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QN=201 White-box testing involves viewing the software unit as a device that has expected input and output behaviors but whose internal workings are unknown.


QN=203 User acceptance testing is a process improvement approach that defines the essential elements of effective processes.


QN=204 The Capability Maturity Model Integration-Development process improvement approach defines six levels of software development maturity.


QN=207 Many shortcuts can be taken when safety-critical software is being developed.


QN=208 Redundancy, the provision of multiple interchangeable components to perform a single function, is a key element of the standard decision support system.


QN=21 An individual's manager has very little impact on his/her ethical behavior.


QN=213 The standard of living is about the same among groups within a single country although it varies greatly from country to country.


QN=215 The decade of 1990-2000 demonstrated the greatest rate of increase in worker productivity in the history of the United States.


QN=217 There is a simple and direct relationship between investment in IT and U.S. productivity.


QN=218 There is seldom much lag time between the application of innovative IT solutions and the capture of significant productivity gains.


QN=219 Investment in IT is by far the single most important driver of worker productivity.


QN=221 Telework, or telecommuting, focuses on enabling workers to work from home.


QN=225 There really is no such thing as a digital divide.


QN=226 While over 812 out of every 1,000 people in the United States own a computer, that figure drops to less than 20 out of 1,000 in the Middle East and Africa.


QN=228 The digital divide does not exist in the United States.


QN=229 One of the goals of the Education Rate (E-Rate) program is to help schools and churches to obtain access to state-of-the-art services and technologies at discounted rates.


QN=230 The E-Rate program is one example of a government program that has been well run and free of abuse, fraud, and scandal.


QN=235 An electronic health record is a summary of health information generated by each physician encounter in any healthcare setting.


QN=236 The comprehensive use of Electronic Health Records has spread to well over 50% of all U.S. hospitals and physicians.


QN=237 Although quick to invest in IT, the healthcare industry has been a laggard in adopting mobile and wireless technology.


QN=239 The use of telemedicine is a natural extension of medical practices followed for decades and really does not require addressing new legal and ethical issues.


QN=24 Problem stakeholders who stand to lose or gain from a situation should be kept out of the decision making process as they will simply introduce their personal biases.


QN=240 The use of medical web sites have become quite sophisticated and can be used as a reliable substitute for professional medical advice and diagnosis.


QN=243 Although Twitter is a very rapidly growing service, its founders have been able to manage the rapid growth with few start-up problems or on-going service issues.


QN=244 During the 2009 Iranian elections, Twitter emerged as a highly reliable and accurate news source.


QN=246 Social networking Web sites are used strictly to communicate with your friends, family members, and colleagues.


QN=247 Currently, there is a fairly narrow range of interests represented in social networking Web sites.


QN=248 There are a few hundred social networking Web sites worldwide.


QN=249 According to the 2009 Pew Internet & American Life Project, about 55% of U.S. Internet users age 18 and older have a profile on an online social networking Web site.


QN=25 The utilitarian approach to ethical decision making treats everyone the same and shows no favoritism or discrimination.


QN=250 Social networking Web sites are used almost exclusively for nonbusiness purposes with almost no business applications.


QN=254 The goal of viral marketing is to spread rumors and innuendo about a rival's product that will hurt its image.


QN=257 Employees cannot legally reject a job applicant based on the contents of the individual's social networking profile.


QN=259 Cyberbullying is most common among males and among 18- to 20-year olds.


QN=26 The virtue ethics approach to decision making states that you should choose the action or policy that has the best overall consequences for all people who are directly or indirectly affected.


QN=261 Facebook spent two years purging potential problem members from its site, including over 100,000 registered sex offenders.


QN=262 Under no conditions can a Web site remove user submitted content as this would be a violation of their right to freedom of speech.


QN=268 No organizations have yet figured out how to conduct classes and meetings from within a virtual learning world.


QN=27 If the desired results are not achieved upon implementation of the solution, one should return to the "identify alternatives" step of the decision making process and rework the decision.


QN=270 Many researchers feel that the true extent of cyberstalking has been greatly exaggerated.


QN=137 The Children's Internet Protection Act was eventually found to be unconstitutional.


QN=138 Anonymous expression is a relatively new phenomena that came shortly after the arrival of the Internet allowed people to express their opinions without revealing their identity.


QN=14 The Department of Justice has established sentencing guidelines that suggest stiffer penalties for convicted executives if their companies have ethics programs.


QN=142 Anonymity on the Internet is guaranteed.


QN=143 The New York State Court in Pre-Paid v. Sturtz et al. set a legal precedent that refined the criteria that the courts apply when deciding whether or not to approve subpoenas requesting the identity of anonymous Web posters.


QN=144 In the United States, speech that is annoying, critical, demeaning, or offensive is not protected under the First Amendment.


QN=145 Many Internet service providers reserve the right to remove content that, in their judgment, does not meet their standards documented in some form of user agreement or guidelines. However, the pulling of such content violates the subscriber's First Amendment rights.


QN=147 Fewer and fewer organizations are allowing their employees to create their own personal blogs relating to their employment.


11.Which statement about the "Professional Codes of Ethics" is not true

Participation in an IT professional organization does little to help IT workers stay on top of the many new developments in their field.

15. _________________ is used by marketers to optimize the number, frequency, and mixture of their ad placements.

Personalization software

# The provision of multiple interchangeable components to perform a single function to cope with failures and errors is called____.


# Falsify the results of a quality assurance test can be found in...

Relationships Between IT Workers and Employers

# vacation policy; time off for a funeral or illness in the family; tuition reimbursement, can be in...

Relationships Between IT Workers and Employers

14) The __v.ACLU suit


QN=273 The number of declared undergraduate computer science majors at doctoral-granting computer science departments has declined steadily for the past decade — 1999 to 2009.


QN=276 Contingent workers must be treated like official employees of the company and are eligible for vacation, sick days, and retirement benefits.


QN=279 If a particular project requires only temporary help, and the workers will not be needed for future projects, the use of contingent workers is a poor approach.


QN=28 To the detriment of all concerned, the importance of ethics and human values have been over emphasized in the midst of many IT breakthroughs in recent years.


QN=280 It is fairly simple to prevent contingent workers from passing on corporate processes and strategies to subsequent employers.


QN=282 If workers sign an agreement indicating that they are contractors and not employees, this is the deciding factor as to whether or not they are an employee and not the degree of control the company exercises over the employees.


QN=283 U.S. employers need not pay an H-1B worker roughly the same rate as U.S. citizens performing the same work.


QN=284 After a worker's H-1B visa expires, the foreign worker must remain outside the United States for six years before another H-1B will be approved.


QN=286 Each year the U.S. Congress sets a federal cap on the number of H-1B visas to be granted. Since 2004 the cap has been set at 75,000.


QN=287 H-1B workers are highly educated and need little assistance to work effectively in U.S. organizations.


QN=288 There is no evidence that the hiring of H-1B workers has affected the salaries of U.S. IT workers.


QN=289 Outsourcing is a short-term business arrangement in which a company contracts for services with an overseas organization that has expertise in providing a specific function.


QN=291 The cost advantage of offshore outsourcing to India is continuing to increase.


QN=293 A whistle-blower must be an employee of the company that is misbehaving.


QN=294 Violators of the False Claims Act are liable for four times the dollar amount for which the government was defrauded.


QN=298 The Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition established a system that enables purchasers to evaluate, compare, and select electronic products based on a total of 51 environmental criteria.


QN=32 Professionals require advanced training and experience, they must exercise discretion and judgment in the course of their work; and their work can be easily standardized.


QN=35 There has been a lowering of expectations for the clients of professional service organizations. They are less aware of what they need from service providers and less willing to look outside their own organization to get the best possible services.


QN=84 Installation of a corporate firewall is the most common security precaution taken by business. Once a good firewall is in place, the organization is safe from future attacks.


QN=85 Antivirus software works to prevent an attack by blocking viruses, malformed packets, and other threats from getting into the protected network.


QN=22 Most of us have developed a decision-making process we use almost automatically, without thinking about the steps we go through.


QN=220 It is difficult to quantify how much the use of IT has contributed to worker productivity.


QN=222 Some work roles and some individuals are not well suited for telework opportunities.


QN=223 A potential disadvantage of telework is that some teleworkers may suffer from isolation and may not really feel "part of the team."


QN=224 A potential disadvantage of telework is that can create potential security issues.


QN=227 The digital divide exists not only between more and less developed countries but also within countries—among age groups, economic classes, and people who live in cities versus those in rural areas.


QN=23 The development of a good problem statement is the most critical step in the


QN=231 It is estimated that more than 1 billion personal computer will be connected to the Internet by 2010 leaving some 5.5 billion people unconnected.


QN=232 Mobile phones have many distinct advantages that lead industry observers to think that it will be the cell phone that ultimately bridges the digital divide rather than the personal computer.


QN=233 The development and use of new medical technology, such as new diagnostic procedures and treatments has increased spending and "accounts for one-half to two-thirds of the increase in healthcare spending in excess of general inflation."


QN=234 Although the healthcare industry depends on highly sophisticated technology for diagnostics and treatment, it has been slow to implement IT solutions to improve productivity and efficiency.


QN=238 Store-and-forward telemedicine does not require the presence of the patient and care provider at the same time.


QN=241 Twitter text-based posts must be 140 characters or less.


QN=242 Twitter users can restrict delivery of their messages, control whose tweets they receive, when they receive them, and on what devices.


QN=245 During the 2009 Iranian elections, there were rumors that the Iranian government attempted to block Twitter traffic and used Twitter to communicate its own message.


QN=251 Social network advertising has at least two advantages over more traditional advertising media such as radio, TV, and newspapers.


QN=252 There are a number of ethical issues associated with using social network advertising to send messages to an individual's network of friends.


QN=253 Coca-Cola has been able to create a highly popular Facebook fan page to promote its image and brands.


QN=255 More than 1 out of 5 hiring managers use social networking Web sites as a source of information about candidates.


QN=256 Of those hiring managers who use social networking Web sites to screen candidates, over one-third have found information that made them drop a candidate from consideration.


QN=258 Some social shopping Web sites earn money by sharing with retailers data about their members' likes and dislikes.


QN=260 Cyberstalking is the adult version of cyberbullying.


QN=263 A visitor to a virtual world represents him- or herself through an avatar.


QN=264 In some virtual worlds, an avatar can earn virtual world money by performing some task in the virtual world and convert their virtual world money into real world cash.


QN=265 Some virtual world activities can cause real life anguish for the human owners of the avatars involved but may or may not rise to the level of real life crimes.


QN=266 Some virtual activities are clear violations of real world laws.


QN=267 A number of organizations are exploring the use of virtual online worlds to improve teaching, learning, and creative expression.


QN=269 A virtual world may support e-commerce and allow users to sell their own real products within the real world.


QN=271 Computer hardware manufacturers are sometimes faced with dealing with raw material suppliers who funnel money to groups engaged in armed conflict, including some who commit crimes and human rights abuses.


QN=272 Temporary workers, contractors, consulting firms, H-1B workers, and outsourced offshore workers are examples of nontraditional workers.


QN=274 IT firms and organizations that use IT products and services are concerned about a shortfall in the number of U.S. workers to fill positions in networking and data communications analysis.


QN=275 Contingent work is a job situation in which an individual does not have an explicit or implicit contract for long-term employment.


QN=277 In a coemployment relationship, two employers have actual or potential legal rights and duties with respect to the same employee.


QN=278 When an organization decides to use contingent workers for a project, it is making a trade-off between completing a single project quickly and cheaply versus developing people within its own organization.


# Most of us have developed a simple decision-making model that includes ..... steps


# Organizations have at least .... good reasons for promoting a work environment in which they encourage employees to act ethically


QN=254 Companies applying for H-1B visas must offer a wage that is not _____ less than the average salary for the occupation.


QN=226 Estimates from Internet safety groups reveal an increasing number of cyberstalking reports with _____ reports per day for help from victims of cyberstalking.

50 to 500

QN=207 In a Commonwealth Fund study of 41 Texas hospitals that treat a diverse group of patients, researchers found that when physicians electronically entered patient care instructions, there was a _____ reduction in the likelihood of death related to some procedures.


# EPEAT (Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool) is a system that enables purchasers to evaluate, compare, and select electronic products based on ..... environmental criteria


# assess the feasibility of implementing the mitigation options, is step....of risk assessment


QN=17 While nearly half of all employees surveyed saw some form of ethical misconduct in 2007, less than ____ of those employees reported the misconduct to management.


QN=250 Congress has set the number of H-1B visas to be granted at _____ per year each year since 2004 with another 20,000 visas available for only foreign graduates of U.S. universities with advanced degrees.


# As a member of the professional services industry, IT workers must be cognizant of ..... major factors that are transforming the professional services industry


34. contributory negligence

A defense in a negligence case in which the defendant argues that the plaintiffs' own actions contributed to their injuries.

63. European Union Data Protection Directive

A directive passed by the European Union in 1998 that requires any company doing business within the borders of 15 western European nations to implement a set of privacy directives on the fair and appropriate use of information; it also bars the export of data to countries that do not have comparable data privacy protection standards.

32."For man, when perfected, is the best of animals, but, when separated from law and justice, he is the worst of all".This is a quote from


55) "Man, when perfected,"


QN=5 ____ had one of the highest software piracy rates in 2007.


QN=170 There is no federal product liability law; instead, product liability is mainly covered by common law and ____ which deals with the sale of goods.

Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code

# Software that generates and grades tests that humans can pass but that all but the most sophisticated computer programs cannot is called _________________.


# An approach that defines the essential elements of an effective process and outlines a sys- tem for continuously improving software development is____.


QN=256 _____ is a country known as a leading offshore outsourcing country that is close to the United States, has no language barriers, and has a highly skilled labor pool.


20) In 1997, Cleveland State


# IT user is the person for whom a hardware or software product is designed, and that it is the IT professional's duty to deliver products and services that best unmet the users' needs.


# Computer companies looking to manufacture green computers are challenged to produce computers that use no electricity


# Cyberbullying is more common among 15- and 16-year-old males than any other group of social networking users


# H-1B workers may also be used when there are no temporary shortages of needed skills


# It is not unusual for cyberstalking to escalate to vandalism, physical stalking, and even cyberstalking


# Outsourcing and offshore outsourcing are used to meet staffing needs while potentially reducing and slowing down project schedules


# Police can legally reject a job applicant based on the content of the individual's social networking Web site as long as the company is not violating discrimination laws


# Social shopping Web sites generate money primarily through advertising and by selling cyberbullying


# Social shopping Web sites generate money primarily through advertising and by selling cyberstalking


# The contingent workforce includes dependent workers


# The healthcare industry spends less per employee on IT than public industry


# There are around 700,000 registered sex offenders in the United States, and 90,000 of them were found on and subsequently banned from the social networking Web site Facebook


# To date, no practical business applications of online virtual worlds have been implemented


# wo main reasons have been advanced as the cause of rising healthcare costs: the use of more expensive technology and the E-Computing of patients from the true costs of medical care.


14.Congress specifically defined which content or Web site should be


18.Utilitarian approach can be applied to the business world by equating the virtues of a good businessperson with those of a good person


4. Reporting a trade secret is an effort by an employee to attract attention to a negligent, illegal, unethical, abusive, or dangerous act by a company that threatens the public interest.


# A copy is a form of protection for intellectual property that does not require any disclosures or filing of an application


# A government license grants permission for an individual to engage in an activity or to operate a business. It is generally administered at the national level and often requires that the recipient pass a test of some kind.


# A patent is a logo, package design, phrase, sound, or word that enables a consumer to differentiate one company's products from another's.


# A reliability evaluation technique that can determine the effect of system and equipment failures is risk


# A standard, proven work process for the development of high-quality software is called a bug


# A very limited amount of open source code is in use today


# About one in six regular Internet users visits a Web sex site at least once per month


# An organization with a successful ethics program is one in which employees are will- ing to post advice about unethical issues that arise


# An organization with a successful ethics program is one in which employees are will- ing to seek advice about unethical issues that arise


# An organization with a successful ethics program is one in which employees are will- ing to seek post advice about unethical issues that arise


# Anonymous expression, or the expression of opinions by people who do not reveal their identities, has been found to be unconstitutional.


# Business Software Alliance gave sweeping new powers to law enforcement agencies to search telephone, e-mail, medical, financial, and other records; it also eased restrictions on foreign intelligence gathering in the United States


# CMM requiring organizations to develop formal quality management systems that focus on identifying and meeting the needs, desires, and expectations of their customers.


# Companies that are viewed as harmful to their community may find that positive publicity reduces sales, impedes relationships with some business partners, and attracts unwanted government attention.


# Congress specifically defined which content or Web sites should be forbidden or which measures should be used—these decisions were left to individual school districts and library systems


# Decreased service sophistication is a major factors that are transforming the professional services industry


# Employees may suppress their tendency to act in a manner that seems ethical to them and instead act in a manner that will NOT protect them against anticipated punishment.


# Even within the same society, people can have strong agreements over important moral issues


# FMEA requiring organizations to develop formal quality management systems that focus on identifying and meeting the needs, desires, and expectations of their customers are the standards.


# Facebook is a popular business-oriented Web site that is used by professionals for networking


# From a legal perspective, IT workers are recognized as professionals because they are not licensed by the state or federal government


# Health, crime, and other emergencies could be resolved more quickly if people in trouble had access to a communications network is a valid reason for trying to increase the digital divide


# Hotmail employed a direct marketing campaign when it first launched its service, with each e-mail sent by a Hotmail user containing a short message that promoted Hotmail's free e-mail service


# Hotmail employed a indirect marketing campaign when it first launched its service, with each e-mail sent by a Hotmail user containing a short message that promoted Hotmail's free e-mail service


# IT user is the person for whom a hardware or software product is designed, and that it is the IT professional's duty to deliver products and services that best unmet the users' needs.


# If an intrusion occurs, there must be a clear reaction plan that addresses notification, evidence protection, activity log maintenance, containment, enrollment, and uncovered


# Implementing CIPA in libraries is much more easier because a library's services are open to people of all age


# In a lawsuit alleging risk, responsibility is limited to harmful defects that could have been detected and corrected through "reasonable" software development practices.


# In contrast to adult pornography, few federal laws address child pornography.


# Install cracked software in working pc means software piracy


# It is difficult to apply principles and codes of ethics inconsistently across cultures.


# Managers' behavior and expectations can partly influence employees' ethical behavior


# Mispresentation of contract occurs when a party fails to perform certain express or implied obligation, which impairs or destroys the essence of a contract.


