:

"We build tools, we do not produce any of the content."


"fast" -math computations -comparisons/logical

In the WSJ, it now says that Facebook allows users to turn on:

"safety check" that enables users to mark themselves as safe

An operating system is consider:

'system software', whereas a program like Microsoft Excel or Adobe Photoshop are considered 'application software'

Most computers use the:

(ASCI) American Standard Code for Information Interchange code scheme to represent bytes


(sometimes called minicomputers) are less powerful and smaller in physical size than mainframe computers, but do many of the same things, simply on a smaller scale.

Physical Storage Characteristics:

--Requires a read/write head --Typically spinning media --Records (write) data and information --Accesses (read) data and information --Electromagnetic, holds positive and negative charges --Like a record player --Concentric circular band around the disk is a track --Divided into pie shapes called sectors --More than one sector comprises a cluster --Table of contents is "FAT"

Data Archiving & Backup Strategies: Archiving data means:

--Storing data and information that is no longer needed on a daily basis. --The data might need to be accessed in the future.

In a computer system, a filing cabinet is a hard drive or an optical disc, with advantages and disadvantages.:

--What if the filing cabinet burns down? --What if I want a copy of a file in the filing cabinet? --What if I want to send a file to someone else? --What if I want someone else to help me with the file?

Redundant Systems/Redundancy:

--a system design in which a component is duplicated so if it fails there will be a backup. --Has a negative connotation when the duplication is unnecessary or is simply the result of poor planning.

Why does Microsoft Windows dominate the platform markets?

--standardization in the business world --very compatible

Business Application Software Suites:

-Application Software(s) sold together in one package -3 to 5 basic business applications: -Spreadsheet, Database, Word Processor, Presentation Software, Project Mgmt Software --Applications that alone or together --Facilitates ease-of-use --Similar functionality --Similar graphical user interface (GUI) --Presented in windows --Multitasking -Like elements like "Ribbons"

Ones and Zeros:

-Computer data is represented in binary. -Positive or Negative charges on a hard drive are data and instructions. -These charges are represented by ones and zeros. -Any file on a computer in converted to ones and zeros. --Input devices (like keyboards or microphones) translate what a human understands to ones and zeros for the computer system to use. --Output devices (like computer monitors and printers) translate ones and zeros to what a human understands.

The operating system in turn takes control of the computer:

-Configures the computer's hardware -Stores configuration in the computer's "registry" -Operating sytem loads system utilities like virus protection

Sharing Data Between Software Suites:

-Cut and Paste -OLE [Linking] Embedding

Presentation Software:

-Displays info -often in a slide show -often on-screen -projected for an audience -very easy to build --Allows user to: -edit, update, insert, and delete text -include graphics -include video -include hypertext

Common Application Software:

-Email, Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Database, Presentation Software, Project Mgmt Software

Based on a hierarchy of folders that contain computer files. File management systems are searchable and provide information on files like:

-File name -File creation date -File modification date -Location of the file -In some cases, who modified and created a -file -Size of the file

Secondary Storage:

-Filing Cabinet -Non-volatile -Retains information even with the computer turned off -Not directly accessible by the CPU -Must make use of input/output channels -Slower than primary storage -Typically higher capacity than primary storage

If Linux does everything Windows does and is free of charge, why buy Windows?

-Intellectual Property -Supply/Demand -Digital Rights Management

Common Business Operating Systems (Platforms):

-Microsoft windows -Mac OS -Linux (free) -Unix

Consider the following in Business Information Systems:

-People -Competency -Attitude -Critical Thinking -Best Practice

Primary Storage:

-Random Access Memory (RAM) -Volatile (does not retain information when off) -No physical movement -Accessed in any order (speed)

Computer Storage: The variety of ways a computer system stores (saves) data and information which includes:

-Spreadsheets -Documents -Graphics -Software Programs

Business Information Technology:

-Study -Design -Implementation -Support -Management ... of a computer-based information system, particularly software and hardware


-based in Dallas -began in 1971 -Starting serving only 3 cities

Productivity Suites:

-collection of business computer application programs of associated functionality that share a common graphical user interface. -also called "software suites" or "application suites" -allows smooth data exchange -microsoft office is the most popular

