ITSS Exam 2

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Excel Formulas

Common mathematical operators are used. - addition (+) - subtraction (−) - multiplication (*) - division ( / ) - exponentiation ( )

Abbreviations Used for Communications and Computer Memory Speeds

Communications equipment K( ilo ) = 1,000, not 1,024 (as for M( ega ) = 1,000,000, not 1,024 × 1,024; G( iga ) = 1,000,000,000, not 1,024 × 1,024 × 1,024 100 M b p s =100,000,000 bits per second Communications speeds expressed in bits ; memory sizes in bytes

Using the Cloud Content Delivery Networks from Cloud Vendors

Content delivery network (C D N) Stores user data in many different geographical locations and makes data available on demand Specialized type of P a a S, but usually considered in its own category Minimizes latency Used to store and deliver content seldom changed

Using the Cloud Over the Internet

Contract with the Cloud Vendor for a Maximum response time* Cloud vendor provisioning servers all over the world instantaneously * Uses current Internet standards for sending and receiving services (more later)

Data Definition Language (DDL)

Creates the database

Data Visualization with Data Bars

Data bars display colored bars that are scaled to the magnitude of the data values (similar to a bar chart) but placed directly within the cells of a range.

Categories of SQL function

Data definition language (DDL) Data manipulation language (DML)

protect databases and other organizational data.

Data safeguards

Specifying Hardware with Computer Data Sizes

Disk capacities specified by amount of bytes 500 GB CPU speed expressed in cycles called hertz Slow personal computer speed of 3 Gigahertz (GHz) Fast P C 3.5+ GHz

Central processing unit (C P U) the brain

Dual processor and Quad processor computers CPUs vary in speed, function, cost C P U works in conjunction with main memory (R A M) C P U reads data and instructions from memory, and stores results of computation in memory


Heat Map view shows the sum of sales for the intersection of each day and each month. Year has not been included in the view, so this is an analysis of all years in the data and allows us to see if there are any seasonal patterns or hot spots

Human error or lack of procedures

Humans inadvertently shut down a Web server or corporate gateway router by starting a computationally intensive application.

Internet of Things Development

IOT - Everyday objects embedded with hardware capable of sensing, processing, transmitting data Objects share data via a network with any other application, service, or device G E's Industrial Internet Increase efficiencies, reduce waste, improve decision making Greatest potential for smart devices in hospitals, power grids, railroads, and manufacturing plants Smart buildings (Microsoft) I D problems like wasteful lighting, competing heating and cooling systems, rogue fans, etc.


In symbol maps, marks are shapes or symbols placed at specific geographic locations.


A calculation is often referred to as a calculated field in Tableau. A calculated field will either show up as a new measure or a dimension in the data pane . Calculations consist of code that references other fields, parameters, constants, groups, or sets, and use combinations of functions and operations to achieve a result.

Q.1: What is the purpose of a database?

Organize and keep track of things Keep track of multiple themes

Q.1 Why are organizations moving to the cloud?

POSITIVE IN HOUSE Control of data location depth visibility of security and disaster preparedness CLOUD Small capital requirements Speedy development Superior scalability to growing or fluctuating demand Known cost structure Possibly best of breed security/disaster preparedness Blank No obsolescence Industry wide economies of scale, hence cheaper Blank Focus on core business, not infrastructure

Percentage Views

Percent of the grand total, Percent of row total, Percent of column total, and other options - In the Value Field Settings dialog, click the tab Show Values As. Select the option in the dropdown box. The % of Row Total is shown:

Joining Database Tables

Performed when data are retrieved from more than one table at a time Equality comparison between foreign key and primary key of related tables Tables are joined by listing tables in FROM clause of SELECT statement DBMS creates Cartesian product of every table in the FROM clause

Hardware Type

Personal computer (P C) Including desktops and laptops Tablet Including e book readers Phablet Smartphone Server Server farm

Q.2 How can new hardware affect competitive strategies?

Potentially disruptive hardware developments for existing organizations 1. Internet of Things (I o T): Make things / devices smart Connect to the internet and make them interact with other devices, applications, services 2. Digital Reality Devices 3. Self driving Cars 4. 3D Printing 5. Cryptocurrencies

Predictive analytical models are based on assumptions and

Predictive analytical models are based on assumptions and incorporate data that most likely are not known with certainty or are subject to error. • So, one might want to investigate how these assumptions and uncertainties affect model outputs • This is one of the most valuable activities for using spreadsheet models to gain insights and make good decisions

Primary Key and Foreign Key

Primary key attributes contain both a NOT NULL and a UNIQUE specification RDBMS will automatically enforce referential integrity for foreign keys Command sequence ends with semicolon

Goal :

Protect databases and other organizational data. Usually accomplished by two Org Units:

Application programs

Provide security, data consistency, special purpose processing, e.g., handle out of stock situations

Data Manipulation Language (DML)

Queries the database, manipulates the data

Comparison Operators: Computed Columns and Column Aliases

SQL accepts any valid expressions/formulas in the computed columns Alias Alternate name given to a column or table in any SQL statement to improve the readability Computed column , an alias, and date arithmetic can be used in a single query

Advantages of SQL :

SQL is not a proprietary language used by specific database vendors. Almost every major DBMS supports SQL, so learning this one language will enable you to interact with just about every database. SQL is easy to learn. The statements are all made up of descriptive English words and there aren't many of them. Despite its apparent simplicity, SQL is actually a very powerful language, and by cleverly using its language elements you ca n perform very complex and sophisticated database operations.