# Most of us have developed a simple decision-making model that includes 4 steps


# Outsourcing is a long-term business arrangement in which a company contracts for services with an inside organization that has expertise in providing a specific func- tion


# Plagiarism is an issue only in academia


# Putting source code into the public domain with no copyright is equivalent to creating open source code


# Responsibility for compliance—that is. ensuring that ethical procedures are put into place and inconsistently adhered to throughout the organization


# Schools subject to COPA are required to adopt a policy to monitor the online activities of minors.


# The IT security group must lead the effort to increase security breaches by implementing security policies and procedures, as well as effectively employing available hardware and software tools


# The decade of 1990-2000 demonstrated the greatest rate of increase in worker productivity in the history of the United States.


# The impact of a software defect can NOT be quite subtle or very serious


# The key distinguishing factor between a gift and a bribe is that gift should be hidden.


# The number of PCs per 1,000 people in the Middle East and Africa is more than in China


# The provision of multiple interchangeable components to perform a single function to cope with failures and errors is called risk


# The security of any system or network is a combination of technology. policy, and rules and requires a wide range of activities to be effective


# There are fewer than 60,000 Web sex sites


# There is a federal product liability law governing product liability


# There is only one definition of open source code


# Utilitarian approach focuses on how fairly actions and policies distribute benefits and burdens among people affected by the decision


# Whistle-blowing is another area that causes problems between employers and IT professionals because whistle-blowers frequently have no special information related to their position.


1) The Fifth Amendment protects


12) The Supreme Court


2) Today, cryptography is a key


30) A bribe is a crime even


40) bribe made directly from donor to recipient?


5) According to a study conducted


54.An act designed to promote accuracy, fairness, and privacy of information in the files of credit-reporting companies is the

Fair Credit Reporting Act

QN=83 The ____ is a 1970 federal act that outlines who may access your credit information, how you can find out what is in your file, how to dispute inaccurate data, and how long data is retained.

Fair Credit Reporting Act

# One approach to treating consumer data responsibly is to adopt the ....; some companies also appoint a chief privacy officer

Fair Information Practices

QN=97 The 1980 privacy guidelines set by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development are also known as the ____ and are often held up as the model of ethical treatment of consumer data for organizations to adopt.

Fair Information Practices

# A person who attacks computers and information systems in order to capture trade secrets and gain a competitive advantage is called a cyberterrorist. True or False?


# Implementation of a strong firewall provides adequate security for almost any network. True or False?


# Reporting a trade secret is an effort by an employee to attract attention to a negligent, illegal, unethical, abusive, or dangerous act by a company that threatens the public interest


# Résumé inflation is a usual and customary practice tolerated by employers. True or False?


# To date, there are no documented cases of cyberterrorism. True or False?


QN=9 ____ hired private investigators to identify members of its board of directors who were responsible for leaking confidential company information to the press.


QN=146 In 2009, ____ announced that it would donate some 3,000 patents for free use by developers to help them innovate and build new hardware and software. The announcement represented a major shift in this firm's intellectual property strategy and was meant to encourage other patent holders to donate their own intellectual property.


QN=240 The IT consulting firm with the most employees is _____.


QN=130 A(n) ____ is a numeric identifier assigned to each computer connected to the Internet.

IP address

# ....requiring organizations to develop formal quality management systems that focus on identifying and meeting the needs, desires, and expectations of their customers.

ISO 9000

QN=184 To obtain the ____ certificate, an organization must submit to an examination by an external auditor and have written procedures for all processes, follow those procedures, and prove to an auditor that it has fulfilled these requirements.

ISO 9000

# FPT Software dang theo chu?n b?o m?t thông tin c?a:


# The customer changes the scope of the project or the system requirements. can be found in relationship of...

IT Workers and Clients

# Although end users often get the blame when it comes to using illegal copies of commercial software, software piracy in a corporate setting is sometimes directly traceable to _________________

IT staff

2. Although end users often get the blame when it comes to using illegal copies of commercial software, software piracy in a corporate setting is sometimes directly traceable to _________________.

IT staff

QN=108 The institution and communication of an ____ establishes boundaries of acceptable behavior and enables managers to take action against violators.

IT usage policy

11) The term ____ distinguishes the person

IT user

# There are around 700,000 registered sex offenders in the United States, and 90,000 of them were found on and subsequently banned from the social networking Web site ....


QN=128 One of the first rulings by the Supreme Court to address anonymity as an aspect of the Bill or Rights was the 1958 case ____.

NAACP v. Alabama

QN=76 The ____ is a nonregulatory federal agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce whose Computer Security Division develops security standards and technology against threats to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information and services.

National Institute of Standards and Technology

# Brainstorming with just one other person will reduce your chances of identifying a broad range of alternatives and deter- mining the best solution, can be found in...

Identify Alternatives

QN=103 ____ is one of the fastest growing forms of fraud in the United States, directly impacting over 4% of the overall U.S. adult population in 2008 with a resulting loss of $48 billion.

Identity theft

QN=202 _____ created a competitor to the OLPC laptop computer called the classmate PC.


3) __ is a tern used to describe works of the mind, such as art, books

Intellectual property

QN=175 ____ occurs when a seller or lessor either misrepresents the quality of a product or conceals a defect in it.

Intentional misrepresentation

# Thông tin du?c s? d?ng trong n?i b?; không ti?t l? cho bên ngoài du?c dánh d?u:

Internal use

# An ... is software that can be used to block access to certain Web sites that con- tain material deemed inappropriate or offensive

Internet filter

49) A(n)__ is software

Internet filter

QN=118 Organizations may direct their network administrators to install a(n) ____ on employee's computers to prevent them from viewing sites that contain pornography or other objectionable material.

Internet filter

45.filtering, each Web site's content is evaluated immediately before it is displayed, using such techniques as object analysis and image recognition

Internet filtering

22) An approach to restricting

Internet service provider(ISP)

12. Under the USA PATRIOT Act, the FBI can issue a(n) _________________ to compel banks, Internet service providers, and credit reporting companies to turn over information about their customers without a court order simply on the basis that the information is needed for an ongoing investigation.

National Security Letter

49. defamation

Making either an oral or a written statement of alleged fact that is false and harms another person.

QN=20 ____ is a likely cause of employees feeling "No one will ever know the difference, and if they do, so what?"

Management failing to hold people accountable for unethical actions

# .... can strongly influence employees' ethical behavior

Managers' behavior and expectations

# Which of the following is not a major cause of poor software quality?

Many organizations avoid buying the first release of a major software product

QN=36 ____ occurs when a party fails to perform certain express or implied obligation, which impairs or destroys the essence of a contract.

Material breach of contract

QN=71 ____ has made a strong commitment to support trustworthy computing and defined four pillars of trustworthy computing.


3. An important Supreme Court case that established a test to determine if material is obscene and therefore not protected speech was _________________.

Miller vs California

QN=7 ____ describes standards or codes of behavior expected of an individual by a group (nation, organization, profession) to which an individual belongs.


Companies that are viewed as harmful to their community may find that negative publicity reduces sales, impedes relationships with some business partners, and attracts unwanted government attention.


Companies that can't protect or don't respect customer information often lose business and some become defendants in class action lawsuits stemming from privacy violations.


Computer hardware manufacturers are sometimes faced with dealing with raw material suppliers who funnel money to groups engaged in armed conflict, including some who commit crimes and human rights abuses.


Contingent work is a job situation in which an individual does not have an explicit or implicit contract for long-term employment.


Cookies allow marketers to collect click-stream data—information gathered by monitoring a consumer's online activity.


Copyright law protects authored works such as art, books, and film.


Crackers break into other people's networks and systems to cause harm—defacing Web pages, crashing computers, and spreading harmful programs or hateful messages.


Cybersquatters are individuals who registered domain names for famous trademarks or company names to which they had no connection.


Cyberstalking is the adult version of cyberbullying.


Demographic filtering augments click-stream data and user-supplied data with demographic information associated with user zip codes to make product suggestions.


QN=119 In the Internet Content Rating Association's Web site rating scheme, ____ fill out an online questionnaire to describe the content of the Web site.

Web site authors

QN=239 A situation in which two employers have actual or potential legal rights and duties with respect to the same employee or group of employees is called _____.

a coemployment relationship

# A trade secret is information, generally unknown to the public, that ....

a company has taken strong measures to keep confidential.

# A form of software testing that involves viewing a software unit as a device that has expected input and output behaviors but whose internal workings are unknown is known as ____.

black-box testing

# The _________________ is responsible for the careful and responsible management of an organization

board of directors

26.The person that is responsible for the careful and responsible management of an organization

board of directors

8. The _________________ is responsible for the careful and responsible management of an organization.

board of directors

QN=64 Spammers can defeat the registration process of free e-mail services by launching a coordinated ____ attack that can sign up for thousands of untraceable e-mail accounts.


QN=222 Social shopping Web sites generate revenue through _____.

both retail advertising and sharing with retailers data about their members' likes and dislikes

# A group of computers controlled centrally from one or more remote locations by hackers without the knowledge of their owners is called a(n) ....


# A group of computers controlled centrally from one or more remote locations by hackers without the knowledge of their owners is called a(n) _________________.


4. A group of computers controlled centrally from one or more remote locations by hackers without the knowledge of their owners is called a(n) _________________.


# _________________ is a process for generating a number of alternative solutions to a problem


16. _________________ is a process for generating a number of alternative solutions to a problem.


8. _________________ involves providing money, property, or favors to someone in business or government to obtain a business advantage.


24.which statements about relationships between IT workers and clients are not true ?

bribery involves providing money, property, or favor

QN=42 Certification indicates that a professional possesses a particular set of skills, knowledge, or abilities, in the opinion of the ____.

certifying organization

# The dropper code portion of a rootkit gets the rootkit installation started and can be easily activated by ...

clicking on a link to a malicious Website in an e-mail or opening an infected .pdf file.

QN=59 A ____ attack keeps the target so busy responding to a stream of automated requests that legitimate users cannot get in.

distributed denial-of-service

# The cost to identify and remove a defect in an early stage of software development can be up to 100 times less than the cost of removing a defect in an operating piece of software after it has been .....

distributed to many customers

QN=87 The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act ____.

does not cover the dissemination of information to children

QN=61 The ____ code portion of a rootkit gets the rootkit installation started and can be easily activated by clicking on a link to a malicious Website in an e-mail or opening an infected .pdf file.


QN=44 The obligation to protect people against any unreasonable harm or risk is called ____.

duty of care

# The best Internet filters rely on the use of....

dynamic content filtering

39.the best internet filters rely on the use of

dynamic content filtering

QN=160 The basic premise behind open source code is that when many programmers can read, redistribute, and modify a program's code, the software ____.


QN=161 One cause for the delay of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner was the ____.

inability to trace lines of code back to specific system requirements for the braking system

# Give friend way to access your working pc means .....

inappropriate sharing of information

# Install free software in working pc means .....

inappropriate sharing of information

# Reading news, and playing music in working time means .....

inappropriate use of IT resources

44.reading news, and playing music in working time means

inappropriate use of IT resources

# ..... Is a major factors that are transforming the professional services industry

increased client sophistication

QN=114 The problem with the Communications Decency Act was its broad language and vague definition of ____, resulting in the Act being ruled unconstitutional.


QN=48 IT workers have a key responsibility to establish an environment that supports ethical behavior by users. Such an environment discourages software piracy, minimizes the inappropriate use of corporate computing resources, and avoids the inappropriate sharing of ____.


# ... is the combination of communications privacy and data privacy.

information privacy the combination of communications privacy and data privacy

information privacy

2. _________________ is the combination of communications privacy and data privacy.

information privacy

QN=133 The use of a remailer keeps communications anonymous; what is communicated, and whether it is ethical or legal, ____.

is up to the user of the remailer

QN=181 Even with safety precautions in place, the software associated with safety-critical systems ____.

is vulnerable to errors that can lead to injury or death

QN=143 One of the tests that an invention must pass to be eligible for a patent is ____.

it must not be obvious to a person having ordinary skill in the same field

# software piracy in a corporate setting in sometimes directly traceable to...

it staff members

# in ....when, and if, the identity becomes known, the complaint is modified to show the correct name(s) of the defendant(s)

john doe lawsuits

# Others believe that the use of H-1B workers is required to ....

keep the United States competitive.

The EICC has established a code of conduct that established guidelines across five areas of responsibility

labor, health and safety, environment, management system, and ethics.

QN=38 The U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act makes it a crime to bribe a foreign official unless the payment was ____.

lawful under the laws of the foreign country in which it was paid

QN=13 The Department of Justice established sentencing guidelines that suggest more ____ treatment for convicted executives if their companies have ethics programs.


# A written statement that is false and that harms another person is called....


25) Organizations must be on guard


23) From a legal perspective


QN=26 From a legal perspective, IT workers are not recognized as professionals because they are not ____ by the state or federal government.


# From a legal perspective, IT workers are not recognized as professionals because they are not ...

licensed by the state or federal government

# Outsourcing is a...... that has expertise in providing a specific func- tion

long-term business arrangement in which a company contracts for services with an outside organization

QN=205 A 1999 report by the Institute of Medicine found that 98,000 Americans die annually due to preventable medical errors. A 2009 Consumers Union report claims that we have _____ the number of such deaths.

made no change in

QN=168 Additional features in a new release of software ____.

make it more useful and easier to sell

# A type of attacker that is extremely difficult to detect or stop because he or she is often authorized to access the very systems being abused is called a(n) _________________.

malicious insider

10. A type of attacker that is extremely difficult to detect or stop because he or she is often authorized to access the very systems being abused is called a(n) _________________.

malicious insider

50.Many courts have ruled that iT workers are not liable for


QN=27 Many courts have ruled that IT workers are not liable for ____ because they do not meet the legal definition of a professional.


# Employees may suppress their tendency to act in a manner that seems ethical to them and instead act in a ....

manner that will protect them against anticipated punishment.

QN=165 A primary cause of poor software quality is that ____.

many developers do not know how to design quality into software from the very start

# Legislation that protects people from data privacy abuses by ... is almost non- existent

private industry

# opponents of the law were concerned that it transferred power over education to ... who develop the internet filters and define which sites to block

private software companies

# The most important part of the decision-making process is _________________

problem definition

14. The most important part of the decision-making process is _________________.

problem definition

# a good.... answers the following questions: what do people observe that causes them to think there is a problem

problem statement

# Organizations are advised to formulate and publish employee blogging policies to avoid potential ... from employee criticism of corporate policies and decisions

negative consequences

QN=210 A patient should _____ because of something he or she reads on a medical information Web site.

never disregard professional medical advice

# Thông tin là s? hi?u bi?t hay s? th?t v? con ngu?i hay s? ki?n, hi?n tu?ng nào dó thu nh?n du?c qua cung c?p, trao d?i, và....

nh?n xét, h?c t?p, truy?n th?, c?m nh?n

# Thông tin c?n ph?i b?o m?t vì:

nhi?u nguy co b? "m?t" thông tin

QN=260 The United States has _____ federal law(s) protecting the export of toxic waste.


QN=199 A University of Chicago study found that the E-Rate program led to _____ in California students' scores in the six subjects covered by the Stanford Achievement Test.

no change

QN=150 A(n) ____ prohibits an employee from working for any competitors for a period of time.

noncompete agreement

38.require a Web site that caters to children to offer comprehensive privacy and to receive parental consent before collecting any personal information from children under 18 years of age

none of the other (COPPA- 13)

31.the best internet filters rely on the use of

none of the others

# As 2012-2013 stat, Twitter is the social networking Web site with the ...

not largest number of adult U.S. Internet users

# A type of system used to control many industrial processes in an effort to reduce costs, eliminate human error, improve quality, and shorten the time it takes to make products is called...

process control system

# The goal of personalization software is to turn first-time visitors to a site into ... and to facilitate greater cross-selling activities.

paying customers

# Which of the following identifies the numbers dialed for outgoing calls?

pen register

QN=214 Members of a social networking Web site may use the site to interact with _____.

people they know and people who they would like to meet

QN=232 Avatars can earn virtual money by _____.

performing some task in the virtual world or using real cash to purchase virtual cash

QN=112 The Supreme Court has held that this form of speech is not protected by the First Amendment and may be forbidden by the government: ____.


# A person's virtues and vices help define that .....

person's ethics

# Numerous organizations allow employees to create their own... relating to their employment as a means to reach out to partners, customers, and other employees and to improve their corporate image

personal blogs

# Marketers use ..... software to optimize the number, frequency, and mix- ture of their ad placements


# ... is used by marketers to optimize the number, frequency, and mixture of their ad placements.

personalization software

# It is not unusual for cyberstalking to escalate to vandalism, physical stalking, and even _________________

physical assault

# The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act defined numerous standards to improve the ...

portability and continuity of health insurance coverage

# An organization with a successful ethics program is one in which employees are will- ing to ...

post advice about ethical issues that arise

# Outsourcing and offshore outsourcing are used to meet staffing needs while ...

potentially reducing and speeding up project schedules

QN=249 After a worker's H-1B visa expires, the foreigner must _____.

remain outside the United States for one year before another H-1B petition will be approved

# If an intrusion occurs, there must be a clear reaction plan that addresses notification, evidence protection, activity log maintenance, containment, eradication, and recovery


# In a lawsuit alleging negligence, responsibility is limited to harmful defects that could have been detected and corrected through "reasonable" software development practices.


# In many of India's rural communities, one must travel more than 5 miles to the nearest telephone


# Increased need for modularization is a major factors that are transforming the professional services industry


# It exists not only between more and less developed countries but also within countries—among age groups, economic classes, and people who live in cities versus those in rural areas


# It is difficult to quantify how much the use of IT has contributed to worker productivity


# It is frequently measured using the GDP per capita


# Many large software companies have cross-licensing agreements in which each agrees not to sue the other over patent infringements


# Marketers use personalization software to optimize the number, frequency, and mix- ture of their ad placements


# Material breach of contract occurs when a party fails to perform certain express or implied obligation, which impairs or destroys the essence of a contract.


# Much of the vital information that people need to manage their retirement, health, and safety is increasingly provided by the Internet is a valid reason for trying to reduce the digital divide


# Not only does a patent prevent copying, but it also prevents independent creation, unlike a copyright


# Only about 20 million of the world's 1 billion Internet users live in less developed nations


# Open source code advocates believe that the quality of open source code is on par with that of commercial software


# Ready access to information and communications technology can provide a country with a wealth of economic opportunities and give its industries a competitive advantage is a valid reason for trying to reduce the digital divide


# Social network advertising has become big business, with some social networking Web sites earning more than $200 million in ad revenue.


# Special measures must be taken in the development of safety-critical systems


# Standard of living varies greatly from nation to nation


# The First Amendment is often used to protect distributors of adult pornography over the Internet


# The Fourth Amendment protects citizens from unreasonable government searches and is often invoked to protect the privacy of government employees.


