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AMERICAN HISTORY $800: Buzz Aldrin & Jim Lovelldo look like twins as they prepare for a mission in this 1960s program Gemini


AMERICAN HISTORY $800: Congress adopted this document in 1777, but it was not fully ratified by the states for another 4 years the Articles of Confederation


AMERICAN HISTORY $800: Financial vultures beware! In 2012 "Jeopardy!" champ Richard Cordray became 1st Head of the CFPB, helping these "C"s consumers


AMERICAN HISTORY $800: Guerrilla leader Francis Marion earned this nickname for his daring raids from the South Carolina marshes the Swamp Fox


AMERICAN HISTORY $800: In 1951 he told a joint session of Congress that he "tried to do his duty as god gave him the light to see that duty" (Douglas) MacArthur


AMERICAN HISTORY $800: In 1951, this man entered government service as an attorney in the Department of Justice Robert Kennedy


AMERICAN HISTORY $800: John O'Sullivan, who later became a diplomat, coined this term for the USA's right to cover the continent Manifest Destiny


AMERICAN HISTORY $800: On May 15, 1972 while campaigning in Laurel, Md., this Alabama governor was shot & paralyzed by Arthur Bremer George Wallace


AMERICAN HISTORY $800: The "New Deal" refers to the economic recovery & social reforms implemented by this U.S. president Franklin Roosevelt


AMERICAN HISTORY $800: WWI sales of "Liberty" these, whose posters showed the statue, raised more than $15 billion bonds


AMERICAN HISTORY $800: When the Mexican War began in 1846, the Army of the West used this trail to invade New Mexico the Santa Fe Trail


AMERICAN RED CROSS HISTORY $1200: In 1889, in one of its earliest relief efforts, the Red Cross aided victims of the killer flood in this Pennsylvania city Johnstown


AMERICAN RED CROSS HISTORY $1600: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew stands with a grey uniform on a mannequin at the American Red Cross) Named for their dresses, gray lady volunteers provided hospitality services, especially to sick and wounded soldiers beginning in 1918 at this Washington, D.C. hospital Walter Reed


AMERICAN RED CROSS HISTORY $2000: (Sarah of the Clue Crew walks through the American Red Cross headquarters Depicting the theme of ministry to the sick and wounded through sacrifice, the windows at the Red Cross headquarters were commissioned in 1917 and created by this man's studio Tiffany


AMERICAN RED CROSS HISTORY $400: After learning about the Intl. Red Cross while visiting Europe, she founded the American Red Cross in 1881 Clara Barton


AMERICAN RED CROSS HISTORY $800: (Sarah of the Clue Crew describes a gray suit on a mannequin) The suit here is typical of those worn by Red Cross murses in the 1950s, who assisted in the conflict here, where Red Cross staff have been continuously since 1953 Korea


AMERICANA $800: Virginia City, Nevada & this nearby state capital are known as "Sisters in History" Carson City


AN "A" IN AMERICAN HISTORY $200: On March 6, 1836 Jim Bowie, weak as a kitten from illness, was killed by Mexican troops while lying in his cot there the Alamo


AN "A" IN AMERICAN HISTORY $3,200 (Daily Double): Secretary of State under Truman, he negotiated the treaty that led to the formation of NATO in 1949 (Dean) Acheson


AN "A" IN AMERICAN HISTORY $400: This 3-word Virginia village, site of a surrender, was made a National Historic Park in 1954 Appomattox Court House


AN "A" IN AMERICAN HISTORY $600: On New Year's Day 1801, she opened the executive mansion to visitors for the first time Abigail Adams


AN "A" IN AMERICAN HISTORY $800: In 1942 Japanese forces captured Attu in this Alaskan island group & relocated its inhabitants the Aleutians


AN "F" IN HISTORY $1000: In 1918 Woodrow Wilson proposed this numbered set of principles, one being the removal of trade barriers between nations the Fourteen Points


AN "F" IN HISTORY $1000: This 13th president's wife Abigail loved books & began a library at the White House around 1850 (Millard) Fillmore


AN "F" IN HISTORY $200: Harry Truman promised America this type of "Deal" a Fair Deal


AN "F" IN HISTORY $200: In 1506, 2 years after the death of his wife Isabella, this King of Aragon married Germaine de Foix Ferdinand


AN "F" IN HISTORY $400: A group of these gold seekers reached San Francisco on the steamer California 13 months after gold was found the Forty-Niners


AN "F" IN HISTORY $400: The Third Republic was this nation's government from 1870 to 1940 France


AN "F" IN HISTORY $600 (Daily Double): On July 3, 1754 Fort Necessity was surrendered in one of the first battles in this 9-year war the French & Indian War


AN "F" IN HISTORY $600: John Glenn's capsule on his famous 1962 flight was called this, which an old saying called the "best ship" Friendship


AN "F" IN HISTORY $800: From 1788 to 1790 Russia & Sweden fought over this country Finland


AN "F" IN HISTORY $800: In 2000 Tarja Halonen became the first female president of this nation Finland


ANCIENT ANGKOR $1200: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew delivers the clue from Ta Prohm Temple in Cambodia.) Ta Prohm has a pediment of what's known as the Great Departure, when Buddha, still known by this name, begins the quest that will change him & historySiddhartha Gautama


ANCIENT BOOKS $200: Book 1 of Livy's 142-book "History of Rome" deals with these 2 sons of Rhea Silvia Remus & Romulus


ANCIENT GREEK WRITERS $2000: The U.S. Post Office can thank this "father of history" for writing "neither snow nor rain", etc. Herodotus


ANCIENT GREEK WRITERS $400: In his History of the Peloponnesian War, Thucydides wrote that history does this... does this repeats itself


ANCIENT HISTORY $1,200 (Daily Double): When the Roman Redpublic was founded, it was headed by 2 elected officials with this "diplomatic" title Consoul


ANCIENT HISTORY $1000: Shulgi, an important ruler of this place's 3rd Dynasty, was in & out of office way before Abraham lived & left there Ur


ANCIENT HISTORY $1000: This Athenian lawmaker revised most of Draco's 7th century B.C. code of justice Solon


ANCIENT HISTORY $1000: This Babylonian king's code states that if a son strikes his father, the son's hands shall be cut off Hammurabi


ANCIENT HISTORY $1200: Cypselus of Corinth was this, a Greek term for one who takes power by force & rules oppressively a tyrant


ANCIENT HISTORY $1200: Eleazar, from this family of Hanukkah heroes, perished when he stabbed a war elephant from underneath the Maccabees


ANCIENT HISTORY $1200: This kingdom of England grew from 2 settlements, one founded around 495 by Cerdic & his son Cynric Wessex


ANCIENT HISTORY $1600: (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows us a map of ancient Italy.) Around 300 B.C. Rome controlled the area seen here. Within about 25 years it had conquered most of the Italian peninsula, including the Umbrians and these people occupying what is now Tuscany the Etruscans


ANCIENT HISTORY $1600: The north-south & east-west dividing lines of their "Land Of Four Quarters" intersected in Cuzco the Incas


ANCIENT HISTORY $2000: Bleda co-ruled with this younger brother for 12 years until his brother had him killed in 445 Attila the Hun


ANCIENT HISTORY $2000: The city-states of Sidon & Tyre were located in this Mediterranean region now occupied mostly by Lebanon Phoenicia


ANCIENT HISTORY $2000: This city whose name is Greek for "City of Persia" was the capital & ceremonial center of the Achaemenid empire Persepolis


ANCIENT HISTORY $200: Egyptian priests noticed a link between the appearance of this "dog star" & the flooding of the Nile Sirius


ANCIENT HISTORY $200: In 331 B.C. this Macedonian traveled to the Siwa Oasis where the oracle pronounced him a god Alexander the Great


ANCIENT HISTORY $200: Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt's 18th Dynasty dressed as a man so that she could remain this type of king a pharaoh


ANCIENT HISTORY $400: Around 50 A.D. the Aqua Claudia brought this to Rome after a journey of 46 miles water


ANCIENT HISTORY $800: From 3000 to 1200 B.C., many cultures flourished in the Aegean, including this one, named for a king, on Crete the Minoan civilization


ANCIENT HISTORY $800: In 439 A.D. the Vandals established their capital in this North African city founded by the Phoenicians Carthage


ANCIENT HISTORY $800: The calculations of Hippias of Elis set the start of the first of these 4-year periods at 776 B.C. Olympiads


ANCIENT HISTORY $800: You probably don't have to consult an Oracle to know that the Pythian Games were held every 4 years in this city Delphi


ANCIENT HISTORY $800: Zeno got a parchment cut, went on without wincing & founded an Athens school promoting this philosophy stoicism


ANCIENT HISTORY: 2006 $1000: He led the French team to the finals of soccer's World Cup, only to be ejected after headbutting an Italian player (Zinedine) Zidane


ANCIENT HISTORY: 2006 $200: In February, he accidentally shot Harry Whittington, not his intended target Dick Cheney


ANCIENT HISTORY: 2006 $400: One of the 2 space shuttles that went aloft in 2006 the Discovery (or theAtlantis)


ANCIENT HISTORY: 2006 $600: In November, an Andy Warhol work depicting this Asian leader sold for more than $17 million Mao


ANCIENT HISTORY: 2006 $800: This famous American passed away the day after Christmas at the age of 93 Gerald Ford


ANCIENT HISTORY: THE 1980s $1200: In 1986 a reactor at this Soviet nuclear power plant exploded in history's worst nuclear accident Chernobyl


ANCIENT HISTORY: THE 1980s $1600: The first female British prime minister, she lead Great Britain for the entire 1980s Margaret Thatcher


ANCIENT HISTORY: THE 1980s $2000: Things were anything but peaceful in 1989 at this square in Beijing whose name means "gate of heavenly peace" Tiananmen Square


ANCIENT HISTORY: THE 1980s $400: In 1984 the world came to this West Coast city to compete in the Summer Olympics Los Angeles


ANCIENT HISTORY: THE 1980s $800: In early 1981 assassination attempts were made on these 2 men, a U.S. president & a religious leader Ronald Reagan & Pope John Paul II


ANDY IS DANDY $200: In the longest match in Wimbledon history, he lost to Roger Federer in 2009 Andy Roddick


ANSWERS THAT START WITH "FEB" $400: BlackHistory Month begins on this date February 1


APOCRYPHA NOW $800: O! Don't you cry for this woman, whose Apocryphal history finds her falsely accused of adultery Susanna


ART HISTORY $1000: Though his eyesight began to fail, he continued painting water lilies at his Giverny home Monet


ART HISTORY $1200: (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a painting on the monitor.) Edward Hicks' "Peaceable Kingdom" depicts a verse by Isaiah that begins, "The wolf shall dwell with the lamb"; the meaning is amplified by the inclusion of this Quaker colony founder making a treaty with Native Americans (William) Penn


ART HISTORY $1600: An allegorical masterpiece by Delacroix is called this symbolic lady "Leading the People" Liberty


ART HISTORY $1600: Born in 1898, this Belgian painter was influenced by De Chirico & the surrealists René Magritte


ART HISTORY $2,000 (Daily Double): This artist put himself in "Las Meninas", painting a large canvas. He'sbehind the infante. (Diego) Velázquez


ART HISTORY $2000: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a painting on the monitor.) Undertaken as a guide to show a sculptor the best view, the triple portrait of this minister to France's Louis XIII gives us a glimpse of the Order of the Holy Spirit that he wore (Cardinal) Richelieu


ART HISTORY $2000: (Jon of the Clue Crew shows a painting on the monitor.) In Vermeer's "Artist's Studio", the model has a trumpet, a laurel wreath & a book to record heroic deeds, symbolizing the attributes of this muse of history Clio


ART HISTORY $200: People of this nation AKA Nippon wrote with a brush, so painting became the preferred form of artistic expression Japan


ART HISTORY $400: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a painting on the monitor.) To produce the optical effect he wanted, this artist painted a border, now partially obscured by the frame, using the complementary colors that are next to it in the painting. (Georges) Seurat


ART HISTORY $400: (Jon of the Clue Crew is standing in front of a painting.) Van Eyck filled his Arnolfini portrait with symbolism. Both the color green and the woman's pose to exaggerate her stomach are meant to indicate this, though, sadly, she never had any children fertility


ART HISTORY $400: This Spaniard's contributions include pioneering Cubism & making collage an art technique Picasso


ART HISTORY $600: Bernini's work for St. Peter's exemplifies this style of sculpture that dominated from 1600 to 1750 baroque


ART HISTORY $800: In "Mr. and Mrs. Andrews", a double portrait by this British painter, it's the young woman who wears blue Gainsborough


ART HISTORY $800: In a large painting called "Models", this pointillist included a glimpse of his masterpiece "La Grande Jatte" Seurat


ART HISTORY $800: Seen here, "The Dance", by this "wild man" of art, was painted during his Fauvist period Henri Matisse


ASIAN HISTORY $100 (Daily Double): In 1782, when Chao Phraya Chakri became King Rama I, he moved his capital across the river to this city Bangkok


ASIAN HISTORY $1000: In the 1920s the Kemalists opposed the Sultan in this country & eventually prevailed Turkey


ASIAN HISTORY $1200: Soon after WWII, he wrote to Harry Truman asking for U.S. help in Vietnam's struggle against French rule Ho Chi Minh


ASIAN HISTORY $2000: Fire shrines found in Iran show that the ancient Parthian empire followed this religion Zoroastrianism


ASIAN HISTORY $200: In the 13th century, this grandson of Genghis Khan annexed China & became known as Shih Tsu of the Yuan Dynasty Kublai Khan


ASIAN HISTORY $400: In December 1946 he attacked the French at Tonkin, beginning a war that ended 8 years later Ho Chi Minh


ASIAN HISTORY $400: The Uji were clans of Japan; the Uji that won out claimed descent from Amaterasu, goddess of this heavenly body the sun


ASIAN HISTORY $5,000 (Daily Double): 1946's Linggarjati Agreement gave grudging Dutch recognition to the autonomy of this island country Indonesia


ASIAN HISTORY $600: In 1739 the Peacock Throne, built for Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan, was stolen by these people Persia / Iran


ASIAN HISTORY $800: Novosibirsk, one of the main cities of this Russian region, only dates from 1893; its name means "new" this Russian region Siberia


AUSTIN $800: Austin's African-American history is chronicled in a museum named for this agricultural scientist George Washington Carver


AUSTRALIAN HISTORY $1000: In Jan. 1788 a fleet of 11 ships carrying convicts & soldiers sailed into this bay & founded what became Sydney Botany Bay


AUSTRALIAN HISTORY $1200: Sydney's ANZAC war memorial was built to honor the Australian & New Zealand Army Corps, which helped win this war World War I


AUSTRALIAN HISTORY $1600: This notorious bushranger's words prior to being hanged at the Melbourne jail in 1880 were "Such is life" Ned Kelly


AUSTRALIAN HISTORY $200: As a result of the 1851 discovery of this in New South Wales & Victoria, Australia's population almost tripled by 1860 gold


AUSTRALIAN HISTORY $400: From 1793 to 1810, this liquor made from molasses or sugar cane was used as currency in Australia rum


AUSTRALIAN HISTORY $400: In May 1787 Captain Arthur Phillip set sail from England to Australia with some 200 guards & 800 of these & their families prisoners (or convicts)


AUSTRALIAN HISTORY $600: Due to Australia's vast distances, in 1928 K. St. Vincent Welch became the 1st doctor to reach patients in this way by plane


AUSTRALIAN HISTORY $800: In 1999 voters rejected a proposal for Australia to withdraw from this collective the British Commonwealth


AUSTRALIAN HISTORY $800: The British began colonizing this island around 1803 in fear that the French might do so Tasmania


AUSTRIAN HISTORY $1600: In 1791 she asked her brother Leopold II to mount a counter-revolutionary crusade against France; he said no Marie Antionette


AUSTRIAN HISTORY $2000: In 1814 & 1815 Austria hosted this get-together that helped reorganize Europe after the Napoleonic wars the Congress of Vienna


AUSTRIAN HISTORY $400: For centuries the nearby Hallein mines made this city the center of regional salt trade Salzburg


AUSTRIAN HISTORY $800 (Daily Double): When Austria joined forces with this country in 1867, the result was known as a "doppelmonarchie" Hungary


AUSTRIAN HISTORY $800: During the Third Crusade, Leopold V quarreled with this English king, who was later caught in Austria & ransomed Richard I (Richard the Lionheart)


AUTHORESS! AUTHORESS! $1200: In 1983 those awaiting her 2nd novel made do with "Romance And High Adventure", an essay about Alabama historyHarper Lee


AWARDS & HONORS $1600: Oddly, this award for excellence in advertising is named for the muse of historythe Clio


BACK IN THE 20th CENTURY $200: On Feb. 6, 1971, using a makeshift 6-iron, Alan Shepard became the only man in history to play golf here the Moon


BACK TO SCHOOL $800: History: This one of the 7 Ancient Wonders was said to be laid out on several brick terraces & 75 feet above the ground the Hanging Gardens of Babylon


BAD ENDINGS FOR WRITERS $2,000 (Daily Double): This courtier & author of a "History of the World" was executed at the Tower of London in 1618 Sir Walter Raleigh


BASEBALL HISTORY $1000: Agricultural term for the system, created by Branch Rickey, of minor league teams controlled by a big league team farm system


BASEBALL HISTORY $200: In 1881 the owner of the Chicago White Stockings said these "must come down" to keep teams from bankruptcy salaries


BASEBALL HISTORY $400: In addition to being baseball's all-time hit king, he is also the games leader with 3,562 Pete Rose


BASEBALL HISTORY $600: From 1954 to 1996, the Dodgers had only 2 managers: Walter Alston & this man Tommy Lasorda


BASEBALL HISTORY $800: In 1996 he became the Yankees' starting shortstop & the team hasn't missed the playoffs since Derek Jeter


BASEBALL MANAGERS $800: Born Cornelius McGillicuddy, he's the only manager in history to win more than 3,000 games--3,776, to be precise Connie Mack


BATTLES THAT CHANGED HISTORY $1600: Despite a decisive victory over a Viking invasion just 3 weeks before, he lost the Battle of Hastings in 1066 Harold


BATTLES THAT CHANGED HISTORY $2,000 (Daily Double): The end of this handsome Stuart prince's rebellion was the April 16, 1746 Battle of Culloden Bonnie Prince Charlie


BATTLES THAT CHANGED HISTORY $2000: At the Battle of Tours in 732 A.D. this French leader "hammered" the Muslims, halting their conquest of Europe Charles Martel


BATTLES THAT CHANGED HISTORY $400: Remnants of the falling Roman Empire somehow halted an invasion by this man & his Huns in 451 A.D. near Chalons Attila


BATTLES THAT CHANGED HISTORY $800: The annihilation of 3 legions at Teutoburger Wald in 9 A.D. made this German river the limit of Roman expansion the Rhine


BEER GOOGLES $200: beeradvocate.com offers a historyof this autumn celebration, begun in 1810 Oktoberfest


BEFORE & AFTER $3,000 (Daily Double): Stephen Hawking's 1988 bio of the universe that was a No. 1 hit for Jim Croce "A Brief History Of Time In A Bottle"


BELA $1600: This jazz banjo player has been nominated in more categories than anyone else in Grammy history Béla Fleck


BESTSELLERS $2,000 (Daily Double): Seth Grahame-Smith revealed an unknown aspect of the Civil War in the horror-history hybrid called Him: "Vampire Hunter" Abraham Lincoln


BESTSELLERS $4,200 (Daily Double): This sci-fi scribe of "The Time Machine" also wrote hit nonfiction with "The Outline of History" (H.G.) Wells


BESTSELLERS $400: This author's "The Secret Man" detailed the history of his interactions with Deep Throat Bob Woodward


BET YOU DIDN'T SEE THAT ONE COMING $800: This "Player Piano" novelist said, "history is merely a list of surprises, it can only prepare us to be surprised again" Vonnegut


BETTER, STRONGER $1000: In the longest heavyweight title bout in modern history, in 1915 "Great White Hope" Jess Willard beat this man in 26 rds. Jack Johnson


BETTER, STRONGER $400: This pitching feat has happened only 17 times in MLB history; Randy Johnson had the last one, in 2004 a perfect game


BEVERAGES $400: In 1892 Asa Candler remarketed a medicine as this soft drink, & the rest is history Coke (or Coca-Cola)


BILLIONS & BILLIONS $600: A PBS "American Experience" film about his family describes him as "history's first billionaire" (John D.) Rockefeller


BIO HAZARD $800: It's the 2-word title of Hillary Clinton's bestselling 2003 autobiography Living History


BIOGRAPHIES $400: Fawn Brodie, niece of a president of the Mormon Church, wrote "No Man Knows My History" about this prophet Joseph Smith


BLACK HISTORY MONTH $1200: Harlem had one of these literary & cultural rebirths in the '20s & '30s renaissance


BLACK HISTORY MONTH $1600: Edward & Burghardt were the middle names of this organizer of the NAACP (W.E.B.) Du Bois


BLACK HISTORY MONTH $2000: In 1957 Martin Luther King helped establish this religious organization, the SCLC Southern Christian Leadership Conference


BLACK HISTORY MONTH $400: Melville said this abolitionist who was hanged in Charlestown, Va. in 1859 was "the meteor of the war" John Brown


BLACK HISTORY MONTH $800: Jackie Robinson broke baseball's color line in 1947 when he was signed by this team the Dodgers


BLAME IT ON THE CASANOVA $1000: A battleship inhistory & cinema was named for this prince, lover of Catherine the Great Potemkin


BOARD GAME HISTORY $1000: Imported from India, this game had you climbing to God by landing on a virtue, but a serpent ate you on a vice Snakes & Ladders


BOARD GAME HISTORY $200: In the 1950s Parker Brothers took a French game called "Conquest of the World" & turned it into this Risk


BOARD GAME HISTORY $400: While out of work, Alfred Butts created this word game by mixing anagrams with crossword puzzles Scrabble


BOARD GAME HISTORY $600: Invented by a wealthy couple while aboard their large boat, this game sounds like a type of boat Yahtzee


BOARD GAME HISTORY $800: Charles Darrow created this game in the Depression while dreaming of fame, fortune & his summers at the Jersey shore Monopoly


BRICKMAKING $1200: (Kelly of the Clue Crew watches bricks on racks.) This uneventful process you're looking at takes 20 to 72 hours; for history's first brickmakers, it was the final process drying


BRIT LIT $400: The full title of a Henry Fielding novel is "The History of" him, "a Foundling" Tom Jones


BRITISH HISTORY $1,800 (Daily Double): The Roman portion of the island had this name, followed in names of provinces by "Inferior" and "Superior" Britannia


BRITISH HISTORY $1200: Edward III founded this order of knighthood named for a piece of intimate apparel (Order of the) Garter


BRITISH HISTORY $1200: In the late 400s 3 Germanic tribes invaded the Angles, Saxons, & this one for whom a Danish peninsula was named Jutes


BRITISH HISTORY $1600: In 1440 Henry VI founded this boys' school as a prep school for King's College Eton


BRITISH HISTORY $2000: Clearly lacking direction, this Lord, P.M. from 1770 to 1782, was known as "The Minister Who Lost America" Lord North


BRITISH HISTORY $2000: In the 16th century, Richard Davies, Bishop of St. David's, helped translate the New Testament into this language Welsh


BRITISH HISTORY $400: England & France fought the Battle of the Herrings in 1429, as this long, long conflict lurching was to a close The Hundred Years' War


BRITISH HISTORY $400: In 1875 Britain purchased the holdings of Ismail Pasha in this canal company the Suez


BRITISH HISTORY $800: In 1924 Ramsay MacDonald, a founder of this party, became its first prime minister Labour


BRITISH HISTORY $800: This name was first used for a political party c. 1629 by those who wanted James, Duke of York to become king Tory


BRITISH HISTORY DATEBOOK $1000: January 9, 1806: The state funeral for this naval war hero is conducted Nelson


BRITISH HISTORY DATEBOOK $200: January 20, 1265: This political body meets for the first time the Parliament


BRITISH HISTORY DATEBOOK $400: October 4, 1535: The first complete modern English version of this is published the Bible


BRITISH HISTORY DATEBOOK $600: September 2, 1666: This deadly conflagration begins the Great Fire of London


BRITISH HISTORY DATEBOOK $800: December 12, 1189: This monarch leaves England for the Crusades Richard the Lionhearted


BRITISH POETS $400: In May 2009 Carol Ann Duffy became the first woman in history appointed to this U.K. post Poet Laureate


BUSINESS & INDUSTRY $200: In 2001 AOL & this communications giant completed a $164 billion merger, the largest in U.S. history Time Warner


BUSINESS & INDUSTRY $200: In 2012 this oil company agreed to pay the largest criminal fine in U.S. history BP


BUSINESS AS USUAL $400: In 1953 Marcel Bich formed a company to make these & wrote his name in businesshistory pens


CALL ME IRVING $400: America's first literary lion, this "History of New York" author mentored Hawthorne & Poe Washington Irving


CAMBODIAN HISTORY & CULTURE $1200: The often watery landscape has led resourceful Cambodians to create this eight-letter type of village a floating village


CAMBODIAN HISTORY & CULTURE $1600: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from the Silver Pagoda in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.)Until the 1930s, the Silver Pagoda was used as a place where these people lived and studied. monks


CAMBODIAN HISTORY & CULTURE $2000: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from Phnom Penh, Cambodia.) Phnom Penh's notorious gridlock is circumvented by the nimble tuk-tuk, a motorized taxi that's also known as an auto this, a similar Asian conveyance. rickshaw


CAMBODIAN HISTORY & CULTURE $400: (Kelly of the Clue Crew reports from the Royal Palace in Phnom Penh.) The Royal Palace grounds feature a statue of King Norodom, who in the late 1800s was compelled to first put his country under the control of this European power; of course, it was sculpted in that country France


CAMBODIAN HISTORY & CULTURE $800: (Kelly of the Clue Crew reports from Cambodia.) Not to be confused with karma, krama is a popular accessory sold in cambodia; the word means "scarf" in this national language of Cambodia Khmer


CAN'T GET ENOUGH BROADWAY $400: ABBA-solutely fabulous! In 2008 it passed "Hello, Dolly!" to become the 16th longest-running show in Broadwayhistory Mamma Mia!