Search using values provided by user

SQL Sequence of Command

Select choose fields From choose table Where filter the data based on a conditional Group By summarizing of data for output Order By sorting of data for output And then ALWAYS end with a semicolon --" ; 2 ways to Comment (making a statement inactive) Use " "----" at the beginning of the line Start the text with "/* and end the text with */

Storage Hardware: save data and programs

Storage Hardware: save data and programs Common storage devices Non volatile Magnetic disks (Hard drive) Solid state storage (S S D) Thumb drives Optical disks (C D D V D) Volatile cache and main memory


Structured presentation of data using sorting, grouping, filtering, other operations

Field Name

The name of a column in a database table.


The stories feature allows you to tell a story using interactive snapshots of dashboards and views. The snapshots become points in a story. This allows you to construct a guided narrative or even an entire presentation. A new story point is created using the New Blank Pointbutton (for a new story point), the Duplicatebutton (which will create a duplicate snapshot of the currently selected story point), or the Save as New Pointbutton (which will capture the current state of the dashboard as a new story point). Clicking on a story point navigation box will bring up the snapshot of the view or dashboard for that story point. You may interact with the dashboard doing such things as making selections, changing filters, changing parameter values, and adding annotations

This brings up a Custom AutoFilter dialog

This brings up a Custom AutoFilter dialog that allows you to specify up to two specific criteria using "and" and "or" logic. (The Mac version does not have these and/or options.) Enter 200 in the box and then click Ok.


Tree maps use a series of nested rectangles to represent hierarchical relationships of parts to the whole. Tree maps are particularly useful when you have hierarchies and dimensions with high a high number of distinct values.

2. Digital Reality Devices

Tremendous potential to revolutionize our daily lives Will create entirely new types of companies Change the way people live, work, shop, and entertain themselves Different levels of digital reality on a continuum from completely real environments to completely virtual environments

Domain name

Unique name affiliated with a public I P address Dynamic affiliation of domain names with I P addresses Multiple domain names for same I P address

Data Control Language (DCL)

Used for managing access permissions and such


Users obtain Web applications via the Internet. Updates to the application are automatic and seamless


View data; insert new, update existing, delete existing data

When Does the Cloud Not Make Sense?

When law or standard industry practice require physical control or possession of the data Financial institutions are legally required to maintain physical control over their data.

SQL Indexes

When primary key is declared, DBMS automatically creates unique index Composite index: Is based on two or more attributes Prevents data duplication

Connecting Your LAN to the Internet

When you connect your LAN, Phone, iPad to the Internet, you are connecting to a WAN. This needs to be done because they are being connected to computers that are not on your premise. Connection to the Internet requires connecting to an Internet Service Provider (ISP)

A primary key in a database is a ________.

a column or group of columns that identifies a unique row in a table


a special purpose computer, or a program on a general purpose computer or on a router. Filters traffic in a variety of ways including where network traffic is coming from, what types of packets are being sent, the contents of the packet.

Public Key encryption (used on Internet)

a special version of asymmetric encryption

Sheet Sorter

an interactive thumbnail of all sheets in the workbook.

Excel Functions and Formulas

are instructions for Excel to perform calculations; usually used to count, get the sum or average


are values that are aggregated..Measures are represented by a green sign. Green '#' or '=#' icon indicates that the field is continuous.

• Dimensions

are values that determine the level of detail at which measures are aggregated. Dimensions are represented by a blue sign. Blue'Abc' icon next to the field indicates that the field is discrete.

Most department stores clear seasonal inventory by reducing

by reducing prices


contains notes that explain the sources or use of the column.

One of a kind application

developed for a specific, unique need. Extermely customizable; No other organization needs it. E.g., SW for Dept of Defense; [Automotive Equivalent: Tank] costs a lot to develop, takes time and require unique parts

Packet filtering firewall

examines each part of message and determines whether to let that part pass

A database application

is a collection of forms, reports, queries and application programs. These reformat tables to make it more informative and easy updates. These also help provide security, maintain data consistency. The specific purposes of the four elements of a database application are:

A firewall

is a computing device that prevents unauthorized network access

range name

is a descriptive label assigned to a cell or range of cells. There are several ways to create range names in Excel.


is a visual representation of a set of key business measures. It is derived from the analogy of an automobile's control panel, which displays speed, gasoline level, temperature, and so on. - Dashboards provide important summaries of key business information to help manage a business process or function.


is data that describes data.


is finding a subset of records that meet certain characteristics. Excel provides two filtering tools: - AutoFilter for simple criteria - Advanced Filter for more complex criteria. The Filter tool will display only those orders for this item. To restore the original data file, click on the drop down arrow again and then click Clear filter from "Item


is the process by which one physical computer hosts many different virtual computers within it.

Firewalls help protect

organizational computers from unauthorized network access No computer should connect to the Internet without firewall protection. Many ISPs provider firewalls for their customers. Large organizations supplement such generic firewalls.

Application software

performs a service or function. [General Purpose: Excel, Word]; [Specific" QuickBooks, Intuit]

Horizontal-market application

provides capabilities common across all organizations and industries. (Word processors, spreadsheets, graphics programs, Adobe acrobat, etc. etc.). Purchased off the shelf; ; ittle customization of features is necessary or possible. [Automotive Equivalent: buying a Sedan]

Vertical market applications

serves the needs of a specific industry. (Doctor office: schedule appointments, bill patients; Auto service shops: customer data and vehicle repairs, etc.); These can be suitably altered or customized; [Automotive Equivalent: a Construction Vehicle]

Color scales

shade cells based on their numerical value using a color palette.

Data Type

shows the type of data the column may hold, and

Internal firewall

sits inside the network

Perimeter firewall

sits outside the organization network


software that is intended to damage or disable computers and computer systems.


the asset that is desired by the threat.