# The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act defined numerous standards to improve the portability and continuity of health insurance coverage


# The Internet enables a worldwide exchange of news, ideas, opinions, rumors, and information. Its broad accessibility, open discussions, and anonymity make it a pow- erful communications medium


# The Supreme Court has ruled that the First Amendment also protects the right to speak anonymously


# The common good approach to decision making is based on a vision of society as a community whose members work together to achieve a common set of values and goals


# The corporate ethics officer ensures that ethical procedures are installed and consistently adhered to throughout the organization


# The impact of a software defect can be quite subtle or very serious


# The main tactic used to circumvent cybersquatting is to register numerous domain name variations as soon as an organization thinks it might want to develop a Web presence


# The project manager may want to keep resources flowing into the project and hope that problems can be corrected before anyone notices


# The provision of multiple interchangeable components to perform a single function to cope with failures and errors is called redundancy


# The responsibility for decision making is shared between client and IT worker


# The right to freedom of expression has been broadened by the Supreme Court to include nonverbal, visual, and symbolic forms of expression.


# The security of any system is a combination of technology, policy, and people, and it requires a wide range of activities to be effective


# The term of a copyright, originally 28 years, has been extended many times and now can be as long as the life of the author plus 70 years


# Trustworthy computing is a method of computing that delivers secure, private computing experiences


17. opt out

To refuse to give an organization the right to collect and share one's personal data with unaffiliated parties.

# Thu?c tính c?a thông tin th? hi?n tính ch?t ch?c ch?n c?a thông tin, tính th?ng nh?t gi?a các kênh truy?n t?i thông tin th? hi?n tính ch?t:

Toàn v?n

14. Business Software Alliance (BSA)

Trade group that represents the world's largest software and hardware manufacturers; its mission is to stop the unauthorized copying of software produced by its members.

# ....can include the design of new software code, hardware designs. business plans. the design of a user interface to a computer program. and manufacturing processes

Trade secrets

49.can include the design of new software code, hardware designs, business plans,the design of a user interface to a computer program, and manufacturing processes

Trade secrets

# .... established minimum levels of protection that each government must provide to the intellectual property of all WTO members.

Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights ( TRIPS) Agreement

10. The goal of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was to _________________.

renew investor's trust

# The goal of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was to _________________.

renew investor's trust in the content and preparation of disclosure documents by public companies

# Social shopping Web sites generate money primarily through advertising and by selling _________________

sharing with retailers data about their members' likes and dislikes

QN=248 An H-1B worker can work for a U.S. employer for a maximum continuous period of _____ years.


9.Speech or a written statement that is not true and that harms another person is called

slander , libel

QN=258 The _____ is an internationally recognized standard that companies can use to ensure that company data is protected in an outsourcing arrangement.

statement on Auditing Standards No. 70

# Identity theft occurs when someone ....

steals key pieces of personal information to impersonate a person

2.The mission of the Business Software Aliance is to

stop the unauthorized copyig of software

QN=30 The mission of the Business Software Alliance is to ____.

stop the unauthorized copying of software

# The mission of the Business Software Alliance is to _________________.

stop the unauthorized copying of software produced by its members

3. The mission of the Business Software Alliance is to _________________.

stop the unauthorized copying of software produced by its members

QN=209 The two basic forms of telemedicine are _____.

store-and-forward and live

# Even within the same society, people can have ...

strong disagreements over important moral issues

# Managers' behavior and expectations can... employees' ethical behavior

strongly influence

QN=147 A patented process or invention that is surreptitiously included within a standard without being made public until after the standard is broadly adopted is called a(n) ____.

submarine patent

QN=11 Companies that develop and maintain strong employee relations ____.

suffer lower turnover rates

QN=45 Because there are no ____ against which to compare a software engineer's professional behavior, he or she cannot be subject to malpractice lawsuits.

uniform standards

# an increasing number of web sites lock visitors out ... they allow cook-ies to be deposited on their hard drives


# a possible compromise for public libraries with multi- ple computers would be to allow ... internet use for adults but to provide computers with only ... access for children

unrestricted, limited

# Computer companies looking to manufacture green computers are challenged to produce computers that ...

use less electricity

QN=247 An H-1B visa is a temporary visa granted for people who _____.

work in specialty occupations that require at least a four-year bachelor's degree

QN=86 Under the HIPAA provisions, healthcare providers must obtain ____ from patients prior to disclosing any information in their medical records.

written consent

QN=13 The United States Supreme Court has established that an employer cannot be held responsible for the acts of its employees if the employees act in a manner contrary to corporate policy and their employer's directions.


QN=3 Arthur Andersen, once a major international accounting firm, was indicted for obstruction of justice, lost its auditing license, and eventually closed its U.S. offices based on the actions of a few employees even though they were performing in a manner contrary to corporate policy and their employer's directions. This is an example of the principle called respondeat superior or ____.

"let the master answer."

QN=200 One Laptop per Child is a nonprofit organization whose goal is to provide children around the world with low cost computers costing less than _____ to aid in their education.


26) Penalties


QN=159 Under the ACPA, trademark holders can seek civil damages of up to ____ from cybersquatters that register their trade names or similar-sounding names as domain names.


QN=31 Software manufacturers can file a civil suit against software pirates with penalties of up to ____ per copyrighted work.


35) Penalties for

$2 million

QN=204 The healthcare industry invests about _____ in IT for each worker, compared with nearly $15,000 per worker in the banking industry.


QN=100 The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act allows the surveillance and collection of information about foreign governments or agents of foreign governments or organizations, only if a warrant is obtained from the FISA court within 72 hours after surveillance begins.


QN=101 A pen register is a device that records the originating number of incoming calls for a particular phone number.


QN=102 The Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 required the communications industry to build tools into its products that federal investigators could use—after obtaining a court order—to eavesdrop on conversations and intercept electronic communications.


QN=103 Under the PATRIOT Act, the FBI can issue a National Security Letter to compel banks, Internet service providers, and credit reporting companies to turn over information about their customers without a court order but only if the FBI believed the individual to be a foreign spy.


QN=104 A sunset provision extends a law beyond a specific date unless further legislative action is taken to repeal the law.


QN=105 The European Union Data Protection Directive requires member countries to ensure that data transferred is protected. It has no impact on non-European Union countries


QN=106 The U.S. approach to data privacy involves strict government regulation while the European approach relies on self-regulation.


QN=107 The Freedom of Information Act prohibits the government from concealing the existence of any personal data record-keeping systems.


QN=109 Incidents of identity theft exceeded 4% of the overall U.S. adult population in 2008 resulting in losses of some $48 billion.


QN=11 Multinational and global organizations must not present a consistent face to their shareholders, customers, and suppliers but instead must operate with a different value system in each country they do business in.


QN=110 The cost of a data breach can be quite expensive, by some estimates nearly $500 for each record lost. Nearly half the cost is due to lost business opportunity associated with customers who've been lost due to the incident.


QN=115 Online marketers use personalization software to optimize the number, frequency, and mixture of their ad placements, and to evaluate how visitors react to new ads.


QN=132 After a temporary injunction as well as numerous hearings and appeals, the Supreme Court ruled that the Child Online Protection Act was constitutional.


QN=133 Web dynamic filtering uses keywords or phrases to block access to Web sites.


QN=116 There is virtually no way to limit the deposit of cookies on your hard drive.


QN=123 The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was adopted to guarantee the right to freedom of expression.


QN=125 The Supreme Court has ruled that the First Amendment does not protect the right of individuals to speak anonymously.


QN=127 Mason v. California is the 1973 Supreme Court case that established a test to determine if material is obscene.


QN=128 Making either an oral or a written statement of alleged fact that is false and harms another is called slander.


QN=129 The Communications Decency Act was aimed at protecting children from revealing personal information about themselves or their parents.


QN=148 Pornography purveyors are free to produce and publish whatever they want; however, if what they distribute is judged obscene, they are subject to prosecution under the Children's Internet Protection Act.


QN=152 Formulas, inventions, and processes are not considered forms of intellectual property.


QN=154 A copyright is the exclusive right to distribute, display, perform, or reproduce an original work in copies or to prepare derivative works based on the work. The author may not grant this exclusive right to others.


QN=155 Copyright law guarantees developers the rights to their works for a certain amount of time. Over the years, the term of copyright has been extended several times from its original limit of 17 1/2 years.


QN=156 Art, architecture, graphics, and sculptures cannot be copyrighted.


QN=158 The fair use doctrine allows portions of patented materials to be used with permission under certain circumstances.


QN=16 An organization's mission statement highlights its key ethical issues and identifies the overarching values and principles that are important to the organization and its decision making


QN=161 The World Trade Organization developed the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights to establish the maximum penalties to be meted out for patent and copyright infringement.


QN=162 The WIPO Copyright Treaty of 1996 eliminated many of the original copyright protections for electronic media.


QN=164 A trademark permits its owner to exclude the public from making, using, or selling a protected invention, and allows for legal action against violators.


QN=165 Software cannot be patented.


QN=166 A few of the larger software companies have cross-licensing agreements in which each party agrees not to sue the other over trademark infringements.


QN=167 A patent demon is a firm that acquires patents with no intention of manufacturing anything, instead licensing the patents to others.


QN=168 A trademark is business information that represents something of economic value, has required effort or cost to develop, has some degree of uniqueness or novelty, is generally unknown to the public, and is kept confidential.


QN=17 Apple was the highest rated U.S.-based, publicly held IT company by Business Ethics magazine based on its performance between 2000 and 2007.


QN=171 Copyright infringement is the act of stealing someone's ideas or words and passing them off as one's own.


QN=173 Reverse engineering can only be applied to computer hardware, not computer software.


QN=175 Only a small amount of open source code is available for use.


QN=176 Competitive intelligence involves the gathering and analysis of the trade secrets of your competitors.


QN=177 Industrial espionage and competitive intelligence are essentially the same.


QN=178 Competitive intelligence analysts must be authorized to take unethical or illegal actions in the normal course of their job.


QN=183 A software feature is any error that, if not removed, could cause a software system to fail to meet its users' needs.


QN=184 The impact of a software defect is catastrophic and leads to death or serious injury.


QN=185 Software defect is the degree to which a software product meets the needs of its users.


QN=186 The various products created during the software development process such as a statement of requirements, flowcharts, and user documentation are called developments.


QN=187 According to one study, even experienced software developers unknowingly inject an average of one design or implementation defect for every 15 - 20 lines of code.


QN=188 The Microsoft Vista operating system took over seven years to develop and consists of more than 100 million lines of code.


QN=189 The extreme pressure that software companies feel to reduce the time to market for their products has little impact on the quality of the software.


QN=19 Lawrence Kohlberg found that many factors stimulate a person's moral development, but one of the most crucial is monetary reward for good behavior.


QN=193 The liability of manufacturers, sellers, lessors, and others for injuries caused by defective products is commonly referred to as negligence.


QN=194 Contributory negligence means that the defendant is held responsible for injuring another person, regardless of negligence or intent.


QN=195 Strict liability is the failure to do what a reasonable person would do, or doing something that a reasonable person would not do.


QN=197 If the product fails to meet the terms of its warranty, the buyer or lessee can sue for contributory negligence.


QN=198 Breach of warranty occurs when a seller or lessee either misrepresents the quality of a product or conceals a defect in it.


QN=2 The stock price of Hewlett-Packard dropped dramatically as a result of a scandal involving the leaking of information about HP's long term strategy to the news media.


QN=20 Well over half of all organizations include ethical conduct as part of an employee's performance appraisal.


QN=37 The Business Software Alliance is a trade group that represents the world's largest software and hardware manufacturers and whose goal is to stop unauthorized software produced by its members. Each year it receives over 25,000 piracy reports.


QN=38 The cost of "getting legal" by acquiring the correct number of software licenses is many times more expensive than the cost of criminal or civil penalties to a corporation or the people involved in software piracy.


QN=39 The design of new software code and computer hardware cannot be treated as a trade secret.


QN=4 There is near universal opposition to the practice of illegally making copies of software or enabling others to access software to which they are not entitled.


QN=40 Whistle-blowing is an effort by an organization's marketing people to call attention to a new product or new feature in an existing product.


QN=41 The relationship between IT workers and clients is usually documented in a contract that specifies who does what, when the work begins, how long it will take, and how much the client will pay. However, decision making is solely the responsibility of the IT worker.


QN=43 Fraud is the misstatement or incomplete statement of a material fact.


QN=44 Bribery involves providing money, property, or favors to someone in business or government to obtain a business advantage.


QN=47 IT workers cannot be held responsible for creating an environment that supports the ethical behavior of IT users.


QN=48 IT workers have a duty to understand a user's needs and capabilities and to deliver products and services that best meet those needs without regard for the costs and time involved.


QN=5 An individual who exhibits few vices and many virtues is said to be a person of high integrity.


QN=51 Participation in an IT professional organization does little to help IT workers stay on top of the many new developments in their field.


QN=52 The Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP) was founded in 1947 and has 24,000 student members and 68,000 professional members in more than 100 countries.


QN=53 Licensing applies to both people and products, and indicates that a professional possesses a particular set of skills, knowledge, or abilities.


QN=57 A breach of duty of care addresses only the failure to act as a reasonable person would act. It does not address the failure to act when there is a duty to do so.


QN=59 There is little organizations can do to stop employees who participate in chat rooms, view pornographic sites, and play computer games while at work.


QN=6 Ethics defines one's personal beliefs about right and wrong.


QN=60 Organizations must implement systems and procedures to provide access to all organizational data by all employees no matter where they are located.


QN=61 Societe Generale, France's second largest banking establishment, had long had a reputation for having poor internal controls. It is no wonder that a relatively inexperienced trader was able to take advantage of the bank's system of weak internal controls to exceed his trading limit and cause the bank to lose more than €4.9 billion.


QN=64 A zero-day attack is an attack on an information system that takes advantage of a particular system vulnerability before the security community or system developer knows about the vulnerability or has been able to repair it. Such attacks are quite common and occur nearly everyday.


QN=65 Unlike a computer worm, which requires users to spread infected files to other users, a virus is a harmful program that resides in the active memory of the computer and duplicates itself. A virus can propagate without human intervention.


QN=69 The cost of creating an e-mail campaign for a product or a service can easily exceed the cost of a direct-mail campaign. Such an e-mail campaign also typically takes longer to develop.


QN=70 Phishing frequently leads consumers to counterfeit Web sites designed to trick them into initiating a denial-of-service attack.


QN=71 A hacktivist is a person who wishes to destroy the infrastructure components of financial institutions, utilities, and emergency response units.


QN=74 Industrial espionage and competitive intelligence are the same thing.


QN=75 The use of smart cards which contain a memory chip that is updated with encrypted data every time the card is used, is much more popular in the United States than Europe.


QN=77 Individuals committed to trustworthy computing take a pledge to not send viruses and worms and to refrain from spamming others.


QN=78 The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act addresses identity theft.


QN=79 The security of any system or network is a combination of technology, policy, and people and requires a surprisingly narrow range of activities to be effective.


QN=8 The risks associated with inappropriate behavior have decreased, both in their likelihood and in their potential negative impact.


QN=81 A security policy details exactly what needs to be done and how it must be accomplished.


QN=83 While it is important that employees should be well aware of an organization's security policies, this information should not be shared with part-time workers and contractors.


QN=86 Organizations must define employee roles so that a single employee can input as well as approve purchase orders. Such action is needed to provide adequate redundancy in the event of a pandemic or other form of disaster.


QN=88 An intrusion prevention system is software and/or hardware that monitors system and network resources and activities, and notifies network security personnel when it identifies possible intrusions from outside the organization or misuse from within the organization.


QN=89 An organization can never be prepared for the worst—a successful attack that defeats all or some of a system's defenses and damages data and information systems.


QN=93 The right to personal privacy is explicitly spelled out in the Constitution.


QN=94 The right to privacy is closely associated with the Second Amendment to the Constitution.


QN=95 Roger Clark, director of the ACLU, first coined the term information privacy which is the combination of communications privacy and data privacy.


QN=98 The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act requires a Web site that caters to children to offer comprehensive privacy policies and to receive parental consent before collecting any personal information from children under 18 years of age.


QN=99 Title III of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act is also know as the Wiretap Act and authorizes wiretapping and electronic eavesdropping without the requirement of first obtaining a warrant from a judge.


QN=1 Pretexting involves the use of false pretenses to gain access to the personal records of individuals.


QN=10 Companies that are viewed as harmful to their community may find that negative publicity reduces sales, impedes relationships with some business partners, and attracts unwanted government attention.


QN=108 A Freedom of Information Act request prevents disclosure of records if it would invade someone's privacy. A balancing test must be applied to evaluate whether the privacy interests at stake are outweighed by competing public interests.


QN=111 There is no federal law requiring that organizations reveal a data breach, however, more than half the states have implemented such legislation.


QN=112 Spyware frequently employs sophisticated methods to avoid detection by popular software packages that are specifically designed to combat it.


QN=113 The use of cookies and tracking software is controversial because companies can collect information about consumers without their explicit permission.


QN=114 Cookies allow marketers to collect click-stream data—information gathered by monitoring a consumer's online activity.


QN=117 Demographic filtering augments click-stream data and user-supplied data with demographic information associated with user zip codes to make product suggestions.


QN=118 Companies that can't protect or don't respect customer information often lose business and some become defendants in class action lawsuits stemming from privacy violations.


QN=119 Public sector employees have far greater privacy rights than those in private industry because the Fourth Amendment does not limit how a private employer treats its employees.


QN=12 Employees may suppress their tendency to act in a manner that seems ethical to them and instead act in a manner that will protect them against anticipated punishment.


QN=120 Advocates of advanced surveillance technology argue that people have no legitimate expectation of privacy in a public place.


QN=121 According to a survey by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, one in five teenagers have engaged in sexting.


QN=122 In some states, sexting can result in felony charges and first-time offenders can be registered as sex offenders.


QN=124 Over the years, a number of federal, state, and local laws have been found unconstitutional because they violated one of the tenets of the First Amendment.


QN=126 Obscene speech is not protected by the First Amendment.


QN=130 In Reno v. ACLU, the Supreme Court ruled that the same free-speech protections apply to communication over the Internet as exists for print communication.


QN=131 The Child Online Protection Act was an attempt to protect children from online pornography while preserving the rights of adults.


QN=134 Employees who are unwillingly exposed to pornography or other objectionable material while using their work computer would have a strong case for sexual harassment.


QN=135 In the ICRA rating system, Web authors fill out an online questionnaire to describe the content of their site.


QN=136 The Children's Internet Protection Act required federally financed schools and libraries to use some form of technological protection to block computer access to obscene material, pornography, and anything else considered harmful to minors.