CANADIAN HISTORY $1000: The word "Canada" first appeared in 1535 in this French explorer's journal Jacques Cartier


CANADIAN HISTORY $1200: On July 3, 1608 this Frenchman landed at what would become the City of Quebec (Samuel de) Champlain


CANADIAN HISTORY $1600: The 1947 discovery of oil in a field at Leduc in this prairie province launched a Canadian oil boom Alberta


CANADIAN HISTORY $2000: The Dominion of Canada was formed in 1867; this transplanted Scot became the country's first prime minister (John A.) Macdonald


CANADIAN HISTORY $200: In 1778 James Cook became the first European to land on this island, the largest on Canada's west coast Vancouver Island


CANADIAN HISTORY $400: In 1949 Canada joined the United States & 10 other nations to form this military alliance NATO


CANADIAN HISTORY $400: Once the Canadian Pacific Railway reached this Alberta city in 1883, Settlers began a "stampede" to live there Calgary


CANADIAN HISTORY $600: In the Treaty of Paris of 1763, which ended this war, France surrendered most of New France to Britain the French and Indian War


CANADIAN HISTORY $800: Between 1913 & 1932 Canada dug a new & deeper version of the Welland Canal that connects these 2 Great Lakes Erie & Ontario


CANADIAN HISTORY $800: The Charlottetown Accord recognizing this province as a "distinct society)" failed a 1992 vote Quebec


CELEBRITIES' FAVORITE BOOKS $1000: A fan of historybooks & bios, Lucille Ball said one of her favorites was James Boswell's "Life of" this man (Samuel) Johnson


CELEBRITIES' FAVORITE BOOKS $800: (Bill Clinton delivers the clue.) My favorite novel is this book by Gabriel Garcia Marquez in which one sees the history of Latin America reflected in the town of Macondo One Hundred Years of Solitude


CELEBS $600: This portrayer of Borat studied history at Cambridge University (Sacha Baron) Cohen


CENTERS OF POWER $2000: One of the worst nuclear accidents in history took place in 2011 at this Japanese plant No. 1 Fukushima


CHARLES GOT CHARGED $400: Onetime L.A. D.A. Bugliosi said this man has "received more mail than any other inmate in the history of the...system" Charles Manson


CHINESE HISTORY $1200: (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.) In October 1934, the Red Army retreated from Jiangxi; a year later, after crossing 18 mountain ranges, they arrived in Shaanxi, in a journey that's been called this the Long March


CHINESE HISTORY $1200: In the 840s Wu-Tsung, a fanatical Taoist, suppressed Buddhism & laicized thousands of these men monks


CHINESE HISTORY $1600: In March 1839 the Chinese seized over 20,000 chests of this from British merchants in Guangzhou, causing war opium


CHINESE HISTORY $1600: Wei Chung-Hsien dominated the court in the 1620s but couldn't start his own dynasty, as he was one of these a eunuch


CHINESE HISTORY $2000: In 1887 the Protocol of Lisbon confirmed that this colony was a free port under the control of Portugal Macao


CHINESE HISTORY $2000: This "Great" program launched by Mao in 1958 cost millions of lives in an attempt at industrial development the Great Leap Forward


CHINESE HISTORY $400: During his travels Marco Polo saw "Jasper and Chalcedony", this type of stone the Chinese carve into jewelry jade


CHINESE HISTORY $400: On Oct. 1, 1949 the Chinese communists proclaimed themselves this type of republic the People's Republic


CHINESE HISTORY $800: Around 1766 B.C. the Shang kingdom arose along the valley of this river, also known as the Huang He the Yellow River


CHINESE HISTORY $800: In the 1700s foreigners' most desired Chinese products were these 2, one to wear & one to drink silk & tea


CHRISTMAS HISTORY $1000: Since the 19th c. the descendants of Henry "Jolly Harry" Livingston have claimed him as the author of this poem "'Twas The Night Before Christmas"


CHRISTMAS HISTORY $200: Christmas trees originated in Germany; they stood for the garden of Eden & so were hung with this fruit apples


CHRISTMAS HISTORY $400: Before we kissed under it, ancient Europeans believed this plant held magic powers to bestow life & fertility mistletoe


CHRISTMAS HISTORY $600 (Daily Double): This movement banned Christmas in England & New England in the 1600s, arguing it was a secular holiday Puritan movement


CHRISTMAS HISTORY $600: Dec. 25 may have been chosen to correspond with this empire's Saturnalia rebirth of the sun festival Roman Empire


CIRCUS HISTORY $1000: In 1947 this "flying" family perfected the 7-man pyramid on the high wire the Wallendas


CIRCUS HISTORY $200: In 1825 Joshua Purdy Brown erected the first of these portable circus structures in Wilmington, Del. a big-top (or tent)


CIRCUS HISTORY $400: Not until 1982 did a performer publicly do this many somersaults from bar to catcher on the trapeze four


CIRCUS HISTORY $600: In 1907 these siblings purchased the Barnum & Bailey circus the Ringling Brothers


CIRCUS HISTORY $800: Many circus historians credit Isaac van Amburgh with being the first to put his head in this dangerous place the lion's mouth


CITIES WITH HOSPITAL-ITY $2000: A part of history: Parkland Dallas, Texas


CITY LITTER $400: His 1809 work "A History of New York" relates the Dutch occupation of Manhattan Washington Irving


CITY MUSEUMS $1200: Carnegie Museum Of NaturalHistory Pittsburgh


CLASS FIELD TRIP $500 (Daily Double): From the Greek for "see through", they're the natural history museum displays of animals in their habitats dioramas


COATS OF ARMS $400: Due to a strong Viking element in its history, the Isle of Man has this black bird on its shield along with a falcon a raven


COLLEGE COURSES $200: Not surprisingly, at Gettysburg College, the History 340 courses include the Civil War & one on this president Lincoln


COLONIAL AMERICA $2000: In 1702 this Puritan theologian wrote "Magnalia Christi Americana", a historyof religion in the Colonies, 1620-1698 Cotton Mather


COLUMBUS DISCOVERS THE NEW WORLD $400: (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.) 34 days into crossing the Atlantic, Columbus quelled a small mutiny on October 10th; just 2 days later on October 12th, he changed history forever by coming ashore on theisland he gave this holy name San Salvador


COMMUNITY COLLEGE ALUMNI $600: A long time ago in Modesto, Calif., far, far away, this producer/ director went to community college & studied historyGeorge Lucas


COMPUTER HISTORY $1000: In 1993 Intel introduced this new chip, which had 3.1 million transistors Pentium


COMPUTER HISTORY $1200: This 3-letter abbrev. used for devices from Palm was 1st used in '92 by Apple CEO John Sculley for the Newton launch PDA


COMPUTER HISTORY $1600: Tim Berners-Lee of CERN developed the WWW, allowing users to connect to documents through these "overactive" links hyperlinks


COMPUTER HISTORY $2000: ARPANET, a 1960s Defense Department project, pioneered the sending of data in small units called these packets


COMPUTER HISTORY $200: This removable item used for data storage was introduced in 1971; the first one was 8 inches square floppy disk


COMPUTER HISTORY $400: This computer was introduced in 1984 & came with a MacWrite text program & a MacPaint program for graphics Apple Macintosh


COMPUTER HISTORY $400: Unlike modern computers that use microprocessors, ENIAC used 18,000 of these tube to process data vacuum tubes


COMPUTER HISTORY $600: This company whose name is synonymous with copying introduced the first hand-held mouse in 1973 Xerox


COMPUTER HISTORY $800: 1995 brought us the file format known as VRML, which enables 3-D graphics for the web; "VR" stands for this virtual reality


COMPUTER HISTORY $800: Even before all the polls closed, CBS used this huge computer to predict the result of the 1952 presidential election UNIVAC


COURSE CORRECTION $800: I should drop PE 070, Varsity Basketball, for Roman History at this Catholic Univ. in Indiana, but I got mad game! Notre Dame


CRAYOLA: A COLORFUL HISTORY $1200: (Sarah of the Clue Crew stands with machinery at the Crayola Museum & Factory in Easton, PA.) Edwin Binney & thiscousin of his began their partnership in 1885 to sell carbon black and other pigments; Crayolas didn't come until 1903 (Harold) Smith


CRAYOLA: A COLORFUL HISTORY $1600: (Sarah of the Clue Crew stands with a melting vat at the Crayola Museum & Factory in Easton, PA.) Edwin Binney's wife Alice coined the name "Crayola" by combining "cray", French for chalk, and "ola", short for oily, because Crayolas are made from this paraffin wax


CRAYOLA: A COLORFUL HISTORY $2000: (Kelly of the Clue Crew stands with a melting tray at the Crayola Museum & Factory in Easton, PA.) The makers of Crayola introduced dust-free school chalk; it was so successful that it won a gold medal at the 1904 World Exposition in this city St. Louis


CRAYOLA: A COLORFUL HISTORY $400: (Sarah of the Clue Crew stands next to a rotating crayon conveyor at the Crayola Museum & Factory in Easton, PA.) It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood on February 6, 1996, when this man stopped by to help make the 100 billionth Crayola Mr. Rogers


CRAYOLA: A COLORFUL HISTORY $800: (Kelly of the Clue Crew stands with a packaging machine at the Crayola Museum & Factory in Easton, PA.) In the early 1900s, this "American Gothic" artist entered a Crayola coloring contest & won; he later said that's what gave him the encouragement he needed to pursue a career in art Grant Wood


CREATURES $3,000 (Daily Double): (Jimmy of the Clue Crew delivers the clue from the Harvard Museum of Natural History in Boston Massachusetts) Discovered in 1935, a skull at the Harvard Museum of Natural Historyis called a type specimen, as it helped paleontologists establish this type of dinosaur the triceratops


CROSSWORD CLUES "C" $2000: The muse of history (4) Clio


CUSTER'S LAST STAND $1600: At the battle of the Little Bighorn, Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer led this cavalry unit into history the Seventh Cavalry


DEATH & CINEMA $400: The murder of Marion Crane in this 1960 film is one of the most famous in film historyPsycho


DECADES OF DISASTER $800: Three Mile Island is the site of the worst commercial nuclear accident in U.S.history the 1970s


DIARIES $400: On July 25, 1945 this president wrote, "we have discovered the most terrible bomb in the history of the world" Harry Truman


DINOSAURS $1000: (Cheryl of the Clue Crew reports from the American Museum of Natural History in New York.) The famous 50-foot in the American Museum of Natural History is a dinosaur whose name comes from the Greek for "weight", as in an atmospheric meter aBarosaurus


DINOSAURS $1600: This city's Carnegie Museum of Natural History has the first Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton, found in 1902 Pittsburgh


DO YOU LIKE RUSSIAN HISTORY? $1200: Privatization in the 1990s gave power to the wealthy businessmen called these, from a term for government by the few oligarchs


DO YOU LIKE RUSSIAN HISTORY? $1600: Founded by this "Great" guy, the Life Guards protected Russia's royalty through the end of the Romanovs Peter the Great


DO YOU LIKE RUSSIAN HISTORY? $2000: In May 1905 imperial Russia's naval swan song came when 2/3 of its fleet was destroyed by this nation Japan


DO YOU LIKE RUSSIAN HISTORY? $400: The failed liberal Decembrist revolution of 1825 got hundreds of its leaders banished to this vast region Siberia


DO YOU LIKE RUSSIAN HISTORY? $800: In 1783, during her reign, Russia annexed the Crimean Peninsula from the Turks Catherine (the Great)


DON'T SAY MOBY DICK $400: He began serializing his "Child's History of England", but he's a bit better known for "Great Expectations" Charles Dickens


DOUBLE MEANINGS $2000: I hope Naval History ___ runs my expose about what really caused the explosion of the USS Maine's ___ magazine


DREW BARRYMORE LOVES MUSIC $200: (Drew Barrymore delivers the clue one last time.) Bernie Taupin was a teenager when he answered an ad looking for songwriters, this future partner of his did the same, & the rest is rock & roll history Elton John


DRUMSTICKS $2000: Seen here, he made history in 1927 by being the first drummer to use a full kit on a recording Gene Krupa


DWELLING ON THE PAST $1000: In Shakespeare & inhistory, he succeeded Macbeth Malcolm


DYNASTY $1000: It's the term used for the "new" period of Ancient Egyptian history from the 18th to the 20th dynasty the New Kingdom


EARLY AMERICAN HISTORY $1000: After this war (1754-1763), Britain received all French land east of the Mississippi except New Orleans the French and Indian War


EARLY AMERICAN HISTORY $1200: Permanent cultivation of this food in the Colonies began in the largely Irish area of Derry, New Hampshire in 1719 potatoes


EARLY AMERICAN HISTORY $2,400 (Daily Double): In 1677 he drafted the first charter guaranteeing separation of church & state in the Quaker Colony of West New Jersey William Penn


EARLY AMERICAN HISTORY $2000: In July 1759, when the British took from the French a crucial New York fort, the headline could have read, this "falls" Niagara


EARLY AMERICAN HISTORY $200: In 1799 this man was eulogized by Henry Lee as "first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen" Washington


EARLY AMERICAN HISTORY $400: Built in the early 18th Century as the mission of San Antonio De Valero in Texas, it made headlines in 1836 the Alamo


EARLY AMERICAN HISTORY $400: In 1732 this printer founded Philadelphische Zeitung, the first German-language newspaper in the English colonies Benjamin Franklin


EARLY AMERICAN HISTORY $600 (Daily Double): On May 29, 1765 this patriot made a speech attacking the Stamp Act in Virginia's House of Burgesses Patrick Henry


EARLY AMERICAN HISTORY $600: In 1612 this English captain published "A Map of Virginia" John Smith


EARLY AMERICAN HISTORY $800: This Boston market & meeting hall known for its grasshopper weather vane opened on September 24, 1742 Fanueil Hall


EDUCATION $400: Although best known for his 1828 dictionary, he wrote textbooks on science, grammar &history Noah Webster


EGYPTIAN HISTORY $1200: (Sarah of the Clue Crew walks among the pyramids at Giza, Egypt.) The Egyptian period from about 2700 to 2200 B.C. is known as the Pyramid Age, or by this ancient name the Old Kingdom


EGYPTIAN HISTORY $1600: In the 1400s B.C. it was the "lofty" 2-word religious title of Hapuseneb high priest


EGYPTIAN HISTORY $2000: (Jimmy is in Giza, Egypt.) The pyramid of this son of Khufu is smaller than his dad's Great one, but he got his face on the Great Sphinx Khafre


EGYPTIAN HISTORY $400: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew walks among some desert ruins.) While walking in this ancient Egyptian capital, you'll see Saqqara, which was its principal burial area Memphis


EGYPTIAN HISTORY $800: After the death of this Egyptian queen in 30 B.C., Egypt became a province of the Roman Empire Cleopatra


EMMY HISTORY $1200: A toast to Woody Harrelson, who won for Best Supporting Actor in 1989 for his work on this show Cheers


EMMY HISTORY $1600: Hug it out! In 2006 Jeremy Piven won Best Supporting Actor for this HBO comedyEntourage


EMMY HISTORY $2000: Bradley Whitford & Stockard Channing won acting Emmys for this drama The West Wing


EMMY HISTORY $400: The 1953 awards were the first to feature Best Situation Comedy; the Academy really liked this show that year I Love Lucy


EMMY HISTORY $800: She was nominated for an Emmy every year from 1985 to 1996 for "Murder, She Wrote" but never won Angela Lansbury


ENDS IN "GHT" $2000: In "The Natural History of Nonsense", Bergen Evans wrote that "there is no freedom of" this "without doubt" thought


ENTERTAINMENT HISTORY $1200: In Vaudeville, Jerry, Helen, Josephine & George M. were "The Four" these Cohans


ENTERTAINMENT HISTORY $1600: (Hi, I'm Harry Shearer.) Rochester! Did you know that in 1953 I played this comic as a boy on his self-titled TV "Program"? Jack Benny


EUROPE $400: In a 1939 decree in Spain, he was proclaimed "Supreme Chief, responsible only before God and history" Franco


EUROPEAN HISTORY $1000: In 1669, after a 21-year siege, the Ottomans won this Mediterranean island; it's now Greece's largest island Crete


EUROPEAN HISTORY $1200: Charlotte Corday was executed for taking the life of this French Revolutionary leader in his bathtub Marat


EUROPEAN HISTORY $1200: From 1541 to 1784 this current capital of Slovakia served as the capital of Hungary Bratislava


EUROPEAN HISTORY $1200: He captained the Victory, Lord Nelson's flagship, at Trafalgar (remember the quote) Hardy


EUROPEAN HISTORY $1200: In 1241 Hamburg & Lubeck businessmen formed an association that grew into this big league the Hanseatic League


EUROPEAN HISTORY $1200: In 1862 this Prussian said that "The great questions of the day" would be decided "by iron and blood" Bismarck


EUROPEAN HISTORY $1200: In 1979 the Spanish government granted limited self-rule to this ethnic group from the northern part of the country the Basques


EUROPEAN HISTORY $1200: In the 17th c. each member of the Polish legislature had this power & could defeat any measure & end the session a veto


EUROPEAN HISTORY $1200: The Soviets chose June 1940 to take over the Baltics; world attention was elsewhere, as this country fell the same week France


EUROPEAN HISTORY $1600: After a 1547 victory over Protestant armies, Emperor Charles V said, "Veni, vidi, Deus vicit", meaning this "I came, I saw, and God conquered"


EUROPEAN HISTORY $1600: Austrian statesman Prince Klemens von Metternich hosted this 1814-1815 European conference the Congress of Vienna


EUROPEAN HISTORY $1600: In 1946 Vojvodina & this province were made autonomous within Serbia in Yugoslavia Kosovo


EUROPEAN HISTORY $1600: In the 100-year period before 268 B.C., Rome annexed all of Italy below this river that flows through Turin the Po


EUROPEAN HISTORY $1600: In the 700s, Pepin's widow Plectrude got hammered by Charles Martel vying for rule over these people the Franks


EUROPEAN HISTORY $1600: On Easter 1478, the Archbishop of Pisa & others tried to kill this "magnificent" Florentine Lorenzo (de Medici)


EUROPEAN HISTORY $1600: When this "dark" knight sacked Limoges, France in 1370, he killed more than 3,000 citizens the Black Prince


EUROPEAN HISTORY $2,600 (Daily Double): This major league was a political & commercial confederacy of European towns from the 13th to the 17th century the Hanseatic League


EUROPEAN HISTORY $2000: 2 of the 3 member nations of the Triple Alliance at the beginning of World War I Austria-Hungary & Germany (also Italy)


EUROPEAN HISTORY $2000: As prince & king, Carol I ruled this Eastern European nation from 1866 to 1914 Romania


EUROPEAN HISTORY $2000: Germany's worst terrorist gang finally disbanded in 1998, though Baader died in 1977 & this co-leader in 1976 Ulrike Meinhof


EUROPEAN HISTORY $2000: In 1956 an anti-Communist revolution took root in this country, but Soviet troops quickly ended it Hungary


EUROPEAN HISTORY $2000: In 1991, republics of the former Soviet Union formed the CIS, which stands for this the Commonwealth of Independent States


EUROPEAN HISTORY $2000: In 338 B.C. this Macedonian king ended Greece's independence with victory in the battle of Chaeronea Philip


EUROPEAN HISTORY $2000: On Feb. 28, 1813 these 2 countries whose names rhyme teamed up against France in the Treaty of Kalisch Russia & Prussia


EUROPEAN HISTORY $2000: This Dutch city was best known for ruined castles until the 1991 European Union Treaty was signed there Maastricht


EUROPEAN HISTORY $200: In 2012 the mass killer of 77 people in this Scandinavian country got the maximum sentence--21 years Norway


EUROPEAN HISTORY $400: Between 1215 & 1225 this British document was reissued 3 times with various changes the Magna Carta


EUROPEAN HISTORY $400: Enticed by a 1915 treaty giving it Trieste, this country joined WWI's Allies Italy


EUROPEAN HISTORY $400: From 1346 to 1561, the Teutonic Knights ruled Latvia & this northern neighbor as the Medieval state of Livonia Estonia


EUROPEAN HISTORY $400: In 1689 William III & this queen ascended the British throne & accepted Parliament's Bill of Rights Mary


EUROPEAN HISTORY $400: In 1966 Italy's Arno River flooded, damaging many of this city's art treasures, among them Donatello's "Magdalen" Florence


EUROPEAN HISTORY $400: In 1991 Poland's Democratic Union Party won the most seats in the House & Senate; it was formed from this trade group Solidarity


EUROPEAN HISTORY $400: Thomas Savery's contribution to British history was patenting the first of these engines in 1698 a steam engine


EUROPEAN HISTORY $400: Under the 1815 Congress of Vienna, Sweden was given this neighbor that was taken from Denmark Norway


EUROPEAN HISTORY $600: In 1653 he dismissed the "Long Parliament" saying "Be gone, you rogues. You have sat long enough" Oliver Cromwell


EUROPEAN HISTORY $800: 1397's Union of Kalmar united Sweden with these 2 other countries Denmark & Norway


EUROPEAN HISTORY $800: After WWII hundreds of thousands with nowhere to go lived in DP camps, short for this displaced person


EUROPEAN HISTORY $800: He was King of England from 1189 to 1199 but spent only 6 months there; the rest of the time, he was off fighting Richard the Lionheart


EUROPEAN HISTORY $800: Heavily outnumbered, the Greeks repelled the invading Persians on this plain in 490 B.C. Marathon


EUROPEAN HISTORY $800: His courageous union leadership during the 1980s helped bring freedom to millions Lech Wałęsa


EUROPEAN HISTORY $800: In 1415 Czech religious reformer John Hus was condemned & burned at the stake for this crime heresy


EUROPEAN HISTORY $800: In 1588 a storm from this bay scattered the Spanish Armada's wooden ships as they prepared to attack England Bay of Biscay


EUROPEAN HISTORY $800: The 1568 martyrdom of the Comte d'Egmont began the Dutch revolt against Philip II of this country Spain


EUROPEAN HISTORY $800: The British captured this narrow peninsula in 1704; Spain has coveted it ever since Gibraltar


EYEWITNESS TO HISTORY $1200: Neil Davis was one of the few journalists to film & report directly on the Fall of Saigon in this year 1975


EYEWITNESS TO HISTORY $1600: Later killed by Japanese gunfire, in 1943 he released "Here is Your War", a collection of his articles from the front lines Ernie Pyle


EYEWITNESS TO HISTORY $2000: (I'm Soledad O'Brien of CNN.) One of my toughest assignments was reporting on the aftermath of the tsunami from Phuket, a resort island in this country Thailand


EYEWITNESS TO HISTORY $400: Anderson Cooper, a Mississippian's son, started writing "Dispatches from the Edge" while covering this 2005 disaster Hurricane Katrina


EYEWITNESS TO HISTORY $800: (I'm Harry Smith.) Important news stories I've covered include the events & ceremonies of this president's funeral in 2004 Reagan


FACT OR FICTION? $600: Der Stern called its $3.8 million purchase of these "diaries" in 1983 "the biggest flop of German press history" the Hitler Diaries


FAMOUS COUNTS $1000: Known to history as a marquis, this French author of licentious prose became a count on his father's death in 1767 (Marquis) de Sade


FAMOUS FACES $800: His stature in the early history of the United States was electrifying Benjamin Franklin


FAMOUS FACES IN HISTORY $2,000 (Daily Double): Research says he had a toothbrush mustache because the Prussian style didn't fit under a WWI gas mask (Adolf) Hitler


FAMOUS FACES IN HISTORY $200: Recent computer analysis determined her face is 83% happy, 9% disgusted, 6% afraid & 2% angry Mona Lisa


FAMOUS FACES IN HISTORY $400: His photograph subjects include John Quincy Adams, Zachary Taylor, and Jefferson Davis (Mathew) Brady