: The COUNT function counts only

the number of cells in a range that contains numbers, so we

Data visualization

the process of displaying data (often in large quantities) in a meaningful fashion to provide insights that will support better decisions. - Data visualization improves decision making, provides managers with better analysis capabilities that reduce reliance on I T professionals, and improves collaboration and information sharing.

Using the Cloud Resource Elasticity

A car manufacturer runs an ad during the Academy Awards. Doesn't know if there will be a thousand, a million, 10 million, or even more site visits. Cloud vendor will programmatically increase server capacity. The car manufacturer reduces costs substantially.


There are two data source connections one for the Superstoredata and the other for Superstore Sales Goals. The Superstoredata source is the primary data source (the blue check mark) and Superstore Sales Goalsis the secondary source (the orange check mark). The Salesmeasure has been used from the primary source and the Goalsfrom the secondary sources. In both cases, the value is aggregated. The Statedimension is an active linking field, indicated by the complete orange link icon next to the field in the data pane. Both measures are being aggregated at the level of State(Salesby Statein Superstore Salesand Goalsby Statein Superstore Sales Goals) and then matched by Tableau based on the value of the linking field State.

Denial of service attacks (DoS)

Malicious hacker intentionally floods a Web server with millions of bogus service requests. Computer worms create artificial traffic so legitimate traffic cannot get through.

2: How big is the Computer Security Problem?

Most of the increase in computer crime over the past year are from malicious code and denial of service attacks. Ransomware and web based attacks have increased and are serious security threats. Data loss and disruption is the most expensive consequence of computer crime. Detection and recovery account for more than half of the internal costs related to cyber intrusions. Security safeguards work.

Q.2 How do organizations use the cloud?

Resource Elasticity Pooling Resources Over the Internet Services from Cloud Vendors Content Delivery Networks Using Web Services Internally

(2) Senior management manages risks.

Risks cannot be eliminated, so manage risks means to proactively balance the trade off between risk and cost. (differs from industry to industry; financial institution vs a bowling ally)

Security Monitoring (1 of 2)

Server activity logs Firewall log Lists of all dropped packets, infiltration attempts, unauthorized access, attempts from within the firewall D B M S Successful and failed logins Web servers Voluminous logs of Web activities P C O /S produces record of log ins and firewall activities

Symptoms of adware and spyware

Slow system startup Sluggish system performance Many pop up advertisements Suspicious browser homepage changes Suspicious changes to the taskbar and other system interfaces Unusual hard disk activit y Q 5: How can technical safeguards protect against security threats? Malware is a broad category of software that includes viruses, spyware, and adware. Solution: Remove the spyware or adware using antimalware programs.

Q.4 How does the Internet work?

The cloud resides in the Internet. So, in order to learn how cloud works, one needs to get an understanding of how Internet works. How is it possible for a cloud vendor to provide dramatic elasticity to support the workload.

(1) Senior management creates company wide policies:

What sensitive data will be stored? (about customers, suppliers, partners, employees, ..) How will data be processed? Will data be shared with other organizations? How can employees and others obtain copies of data stored about them? How can employees and others request changes to inaccurate data?

Components of a Database

"Database" comprises not only of a group of tables or files, plus relationships among rows in those tables plus Metadata

Augmented reality

(A R) is the altering of reality by overlaying digital information on real world objects.

Mixed reality

(M R) is the combination of the real physical world with interactive virtual images or objects.

Virtual reality (V

(V R) is a completely computer generated virtual world with interactive digital objects.

symmetric encryption

, the same key is used to encode and to decode. (This is

asymmetric encryption

, two keys are used; one key encodes the message, and the other key decodes the message. (slower than symmetric)

For communications equipment, K stands for __________

- 1,000

All of the following are disruptive forces to change business except ________

- 2D Printing

Which of the following features distringuishes a LAN from a WAN?

- A LAN connects computers in a single location.

A(n) ________ is an alternate name given to a column or table in any SQL statement.


The SQL aggregate function that gives the arithmetic mean for a specific column is ________

- AVG.

In its simplest form, a what-if analysis in a worksheet is generated by _____ the value in one or more input cells and observing the effects in other, dependent, cells.

- Changing.

A data integrity problem will occur only if __________

- Data are duplicated in a database.

A _______ is a program used to create, process, and administer a database.

- Database management System

Which of the following is NOT a guideline for planning and designing a PIVOTtable?

- Decide how you want to the data arranged.

The term _______ means that the computing resources leased can be increased or decreased dynamically in a short span of time and that organizatinons pay for just the resources that they use.

- Elastic

To enlarge the size of a pie chart in Tableau, one needs to select the _____ on the Menu Ribbon.

- Entire View

Brad, a project manager, wants to build a database to integrate information about employees and tasks that they handle, Brad wants to track information such as task name, productivity of an employee on daily basis, and employee numbers that brand wants to track are called __________

- Entities

Which of the following is a critical security function that should be addressed by the senior management of an organization?

- Establishing the security policy.

Which of the following is used for biometric authentication?

- Facial features.

A group of similar rows or records in a table is called a file.

- False

In Tableau, one can start building Dashboards without building "sheets",

- False

All of the following are sources of threats except __________.

- Firewalls

All of the following are functions of the DBMS except ______.

- Getting the users to use the database.

Where does the cloud reside?

- In the internet

What type of "Join" is shown in the following diagram?

- Inner Join

Which of the following statements is TRUE about IEEE 802.3?

- It is the protocol for wired LAN connections

By definition, Tableau displays measures over time as a _______.