Word Processing Software:

-for creating documents -updating documents -editing documents -saved to secondary memory

Specialized Application Software: Web Authoring Application Software like Adobe Dreamweaver:

-intention, viewers, content, design layout, search engine optimization (SEO)


-interface of info in a grid form -separated by columns and rows -often for financial calculations -supports graphing -provide a "what-if" scenario

Application Software:

-performs particular tasks like creating budgets, resumes, or professional presentations -chances of an application software not meeting an end-user's needs are remote

Specialized Application Software: Image Editing Software like Adobe Photoshop:

-raster graphics, vector graphics

Excel flexibility in Action:

-requirements -calendar -RACL (Responsible Accountable Consultive Informed)

Lightweight Database Tools @ SW Airlines:

-sales force - build your own app -tableau, SAP -Database - What tire? What mechanic? Which tool?

Input and Output Devices:

-translates machine code -turns 1's & 0's into input -turns input into 1's & 0's

Database Software:

-well thought out collection of files -consists of records (row) -separated by fields (columns) -can be queried -often called a Database Mgmt System (DBMS)

5.0 =

.5 x 10^1 fraction & exponent

The end of a Word document ends in:


"A" =

0100 0001 1 byte

TAMU has:

1 main frame with Payroll, AR, AP located here and 1 in Dallas

Every instruction: string of characters, #'s, picture is represented by:

1's & 0's

The 5 processes of SW:

1. Creating the Schedule 2. Recovering from Irregular Operations 3.Maintaining Our Aircraft 4. Supporting Our Employees 5. Enabling Growth

C=a+b: 4 Machine Instructions:

1. get a 2. get b 3. add together 4. result in c

Floppy Disk:

1.44 Mg

Digital Versatile Disk:

15GB -30GB

Why is it important to understand that technology changes?

1965: Moore's Law

How fast does information technology change?

1999: MP3 player cost $450 and held 10 songs


2 bytes/character

Annual cost to the PMC is:

2 million in FedEx charges and employees


2 state device; on/off

Flash Memory:

256 - 2 Terabytes

Blu Ray:

25GB - 30GB

Positional Notation:

326 -3x10^2 = 300 -2x10^1 = 20 -6x10^0 = 6

TAMU was ______ customer of Amdahl.


SW has how many flights a day?


Hard Drive:

40GB - 60 Terabytes

"Sam" =

6 bytes

"Tom" =

6 bytes --greater than Sam

SW has how many aircrafts?



= Program for Reliable Operations - $150mil 5yr deal -- enhance operations to have better experience EX: weather, plane breaking

(Everything Changes) 1969:

Armstrong & Aldrin walk on the moon

Case Study/ The Cloud Server vs. FedEx:

A large Property Mgmt Company (PMC) with 2,000 properties nationwide has a legal dept that sends (via FedEx) contracts to each property printed in Microsoft Word --The properties receive the contract, make appropriate changes, and FedEx them back.

What is the most important aspect of learning application software?


When electricity courses through a computer during start up, the first thing the computer does is find:

BIOS (Basic Input/Output System), a "firmware" program that is embedded in a computer chip


Basic input/output system (firmware)

Sharing Information Between Applications:

A singular proposal is made using Microsoft's Excel and Word. Calculations are made in Excel and need to be reflected in the Word portion of the proposal --What is the best way to share data between the two?

Filing Cabinet Storage:

A steel box, organized with drawers, folders in the drawers, legal contracts in the folders, organized in alphabetical order (secondary storage).

80 Plus Standard

A voluntary certification program intended to promote efficient energy use in computer power supply units. Energy Star® standards require that a PC's power supply convert 80% of its AC power into DC current.


A work arrangement in that employees benefit from flexibility in working location and hours.

Binary Digits =


What is the title of the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) business section?

Business and Tech

Business Network Options: A Financial Services Business (FSB) with 1,500 employees has massive data storage needs. Which option is best?

Buy hardware and IT employees staff and do it themselves. Employ an off-site mass storage company. Port their storage into the Cloud.