QN=139 One of the early Supreme Court rulings that addressed anonymity as an aspect of the Bill of Rights was NAACP v. Alabama in which the court ruled that the NAACP did not have to turn its membership list over to the state of Alabama.


QN=140 The IP address can be used to identify the sender of an ordinary e-mail or online posting.


QN=214 Most countries have continually been able to produce more goods and services over time—not through a proportional increase in input but by making production more efficient.


QN=141 Once a John Doe lawsuit is filed and the court grants permission, the plaintiff can serve subpoenas on any third party—such as an Internet service provider or a Web site hosting firm—that may have information about the true identity of the defendant.


QN=146 Although they may implement a speech code, public schools and universities are legally considered agents of the government and therefore must follow the First Amendment's prohibition against speech restrictions based on content or viewpoint.


QN=149 The CAN-SPAM Act clearly defines the conditions under which the sending of spam is legal.


QN=15 A rapid increase in the appointment of corporate ethics officers typically follows the revelation of a major business scandal.


QN=150 The Federal Trade Commission is charged with enforcing the CAN-SPAM act but has done little to enforce the act.


QN=151 Copyright law protects authored works such as art, books, and film.


QN=153 Protecting computer software has proven to be difficult because it is has not been well categorized under the law.


QN=157 Software, video games, multimedia works, and Web pages can all be copyrighted.


QN=159 Two software manufacturers could conceivably develop separate programs that perform the same functions in a nearly identical manner without infringing the other's copyright.


QN=160 The PRO-IP Act of 2008 increased trademark and copyright enforcement, and substantially increased penalties for infringement.


QN=163 The Digital Millennium Copyright Act made it an offense to circumvent a technical protection of copyrighted material.


QN=169 The Economic Espionage Act imposes penalties of up to $10 million and 15 years in prison for the theft of trade secrets.


QN=170 Because organizations can risk losing trade secrets when key employees leave, they often try to prohibit employees from revealing secrets by adding nondisclosure clauses to employment contracts.


QN=172 Plagiarism software checks for matching text in different documents as a means of identifying potential plagiarism.


QN=174 Open source code is any program whose source code is made available for use or modification, as users or other developers see fit.


QN=179 Procter & Gamble admitted publicly that it unethically gained information about Unilever, its competitor in the multibillion-dollar hair-care business.


QN=18 The goal of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was to renew investor's trust in corporate executives and their firm's financial reports following numerous financial scandals in the early 2000's.


QN=180 Cybersquatters are individuals who registered domain names for famous trademarks or company names to which they had no connection.


QN=181 There have been many delays in the development of the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner including problems with the software that controls and monitors the aircraft's braking system.


QN=182 Software manufacturers face economic, ethical, and organizational challenges associated with improving the quality of their software.


QN=190 The accurate, thorough, and timely processing of business transactions is a key requirement for business information systems. A software defect in such a system can be devastating, resulting in lost customers and reduced revenue.


QN=191 The decision support system is used to improve the decision making in a variety of industries.


QN=192 A defect in process control software can lead to decreased product quality, increased waste and costs, or even unsafe operating conditions for employees.


QN=196 A warranty assures buyers or lessees that a product meets certain standards of quality.


QN=199 A software development methodology is a standard, proven work process that enables systems analysts, programmers, project managers, and others to make controlled and orderly progress in developing high-quality software.


QN=200 Quality assurance refers to methods within the development cycle designed to guarantee reliable operation of the product.


QN=202 There are two forms of dynamic testing—black-box testing and white-box testing.


QN=205 As the software maturity level increases, the organization improves its ability to deliver good software on time and on budget.


QN=206 The safe operation of many safety-critical systems relies on the flawless performance of software.


QN=209 Reliability is the probability of a component or system performing without failure over its product life.


QN=210 Failure mode and effects analysis is an important technique used to develop ISO 9000-compliant systems by both evaluating reliability and determining the effects of system and equipment failures.


QN=211 The Western Cape province initiated the Khanya Project to address the shortage of teachers in the region, to bridge the digital divide by providing access to computer technology to all schoolchildren and educators, and to prepare the Western Cape for the new "knowledge economy."


QN=212 The program manager of Khanya feels that the greatest contribution of the Khanya project was that it proved that ICT can be implemented successfully on a large scale in Africa.


QN=216 It is harder to quantify the benefits of today's IT investments on worker productivity than during the early days of IT in the 1960s.


QN=281 Depending on how closely workers are supervised and how the job is structured, contingent workers may be viewed as permanent employees by the Internal Revenue Service, the Labor Department, or a state's workers' compensation and employment agencies.


QN=285 Nearly 40% of H-1B temporary workers are employed as computer programmers.


QN=29 The general public does not understand the critical importance of ethics as they apply to IT, as too much emphasis has been placed on technical issues.


QN=290 India is widely acknowledged as the best source of programming skills outside Europe and North America.


QN=295 A qui tam plaintiff can receive between 15 and 30 percent of the total recovery from the defendant, depending on how helpful the person was to the success of the case.


QN=296 To be classified as a truly green PC, the PC must meet other criteria than simply use less electricity to run than the standard computer.


QN=297 Electronic manufacturing employees and suppliers at all steps along the supply chain and manufacturing process are at risk of unhealthy exposure to potentially harmful materials.


QN=3 Morality refers to social conventions about right and wrong that are so widely shared that they become the basis for an established consensus.


QN=30 In the business world, important IT decisions are too often left to the technical experts; general business managers must assume greater responsibility for these decisions.


QN=300 The EICC has established a code of conduct that established guidelines across five areas of responsibility: labor, health and safety, environment, management system, and ethics.


QN=31 Dorothea Perry and Robert Gross were put on probation and subsequently fired for job-performance issues by their employer, Collegis, shortly after reporting that they found child pornography on the computer of a professor at New York Law School.


QN=33 Many professional roles carry special rights and responsibilities.


QN=34 From a legal perspective, IT workers are not recognized as professionals because they are not licensed by the state or federal government.


QN=36 Although end users often get the blame when it comes to using illegal copies of commercial software, software piracy in a corporate setting is sometimes directly traceable to IT staff members.


QN=42 Theft is the crime of obtaining goods, services, or property through deception or


QN=45 The key distinguishing factor between a gift and a bribe is that no gift should be hidden.


QN=46 Studies have shown that around 10 percent of all job applicants seriously misrepresent their backgrounds on their resumes.


QN=49 Most codes of ethics created by professional organizations have two main parts: one part outlines what the professional organization aspires to become, and the other part lists rules and principles by which members of the organization are expected to abide.


QN=50 Adherence to a code of ethics reminds professionals of the responsibilities and duties that they may be tempted to compromise to meet the pressures of day-to-day business.


QN=54 Certifications that are tied to a vendor's product are relevant for job roles with very specific requirements or certain aspects of broader roles. Sometimes, however, vendor certifications are too focused on technical details of the vendor's technology and do not address more general concepts.


QN=55 The requirements for certification generally require that the individual has the prerequisite education and experience, sits for and passes an exam, and commits to and abides by a code of ethics established by the organization providing the certification.


QN=56 The lack of agreement on the core body of knowledge for various IT roles is a primary reason for the lack of international or national licensing programs for IT professions.


QN=58 No policy can stop wrongdoers from taking inappropriate actions, but it can set forth the general rights and responsibilities of all IT users, establish boundaries of acceptable and unacceptable behavior and enable management to punish violators.


QN=62 Although the necessity of security is obvious, it must often be balanced against other business needs and issues. As a result, most organizations spend 5 percent or less of their overall IT budget on information security.


QN=63 According to the 2008 CSI Computer Crime and Security Survey, virus related incidents were the most common security incident.


QN=66 The cost to repair the worldwide damage done by a computer worm has exceeded $1 billion on more than one occasion.


QN=67 A distributed denial-of-service attack keeps the target so busy responding to a stream of automated requests that legitimate users cannot access the target.


QN=68 Rootkit is a set of programs that enables its users to gain administrator level access to a computer without the end user's consent or knowledge. Fortunately, rootkits are fairly easy to discover and remove from infected computers.


QN=7 The United States has one of the lowest software piracy rates in the world, along with Luxembourg and New Zealand.


QN=72 Crackers break into other people's networks and systems to cause harm—defacing Web pages, crashing computers, and spreading harmful programs or hateful messages.


QN=73 Fraud often involves some form of collusion, or cooperation, between an employee and an outsider.


QN=76 The USA Patriot Act defines cyberterrorism as hacking attempts that cause $5,000 in aggregate damage in one year, damage to medical equipment, or injury to any person. Because the $5,000 threshold is easy to exceed, many young people who have been involved in what they consider to be "minor computer pranks" have found that they meet the criteria to be tried as cyberterrorists.


QN=80 A completed risk assessment identifies the most dangerous threats to a company and helps focus security efforts on the areas of highest payoff.


QN=82 Whenever possible, automated system rules should mirror an organization's written policies.


QN=87 It is not unusual for a security audit to reveal that too many people have access to critical data and that many people have capabilities beyond those needed to perform their jobs.


QN=9 A stakeholder is someone who stands to gain or lose, depending on how a situation is resolved.


QN=90 Discussing security attacks through public trials and the associated publicity has not only enormous potential costs in public relations but real monetary costs as well.


QN=91 The use of information technology in business requires balancing the needs of those who use the information that is collected against the rights and desires of the people whose information is being used.


QN=92 One of the key factors affecting the growth of e-commerce is the lack of Internet users' confidence in online privacy.


QN=96 The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act repealed the prohibition of any one institution from offering investment, commercial banking, and insurance services. It also included three key rules that affect personal privacy: financial privacy rule, safeguards rule, and pretexting rule.


QN=97 HIPPA requires healthcare organizations to employ standardized electronic transactions, codes, and identifiers to enable them to fully digitize medical records thus making it possible to exchange medical records over the Internet.


10.How many criteria, there are defined by U.S code of Federal Regulations to become a person "employed in proffessional capacity"


# provide leadership to overcome resistance to change can be found in step....of ethical decision making


QN=206 A 2006 Institute of Medicine report concluded that more than _____ preventable medication errors per year cost the United States about $3.5 billion annually.

1.5 million

QN=257 The cost advantage for offshore outsourcing to India used to be 6:1 or more. It is estimated that once this advantage shrinks to _____ or less, cost savings would no longer be an incentive for U.S. offshore outsourcing to India.


QN=230 About _____ of material is being uploaded to YouTube every minute making it difficult to review all material submitted for posting.

10 hours

27) As the number

100 million

QN=192 In the United States, it is estimated that there are roughly _____ employees who telework more than eight hours per week.

14 million

# The USA PATRIOT Act modified ..... existing statutes and gave sweeping new powers both to domestic law enforcement and to international intelligence agencies


42) The Digital Millennium Copyright Act(DMCA)


# indentify the loss events or the risks or threats that could occur, such as a distributed denial-of-service attack or insider fraud, is step....of risk assessment


# the electronic frontier foundation (EFF) represented .... of the john does whose identities were subpoenaed


QN=187 In the United States, labor productivity growth has averaged about _____ percent per year for the past century.


QN=194 Of the roughly 1 billion Internet users worldwide, only _____ are estimated to live in less developed nations.

20 million

34) Since the early 1980s


# Evaluate alternatives based on multiple criteria, can be found in step....of ethical decision making


# Thông tin g?m có....thu?c tính


QN=40 Studies have shown that around ____ of all job applicants exaggerate their accomplishments on their resume.


41) To prevent Internet users


# There are .. ways to limit or even stop the deposit of cookies on your hard drive


# determine the impact of each threat occurring. Would the threat have a minor impact on the organization, or could it keep the organization from carrying out its mission for a lengthy period of


QN=228 MySpace purged _____ sex offenders from its site over a period of two years.


28. Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA)

A 1994 law that amended both the Wiretap Act and ECPA; it required the telecommunications industry

20. Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)

A 1998 law that requires Web sites that cater to children to offer comprehensive privacy policies, notify parents or guardians about their data-collection practices, and receive parental consent before collecting any personal information from children under 13 years of age

18. Child Online Protection Act (COPA)

A 1998 law that was intended to protect children from online pornography while preserving the rights of adults; it was eventually ruled unconstitutional.

77. Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)

A 1999 bank deregulation law, also known as the Financial Services Modernization Act, which granted banks the right to offer investment, commercial banking, and insurance services through a single entity.

19. Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA)

A 2000 law that required federally financed schools and libraries to use some form of technological protection (such as an Internet filter) to block computer access to obscene material, pornography, and anything else considered harmful to minors

35. Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing (CAN-SPAM) Act

A 2004 law that specifies requirements that commercial e-mailers must follow when sending out messages that advertise or promote a commercial product or service.

60. employee leasing

A business arrangement in which an organization (called the subscribing firm) transfers all or part of its workforce to another firm (called the leasing firm), which handles all human resourcerelated activities and costs, such as payroll, training, and the administration of employee benefits. The subscribing firm leases these workers back but as employees of the leasing firm.

4. anonymous remailer

A company that provides a service in which an originating IP number (physical address) is stripped from an e-mail message before the message is sent on to its destination.

14. online virtual world

A computer-simulated world in which a visitor can move in threedimensional space, communicate and interact with other visitors, and manipulate elements of the simulated world.

24. coemployment relationship

A employment situation in which two employers have actual or potential legal rights and duties with respect to the same employee or group of employees.

61. Enhancing Education Through Technology (Ed-Tech) program

A federal program with the following goals: (1) improve student academic achievement through the use of technology in schools; (2) assist children in crossing the digital divide by ensuring that every student is technologically literate by the end of eighth grade; and (3) encourage the effective integration of technology with teacher training and curriculum.

QN=238 Which of these statements about contingent workers is true?

A firm is likely to use contingent IT workers if it experiences pronounced fluctuations in its technical staffing needs.

22. patent troll

A firm that acquires patents for the purpose of licensing the patents to others rather than manufacturing anything itself.

7. black-box testing

A form of dynamic testing that involves viewing the software unit as a device that has expected input and output behaviors but whose internal workings are unknown (a black box). If the unit demonstrates the expected behaviors for all the input data in the test suite, it passes the test.

12. offshore outsourcing

A form of outsourcing in which the services are provided by an organization whose employees are in a foreign country.

11. N-version programming

A form of redundancy in which two computer systems execute a series of program instructions simultaneously.

86. integration testing

A form of software testing in which individual software units are combined into an integrated subsystem that undergoes rigorous testing to ensure that the linkages among the various subsystems work successfully.

99. live telemedicine

A form of telemedicine in which patients and healthcare providers are present at the same time; often involves a videoconference link between the two sites.

76. government license

A government-issued permission to engage in an activity or to operate a business; it is generally administered at the state level and often requires that the recipient pass a test of some kind.

19. patent

A grant of a property right issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to an inventor; permits its owner to exclude the public from making, using, or selling a protected invention, and allows for legal action against violators.

1. affiliated Web sites

A group of Web sites served by a single advertising network.

71. firewall

A hardware or software device that serves as a barrier between an organization's network and the Internet; a firewall also limits access to the company's network based on the organization's Internet usage policy.

33. contingent work

A job situation in which an individual does not have an explicit or implicit contract for long-term employment.

31. compiler

A language translator that converts computer program statements expressed in a source language (such as COBOL, Pascal, or C) into a machine language (a series of binary codes of 0s and 1s) that the computer can execute.

8. botnet

A large group of computers controlled centrally from one or more remote locations by hackers, without the knowledge or consent of their owners.

82. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)

A law designed to improve the portability and continuity of health insurance coverage; to reduce fraud, waste, and abuse in health insurance and healthcare delivery; and to simplify the administration of health insurance.

70. False Claims Act

A law enacted during the U.S. Civil War to combat fraud by companies that sold supplies to the Union Army; also known as the Lincoln Law.

56. Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 (ECPA)

A law focusing on three main issues: (1) the protection of communications while in transfer from sender to receiver; (2) the protection of communications held in electronic storage; and (3) the prohibition of devices to record dialing, routing, addressing, and signaling information without a search warrant.

75. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

A law passed in 1966 and amended in 1974 that grants citizens the right to access certain information and records of the federal government upon request.

66. Fair Credit Reporting Act

A law passed in 1970 that regulates the operations of credit-reporting bureaus, including how they collect, store, and use credit information.

95. John Doe lawsuit

A lawsuit in which the identity of the defendant is temporarily unknown, typically because the defendant is communicating anonymously or using a pseudonym.

68. fair use doctrine

A legal doctrine that allows portions of copyrighted materials to be used without permission under certain circumstances. Title 17, section 107, of the U.S. Code established four factors that courts should consider when deciding whether a particular use of copyrighted property is fair and can be allowed without penalty: (1) the purpose and character of the use (such as commercial use or nonprofit, educational purposes); (2) the nature of the copyrighted work; (3) the portion of the copyrighted work used in relation to the work as a whole; and (4) the effect of the use on the value of the copyrighted work.

18. outsourcing

A long-term business arrangement in which a company contracts for services with an outside organization that has expertise in providing a specific function.

# It is estimated that more than 1 billion personal computers will be connected to the Internet by 2010, leaving more than 5.5 billion people unconnected. _________________ is the standard of living characteristic that most of the 5.5 billion people have in common

A low income

92. intrusion prevention system (IPS)

A network security device that prevents an attack by blocking viruses, malformed packets, and other threats from getting into the protected network.

13. One Laptop per Child (OLPC)

A nonprofit organization whose goal is to provide children around the world with low-cost (less than $100) laptop computers to aid in their education.

29. Communications Decency Act (CDA)

A part of the 1996 Telecommunications Act directed at protecting children from online pornography; it was eventually ruled

94. IT user

A person for whom a hardware or software product is designed.

44. cybersquatter

A person or company that registers domain names for famous trademarks or company names to which they have no connection, with the hope that the

15. Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)

A process improvement approach developed by the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon that defines the essential elements of effective processes.

55. Education Rate (E-Rate) program

A program of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 whose primary goal is to help schools and libraries obtain access to state-of-the-art services and technologies at discounted rates.

16. certification

A recognition that a professional possesses a particular set of skills, knowledge, or abilities—in the opinion of the certifying organization.

17. chief privacy officer (CPO)

A senior manager within an organization whose role is to both ensure that the organization does not violate government regulations and reassure customers that their privacy will be protected

40. corporate ethics officer

A senior-level manager who provides an organization with vision and leadership in the area of business conduct.

62. ethics

A set of beliefs about right and wrong behavior within a society.

67. Fair Information Practices

A set of eight principles created by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development that provides guidelines for the ethical treatment of consumer data.

13. business information system

A set of interrelated components—including hardware, software, databases, networks, people, and procedures—that collects data, processes it, and disseminates the output.

5. moral code

A set of rules that establishes the boundaries of generally accepted behavior within a society.