A database is used instead of a spreadsheet when ______

- Lists involve data with multiple themes.

A computer that supports 10/100/1000 Ethernet allows for 10, 100, or 1000 ______ per second

- Megabits

In information security, which of the following is TRUE about managing risk?

- Organizations should implement safeguards that balance the trade-off between risk and cost.

The process by which a personal computer hosts several different operating systems is known as _____

- PC virtualization

__________ is a category of cloud hosting where vendors provide hosted computers with an operating system, runtime environment, and middleware like a Web server or a DBMS.

- PaaS

A ______ is a formatted message that passes through networks.

- Packet

_______ are the primary means of authentication for a user's computer and other networks and servers to which the user may have access.

- Passwords.

A person claiming to be from central IT called Chris and asked him to participate in a password reset audit. The person had Chris change his password to the word "123456", and then again to a secret passphrase only Chris knows. Later that day Chris noticed odd system behavior, and then the system crashed, Chris was a victim of _________.

- Pretexting.

The computers that run the DBMS and all devices that store database data should reside in locked, controlled-access facilities. This is done to _______.

- Provide physical security.

Brenda, the sales manager of a firm, wants to generate a particular report containing sales analyses of the second and third quarter of the year. She should use a _______ to obtain the information that she wants from

- Query

A PivotTable report filter is a(n) _____ field in a Pivot Chart

- Report filter.

Which of the following is a characteristic of smart devices?

- Require microprocessors and new protocols.

The SQL query to output the contents of the EMPLOYEE table sorted by last name, first name, and initial is ______.


Which of the following queries will output the table contents when the value of P_PRICE is less than or equal to 10?


You can join tables by using a condition in the WHERE clause


Which of the following is an advantage to an organization if its bring your own device (BYOD) policy offers wireless network to mobile devices?

- The organization can sniff employees' mobile traffic.

Which of the following statements is TRUE about native applications?

- They only run on the operating system for which they are programmed.

A _________ is a person or an organization that seeks to obtain or alter data or other IS assets illegally, without the owner's permission and often without the owner's knowledge.

- Threat

A DBMS and database are synonymous terms that can be used interchangeably

- True

A foreign key is a key of a different (foreign) table than the one in which it resides.

- True

In Tableau, "Horizontal bar" charts can be constructed with "0 or more dimension."

- True.

________ is a completely computer-generated virtual world with interactive digital objects.

- Virtual reality (VR)

A _______ is a type of virus that self-propagates using the Internet or other computer network.

- Worm


. Often used to display geographic data, such as population densities, or other socioeconomic metrics by nation, state, county, and so on. Color coding of quantitative data is commonly called a

Worms :

: A virus that self propagates using the Internet or other computer network . It spreads faster than other virus types because they can replicate by themselves. Can propagate so quickly that it can overload and crash networks.


: An opportunity for threats to gain access to individual or organization's

Hacking :

: Breaking into computers, servers, or networks to steal data such as customer lists, product inventory data, employee data.

PC Virtualization

: Can host several operating systems (e.g., Linux and Windows); Examples: Oracle VirtualBox or VMWare workstation The user can run both systems on the same hardware at the same time (if the host has sufficient resources memory, CPU power)

Data Administration :

: Develop data policies and enforce data standards

The cloud

: Elastic leasing of pooled computer resources over the Internet Elastic Automatically adjusts for unpredictable demand Limits financial risks Pooled Same physical hardware Economies of scale

The Rule of Precedence

: Establish the order in which computations are completed Perform: Operations within parentheses Power operations Multiplications and divisions Additions and subtractions 27

Mobile Device Management Software

: IS department cleans user devices and installs programs that enable it to manage the devices remotely. Advantages listed below:


: Process of transforming clear text into coded, unintelligible text for secure storage or communication


: Programs installed on the user's computer without user's knowledge or permission. Resides in the background, observes user's activities to sponsoring organizations. A type is key loggers, that captures keystrokes to obtain usernames, passwords , a ccount numbers and other sensitive information. Other types support marketing analyses, such as observing what websites visited, pro duc ts examines, etc.


: Similar to spyware in that its installed without user's knowledge, resides in background and observes user behavior. Benign in that it does not perform malicious acts or steal data. It does, however, watch user activity and produce pop up ads. Adware can change the user's default window or modify search results and switch the user's search engine.

Mobile Device

: Small, lightweight, power conserving, computing device that is capable of wireless connectivity


: Some measures that individuals or organizations take to block the threats from obtaining Safeguards are not always effective. Some safeguards are effective; some threats achieve their goals despite tradeoffs

Pretexting :

: When someone deceives by pretending to be someone else (using a


: a self describing collection of integrated records.


: a self describing collection of integrated records. self describing a database contains a description of its contents. E.g., A library it has a catalog that describes its contents. Databases are "self describing" because they contain not only data, but also data about data in the database.

Descriptive analytics

: examine historical data for similar products (prices, units sold, advertising

Prescriptive analytics

: find the best sets of pricing and advertising to maximize sales revenue

Host Operating System

: it runs one or more operating systems as applications. These hosted operating systems are called virtual machines (VM).

Wardrivers :

: no physical connection, these simply take computers with wireless connections through an area and search for unprotected wireless networks. They use packet sniffers, which are programs yhat capture network traffic to monitor and intercept traffic on secured wireless (or wired) networks.