On a computer, Microsoft Office is in:

C-Drive until opened

Internal Hardrive:

C: -non-Volaitle (secondary storage) where info is stored



Businesses need to carefully consider the following storage strategies:

Capacity: How much data and information needs to be backed-up? Access time: How long does it take to get the data and information back? Security: Who gets to see the data and information? Cost: What does it cost do backup the data and information? Disaster Recovery: If there is a natural disaster, will I still be in business?


Central Processing Unit --executes instructions

The nickname of IBM in the business world?

"Big Blue"

Powering up a computer is called:


Leaders are also called:

"First Adopters"

First company to sell everything on internet?


Disk Mgmt:

An OS is responsible for reading and writing data and information to a disk, typically a hard drive.

Interfacing and Utilities:

Computers only understand 1s and 0s (machine language) and consequently need to interface with what a human can understand through input and output devices.

Querying is the most important function in a:


Cloud Storage:

Does this technology render all other backup methodologies useless? Disadvantage?


Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool. An easy-to-use online tool ( that helps large institutions purchase, select, and compare computer desktops, laptops, and monitors based on their environmental attributes.

Energy Star

Energy Star® Specifications Started in 1992 as a voluntary labeling program to identify and promote energy efficient products. Energy Star® claims that if every computer in the United States met Energy Star® requirements, the savings in energy costs alone will grow to about $2 billion each year and greenhouse gas emissions would be reduced by the the equivalent of that from 2 million cars. In many instances, Energy Star® computers are far more expensive to purchase but are far more efficient and cost effective in the long run.

Total Value:

Enterprise Impact -Ops performance & customer reliability -Risk mitigation -Customer Exp. Impact -Employee impact NPV -Business Case Value

First company to see process of delivery?



File Allocation Table; directs the read/write arm of the hard drive to where data exists and accesses it upon the user's request.

(Everything Changes) 20XX:

Google Live goes online, Space Elevator goes online

save money

Google bought an artificial intelligence company to __________ in their data center

(Bonus) Grand Daughter:


Tier 4:

Guaranteeing 99.995% availability

Prof Phinney's favorite teams are in:


What does HTML mean?

Hypertext Markup Language


In the past, switching from one application program to another was a difficult and time-consuming task, as the computer system would only allow a user to run a single application at a time.

What does IBM stand for?

International Business Machines

Specialized Application Software: Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer:


Microsoft Word vs. Adobe Acrobat. Which one is better?

It depends

OLE/ Object Linking & Embedding/ Embedding/Static:

Like Copy & Paste, allows user to embed a an entire section from one application to another, but still static

OLE/ Object Linking & Embedding/ Linking/ Dynamic:

Like embedding, but if the source file changes, it will be reflected in the destination file

To work on a legal contract, find it in the filing cabinet (secondary storage) and put it on your desk (primary storage):

Make the desired changes on the contract, and put it back in the appropriate place (saving) in the filing cabinet.


Microsoft Disk Operating System

What was the title in the WSJ before the "Business and Tech"?

Money and Investing

Most common output:


If it is on the internet is it true?


Should a presentation include more than 7 lines of text and more than 7 words in a sentence?

No, Presentations should enhance a presentation, not read word for word

Memory Management / Storage:

Operating system coordinate and arrange the computer's memory which includes cache, RAM, registers, and virtual memory. Platform also facilitate disk storage.

Memory Mgmt:

Operating systems coordinate a computer's memory which includes cache, random access memory (RAM), registers, and virtual memory.

(Everything Changes) 1903:

Orville and Wilbur Wright Invent the airplane

What does PDF stand for?

Portable Document Format


Power Supply Unit; part that supplies electricity --Converts Alternating Current to Direct Current


Proves we are who we say we are


Read-only Memory --code to start up --booting up called "firmware"


Redundant Array Inexpensive Discs; stacked on top of each other

Device Drivers (Device Programs):

Resources like printers and keyboards work because of programs that are called device drivers (Plug & Play)

Quickbase in Action:

SW Airlines Project Inventory

(Bonus) Prof hates this app:


Today, _______ is the nation's largest domestic airline.


