Italian Renaissance Art History Final
mannerism - anti-classical quality
Walter Friedlander
mannerism - stylized not stylish, anxious style calls attention to oppressiveness of artistic genealogy
mannerism - devaluation of individual figures and their subjection to abstract compositional laws, combination of realism and detail with abstract or decorative compositional structures
mannerism - stylish style, art aware of itself as being art
mannerism - new conventions from antiquity that are manipulated or violated
Michelangelo, The rape of Ganymede Image used to talk about sam-sex love Spiritual rapture and sexual violence Gift to Michelangelo's potential lover Tommasso Poetry Courtly love poem with male terms If you love something beautiful, you are loving Christ I love you but I can't get to you Burning, poetic multivalence Sinful, burned alive Sodomy, burned alive Love, burning alive Code? Message?
The rape of Ganymede