Predictive analytics

: predict sales based on price

JavaScript :

: provides underlying logic of application

Functions of an OS

: read and write data, allocate main memory, perform memory swapping, start and stop programs, respond to error conditions, facilitate backup and recovery. Manage user interface including display, keyboard, mouse, and other devices. OS does not do application specific work; e.g., weather application, CRM, etc. Both client and server can process application programs. Both client and servers need an operating system, though they need not be the same

html5 :

: support for graphics, animation, 2D animations, other sophisticated user experiences

css3 :

: used with html5 to specify appearance of html coded content

Trojan horses

: viruses that masquerade as useful programs or files. Atypical Trojan Horse appears to be a computer game, an MP3 music file or some other useful, innocuous program.


A dashboard is a collection of views, filters, parameters, images, and other objects that work together to communicate a data story. Dashboards are often interactive and allow end users to explore different facets of the data.

A dashboard:

A dashboard is a presentation of any number of related views and other elements (such as text or images) arranged together as a cohesive whole to communicate a message to an audience. Dashboards are often interactive.

SQL : A language designed specifically for communicating with databases.

A language designed specifically for communicating with databases. SQL is made up of very few words.. SQL is designed to do one thing ad do it well to provide you with a simple and efficient way to read and write from a databas e

server farm

A massive network of computer servers running software to coordinate their collective use. Server farms provide the infrastructure backbone to SaaS and hardware cloud efforts, as well as many large-scale Internet services.

Pie Charts

A pie chart displays the relative proportion of each data source to the total by partitioning a circle into pie shaped areas.

Q.4: How do database applications make databases more useful?

A set of database tables, by itself, is not very useful. The data in tables can be made more useful when its processed for information.

A story:

A story is a collection of dashboards or single views arranged to communicate a narrative from the data. Stories can also be interactive.

Scenario Manager

Allows creation of scenarios - sets of values that are saved and can be substituted in worksheets. • Scenarios are useful for conducting "What-if" analyses when you have more than two output variables • Useful tool for best-case/worst-case analysis; handles upto 32 variables

Public IP Addresses

An Internet address is called an IP address IP addresses have two formats: In your browser, if you enter an IPv4 address (e.g., ) or an IPv6 address (e.g., 0:0:0:0:0:ffff:89be:80a), your browser will connect with the device on the public internet that has been assigned to this address.


Bar charts visually represent data in a way that makes comparisons of a value across different categories easy. Length of the bar is the primary means by which you will visually understand the data.

Bluetooth (PAN)

Bluetooth Common wireless protocol Designed for transmitting data short distances replacing cables Connect computer, keyboard, mouse, printer, smartphones Devices such as smartwatches, automobiles, sports equipment, clothing can use Bluetooth to connect to smartphones and send data over the internet.


Bubble Plotuses three dimensions of data. They can be considered as variation of Scatter Plot in which the data points are replaced with bubbles.

Components of a LAN (Local Area Network)S

A group of computers connected together on a single site Located within a half mile or so each other. All the computers to be located on property controlled by the organization that operates the LAN. Firm can run cables wherever needed to connect the competitors. Typical Small Office/Home Office (S O H O) L A N Mixture of wired and wireless connections The devices and protocols used differ for wired and wireless connectivity. IEEE LAN standards committee publishes protocols and other standards. IEEE LAN protocols always start with the numbers 802 The IEEE 802.3 protocol is used for wired LAN connections, called Ethernet. This specifies hardware characteristics, such as which wire carries which signals, and how messages are to be packaged and processed for wired transmission. Allows for transmission at a rate of 10, 100, or 1000 Mbps. Speeds of upto 1Gbps are possible on wired LANs. Wireless LAN Connections: IEEE 802.11 protocol are used for the wireless LAN The current standard 802.11ac allows speds of upto 1.3 Gbps

Making Tradeoff Decisions

Create an inventory of the data and hardware that needs to be protected Evaluate safeguards relative to the probability of each potential threat. Decide how much risk to take; e.g., which safeguards need to be implemented.


Data connection, integration, and preparation: Tableau allows you to connect to data from sources and, if necessary, create a structure that is ready to use. Tableau gives you the tools to bring together even complex and messy data from multiple sources. Data exploration: You can visually explore a dataset using Tableau in order to understand what data you have. Data visualization: This is the heart of Tableau. You can iterate through the countless ways of visualizing the data to ask and answer questions, raise new questions, and gain new insights. Data analysis: Tableau has an ever growing set of analytical functions that allow you to dive deep into understanding complex relationships, patterns, and correlations in the data. Data storytelling: Tableau allows you to build fully interactive dashboards and stories with your visualizations and insights so that you can share the data story with others

Benefits of Content Delivery Networks

Decreased, even guaranteed, loadtime Reduced load on origin server Increased reliability Protection from D o S attacks Reduced delivery costs for mobile users Pay as you go

So, is Open Source Viable?

Depends on for whom and for what: based on requirements and constraints "Free" open source software might require support and operational costs exceeding cost of licensing fee Blending proprietary and open source software in future Closed source project Highly protected source code, only available to trusted employees and carefully vetted contractors "It is now generally accepted that the future will involve a blend of both proprietary and open source software" The Economist

5. Cryptocurrencies

Digital only currencies (like Bitcoin, introduced in 2009) Use cryptographic protections to manage and record secure transactions Benefits: faster, easier, few to no fees; protected from inflation Governments can't monitor, tax, seize Risks: price volatility, not accepted everywhere, bad reputation (organized crime(?)); price volatility; fewer businesses accept it. Future: Blockchain underlying technology, making all types of transactions more secure; decentralized public ledgering system used to record cryptocurrency transactions, to manage transactions in traditional sectors like shipping, real estate, voting, stock trading, ... making transactions more secure and easier to manage

Security Monitoring (2 of 2)

Employ utilities to assess vulnerabilities. Use honeypots for computer criminals to attack. Investigate security incidents. Constantly monitor to determine the adequacy of existing security policy and safeguards.