FAMOUS FACES IN HISTORY $600: This American symbol is said to come from a N.Y. butcher who stamped his army supplies "U.S." in the War of 1812 Uncle Sam


FAMOUS FACES IN HISTORY $800: Using descriptions from the events at Gethsemane, forensic experts constructed what they believe is this person's face Jesus


FASHION HISTORY $1200: The Romans' stola came from the Greek chiton, & this Roman garment was inspired by the Greek himation the toga


FASHION HISTORY $1600: Fair Isle sweaters were popularized in the 1920s by the Prince of Wales who later became the Duke of this Windsor


FASHION HISTORY $2,000 (Daily Double): In 1886 mothers began forcing their sons to wear silly velvet suits inspired by this titled tot of literature Little Lord Fauntleroy


FASHION HISTORY $400: Now a piece of fabric covering a tear, in the 1700s it was a piece of fabric stuck on a lady's face as an adornment a patch


FASHION HISTORY $800: A jacket named for this "Spirit"ed aviator became extremely popular in 1927 Lindbergh


FASHION HISTORY $800: Yes, "deer", in the '50s Pat Boone was famous for wearing these pale oxfords white bucks


FATHER FIGURES $1000: "The father of history", this ancient Greek wrote a 9-volume work on the wars between Greece & Persia Herodotus


FEBRUARY IS BLACK HISTORY MONTH $1200: On Feb. 15, 1804 New Jersey became the last northern state to do this outlaw slavery


FEBRUARY IS BLACK HISTORY MONTH $1600: Feb. 1948 riots in Accra sparked a movement that led to this country's becoming one of Africa's first to boot the colonists Ghana


FEBRUARY IS BLACK HISTORY MONTH $2,400 (Daily Double): A vessel called this historic ship "of Liberia" left the U.S. in February 1820 carrying free blacks back to Africa the Mayflower


FEBRUARY IS BLACK HISTORY MONTH $2000: At a Feb. 1957 meeting a civil rights group chose this 3-word name; "Christian" was added later in the year Southern Leadership Conference


FEBRUARY IS BLACK HISTORY MONTH $400: In February 1977 Clifford Alexander became the first black secretary of this oldest U.S. military branch the Army


FEMALE FIRSTS $200: In 2006 this Caribbean country made history by swearing in its first wo-mon prime minister, Portia Simpson Miller Jamaica


FILL IN THE HISTORY _____ $1000: Deadly period of the French Revolution: The ____ of Terror the Reign of Terror


FILL IN THE HISTORY _____ $200: British king who had 6 wives: Henry ____ Henry VIII


FILL IN THE HISTORY _____ $400: Adopted July 4, 1776: The ____ of ____ the Declaration of Independence


FILL IN THE HISTORY _____ $600: Centuries-long Iberian prosecution of heretics: The Spanish ____ the Spanish Inquisition


FILL IN THE HISTORY _____ $800: Old name for Russia & 14 other republics until 1991: The ____ Union the Soviet Union


FILL IN THE QUOTE $400: Marx & Engels wrote that "the history of all hitherto existing society is the historyof" these "struggles" class struggles


FILM SCHOOL $800: Viggo Mortensen gave up his sword & tresses to play a small town diner operator with a dark past in this 2005 film A History of Violence


FOOD IN HISTORY $1200: This Roman emperor served his guests snow mixed with honey (& probably bored them with his fiddle-playing) Nero


FOOD IN HISTORY $1600: It's said that this French emperor's chef created Chicken Marengo for him right on the battlefield Napoleon


FOOD IN HISTORY $2000: Mme. Pompadour loved to top filet of sole with these fancy fungi truffles


FOOD IN HISTORY $400: A 19th c. duchess who felt faint in the afternoon began the British custom of serving tiny little cakes with this beverage tea


FOOD IN HISTORY $800: Re-enactors still buy hardtack crackers from the G.H. Bent Co. of Mass., which supplied them for this 1860s war the Civil War


FRENCH HISTORY $1,400 (Daily Double): Henri Petain was a hero for the victory at this fortress in 1916, at a cost of over 500,000 French casualties Verdun


FRENCH HISTORY $1200: 18th century kings ran up debts of hundreds of millions of these--not as in books, but as in units of silver currency livres


FRENCH HISTORY $1200: A wartime adviser to de Gaulle, he was at the "center" of French politics as president from 1969 to 1974 Pompidou


FRENCH HISTORY $1600: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.) In June 1940, France was split into German-occupied France & Vichy France; 2 1/2 years later, Germany gained control of a large part of continental France; Italy gained most of the area east ofthis river the Rhone


FRENCH HISTORY $1600: Beginning in the 1600s, the colony called New France was based around this river explored by Jacques Cartier St. Lawrence


FRENCH HISTORY $1600: The French adapted the name of the Irinakhoiw into this & fought them in N. America for the second half of the 1600s the Iroquois


FRENCH HISTORY $1600: This legislative assembly was formed by Philip IV in 1302; it was replaced in 1789 with the National Assembly the Estates General (les états généraux)


FRENCH HISTORY $2,000 (Daily Double): In a July 6, 2003 referendum, this Mediterranean island narrowly defeated a plan for limited autonomy Corsica


FRENCH HISTORY $2,600 (Daily Double): (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.) At one point in the Hundred Years War, England & its allies possessed about half of France; by war's end in 1453, however, the French had pushed England off the mainland, except for this port the port of Calais


FRENCH HISTORY $2000: In 1137 Louis VII married this woman whose huge dowry was the subject of contention for centuries Eleanor of Aquitaine


FRENCH HISTORY $2000: The October 1415 battle of this fortress, lost to the English, actually took place in a nearby muddy field Agincourt


FRENCH HISTORY $2000: This 1598 edict gave a large measure of religious liberty to the Huguenots the Edict of Nantes


FRENCH HISTORY $400: In May 1968 demonstrations broke out throughout France against this president's government de Gaulle


FRENCH HISTORY $400: Joan of Arc became the maid of this city when she led French troops to victory there in May 1429 Orleans


FRENCH HISTORY $400: Not the beginning of a beautiful friendship, the Agadir Incident pitted Germany vs. France in this N. African country Morocco


FRENCH HISTORY $400: Provence got its name from being this empire's first province beyond the Alps the Roman Empire


FRENCH HISTORY $800: From 1349 to 1830 the French king's oldest son held this title once used by the Lord of Viennois dauphin


FRENCH HISTORY $800: On June 28, 1940 the British recognized this man as the leader of Free France Charles de Gaulle


FRENCH HISTORY $800: On May 10, 1981 France elected as president this socialist who then nationalized most of the private banks Francois Mitterand


FRENCH HISTORY $800: The law that made July 14 a holiday actually honored that date in this year, 1 year later than you might think 1790


GENERAL SCIENCE $400: Geologists called stratigraphers are involved with determining the earth's age & history by looking at layers of these rock


GEOGRAPHY "E" $2,000 (Daily Double): The familyhistory you wrote for school might include entering the U.S. at this island in New York Bay Ellis Island


GERMAN HISTORY $1200: In 1805 Napoleon made this duchy a kingdom; today it's Germany's largest & southernmost state Bavaria


GERMAN HISTORY $1200: When Hitler declared himself der Fuhrer in August 1934, he repudiated this 1919 treaty & began rearmament (Treaty of) Versailles


GERMAN HISTORY $1600: Jealous of this chancellor's fame, Wilhelm II forced him to resign on March 18, 1890 Bismarck


GERMAN HISTORY $1600: On January 18, 1871 Germany was unified with Wilhelm I as its first kaiser & this man as its chancellor Bismarck


GERMAN HISTORY $2,200 (Daily Double): In Feb. 1919 the National Assembly met to write a constitution in this city, which gave its name to the new republic Weimar


GERMAN HISTORY $2,400 (Daily Double): In 1919 the National Assembly met in this city to write a new constitution & establish a federal republic Weimar


GERMAN HISTORY $400: In 1521 he told the Diet of Worms, "Here I stand, I cannot do otherwise. God help me. Amen" Martin Luther


GERMAN HISTORY $400: In the 1806 Confederation of this river, Napoleon united all the states of Germany except for Austria & Prussia the Rhine


GERMAN HISTORY $800: In a 1520s revolt called these humble farming folks' war, 100,000 of them were killed peasants


GERMAN HISTORY $800: When East & West Germany unified in 1990, this West German continued to serve as chancellor of the entire country Helmut Kohl


GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE $400: The American Museum of Natural History in New York honors thispresident Theodore Roosevelt


GET YOUR KICKS $600: The longest of these in NFLhistory was a 98-yarder by Steve O'Neal for the New York Jets in 1969 a punt


GETTING AN EDUCATION $1600: History: In July 1918 the bodies of this world leader & his family were thrown in a mine shaft Nicholas II


GLOBAL $1000: The history of this European country, whose flag is seen here, goes back 4,000 years Greece


GO DIRECTLY TO YALE $300 (Daily Double): This 1810 Yale grad dashed (& dotted) into history as an inventor Samuel F. B. Morse


GOING DOWN IN HISTORY $1200: In 1886 PM Gladstone suffered defeat when he tried to get home rule for this island Ireland


GOING DOWN IN HISTORY $1600: This country was beaten by Soviet invaders in a 1956 uprising, but got revenge in Olympic water polo that same year Hungary


GOING DOWN IN HISTORY $2000: The documentary "The Battle of Chile" chronicles events leading to this politician's downfall (Salvador) Allende


GOING DOWN IN HISTORY $400: In 1904's election Alton B. Parker & 80-year-old running mate Henry Davis went down to defeat against this pres. Teddy Roosevelt


GOING DOWN IN HISTORY $800: In 1941 Abe Reles, an informer on this homicidal "corporation", went down in history--6 stories straight down Murder, Inc.


GRAPHIC NOVELS ON FILM $400: History diverges from this film, as the Spartans also had over 1,000 men from other Greek cities fighting at Thermopylae 300


GREAT AMERICAN WOMEN $800: In 1983 she madehistory as the first American woman in space Sally Ride


GREAT BRIT $1200: In 1974 this "Brief History of Time" author calculated that black holes aren't completely black Stephen Hawking


GREAT BRITONS $1600: Who knows where he found the time to write over 100 books like "Kipps" & "The Historyof Mr. Polly"; maybe he had a machine (H.G.) Wells


GREAT COMEBACKS WITH DAN PATRICK $1000: (Dan Patrick reads the clue from his studio.) In 1974 this Dodger pitcher tore his ulnar collateral ligament & his career looked like it was over; he had the surgery now named for him & won 164 more games Tommy John


GREAT COMEBACKS WITH DAN PATRICK $200: (Dan Patrick reads the clue from his studio.) He was given less than a 50% chance of survival after a 1996 cancer diagnosis; 3 years later, he won the 1st of 7 straight Tour de France titles Lance Armstrong


GREAT COMEBACKS WITH DAN PATRICK $400: (Dan Patrick reads the clue from his studio.) A year after hitting .406, this Red Sox legend left to be a fighter pilot in WWII, came back, won the Triple Crown, left to fight in the Korean War, came back & was an All-Star Ted Williams


GREAT COMEBACKS WITH DAN PATRICK $600: (Dan Patrick reads the clue from his studio.) In February of 1949, this golfer known as "Bantam Ben" fractured his ribs, pelvis, collarbone & ankle in a car accident; in 1950 he won the U.S. Open Ben Hogan


GREAT COMEBACKS WITH DAN PATRICK $800: (Dan Patrick reads the clue from his studio.) After a 2-year layoff, this 45-year-old ex-Red Wing hit the ice for the WHA's Houston Aeros & had a 100-point season Gordie Howe


GREAT PEOPLE OF HISTORY $1000: The Wailing Wall in Jerusalem was a retaining wall this "Great" king had built to shore up the temple platform Herod the Great


GREAT PEOPLE OF HISTORY $200: Aristotle was a tutor of this world conqueror Alexander the Great


GREAT PEOPLE OF HISTORY $400: It's the more familiar way that Holy Roman Emperor Charles the Great is known Charlemagne


GREAT PEOPLE OF HISTORY $600: King Darius the Great of this empire sent an army into Greece in 490 B.C., but it was defeated at Marathon the Persian Empire


GREAT PEOPLE OF HISTORY $800: A prolific fighter & builder, he ruled Egypt from about 1290 to 1223 B.C. Ramses the Great


HARVARD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY $1000: (Sarah of the Clue Crew delivers the clue from the Harvard Museum of Natural History in Cambridge, MA.) Weighing in at more than 1,600 pounds, the giant chunk of amethyst here is one of these stones that form under pressure inside cavities, from the Latin for "earth" a geode


HARVARD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY $200: (Sarah of the Clue Crew delivers the clue from the Harvard Museum of Natural History in Cambridge, MA.) A relative of the plesiosaurs, this 42-foot reptile terrorized the seas of the early Cretaceous period; called Kronosaurus queenslandicus, it was discovered on a 1931 Harvard expedition to this continent Australia


HARVARD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY $400: (Sarah of the Clue Crew delivers the clue from the Harvard Museum of Natural History in Cambridge, MA.) The museum has 4,000 handcrafted glass flowers; created from 1887 to 1936, their accuracy allowed study in Boston of flowers from these regions, between 23 27' north & south the Tropics


HARVARD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY $600: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew delivers the clue from the Harvard Museum of Natural History in Cambridge, MA.) The Harvard Museum has part of the famous Zagami meteorite, which fell to the Earth in Nigeria in 1962; gases trapped inside match those found by Viking spacecraft, confirming the rock's distant origin on this planet Mars


HARVARD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY $800: (Sarah of the Clue Crew delivers the clue from the Harvard Museum of Natural History in Cambridge, MA.) Suspended above the museum's dramatic Great Mammal Hall are the skeletons of three whale species--a finback whale, a right whale, & this, the largest of the toothed whales a sperm whale


HAY IS $1200: ...The last name of Oliver Perry, one of these scientists, known for his history of the vertebrates of the Pleistocene a paleontologist


HEDGEHOG-PODGE $1200: "The Hedgehog and the Fox" is an essay on this Russian count's view of historyLeo Tolstoy


HERB & SPICE HISTORY $1200: To show remorse after murdering his wife, Nero may have burned a year's supply of this spice that comes in quills cinammon


HERB & SPICE HISTORY $1600: It was suggested in 1602 that this pod spice, then used in a drink with cacao beans, could be used alone as a flavoring vanilla


HERB & SPICE HISTORY $2000: Jesus mentioned "mint and anise and" this spice used in chili powder & curry powder cumin


HERB & SPICE HISTORY $400: Today we pick this leaf of the laurel tree out of our food, but legend says oracles chewed it to promote visions the bay leaf


HERB & SPICE HISTORY $800: 19th century English pubs had containers of this spice from a root so that patrons could shake it into their ale ginger


HEY, THAT'S SHARP! $1,600 (Daily Double): The Devil's Rope Museum in McLean, Texas is devoted to the historyof this material barbed wire


HISPANIC HISTORY $1200: To supply Coronado's party, Hernando de Alarcon sailed 3 ships up this river in 1540 to where Yuma, Ariz. is now the Colorado


HISPANIC HISTORY $1600: The dictator of Paraguay from 1816 to 1840 wasn't called just "El Bueno" but this superlative El Supremo


HISPANIC HISTORY $2000: Around 1829 this Mexican began calling himself the "Napoleon of the West" General Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana


HISPANIC HISTORY $400: As president of this country, Antonio Guzman Blanco had a new capital built in Caracas Venezuela


HISPANIC HISTORY $800: The USA's second "drug czar", Bob Martinez had been governor of this state Florida


HISTORICAL NOVELS $1000: Ireland's tempestuoushistory has inspired many historical novels, like this author's 1976 book "Trinity" (Leon) Uris


HISTORICAL ROLES $1600: In this 1981 comedy "Part I", Mel Brooks plays Moses & Louis XVI History of the World


HISTORICAL TV $1200: A HIstory Channel show on this subject noted "baseball-sized black swellings on the neck" from the year 1347 the plague


HISTORY $1,000 (Daily Double): Delegates from 34 countries attended this body's final session April 18, 1946 the League of Nations


HISTORY $1,200 (Daily Double): He redesigned more than 50 of the 87 churches lost in London's Great Fire Christopher Wren


HISTORY $1000: A Supreme Court decision in 2000 said rights named for this man were "embedded in routine police practice" Miranda


HISTORY $1000: In 62 A.D. this Roman emperor had his wife Octavia put to death, then he got remarried the same year... coincidence? Nero


HISTORY $1000: This conference Nov. 28-Dec. 1, 1943 guaranteed Iran's postwar independence the Tehran Conference


HISTORY $1000: This king who put his seal on a historic 13th Century document was known as Lackland King John I


HISTORY $1200: In 1281 a sudden typhoon saved Japan from this Mongol's invasion force of 150,000 men Kublai Khan


HISTORY $1200: Louis XIV wanted to make this German river France's eastern border the Rhine


HISTORY $1600: In June 38 A.D. this third Roman emperor had his dead sister Drusilla deified, the first Roman woman so honored Caligula


HISTORY $1600: In the early 1500s Shah Ismail conquered what is today Iran & converted the region to this branch of Islam the Shia


HISTORY $200: Cardinal Richelieu was the first to use this Paris fortress as a state prison the Bastille


HISTORY $200: Disappointment with the Livonian War & suspected treasons in 1582 may have led this czar to order his 1st executions Ivan the Terrible


HISTORY $200: In 2006 FEMA & the U.S. Geological Survey sponsored a conference commemorating the 100th anniversary of this event the San Francisco earthquake


HISTORY $200: In the 11th century she was the occasionally naked in public wife of Earl Leofric Lady Godiva


HISTORY $200: The German Empire had this "Iron Chancellor" from 1871 to 1890 Bismarck


HISTORY $3,000 (Daily Double): In 1720 Victor Amadeus II of Savoy gave Sicily to Austria in exchange for this other large island Sardinia


HISTORY $400: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.) Before his death in 323 B.C., he expanded his empire until it stretched from the shores of the Mediterranean to the Indus River Alexander the Great


HISTORY $400: (Sarah of the clue crew gives the clue from Newseum in Washington, DC.) Now sitting harmlessly in the Newseum, this guard tower was once used to shoot down those trying to cross this barrier between communism & freedom the Berlin Wall


HISTORY $400: In 1449 Henry VI instituted the (hopefully non-evil) office of sheriff here, now an industrial city in central England Nottingham


HISTORY $400: In 1785 he graduated 42nd out of 58 at his military school in Paris Napoléon Bonaparte


HISTORY $400: More than 200 U.S. soldiers died at this June 1876 battle named for a river Little Big Horn


HISTORY $400: Napoleon & his troops captured Cairo in the 1798 battle of these landmarks the Pyramids


HISTORY $400: On June 25, 1876 he decided to attack a group that included Crazy Horse; oops Custer


HISTORY $400: The cargo of the Beaver, Eleanor & Dartmouth got dumped in this December 1773 incident the Boston Tea Party


HISTORY $6,000 (Daily Double): As Vice Admiral, this circumnavigator helped command the fleet that beat the Spanish Armada in 1588 (Sir Francis) Drake


HISTORY $600: "Black Thursday" happened on Oct. 24 of this year; 5 days later, share prices had fallen 80% 1929


HISTORY $600: Decisions of this tribunal were made public, as in the auto-da-fe in Spain the Inquisition


HISTORY $600: Her temperance newspapers included "The Smasher's Mail" & "The Hatchet" Carrie Nation


HISTORY $600: In 1869 this "wild" & crazy guy killed 2 men as acting sheriff of Ellis County, Kansas Wild Bill Hickok


HISTORY $600: Marigalante was another name for this 1492 flagship the Santa Maria


HISTORY $800: Clause 39 of this influenced Britain's Habeas Corpus Act of 1679 the Magna Carta


HISTORY $800: In 1900 more than 200 foreigners were killed during this bloody uprising in northern China the Boxer Rebellion


HISTORY $800: In 1989 the Exxon Valdez tanker spilled 260,000 barrels of crude off this state; oops Alaska


HISTORY $800: Nickname of the 1900 rebellion to expel foreigners from China the Boxer Rebellion


HISTORY $800: On Aug. 7, 1964 this resolution passed in the House, 414 to zero the Gulf of Tonkin resolution


HISTORY $800: The martial artists who fought against Western control of China from 1898 to 1900 were known as these the Boxers


HISTORY $800: Then known as Upper Peru, this country gained independence in 1825; General Sucre soon became president Bolivia


HISTORY & GEOGRAPHY $1,500 (Daily Double): An anagram of the present-day capital, this city was the capital of Japan from 794 to 1868 Kyoto


HISTORY & GEOGRAPHY $1600: (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.) Germany's 1939 invasion of Poland was due largely to friction over a strip of land called the Polish Corridor; it was taken from Germany and awarded to Poland by the Versailles Treaty, giving Poland direct access to this sea the Baltic Sea


HISTORY & GEOGRAPHY $2000: In 1999, 400 years after establishing a permanent settlement there, Portugal returned this overseas territory to China Macao


HISTORY & GEOGRAPHY $400: As a result of the 1967 Arab-Israel War, Israel took control of this disputed piece of land along the Mediterranean the Gaza Strip


HISTORY & GEOGRAPHY $800: (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.) Stretching from the Taurus Mountains in the north to the Persian Gulf in the south, with its heart between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, is this ancient region, home to the world's first cities Mesopotamia


HISTORY & HERSTORY $1600: This Confederate Gen. & Virginian opposed secession but "could take no part in an invasion of the Southern states" Robert E. Lee


HISTORY & HERSTORY $2000: In 2001 this woman known for aiding Lewis & Clark was made an honorary sergeant in the Regular Army Sacagawea


HISTORY & HERSTORY $4,000 (Daily Double): He got 34 patents for the telephone, but don't say Bell; he also got 389 for electric light & power Thomas Edison


HISTORY & HERSTORY $400: Scholars have referred to the years 1585 to 1592 as "the Lost Years" of this English playwright Shakespeare


HISTORY & HERSTORY $800: In 1776 she took over the family upholstering business; she also made flags for the Navy of Pennsylvania Betsy Ross


HISTORY A LA HARLEQUIN $1200: She'd never sold herself for a piece of jewelry to a Cardinal in 1785! Never for less than 5! She was queen! Marie Antoinette


HISTORY A LA HARLEQUIN $1600: A daughter of the Savannah elite, yes, but now she was 50ish--it was time. She'd found the Girl Scouts... & her destiny (Juliette Gordon) Low


HISTORY A LA HARLEQUIN $2000: Jan. 1, 1660. This Briton entered his first words into the diary. His life, his loves would live here... famous & forever Samuel Pepys


HISTORY A LA HARLEQUIN $400: Their bodies pressed together; there was no choice. After all, they were these conjoined twins born in 1811 Chang & Eng (the Siamese twins)


HISTORY A LA HARLEQUIN $800: Lovers? Oh yes, there was Orlov, Potemkin & Zubov, but 34 years as Russian Empress taught her love came with a price Catherine the Great


HISTORY A LA JACK BAUER $1200: Mercader is going after Trotsky on Aug. 20, 1940! I need the site! In Coyoacan, in this country? I'll be there in 20! Mexico


HISTORY A LA JACK BAUER $1600: Redeploy! The April 1, 1939 mission is scrubbed! Repeat, scrubbed! The U.S. just recognized his Spanish rebel government! Franco


HISTORY A LA JACK BAUER $2000: Chloe, I need a Jan. 24, year 41 location on this Roman emperor, aka "Little Boot"... cancel that; he's dead Caligula


HISTORY A LA JACK BAUER $400: It's Jan. 3, 1990; tell the president I have this Panamanian leader in custody & am transporting him to Miami Manuel Noriega


HISTORY A LA JACK BAUER $800: It's 1485 & this king is down! Repeat! This king is down! Henry VII has now become the first Tudor king! Please advise! Richard III


HISTORY CLASS $1,000 (Daily Double): In 1644 the Ch'ing dynasty destroyed this Chinese dynasty whose name rhymes with Ch'ing Ming


HISTORY CLASS $1200: Founded in 1702, Mobile in this state became the "City of Six Flags" (but it doesn't have a Six Flags theme park) Alabama


HISTORY CLASS $2000: She organized a troop of Girl Guides in Scotland before she founded the Girl Scouts of America Juliette Gordon Low


HISTORY CLASS $400: A kid called L'Aiglon got the title "King of Rome" when he was born because his dad was this Bonaparte Napoléon


HISTORY CLASS $800: This N.Y. Island, a reception center for immigrants from 1892 to 1954, is named for a man who once owned it Ellis Island


HISTORY CROSSWORD CLUES "M" $1200: Phoebe Fillmore's bouncing baby boy (7) Millard


HISTORY CROSSWORD CLUES "M" $1600: Italian edict city, in 313 A.D. (5) Milan


HISTORY CROSSWORD CLUES "M" $2000: "Mess"ed-up wife of Emperor Claudius (9) Messalina