Jennifer Paine:

Southwest Airlines: Director of Corporate Delivery; class of '98 Biomed engineer

(Everything Changes) 2004:

SpaceShipOne goes to space.

Backup utilities:

System software can automatically copy important business files somewhere else if the original files get deleted or corrupted.

What was the first thing that connected the world?

Telegraph: 1837

If the Internet is fast, why not connect to a hard drive somewhere else besides your local hard drive? Could you access this hard drive from any computer? Would you have to backup this hard drive?

That's the "Cloud"

WSJ - The Internet of Things is Here, and It Isn't a Thing:

The internet is a service -consumers do not have to worry when things are considered a service Ex: You don't think of Uber as "connected cars", but a transportation service

Memory Management:

The operating system needs to carefully allocate memory so application software(s) can work properly, the same way a farmer allocates water for crops.

Green Computing

The practice of using computing resources efficiently, while reducing the use of hazardous materials, maximizing energy efficiency, promoting the recyclability of defunct products, and reducing factory waste during the computer's manufacturing process.

Starting a Business Computer:

They boot up based upon which user by authentication (typically with a user name and password).

Ever since the disasters in 2005 in the U.S., what have companies done to prevent themselves from losing valuable items?

They constructed plans that were way more in depth to be able to function there company

Physical RAM is limited.


Magnetic Tape, RAID, iDrive (pre cloud), Mass Storage, Cloud Storage:


(Everything Changes) 2012:

Unmanned SpaceX Dragon supplies the ISS.


Volatile (primary storage) what the user is currently working on

(Everything Changes) 1953:

Watson, Crick, Wilkens discover the double helix

When and what was the last telegraph office?

Western Union: 2006

What is WYSIWYG?

What You See Is What You Get?


What you have the permission/authority to do

A "one" is a bit. A "zero" is a bit.:

When 8 bits are combined, they become a "byte". Bytes can be used to represent characters: 01000001 ="A" (According to the American Standard Code for Information Interchange - ASCII)

Administer Application Software:

When a user double clicks an icon to load application software, it is loaded from the hard drive to Random Access Memory (RAM).

Object Linking:

When the source file is linked into the destination file, both files stay up to date. Unlike object embedding, that simply takes a picture, object linking is a dynamic link where both files are current and editable.


Who is in charge of computer acquisitions?

Why is Moore's Law important in business computing?

You are in charge of 1,000 sales reps and much choose a phone plan for all of them. iPhones? Google phones? VOIP phones? (Get this wrong and you affect your business profoundly).

File Management Systems:

a graphical system of file organization and file management

The issue for lenders is ow to classify loans in the Airbnb age. Historically, that has been pretty easy:

a house usually was either a principal residence or an investment property. Mortgages now are being viewed as riskier bc owners had less of a personal connection to the house and rental income isn't always reliable

File Mgmt:

a way to store and organize files to the memory of a computer.

RAM is primary storage that can be:

accessed in any order without physical movement which makes it very fast, and where "work" is done. Information in RAM must be saved to secondary storage to be used again

Browser Software:

allow users to view items via the Internet

Object Embedding:

allows a user to select an entire area from one application and a part of another. A budget spreadsheet (source file), for example, can be embedded in a proposal document (destination file). This is static and only takes a "snapshot." When the proposal document is reopened, it can be edited, but the budget spreadsheet source file embedded in it cannot. The budget spreadsheet is only as current as the last time it was embedded.

Network Software:

allows computers to communicate with each other

"?" Button:

allows you to find info on Microsoft office

System Software:

among other things, this makes hardware work. Collection of computer programs that accomplish a specific task


an Excel file that stores all the information, previous calculations, and analyses that you may have already completed

System software (operating software) makes sure the:

application software works correctly.

Midrange/Mini Computers/Servors:

are all classified together.


are for reference only and are not accurate and change so quickly, this data is likely out of date.


are massive, room-sized computers that process and store enormous amounts of bulk data and information


are smaller than mainframes and midrange computers and are so common that they are most commonly referred to simply as "computers" -laptops -desktops -handheld

Defragmentation records the hard drive:

as well as moving data and information into its inside concentric tracks so the read/write arm moves a shorter distance, therefore more economical.