Goals of IS Security:

Find appropriate trade off between risk of loss and cost of implementing safeguards. Protective actions Use antivirus software. Delete browser cookies? Make appropriate trade offs to protect yourself and your business.

Factors in Incident Response

Have plan in place Centralized reporting Specific responses Speed Preparation pays Don't make problem worse Practice

5. Loss of Infrastructure

Human accidents (e.g., a bulldozer cutting a conduit of fiber optic cables) Theft and terrorist events (e.g., terminated employee walking off with routers, or other crucial equipment) Natural disasters (e.g., fire, flood, earthquake,.. Can destroy data centers) Advanced Persistent Threat (APT): This is a sophisticated, possibly long running computer hack that is penetrated by large, well funded organizations, such as governments. Examples: APT37 (Reaper North Korea), Cyberwarfare and cyber espionage

Q 7: How can human safeguards protect against security threats?

Human safeguards result when authorized users follow appropriate procedures for system use and recovery. Restricting access to authorized users requires effective authentication methods and careful user account management Appropriate security procedures must be designed as part of every information system Users should be trained on the importance and use of these procedures.

Results because of incorrect system operation

Incorrect data modification Systems working incorrectly (e.g., sending the wrong goods to a customer) Procedural mistakes (made inadvertently by workers) Programming errors (programs written incorrectly) I T installation errors Usurpation (occurs when computer criminals invade a computer system and replace legitimate programs with their own Faulty service can also result when service is improperly restored during recovery from natural disasters.

Losses by Types of Assets Compromised

Information Loss was the single most expensive consequence of computer crime (43% of costs in 2017) Business disruption was the second highest cost at 33% Equipment losses and damages were only 3% of the lost value. Value lies in data and not in hardware! Internal Costs related to cyber crime Detection ~35% Containment 21% Recovery 20% Investigation 11% Incident Management 8% After the fact response: 5%


Joining tables and blending data sources are two different ways to link related data together in Tableau. Joins are performed to link tables of data together on a row-by-row basis. Blends are performed to link together multiple data sources at an aggregate level. Example: The primary table is the Hospital Visittable which has a record for every visit of a patient to the hospital and includes details, such as admission type (inpatient, outpatient). It also contains key fields that link a visit to a Primary Physician, Patient, and DischargeDetails.


1 Toolbar: The toolbar has a few of the familiar controls, including undo, redo, and save. 2.Connections: All the connections in the current data source. Click Add to add a new connection to the current data source. This allows you to join data across different connection types. Each connection will be color coded so you can distinguish which data is coming from which connection. 3.Sheets (Tables):This lists all the tables of data available for a given connection. This includes sheets, sub tables, and named ranges for Excel,tables, views, and stored procedures for relational databases, 4.Data source name: This is the name of the currently selected data source 5.Connection editor: Drop sheets and tables from the left in this area to make them part of the connection. For many connections, you may add multiple tables, which will be joined or unioned together. 6. Live or Extract options: For many data sources, you may choose whether you would like to have a live connection or an extracted connection. We'll look at details later in the chapter. 7.Data source filters: You may add filters to the data source. These will be applied universally. 8.Preview pane options: These options allow you to specify whether you'd like to see a preview of the data or a list of metadata, and how you would like to preview 9.Preview pane / Metadata view: Depending on your selection in the options, this space either displays a preview of data or a list of all fields with additional metadata.

Q 5: How can technical safeguards protect against security threats?

1. Antivirus and antispyware programs. 2. Scan frequently. 3. Update malware definitions. 4. Open email attachments only from known sources. 5. Install software updates. 6. Browse only reputable Internet neighborhoods.

Benefits of virtualizations:

1. Cost Savings 2. Agility / Speed 3. Reduced downtime

Three types of virtualizations:

1. PC virtualization 2. Server virtualition 3. Desktop virtualization

Important ISP functions

1. Provide legitimate Internet address. 2. Provide gateway to Internet. 3. Pay access fees and other charges to telecoms. WAN wireless average performance 1Mbps, with peaks of up to 3.0 Mbps. Typical wireless LAN 50 Mbps.

DBMS provides applications for four Process Operations

1. Read 2. Insert 3. Modify 4. Delete data

Q 3: How should you respond to security threats

1. Take security seriously 2. Create strong passwords 3. Use multiple passwords 4. Send no valuable data via email or I M 5. Use https at trusted, reputable vendors 6. Remove high value assets from computers 7. Clear browsing history, temporary files, and cookies CCleaner or equivalent) 8. Regularly update antivirus software 9. Demonstrate security concern to your fellow workers 10. Follow organizational security directives and guidelines 11. Consider security for all business initiatives


1. The menu contains various menu items for performing a wide range of functions. 2. The toolbar allows for common functions, such as undo, redo, save, adding a data source, and so on. 3. The sidebar contains tabs for Data and Analytics. When the Data tab is active, we'll refer to the sidebar as the data pane. When the Analytics tab is active, we'll refer to the sidebar as the analytics pane. 4. Various shelves, such as Columns, Rows, Pages, and Filters, serve as areas to drag and drop fields from the data pane. The Marks card contains additional shelves, such as Color, Size, Text, Detail, and Tooltip. Tableau will visualize data based on the fields dropped on the shelves. 5. The canvas or view is where Tableau will draw the data visualization. 6. Show Meis a feature that allows you to quickly iterate through various types of visualizations based on data fields of interest. 7. The tabs at the bottom of the window gives you the option ofediting the data source, as well as navigating between and adding any number of sheets, dashboards, or stories. A sheet: A sheet is a single data visualization (such as a bar chart or line graph). Since sheet is also a generic term for any tab, we'll often refer to a sheet as a viewbecause it is a single view of the data.