HISTORY CROSSWORD CLUES "M" $400: Menes (not Elvis) made it his capital (7) Memphis


HISTORY CROSSWORD CLUES "M" $800: Congress put it in a "Compromise"-ing position (8) Missouri


HISTORY IS HAPPENING $1200: The statue of this man topples just as he does, along with his regime in April, 2003 (Saddam) Hussein


HISTORY IS HAPPENING $1600: Glub glub goes this ship in December 1862, 9 months after surviving a Merrimack attack the Monitor


HISTORY IS HAPPENING $2000: Around 11 A.M. on Oct. 25, 1854 Lord Cardigan leads this attack that's less successful than a poem it inspired The Charge Of The Light Brigade


HISTORY IS HAPPENING $400: Check out the 1989 destruction of this European landmark the Berlin Wall


HISTORY IS HAPPENING $800: On Sept. 21, 1931 Herbert Hoover faces the obvious & says, "The world is passing through a Great" one of these Depression


HISTORY IS STRANGE $1200: He endowed some big prizes after reading his own mistakenly printed & harshly critical obituary in 1888 Alfred Nobel


HISTORY IS STRANGE $1600: These Roman priestesses to a hearth goddess could be punished for unchastity by being buried alive the vestal virgins


HISTORY IS STRANGE $3,000 (Daily Double): Our word for a captive worker originated when medieval German eastern expansion captured many of these people the Slavs


HISTORY IS STRANGE $400: In the great fire of this capital city in 1666, as much as 80% of the city burned down but fewer than a dozen people perished London


HISTORY IS STRANGE $800: This soft drink was advertised in the 1890s as a "brain & nerve drink" Coca-Cola


HISTORY OF DRINK $1000: Cognac is a type of this liquor that one story says originated with wine concentrated for transport brandy


HISTORY OF DRINK $200: Dating from the 14th century, the name of this liquor comes from the Russian word for "water" vodka


HISTORY OF DRINK $400: An order for malt in Scotland in 1494 is the earliest reference to this liquor that now comes from many lands whiskey


HISTORY OF DRINK $600: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from Holland.) Dutch windmills often mill the grain for this juniper berry spirit invented here in Holland gin


HISTORY OF DRINK $800: Named for a town in Jalisco, this liquor was created after the Spanish introduced distilling to the New World tequila


HISTORY OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE $1000: 1993: This prime minister agrees to the Oslo Peace Accords along with Yasser Arafat (Yitzhak) Rabin


HISTORY OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE $200: 1290: The Jews are expelled from this nation by King Edward I England


HISTORY OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE $400: 1818: The first synagogue of this branch of Judaism opens in Hamburg Reform


HISTORY OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE $600: 1897: Theodor Herzl holds the first congress of this group; in one year it would have 800 chapters in Europe the World Zionist Congress


HISTORY OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE $800: 1909: This 1st modern Jewish city is founded; today it's the financial & cultural center of Israel Tel Aviv


HISTORY OF THE NEW YORK TIMES $1000: While he gave up his political column, he still shares his love of words in his "On Language" column (William) Safire


HISTORY OF THE NEW YORK TIMES $200: In April 1861 the Times began Sunday issues for all the crucial up-to-date news on this the Civil War


HISTORY OF THE NEW YORK TIMES $400: Of 6, 12, or 18 pounds, it's the record for a Sunday Times paper, spread over 1,612 pages in 1987 12


HISTORY OF THE NEW YORK TIMES $600: Blogs found at nytimes.com include one by this TV personality & talk show host seen here (Dick) Cavett


HISTORY OF THE NEW YORK TIMES $800: Among its dozens of Pulitzer prizes is one for coverage of this 1986 tragedy, citing "serious design flaws" the Challenger(explosion)


HISTORY SINCE YOU WERE BORN $1200: In 2003 fighting erupted in this western region of Sudan, with Arab militia committing genocide against non-Arab farmers Darfur


HISTORY SINCE YOU WERE BORN $1600: In February 1997 Scottish scientists announced the birth of this first cloned sheep Dolly


HISTORY SINCE YOU WERE BORN $2000: In October 2000 terrorists attacked the USS Cole when it stopped to refuel at the port of Aden in this country Yemen


HISTORY SINCE YOU WERE BORN $400: Appearing before Congress in 2010, Halliburton, Transocean & this oil company blamed each other for a giant spill BP


HISTORY SINCE YOU WERE BORN $800: In 2005 this mayor of Tehran won the presidency of Iran in a landslide over Hashemi Rafsanjani Ahmadinejad


HISTORY THROUGH FOOTBALL $1200: It was "third and long" when this ex-president ran for a third term in 1912; he ended up losing Teddy Roosevelt


HISTORY THROUGH FOOTBALL $2000: (Alex: Here's somebody familiar to all of us, Pete Carroll.) At Gettysburg in 1863 Union forces made a famous "goal line stand" at Cemetery Hill against the charge named for this man George Pickett


HISTORY THROUGH FOOTBALL $3,000 (Daily Double): British Major and spy John Andre was an "ineligible receiver" when he got the secret plans to this location in 1790 West Point


HISTORY THROUGH FOOTBALL $400: If you went to this European capital that existed only from 1949 to 1990, you'd definitely entered the "red zone" East Berlin


HISTORY THROUGH FOOTBALL $800: The U.S. called "offside" when Russia invaded this mountainous Muslim nation in 1979 Afghanistan


HISTORY VIA STICK FIGURES $1000: Seen here is a representation of this world leader during a noted 64 A.D. event Nero


HISTORY VIA STICK FIGURES $200: He's the hobbyist scientist seen here experimenting in 1752 Ben Franklin


HISTORY VIA STICK FIGURES $400: His August 9, 1974 exit is recreated here (Richard) Nixon


HISTORY VIA STICK FIGURES $600: His 218 B.C. leadership of an armed trip to Italy is shown hereHannibal


HISTORY VIA STICK FIGURES $800: Joe Rosenthal took the original February 1945 picture at this place--here's our take Iwo Jima


HISTORY'S MYSTERIES $1200: Also known as Rapa Nui, this Chilean island is known for strange statues & rongo-rongo hieroglyphs Easter Island


HISTORY'S MYSTERIES $2,000 (Daily Double): On a 50th anniversary, Lucia dos Santos accompanied Pope Paul VI to a shrine in this village in 1967 Fatima


HISTORY'S MYSTERIES $2000: This Biblical prophet tells of an odd sight resembling "a wheel in the middle of a wheel" Ezekiel


HISTORY'S MYSTERIES $400: The Navy doesn't like to attribute the loss of the USS Cyclops to forces in this spooky area the Bermuda Triangle


HISTORY'S MYSTERIES $800: According to Plato, Solon, a great Greek lawgiver, went to Egypt & received the story of this lost land Atlantis


HISTORY'S ODDS & ENDS $1000: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents the clue in front of a map) In Wyoming on July 18, as many turned right to the familiar route west, this 20-wagon party went left toward Fort Bridger and Hastings Cutoff. That did not end well. the Donner party


HISTORY'S ODDS & ENDS $200: Congressman Peter Rodino, son of an Italian immigrant, introduced the bill establishing this October national holiday Columbus Day


HISTORY'S ODDS & ENDS $400: In May 1936 the Hindenburg crossed the Atlantic for the first time & in June, this largest ocean liner did the Queen Mary


HISTORY'S ODDS & ENDS $600: In a Disney movie, this Patuxet man learns English in exchange for lessons in popping corn Squanto


HISTORY'S ODDS & ENDS $800: You could have fun, fun, fun on this first superhighway, opened in Berlin in 1921 the autobahn


HODGEPODGE $800: This place in New York Harbor is home to the American Family Immigration HistoryCenter Ellis Island


HOLLOW $1200: One of the earliest records of Chinesehistory was written on this tall hollow-stemmed grass bamboo


HORSE & BUGGY $2000: "Health, history, horses" is the motto of this city in upstate New York Saratoga Springs


HOT MOVIES $1600: This 1977 movie produced the second-best-selling soundtrack in movie history Saturday Night Fever


HULL OF FAME $800: Later fired as governor of New Zealand for defending Maori claims, Robert Fitzroy captained this survey ship the HMS Beagle


I DON'T KNOW YOU FROM ADAMS $400: I was well aware of this third president without reading Henry Adams' history of his administration Thomas Jefferson


I DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE $1000: He sold milkshake machines to the McDonald Bros.' burger joint, got curious about their operation & soon made history (Ray) Kroc


I LEARNED IT ONLINE $1200: The "This Day in History" feature on history.com taught me Dec. 25 is the day in 1991 when he quit as Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev


I LOVE "L.A." $400: Literature, history & philosophy are included in this type of modern college curriculum the Liberal Arts


I LOVE A MOZART OPERA $600 (Daily Double): This 1791 work is considered the greatest example in musichistory of the Zauberoper, or "magic opera" The Magic Flute


I'M DOWN WITH HOMEWORK $400: History: This man wouldn't give props to the pope, so he got booted from the Church in January, 1521 Martin Luther


I'M GETTING THE SHAKES(PEARE) $200: A history of Denmark by Saxo Grammaticus was one source of this 5-act tragedy Hamlet


IMPORTED TELEVISION $2000: A presenter on the BBC version of this PBS show called it "a detective story, a game show, and a history lesson" Antiques Roadshow


IN THE BOOKSTORE $800: He felt his "Brief History of Time" left unanswered questions, so he came up with "The Grand Design" to answer them Stephen Hawking


IN THE STATE CAPITAL $200: The 3-mile-long Freedom Trail (& a few other Revolutionary War bits of history, here & there) Boston


INAUGURAL ADDRESSES $200: In 1985 Ronald Reagan said that this nation "has conducted the greatest military buildup in the history of man" the Soviet Union


INTERNATIONAL PARKS $1200: (Cheryl of the Clue Crew presents from the American Museum of NaturalHistory in New York.) This diorama at the American Museum of Natural History depicts Virunga National Park in this African Democratic Republic the Congo


INVENTIONS FOR THE HOME $2000: Zalmon Simmons accepted a patent on a woven-wire one of these in lieu of cash, & the "rest" is history mattress


IRISH HISTORY $1200: Taken as a slave to Ireland in the early 400s, he escaped to France, where he studied for the priesthood before returning St. Patrick


IRISH HISTORY $1600: In 1446 Dermot McCarthy built this castle & installed a stone taken from an earlier version of the castle Blarney


IRISH HISTORY $2000: Ireland's four historic regions are Munster, Leinster, Connacht, & this one, most of which became Northern Ireland Ulster


IRISH HISTORY $400: The airborne fungus Phytophthora infestans caused this crop to fail in 1845 the potato


IRISH HISTORY $800: A short-lived rebellion for independence began in Dublin on Monday, April 24, 1916, the day after this holiday Easter


ISLANDS $600: Sand Island is part of this central Pacific atoll that entered history in June 1942 with the actions of carriers nearby Midway Island


IT HAPPENED IN TEXAS $200: Founded as a Franciscan mission in 1718, Mission San Antonio de Valero became better-known in history under this name the Alamo


IT'S "NATIONAL" $800: A book on the history of this organization & its magazine is subtitled "Behind America's Lens on the World" National Geographic


IT'S A DISASTER $1000: Called the worst industrial accident in history, a poisonous gas leak in this Indian city in December 1984 killed thousands Bhopal


IT'S GETTING LATE IN HISTORY $1200: The time is 1057 & the time of troubles has begun for this empire, also called the Eastern Roman Empire the Byzantine Empire


IT'S GETTING LATE IN HISTORY $1600: 1152 & all's not well for Louis VII of France, whose marriage to this live wire has been annulled Eleanor of Aquitaine


IT'S GETTING LATE IN HISTORY $2000: Wow, 1008 already & Prince Anandpal has lost at Peshawar after this animal of his got scared & fled an elephant


IT'S GETTING LATE IN HISTORY $400: Look, it's 1148--how about if the Second Crusade fails horribly in an attack on this Syrian city, then we all go to bed Damascus


IT'S GETTING LATE IN HISTORY $800: It's 1155 & Pope Adrian IV has issued a bull allowing Henry II of England to conquer this island Ireland


IT'S ON THE MAP $600: In thousands of years of history, this island seen here has been conquered & ruled by numerous empires & kings Cyprus


ITALIAN ART & ARTISTS $200: Begun in 1503, it's been called "the most famous portrait in art history" the Mona Lisa


ITALIAN HISTORY $2000: This city-state & republic on the Ligurian Sea lasted from the 11th century until 1797 Genoa


ITALIAN HISTORY $3,000 (Daily Double): In the Middle Ages, the Ghibellines supported the Holy Roman Emperor; the Guelphs, the man in this post the Pope


ITALIAN HISTORY $3,600 (Daily Double): The Etruscans' territory extended roughly south to this river, where the hero Horatius stopped them at the bridge the Tiber


ITALIAN HISTORY $400: In 1866 citizens of this northern city-state voted to join the Kingdom of Italy Venice


JAPANESE HISTORY $1200: In 794 Emperor Kammu established the Japanese capital in this city that was then called Heian-Kyo Kyoto


JAPANESE HISTORY $1600: Until 1993 the Liberal Democratic Party had controlled this legislative assembly for 38 straight years the Diet


JAPANESE HISTORY $2000: In 1192 Yoritomo, the leader of the Minamoto Clan controlling Japan, was given this title that means "great general" shogun


JAPANESE HISTORY $400: Called Michinomiya as a child, he became Japanese emperor on Christmas Day, 1926 Hirohito


JAPANESE HISTORY $800: In 1281 a storm the Japanese called Kamikaze, or "Divine Wind", thwarted an amphibious attack by this Mongol Kublai Khan


JEWISH HISTORY $1000: In 1984 an airlift began flying Jews called falashas from this African country to Israel Ethiopia


JEWISH HISTORY $200: The Maccabees fought a guerrilla war to keep the Syrians out of this city Jerusalem


JEWISH HISTORY $400: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew gives the clue from Prague, Czech Republic.) Josefov, named for an emperor, is Prague's version of this area, to which Jews were restricted the ghetto


JEWISH HISTORY $600: Term for attacks on Jews, from the Russian for "destruction"; they started to get bad around 1881 pogroms


JEWISH HISTORY $800: Now the USA's largest Jewish movement, it began in the 19th c. to change Judaism by reducing ritual Reform


JOE BUCK CALLS HISTORY $1200: It's 1536 & this woman, not Dr. Quinn, is in Henry VIII's on-deck circle, following Anne Boleyn in the wedding order Jane Seymour


JOE BUCK CALLS HISTORY $400: June 17, 1972: There's the throw... & James McCord, Jr. & 4 others are caught stealing at this complex Watergate


JOE BUCK CALLS HISTORY $800: It's July 3, 1863 & what a great day for a battle; Gen. Pickett's confident but this borough is a tough win on the road Gettysburg


JONES-ING $2000: This play by Eugene O'Neill is based loosely on an event in Haitian history The Emperor Jones


JULIA CHILD $200: Memorabilia from "Julie & Julia" were recently added to Julia's kitchen exhibit at this Washington, D.C. complex the Smithsonian


KATIE COURIC, WITNESS TO HISTORY $1000: (Katie Couric delivers the clue.) This Saudi royal was still Crown Prince when he did an exclusive interview with me in 2003; now he's king Abdullah


KATIE COURIC, WITNESS TO HISTORY $200: (Katie Couric delivers the clue.) In 2006, on my first broadcast as anchor of the CBS Evening News, I reported that this group that formerly ruled Afghanistan was "back with a vengeance" the Taliban


KATIE COURIC, WITNESS TO HISTORY $400: (Katie Couric delivers the clue.) On "60 Minutes" in 2009 I conducted the first interview with this pilot, who vividly described "birds filling the entire windscreen" Sullenberger


KATIE COURIC, WITNESS TO HISTORY $600: (Katie Couric delivers the clue.) In a 2008 foreign policy interview, I asked this candidate, "Have you ever been involved with any negotiations with the Russians?" -- it seemed like a reasonable question (Sarah) Palin


KATIE COURIC, WITNESS TO HISTORY $800: (Katie Couric delivers the clue.) My first network job was as deputy correspondent at this site, preparing me for interviewing the Petraeuses & Odiernos of the world the Pentagon


KURDISH HISTORY $1000: This important political party, the KDP, was founded in 1946 the Kurdish Democratic Party


KURDISH HISTORY $200: 2 of the 3 nations where most Kurds live today (2 of) Iraq, Iran, & Turkey


KURDISH HISTORY $400: In the 1940s some Kurds formed the short-lived Mahabad Republic with this Communist country's help the Soviet Union


KURDISH HISTORY $600: Encouraged by the U.S. following the first Gulf War, the Kurds rose up against this dictator in 1991 Saddam Hussein


KURDISH HISTORY $800: The Kurds almost got their own homeland following this war, but the Treaty of Sevres was abrogated World War I


L'HISTOIRE FRANÇAISE $800: The first stone of what would become this Paris prison was laid on April 22, 1370 the Bastille


LANDMARKS $2000: The Bund symbolizes this Chinese city's trading history Shanghai


LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY $1,500 (Daily Double): Between 1833 & 1855, this general led Mexico 11 different times & was responsible for losing much land to the U.S. (Antonio López de) Santa Anna


LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY $1200: In 1541 Pedro de Valdivia, a soldier of this Inca conqueror, founded the city of Santiago in Chile Pizarro


LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY $1200: It's the Spanish acronym for the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, battling the government since 1964 FARC


LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY $1600: In 1957 this physician & patron of voodoo was elected president of Haiti, which he ruled with an iron fist for 14 years "Papa Doc" (Duvalier)


LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY $1600: This Indian civilization, probably the first in the Americas, lived in eastern Mexico from about 1200 to 400 B.C. the Olmec(s)


LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY $2,400 (Daily Double): By the 7th century this civilzation's city of Tikal in the Yucatan had a population of tens of thousands the Mayans


LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY $2000: In 1990 she defeated Daniel Ortega to become president of Nicaragua Violeta Chamorro


LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY $2000: In 2004 Martin Torrijos, son of former dictator Omar Torrijos, was elected president of this Central American country Panama


LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY $2000: In December 1980 a junta appointed Jose Napoleon Duarte president of this small Central American country El Salvador


LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY $3,000 (Daily Double): Shipwrecked English sailors founded a settlement in 1638 in what is now this Central American nation Belize


LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY $400: In 1542 Francisco de Orellana began traveling down this river from Ecuador, reaching its mouth on the Atlantic the Amazon


LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY $400: In 1565 Portuguese knight Estacio de Sa founded this Brazilian city on Guanabara Bay Rio (de Janeiro)


LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY $400: In 1821 Panama broke away from Spain & became a province of this country Colombia


LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY $800: In 1953 the last inmates left this French penal colony that held some 70,000 prisoners over its 100-year existence Devil's Island


LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY $800: In October 1520 this Portuguese explorer became the first European to reach Chile & Tierra del Fuego Ferdinand Magellan


LERNER & LOEWE $2,400 (Daily Double): Alan Jay Lerner began writing this musical's book by studying the history& customs of 18th c. Highland Scots Brigadoon


LET'S GET ECONOMICAL $2000: In 1976 this author of "A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960" won the Nobel Prize for Economics Milton Friedman


LIBYA, LIBYA, LIBYA $400: Libya's history & economy were forever changed when this was found there in 1959 oil


LITERARY LOCALES $400: (Jon of the Clue Crew reports from the American Museum of Natural History in New York.) This J.D. Salinger hero reminisces about seeing the Haida canoe on childhood field trips to the American Museum of Natural History Holden Caulfield


LITERATURE $400: Henry Fielding called a 1749 novel "The History of" him, "a Foundling" Tom Jones


LITTLE WOMEN $200: This 4'10" author began her epic in 1926 after an injury; David O. Selznick bought the rights & the rest is history (Margaret) Mitchell


MAESTROS $2000: In 2009 this young Venezuelan became the 11th music director in the history of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Gustavo Dudamel


MAGAZINES & NEWSPAPERS $200: In March 1983 this "Magnum P.I." star became the first male centerfold in McCall's history; he kept his clothes on Tom Selleck


MAJOR BARBARAS $2,000 (Daily Double): Her bio says she has "arguably interviewed more statesmen and stars than any other journalist in history" Barbara Walters


MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL $400: (Hi, I'm Curt Schilling.) On August 30, 2006, I got my 3,000th one of these, only the 14th pitcher in Major League history to reach that milestone a strikeout


MAKE YOUR WAY TO NORWAY $400: Norway's longest land border is with this country with which it shares a long history as well Sweden


MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL $200: (Sarah of the Clue Crew stands on a stage.) W.T.G. Morton madehistory here in Mass General's surgical amphitheatre. On October 14, 1886 he performed the first public successful surgery using this anesthetic ether


MAY DAYS $1000: She made history May 4, 1979 when she became Britain's first female prime minister Margaret Thatcher


MEDICAL HISTORY $1000: You can get plush toys shaped like microbes, including this up-to-90% fatal virus that emerged in the Congo in 1976 Ebola


MEDICAL HISTORY $200: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows us an iron lung at the Int'l Museum of Surgical Science in Chicago.) The iron lung was used when normal breathing was impossible due to lack of muscle control; it was once a standard treatment for this disease that was tamed by vaccines in the 1950s polio


MEDICAL HISTORY $400: (Sarah of the Clue Crew holds a medical device at the Int'l Museum of Surgical Science in Chicago.) French surgeon Alexis Carrel invented the perfusion pump, an early type of artificial heart, with the help of this American aviator, who was a mechanic from earliest boyhood (Charles) Lindbergh


MEDICAL HISTORY $600: (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows us statues at the Int'l Museum of Surgical Science in Chicago.) The Hall of Immortals honors medical pioneers, like Madame Curie, ancient Egypt's Imhotep, & of course, this man, born in Greece around 460 B.C. Hippocrates


MEDICAL HISTORY $800: The museum has X-rays taken by Emil Grubbe, the USA's first doctor to practice this kind of therapy radiation therapy


MEDICINE & HISTORY $1200: In 1996 Michael DeBakey advised this Russian to have a bypass, prolonging his presidency & life Yeltsin


MEDICINE & HISTORY $2000: Napoleon's invasion of Russia was partly doomed by epidemic typhus, primarily carried by bacteria on this parasite lice


MEDICINE & HISTORY $3,000 (Daily Double): Generations of inbreeding doomed this dynasty in Spain as Charles II was both witless & childless Hapsburg


MEDICINE & HISTORY $400: When Queen Victoria's granddaughter married into the Russian royal house, this blood disease went with her hemophilia


MEDICINE & HISTORY $800: Montezuma's real revenge: a 1741 British expedition to conquer Mexico was devastated by this "colorful" disease yellow fever


MEN & WOMEN OF LETTERS $400: History-loving Edgar Lawrence... (E.L.) Doctorow


MEN IN HISTORY $1,500 (Daily Double): During the Russo-Japanese War, Jack London worked as a reporter for this man's newspaper chain (William Randolph) Hearst


MEN IN HISTORY $1000: Changing the electricity industry, this coil man advocated the use of alternating current Tesla


MEN IN HISTORY $200: This man died April 15, 1865 despite the desperate medical assistance of U.S. Surgeon General Joseph Barnes Abraham Lincoln


MEN IN HISTORY $400: In 1889 this "colossal" man's British South African Company received a charter to develop Malawi (Cecil) Rhodes


MEN IN HISTORY $800: On Hitler's direct order, SS man Otto Skorzeny led the spectacular 1943 rescue of this man from an Italian prison Benito Mussolini


MEXICAN HISTORY $1200: Political separation of this pair was achieved by the war of the reform from 1858 to 1861 church and state


MEXICAN HISTORY $1600: Appointed in 1535, Antonio de Mendoza governed Mexico as the first viceroy of this 2-word place New Spain


MEXICAN HISTORY $2000: "Don Fidel" Velazquez led the CTM, this type of group that worked with the PRI party to maintain each other's power a trade union


MEXICAN HISTORY $400: The serendipitous sighting of seepage helped Weetman Pearson become the pioneer of this industry in Mexico oil


MEXICAN HISTORY $800: Many innocents have died in a war between the Sinaloa & Zetas, 2 of the drug gangs called by this economic term cartels


MILITARY MITE $1600: This giant of early American naval history was called "little" by John Hancock & Abigail Adams John Paul Jones


MINDBLOWERS $400: This prez' second inaugural address was the shortest in history, only about 30 seconds long, possibly due to bad teeth Washington


MISSISSIPPI, MY LOVE $200: Hiram Revels of Fayetteville made history in 1870 as the first black member of this U.S. government body the U.S. Senate


MODERN CHINESE HISTORY $1200: This brewery city in Shantung province was primarily built by the Germans starting in 1898 Tsingtao


MODERN CHINESE HISTORY $400: Later to help start the Chinese Communist Party, he once worked as a library assistant at Peking University Mao


