ITN 100 Quiz 1 Attempts 1-3

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When a user accesses an application via a web browser on their mobile device, this is referred to as

A browser-based approach

When a developer creates an application for each type of device that might be used, this is referred to as

A native app

Which of the following is a data link layer standard?

Frame Relay PPP T1 Ethernet

Which of the following is not a data link layer standard?


Taken together, the physical and data link layers are called the ____________________.

Hardware layer

Which of the following is a term used to group together the physical and data link layers?

Hardware layers

Which standards body is responsible for the development of local area network (LAN) standards?


The Internet standards organization that will allow anyone to join is __________________.


The network layer of the Internet model uses the _____________ protocol to route messages though the network.


The _______ is a connection of computers and networks built into common, everyday devices.

Internet of Things

Which of the following is not true about ITU-T:

Its membership is limited to U.S. telephone companies

True about de jure standards?

One example exists for network layer software (IP). They can be developed by a government body. They can take several years to develop. They can be developed by an official industry body.

Which of the following is an application layer standard?


Which of the following is not true about de jure standards?

They are always developed before de facto standards.

A local area network is:

a group of personal computers or terminals located in the same general area and connected by a common cable (communication circuit) so they can exchange information such as a set of rooms, a single building, or a set of well-connected buildings.

A backbone network is:

a high speed central network that connects other networks in a distance spanning up to several miles.

A(n) _________ is a LAN that uses the same technologies as the Internet but is open to only those inside the organization.


A junior network administrator has used the wrong cable type to connect his/her computer to the administrative port on a router and cannot establish a terminal session with the device. What layer of the Internet model does this problem appear to reside at?


Which of the following correctly represents order of the seven layers of the OSI model from layer 1 to layer 7?

physical, data link, network, transport, session, presentation, application

The _________ layer performs error checking which is redundant to some extent with the function of the _________ layer.

transport, data link

True about ITU-T:

(1) Its membership is comprised of representatives from over 200 member countries (2) It is the International Telecommunications Union - Telecommunications Group (3) It is based in Geneva, Switzerland (4) It is the technical standards-setting organization of the United Nations International Telecommunications Union

Which of the following is an important future trend in communication and networking?

BYOD The Internet of Things Massively online systems Wireless LAN

BYOD stands for

Bring Your Own Device

Which of the following would be a standard or protocol used at the Data Link layer of the Internet or OSI model?


__________ ensure that hardware and software produced by different vendors work together.


Which of the following is not an application layer standard?


Which of the following is true about de facto standards?

They are generally supported by more than one vendor but de facto standards have no official standing. They tend not to be developed by an official industry or government body. They tend to emerge based upon the needs/response of the marketplace. They are those standards that emerge in the marketplace.

A network administrator has received several reports from users of the network that the intranet website on one of company servers is not accessible, but the same users are still able to retrieve their email being stored on the same server. What layer of the Internet model does this problem appear to reside at?


In which layer of the Internet model would the HTTP protocol be used?


Which of the following is not true about a server?

can only perform one function on a network.

Which of the following is not a property of a WAN:

connects a group of computers in a small geographic area such as room, floor, building or campus.

a function of the physical layer:

defining the rules by which one and zeroes are transmitted. transmission of bits providing error-free transmission of data. specifying the type of connection and type of signals, waves or pulses that pass through it.

Which of the following is a function of the data link layer?

detecting and correcting any errors that have occurred in the transmission of the message controlling the physical layer by determining when to transmit formatting the message by indicating where messages start and end, and which part is the address deciding when to transmit messages over the media

The primary reason for networking standards is to:

ensure that hardware and software produced by different vendors can work together

A(n) _________ is a LAN that uses the same technologies as the Internet but is provided to invited users outside the organization who access it over the Internet.


A(n) ___________ is similar to an intranet in that it uses Internet technologies, but is developed for users outside the organization.


The American National Standards Institute:

is the coordinating organization for the United States' national system of standards

A MOOC is an example of a(n)

massively online technology

The _________ layer is responsible for routing of messages from the sender to the final destination.

network layer

Networks that are designed to connect similar computers that share data and software with each other are called:

peer-to-peer networks

The ____________ layer of the OSI model is responsible for data format translation.


A(n) _____________ is a set of rules that determine what a layer would do and provides a clearly defined set of messages that software at the layer needs to understand.


Which of the following is a property of a WAN:

provides data transmission speeds from 56Kbps to 10Gbps. spans hundreds or thousands of miles. connects backbone networks and MANS. uses leased lines from IXCs like ATT, MCI, and Sprint.

Which is not a function of the physical layer:

providing error-free transmission of data.

In the Internet model, the application layer corresponds to the ________ layer(s) of the OSI model.

session, presentation and application

Which is a function of the physical layer:

specifying the type of connection and type of signals, waves or pulses that pass through it. transmission of bits. defining the rules by which one and zeroes are transmitted. providing the physical connection between sender and receiver.

Which of the following is not a function of the data link layer?

specifying the type of connection, and the electrical signals, radio waves, or light pulses that pass through it

Which of the following is true about a server?

stores documents and graphics that can be accessed from any Web browser. in client/server computing they work together over the network with client computers to support the business application. may be a personal computer or a mainframe on the network. stores data and software that can be accessed by the client.

Data communications and networking can be considered as a global area of study because:

the political and regulatory issues are exactly the same in every country AND new technologies and applications emerge from a variety of countries and spread around the world

The fourth layer of the OSI model is called the __________ layer.


Which layer of the OSI model is responsible for ensuring that all packets sent are received by the destination station by dealing with end-to-end issues?


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