Reasons to use a Virtual Machine:

1. Trying a New OS 2. Testing an Application 3. Running Old Applications

What Types of Security Loss Exists?

1. Unauthorized Data Disclosure 2. Incorrect Data Modification 3. Faulty Service 4. Denial of Service (DoS) 5. Loss of Infrastructure

Database Administration

: .Develop procedures and practices to ensure efficient and orderly multiuser processing of the database, to control


: A Program to (1) create, (2) process, (3) administer a database Licensed from vendors IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, and others DB2, Access, SQL Server, Oracle Database Open source My SQL: License free for most applications DBMS and Database are two different things DBMS : A Software Program Database : a collection of tables, relationships and metadata


: A malicious software that blocks access to a system or data until money is paid to the attacker.


: A person or organization that seeks to obtain or alter data or other assets illegally without knowledge of owner

Virus :

: A program that replicates itself and consumes computer resources and takes unwanted and harmful actions. The program code that causes the unwanted actions is called payload .

Server Virtualization

: A server computer hosts one or more other server computers. Users can log on to any of these virtual machines.

Desktop Virtualization

: A server hosts many versions of desktop operating systems. Each of those desktops has a complete user environment and appears to be just another PC. However, the decktop can be accessed from any computer to which the user has access. Example: At airport, You can go to a terminal and access your virtualized desktop. To you, it would appear as if that airport computer is your own personal computer. Benefit: Using a virtual desktop also means that you would not have to worry about losing a corporate laptop or confidential data.

Email Spoofing :

: A synonym for

Sniffing :

: A technique for intercepting computer communications. (with wired nw , it requires physical

Phishing :

: A technique for obtaining unauthorized data that uses pretexting via

Spoofing :

: A term for someone pretending to be someone else (e.g. a student pretending to be a

Column and Bar Charts

Excel distinguishes between vertical and horizontal bar charts, calling the former column charts and the latter bar charts - A clustered column chart compares values across categories using vertical rectangles; - a stacked column chart displays the contribution of each value to the total by stacking the rectangles; - a 100% stacked column chart compares the percentage that each value contributes to a total. • Column and bar charts are useful for comparing categorical or ordinal data, for illustrating differences between sets of values, and for showing proportions or percentages of a whole.


Excel provides a powerful tool for distilling a complex data set into meaningful information: PivotTables allows you to create custom summaries and charts of key information in the data. PivotTables can be used to quickly create cross tabulations and to drill down into a large set of data in numerous ways. The wizard creates a blank PivotTable as shown. insert>tables>pivottable


Filled maps make use of filled areas, such as country, state, county, or zip code, to show location. The color thatfills the area can be used to encode values of measures or dimensions.

Finding the Break Even Point in the Outsourcing Model

Find the value of demand for which manufacturing cost equals purchased cost.

Using the Cloud Using Web Services Internally

Firms can build internal information systems using Web services. Strictly speaking, this is not using the cloud because it does not provide elasticity or the advantage of pooled resources. It does use cloud standards. Runs its own servers on its own infrastructure Sets up a private internal internet (not accessible outside) Writes applications for processing inventory using Web Service Standards Users: Sales, Shipping, Customer Service, Accounting and other depts. They use services what they need no more. It has a fixed number of servers; no attempt to make it elastic. Servers are dedicated to inventory; during idle periods, they are not dynamically reused for other purposes.

Selecting Rows Using Conditional Restrictions

Following syntax enables to specify which rows to select SELECT columnlist FROM tablelist [WHERE conditionlist Used to select partial table contents by placing restrictions on the rows Optional WHERE clause Adds conditional restrictions to the SELECT statement

Copying Formulas

Formulas in cells can be copied in many ways. • Use the Copy button in the Home tab, then use the Paste button • Use Ctrl - C, then Ctrl - V • Drag the bottom right corner of a cell (the fill handle) across a row or column

Grouping Data

Frequency distributions created by GROUP BY clause within SELECT statement Syntax SELECT columnlist FROM tablelist [WHERE conditionlist [GROUP BY columnlist [ORDER BY columnlist [ASC | DESC]];

Goal-seeking analysis

If you know the result that you want from a formula but are not sure what input value the formula needs to get that result, use the Goal Seek feature in Excel. • Goal Seek works with only one variable input value. (For more than one, you should use solver add in)

Open Source

Implies that the source code of the program is available to the public.

Mobile Systems:

Information systems that support users in motion. Users can access the system from anyplace using any smart device.

URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

Internet address protocol, such as http:// or ftp://

Important storage capacity terminology

Kilobyte 1,024 bytes KB Megabyte 1,024 K B = 1,048,576 bytes MB Gigabyte 1,024 M B = 1,073,741,824 bytes GB Terabyte 1,024 G B = 1,099,511,627,776 bytes TB Petabyte 1,024 T B = 1,125,899,906,842,624 bytes PB Exabyte 1,024 P B = 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 bytes EB Zettabyte 1,024 E B = 1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424 bytes ZB

Legal Safeguards for Data

Laws dictating the management of data what is collected, stored, and how used: How long to records must be kept, who can company share data with, safe storage requirements Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (P C I D S S) governs the secure storage and processing of credit card data. Gramm Leach Bliley (G L B) Act protects consumer financial data Protects consumer financial data stored by financial institutions (banks, security firms, insurance companies, financial serv ice s providers, ..) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ( H I P A A ) governs access to health Gives individuals the rights and limits on who can read and receive your health information

Own Versus License

License Right to use specified number of copies Limits vendor's liability Site License Flat fee to install software product on all company computers or all computers at specific site Open Source No license fee


Line charts connect the related marks in a visualization to show movement or relationship between connected marks. The position of the marks and the lines that connect them are the primary means of communicating the data.