Base 2:

binary number system - 2 digits 0,1

Operating systems are updated by their manufacturers to make sure system software is:

bug free (patches), and to make sure drivers and virus software are up to date.

Database Software is one of the most commonly used in:

business, and perhaps the most important. (TAMU has one)


buy the newest technology and maybe get an edge

8 bits =



called this b/c had microprocessors in them

The end-users attitude when using application software is extremely important. "Knowing" an application software:

can do a specific task is paramount in learning.


clickable navigation elements that let the user navigate from one web page to another

Operating Systems (Platforms):

collection of computer programs that work together to manage hardware and software and make sure the computer is working correctly.


competitor of IBM; they broke off from IBM

Gordon Moore, cofounder of Intel. Moore's Law, 1965:

computer processing power will double every 18 months or so. (Includes Internet Size). Imagine an car maker manufacturing a vehicle that doubles its gas mileage every 18 months

Business Computing Software:

concerned with 4 basic applications: spreadsheets, word processors, database, and presentation software


contains the actual data and calculations

Collaborative Application Software:

conversational interaction, digital interaction, webinar, Skype


convey/transport electronic impulses



Cut & Paste/ Copy & Paste/ Static:

copy & paste the appropriate number from Excel to Word. If the Excel calculation changes , will it be reflected in Word?

Base 10:

decimal system - 10 digits 0,1,2,...9

Acrobat Reader allows you to:

digitally sign PDF files

Application software resides on an operating system, therefore, application software:

does not work without system software

People that use computers are called:


Input is data and information that:

enters a computer and is translated into machine code like through a keyboard or microphone

Why is the WSJ changing/evolving?

everything is changing in the business world with technology

Output is data and information that:

exits a computer system and is translated for human comprehension, like a computer monitor or speaker

Records of data are separated by:

fields (columns)

What is a (5.0) in computer language?

floating point, real, decimal

Attitude towards information technology plays a pivotal role toward:

gaining computer competency

1,000mb =



grab all continuous stuff

Microsoft Windows represents its file management system visually with a:

graphical user interface (GUI) environment. It is best to simply think of this as the inner workings of a physical filing cabinet that contains the file folders that house paper files.

Disk Management systems throw (write) 'laundry' (files) onto the:

hard drive in no particular order, which is fast. Reading files from the hard drive becomes slower as the disk becomes more and more fragmented. (Harder to find clothing when its on the floor.)

Super Computer:

high performance research computing machine -TAMU has some


if a disk management system throws (write) 'laundry (files) onto the hard drive in no particular order, this (defrag) puts it away

Ms. Paine's favorite excel:

if their is a free seat then we take it -went to New Zealand

A database query is only limited by:

imagination and the fields in the database

Starting the Computer:

immediately starts loading system software -finds and enables operating system -does an "inventory" of the computer --What resources? What hardware? Size of RAM, etc.

Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERPs):

incorporate all data and processes of a business into one integrated system -single database, SAP AG, PeopleSoft

A computer monitor is an output device that presents:

information that has been translated from 1s and 0s into something a human can understand.

What is a (5) in computer language?

integer, whole number

Best Practice:

is a management process, technique, or method that is most effective at arriving at a desired outcome or better outcome than any other process, technique, or method.

Critical Thinking:

is a way of thinking that involves analysis and evaluation and includes considering all possible outcomes in order to form a solid decision. (look at all outcomes then arrive at decision)

Virtual memory:

is seemingly an endless supply of memory the operating system provides by coordinating, tracking, and efficiently allocating the use of the CPU cache, registers, RAM, and disk storage.


is the knowledge that enables a person to understand something, in this case, a computing system and its relationship to business.

Information Technology (IT):

is the study, design, development, implementation, support, and management of computer-based information systems, particularly software and hardware.

Which is better, a Personal Computer (PC) or a Mac?

it depends; workforce uses pc more than mac

Homeowners are using Airbnb and other room-rental apps to pull extra income:

it is blurring the line between commercial and residential properties, (like hotels)

Defragmentation does not make a hard drive faster, instead:

it makes it more efficient.