93. ISO 9000 standard

A standard that serves as a guide to quality products, services, and management.

23. code of ethics

A statement that highlights an organization's key ethical issues and identifies the overarching values and principles that are important to the organization and its decision making.

57. electronic health record (EHR)

A summary of health information generated by each patient encounter in any healthcare delivery setting. It can include patient demographics, medical history, immunization records, laboratory data, problems, progress notes, medications, vital signs, and radiology reports.

33.what is law ?

A system of rules that tells us what we can and cannot do. Laws are enforced by a set of institutions

97. law

A system of rules that tells us what we can and cannot do. Laws are enforced by a set of institutions.

65. failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)

A technique used to develop ISO 9000- compliant quality systems by both evaluating reliability and determining the effects of system and equipment failures.

36. cookie

A text file that a Web site downloads to visitors' hard drives so that it can identify them on subsequent visits.

1. logic bomb

A type of Trojan horse that executes when it is triggered by a specific event.

47. decision support system (DSS)

A type of business information system used to improve decision making in a variety of industries.

38. copyright infringement

A violation of the rights secured by the owner of a copyright; occurs when someone copies a substantial and material part of another's copyrighted work without permission.

21. patent infringement

A violation of the rights secured by the owner of a patent; occurs when someone makes unauthorized use of another's patent.

6. avatar

A virtual world visitor's representation of him- or herself—usually in the form of a human but sometimes in some other form.

98. libel

A written defamatory statement.

QN=88 The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act ____.

Allows surveillance, without court order, within the United States for up to a year unless the surveillance will acquire the contents of any communications to which a U.S. person is a party

9) In September 1999, __ obtained

81. hacktivism

Hacking to achieve a political or social goal.

QN=41 An IT professional organization whose mission is to provide superior leadership and education in information technology and that has a goal to help its members make themselves more marketable within their industry is ____.


QN=215 _____ of teenagers in the U.S. use social networking Web sites.

About 65%

87. integrity

Adherence to a personal code of principles.

# Which of the following is a valid reason for trying to reduce the digital divide?

All of the above

17.which of the following contents that Federally financed schools and libraries must block computer access to, otherwise they would no longer be eligible to receive federal money?

All of the others

QN=145 Some software experts think that too many software patents are being granted, inhibiting new software development. For example, ____ obtained a patent for "one-click shopping," based on the use of a shopping cart purchase system for electronic commerce.

73. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)

An act passed in 1978 that describes procedures for the electronic surveillance and collection of foreign intelligence information in communications between foreign powers and agents of foreign powers.

74. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Amendments Act

An act passed in 2008 that both revised many of the FISA procedures for gathering foreign intelligence and implemented legal protections for electronic communications service providers who previously provided consumer data to the NSA and the CIA. fraud The crime of obtaining goods, services, or property through deception or trickery.

2. Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement)

An agreement of the World Trade Organization that requires member governments to ensure that intellectual property rights can be enforced under their laws and that penalties for infringement are tough enough to deter further violations.

22. CMMI-Development (CMMI-DEV)

An application of CMMI, frequently used to assess and improve software development practices.

26. common good approach

An approach to ethical decision making based on a vision of society as a community whose members work together to achieve a common set of values and goals.

69. fairness approach

An approach to ethical decision making that focuses on how fairly actions and policies distribute benefits and burdens among people affected by the decision.

54. dynamic testing

An approach to software QA in which the code for a completed unit of software is tested by entering test data and comparing the actual results to the expected results.

64. exploit

An attack on an information system that takes advantage of a particular system vulnerability.

46. cyberterrorist

An individual who launches computer-based attacks against other computers or networks in an attempt to intimidate or coerce a government in order to advance certain political or social objectives.

43. cybercriminal

An individual, motivated by the potential for monetary gain, who hacks into corporate computers to steal, often by transferring money from one account to another to another

58. Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC)

An industry organization established to promote a common code of conduct for the electronics and information and communications technology (ICT) industry.

# ... is one in which employees are will- ing to seek advice about ethical issues that arise

An organization with a successful ethics program

20. patent farming

An unethical strategy of influencing a standards organization to make use of a patented item without revealing the existence of a patent; later, the patent holder might demand royalties from all implementers of the standard.

QN=157 The ____ Act enacted in 1999, allows trademark owners to challenge foreign cybersquatters who might otherwise be beyond the jurisdiction of U.S. courts.

Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection

15. open source code

Any program whose source code is made available for use or modification, as users or other developers see fit.

52) Nicholas Ciarelli is an


7) __ is the science of encoding messages so that only


32) __,which provides credit card

QN=246 Which of the following actions is recommended to avoid potential coemployment issues with contingent workers _____.

Avoid training contingent workers.

# Thu?c tính c?a thông tin th? hi?n tính ch?t du?c luu gi? an toàn và ko du?c ti?t l? n?u chua du?c phép th? hi?n tính ch?t:

B?o m?t

# Thu?c tính c?a thông tin là....

B?o m?t, s?n sàng, toàn v?n

QN=99 The ____ seal program identifies online businesses that honor their own stated privacy protection policies.


1.The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the concept of privacy is protected by the _________________.

Bill of Rights (particularly the Fourth Amendment)

# Không cài d?t và s? d?ng ph?n m?m ngoài danh sách .... c?a IT


33) In August 2005


QN=16 In a for-profit organization, it is the primary objective of the ____ to oversee the organization's business activities and management for the benefit of shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, and the community.

Board of Directors

QN=149 ____ can qualify for trade secret protection under the Uniform Trade Secrets Act.

Both computer hardware and software

QN=66 ____ have become the primary means for distributing spam, malware, and phishing scams.


# Occurs when a party fails to perform certain express

Breach of contract

# _________________ involves providing money, property, or favors to someone in business or government to obtain a business advantage


# The.... Act specifies requirements that commercial e-mailers must follow in sending out messages that advertise or promote a commercial product or service.


14. The _________________ Act specifies requirements that commercial e-mailers must follow in sending out messages that advertise or promote a commercial product or service


QN=65 Edward Davidson ran a spamming operation out of his home that sent hundreds of thousands of spam e-mails. The header information of these e-mails concealed the actual sender from the recipient of the e-mail, a violation of the ____ Act.


QN=179 ____ defines five levels of software development maturity and identifies the issues that are most critical to software quality and process improvement.

Capability Maturity Model Integration-Dev

# _________________ is a process that one undertakes voluntarily to prove competency in a set of skills


7.harmful material on the World wide web from reaching minors

Child Online Protection Act (COPA)

QN=117 The ____ Act is still in effect and has not been ruled unconstitutional.

Children's Internet Protection

QN=105 ____ is information gathered by monitoring a consumer's online activity.

Click-stream data

# Offers consumer recommendations based on the types of products purchased by other people with similar buying habits.

Collaborative filtering

QN=127 A pamphlet called ____ was published by Thomas Paine and critiqued the British monarchy and urged the colonies to become independent.

Common Sense

4.250,000 fines and prison terms of up to 2 years for the transmission of indecent material over the Internet

Communacations Decency Act

13) The __ was a hotly debated law

Communication Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA)

7. The _________________ established the Federal Communications Commission and made it responsible for regulating all non-federal government use of radio and TV broadcasting and all interstate telecommunications.

Communications Act of 1934

QN=91 Under the ____, the Federal Communications Commission responded to appeals from the Justice Department by requiring providers of Internet phone services and broadband services to ensure that their equipment accommodated the use of law enforcement wiretaps.

Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act

48) __ gathering has become enough

Competitive intelligence

# Thông tin nh?y c?m, b?o m?t v?i nh?ng thành viên không liên quan du?c dánh d?u:


# .... has become a major marketing issue—companies that can- not protect or do not respect customer information have lost business

Consumer data privacy

15) Popular Internet filters include __


QN=68 ____ is an annual gathering in Las Vegas of computer hackers.


21) Several cases brought


QN=12 A judge found ____ guilty of not providing timely on-site technical support that customers were entitled to and, as a result, lost its place as the world's largest computer manufacturer.


QN=217 _____ created its own social networking Web site, IdeaStorm, as a means for its millions of customers around the world to talk about new products, services, or improvements they would like.


# In.... additional information such as age and location can be used as ad-selection criteria

Demographic filtering

# It augments click- stream data and user-supplied data with demographic information associated with user zip codes to make product suggestions. is ...

Demographic filtering

# The ... was signed into law in 1998 and was written in compliance with the global copyright protection treaty from WIPO; the law makes it illegal to circumvent a technical protection of copyrighted materials or to develop and provide tools that allow others to access a technologically protected work.

Digital Millennium Copyright Act

QN=142 Unlike traditional copyright law, the ____ does not govern copying; instead, it focuses on the distribution of tools and software that can be used for copyright infringement as well as for legitimate non-infringing use.

Digital Millennium Copyright Act

# _________________ is a term used to describe the gulf between those who do and those who don't have access to modern information and communications technology such as cell phones, personal computers, and the Internet

Digital divide

QN=63 ____ is (are) the abuse of e-mail systems to send unsolicited e-mail to large numbers of people.

E-mail spam

# The No Child Left Behind Act requires that each state have an _________________ program to improve academic achievement through the use of technology in schools


QN=198 The _____ program was launched in recognition that the ability to use computers and access the Internet is a requirement for succeeding in the U.S. educational system and global workforce.


78. green computing

Efforts directed toward the efficient design, manufacture, operation, and disposal of IT-related products, including personal computers, laptops, servers, printers, and printer supplies.

QN=89 The ____, passed as an amendment to Title III of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act establishes a requirement for court-approved law enforcement use of a pen register or trap and trace.

Electronic Communications Privacy Act

QN=90 The ____ prohibits unauthorized access to stored wire and electronic communications, such as the contents of e-mail in-boxes, instant messages, message boards, and social networking sites that are not readily accessible to the general public.

Electronic Communications Privacy Act

QN=208 As part of the $787 billion 2009 economic stimulus plan, the federal government earmarked $33 billion in incentives for healthcare providers to implement government certified, interoperable _____ systems by 2015.

Electronic Health Records

# .... can legally reject a job applicant based on the content of the individual's social networking Web site as long as the company is not violating discrimination laws


QN=98 The ____ requires member countries to ensure that data transferred to non-European Union countries is protected, and bars the export of data to countries that do not have data privacy protection standards comparable to the European Union's.

European Union Data Protection Directive

5.This evaluation may indicate that further refinements are needed, can be found in

Evaluate the Results

4) __ is the legal authority for electronic

Executive Order 12333

# Contingent work is a job situation in which an individual does not have...

Explicit or implicit contract for long-term employment

# "Nguy co b? "m?t" thông tin có th? là do ngày càng ít ki?u luu tr?, truy?n và s? d?ng thông tin


# "Thông tin c?n ph?i b?o m?t vì nhi?u nguy co b? "rò r?" thông tin


# A potential whistle-blower must consider many ethical implications, including whether the high price of whistle-blowing is not worth it


# An H-1B is a permanent work visa granted by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)


QN=185 ____ describes how a product or process could fail to perform the desired function described by the customer.


# A reliability evaluation technique that can determine the effect of system and equipment failures is____.

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

43.established mandatory guidelines for the collection and disclosure of personal financial information by financial organizations

Finalcial Privacy rule

# The most basic legal guarantee to the right of freedom of expression in the United States is contained in the....

First Amendment

QN=95 In Doe v. Holder, the courts ruled that the NSL gag rule (prohibits NSL recipients from informing anyone that the government has secretly requested his or her records) violates the ____.

First Amendment

53.the Supreme Court has held that the following types of speech are not protected by the _______________ and may be forbidden by the government: perjury, fraud, defamation, obscene speech, incitement of panic, incitement to crime,"fighting words," and sedition

First amendment

QN=109 The ____ protects citizens from unreasonable government searches and is often invoked to protect the privacy of government employees.

Fourth Amendment

# _________________ is the crime of obtaining goods, services, or property through deception or trickery


10) __ is the crime of obtaining goods


89. intentional misrepresentation

Fraud that occurs when a seller or lessor either misrepresents the quality of a product or conceals a defect in it.

# ... occurs when a person consciously decides to induce another person to rely and act on the misrepresentation

Fraudulent misrepresentation

QN=101 The ____ enables the public to gain access to certain government records.

Freedom of Information Act

# It is frequently measured using the ... per capita


12.repealed the prohibition of any on institution from offering investment, commercial banking, adng insurance services

Gramm-Leach-Biley Act

# An act designed to promote accuracy, fairness, and privacy of information in the files of credit-reporting companies is the....

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act

# CAn act designed to promote accuracy, fairness, and privacy of information in the files of credit-reporting companies is the....

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act

QN=84 The ____ is an act that repealed a depression-era law known as Glass-Steagell. Some place partial blame for the financial crises that began in 2008 on the passage of this act and the loosening of banking restrictions.

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act

QN=85 Under the ____, financial institutions must provide a privacy notice to each consumer that explains what data about the consumer is gathered, with whom that data is shared, how the data is used, and how the data is protected.

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act

# Hacker differs from cracker is....

Hacker can find limits, cracker intrudes from limits

# This is much easier said than done, since people tend to resist change. can be found in phase... of ethical decision making

Implement Decision

45) __ use illegal means to obtain

Industrial spies

21. click-stream data

Information gathered by monitoring a consumer's online activity through the use of cookies.

72. foreign intelligence

Information relating to the capabilities, intentions, or activities of foreign governments, agents of foreign governments, or foreign organizations.

QN=52 ____ is a form of security incident that first registered on the CSI Computer Crime and Security Survey in 2007.

Instant messaging abuse

QN=51 The Societe Generale employee alleged to have committed fraud against the firm that resulted in a loss to the bank of some €4.9 billion was ____.

Jerome Kerviel

QN=237 Which of the following statements is true about the Bureau of Labor Statistics forecast for employment between 2006 and 2014?

Jobs related to networking and data communications analysis had the highest forecasted growth rate at 50 percent.

# A lawsuit in which the true identity of the defendant is temporarily unknown is called a....

John Doe lawsuit

# Organizations may file a ..... to enable them to gain subpoena power in an effort to learn the identity of anonymous Internet users who have caused some form of harm through their postings

John Doe lawsuit

10. A lawsuit in which the true identity of the defendant is temporarily unknown is called a _________________.

John Doe lawsuit

QN=134 A(n) ____ is often filed against a defendant whose identity is temporarily unknown.

John Doe lawsuit

QN=126 ____ was a printer who was prosecuted for seditious libel because s(he) refused to reveal the names of anonymous authors whose writings were critical of the governor of new York.

John Zenger

8. _________________ v. United States is a famous court ruling that helped form the basis for the requirement that there be a reasonable expectation of privacy for the Fourth Amendment to apply.


QN=8 ____ is a system of rules that tells us what we can and cannot do.


30. competitive intelligence

Legally obtained information gathered to help a company gain an advantage over its rivals.

52.A written statement that is false and that harms another person is

Libel (may Slander , best Defamation

# _________________ is a popular business-oriented Web site that is used by professionals for networking


QN=58 ____ is a form of Trojan horse which executes when it is triggered by a specific event such as a change in a particular files, by typing a specific series of keystrokes, or by a specific time or date.

Logic bomb

# Ph?i xin phê duy?t c?a .... cài d?t và c?u hình theo chu?n b?o m?t c?a Công ty

Lãnh d?o don v?, IT

QN=56 ____ viruses have become a common and easily created form of virus. Attackers use an application macro language to create these programs that infect documents and templates.


42.Which of the following principles should be avoided if a company wants to operate consistently

Make decisions based on personal's benefits

QN=94 Under the PATRIOT Act, the FBI can issue a ____ to compel banks, Internet service providers, and credit reporting companies to turn over information about their customers without a court order simply on the basis that information is needed for an ongoing investigation.

National Security Letter

QN=201 _____ of the roughly 1.0 billion people around the world who earn less than $1,000 USD per year have access to a computer.

Nearly 0%

# In a lawsuit alleging________, responsibility is limited to harmful defects that could have been detected and corrected through "reasonable" software development practices.


# _________________ has been defined as not doing something that a reasonable person would do, or doing something that a reasonable person would not do


11. _________________ has been defined as not doing something that a reasonable person would do, or doing something that a reasonable person would not do.


QN=234 _____ built a simulation of a Combat Information Center of a command and control ship for the Seventh Fleet in Second Life to provide a real-to-life training experience for its future operators.

Northrop Grumman Corporation

QN=255 _____ is a form of outsourcing in which services are provided by an organization whose employees are in a foreign country.

Offshore outsourcing

7. morals

One's personal beliefs about right and wrong.

41.which of the following acts was established to set policies that all agree on the model of ethical treatment of consumer data

Organization for economic Co-operation and Development Fair Information Pratices (1980)

# Résumé inflation is to .....

Overpromote candidate's information

QN=107 A screening technology called ____ helps shield users from sites that do not provide the level of privacy protection they desire.

Platform for Privacy Preferences

QN=197 _____ is the European country with the smallest percentage of population using the Internet.


48.attempts by people to access personal information without proper authority by such means as impersonating an account holder or phishing.


QN=102 The ____ prohibits the government from concealing the existence of any personal data record-keeping systems.

Privacy Act

# Lo?i thông tin này cho phép công b? công khai du?c dánh d?u:


# Ph?i xin phép.....khi có nhu c?u d? máy qua dêm ph?c v? công vi?c

Qu?n tr? d? án & du?c phê duy?t

QN=136 The ____ is the trade group that represents the U.S. recording industry.


5. The Communications Decency Act, which was passed in 1996 and was aimed at protecting children from online pornography, was eventually ruled unconstitutional in the ______ v._________________ lawsuit.

Reno vs ACLU

# In..., uses business rules tied to customer-supplied preferences or online behavior to determine the most appropriate page views

Rules-based personali- zation

QN=106 ____ uses business rules tied to customer-supplied preferences or online behavior to determine the most appropriate page views and product information to display when a user visits a Web site.

Rules-based personalized software

# Thu?c tính c?a thông tin th? hi?n tính ch?t du?c luu gi? an toàn và du?c mã hóa và khi c?n du?c l?y ra xem thông tin th? hi?n tính ch?t:

S?n sàng

QN=162 This organization was forced to notify more than 800,000 borrowers that a software installation error had resulted in a miscalculation of their loans and that their payments would increase.

Sallie Mae

9. _________________ requires public companies to disclose whether they have codes of ethics and disclose any waiver to their code of ethics for certain members of senior management.

Section 406

# The _________________ is responsible for the careful and responsible management of an organization

Section 406 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act

39. corporate compliance officer

See also corporate ethics officer.

# wo main reasons have been advanced as the cause of rising healthcare costs: the use of more expensive technology and the _________________ of patients from the true costs of medical care.