MODERN CHINESE HISTORY $500 (Daily Double): (Jeff Probst delivers the clue from Zhelin Lake.) Zhelin Lake is near Nanchang, where in 1927 the Communists fought this man's Nationalist forces Chiang Kai-shek


MODERN CHINESE HISTORY $800: In 1949 advancing Communist forces trapped the British naval vessel H.M.S. Amethyst in this river the Yangtze


MONEY BEST PLACES TO LIVE $800: Cozy Sharon in this northeast state's Norfolk County is teeming withhistory: a church there has a Paul Revere bell Massachusetts


MOST EVIL BRITONS $1200: The historians say the most evil 20th c. Briton was Oswald Mosely, 1930s party leader of the British Union of these Fascists


MOST EVIL BRITONS $2,500 (Daily Double): For the 11th c. it's Eadric Streona, the chief counselor who betrayed this "Unready" monarch to the Danes Ethelred (the Unready)


MOST EVIL BRITONS $2000: The scheming Thomas Arundel represents the 15th c. for helping Henry IV overthrow this rightful king Richard II


MOST EVIL BRITONS $400: Representing the 19th c. is this mysterious killer of the Victorian era Jack the Ripper


MOST EVIL BRITONS $800: Renegade Anglican priest Titus Oates leads the 17th c. baddies by inciting a reign of terror against this religious group Catholics


MOTHER RUSSIA $1200: (Cheryl of the Clue Crew rushes back to Palace Square in St. Petersburg.) In 1905 a peaceful demonstration here on Palace Square turned into a massacre known in history as this bloody day of the week Sunday


MOVIES $1600: Working the graveyard shift, security guard Ben Stiller sees natural history exhibits come to life in this film Night at the Museum


MUSEUMS $1200: You can see Sue, the largest, most complete & best-preserved T. Rex at this Chicago Museum of National History Field Museum


MUSEUMS $400: A museum in Mountain View, Calif. devoted to the history of this has a 1964 IBM mainframe & an Apple II computers


MUSEUMS $400: The highlight of Argentina's nationalhistory museum in this city is Candido Lopez's historical canvases Buenos Aires


MUSEUMS OF GERMANY $1,000 (Daily Double): A Mainz museum honoring this most famous son traces thehistory of printing & has a replica of his press on display Gutenberg


MUSIC & HISTORY $1200: Rhyme along as "Young Edmund bid his eyes adieu... the drummer boy of" this 1815 battle Waterloo


MUSIC & HISTORY $1600: "He saw that his conspiracy would soon be brought to light" are lyrics in "The Ballad of" this executed British major "John Andre"


MUSIC & HISTORY $2,500 (Daily Double): This character from a minstrel show song lent his name to segregation laws enacted after Reconstruction Jim Crow


MUSIC & HISTORY $800: It was composed in one night during the French Revolution as a marching song for French troops "La Marseillaise"


MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS $2000: Around 1709 Cristofori became a key player in this new instrument's historypiano


MUSICAL THEATER $800: With Glenn Close starring as Norma Desmond, it opened in 1994 with the greatest advanced sales in Broadway history Sunset Boulevard


MUSICAL THEATRE $400: (Alex gives us the clue from the stage of the Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C.) I'm on the set of a Sherman Edwards musical set in this very significant year in American history 1776


MYSTERY HISTORY $1200: One of the 3 people who have hosted the PBS series "Mystery!" (1 of) Vincent Price, Gene Shalit, or Diana Rigg


MYSTERY HISTORY $1600: In a 1990s novel, Stephanie Barron had the sense & sensibility to turn this author into a sleuth Jane Austen


MYSTERY HISTORY $2000: Agatha Christie was staying in Aswan when she wrote this 1937 mystery about a young woman's murder Death on the Nile


MYSTERY HISTORY $400: This actress played Jessica Fletcher, a writer in Cabot Cove, Maine who wrote & solved mysteries Angela Lansbury


MYSTERY HISTORY $800: It's the 2-word name for the van driven around by the kids on "Scooby Doo" the Mystery Machine


NAME THAT AFRICAN COUNTRY $200: Its historystretches back more than 5,000 years Egypt


NAME THAT COUNTRY $800: Though a neighbor, thisCaribbean nation has had a rocky history with the United States Cuba


NAME THAT POPE $400: His reign from 1978 to 2005 was one of the longest in history John Paul II


NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE $2000: This legendary Boston defenseman is seen here scoring a championship-winning goal Bobby Orr


NETWORKING $800: "Decoding the Past", "Modern Marvels", "Ancient Discoveries" the History Channel


NEW ORLEANS & KATRINA $800: (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from New Orleans, LA.) The largest design build civil works project in the history of the army corps of engineers, a giant flood wall is technically called this type of barrier, as it protects against hurricane-driven water levels a surge barrier (a storm surge barrier accepted)


NEW YORK MUSEUMS $2000: This planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History has a 10,000-volume library on astronomy the Hayden Planetarium


NEWSPAPER HISTORY $1200: Missouri poet Eugene Field wrote about this city's paper, "Twinkle, twinkle little Star, bright and gossipy you are" Kansas City


NEWSPAPER HISTORY $1600: This Massachusetts daily's early issues included "The Sunday Pulpit", a review of local sermons The Boston Globe


NEWSPAPER HISTORY $2000: After 143 years, the Sacramento Union ceased publication in 1994, leaving this paper as the city's oldest the Bee


NEWSPAPER HISTORY $400: In 1896 the Dow Jones Industrial Average officially appeared in print for the first time in this newspaper The Wall Street Journal


NEWSPAPER HISTORY $800: In the 1920s Margaret Mitchell wrote for this Atlanta newspaper that later merged with the Constitution the Journal


NOMINATIVE DETERMINISM $800: This Jamaican made history in Beijing by setting world records in the 100 & 200 meters (Usain) Bolt


NONFICTION $1,000 (Daily Double): The 2009 Pulitzer forhistory went to Annette Gordon-Reed for "The Hemingses of" this home Monticello


NONFICTION $1000: Dee Brown's classic "Indian Historyof the American West" is called "Bury my Heart at" this place Wounded Knee


NONFICTION $2000: This British historian's "A Study ofHistory" was published in 12 volumes from 1934 to 1961 Arnold Toynbee


NONFICTION $600: A history of early Christianity, "Beyond Belief" is subtitled "The Secret Gospel of" this doubting apostle Thomas


NONFICTION $600: His "A Brief History of Time" is subtitled "From the Big Bang to Black Holes" Stephen Hawking


NONFICTION $600: In 2005 he published an updated, easier to understand "Briefer History of Time" Hawking


NONFICTION $800: "Their Finest Hour", Volume II of his WWII history, is divided into 2 sections: "The Fall of France" & "Alone" Churchill


NONFICTION BEST SELLER OF THE YEAR $2000: 1921 & 1922: His "The Outline of History" H.G. Wells


NORTHERN CALIFORNIA HISTORY $1200: In 1971 this preacher bought a former San Francisco synagogue to house his People's Temple Jim Jones


NORTHERN CALIFORNIA HISTORY $1600: In 1846 this pathfinder's "exploratory" expedition to the west reached Monterey John Fremont


NORTHERN CALIFORNIA HISTORY $2000: Sonoma was the site for this "beastly" 1846 rebellion against Mexican rule of California the Bear Flag Revolt


NORTHERN CALIFORNIA HISTORY $400: It was a military prison for over 70 years & a federal prison for less than 30, from 1934 to 1962 Alcatraz


NORTHERN CALIFORNIA HISTORY $800: Completed in 1937, this span cost $35 million to build the Golden Gate Bridge


NORWAY'S CULTURE & HISTORY $1200: (Sarah of the Clue Crew stands before a tall sculpture in the Vigelund Sculpture Garden in Oslo, Norway.) The centerpiece of Oslo's Vigelund Sculpture Garden is a 57-foot tower depicting intertwined human figures reaching to the heavens; it's known as this, from Latin for made from a single stone a monolith


NORWAY'S CULTURE & HISTORY $1600: (Sarah of the Clue Crew stands in front of the Royal Palace in Oslo, Norway.) King Harald V lives here, in Norway's Royal Palace; he & his second cousin, England's Queen Elizabeth, are both great-grandchildren of this British king, who ruled from 1901 to 1910 Edward VII


NORWAY'S CULTURE & HISTORY $2000: (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows us a sod home at the Norsk Folkemuseum in Oslo, Norway.) These people, also called Lapps, built turf or sod homes, called gammer that lasted thirty years or more in harsh conditions Sami


NORWAY'S CULTURE & HISTORY $400: (Sarah of the Clue Crew sits at a kitchen table in Oslo, Norway.) A trip to Norway wouldn't be complete without sampling lefse, the potato staple that folk legends say was given to slain warriors of this hall, to fortify them for battle Valhalla


NORWAY'S CULTURE & HISTORY $800: (Sarah of the Clue Crew stands in front of a large house at the Norsk Folkemuseum in Oslo, Norway.) About 30 stave churches from the 12th and 13th century still stand here in Norway. The four corner posts, or staves, may represent these first four books of the New Testament Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John


NOTABLE NAMES $800: William Styron called "The Confessions of" this slave revolt leader "a meditation onhistory" Nat Turner


NOVEL SYNOPSES $200: A French curator is killed. Symbology Professor Langdon is called to help. Sophie learns her family history The Da Vinci Code


NV $1,000 (Daily Double): This current leader in the Senate became the youngest lt. governor in Nevada history at the age of 30 Harry Reid


OFFICIAL STATE THINGS $2000: Extinct? You bet. But this "3-lobed" arthropod has crawled into history as Wisconsin's state fossil trilobite


OHIO HISTORY $1000: During the Civil War, Ohio rep. Clement Vallandigham was a leader of these "snaky" antiwar northerners the Copperheads


OHIO HISTORY $200: What's today known as this was established near Columbus in 1870 as an agricultural & mechanical college (The) Ohio State (University)


OHIO HISTORY $400: In an 1835 "war" Ohio got Toledo & this state got its upper peninsula Michigan


OHIO HISTORY $600: People laughed when Dayton's James ritty added a bell to this store device, but the noise deterred theft the cash register


OHIO HISTORY $800: Little Turtle fought off U.S. troops as a chief of this Ohio (not Florida) tribe Miami


OLD AMERICAN HISTORY $1200: Thomas Morton angered the Puritans when he put up a giant one of these for a spring celebration with merrymaking a maypole


OLD AMERICAN HISTORY $1600: In 1811 De Witt Clinton went to Washington to try to get funds for this "ditch" the Erie Canal


OLD AMERICAN HISTORY $400: In 1663 John Eliot's translation of this, both the old & new parts, appeared in Algonquin The Bible


OLD AMERICAN HISTORY $6,000 (Daily Double): Daniel Shays in 1787, like John Brown in 1859, tried to capture one of these storage places an arsenal


OLD AMERICAN HISTORY $800: The school in Ct. Eleazor Wheelock opened in 1754 to educate natives moved to N.H. in 1770, becoming this college Dartmouth


OLD HISTORY $1200: This Babylonian connected his palace with a temple by building a tunnel under the Euphrates River Nebuchadnezzar


OLD HISTORY $1600: On Sept. 2, 31 B.C. the forces of Octavian defeated Mark Antony's troops at the battle of this Greek promontory Actium


OLD HISTORY $2000: In 44 B.C. Caesar was assassinated & fell dead at this foot of the statue of this rival, his son-in-law Pompey the Great


OLD HISTORY $400: In this work Virgil wrote that "a woman is always a fickle, unstable thing" the Aeneid


OLD HISTORY $800: Pliny the Elder wrote that the temple built for this huntress was filled with many sculptures by Praxiteles Diana (or Artemis)


OLD MAJOR $800: One of the 2 courses of study that Harvard offered in 1906 as its first "concentrations"history or literature


OLDE ENGLAND $400: Her reign from 1558 until her death in 1603 is often called the golden age of Englishhistory Elizabeth I


ON CABLE $800: One of the most-watched programs in cable history was the 2012 miniseries about these feuding families The Hatfields & McCoys


ON HIS BASEBALL HALL OF FAME PLAQUE $200: This Yankee was the "greatest drawing card in history of baseball" Babe Ruth


ONE FOR THE HISTORY BOOKS $1200: The subtitle to this book, a 2012 movie, is "How the CIA and Hollywood pulled off the most audacious rescue in history" Argo


ONE FOR THE HISTORY BOOKS $1600: This Watergate reporter examined how our leaders dealt with the recent economic woes in "The Price of Politics" (Bob) Woodward


ONE FOR THE HISTORY BOOKS $2000: "The ten-year search for Bin Laden from 9/11 to" this Pakistani city is detailed in "Manhunt" Abbottabad


ONE FOR THE HISTORY BOOKS $400: "Eden on the Charles" shows how the 19th century growth of this city influences us today Boston


ONE FOR THE HISTORY BOOKS $800: It took Edward Gibbon 1.5 million words over 6 volumes to pen the "History of the Decline and Fall of" this the Roman Empire


OPERA HOUSES $1,000 (Daily Double): London's Royal Opera House traces its history back to a 1728 performance of this John Gay "Opera" The Beggar's Opera


OSCAR-NOMINATED SPORTS FLICKS $800: This 1976 Oscar winner used the tagline "You have a ringside seat for the bloodiest Bicentennial in history" Rocky


OUR 1st ANNUAL HISTORY AWARDS $1200: The Not-So-Fast, My Friend Prize of 1948: This man, who fell a surprising 2.2 million votes short to Harry Truman Dewey


OUR 1st ANNUAL HISTORY AWARDS $1600: The Can't Keep Him Down Award: Him, for re-serving in France's army in WWI after his Dec. 1894 court-martial was cleared Dreyfus


OUR 1st ANNUAL HISTORY AWARDS $2,000 (Daily Double): The Taking My Life in My Hands Award of 1543: This woman, for marrying Henry VIII near the end of his rule, on July 12 Catherine Parr


OUR 1st ANNUAL HISTORY AWARDS $400: Worst Place to Catch "Our American Cousin": This venue, for its April 14, 1865 performance Ford's Theatre


OUR 1st ANNUAL HISTORY AWARDS $800: Best 1483 Ruthless Power Grab: This man, for his coup d'etat vs. Edward V & his execution of Lord Hastings Richard III


OWED ON A GRECIAN URN $1600: Without my "Parallel Lives", you'd know a lot less about our historyPlutarch


PAINTERS & PAINTINGS $800: At his death in 1957, he left behind an unfinished mural for the National Palace on the history of Mexico Diego Rivera


PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE HISTORY $1200: In 1944 this "Desert Fox" was implicated in a plot to kill Hitler; actually, that's just aggressive-aggressive Rommel


PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE HISTORY $1600: He could've said, "I'm sure Clement will do a good job --for an Oxford man" after Attlee beat him to become prime minister Churchill


PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE HISTORY $2000: Lee's "Eyes of the Army", this gen. must've had something better to do when his cavalry was late for Gettysburg Jeb Stuart


PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE HISTORY $400: Some reports have this 16th century British king weighing in at 400 lbs., so calling him "Pork Chop", even lovingly... bad idea Henry VIII


PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE HISTORY $800: In 490 B.C. Miltiades' runner pouts & says he's only going to run 1 mile & walk the other 24 from Marathon to here Athens


PETS IN HISTORY $1200: This late British PM brought his cat Jock to cabinet meetings & thanks to his wishes, Jock V now lives at his home, Chartwell (Winston) Churchill


PETS IN HISTORY $1600: Richard Nixon in a 1952 address: "Regardless of what they say about it, we're gonna keep" this cocker spaniel Checkers


PETS IN HISTORY $2000: This little protege of P.T. Barnum led a playful attack on Queen Victoria's poodle after the dog barked at him Tom Thumb


PETS IN HISTORY $400: This wife of Napoleon had a pet orangutan who sometimes joined guests for dinner Josephine


PETS IN HISTORY $800: This Roman emperor considered making Incitatus, his favorite horse, a consul Caligula


PITCHING THE PERFECT GAME $400: On May 5, 1904 he pitched the first perfect game in A.L. history; no wonder that big pitching award is named for him Cy Young


PLAYING THE PROFESSOR $400: This movie with Julia Roberts as a Wellesley art history professor has a painting in its title Mona Lisa Smile


PLAYS & PLAYWRIGHTS $2000: Her "Another Part of the Forest" tells the earlier history of the family featured in her "Little Foxes" Lillian Hellman


PLEAD THE FIFTH $1000: Elected in 1995, he's the fifth president in France's history (Jacques) Chirac


POLISH HISTORY $1200: The Jagiellonian University in this city was Poland's nexus for Renaissance learning Krakow


POLISH HISTORY $1600: In 1295 Przemysl II first used this crowned white bird on the coat of arms of the Kingdom of Poland the eagle


POLISH HISTORY $2000: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from Gdansk, Poland.) This labor union was formed here in Gdansk in 1980 & within months represented most Polish workers Solidarity


POLISH HISTORY $400: In August 1939 Germany & this country secretly agreed to divide Poland the Soviet Union


POLISH HISTORY $800: In 1957 Polish foreign minister Adam Rapacki proposed a European "zone" free of these nuclear weapons


POLITICAL ASYLUM $1200: The political wrath of God came down upon this veep over fundraising at a Buddhist temple in California Al Gore


POLITICAL NICKNAMES $1000: Michigander who in 2009 became the longest-serving U.S. representative inhistory: "Tailpipe Johnny" (John) Dingell


POPE-POURRI $800: His 34-day reign in 1978 was one of the shortest in papal history Pope John Paul I


POSSESSIVE BOOK TITLES $2000: Subtitled "A Naturalhistory of Four Meals": "The "____'s Dilemma" Omnivore


PROMINENT 20th CENTURY WOMEN $800: In 1979 she became the first woman in European history to be elected prime minister Thatcher


PUT ME IN, COACH! $400: Notre Dame's football coach from 1918 to 1930, he had a winning percentage of .881, the highest in NCAA history Rockne


QUICK HISTORY $1000: Party formed to oppose "King Andrew" Jackson the Whig Party


QUICK HISTORY $2,000 (Daily Double): In German it was called "Heiliges Romisches Reich" the Holy Roman Empire


QUICK HISTORY $200: The scene here took place during this year 1945


QUICK HISTORY $400: In 1756 this city's "black hole" made news Calcutta


QUICK HISTORY $600: This reformer is depicted here in 16th century Wittenberg Martin Luther


QUOTATIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY $1000: During the Battle of Manila Bay, this commodore told his captain, "you may fire when you are ready, Gridley" (George) Dewey


QUOTATIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY $200: In a 1784 letter Ben Franklin called this national symbol "a bird of bad moral character" the bald eagle


QUOTATIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY $400: Wyatt Earp reportedly called him "a loyal friend...a dentist whom necessity had made a gambler" Doc Holliday


QUOTATIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY $600: Stepping down as Speaker in 1998, this Republican said, "I'm not willing to preside over people who are cannibals" Gingrich


QUOTATIONS IN AMERICAN HISTORY $800: No. 35 of these 1780s essays says, "the most productive system of finance will always be the least burdensome" The Federalist Papers


QUOTES IN AMERICAN HISTORY $1600: The signers of this 1620 document pledged to "combine our selves togeather into a civill body politick" the Mayflower Compact


QUOTES IN AMERICAN HISTORY $2000: In a 1776 letter to Robert Morris, he wrote, "Without a respectable navy--alas! America!" John Paul Jones


QUOTES IN AMERICAN HISTORY $3,000 (Daily Double): For working on the family homestead, Lincoln called it "that most useful instrument" an axe


QUOTES IN AMERICAN HISTORY $400: In 1957 this Teamsters president said, "I do to others what they do to me, only worse" Jimmy Hoffa


QUOTES IN AMERICAN HISTORY $800: In March 1917 former president Teddy Roosevelt said this country "is already at war with us" Germany


RADCLIFFE GRADS $400: Graduating cum laude with a degree in American history, she'd later become First Lady--on "The West Wing" Stockard Channing


RECENT BOOKS $200: Olbermann & Berman are index entries in "Those Guys Have All the Fun", which details the history of this network ESPN


RECENT HISTORY $1200: In a November 1996 ceremony in Calcutta, this Roman Catholic nun was given honorary U.S. citizenship Mother Teresa


RECENT HISTORY $1600: In late 1998 a Russian rocket & the Space Shuttle Endeavour delivered the first 2 pieces of this to earth orbit the International Space Station


RECENT HISTORY $3,000 (Daily Double): In October 2001 congress passed this act to deter & punish terrorism the Patriot Act


RECENT HISTORY $400: In 2010, an oil rig exploded, and almost 5 million barrels of oil spewed into this gulf the Gulf of Mexico


RECENT HISTORY $800: In April 2009 Croatia & Albania became the most recent additions to this alliance that includes the U.S. & the United Kingdom NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)


RED SOX IT TO ME $1200: Tim Wakefield has more starts than any pitcher in Red Sox history, mostly due to his success with this low-velocity pitch the knuckleball


RELIGIOUS MATTERS $800: In 1644 his "History of the Reformation in Scotland" was published posthumously John Knox


REMEMBER 2008? $200: Drydock called for this "queenly" vessel, the longest-serving ship in Cunard'shistory the Q.E. 2


REMEMBERING MICHAEL JACKSON $1000: Give a yell if you know that this duet with sister Janet was the first single off "HIStory: Past, Present & Future" "Scream"


REMEMBERING TED KENNEDY $400: The third longest-serving senator in history, Kennedy represented this state for 47 years Massachusetts


ROAD SHOW $200: This London thoroughfare will be forever iconic in music history Abbey Road


ROCK 'N' ROLL HISTORY $1000: Kurt Cobain's suicide note quoted from this man's "My My, Hey Hey": "It's better to burn out than to fade away" Neil Young


ROCK 'N' ROLL HISTORY $200: It premiered on August 1, 1981 at 12:01 A.M. with John Lack saying, "Ladies and gentlemen, rock and roll" MTV


ROCK 'N' ROLL HISTORY $400: In August 1994 about 30,000 gathered in Bethel, New York to celebrate the 25th anniversary of this festival Woodstock


ROCK 'N' ROLL HISTORY $600: In 1967 this TV group became the only band other than The Beatles to have consecutive No. 1 albums The Monkees


ROCK 'N' ROLL HISTORY $800: In January 1995 he became probably the only singer with a No. 1 record to serve in Congress Sonny Bono


ROMANCE & HISTORY $1600: Dorothea Jordan, who found fame in this profession, found time to have 10 children with the future King Wm. IV an actress


ROMANCE & HISTORY $2000: Mme. de Maintenon was governess to this king's out-of-wedlock children before she became his mistress c. 1670 Louis XIV


ROMANCE & HISTORY $3,000 (Daily Double): Lord Byron's lover Marianna Segati was married to a "Merchant of" this city who was Byron's landlord Venice


ROMANCE & HISTORY $400: Her marriage to Napoleon was almost nipped in the bud when she dallied with a dapper captain in the 1790s Josephine (de Beauharnais)


ROMANCE & HISTORY $800: This future president's romance with Ann Rutledge is now believed to be a myth Lincoln


RUSSIAN CINEMA $1200: "Russian Ark" follows a man through 300 years of history as he walks through this city's Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg


RUSSIAN HISTORY $1200: In the 1854 Battle of Inkerman during this war, the Russians attacked the British during a dense morning fog the Crimean War


RUSSIAN HISTORY $1600: Claiming to be the son of Ivan IV, the pretender to the Russian throne in 1604 was known as the False this Dmitri


RUSSIAN HISTORY $2000: Boris Godunov's death in 1605 brought on the age in Russian history known as the "Time of" these Troubles


RUSSIAN HISTORY $400: In a 1917 speech in Russia, he said, "We shall now proceed to construct the Socialist Order" Lenin


RUSSIAN HISTORY $800: Wanting to Westernize Russia, Czar Peter the Great moved the capital west to this city in 1712 St. Petersburg


SCIENCE & NATURE $400: Trees company for those who study dendrochronology using these to determine the tree's age and history rings


SCIENCE FICTION $1000: Max Brooks left us wanting more braaaains with "World War Z", an oral history of the war versus them Zombies


SCIENCE FICTION $1200: In 2010's "Blackout", people with this academic job are sent back from 2060 to do fieldwork in World War II history professors


SCIENCE HISTORY $1000: The unit of this in electricity is named for Georg Ohm; it's also what Ohm ran into when he published his ideas resistance


SCIENCE HISTORY $200: In 1797 Smithson Tennant showed that charcoal has the same composition as this gem a diamond


SCIENCE HISTORY $400: Using the ultramicroscope, Jean Perrin estimated the size of this as one hundred millionth of a centimeter an atom


SCIENCE HISTORY $600: Michael Faraday named oxygen as a "permanent gas" he couldn't turn into this state; Mike, just make it a lot colder liquid


SCIENCE HISTORY $800: Nutbrain Soviet scientists adopted the discredited 19th C, theory of Lamarck that said acquired traits could be this hereditary (passed on to your offspring)


SHIPS $800: In the most famous mutiny in history, Fletcher Christian & his mates seized control of this ship in 1789 the Bounty