Line Charts

Line charts provide a useful means for displaying data over time. - You may plot multiple data series in line charts; however, they can be difficult to interpret if the magnitude of the data values differs greatly. In that case, it would be advisable to create separate charts for each data series.

Two models for predicting demand as a function of price


Q.1 Why are organizations moving to the cloud?

NEGATIVE IN HOUSE Significant capital required Significant development effort Difficult (impossible?) to accommodate fluctuating demand Ongoing support costs Staff and train personnel Increased management requirements Annual maintenance costs Cost uncertainties Obsolescence CLOUD Loss of control over data location Little visibility into true security and disaster preparedness capabilities Dependency on vendor

Classification of Applications:

Native Applications: These run on just one operating system Web Applications : These run on browsers. The browser provides a more consistent environment; the peculiarization of OS and HW are handled by the browser's code and hidden from the web application.

Net Neutrality

Net neutrality principle All data treated equally Carriers should not be allowed to: Decide which sites load quickly Decide which apps are allowed on a network Decide which content is acceptable Problem : some people use more bandwidth than others Netflix, for example, accounts for more than 35% of all Internet traffic in North America between 9 P M and 12 A M


Number of bits to represent one character

Ordering a Listing

ORDER BY clause is useful when listing order is important Syntax: SELECT columnlist FROM tablelist [WHERE conditionlist] [ORDER BY columnlist [ASC | DESC]]; Cascading order sequence: : Multilevel ordered sequence Created by listing several attributes after the ORDER BY clause

1. Unauthorized Data Disclosure

Occurs when a threat obtains data that is supposed to be protected. Can happen when someone inadvertently releases data in violation of policy. Proprietary and personal data can be released and obtained maliciously.

IP Spoofing

Occurs when an intruder uses another site's IP address to masquerade as that other

Machine Code:

Source code is compiled into machine code that is processed by a computer. (Not understandable by humans and cannot be modified.

What is Firmware?

Special software installed on read only memory (R O M) Printers, print servers, communication devices As if program's logic is designed into device's circuitry Can be changed and upgraded like other software, but normally a task for I S professionals

Tabular vs Visual Data Analysis

Tabular data can be used to determine exactly how many units of a certain product were sold in a particular month, or to compare one month to another. - For example, we see that sales of product A dropped in February, specifically by 6.7% (computed as 1 B3/B1). Beyond such calculations, however, it is difficult to draw big picture conclusions. A visual chart provides the means to - easily compare overall sales of different products (Product C sells the least, for example); - identify trends (sales of Product D are increasing), other patterns (sales of Product C is relatively stable while sales of Product B fluctuates more over time), and exceptions (Product E's sales fell considerably in September).

The Client Server Era (1990s 2000s)

The Client Server Era (1990s 2000s) Allowed clients (users) to send requests across the Internet to severs Internet, but no modern cloud computing yet Applications and data storage can reside on clients, servers, or both. Processing load can also be shared between clients and servers Very appealing because servers were much less expensive. Mainframe cost millions of dollars but servers cost thousands of dollars Servers were more scalable or easily able to respond to incremental growth in demand. Allowed users to access systems from anywhere so long as Internet Connection is available.

The Cloud Computing Era (2008 Current)

The Cloud Computing Era Applications, data, and processing power can be used remotely. Accessed with a variety of devices including P Cs, thin clients, mobile devices, and I o T devices. Organizations no longer need to purchase, configure, and maintain expensive computing infrastructure. Elastic : Leased computing resources can be increased or decreased dynamically. Programmatically, in a short span of time. Pay for only the resources used. Pooled : Many different organizations use the same physical hardware through virtualization technology. This increases scalability. Cost spread Over Internet : Resources aren't on premise. No need to pay for power, buy backup power generators, save costs on space, HVAC, security, ...

Where Did the Cloud Come from?

The Mainframe Era (1960s 1980s) The Client Server Era (1990s 2000s) The Cloud Computing Era (2000 Current)

The Mainframe Era (1960s 1980s)

The Mainframe Era (1960s 1980s) Large scale high speed centralized computers Thin clients (computer terminals), no Internet, and no Cloud All applications, data storage, and processing power located only on mainframe.

Relative and Absolute References

• Cell references can be relative or absolute . Using a dollar sign before a row and/or column label creates an absolute reference. - Relative references: A2, C5, D10 - Absolute references: $A$2, $C5, D$10 • Using a $ sign before a row label (for example, B$4) keeps the reference fixed to row 4 but allows the column reference to change if the formula is copied to another cell. • Using a $ sign before a column label (for example, $B4) keeps the reference to column B fixed but allows the row reference to change. • Using a $ sign before both the row and column labels (for example, $B$4) keeps the reference to cell B4 fixed no matter where the formula is copied.

3. Administering the Database

• Set up security system, user accounts, passwords, permissions, limits for processing. • Limit user permissions. • Back up database, improve performance of database applications, remove unwanted data.

What-if analysis

• Spreadsheet models allow you to easily evaluate what if questions by changing input values and recalculating model outputs. • Systematic approaches to what if analysis that are available in Excel make the process easier and more useful. - Scenario Manager - Goal Seek - Data tables

Creating Charts in Microsoft Excel

•Highlight the data. •Select the Insert tab. •Click on the chart type, then subtype.

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