6. morality

Social conventions about right and wrong that are widely shared throughout a society.

QN=216 _____ involves the use of social networks to inform, promote, and communicate the benefits of products and services.

Social network advertising

QN=213 A _____ is a site whose purpose is to create an online community of Internet users that enables members to break down barriers created by time, distance, and cultural differences.

Social networking Web site

91. intrusion detection system

Software and/or hardware that monitors system and network resources and activities, and notifies network security personnel when it identifies possible intrusions from outside the organization or misuse from within the organization.

# any error that, if not removed, could cause a software system to fail to meet its users' needs

Software defect

QN=176 ____ is a standard, proven work process that enables project team members to make controlled and orderly progress in developing high-quality software.

Software development methodology

90. Internet filter

Software that can be used to block access to certain Web sites that contain material deemed inappropriate or offensive.

48. decompiler

Software that can read the machine language version of software and produce the source code.

32. Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA)

Software that generates and grades tests that humans can pass but all but the most sophisticated computer programs cannot.

5. antivirus software

Software that regularly scans a computer's memory and disk drives for viruses.

41. cracker

Someone who breaks into other people's networks and systems to cause harm.

84. industrial spy

Someone who uses illegal means to obtain trade secrets from competitors of their firm.

QN=104 ____ is keystroke-logging software downloaded to users' computers without the knowledge or consent of the user.


# It is ideal to enlist the help of others. including ...., to identify several alternative solutions to the problem

Stake- holders

QN=57 ____ was a worm that was released in 2007 and caused billions of dollars in damages.


QN=221 _____ is a social shopping Web site that implemented a reward system for members in which they are paid a commission each time another shopper acts on their recommendations to purchase a specific item.


# "Nguy co b? "m?t" thông tin có th? là do ngày càng nhi?u ki?u luu tr?, truy?n và s? d?ng thông tin


# A potential whistle-blower must consider many ethical implications, including whether the high price of whistle-blowing is worth it


# Computer companies looking to manufacture green computers are challenged to produce computers that use less electricity


# It is not unusual for cyberstalking to escalate to vandalism, physical stalking, and even physical assault


# Outsourcing and offshore outsourcing are used to meet staffing needs while potentially reducing and speeding up project schedules


# Outsourcing is a long-term business arrangement in which a company contracts for services with an outside organization that has expertise in providing a specific func- tion


# The European Union passed the Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive which restricts the use of many hazardous materials in computer manufacturing.


# The healthcare industry spends less per employee on IT than private industry


# To date, practical business applications of online physical worlds have been implemented


# To date, practical business applications of online virtual worlds have been implemented


QN=141 The ____ requires member governments to ensure that intellectual property rights can be enforced under their laws and that penalties for infringement are tough enough to deter further violations.

TRIPS agreement

# A code serves as a guideline for ethical decision making, promotes high standards of practice and ethical behavior, enhances trust and respect from the general public, and provides an evaluation benchmark


# A customer list can be considered a trade secret if an organization treats the information as valuable and takes measures to safeguard it


# A government license grants permission for an individual to engage in an activity or to operate a business. It is generally administered at the state level and often requires that the recipient pass a test of some kind.


# A standard, proven work process for the development of high-quality software is called a software development methodology


# A virus does not spread itself from computer to computer but must be spread through infected e-mail document attachments, infected programs, or infected Web sites


# Almost all the data needed for competitive intelligence can be collected either from carefully examining published information or through interviews


# An organization with a successful ethics program is one in which employees are will- ing to seek advice about ethical issues that arise


# CIPA does not require the tracking of Internet use by minors or adults


# Contingent work is a job situation in which an individual does not have an explicit or implicit contract for long-term employment


# Employers can legally reject a job applicant based on the content of the individual's social networking Web site as long as the company is not violating discrimination laws


# Four common philosophies are the virtue ethics approach, the utilitarian approach, the fairness approach, and the common good approach


# H-1B workers may also be used when there are temporary shortages of needed skills


24) Computer virus has became


29) Although smart card are used


36) Any intrusion detection system


37) The use of remailers to enable


38) Organizations need basic information


43) Gifts encourage


50) An increasing number of companies


57) IT vendors have become


58) Many organizations that operate


8) The ancient Greek philosophers


QN=100 For a Web site to receive the ____ seal, its operators must demonstrate that it adheres to established privacy principles. The Web site must also agree to comply with that organization's oversight and consumer resolution process, and pay an annual fee.


QN=193 _____ is one of the advantages of teleworking for organizations.

Telework allows for the continuity of business operations in the event of a disaster

# The contingent workforce includes ...

Temporary workers

10. nondisclosure clause

Terms of an employment contract that prohibit an employee from revealing secrets.

9. noncompete agreement

Terms of an employment contract that prohibit an employee from working for any competitors for a period of time, often one to two years.

3. Miller v. California

The 1973 Supreme Court case that established a test to determine if material is obscene and therefore not protected by the First Amendment.

# ....protects citizens from unreasonable government searches and is often invoked to protect the privacy of government employees.

The Fourth Amendment

QN=196 _____ is the European country with the greatest percentage of people using the Internet.

The Netherlands

59. e-mail spam

The abuse of e-mail systems to send unsolicited e-mail to large numbers of people.

12. bribery

The act of providing money, property, or favors to someone in business or government to obtain a business advantage.

83. identity theft

The act of stealing key pieces of personal information to impersonate a person. industrial espionage The use of illegal means to obtain business information not available to the general public.

85. information privacy

The combination of communications privacy (the ability to communicate with others without those communications being monitored by other persons or organizations) and data privacy (the ability to limit access to one's personal data by other individuals and organizations in order to exercise a substantial degree of control over that data and its use).

# ....ensures that ethical procedures are installed and consistently adhered to throughout the organization

The corporate ethics officer

37. copyright

The exclusive right to distribute, display, perform, or reproduce an original work in copies or to prepare derivative works based on the work; granted to creators of original works of authorship.

3. anonymous expression

The expression of opinions by people who do not reveal their identity.

9. breach of contract

The failure of one party to meet the terms of a contract.

2. material breach of contract

The failure of one party to perform certain express or implied obligations, which impairs or destroys the essence of the contract.

10. breach of the duty of care

The failure to act as a reasonable person would act.

8. negligence

The failure to do what a reasonable person would do, or doing something that a reasonable person would not do.

51. digital divide

The gulf between those who do and those who do not have access to modern information and communications technology such as cell phones personal computers, and the Internet.

42. cyberbullying

The harassment, torment, humiliation, or threatening of one minor by another minor or group of minors via the Internet or cell phone.

QN=203 _____ This is one advantage that a cell phone has over a personal computer that leads industry experts to believe that it will be the cell phone that will ultimately bridge the digital divide.

The infrastructure needed to connect wireless devices to the Internet is easier and less expensive to build.

27. Communications Act of 1934

The law that established the Federal Communications Commission and gave it responsibility for regulating all non-federal government use of radio and television broadcasting and all interstate telecommunications—including wire, satellite, and cable—as well as all international communications that originate or terminate in the United States.

4. misrepresentation

The misstatement or incomplete statement of a material fact.

53. duty of care

The obligation to protect people against any unreasonable harm or risk.

16. opt in

To agree (either implicitly or by default) to allow an organization to collect and share one's personal data with other institutions.

45. cyberstalking

Threatening behavior or unwanted advances directed at an adult using the Internet or other forms of online and electronic communications; it is the adult version of cyberbullying.

The cost to repair the worldwide damage done by a computer worm has exceeded $1 billion on more than one occasion.


# A virus does not spread itself from computer to computer but must be spread through infected e-mail document attachments, infected programs, or infected Web sites. True or False?


# Concern over potential cyberterrorism began well before the attacks of 9/11. True or False?


# There are many industry associations and vendor certificate programs for IT workers. True or False


A completed risk assessment identifies the most dangerous threats to a company and helps focus security efforts on the areas of highest payoff.


A defect in process control software can lead to decreased product quality, increased waste and costs, or even unsafe operating conditions for employees.


A distributed denial-of-service attack keeps the target so busy responding to a stream of automated requests that legitimate users cannot access the target.


A number of organizations are exploring the use of virtual online worlds to improve teaching, learning, and creative expression.


A potential disadvantage of telework is that can create potential security issues.


A potential disadvantage of telework is that some teleworkers may suffer from isolation and may not really feel "part of the team."


A qui tam plaintiff can receive between 15 and 30 percent of the total recovery from the defendant, depending on how helpful the person was to the success of the case.


A rapid increase in the appointment of corporate ethics officers typically follows the revelation of a major business scandal.


A software development methodology is a standard, proven work process that enables systems analysts, programmers, project managers, and others to make controlled and orderly progress in developing high-quality software.


A stakeholder is someone who stands to gain or lose, depending on how a situation is resolved.


A virtual world may support e-commerce and allow users to sell their own real products within the real world.


A visitor to a virtual world represents him- or herself through an avatar.


A warranty assures buyers or lessees that a product meets certain standards of quality.


According to a survey by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, one in five teenagers have engaged in sexting.


According to the 2008 CSI Computer Crime and Security Survey, virus related incidents were the most common security incident.


Adherence to a code of ethics reminds professionals of the responsibilities and duties that they may be tempted to compromise to meet the pressures of day-to-day business.


Advocates of advanced surveillance technology argue that people have no legitimate expectation of privacy in a public place.


Although end users often get the blame when it comes to using illegal copies of commercial software, software piracy in a corporate setting is sometimes directly traceable to IT staff members.


Although the healthcare industry depends on highly sophisticated technology for diagnostics and treatment, it has been slow to implement IT solutions to improve productivity and efficiency.


Although the necessity of security is obvious, it must often be balanced against other business needs and issues. As a result, most organizations spend 5 percent or less of their overall IT budget on information security.


Although they may implement a speech code, public schools and universities are legally considered agents of the government and therefore must follow the First Amendment's prohibition against speech restrictions based on content or viewpoint.


As the software maturity level increases, the organization improves its ability to deliver good software on time and on budget.


Because organizations can risk losing trade secrets when key employees leave, they often try to prohibit employees from revealing secrets by adding nondisclosure clauses to employment contracts.


Certifications that are tied to a vendor's product are relevant for job roles with very specific requirements or certain aspects of broader roles. Sometimes, however, vendor certifications are too focused on technical details of the vendor's technology and do not address more general concepts.


Coca-Cola has been able to create a highly popular Facebook fan page to promote its image and brands.


Companies can use the Statement on Auditing Standards No. 70, Service Organizations to assess if company data is protected in an outsourcing arrangement.


The decision support system is used to improve the decision making in a variety of industries.


Depending on how closely workers are supervised and how the job is structured, contingent workers may be viewed as permanent employees by the Internal Revenue Service, the Labor Department, or a state's workers' compensation and employment agencies.


Discussing security attacks through public trials and the associated publicity has not only enormous potential costs in public relations but real monetary costs as well.


Dorothea Perry and Robert Gross were put on probation and subsequently fired for job-performance issues by their employer, Collegis, shortly after reporting that they found child pornography on the computer of a professor at New York Law School.


During the 2009 Iranian elections, there were rumors that the Iranian government attempted to block Twitter traffic and used Twitter to communicate its own message.


Electronic manufacturing employees and suppliers at all steps along the supply chain and manufacturing process are at risk of unhealthy exposure to potentially harmful materials.


Employees may suppress their tendency to act in a manner that seems ethical to them and instead act in a manner that will protect them against anticipated punishment.


Employees who are unwillingly exposed to pornography or other objectionable material while using their work computer would have a strong case for sexual harassment.


Failure mode and effects analysis is an important technique used to develop ISO 9000-compliant systems by both evaluating reliability and determining the effects of system and equipment failures.


Fraud often involves some form of collusion, or cooperation, between an employee and an outsider.


From a legal perspective, IT workers are not recognized as professionals because they are not licensed by the state or federal government.


HIPPA requires healthcare organizations to employ standardized electronic transactions, codes, and identifiers to enable them to fully digitize medical records thus making it possible to exchange medical records over the Internet.


IT firms and organizations that use IT products and services are concerned about a shortfall in the number of U.S. workers to fill positions in networking and data communications analysis.


In Reno v. ACLU, the Supreme Court ruled that the same free-speech protections apply to communication over the Internet as exists for print communication.


In a coemployment relationship, two employers have actual or potential legal rights and duties with respect to the same employee.


In some states, sexting can result in felony charges and first-time offenders can be registered as sex offenders.


In some virtual worlds, an avatar can earn virtual world money by performing some task in the virtual world and convert their virtual world money into real world cash.


In the ICRA rating system, Web authors fill out an online questionnaire to describe the content of their site.


In the business world, important IT decisions are too often left to the technical experts; general business managers must assume greater responsibility for these decisions.


India is widely acknowledged as the best source of programming skills outside Europe and North America.


It is difficult to quantify how much the use of IT has contributed to worker productivity.


It is estimated that more than 1 billion personal computer will be connected to the Internet by 2010 leaving some 5.5 billion people unconnected.


It is harder to quantify the benefits of today's IT investments on worker productivity than during the early days of IT in the 1960s.


It is not unusual for a security audit to reveal that too many people have access to critical data and that many people have capabilities beyond those needed to perform their jobs.


Many professional roles carry special rights and responsibilities.


Mobile phones have many distinct advantages that lead industry observers to think that it will be the cell phone that ultimately bridges the digital divide rather than the personal computer.


Morality refers to social conventions about right and wrong that are so widely shared that they become the basis for an established consensus.


More than 1 out of 5 hiring managers use social networking Web sites as a source of information about candidates.


Most countries have continually been able to produce more goods and services over time—not through a proportional increase in input but by making production more efficient.


Most of us have developed a decision-making process we use almost automatically, without thinking about the steps we go through.


Nearly 40% of H-1B temporary workers are employed as computer programmers.


No policy can stop wrongdoers from taking inappropriate actions, but it can set forth the general rights and responsibilities of all IT users, establish boundaries of acceptable and unacceptable behavior and enable management to punish violators.


Obscene speech is not protected by the First Amendment.


Of those hiring managers who use social networking Web sites to screen candidates, over one-third have found information that made them drop a candidate from consideration.


Once a John Doe lawsuit is filed and the court grants permission, the plaintiff can serve subpoenas on any third party—such as an Internet service provider or a Web site hosting firm—that may have information about the true identity of the defendant.


One of the early Supreme Court rulings that addressed anonymity as an aspect of the Bill of Rights was NAACP v. Alabama in which the court ruled that the NAACP did not have to turn its membership list over to the state of Alabama.


Open source code is any program whose source code is made available for use or modification, as users or other developers see fit.


Over the years, a number of federal, state, and local laws have been found unconstitutional because they violated one of the tenets of the First Amendment.


Plagiarism software checks for matching text in different documents as a means of identifying potential plagiarism.


Pretexting involves the use of false pretenses to gain access to the personal records of individuals.


Procter & Gamble admitted publicly that it unethically gained information about Unilever, its competitor in the multibillion-dollar hair-care business.


Protecting computer software has proven to be difficult because it is has not been well categorized under the law.


Public sector employees have far greater privacy rights than those in private industry because the Fourth Amendment does not limit how a private employer treats its employees.


Quality assurance refers to methods within the development cycle designed to guarantee reliable operation of the product.


Reliability is the probability of a component or system performing without failure over its product life.


Social network advertising has at least two advantages over more traditional advertising media such as radio, TV, and newspapers.


Software manufacturers face economic, ethical, and organizational challenges associated with improving the quality of their software.


Software, video games, multimedia works, and Web pages can all be copyrighted.


Some social shopping Web sites earn money by sharing with retailers data about their members' likes and dislikes.


Some virtual activities are clear violations of real world laws.


Some virtual world activities can cause real life anguish for the human owners of the avatars involved but may or may not rise to the level of real life crimes.


Some work roles and some individuals are not well suited for telework opportunities.


Spyware frequently employs sophisticated methods to avoid detection by popular software packages that are specifically designed to combat it.


Store-and-forward telemedicine does not require the presence of the patient and care provider at the same time.


Studies have shown that around 10 percent of all job applicants seriously misrepresent their backgrounds on their resumes.


Temporary workers, contractors, consulting firms, H-1B workers, and outsourced offshore workers are examples of nontraditional workers.


The CAN-SPAM Act clearly defines the conditions under which the sending of spam is legal.


The Child Online Protection Act was an attempt to protect children from online pornography while preserving the rights of adults.


The Children's Internet Protection Act required federally financed schools and libraries to use some form of technological protection to block computer access to obscene material, pornography, and anything else considered harmful to minors.


The Digital Millennium Copyright Act made it an offense to circumvent a technical protection of copyrighted material.


The Economic Espionage Act imposes penalties of up to $10 million and 15 years in prison for the theft of trade secrets.


The European Union passed the Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive which restricts the use of many hazardous materials in computer manufacturing.


The Federal Trade Commission is charged with enforcing the CAN-SPAM act but has done little to enforce the act.


The IP address can be used to identify the sender of an ordinary e-mail or online posting.


The PRO-IP Act of 2008 increased trademark and copyright enforcement, and substantially increased penalties for infringement.


The USA Patriot Act defines cyberterrorism as hacking attempts that cause $5,000 in aggregate damage in one year, damage to medical equipment, or injury to any person. Because the $5,000 threshold is easy to exceed, many young people who have been involved in what they consider to be "minor computer pranks" have found that they meet the criteria to be tried as cyberterrorists.


The United States has one of the lowest software piracy rates in the world, along with Luxembourg and New Zealand.


The Western Cape province initiated the Khanya Project to address the shortage of teachers in the region, to bridge the digital divide by providing access to computer technology to all schoolchildren and educators, and to prepare the Western Cape for the new "knowledge economy."


The accurate, thorough, and timely processing of business transactions is a key requirement for business information systems. A software defect in such a system can be devastating, resulting in lost customers and reduced revenue.


The development and use of new medical technology, such as new diagnostic procedures and treatments has increased spending and "accounts for one-half to two-thirds of the increase in healthcare spending in excess of general inflation."


The development of a good problem statement is the most critical step in the decision-making process.


The digital divide exists not only between more and less developed countries but also within countries—among age groups, economic classes, and people who live in cities versus those in rural areas.


The general public does not understand the critical importance of ethics as they apply to IT, as too much emphasis has been placed on technical issues.


The goal of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was to renew investor's trust in corporate executives and their firm's financial reports following numerous financial scandals in the early 2000's.


The key distinguishing factor between a gift and a bribe is that no gift should be hidden.


The lack of agreement on the core body of knowledge for various IT roles is a primary reason for the lack of international or national licensing programs for IT professions.


The program manager of Khanya feels that the greatest contribution of the Khanya project was that it proved that ICT can be implemented successfully on a large scale in Africa.