SIGMUND FREUD $1000: (Jon of the Clue Crew appears in the Freud Museum, Vienna, Austria.) In his casehistory of 18-year-old Dora, who came here around 1900, Freud admits he failed to deal with this process, the patient's attachment to him transference


SIGNIFICANT OLD BOOKS $1600: Greek historian & soldier Thucydides' firsthand account "The History of" this peninsular war the Peloponnesian War


SIGNING OFF $400: As head of the union in 1964, he signed the first nationwide trucking contract in Teamsterhistory Jimmy Hoffa


SILENT K $800: President Polk's middle name Knox


SILVER ANNIVERSARIES $600: 2013 marks the silver anniversary of this book subtitled "From the Big Bang to Black Holes" A Brief History of Time


SIR WALTER SCOTT $600: In 1813 Sir Walter wrote a letter complimenting this American on his "History of New York" Washington Irving


SLOVAKIAN HISTORY $1200: In 2007 socialist PM Robert Fico pulled Slovakia's troops out of Iraq; they'd mainly been busy clearing these 2-word items land mines


SLOVAKIAN HISTORY $1600: These people looked down on the Slovaks until around 1910 Karel Kalal insisted the 2 peoples' futures were entwined the Czechs


SLOVAKIAN HISTORY $2000: Slovakia was conquered by the Magyars in 907 & this country proceeded to rule it for 1,000 years Hungary


SLOVAKIAN HISTORY $400: A Slovak state was nominally independent during WWII, but collapsed when this army arrived in April 1945 the Red Army


SLOVAKIAN HISTORY $800: Regiomontanus, the 1st scientific student of comets, taught at the Academia Istropolitana, Slovakia's 1st this university


SPACING OUT $400: Per NASA, with 16 participating nations, it's the largest cooperative scientific project inhistory the International Space Station


SPANISH HISTORY $1200: In 1587 this British circumnavigator raided the Spanish port of Cadiz & destroyed about 30 ships Sir Francis Drake


SPANISH HISTORY $1600: In 1704 the British captured this outpost from Spain & made it a crown colony; Spain has sought its return since Gibraltar


SPANISH HISTORY $2,000 (Daily Double): Authorized by the Pope in 1478, this tribunal didn't end for good until 1834 the Spanish Inquisition


SPANISH HISTORY $400: On July 17, 1936 he led an army mutiny in Spanish Morocco; thus began his rise to power Francisco Franco


SPANISH HISTORY $800: The War of the Spanish Succession consolidated the rule in Spain of Philip V of this French family Bourbons


SPECIAL MONTHS $400: Library Lovers' Month & BlackHistory Month February


SPORTS FACTS $200: This Giants outfielder is the only player in history to receive the MVP award 4 consecutive years, 2001 to 2004 (Barry) Bonds


SPORTS STARS $800: In 2000 they became the only sisters in Olympic history to win gold in women's doubles in tennis Venus & Serena Williams


STARTS WITH A BODY PART $400: It's what you leave behind--money, wisdom, something that's part of yourhistory your legacy


STATE CAPITAL FUN FESTS $400: In summer 2011 Abraham Lincoln was back at home in this state capital during its "History Comes Alive" program Springfield


STATE OF DISASTER $600: In 1953 Worcester County saw one of the worst tornadoes in the history of this New England state Massachusetts


STATE QUARTERS $200: This state raced into history asthe 19th state Indiana


STORMY WEATHER $800: On March 18, 1925 the most violent single one of these in U.S. history swept through Mo., Ill., & Ind., killing 695 tornado


STRANGE HISTORY $1200: This "rock" of a general was an unpopular teacher at VMI before the Civil War & was often the target of pranks Stonewall Jackson


STRANGE HISTORY $1600: This electricity pioneer & coil inventor lived as a virtual recluse & was obsessed with raising pigeons Tesla


STRANGE HISTORY $2000: In 1778 this man, the elder, suffered a fatal collapse minutes after speaking against Colonial independence (William) Pitt


STRANGE HISTORY $400: When this Russian empress learned she had dandruff, she locked up her hairdresser so he couldn't tell Catherine the Great


STRANGE HISTORY $800: One reason this fascist Italian dictator adopted the Roman salute may have been a fear of shaking hands Mussolini


STUPID ANSWERS $600: (Jon of the Clue Crew reads from Macy's Warehouse.) In 2006, this cable channel's float in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade depicted thehistory of New York The History Channel


SUMMER READING? $400: Barbara Tuchman's historyof the events that led to World War I is called these "of August" The Guns


SUMMER SCHOOL AT YALE $200: One course was "Introduction to the History of Art: Prehistory to" this cultural movement that began in Italy in the 1300s the Renaissance


SYMBOLS $800: When you're drawing a family medicalhistory, circles stand for these women


TABLOID HEADLINES ACROSS HISTORY $1200: 1966: "French Kiss-off!" He "Kicks NATO HQ out of France" De Gaulle


TABLOID HEADLINES ACROSS HISTORY $1600: October 21, 1520: "Strait to the Pacific!" He "finds passage, hopes one day for portable GPS machine to be named for him" Magellan


TABLOID HEADLINES ACROSS HISTORY $2000: Around 342 B.C.: "Aristotle Tutors Tot"; 323 B.C.: He's "Gone in Babylon" Alexander the Great


TABLOID HEADLINES ACROSS HISTORY $400: March 1942: He "says 'I shall return'"; April 1951: "Harry Orders Big Mac To Go" MacArthur


TABLOID HEADLINES ACROSS HISTORY $800: 1916: "Pershing comes to shove in Mexican pursuit of" this rebel; 1923: "The 'Town' is Down" Pancho Villa


TAKE ME OUT TO THE HISTORY GAME $1200: It's 1902 & Teddy Roosevelt is putting this "Jr." on the bench...the Supreme Court bench, & he'll be there for 29 years Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.


TAKE ME OUT TO THE HISTORY GAME $1600: It's 1649 & this king is lookin' kind of tired out...yep, here comes Oliver Cromwell to give him the hook Charles I


TAKE ME OUT TO THE HISTORY GAME $2000: It's July 10, 1553 & this lady will pinch hit for Edward VI, who's been taken out of the game; Cousin Mary is on deck Lady Jane Grey


TAKE ME OUT TO THE HISTORY GAME $400: It's 1922 & the Black Shirts force King Victor Emmanuel III to appoint this far-right fielder as Prime Minister Benito Mussolini


TAKE ME OUT TO THE HISTORY GAME $800: It's going back, back...& it's over this 73-mile-long wall built in the 120s A.D.; "the Emperor" has done it again!Hadrian's Wall


TEAM EDWARD $400: English rationalist historian Edward Gibbon is remembered for his "History of the Decline and Fall of" this the Roman Empire


TEENS IN HISTORY $1200: Augustus Caesar was just 18 when he learned he'd been named the heir to this Roman leader Julius Caesar


TEENS IN HISTORY $1200: He was a top student, & not yet a revolutionary, when his brother was executed for trying to kill the Czar in 1887 Lenin


TEENS IN HISTORY $1200: She was around 16 when she led the French troops that raised the Siege of Orleans Joan of Arc


TEENS IN HISTORY $1200: This future wife of Napoleon spent her first 15 years on the island of Martinique Josephine


TEENS IN HISTORY $1200: Victoria Woodhull was a teen medium & fortune-teller before becoming the first woman to run for pres. of this country the United States


TEENS IN HISTORY $1600: As a teen, this future inventor of the cotton gin had his own nail-making business Eli Whitney


TEENS IN HISTORY $1600: In the 1460s this teen, the future husband of Queen Isabella, fought in the Catalonian Wars King Ferdinand


TEENS IN HISTORY $1600: King James VI of Scotland was kidnapped at age 15 while his mom, this queen, was a prisoner Mary, Queen of Scots


TEENS IN HISTORY $1600: Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia was born in NYC, but as a teen he lived in this Hungarian capital city Budapest


TEENS IN HISTORY $2,000 (Daily Double): At 14, this future "Old Hickory" was captured & wounded by the British during the Revolution Andrew Jackson


TEENS IN HISTORY $2000: As a teen Walter Raleigh served with the armies of these French Protestants the Huguenots


TEENS IN HISTORY $2000: By age 16, Nijinsky was already known as the "eighth wonder of the world" as one of these performers ballet dancer


TEENS IN HISTORY $2000: He was a teen apprentice to a surgeon-apothecary before writing poems like "Ode to a Nightingale" Keats


TEENS IN HISTORY $2000: Mary Shelley was just 19 when she wrote this horror classic Frankenstein


TEENS IN HISTORY $4,000 (Daily Double): In 1771 this teenage Marquis became a musketeer--good training for the American Revolution the Marquis de Lafayette


TEENS IN HISTORY $400: "America has been my favorite country since the age of 13 when I first saw it", said this naval hero of the Revolution John Paul Jones


TEENS IN HISTORY $400: By the time he was 13, Louis XV had already been king of this country for 8 years France


TEENS IN HISTORY $400: John XII was only about 18 when he was elected to this office in 955--that's a big step up from altar boy Pope


TEENS IN HISTORY $400: The diary that she received for her 13th birthday in 1942 became one of the most famous books of the 20th century Anne Frank


TEENS IN HISTORY $400: This telephone inventor was largely home-schooled before becoming a teacher himself at age 16 (Alexander Graham) Bell


TEENS IN HISTORY $800: As a teen in the 1480s, this sculptor of "David" studied art at a school in the Medici Gardens Michelangelo


TEENS IN HISTORY $800: Henry VIII's sister Margaret was a teen when she married King James IV of this British Isles country Scotland


TEENS IN HISTORY $800: In 2005 CT scans confirmed that this "boy king" was about 19 when he was mummified Tutankhamen


TEENS IN HISTORY $800: In his teens, he became a teacher; too bad about that career change to "Fascist leader of Italy" Mussolini


TEENS IN HISTORY $800: When teen king Ptolemy XIV died in 44 B.C., it was rumored that this queen, his sister, had had him poisoned Cleopatra


THAT'S ANCIENT HISTORY! $1000: The 1st inscription on this 1799 discovery is in hieroglyphics, the 2nd in everyday Egyptian & the 3rd in Greek the Rosetta Stone


THAT'S ANCIENT HISTORY! $400: (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.) The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World were spread out over three continents: 2 were in Africa, 3 in Asia, & the 2 in Europewere the Colossus of Rhodes & this other statue the Statue of Zeus (at Olympia)


THAT'S ANCIENT HISTORY! $600: This king who died in 1750 B.C. left a code dealing with family laws, loans, debts & even witchcraft Hammurabi


THAT'S ANCIENT HISTORY! $800: Doric columns, like at the Parthenon, had 16-20 grooves; these more slender columns at the nearby Erechtheum usually had 24 Ionic


THAT'S HISTORY, KIDS! $1000: September 14, 1847: General Winfield Scott captures this western hemisphere capital city Mexico City


THAT'S HISTORY, KIDS! $400: May 21, 1927: Charles Lindbergh becomes the first man to fly solo across this body of water the Atlantic Ocean


THAT'S HISTORY, KIDS! $600: June 8, 68: Servius Sulpicius Galba becomes this empire's emperor Rome


THAT'S HISTORY, KIDS! $800: May 9, 1927: this country's parliament moves to Canberra Australia


THAT'S SO LAST WEEK! $1200: The University of Bristol has a department of Classics & this, a 2-word phrase for the distant past Ancient History


THE 15th CENTURY $800: This 1450s tome changed the course of culture & history the Gutenberg Bible


THE 18th CENTURY WORLD $400: In 1723 William Buchanan published a detailed history of this U.K. country's clans Scotland


THE 1930s $400: W.H. Auden wrote of this civil war-torn country, "History to the defeated may say alas but cannot help nor pardon" Spain


THE 50 STATES $1600: (Alex Trebek walks along a river with grass, a bridge and a building in the background.) I'm in Cumberland, in this state. This city of at 20,000 has a long history as a vital transport hub. It was the site of the first national road and also the terminus of the C& O canal, which goes all the way to Washington, D.C. Maryland


THE AFRICAN AMERICAN EXPERIENCE $200: (Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. gives the clue.) In a recent essay, I cited the election of Barack Obama as one of the 4 "transformative moments" in African-American history; this 1863 event was the first the Emancipation Proclamation


THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY$1200: (Hi, I'm Neil deGrasse Tyson.) I'm the director of this world-famous planetarium here at the museum, opened in 1935 & named for a philanthropist the Hayden Planetarium


THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY$1600: (Cheryl of the Clue Crew reports from the Hall of Ocean Life at the American Museum of Natural History.) One of the iconic exhibits in the Hall of Ocean Life is the coral reef diorama near a 30-times enlarged model of one of these creatures that make up reefs polyps


THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY$2000: The museum's 563-carat sapphire called the Star of India was actually found on this island Sri Lanka


THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY$400: (Jon of the Clue Crew reads from the marble-columned rotunda of the American Museum of NaturalHistory in New York.) The rotunda is named after this U.S. president who collected specimens for the museum Teddy Roosevelt


THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY$800: (Jon of the Clue Crew reads underneath an ornamented hanging boat at the American Museum of Natural History in New York.) This seaworthy 63-foot canoe was carved from a single tree trunk by the Haida, a native people from islands off this Canadian province British Columbia


THE ANHEUSER- BUSCH BREWERY $600: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew holds the reins to a Clydesdale horse) A symbol for over 75 years, the Budweiser Clydesdales were formally introduced on April 7, 1933 to honor the end of this 13-year period in American history prohibition


THE ASSASSINATION OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN $1000: (Alex reports from the Petersen House in Washington, D.C.) At 7:22 on the morning of April 15, 1865, President Lincoln died in this small bedroom; a prayer was said, & then, according to tradition, Edwin Stanton uttered these six famous words "Now he belongs to the ages"


21st CENTURY HISTORY $200: This 100-passenger plane's final commercial flight took place on Oct. 24, 2003 the Concorde


21st CENTURY HISTORY $400: He retired in 2006, 6 years after the N.Y. Post killed rumors of his demise with the headline "Fed Head Is Not Dead" Alan Greenspan


21st CENTURY HISTORY $400: This 2005 event is the costliest natural disaster in U.S. history Hurricane Katrina


21st CENTURY HISTORY $600: Benedict XVI succeeded this man as head of the Roman Catholic church in 2005 John Paul II


21st CENTURY HISTORY $600: The first Republican senator from North Carolina in the 20th century, he left the chamber in 2003 Jesse Helms


21st CENTURY HISTORY $800: In July 2001 a court in Chile ruled that this former president was too ill to stand trial Pinochet


21st CENTURY HISTORY $800: This new cabinet-level department includes FEMA, the Coast Guard & Customs the Department of Homeland Security


21st CENTURY QUOTATIONS $400: In 2005 on the "Today" show, this actor told Matt Lauer, "You don't know the history of psychiatry. I do" Tom Cruise


35 YEARS AGO: 1977 $1000: Completed by Christopher Tolkien, this history of Middle-earth was published in 1977 The Silmarillion


A "D" IN HISTORY $1000: In the 16th century these assemblies of German potentates took place at Speyer, Augsburg & (yummy!) Worms a diet


A "D" IN HISTORY $200: To keep Delaware's capital away from the invading British, it was moved to this city in 1777 Dover


A "D" IN HISTORY $400: James Oglethorpe founded Georgia in 1733 as a haven for people in trouble for this back in Britain debt


A "D" IN HISTORY $600: In 1868 & again in 1880, he was succeeded as British Prime Minister by William Gladstone Disraeli


A "D" IN HISTORY $800: In 1952 the U.N. started a commission on this to make the world a less lethal place disarmament


A BIT OF BRIT LIT $2000: He was the "venerable" early scholar who wrote "The Ecclesiastical History of the English People" the Venerable Bede


A FEW THINGS HAPPENED IN 1865 $800: History can't "shroud" the fact that this city ceased serving as the capital of the kingdom of Italy in 1865 Turin


A HISTORY LESSON $1000: Louis XIV turned this building into a royal palace & the official residence of the court of France Versailles


A HISTORY LESSON $200: A monarch sometimes known as A-Ha was Egypt's first one of these rulers a pharaoh


A HISTORY LESSON $400: Nicholas Gilman, a signer of this historic document, helped get it ratified in his home state of New Hampshire the Constitution


A HISTORY LESSON $600: Prussian Field Marshal Gebhard von Blucher helped defeat this French leader at Waterloo in 1815 Napoleon


A HISTORY LESSON $800: The Civil Rights Act & the Watts Riots happened during this decade of hope & tragedy the '60s


A HISTORY OF VIOLINS $1000: A master violinist, this "Four Seasons" man was among the first to compose major works for the instrument (Antonio) Vivaldi


A HISTORY OF VIOLINS $200: Home to such early makers as Andrea Amati & Giovanni Maggini, this country is known as the violin's birthplace Italy


A HISTORY OF VIOLINS $400: This pupil of Nicolo Amati devised the modern bridge & set the proportions for modern violins Stradivarius


A HISTORY OF VIOLINS $600: Established in 1626, Les 24 Violons du Roi was the orchestra of this king, the 13th of the name Louis


A HISTORY OF VIOLINS $800: A violinist, not an archer, Giuseppe Tartini helped establish the modern style of using this a bow


A JOURNEY THROUGH ISRAEL $1200: (Alex places a stone on a grave at Mount Zion Cemetery in Jerusalem.) Here in the Mount Zion Cemetery, one of the prominent graves is that of this man, a Krakow factory owner, who, in World War II, saved the lives of over 1,000 Jews (Oskar) Schindler


A JOURNEY THROUGH ISRAEL $2000: (Alex floats in the Dead Sea.) Floating in the Dead Sea is easy; now what keeps me buoyant? The water is nine times saltier than seawater, & it has a very high this, which is mass per unit of volume density


A JOURNEY THROUGH ISRAEL $300 (Daily Double): (Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from Isreal.) This ruined fortress atop a mesa is where thousands of Israeli soldiers have taken an oath swearing that it shall not fall again Masada


A JOURNEY THROUGH ISRAEL $400: (Alex reports from the Western Wall in Jerusalem.) In Jewish circles, the Wailing Wall became known as the Western Wall after this 1967 war & the reunification of Jerusalem the Six-Day War


A JOURNEY THROUGH ISRAEL $800: (Sarah of the Clue Crew is in a boat.) You can ride in a boat reminiscent of Jesus' time on this sea, beside which he preached and performed miracles like the one of the loaves & fishes the Sea of Galilee


A MAJOR IN HISTORY $1,000 (Daily Double): William Dunlap, "the Father of American Drama", wrote a hit 1798 play about this British major who was hanged Major John André


A MAJOR IN HISTORY $200: Hired to design this area in 1791, Major Pierre L'Enfant turned into a major pain & was fired a year later Washington, D.C. (the District of Columbia))


A MAJOR IN HISTORY $400: During this war Major Martin R. Delany became the U.S. Army's first black field officer Civil War


A MAJOR IN HISTORY $600: In 1990 this man moved into No. 10 Downing Street & lived there for the next 7 years John Major


A MAJOR IN HISTORY $800: In 1876 this U.S. Army major with a singular name published his "Rules of Order" (Major Henry) Robert


A PALACE IN HISTORY $1200: (Sarah of the Clue Crew stands in front of the Chilean presidential palace.) The presidential palace in Santiago, Chile looks a lot more peaceful than on September 11, 1973, when it was attacked & this man was violently thrown from power (Salvador) Allende


A PALACE IN HISTORY $1600: Japan's Imperial Palace is on the former site of this castle, also the old name for Tokyo Edo


A PALACE IN HISTORY $2000: This borough of greater London put a plaque on the "timely" site of the old palace where Elizabeth I was born Greenwich


A PALACE IN HISTORY $400: Iolani Palace in Honolulu was seen as the headquarters for the state police unit on this '70s TV series Hawaii Five-O


A PALACE IN HISTORY $800: This small Scandinavian country's parliament meets at Christiansborg Palace, the fifth on the same site Denmark


A PIECE OF HISTORY $1000: The oldest artifact in D.C.'s Newseum is a 3,200-year-old Sumerian brick that spread the news using this writing system cuneiform


A PIECE OF HISTORY $200: The Huntington Library has some jewels--a manuscript of "The Canterbury Tales" (c. 1410) & one of his Bibles (c. 1455) Gutenberg


A PIECE OF HISTORY $400: Hebrew university has his archives--digitized, too, so you can see his notes on relativity in his hand Einstein


A PIECE OF HISTORY $600: Apollo astronauts collected 841 pounds of these (most are stored at Johnson space center) Moon rocks


A PIECE OF HISTORY $800: A 17-ton piece of its hull was recovered from its wreckage site, 450 miles off the coast of Newfoundland the Titanic


A PLETHORA OF PICTURE PLOTS $2000: 1998: Norton's neo-Nazi ne'er-do-well needs new notions AmericanHistory X


A POTENT POTABLE TOUR $200: Take a fun-filled ride through the history of scotch next to this Scottish capital's castle Edinburgh


A SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN UNION $1000: In 1964 Western Union began using these high-frequency beams transcontinentally to replace land lines microwaves


A SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN UNION $200: The 2006 New York Times headline on Western Union's last telegram used this word, telegrams' version of a period stop


A SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN UNION $400: Like the railroad would in 1869, the telegraph went transcontinental by linking up in this state, in 1861 Utah


A SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN UNION $600: In 1866 Western Union had the "heart" to introduce the first of these stock-price reporting devices a ticker


A SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN UNION $800: Western Union introduced the first of these deferred-payment instruments in 1914; it was made of metal a credit card (or charge card)


A STORIED HISTORY $1000: People might see a theme in his "Washington, D.C.", "Hollywood" & "Julian", about restoring paganism in Rome Gore Vidal


A STORIED HISTORY $200: He traveled the world & beyond with his novels "Poland", "Caribbean" & "Space" (James) Michener


A STORIED HISTORY $400: Roddy Doyle chronicles life in this country in "Paddy Clark Ha Ha Ha" & "The Woman Who Walked into Doors" Ireland


A STORIED HISTORY $600: Born in Edinburgh in 1771, he's considered the first major historical novelist Sir Walter Scott


A STORIED HISTORY $800: This author's "Noble House" follows the tea trading business in Hong Kong & China James Clavell


A STUDENT OF HISTORY $1200: After this Brown University history major worked as a college sports commentator, he would. Go. All. The. Way to ESPN Chris Berman


A STUDENT OF HISTORY $1600: Sacha Baron Cohen wrote a college thesis on the role of Jews in this 1960s movement in the U.S. South the civil rights movement


A STUDENT OF HISTORY $4,000 (Daily Double): Paul Ryan was greatly influenced by this female novelist who studied history in Russia Ayn Rand


A VISIT TO AUSTRALIA $800: (Kelly of the Clue Crew holds a boomerang at the Australian Museum.) Boomerangs often feature designs that reflect aboriginal culture & history; on the one I'm holding, the warriors, body of water & ship represent this man's landing at Botany Bay Captain Cook


AFRICAN HISTORY $1,000 (Daily Double): A kingdom of West Central Africa founded around 1390 is called this, like 2 current countries, but spelled with a K Kongo


AFRICAN HISTORY $1000: In 1890 this British financier & empire builder was elected prime minister of Cape Colony Cecil Rhodes


AFRICAN HISTORY $1200: Work on a bridge over the Tsavo River was badly hampered in 1898 when 2 of these mammals ate 140 workers lions


AFRICAN HISTORY $1600: Aksum, centered in Ethiopia, became a great trading empire around 100 A.D. by controlling this sea the Red Sea


AFRICAN HISTORY $200: The earliest humans in Gabon are believed to be the Babinga, a branch of these small-in-stature people Pygmies


AFRICAN HISTORY $400: In 1936, at the age of 16, Farouk succeeded his father King Fuad I as king of this country Egypt


AFRICAN HISTORY $400: In 2008 a group known as MEND launched a war that cut Nigeria's exports of this by 40% oil


AFRICAN HISTORY $600: A 1978 U.N. resolution to decolonize this South African territory began to be implemented in 1989 Namibia


AFRICAN HISTORY $800: (I'm author and journalist Helene Cooper.) In 1847 a government based on that of the U.S. was established by free black men & former slaves in the West African nation they called this Liberia


AFRICAN HISTORY $800: In 1498 this Portuguese explorer rounded South Africa & became the first European to reach Mozambique (Vasco) da Gama


AFRICAN-AMERICAN INVENTORS $400 (Daily Double): (Kareem Abdul-Jabar delivers the clue.) Dr. Charles Drew saved the lives of soldiers & civilians in WWII when he improved blood banks by finding a long-term storage method for this blood liquid plasma


AFRICAN-AMERICAN INVENTORS $400: (Kareem Abdul-Jabar delivers the clue.) The son of slaves who taught himself to be a draftsman, Lewis Latimer drew the blueprints for this man's telephone patent, which won a patent race (Alexander Graham) Bell