1,024 bytes =


RAM (Random Access Memory):

known as primary storage, it is a type of memory that allows data to be accessed in any order without physical movement of the silicone media; not infinite; it's where the instructions have to be executed

Antivirus software keeps a list (database) of:

known viruses and virus-like programs.


located in Houston & Bryan -Tier 4: the best Built the building b/c: 1. inexpensive real estate 2. Pop up site in downtown Bryan 3. Close to RR tracks

1,024kb =


Many businesses would argue that spreadsheets are the most powerful and useful business application software b/c of their ability to:

model financial information and perform "what-if" analyses


most important asset in company

4 bits =


Disk Storage:

non-volatile secondary storage like an internal hard drive, an optical disk, or even a hard drive in the Cloud. Hard drives have spinning platters, like a record player that record positive or negative charges that represent 1's and 0's, a binary system.

Moore's Law now is:

not as powerful

System software loads the:

operating system (platform) -OS is the groundwork for all system software --controls memory --administers input/output --manages filing system

The BIOS program locates hardware like the hard drive, finds the:

operating system, and enables it.

Disk Management:

operating systems are responsible for reading and writing data and information onto a disk

Amdahl removed panels that were red/orange to:

paint maroon for TAMU at local Cadillac dealer

Application Software::

performs tens of thousands of specific task for an end-user. -spreadsheets, database, presentations, etc. -extremely powerful -needs system software (operating system) to work

1,000tb =

peta byte

System Software Utilities: Defragmentation organizes the:

physical hard drive, which can become fragmented, by attempting to move positive and negative charges (1s and 0s) to the inside of the device's concentric rings.


plugged directly into a slot on the motherboard and serves as the brains for the microcomputer

A User Profile represents the user's specific:

preferences and the kinds of resources they require

Ctrl + P =


Total Value Score:

ranking of all capabilities by total value (incorporating EI & NPV)

Tables consists of:

records (rows)

Never underestimate the power of application software. The chances that it will not do what you want are:


Linux (free):

running on servers, super computer, open source


secondary memory

The most important characteristic of a productivity suite is its capability to:

share data and information between business application software.

How long have PDF's been around:

since 1991

CPU Cache:

small, very quick memory that stores copies on information that is most regularly used. EX: If a user frequently uses Adobe Photoshop, common parts of Photoshop will be stored in CPU cache so it loads faster.

When a computer is powered up, hundreds of system:

software programs automatically configure the computer and find and enable the operating system.

In the WSJ, What did Mark Zuckerberg bring the Pope?

solar powered drone == so they could get internet to others


store individual pieces of data or calculations

File Management:

stores and organizes a user's work represented by computer files on the memory of the computer. Presented in a graphical user interface (GUI). Files and folders are displayed in a hierarchy.


storing data & info that is no longer needed on a daily basis


super fast

Collection of related files:


How can you guarantee information is off a hard drive?

take hard drive out of computer & shred/destroy it

Business Computing Hardware:

tangible and physical aspects of computing hardware

Dialog Box:

tells you something

1,000gb =


Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002:

that attempts to protect investors from accounting and reporting fraud

What nationality of people are the best Linux programmers?

the Mexicans

Depending on the user, a business computer user profile is loaded with:

the operating system.


the system unit is the main body of a computer that contains this

FAT (File Allocation Table) / NTFS (New Technology File System):

tracks where information resides on a hard drive, or the 'Table of Contents' for a hard drive.

Computer Network:

two or more computers connected together for resource sharing and communication

A keyboard is an input device that is:

typed, like letters and numbers, and translates it into something a computer can understand, like 1s and 0s.

Ctrl + Z =


Paul Reuters:

used pigeon carriers to send financial info to people from GER to BEL

Virtual Memory:

used to coordinate, track, and allocate CPU cache, RAM and disk storage. It is not really a memory, rather a technique that lets application software use fragmented pieces of large memory to use physical memory.

Registers are:

very fast, small amounts of memory used to quicken computer programs to access calculated programs.

Antivirus software identifies known:

viruses and attempts to block them from entering and infecting a computer system.


wait to see what works and loose the edge


world news agency

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