The requirements for certification generally require that the individual has the prerequisite education and experience, sits for and passes an exam, and commits to and abides by a code of ethics established by the organization providing the certification.


The safe operation of many safety-critical systems relies on the flawless performance of software.


The use of cookies and tracking software is controversial because companies can collect information about consumers without their explicit permission.


The use of information technology in business requires balancing the needs of those who use the information that is collected against the rights and desires of the people whose information is being used.


There are a number of ethical issues associated with using social network advertising to send messages to an individual's network of friends.


There are two forms of dynamic testing—black-box testing and white-box testing.


There have been many delays in the development of the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner including problems with the software that controls and monitors the aircraft's braking system.


There is no federal law requiring that organizations reveal a data breach, however, more than half the states have implemented such legislation.


To be classified as a truly green PC, the PC must meet other criteria than simply use less electricity to run than the standard computer.


Twitter text-based posts must be 140 characters or less.


Twitter users can restrict delivery of their messages, control whose tweets they receive, when they receive them, and on what devices.


Two software manufacturers could conceivably develop separate programs that perform the same functions in a nearly identical manner without infringing the other's copyright.


When an organization decides to use contingent workers for a project, it is making a trade-off between completing a single project quickly and cheaply versus developing people within its own organization.


Whenever possible, automated system rules should mirror an organization's written policies.


# Các d?ch v? cung c?p di?n, nu?c, du?ng truy?n internet, ánh sáng.. là

Tài s?n d?ch v?

# Các ph?n m?m ?ng d?ng, ph?n m?m công c?, ph?n m?m h? th?ng, các ?ng d?ng khác là

Tài s?n ph?n m?m

# T?n t?i trong các d? li?u, t?p van b?n, các b?n ghi âm, file luu tr? hình ?nh, tài li?u h? th?ng, hu?ng d?n s? d?ng.. là

Tài s?n thông tin

# Máy tính cá nhân, các thi?t b? truy?n t?i thông tin, các thi?t b? k? thu?t, bàn gh?.. là

Tài s?n v?t lý

QN=78 The ____ is a partnership between the Department of Homeland Security and the public and private sectors, established in 2003 to protect the nation's Internet infrastructure against cyberattacks.

U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team

QN=244 The _____ lawsuit dramatically illustrated the cost of misclassifying employees and violating laws that cover compensation, taxes, unemployment insurance, and overtime.

Viscaino v. Microsoft

QN=70 The ____ is a Federal law that primarily addresses unlawful access to stored electronic communications.

US Code Title 18, Part I, Chapter 121

# .... gave sweeping new powers to law enforcement agencies to search telephone, e-mail, medical, financial, and other records; it also eased restrictions on foreign intelligence gathering in the United States


11. _________________ gave sweeping new powers to law enforcement agencies to search telephone, e-mail, medical, financial, and other records; it also eased restrictions on foreign intelligence gathering in the United States.


QN=92 The ____ gave sweeping new powers both to domestic law enforcement and international intelligence agencies, including increasing the ability of law enforcement agencies to search telephone, e-mail, medical, financial, and other records.


# E-mail spam is (are) the abuse of e-mail systems to send ....

Unsolicited e-mail to large numbers of people.

51) __ is the country


39) __ is an effort by an employee


55.What is an effort by an employee to attract attention to a negligentm illegal, unethical, abusive, or dangerous act by a company that threatens the public interest


53) __ is a distinct possibility

Wireless spamming

88. intellectual property

Works of the mind— such as art, books, films, formulas, inventions, music, and processes—that are distinct, and owned or created by a single person or group. Intellectual property is protected through copyright, patent, trade secret, and trademark laws.

17) The U.S.Securities


# Viruses differs from worm is....

Worm can self-multiply, virus not

QN=253 Before a company can apply for an H-1B visa worker, it must file _____.

a Labor Condition Statement

#Which of the following is an example of intellectual property?

a business process for the efficient handling of medical insurance claims

18) In March 2005

a dozen

# Material breach of contract occurs when ...

a party fails to perform certain express or implied obligation, which impairs or destroys the essence of a contract.

QN=182 When developing safety-critical software ____.

a project safety engineer maintains a hazard log

13. Which of the following statements about Internet pornography is true?

a. The First Amendment is often used to protect distributors of adult pornography over the Internet.

10. Which of the following identifies the numbers dialed for outgoing calls?

a. pen register

7. The U.S. Supreme Court in United States v. American Library Association ruled that public libraries must install Internet filtering software to comply with all portions of:

a. the Children's Internet Protection Act

QN=195 As of 2007, what percent of all U.S. heads-of-household have never used e-mail?

about 20%

QN=223 Recent survey results show that _____ of students ages 13-17 had experienced cyberbullying within the last year.

about 43%

QN=219 Of those hiring managers who use social networking Web sites to screen candidates, _____ have found information that made them drop a candidate from consideration.

about one-third

# The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) grants citizens the right to ...

access certain information and records of the federal government upon request

QN=116 Privacy advocacy groups such as the Electronic Privacy Information Center, the ACLU, and the Electronic Frontier Foundation claimed that the language in the Child Online Protection Act was overly vague and limited the ability of ____ to access material protected under the First Amendment.


# A group of Web sites served by a single advertising net- work is called a collection of...

affiliated Web sites

# A professional is someone who

all of the above

# According to the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, a Web site that caters to children must....

all of the above

# Society expects professionals to act in a way that

all of the above

# View films and share access to view on cracked software in working pc means .....

all the above

# The security of information technology used in business is of the utmost importance, but it must be ... against other business needs and issues


3.Once a John Doe lawsuit is filed and court grants permission, the plaintiff can serve subpeonas on any third party such as _____ that

an internet service provider

19) Despite the importance


11. The California State Court in Pre-Paid Legal v. Sturtz et al. set a precedent that courts apply when deciding whether to approve subpoenas requesting the identity of _______________.

anonymous Internet speakers

QN=131 Internet users who want to remain anonymous can send e-mail to a(n) ____ service, which uses software to strip the originating IP address from the message.

anonymous remailer

# The Children's Internet Protection Act requires federally financed schools and librar- ies to use filters to block computer access to ...

any material considered harmful to minors

QN=4 In 2007, ____ of all software in circulation worldwide was pirated.

around 38%

QN=72 A strong security program begins by ____.

assessing the threats to an organization's computers and network

QN=120 The Children's Internet Protection Act ____.

attempted to protect children from accessing pornography and other explicit material online

# Companies that are viewed as harmful to their community may find that negative publicity reduces sales, impedes relationships with some business partners, and ...

attracts unwanted government attention.

QN=186 The most widely used measurement of the material standard of living is _____.

gross domestic product per capita

9. _________________ is a process that one undertakes voluntarily to prove competency in a set of skills.

b. Certification

4. An act designed to promote accuracy, fairness, and privacy of information in the files of credit-reporting companies is the

b. Fair Credit Reporting Act

14. The written statement that defines an organization's security requirements as well as the controls and sanctions used to meet those requirements is known as a:

b. security policy

1. The most basic legal guarantee to the right of freedom of expression in the United States is contained in the:

c. First Amendment

4. A written statement that is false and that harms another person is called:

c. libel

5. A set of programs that enables a hacker to gain administrative level access to a computer without the end user's consent or knowledge is called a(n):

c. rootkit

QN=50 If misrepresentation causes a party to enter into a contract, that party may have the legal right to ____.

cancel the contract and seek reimbursement for damages

# Software that generates and grades tests that humans can pass but that all but the most sophisticated computer programs cannot is called....


7. Software that generates and grades tests that humans can pass but that all but the most sophisticated computer programs cannot is called _________________.


# A _________________ states the principles and core values that are essential to the work of a particular occupational group

code of ethics

# _________________ highlights an organization's key ethical issues and identifies the overarching values and principles that are important to the organization and its decision-making process

code of ethics

11. _________________ highlights an organization's key ethical issues and identifies the overarching values and principles that are important to the organization and its decision-making process.

code of ethics

12. A _________________ states the principles and core values that are essential to the work of a particular occupational group

code of ethics

QN=24 An approach to ethical decision making that is based on a vision of society as a community whose members work together to achieve a common set of values and goals is the ____ approach.

common good

# Four common philosophies are the virtue ethics approach, the utilitarian approach, the fairness approach, and the....

common good approach

1. An approach to ethical decision making based on a vision of society as a community whose members work together to achieve a common set of values and goals is

common good approach

QN=155 Legally obtained information that is gathered to help a company gain an advantage over its rivals is called ____.

competitive intelligence

QN=180 After an organization decides to adopt CMMI-DEV, it must ____.

conduct an assessment of its software development practices

QN=28 As a result of increased ____, clients and service providers have built their working relationships on the expectation that they can communicate easily and instantly around the globe through electronic teleconferences, audio conferences, e-mail, and wireless devices.


# _________________ means that employees know what is expected of them, and they can employ the organizational values to help them in their decision making


4._________________ means that employees know what is expected of them, and they can employ the organizational values to help them in their decision making


# If an intrusion occurs, there must be a clear reaction plan that addresses notification, evidence protection, activity log maintenance, and...

containment, eradication, and recovery

QN=243 Another disadvantage of using contingent workers is that _____.

contingent workers may pass on information about corporate processes and strategies to subsequent clients who could be competitors

# The use of cookies and tracking software is ... because companies can collect information about consumers without their explicit permission


# The .... is that it is difficult to restrict children's Internet access without also restricting adults' access.

conundrum that it is difficult to restrict children's Internet access without also restricting adults'access


54) A(n) __ is a text file


# Marketers use .... to recognize return visitors to their sites and to store useful informa-tion aboutthem


QN=47 Adherence to a professional code of ethics means that practitioners use a common set of ____ as a guideline for ethical decision making.

core values and beliefs

QN=37 Accepting payment of entry fees for a golf tournament from a supplier is ____.

could be perceived as a bribe

QN=67 The ____ is a type of computer crime perpetrator whose primary motive is to achieve a financial gain.


QN=69 Chinese hackers have repeatedly hacked into systems to intercept e-mails between U.S. and UK officials. This is an example of ____.


1. A professional is someone who:

d. all of the above

7. Society expects professionals to act in a way that:

d. all of the above

8. The best Internet filters rely on the use of:

d. all of the above

9. The Electronic Communications Privacy Act deals with

d. all of the above


d. all of the above

14. Which of the following is not a technique frequently employed by identity thieves?

d. trap and trace

1. According to the "2008 CSI Computer Crime and Security Survey," which of the following was the most common security incident?

d. virus attack

# A code of ethics is a statement that highlights an organization's key ethical issues and iden- tifies the overarching values and principles that are important to the organization and its....

decision making

QN=152 A(n) ____ can read the machine language of a software program and produce the source code.


QN=212 Shortly after the 2009 Iranian election, the U.S. State Department contacted Twitter and asked the company to _____.

delay a scheduled software upgrade that would have cut off daytime service in Iran

QN=229 Most social networking Web sites have a terms of user agreement that states the Web site has the right to _____.

delete material that violates the site's policies

QN=163 The objective of quality management is to ____.

deliver high-quality systems that meet the needs of their users

# Ethics training not only makes employees more aware of a company's code of ethics and how to apply it, but also ...

demonstrates that the company intends to operate in an ethical manner

44) A __ attack is one in which


16) During the Kosovo confict in 1999

denial-of-service attacks

# Companies use many different methods to collect personal data about visitors to their Web sites, including ...

depositing cookies on visitors' hard drives and capturing click-stream

# Organizations should implement ... systems to catch intruders in the act


QN=23 Part of developing a good problem statement includes ____.

determining who is directly affected by the problem

QN=224 Several states have enacted laws to curb bullying by calling on schools districts to _____ regarding cyberbullying and punishment.

develop policies

QN=22 The step of the five-step decision process during which those who will be affected by the decision are identified is the ____ step.

develop problem statement

# Industrialized nations generally have a higher standard of living than ...

developing countries

# Which of the following approaches to social network advertising involves placing a banner ad on a Web site?

direct advertising

# Even within the same society, people can have strong .... over important moral issues


QN=220 Employers can legally reject a job applicant based on the contents of the individual's social networking profile as long as the company is not violating federal or state _____ laws.


QN=177 One approach to quality assurance is to test the code of a completed unit of software by actually entering test data and comparing the results to the expected results. This is called ____.

dynamic testing

# a code of ethics cannot gain company-wide acceptance unless it is developed with...

employee participation

QN=14 One characteristic of an organization that has a successful ethics program is that ____.

employees are rewarded for ethical behavior.

28.which is not an characteristic of a successful ethics program

employees feel pressure about their company

QN=49 A feature that is associated with a bribe is that a bribe ____.

encourages an obligation for the recipient

QN=252 Heads of U.S. companies continue to complain that they have trouble finding _____ and have urged the USCIS to loosen the reins on visas for qualified workers.

enough qualified IT workers

8.The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)

escribes procedures for the elec-tronic surveillance and collection of foreign intelligence information between foreign powers and agents of foreign powers

QN=2 A set of beliefs about right and wrong behavior within a society is called ____.


30.what are the correct statements about ethics

ethics is a set of beliefs about right and wrong behavior

QN=21 The step in the five-step decision-making process during which the decision maker (s) consider laws, guidelines, policies, and principles that might apply to the decision is the ____ step.

evaluate and choose alternative

# this evaluation may indicate that further refinements are needed., can be found in

evaluate the results

QN=245 The key lesson from Viscaino v. Microsoft is that _____.

even if contractors sign an agreement indicating that they are contractors and not employees, the deciding factor is not the agreement but the degree of control the company exercises over the employees

QN=231 On May 20, 2009, an organized group of users uploaded video clips of _____ to YouTube tagged with child-friendly identifiers.

explicit adult content

# An attack on an information system that takes advantage of a vulnerability is called a(n) _________________.


# An attack on an information system that takes advantage of a vulnerability is called a(n)...


3. An attack on an information system that takes advantage of a vulnerability is called a(n) _________________.


QN=53 A(n) ____ is a term for any sort of general attack on an information system that takes advantage of a particular system vulnerability.


QN=55 Some IT security experts warn that is will not be long before we see ____ aimed at smartphones to steal user's data or turn them into remote-controlled bots.


QN=139 The concept that an idea cannot be copyrighted but the ____ of an idea can be is key to understanding copyright protection.


15. Implementation of a strong firewall provides adequate security for almost any network. True or False?


6. Resume inflation is a usual and customary practice tolerated by employers. True or False?


8. A person who attacks computers and information systems in order to capture trade secrets and gain a competitive advantage is called a cyberterrorist. True or False?


9. To date, there are no documented cases of cyberterrorism. True or False?


9. True or False? Anonymous expression, or the expression of opinions by people who do not reveal their identities, has been found to be unconstitutional.


# The ... established four factors for courts to consider when deciding whether a particular use of copyrighted property is fair and can be allowed without penalty.

fair use doctrine

# in relationships between it workers and clients, each party agrees to provide something of secured to the other


# the sarbanes-oxley act of 2001 was assed in response to public outrage over several major accounting scandals, including those at enron, worldcom


# the sarbanes-oxley act of 2001 was passed in response to public outrage over several major accounting acandals, including those at enron, worldcom


# utilitarian approach can be applied to the business world by equating the virtues of a good businessperson with those of a good person


The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act repealed the prohibition of any one institution from offering investment, commercial banking, and insurance services. It also included three key rules that affect personal privacy

financial privacy rule, safeguards rule, and pretexting rule. | True

QN=132 An organization's IT department can set up a(n) ____ to prohibit employees from accessing remailers.


QN=46 A device that limits access to the company's network based on the organization's Internet usage policy is called a(n) ____.


QN=77 Installation of a(n) ____ is the most common computer security precaution taken by businesses.


29.hardware or software device that serves as a barrier between an organization's network and the Internet; a firewall also limits access to the company'snetwork based on the organization'sInternetusagepolicy


# Obscene speech, defamation, incitement of panic, incitement to crime, "fighting words," and sedition are not protected by the First Amendment and may be .... by the government.


35.Obscene speech, defamation, incitement of panic, incitement to crime,"fighting words,"and sedition are not protected by the First Amendment and may be


# _________________ makes employees more aware of a company's code of ethics and how to apply it, as well as demonstrates that the company intends to operate in an ethical manner

formal ethics training

13. _________________ makes employees more aware of a company's code of ethics and how to apply it, as well as demonstrates that the company intends to operate in an ethical manner.

formal ethics training

34.Often they declare these responsibilities in a formal statement of their company's principles or beliefs

formal statement

QN=60 It is estimated that about one in ____ personal computers in the United States is part of a botnet.


# H1B contract need jobs that require at least a ...... bachelor's degree in a specific field, or equivalent experience


5. _________________ is the crime of obtaining goods, services, or property through deception or trickery.


QN=115 After a three judge federal panel ruled unanimously that the Communications Decency Act unconstitutionally restricted ____, the government appealed to the Supreme Court in a case that became known as Reno v. ACLU.

free speech

QN=111 The First Amendment protects American's rights to freedom of religion and ____.

freedom of expression

21.which statement about professional definition is not true

from a legal perspective,IT workers are not recognized as professionals because they are

QN=233 Bad deeds done in a virtual online world can be mediated by _____, who can take action according to the rules of the game and with consequences internal to the game

game administrators

QN=140 The PRO-IP Act sends the message to intellectual property criminals everywhere that the U.S. will ____ to protect American innovation.

go the extra mile

# The PRO-IP Act sends the message to intellectual property criminals everywhere that the U.S. will

go the extra mile to protect American innovation.

# The _________________ that socially responsible activities create can make it easier for corporations to conduct their business


3.The _________________ that socially responsible activities create can make it easier for corporations to conduct their business.


# The IT security group must lead the effort to implement security policies and proce- dures, along with ...

hardware and software tools to help prevent security breaches

QN=171 When sued for negligence, a software developer is not held responsible for every product defect that could have been detected that causes customer or third-party loss. Instead, responsibility is limited to ____.

harmful defects that could have been detected and corrected through "reasonable" software development practices

QN=211 Twitter _____.

has had problems related to its rapid growth

QN=110 In order to avoid Fourth Amendment issues with the use of advanced surveillance technology to track people in public places, advocates of such technology argue that people ____.

have no legitimate expectation of privacy in public

QN=75 A security policy outlines what needs to be done but not ____ to do it.