AFRICAN-AMERICAN INVENTORS $800: (Kareem Abdul-Jabar delivers the clue.) Granville T. Woodsenabled moving trains to communicate with each other & with railray stations, reducing collisions & saving lives via the electric induction telegraph, which used existing telegraph lines & a coil in the train to produce this field around the train electromagnetic


ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE $200: In the 1100s Joachim of Fiore divided history into stages of the father, the son & coming soon--this the holy spirit


ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE $400: The history of the formation of these culminates in the megalopolitan stage cities


ALLITERATIVE AUTHORS $800: In his 8-volume "Kent Family Chronicles", he took readers through 7 generations of family history John Jakes


ALPHABETICALLY FIRST $3,500 (Daily Double): Of all U.S. Supreme Court justices in history by last name Samuel Alito


ALPHANUMERIC TERMS $800: A book simply called "The Gun" is a history of this assault rifle of which 75 million are in use worldwide an AK-47


ALSO A SEA $800: The emir Abd el-Kader wrote about the history of this horse breed Arabian


AMERICAN HISTORY "Q" & "A" $1000: In 1961 JFK initiated this U.S.-Latin America development program, but it failed in just over a decade the Alliance for Progress


AMERICAN HISTORY "Q" & "A" $200: On October 2, 1656 Connecticut enacted legislation to ban members of this religious group the Quakers


AMERICAN HISTORY "Q" & "A" $400: In February 1864 this prison opened & into its mere 26 acres, 32,000 prisoners were jammed Andersonville


AMERICAN HISTORY "Q" & "A" $600: In the 1970s this future vice president served as a publisher of the Huntington Herald-Press in Indiana Dan Quayle


AMERICAN HISTORY "Q" & "A" $800: This British major who worked with Benedict Arnold was hanged as a spy on October 2, 1780 Major Andre


AMERICAN HISTORY $1,200 (Daily Double): In 1899 Secretary of State John Hay proclaimed this "welcoming" policy to preserve U.S. trading rights in China open-door policy


AMERICAN HISTORY $1,200 (Daily Double): Selling out early, this prospector who gave his name to a mother lode of silver ended up broke & took his own life (Henry) Comstock


AMERICAN HISTORY $1,500 (Daily Double): The U.S. supplied materiel to its allies during WWII through this 1941 Congressional act the Lend-Lease Act


AMERICAN HISTORY $1,800 (Daily Double): This political party founded around 1789 stood for a strong central government the Federalists


AMERICAN HISTORY $1000: "His name is" this & in 1869 this Doctor who had set John Wilkes Booth's leg was pardoned & freed from prison (Samuel) Mudd


AMERICAN HISTORY $1000: Cleanup of this Pennsylvania nuclear power plant following the 1979 meltdown didn't end until 1993 Three Mile Island


AMERICAN HISTORY $1000: In 1798 Congress passed this collection of bills to control domestic dissent & conspiracy against the federal govt. the Alien & Sedition Acts


AMERICAN HISTORY $1000: In 1898 Americans were urged to "remember" this battleship that sank in Havana harbor, leading to war with Spain the Maine


AMERICAN HISTORY $1000: In 1948 Whittaker Chambers implicated this State Department official as an espionage agent for the Soviets (Alger) Hiss


AMERICAN HISTORY $1000: This man's 1807 steamboat run up the Hudson led to an 1824 Supreme Court decision on interstate commerce (Robert) Fulton


AMERICAN HISTORY $1200: A recent drought recalls the 1930s, when part of the Great Plains turned into this, seen in Ken Burns's new film of that name The Dustbowl


AMERICAN HISTORY $1200: In 1960 the last of these locomotives was retired from general use in the U.S. & Diesel ones took over steam engines


AMERICAN HISTORY $1200: In May 1844 he sent a telegraph message using the code he'd also invented Morse


AMERICAN HISTORY $1200: Slaves, molasses & rum were exchanged in the 3 arms of the colonial practice known as this "trade" the triangle trade


AMERICAN HISTORY $1200: The Watergate scandal led to the resignation of this U.S. president in 1974 Nixon


AMERICAN HISTORY $1200: Victor Marie du Pont served as a captain of this state's volunteers in the War of 1812 Delaware


AMERICAN HISTORY $1200: You didn't want to make the mistake of following the South instead of the North Platte on this pioneer trail the Oregon Trail


AMERICAN HISTORY $1600: His foes said that in 1877 he agreed to withdraw remaining federal troops from the south in return for electoral support (Rutherford B.) Hayes


AMERICAN HISTORY $1600: In the 1600s most of New York State was occupied by this Native American confederacy the Iroquois


AMERICAN HISTORY $1600: John Rolfe came to the new world to grow this cash crop; picking up Pocahontas was a bonus tobacco


AMERICAN HISTORY $1600: Miles Standish was one of 41 male passengers who signed this document in 1620 the Mayflower Compact


AMERICAN HISTORY $1600: On September 16, 1893 the Cherokee Outlet in this U.S. territory was opened to white settlement Oklahoma


AMERICAN HISTORY $1600: This 14-letter term refers to the period of readjustment & rebuilding after the Civil War Reconstruction


AMERICAN HISTORY $2,000 (Daily Double): Name that completed an 1856 Republican slogan, "Free soil, free speech, free men and..." Fremont


AMERICAN HISTORY $2,000 (Daily Double): This pioneer route stretched more than 2,000 miles from Missouri northwest to near the Pacific Ocean the Oregon Trail


AMERICAN HISTORY $2000: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents the clue on a map.) The Oregon Trail started at Independence, Missouri and crossed the Great Plains by following this river the North Platte River


AMERICAN HISTORY $2000: Americans began to occupy this even before we could send Russia the $7.2 million we paid for it Alaska


AMERICAN HISTORY $2000: In 1917 the U.S. purchased the islands of St. Croix, St. John & St. Thomas from this country for $25 million Denmark


AMERICAN HISTORY $2000: In February 1933 gunman Giuseppe Zangara tried to assassinate FDR but instead killed this city's mayor Anton Cermak Chicago


AMERICAN HISTORY $2000: In July 1787 Congress created this new territory in the area north of the Ohio River the Northwest Territory


AMERICAN HISTORY $2000: Now sounding oxymoronic, these alliterative Republicans were the party's anti-slavery wing in its early years the Radical Republicans


AMERICAN HISTORY $2000: On August 14, 1941 FDR & Churchill issued this charter of cooperation the Atlantic Charter


AMERICAN HISTORY $2000: This president said fear itself is "nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts" FDR


AMERICAN HISTORY $2000: Tragically, in the 1830s, some 4,000 members of this Indian tribe died during a forced march known as the Trail of Tears the Cherokee


AMERICAN HISTORY $200: After General Cornwallis Surrendered at Yorktown, this American traitor accompanied him back to England Benedict Arnold


AMERICAN HISTORY $200: Between 1856 & 1860, 2,962 of this faith set out from Iowa & Nebraska to Utah in the Handcart Migration Mormonism


AMERICAN HISTORY $200: In 1620 pilgrims established this colony, the first permanent English settlement in New England Plymouth


AMERICAN HISTORY $200: On Nov. 9, 1906 Teddy Roosevelt left the U.S. to personally see the progress on this engineering project the Panama Canal


AMERICAN HISTORY $200: This state's been "on my mind" since it entered the Union 3 times, in 1788, 1868 & 1870 Georgia


AMERICAN HISTORY $200: Witchcraft trials held in this town in 1692 led to the hangings of 19 people Salem


AMERICAN HISTORY $200: You're in the Army now--in 1940 FDR instituted the first peacetime one of these in U.S. history the draft


AMERICAN HISTORY $3,000 (Daily Double): When this convened in May 1787, Adams was in London, Jefferson was in Paris & Patrick Henry refused to attend the Constitutional Convention


AMERICAN HISTORY $4,000 (Daily Double): "Our flag still waves proudly from the walls", William B. Travis said of it, "I shall never surrender or retreat" the Alamo


AMERICAN HISTORY $400: At least 50 of the 85 letters making up the "Federalist Papers" were written by this future treasury secretary Hamilton


AMERICAN HISTORY $400: By 1942 FDR had appointed 7 new men to this body: it took a while, but he got the packing he had wanted the Supreme Court


AMERICAN HISTORY $400: In 1818 U.S. troops sacked Pensacola as they marched into this Spanish territory; soon it was ours Florida


AMERICAN HISTORY $400: In 1899 President McKinley took a turn in the Locomobile, a car made by Stanley & propelled by this steam


AMERICAN HISTORY $400: In 1913 the 16th Amendment was passed allowing Congress to collect taxes on this income


AMERICAN HISTORY $400: In December 1974 this former New York governor was sworn in as Vice President Rockefeller


AMERICAN HISTORY $400: In March 1964 this largest Alaska city was struck by a 9.2 magnitude earthquake Anchorage


AMERICAN HISTORY $400: On April 2, 1917 President Wilson told Congress, "The world must be made safe for" this democracy


AMERICAN HISTORY $400: On Dec. 16, 1773 American patriots dumped 342 chests of tea into this city's harbor Boston


AMERICAN HISTORY $400: On October 7, 2001 Operation Enduring Freedom began with a U.S. air assault on terrorist strongholds in this country Afghanistan


AMERICAN HISTORY $400: Stonewall Jackson earned his nickname during the Battle of Manassas, also called the Battle of this creek Bull Run


AMERICAN HISTORY $400: The British party of this name aimed to limit the king's powers; the U.S. party hoped to limit "King Andrew" Jackson the Whigs


AMERICAN HISTORY $400: The Jones Act of 1917 granted U.S. citizenship to residents of this Caribbean island Puerto Rico


AMERICAN HISTORY $400: This January 1, 1863 document liberated all slaves in regions still under Confederate control the Emancipation Proclamation


AMERICAN HISTORY $400: This famous transaction in 1803 doubled the territory of the U.S. the Louisiana Purchase


AMERICAN HISTORY $400: This term for a mechanical device can also be an organization running city politics, like NYC's Tammany Hall a machine


AMERICAN HISTORY $400: When the British approached, the Concord Militia didn't know about the skirmish at this place earlier that day Lexington


AMERICAN HISTORY $5,400 (Daily Double): In a 1779 battle in the North Sea, he captured the Serapis, a British Man-of-War John Paul Jones


AMERICAN HISTORY $600: (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows a map of New England on the monitor.) In May 1643, to discourage attacks by the Dutch & others, the United Colonies of New England was formed by 4 Puritan colonies: Massachusetts Bay, Connecticut, New Haven & this one Plymouth


AMERICAN HISTORY $600: Edward Brooke was the first African American to hold this post for a state; Eric Holder is the first federal one Attorney General


AMERICAN HISTORY $600: Fleeing the capital on August 24, 1814, she took a Gilbert Stuart portrait of Washington with her Dolley Madison


AMERICAN HISTORY $600: For fiscal 2000, the U.S. had a $236 billion one of these, our largest ever a surplus


AMERICAN HISTORY $600: In 1609 this captain was injured in a gunpowder explosion & lost his leadership role in Jamestown John Smith


AMERICAN HISTORY $600: On April 20, 1971 the U.S. Supreme Court upheld this transportation method as a way to achieve school integration busing


AMERICAN HISTORY $600: These "Articles" served as the basis of our national government from 1781 to 1789 the Articles of Confederation


AMERICAN HISTORY $800 (Daily Double): In the 1760s these 2 surveyors used milestones to mark the boundary line between Maryland & Pennsylvania Mason & Dixon


AMERICAN HISTORY $800: Abraham Lincoln died across the street from this theatre on April 15, 1865 Ford's Theatre (the Ford Theatre accepted)


AMERICAN HISTORY $800: African Americans, 13% of the U.S., were nearly twice that percentage of U.S. troops in this 1990-91 war the First Gulf War


AMERICAN HISTORY $800: After leaving Congress, this Tennessean left for Texas, where he was killed at the Alamo Davy Crockett


AMERICAN HISTORY $800: Andrew Jackson was one of the landowners who founded this Tennessee town overlooking the Mississippi in 1819 Memphis


THE ASSASSINATION OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN $800 (Daily Double): (Alex walks the stage of Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C.) Illustrating the difference in memories, some people said that Booth shouted this Latin phrase right from here, center stage; others said, "No, it was from the box"; Booth himself wrote that he spoke the words before shooting Lincoln; perhaps he said these words more than once Sic semper tyrannis


THE ASSASSINATION OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN $800: (Alex reports from the Petersen House in Washington, D.C.) While Mrs. Lincoln and her friends sat vigil here in the front parlor, in the back parlor, this energetic Secretary of War took charge of the investigation and worked tirelessly through the night, coordinating the manhunt for John Wilkes Booth & his accomplices Edwin Stanton


THE BELOVED BRACHIOSAURUS $1000: Courtesy of the Field Museum of Natural History, a Brachiosaurus skeleton is mounted in this Midwest airport O'Hare


THE BILL CLINTON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY $400: (Jon of the Clue Crew reports from the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, AR.) Here in the Clinton Library, I'm with some of the President's favorite books: "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings", "The Poems of Yeats", and of course, "Living History" by this author Hillary Clinton


THE BOOKS OF DAVID McCULLOUGH $400: History is riveting in "The Great Bridge", about the building of this American span opened in 1883 the Brooklyn Bridge


THE BORGIAS $1600: History has portrayed this Borgia daughter as a master of political intrigue, though she may have been a pawn Lucrezia


THE BRITISH MUSEUM'S HISTORY OF THE WORLD IN 100 OBJECTS $1600: A recent artifact is a Sharia-compliant credit card issued in 2009 in this federation of states in the Middle East the UAE (United Arab Emirates)


THE BRITISH MUSEUM'S HISTORY OF THE WORLD IN 100 OBJECTS $2000: British pride added a helmet from this site where an undisturbed 7th-century Anglo-Saxon burial ship was excavated Sutton Hoo


THE BRITISH MUSEUM'S HISTORY OF THE WORLD IN 100 OBJECTS $4,500 (Daily Double): The 19th C. is represented by a chronometer from this ship that helped make scientific history in the 1830s The Beagle


THE BRITISH MUSEUM'S HISTORY OF THE WORLD IN 100 OBJECTS $400: No. 1 is the inner coffin of Hornedjitef, an ancient priest of this kingdom, from the 3rd century B.C. Egypt


THE BRITISH MUSEUM'S HISTORY OF THE WORLD IN 100 OBJECTS $800: The bronze head of this first Roman emperor butted its way onto the list Caesar Augustus


THE CIVIL WAR $800: In 1865 his pursuit hastened Lee's surrender; in 1866 he was sent west to deal with the Indians & passed into history (George Armstrong) Custer


THE DARK KNIGHT $1,200 (Daily Double): Edward of Woodstock, Knight of the Garter & heir to the British Throne, is better known to history as this the Black Prince


THE DICTIONARY $800: This -ology, the history of a word, appears in square brackets following the definition of the word the etymology


THE HALL OF HUMAN ORIGIN $1200: (Sarah of the Clue Crew is is in front of a skeleton.) A diet heavy in plants requires a long digestive tract, so a broad torso and ample gut are visible in the reconstruction of the famous 3.2-million-year-old human fossil discovered in Ethiopia in 1974 and known by this female name Lucy


THE HALL OF HUMAN ORIGIN $1600: (Sarah of the Clue Crew is standing near a trail of footprints.) 3.6 million years ago, in Africa, an early human left a trail of fossil footprints with a stride much shorter than ours. Mary Leakey found the prints, which were likely made by this type of human, whose name means "southern ape" australopithecus


THE HALL OF HUMAN ORIGIN $2000: (Kelly of the Clue Crew is holding a skull.) Fossil skulls from different human species show changes in facial and cranial features. The skull with the large brain case and prominent brow ridge belong to a species named for this city in southwest Germany, where the first specimen was found Heidelberg


THE HALL OF HUMAN ORIGIN $400: (Kelly of the Clue Crew is holding a bone.) Early humans lived a perilous existence. This 1.8-million-year-old ankle joint found in Tanzania bears teeth marks, probably made by one of these dangerous reptiles that still haunt African waters crocodiles


THE HALL OF HUMAN ORIGIN $800: (Kelly of the Clue Crew demonstrates the morphing station.) The hall's morphing station allows visitors to see what they'd look like, had they been born into a different human species; here, I'm morphing from a Homo sapiens into one of these long-extinct cousins a Neanderthal


THE HEISMAN TROPHY $800: This 2005 Heisman winner received 84.9% of the first-place votes--the highest percentage in history Reggie Bush


THE HISTORY BOYS $1200: Mark Bowden has written the story of this 1979 crisis, "The First Battle In America's War With Militant Islam" Iran Hostage Crisis


THE HISTORY BOYS $1600: Charlotte Corday is "like a star; cruel-lovely" in Thomas Carlyle's 1837 book titled this event The French Revolution


THE HISTORY BOYS $2000: The bestselling author of "The Johnstown Flood" & "1776" is also the narrator of the movie "Seabiscuit" David McCullough


THE HISTORY BOYS $400: Snorri Sturluson, from this island, wrote a history on Norwegian kings from Odin to his own time Iceland


THE HISTORY BOYS $800: William Coolidge, author of these mountains "In Nature and History", made the first winter climb of the Jungfrau Alps


THE HISTORY OF APRIL 9th $1000: 1942: American & Philippine troops are overwhelmed by Japanese forces on this peninsula Bataan


THE HISTORY OF APRIL 9th $200: 1865: Ending the Civil War, Lee surrenders at this Virginia site Appomattox (Court House)


THE HISTORY OF APRIL 9th $400: 1939: Denied permission to sing at Constitution Hall, Marian Anderson sings at this location instead the Lincoln Memorial


THE HISTORY OF APRIL 9th $600: 1959: NASA publicly introduces Messrs. Glenn, Shepard & the rest of this program's 7 astronauts Mercury


THE HISTORY OF APRIL 9th $800: 1859: This author receives his steamboat pilot's license Mark Twain


THE HISTORY OF CANDY $1000: The York Cone Co. was best known for ice cream cones before introducing these cool round treats in 1940 Peppermint Patties


THE HISTORY OF CANDY $200: Originally, this candy bar that debuted in 1932 was made of 3 pieces in 3 different flavors, hence its name 3 Musketeers


THE HISTORY OF CANDY $400: Peter Paul's 1st candy bar was the Konabar; its 2nd, in 1920, was this chocolate & coconut bar, still popular today Mounds


THE HISTORY OF CANDY $600: The 5th Avenue candy bar was first made by this company famous for its cough drops Luden's


THE HISTORY OF CANDY $800: The "Clucking Bunny" could tell you that this company hatched its first creme eggs in 1923 Cadbury


THE HISTORY OF HOCKEY $1000: In 1913 the Pacific Coast Hockey Association introduced these, which form the border of teams' defensive zones the blue lines


THE HISTORY OF HOCKEY $200: It was founded on Nov. 26, 1917; its first president was Frank Calder, later of Cup fame the National Hockey League


THE HISTORY OF HOCKEY $400: In 1966 this city's franchise was awarded to Jack Kent Cooke for $2 million & a new arena, the Forum Los Angeles


THE HISTORY OF HOCKEY $600: The Rosebuds of this Northwest city were the first pro hockey team in the U.S. Portland


THE HISTORY OF HOCKEY $800: The Air Canada Centre opened on Feb. 20, 1999 with the 639th game between the Maple Leafs & these longtime rivals the (Montreal) Canadiens


THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE $1000: 1844: During a tooth extraction, Dr. Horace Wells makes the first use of this gas as an anesthetic nitrous oxide (laughing gas)


THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE $200: 400s B.C.: This Greek "father of medicine" bases medicine on observation & reasoning Hippocrates


THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE $400: 1590: Dutch lens grinder Zacharias Janssen invents a type of this optical research instrument a microscope


THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE $600: 1948: Johns Hopkins scientists find that this antihistamine alleviates motion sickness dramamine


THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE $1200: In 1990 IBM scientists created the first structure made by moving individual ones of these on a surface atoms


THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE $1600: In the 1780s Gaspard Monge was the first to do this to a substance that's normally a gas, sulfur dioxide liquefy it


THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE $2000: Poet Geoffrey Chaucer wrote a treatise on this scientific instrument later replaced by the sextant the astrolabe


THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE $400: Botanist John Ray made Linnaeus' work possible by establishing this unit of taxonomy, from the Latin for "form" species


THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE $800: The father of this "father of antiseptic surgery" was one of the first to describe red blood cells (Joseph) Lister


THE KOREAN WAR $400: One of the largest conflicts in U.S. history, the Korean War started in this even-numbered year 1950


THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS $800: During the League'shistory, 3 men had this hyphenated title: Eric Drummond, Joseph Avenol & Sean Lester secretary-general


THE LIBRARY $1000: It'll take more than a moment to read this 1988 bestseller by British physicist Stephen Hawking A Brief History of Time


THE LONDON STAGE $2000: In 2007 these studious "Boys" were back in town in Alan Bennett's play at Wyndham's Theatre The History Boys


THE METROPOLITAN OPERA $1,400 (Daily Double): (Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents the clue from the Metropolitan Opera in New York.) In 1955, the Met madehistory with the debuts of its first African-American singers; the first man was Bobby McFerrin's father Robert, and the first woman was this great contralto of the day Marian Anderson


THE MUSES $1,200 (Daily Double): Clio is the muse of this & is often depicted with a scroll, perhaps to record the deeds of men through the ages history


THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES $400: (Alex reports from the National Archives.) American history might have been very different if this future country had agreed to the offer of statehood contained in Article 11 of the Articles of Confederation Canada


THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF THE MARINE CORPS$1000: (Jon of the Clue Crew reports from the National Museum of the Marine Corps, Quantico, VA.) An aircraft key to Marine history is the AV-8B jump jet, known by this 7-letter name; it can carry Sidewinders & laser-guided bombs the Harrier


THE NEW YORK TIMES JOURNALISTS $1000: Pulitzer-winning Op-Ed columnist Thomas L. Friedman wrote "A Brief History of the 21st Century" in "The World is" thisFlat


THE NEW YORK TIMES THEATER $400: Frank Rich wrote you could feel Broadway history being made in this musical about a black female singing groupDreamgirls


THE NEW YORK TIMES TRAVEL $800: "What to do" at this Greek site is to visit the Museum of the History of the... games in antiquity Olympia


THE NFL $1000: Prior to the Ravens, the city of Baltimore had only one other NFL team name in its history--this one the Colts


THE OCCIDENTAL TOURIST $400: Lots of history to see in this tiny country that's been independent from Italy since 1929 Vatican City


THE ORIENT EXPRESS $1200: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew relaxes in a dining car.) To prepare for a visit from thislast tsar, the French president had 7 new train cars created to show true French elegance Nicholas II


THE ORIENT EXPRESS $1600: (Jimmy walks down a hallway before disappearing into thin air.) You wouldn't think someone could disappear on a train, but it happensin this 1938 film set aboard the Orient Express The Lady Vanishes


THE ORIENT EXPRESS $2000: (Jimmy walks through yet another dining car.) In 1918 an Orient Express dining car was used for the surrender of the Germans to the Allies;Hitler used the same exact car for the French surrender to the Germans in this year 1940


THE ORIENT EXPRESS $400: (Sarah of the Clue Crew stands in a dining car.) I'm aboard the historic Orient Express; in 1883 its first trip from Paris to this Ottoman capital included a ferry ride Constantinople (or Istanbul)


THE ORIENT EXPRESS $800: (Jimmy stands at the bar, wearing a dapper tuxedo & drinking a martini.) This movie finds James Bond, who has stolen a Soviet decoding device, returning West aboard the Orient Express with the lovely Tatiana From Russia with Love


THE PUCK STOPS HERE $400: Goalies have done this only 11 times in NHL history score a goal


THE QUOTABLE '60s $800: In 1967 he told his daughter, "Your daddy may go down in history as having started World War III" (Lyndon) Johnson


THE RIVER OF HISTORY $1,500 (Daily Double): Until the Erie Canal opened, this 981-mile tributary of the Mississippi was the main route west for goods & people the Ohio River


THE RIVER OF HISTORY $1200: (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the National World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C.) Depicted here is the historic moment when American & Russian forces met on April 25th, 1945, at Torgau, Germany, on this river the Elbe


THE RIVER OF HISTORY $2000: Many Civil War battles had 1 name from a river & 1 from a settlement, as in Stones River/Murfreesboro in this state Tennessee


THE RIVER OF HISTORY $400: It was a border of the Roman Empire, & outposts like Singidunum (now Belgrade) were built along it the Danube


THE RIVER OF HISTORY $800: The name of this Michigan waterway that meets up with the Kalamazoo River refers to a fight that involved 4 guys Battle Creek


THE ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM $2000: (Alex reads from the Royal Ontario Museum in Canada.) One of the first history paintings of recent events was Benjamin West's "The Death of" this general at Quebec shortly after his 1759 victory sealed Britain's control over Canada General Wolfe


THE SEVEN SISTERS $1200: Katharine Hepburn majored in history & philosophy at this Seven Sisters school that's just outside Philadelphia Bryn Mawr