# In a social audit, an organization reviews ... meeting its ethical and social responsibility goals. and communicates its new goals for the upcoming year

how well it is

# Many businesses monitor the Web for the public expression of opinions that might ...

hurt their reputations

QN=113 Miller v. California is the Supreme Court case that established a test to determine ____.

if material is obscene

# The key to prevention of a computer security incident is to ..... solution to make computer break-ins so difficult that an attacker eventually gives up

implement a layered security

QN=173 A(n) ____ requires several standards must be met including; the goods must be fit for the ordinary purpose for which they are used, the quality of the goods must pass without objection in the trade, and the goods must meet a fair average or middle range of quality.

implied warranty of merchantability

# An organization's mission statement highlights its key ethical issues and identifies the overarching values and principles that are ....

important to the organization and its decision making

QN=125 Anonymous expression in the U.S. began around the time of ____.

the American Revolution

# Identity thieves often create data breaches, purchase personal data, employ phish- ing, and ...

install spyware to capture personal data

51.dentity thieves often create data breaches, purchase personal data employ phish-ing, and

install spyware to capture personal data

QN=178 After successful unit testing, the software units are combined into an integrated subsystem that undergoes rigorous testing to ensure that the linkages among the various subsystems work successfully. This form of testing is called ____.

integration testing

# Board members are expected to conduct themselves according to the highest standards for personal and professional ....


46.Board members are expected to conduct themselves according to the highest standards for personal and professional


QN=153 The courts have ruled in favor of using reverse engineering to enable ____.


QN=79 A software and/or hardware device that monitors system and network resources and activities, and notifies network security personnel when it identifies possible intrusions from outside the organization or misuse from within the organization is a(n) ____.

intrusion detection system

# A device that works to prevent an attack by blocking viruses, malformed packets, and other threats from getting into the company network is called a(n):

intrusion prevention system

QN=80 A(n) ____ works to prevent an attack by blocking viruses, malformed packets, and other threats from getting into the protected network.

intrusion prevention system

QN=137 These objects are protected under patent law: ____.


QN=235 Online muggings and sex crimes in a virtual world can cause real life anguish for the human owners of the avatars involved. Such acts _____ rise to the level of a real life crime.

may or may not

# Board members must create an environment in which employees feel they can seek advice about appropriate business conduct raise issues, and report .... through appropriate channels


QN=73 Part of a thorough security risk assessment is to determine how each threat can be ____ so that it becomes much less likely to occur or, if it does occur, has less of an impact on the organizations.


QN=29 As a result of improved ____, clients are able to break down their business processes into their fundamental steps and decide which they will perform themselves and which they will outsource to service providers.


# No security system is perfect, so systems and procedures must be...

monitored to detect a possible intrusion

# Statements about how people should behave fit together to form the _________________ by which a society lives

moral code

1.Statements about how people should behave fit together to form the _________________ by which a society lives

moral code

QN=1 Each society forms a set of rules that establishes the boundaries of generally accepted behavior. These rules are often expressed in statements about how people should behave, and they fit together to form the ____ by which a society lives.

moral code

28) A form of inconsistency

moral standards

6) The term __ refers to social conventions


QN=190 U.S. regulations make it easier for companies to hire and fire workers and to start and end business activities compared to many other industrialized nations. This flexibility makes it easier for markets to relocate workers to _____ firms and sectors.

more productive

QN=123 In United States v. American Library Association, the Supreme Court, in a 6-3 decision, held that public libraries ____.

must purchase filtering software and comply with all portions of the Children's Internet Protection Act

# if an intrusion occurs, there must be a clear reaction plan that addresses...

notification, evidence protection, containment, eradication, activity log maintenance, and recovery

QN=225 When school authorities do get involved in an effort to discipline students for cyberbullying, they are sometimes sued for violating the student's right to free speech, especially if the activity involved _____.

occurred off school premises

# In the United States, speech that is merely annoying, critical, demeaning, or ....

offensive enjoys protection under the First Amendment.

QN=39 The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act permits facilitating payments so that an official performs or makes a(n) ____.

official function faster

Most codes of ethics created by professional organizations have two main parts

one part outlines what the professional organization aspires to become, and the other part lists rules and principles by which members of the organization are expected to abide. | True

QN=154 7-zip, Audacity, Blender 3D, eMule, Eraser, and Firefox are all examples of ____.

open source software

QN=19 Ethical conduct criteria that could be used in an employee's performance evaluation includes ____.

operating effectively in a multicultural environment

# If someone refuses to give an institution the right to collect and share personal data about oneself, he or she is said to ....


QN=54 Often a successful attack on an information system is due to poor system design or implementation. Once such a vulnerability is discovered, software developers quickly create and issue a ____ to eliminate the problem.


# Many large software companies have cross-licensing agreements in which each agrees not to sue the other over....

patent infringements

QN=169 Software used to control many industrial processes in an effort to reduce costs, eliminate human error, improve quality, and shorten the time it takes to manufacture products is called a(n) ____.

process control system

# It is difficult to quantify how much the use of IT has contributed to worker ...


# The amount of output produced per unit of input is called....


QN=188 Today, organizations are trying to improve IT systems and business processes that have already gone through several rounds of improvement. This makes it difficult to measure significant improvements in _____.

productivity a calling that requires specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation

profession countribute to society, to participate in a lifelong training program (both formal and informal), to keep abreast of developments in their field, and to assist other professionals in their development


# An organization's IT department can set up a(n) firewall to ....

prohibit employees from accessing remailers.

# Organizations and governments have attempted to establish policies and laws to help guide Internet use as well as ...

protect their own interests

QN=81 The concept of privacy is ____.

protected by a number of amendments in the Bill of Rights

QN=33 Whistle-blowing is an effort by an employee to attract attention to a negligent, illegal, unethical, abusive, or dangerous act by a company that threatens the ____.

public interest

QN=166 The degree to which a software product meets the needs of its users is called software ____.


QN=259 The _____ allows a private citizen to file a sit in the name of the U.S. government.

qui tam provision

QN=164 The first release of any software ____.

rarely meets all its users' expectations

QN=74 The concept of ____ recognizes that managers must use their judgment to ensure that the cost of control does not exceed the system's benefits or the risks involved.

reasonable assurance

QN=189 Labor productivity in the United States remained relatively high despite a(n) _____ level of investment in IT from 1999 to 2004.


QN=158 Cybersquatters ____.

register domain names for famous trademarks or company names to which they have no connection

# The public _________________ of an organization strongly influences the value of its stock, how consumers regard its products and services, the degree of oversight it receives from government agencies, and the amount of support and cooperation it receives from its business partners


6.The public _________________ of an organization strongly influences the value of its stock, how consumers regard its products and services, the degree of oversight it receives from government agencies, and the amount of support and cooperation it receives from its business partners.


5.That an employer can be held responsible for the acts of its employee even if the employee acts in a manner contrary to corporate policy and the employer's direction is based on the principle called _________________.

respondeat superior

# That an employer can be held responsible for the acts of its employee even if the employee acts in a manner contrary to corporate policy and the employer's direction is based on the principle called _________________

respondeat superior or "let the master answer"

# The process of taking something apart in order to understand it, build a copy of it, or improve it is called ....

reverse engineering

QN=151 The process of taking something apart in order to understand it, build a copy of it, or improve it is called ____.

reverse engineering

# The goal of is to identify which investments of time and resources will best protect the organization from its most likely and serious threats

risk assessment

# The process of assessing security-related risks from both internal and external threats to an organization's computers and networks is called a(n) _________________.

risk assessment

13. The process of assessing security-related risks from both internal and external threats to an organization's computers and networks is called a(n) _________________.

risk assessment

# A set of programs that enables a hacker to gain administrative level access to a computer without the end user's consent or knowledge is called a(n) ....


# A set of programs that enables a hacker to gain administrative level access to a computer without the end user's consent or knowledge is called a(n):


16.a set of programs that enables a hacker to gain administrative level access to a computer without the end user's consent or knowledge


QN=93 A ____ allows the FBI to intercept any communications to or by an intelligence target without specifying the telephone line, computer, or other facility to be monitored.

roving wiretap

27.uses business rules tied to customer-supplied preferences or online behavior to determine the most appropriate page views

rules-based presonalization

# It exists not only between more and less developed countries but also within countries among age groups, economic classes, and people who live in cities versus those in ...

rural areas

QN=121 Proponents of the Children's Internet Protection Act argued that ____.

schools and libraries could elect to not implement the program, they just would not receive Federal money for Internet access

# Trustworthy computing is a method of computing that delivers secure, private, and reliable computing experiences

secure, private, and reliable

# A... defines an organization's security requirements, as well as the controls and sanctions needed to meet those requirements

security policy

# The written statement that defines an organization's security requirements as well as the controls and sanctions used to meet those requirements is known as a......

security policy

# The written statement that defines an organization's security requirements as well as the controls and sanctions used to meet those requirements is known as a:

security policy

23.The written statement that defines an organization's security require-ments, as well as the controls and sanctionsneeded to meet those requirements

security policy

QN=227 The National Center for Victims of Crime offers this advice for cyberstalking victims ____.

send the stalker a written notice that their contact is unwanted and that further contact should cease

# A(n) _________________ enables an organization to review how well it is meeting its ethical and social responsibility goals, and communicate new goals for the upcoming year.

social audit

12. A(n) _________________ enables an organization to review how well it is meeting its ethical and social responsibility goals, and communicate new goals for the upcoming year.

social audit

QN=18 In a(n) ____, an organization reviews how well it is meeting its ethical and social responsibility goals, and communications its new goals for the upcoming year.

social audit

# A standard, proven work process for the development of high-quality software is called a...

software development methodology

# Install cracked software in working pc means .....

software piracy

# Methods within the development cycle designed to guarantee reliable operation of the product are known as ____.

software quality assurance

# .....forces unwanted and often objectionable materials into e-mail boxes, detracts from the ability of Internet users to communicate effectively, and costs Internet users and service providers millions of dollars annually


# _________________ forces unwanted and often objectionable materials into e-mail boxes, detracts from the ability of Internet users to communicate effectively, and costs Internet users and service providers millions of dollars annually


6. _________________ forces unwanted and often objectionable materials into e-mail boxes, detracts from the ability of Internet users to communicate effectively, and costs Internet users and service providers millions of dollars annually.


# Legal recourse is possible only when hate speech turns into clear threats and intimidation against ...

specific citizens

QN=135 In the United States, speech that is merely annoying, critical, demeaning, or offensive enjoys protection under the First Amendment. Legal recourse is possible only when that speech turns into clear threats and intimidation against ____.

specific citizens

31) Organizations often employ


QN=10 Someone who stands to gain or lose, depending on how a situation is resolved is called a(n) ____.


47) The primary functions of a corporate ethics


QN=43 A government license grants permission for an individual to engage in an activity or to operate a business. It is generally administered at the ____ level and often requires that the recipient pass a test of some kind.


QN=129 In U.S. Navy v. America Online, a sailor used a pseudonym to post information that ____.

suggested that he might be gay

59) A(n) __ provision terminates


QN=96 A(n) ____ terminates or repeals a law or portions of it after a specific date unless further legislative action is taken to extend the law.

sunset provision

10. There are many industry associations and vendor certificate programs for IT workers. True or False


11. Concern over potential cyberterrorism began well before the attacks of 9/11. True or False?


12. True or False? In the United States, speech that is merely annoying, critical, demeaning, or offensive enjoys protection under the First Amendment. Legal recourse is possible only when hate speech turns into clear threats and intimidation against specific citizens.


13. The European philosophy of addressing privacy concerns employs strict government regulation, including enforcement by a set of commissioners; it differs greatly from the U.S. philosophy of having no federal privacy policy. True or False?


16. Over 25 percent of employers have fired workers for violating or abusing their corporate e-mail policy. True or False


2. A virus does not spread itself from computer to computer but must be spread through infected e-mail document attachments, infected programs, or infected Web sites. True or False?


2. True or False? The right to freedom of expression has been broadened by the Supreme Court to include nonverbal, visual, and symbolic forms of expression.


3. Legislation that protects people from data privacy abuses by private industry is almost nonexistent. True or False?


6. True or False? The Child Online Protection Act prohibited dissemination of harmful material to minors and was ruled unconstitutional.


# Thi?t l?p và d?i m?t kh?u theo nguyên t?c 90-8-3, nghia là

t?i da 90 ngày, t?i thi?u là 8 ký t?, không du?c trùng v?i 3 m?t kh?u g?n nh?t

# An H-1B is a .... work visa granted by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

temporary work

# The First Amendment is often used to protect distributors of adult pornography over ...

the Internet

QN=138 Copyright and patent protection was established through ____.

the U.S. Constitution

QN=35 To prove fraud in a court of law, prosecutors must demonstrate that ____.

the accused made a false representation of a material fact

QN=34 Before becoming a whistle-blower, an employee would normally call attention to a problem and try to correct it by first working with appropriate resources within ____.

the company

56) In the utilitarian

the ethical chooice product...

QN=124 Anonymous expression is ____.

the expression of opinions by people who do not reveal their identity

# A potential whistle-blower must consider many ethical implications, including whether ...

the high price of whistle-blowing is worth it

QN=122 Implementing the Children's Internet Protection Act is more difficult for a library than a school because ____.

the library's services are open to people of all ages

QN=183 Risk involves the measurement or assessment of two parameters, the probability of an undesirable event occurring and ____.

the magnitude of the event's consequences

# Installation of a(n) firewall is ...

the most common computer security precaution taken by businesses.

QN=172 Under the doctrine of supervening event, ____.

the original seller is not liable if the software was materially altered after it left the seller's possession and the alteration caused the injury

47.A rapid increase in the appointment of corporate ethics officers typically follows

the revelation of a major business scandal

QN=15 A rapid increase in the appointment of corporate ethics officers typically follows

the revelation of a major business scandal.

# The use of information technology in business requires balancing the needs of those who use the information that is collected against ....

the rights and desires of the people whose information is being used

# A government license grants permission for an individual to engage in an activity or to operate a business. It is generally administered at ...

the state level and often requires that the recipient pass a test of some kind.

QN=251 When considering the use of H-1B workers, companies should take into account that even highly skilled and experienced H-1B workers may required help with _____.

their English

QN=148 One key advantage that trade secret law has over the use of patents and copyrights in protecting companies from losing control of their intellectual property is ____.

there is no need to file an application or disclose the trade secret to gain protection

QN=236 Which of the following is a true statement about the number of declared undergraduate computer science majors at doctoral granting computer science departments?

there was a decline in enrollment in spite of the forecast for an increased number of workers in this field

# Many courts have ruled that IT workers are not liable for malpractice because ...

they do not meet the legal definition of a professional

QN=242 One potential disadvantage of using contingent workers is that _____.

they may not feel a strong connection to the company for which they are working

QN=144 The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that there are ____ classes of items that cannot be patented.


# Thông tin là s? hi?u bi?t hay s? th?t v? con ngu?i hay s? ki?n, hi?n tu?ng nào dó ...

thu nh?n du?c qua nghiên c?u, trao d?i, nh?n xét, h?c t?p, truy?n th?, c?m nh?n

# E-mail là tài s?n... c?a Công ty

thông tin

QN=167 It is estimated that the Microsoft Vista operating system ____.

took over five years to develop

22.the usa patriot act provided law enforcement authoritis more

track down & prevent

# A ... is a logo, package design, phrase, sound, or word that enables a consumer to differentiate one company's products from another's.

trade mark

QN=32 A ____ is information, generally unknown to the public, that a company has taken strong measures to keep confidential.

trade secret

# A ... is a form of protection for intellectual property that does not require any disclosures or filing of an application

trade secret d. trademark

QN=156 A(n) ____ is a logo, package design, phrase, sound, or word that enables a consumer to differentiate one company's products from another's.


QN=241 Because contingent workers are already specialists in a particular task, the hiring firm does not customarily incur _____.

training expenses

# Some librarians say they wish they could simply focus on ...

training students and adults to use the Internet safely and wisely.

# Which of the following is not a technique frequently employed by identity thieves?

trap and trace

# the code of ethics focusses employees on areas of ethical risk relating to their role in the organization, offers guidance to help them recognize and deal with ethical issues


# trustworthy computing is a method of computing that delivers secure, private, and reliable computing experiences based on sound business pratices


# _________________ is a method of computing that delivers secure, private, and reliable computing experiences

trustworthy computing

12. _________________ is a method of computing that delivers secure, private, and reliable computing experiences.

trustworthy computing

20.the child online protection act prohibited dissemination harmful material to minors and was ruled


# The Child Online Protection Act prohibited dissemination of harmful material to minors and was ruled .....


# Whistle-blowing is an effort to attract public attention to a negligent, abusive and...


# The _________________ approach to ethical decision making states that you should choose the action or policy that has the best overall consequences for all people who are directly or indirectly affected


15. The _________________ approach to ethical decision making states that you should choose the action or policy that has the best overall consequences for all people who are directly or indirectly affected.


QN=25 An approach to ethical decision making that states you should choose the action or policy that has the best overall consequences for all people who are directly or indirectly affected is the ____ approach.


46) The __ to ethical desicion decision

utilitarian appoach

37.An approach to ethical decision making that states that you should choose the action or policy that has the best overall consequences for all people who are directly or indirectly affected

utilitarian approach

QN=174 The plaintiff must have a ____ that the supplier did not fulfill in order to win a breach-of-warranty claim.

valid contract

QN=62 Rootkits are designed so cleverly that it is difficult to even discover if they are installed on a computer. The fundamental problem with trying to detect a rootkit is that the operating system cannot be trusted to provide ____.

valid test results

# A customer list can be considered a trade secret if an organization treats the information as ....

valuable and takes measures to safeguard it

# Employers can legally reject a job applicant based on the content of the individual's social networking Web site as long as the company is not ...

violating discrimination laws

# Hotmail employed a ..... campaign when it first launched its service, with each e-mail sent by a Hotmail user containing a short message that promoted Hotmail's free e-mail service

viral marketing

QN=218 Hotmail created what is recognized by many as the most successful _____ campaign ever when it first launched its service in 1996.

viral marketing

# A(n) _________________ is a moral habit that inclines people to do what is considered acceptable


2.A(n) _________________ is a moral habit that inclines people to do what is considered acceptable


QN=6 Habits that incline people to do what is acceptable are called ____.


# According to the "2008 CSI Computer Crime and Security Survey," which of the following was the most common security incident?

virus attack

15.According to the "2008 csi computer crime and security survey". Which of the following was the most common security incident

virus attack

# The corporate ethics officer provides the organization with _________________ and _________________ in the area of business conduct

vision and leadership

7. The corporate ethics officer provides the organization with _________________ and _________________ in the area of business conduct.

vision and leadership

QN=191 The goal of telework is to allow employees to be effective and productive from _____.

wherever they are

# The security of any system is a combination of technology, policy, and people, and it requires a ...

wide range of activities to be effective

19.the supreme court has ruled that

without a reasonable expectation of privacy, there is no privacy right

QN=82 The Supreme Court has ruled that ____.

without a reasonable expectation of privacy, there is no privacy right

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