THE SEXIEST POTPOURRI EVER $1000: Ohhh yeah... Jared Diamond's book "Guns, Germs and" this examines environmental factors in history Steel


THE SIGHTS YOU'LL SEE! $400: (Sarah of the Clue Crew holds up a rock in front of an exhibit on Rocks from Space at the Harvard Museum of Natural History in Cambridge, MA. The Harvard Museum has many more impressive meteorites but none more interesting. After an explosion blew it free it took about 3 million years to make its way to Earth from this planet that orbits about 50 million miles away Mars


THE SPIRIT OF ST. LOUIS $600: A replica of his Spirit of St. Louis plane that was used in the 1957 movie is on display at the Missouri History Museum Lindbergh


THE TONY AWARDS $400: 2006 was a good year for boys: "The History Boys" won Best Play & this show about the Four Seasons was named Best Musical Jersey Boys


THE TRANSPORTER $400: An aircraft carrier is named for this North Carolina town where history was made in 1903 Kitty Hawk


THE TRUTH LIES THEREIN $600: Old school CBShistory show: "You Are" this There


THE TUDORS $800: Sir Reginald Pole, seen here, doesn't get to be king but was the last Catholic archbishop of this"There is another Catholic with a legitimate claim, a scion of the Plantagenets who ruled before the Tudors and would gladly rule after them." Canterbury


THE U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS $1200: (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from New Orleans, LA.) These stations that could have shortened the Katrina nightmare by lowering water levels largely failed due to power loss; they're being stormproofed with backup generators pumping stations


THE U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS $1600: One project is the "Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction System", this lake "and Vicinity" Lake Pontchartrain


THE U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS $2000: (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from New Orleans, LA.) These structures are being built to withstand 250-mile-per-hour winds, & with the capability to operate canal gates & pumps via satellite; they're called this 4-letter type of room, which will protect the system operators safe


THE U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS $800: The levees USACE is building in the New Orleans area will use enough clay to fill 12 of this local structure opened in 1975 the Superdome


THE VIKING SHIP MUSEUM $1200: A "side scan" type of this helps the museum locate old shipwrecks; sound waves are emitted & bounce back with results sonar


THE VIKING SHIP MUSEUM $1600: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, Denmark.) It is thought the Vikings preserved the wood on ships, and made it watertight, by painting the wood with this product, procured from pine trees tar


THE VIKING SHIP MUSEUM $2000: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, Denmark.) The Sea Stallion is a reconstruction of a ship built of oak from near Glendalough on this island, which suffered its first recorded Viking raids in 795 Ireland


THE VIKING SHIP MUSEUM $400: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from the Viking Ship Museum In Roskilde, Denmark.) In vessels like these, Vikings may have sailed across the Atlantic to America where they ultimately settled in an area they called this Vinland


THE VIKING SHIP MUSEUM $800: (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, Denmark.) No Viking ship has yet been found with well-preserved sail & rigging; sails are recreated using wool or flax, & ropes are often made with the skin of this tusked mammal a walrus


THE VOTES ARE IN $1,800 (Daily Double): This man won a record 1-election total of 525 Electoral College votes for president Ronald Reagan


THE WILD & WOOLLY 1800s $2000: Formed in the 1820s amidst fears of a secretive order, it was the first major third political party in U.S. history the Anti-Masonic Party


THE WORLD AT WAR $1000: Unprepared for this man leading an army force over the Andes in 1817, the Spanish Empire lost Chile & Argentina José de San Martín


THE WORLD TRADE CENTER & GROUND ZERO $400: The tallest of the new buildings, first dubbed theFreedom Tower, will soar this many feet to signify a big year in American history 1,776


THE WRIGHT STUFF $1600: This author's "12 Million Black Voices" is a pictorial history of African Americans Richard Wright


THEATRE HISTORY $1200: The first winners of these didn't get the award we know today: just a scroll & a compact (or a cigarette lighter) the Tony Awards


THEATRE HISTORY $1600: In 1882 his play "Ghosts" had its world premiere in Chicago, not in Oslo, but it was presented in Norwegian Ibsen


THEATRE HISTORY $1600: In the 1580s this Spanish novelist reportedly wrote 20 to 30 plays, but only "The Traffic of Algiers" & "Numantia" survive Cervantes


THEATRE HISTORY $2000: "Radio Golf" is the last play in this "Fences" author's 10-play cycle about the African-American experience August Wilson


THEATRE HISTORY $2000: The play "Our Leading Lady" focuses on Laura Keene, who was starring in this play the night Lincoln was shot Our American Cousin


THEATRE HISTORY $400: New York's Public Theater began staging Shakespeare in the Park in this park in 1962 Central Park


THEATRE HISTORY $400: The 1924 Pulitzer Prize went to a play with the oxymoronic title "Hell-bent Fer" this place Heaven


THEATRE HISTORY $800: Pulcinella, a Commedia dell'arte character, evolved into his pugilistic puppet of 17th century England Punch


THEATRE HISTORY $800: The students who founded this univ.'s Dramatic Society in 1885 included a future Archbishop of Canterbury Oxford


THEY GIVE US GAS $1,000 (Daily Double): The "OurHistory" section of this gas giant's site shows its path from an "Anglo-Persian oil company to global energy group" BP


THEY'RE HISTORY! $1200: In 1959, he gave up the title of chairman of the People's Republic of China but kept control of the country Mao Tse-Tung


THEY'RE HISTORY! $1600: Singular last name of Zebulon, who got a Colorado peak named for him without ever reaching the top Pike


THEY'RE HISTORY! $2000: Brutus called this man, his co-conspirator, "the last of the Romans" Cassius


THEY'RE HISTORY! $400: In 2007 this former VP won the Nobel Peace Prize, sharing it with the intergovernmental panel on climate change Al Gore


THEY'RE HISTORY! $800: In 1869 Elizabeth Cady Stanton & this woman formed the national woman suffrage association (Susan B.) Anthony


THINK YOU KNOW BASEBALL? $400: He hit the first home run in All-Star game history (take a wild guess) Babe Ruth


THINKING ABOUT COLLEGE $1200: Don't just studyhistory, but live & breathe it at this college just steps away from Colonial Williamsburg the College of William and Mary


THIS & THAT $1000: The classical Muses included Melpomene of tragedy, Clio of history & this muse of the waltz & lambada Terpsichore


THIS AMERICAN LIFE $1200: Written into history June 14, 1811, cries uncle with "Cabin" tale, is history July 1, 1896 Harriet Beecher Stowe


THIS YEAR IN HISTORY $1000: 1653: This Izaak Walton ode to piscatory endeavors splashes ashore The Compleat Angler


THIS YEAR IN HISTORY $200: 1969: American Indians begin a 2-year occupation of this island in San Francisco Bay Alcatraz


THIS YEAR IN HISTORY $400: 1770: This man & Seth Warner organize the Green Mountain Boys Ethan Allen


THIS YEAR IN HISTORY $600: 2011: This company founded by a 1941 merger downgrades the USA's long-term credit rating to AA+ Standard & Poor's


THIS YEAR IN HISTORY $800: 1789: This French landmark is stormed & its governor, killed the Bastille


THOMAS JEFFERSON'S READING LIST $800: T.J. recommends Wm. Robertson's "History of Scotland" & David Hume's "History of" this neighboring land England


THUNDER & LIGHTNING $1600: Upon seeing "The Birth of a Nation" in 1915, this president said, "It is like writing history with lightning" Wilson


TIME IS ON MY SIDE $200: The longest reigning monarch in history may be this country's Neferkare, said to have ruled for over 90 years Egypt


TO MAKE A SHORT STORY SHORT $400: In this "Red Badge" author's "A History of Heroism", Collins risks his life for a bucket of water-- that gets spilled Stephen Crane


TONY AWARD WINNERS $400: In 2006 "The HistoryBoys" won for Best Play & this other show with "Boys" in the title won for Best Musical Jersey Boys


TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL $400: According to this prophet's "History", an angel appeared at his bedside & told him where to find the gold plates Joseph Smith


TOURING EUROPEAN CAPITALS $600: Thrill to thehistory of Zamek Krolewski, this city's royal castle Warsaw


TRANSPORTATION $2000: This motorcycle co. whose factory 100 years ago was "The Wigwam" is once again in business after a bumpy history Indian


TREBEKS IN ART HISTORY $1000: Oh, Cousin Alain, you had no business in this man's "Impression, Sunrise"--probably why you didn't make the final cut (Claude) Monet


TREBEKS IN ART HISTORY $200: An anonymousancestor of mine appears in one of the paintings in Niaux, this type of place a cave


TREBEKS IN ART HISTORY $400: Uncle Al's head got a little swelled around 1508 after doing a test for this artist Michelangelo


TREBEKS IN ART HISTORY $600: Around 1600, distant cousin Aristotle sat in for a cardinal for this Spanish artist El Greco


TREBEKS IN ART HISTORY $800: There's good oldAdelberg Trebek, but this Dutchman just used al as amodel for 1654's "Jan Six" Rembrandt


U.S. CITY HISTORY $1200: This Kentucky city's name dates back to 1775, when settlers on the site heard about the Revolutionary War's 1st battle Lexington


U.S. CITY HISTORY $1600: Indianapolis was laid out in a wheel pattern inspired by this other major city some 500 miles away Washington, D.C.


U.S. CITY HISTORY $2,000 (Daily Double): It was uninhabited when it was chosen as a terr. capital in 1836 & named for a president who died that year Madison, Wisconsin


U.S. CITY HISTORY $2000: This city on the Columbia River traces its origins to a fur-trading post established by a certain John Jacob's men Astoria


U.S. CITY HISTORY $4,000 (Daily Double): It was officially declared the capital of a kingdom 109 years before it became a state capital Honolulu


U.S. CITY HISTORY $400: 2 months before the Declaration of Independence, the Rhode Island Independence Act was signed in this city Providence


U.S. CITY HISTORY $400: Once known as Lake's Crossing, it's the place where many folks have crossed from marriage to divorce Reno


U.S. CITY HISTORY $800: During WWII, this city was the headquarters of the Alaska Defense Command Anchorage


U.S. CITY HISTORY $800: This Missouri city wasn't named for Scott or Janis but for Rev. Harris G., an early settler there Joplin


U.S. HISTORY $1,000 (Daily Double): Founded in 1886, it became the major rival of the Edison Electric Company Westinghouse


U.S. HISTORY $1,500 (Daily Double): Seen here, he was the earliest president ever to be photographed, & the first to have a middle name John Quincy Adams


U.S. HISTORY $1000: In October 1973 he resigned as vice president & pleaded no contest to one count of income tax evasion Spiro Agnew


U.S. HISTORY $1000: Stephen Douglas proposed the act that repealed the Missouri Compromise & created these 2 territories Kansas & Nebraska


U.S. HISTORY $1200: The 1914 Bryan-Chamorro Treaty gave the U.S. the right to build a canal across this country NW of Panama Nicaragua


U.S. HISTORY $1600: In November 1903 troops from the U.S.S. Nashville were used to stop Colombians from reaching this now-capital city Panama City


U.S. HISTORY $2000: Charles Evans Hughes was picked to represent the U.S. at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in this city in 1926 The Hague


U.S. HISTORY $2000: William McGuffey compiled his first one in 1836 a reader


U.S. HISTORY $200: In 1963 he spoke of his "dream" that his children would one day "not be judged by the color of their skin" Martin Luther King, Jr.


U.S. HISTORY $200: When this federal standard went into effect in 1938, it was 25 cents per hour; today, it's $7.25 the minimum wage


U.S. HISTORY $400: A devastating earthquake & fire in this city in 1906 caused 3,000 deaths & $400 million in damages San Francisco


U.S. HISTORY $400: At Jefferson Davis' suggestion, in 1855 Congress bought some of these animals from Egypt for the Southwest camels


U.S. HISTORY $400: In 1884 the Central Labor Union selected the first Monday in this month for their "workingmen's holiday" September


U.S. HISTORY $400: On August 21, 1959 it became our 50th state Hawaii


U.S. HISTORY $6,000 (Daily Double): 1967 saw the amendment on presidential succession pass & this future V.P. become governor of Maryland Spiro Agnew


U.S. HISTORY $600: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.) Returning from their 1804 through 1805 expedition, these two men split up: one sought a shortcut from the mountains to the Missouri; the other explored the Yellowstone River Lewis & Clark


U.S. HISTORY $800: Franklin Pierce's hope for glory in this war ended when he was thrown from his horse & injured the Mexican-American War


U.S. HISTORY $800: In 1800 these 2 men tied for electoral votes & the House had to decide the outcome Jefferson & Aaron Burr


U.S. HISTORY $800: It's the period, 1920 to 1933, when alcoholic beverages were illegal Prohibition


U.S. HISTORY $800: This president's second inaugural address was 135 words long; he had us at "Fellow citizens" Washington


U.S. MUSEUMS $800: (Sarah of the Clue Crew maps out the narrow hallway of a museum.) As this society has a long history of publishing maps & sponsoring exploration, it makes sense that maps were the theme of a major 2007 exhibit at its museum, Explorer's Hall National Geographic


U.S. VOLCANOES $1600: The May 18, 1980 eruption of this volcano & a 5.1 earthquake caused the largest landslide in recorded history Mt. St. Helens


U.S.A. TOUR $600: At a factory & museum in Eden, New York you'll learn the history of this toy instrument heard here the kazoo


VICE PRESIDENTS $1000: This Kentuckian was 71 when he became Truman's vice president in 1949, the oldest VP in history Alben Barkley


VIDEO GAME HISTORY $1000: In December 2002 Will Wright moved these virtual people "online" the Sims


VIDEO GAME HISTORY $200: It was joystick to the world in 1977 when this company released its 2600 system Atari


VIDEO GAME HISTORY $400: In 1984 this 76er & Larry Bird went "one-on-one" for the Commodore 64 Dr. J


VIDEO GAME HISTORY $800: OK chums, Deathwing the Dragon has caused a "cataclysm" on Azeroth in a 2010 expansion of this massive game World of Warcraft


WALT DISNEY $600: Walt has more Oscars than anyone else in history, including the unique one for this 1937 classic Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs


WAR $200: Henry V & Joan of Arc both fought in this war considered the longest in history the Hundred Years' War


WAR $200: The biggest war in history was this one involving 61 countries & more than 110 million soldiers World War II


WAR $600: In the biggest amphibious invasion in history, 350,000 troops invaded this historic region in 1944 Normandy


WE GO WAY BACK $400: Between 770 & 476 B.C., a time of struggle is called the Spring & Autumn Period in this Asian country's history China


WE GOTTA GO $4,000 (Daily Double): Catching up on Mayan history is a treat in this most populous Central American nation; about half of the people are Mayan Guatemala


WE HAVE MET THE ANIME $2000: One of the highest-grossing films in Japanese history is the anime film about this title 14th c. princess Princess Mononoke


WE HELP WITH YOUR COLLEGE APPLICATION $200: I revel in the history of this Ivy League school, founded 16 years after the arrival of the Pilgrims Harvard


WE REWRITE HISTORY! $1000: 2 people, please: in 1911 Paula Abdul won a Nobel for chemistry, after sharing a physics Nobel with hubby Richard Simmons Marie & Pierre Curie


WE REWRITE HISTORY! $200: In 1589 Kevin Federline became a professor at the University of Pisa & taught mathematics Galileo


WE REWRITE HISTORY! $400: In 1986 Emeril Lagasse became Chief Justice of the U.S.; Bam! Rehnquist


WE REWRITE HISTORY! $600: Lenny Dykstra became emperor of Japan in 1926 & his reign was designated Showa, or "Enlightened Peace" Hirohito


WE REWRITE HISTORY! $800: Jessica Simpson's oeuvre includes 1996's "The Same River Twice" &, of course, the Pulitzer-winning "The Color Purple" Alice Walker


WEATHER HISTORY $1200: With these instruments, Blaise Pascal proved that air pressure is reduced with altitude a barometer


WEATHER HISTORY $2000: It was proposed in 1902 that radio waves bounce back to Earth from an electrified layer of the atmosphere later termed this the ionosphere


WEATHER HISTORY $3,000 (Daily Double): In 1944 bombers at high altitude were speedily propelled forward--what's now called this 2-word phenomenon a jet stream


WEATHER HISTORY $400: In 1869 Cleveland Abbe began predicting storms & became the first to offer daily these forecasts


WEATHER HISTORY $800: In the late 18th century, Antoine Lavoisier determined that air is mostly this element nitrogen


WEB CEREALS $1000: The co. history at this cereal's .com tells of its 1945 name change--it used to end in "-oats" but lost the "at" Cheerios


WEBSITES $400: historywired.si.edu gives a glimpse of some of the 3 million objects in storage at the National Museum of this American History


WELLS $800: In chapter 7 of this work, the dormouse tells the history of a family that lived at the bottom of a well made of treacle Alice in Wonderland


WHEN THEY WERE TEENS $800: Angie Harmon was inhistory class when she found out that she'd won this teen magazine's cover model contest Seventeen


WHERE IN THE WORLD IS SAN DIEGO? $1000: In Presidio Park, a museum named for this Franciscan missionary has exhibits on early San Diego historyJunípero Serra


WHO SAYS $800 (Daily Double): Malignant melanoma, which is on the rise, is strongly related to one's history of this painful affliction sunburn


WINGS $400: Missouri businessmen financed Charles LIndbergh, allowing him to buy this plane in which he made history The Spirit of St. Louis


WOMEN IN HISTORY $1200: After Julia Ward Howe heard Union soldiers singing "John Brown's Body", she wrote this song to the same tune "The Battle Hymn of the Republic"


WOMEN IN HISTORY $1600: St. Thomas' Hospital, where she founded a training school for nurses in 1860, is now home to her museum Florence Nightingale


WOMEN IN HISTORY $2000: In the late 1940s she founded a female branch of her husband's political party in Argentina Eva Peron


WOMEN IN HISTORY $400: Before she was First Lady, this woman from New England was the wife of the first U.S. vice president Abigail Adams


WOMEN IN HISTORY $800: She was the only surviving child of Henry VIII's first wife Mary Tudor


WOMEN'S FIRSTS $800: In 2007 Drew Gilpin Faust became the first female president in this university's 371-year history Harvard


WOMEN'S SPORTS HISTORY $1,600 (Daily Double): 1567: She is said to have been the first woman to play golf Mary, Queen of Scots


WOMEN'S SPORTS HISTORY $1000: 1932: At the AAU National Track & Field Meet, she wins the team championship single-handedly (Babe Didrikson) Zaharias


WOMEN'S SPORTS HISTORY $200: Around 1875, this woman beats her future husband, marksman Frank Butler, in a shooting match Annie Oakley


WOMEN'S SPORTS HISTORY $400: 1950: 12 year-old Kathryn Johnston becomes the first girl to play in this sports organization Little League (Baseball)


WOMEN'S SPORTS HISTORY $800: 1937: Entering a mostly male domain, Conchita Cintron begins her career as one of these in Mexico a bullfighter


WORD WORDS $800: If you want to study the history of words, try this, from the Greek for "true sense of a word" etymology


WORDS IN HISTORY $1600: It means to raise something mechanically, like a flag hoist


WORDS IN HISTORY $2000: It's a member of the British Conservative Party, m'lord a Tory


WORDS IN HISTORY $400: A group of 3, musically a trio


WORDS IN HISTORY $800: A violent public crowd disorder riot


WORLD CAPITAL HISTORY $1000: Prospering under Tatar rule & expanding as it intersected trade routes, this city became a capital in the 15th century Moscow


WORLD CAPITAL HISTORY $200: This city was just a regional capital before Kublai Khan made it, for the first time, the political center of the nation Beijing


WORLD CAPITAL HISTORY $400: The military & administrative center of the Aztecs became this capital of the colony of New Spain Mexico City


WORLD CAPITAL HISTORY $600: An oasis that was the residence of the Ibn Saud family, it became the capital when the country was formed in 1932 Riyadh


WORLD CAPITAL HISTORY $800: This North African city was once a Roman fortress named Babylon; the Mamelukes made it an African capital Cairo


WORLD HISTORY $1,200 (Daily Double): Called the "Sick Man of Europe" in the early 20th century, this empire collapsed just after WWI the Ottoman Empire


WORLD HISTORY $1000: In 1819 Sir Stamford Raffles of this company established a post at Singapore Harbor for Britain the British East India Company


WORLD HISTORY $1000: In 1923 France & Belgium occupied this German industrial region named for a Rhine tributary the Ruhr


WORLD HISTORY $1000: In 601 the Lombards destroyed this Italian city, home to a shrewish Kate, but it made a quick comeback Padua


WORLD HISTORY $1000: J.J. Dessalines, who bore scars from his master's whip, wanted to kill all whites on his island, now called this Hispaniola


WORLD HISTORY $1200: In 1816 Shaka became leader of this African people & embarked on a program of conquest Zulu


WORLD HISTORY $1200: In 1885 this country's Leopold II established the Congo Free State as his own personal property Belgium


WORLD HISTORY $1200: In Italy in the 1920s, you wore a black shirt to identify yourself as a member of this party the Fascist party


WORLD HISTORY $1200: In the 1540s John Calvin made this Swiss city a center of Protestant might Geneva


WORLD HISTORY $1200: Now in Poland, in 1361 this shipbuilding city became a member of the Hanseatic League Gdansk


WORLD HISTORY $1200: Overthrown by the revolution of 9 Thermidor, he died on the guillotine, ending the Reign of Terror Robespierre


WORLD HISTORY $1200: She died at Fontevrault in 1204, having survived 2 husbands: Louis VII & Henry II Eleanor of Aquitaine


WORLD HISTORY $1200: The Glorious Revolution of 1688 brought this Dutchman to power as king of England, Scotland, & Ireland William of Orange


WORLD HISTORY $1600: Archduke Franz Ferdinand's assassin, Gavrilo Princip, was a member of this "dark" Serbian terrorist group the Black Hand


WORLD HISTORY $1600: Around 2500 B.C. the Harappan Civilization sprung up around this river in Pakistan & nothwestern India the Indus


WORLD HISTORY $1600: In 1368 the Chinese told this dynasty, also called the Yuan, you Khan go now the Mongol


WORLD HISTORY $1600: In 1935, under U.S. rule, it became a commonwealth with Manuel Quezon as president the Philippines


WORLD HISTORY $1600: In the 5th century B.C., this Greek historian wrote that it took 100,000 men 20 years to complete the Great Pyramid Herodotus


WORLD HISTORY $1600: Once known as the Gold Coast, it was the first member of the Commonwealth of Nations governed by Black Africans Ghana


WORLD HISTORY $1600: Richard I negotiated a treaty with this Saracen, allowing Christian pilgrims to enter Jerusalem freely Saladin


WORLD HISTORY $2000: An economic crisis forced this Indonesian leader to resign on May 21, 1998, ending 32 years of autocratic rule Suharto


WORLD HISTORY $2000: At the Battle of Lewes in 1264, this king & his son Edward were defeated & captured by Simon de Montfort Henry III


WORLD HISTORY $2000: At the urging of this general now on the 5-peso note, Argentina declared its independence from Spain July 9, 1816 (Jose de) San Martin


WORLD HISTORY $2000: In 1669 this loose confederation of North German cities met for the last time the Hanseatic League


WORLD HISTORY $2000: It's been estimated that this grand inquisitor put to death about 2,000 people during his term of office, 1483-1498 (Tomás de) Torquemada


WORLD HISTORY $2000: The Pragmatic Sanction gave this Holy Roman Empress the legal right to inherit her father's territories Maria Teresa


WORLD HISTORY $2000: This founder of the Mughal Dynasty gained control of Delhi & Agra after victory in the 1526 Battle of Panipat Babur


WORLD HISTORY $200: Have you heard the latest buzz? The Mayans domesticated this native insect the bee


WORLD HISTORY $200: In 1271 he left Venice for the Far East with his father & uncle; 24 years later, he finally made it back home Marco Polo


WORLD HISTORY $200: In July 1962 this Soviet leader began building missile sites in Cuba; in October, the U.S. noticed them Khrushchev


WORLD HISTORY $200: The Geneva Accords of 1954 split this SE Asian country in 2 at 17 degrees North latitude Vietnam


WORLD HISTORY $200: The city of Leipzig, now in this country, was the site of an 1813 battle called the greatest clash of arms before WWI Germany


WORLD HISTORY $200: This ancient city grew powerful in part because the Tiber provides a convenient route to the sea 15 miles away Rome


WORLD HISTORY $3,000 (Daily Double): Effective January 1, 1948, Italy's new constitution outlawed this political party the Fascist Party


WORLD HISTORY $4,000 (Daily Double): Count de Chabrol really liked to count; he coined this term for Napoleon's brief return, March 20 - July 8, 1815 the Hundred Days


WORLD HISTORY $400: Government House in Nassau has a statue of this man believed to have first made landfall in the Bahamas Columbus


WORLD HISTORY $400: In 1071 the Seljuk Turks, who practiced this religion, defeated the Byzantine Army at the Battle of Manzikert Islam


WORLD HISTORY $400: In 1770 Capt. James Cook became the first European to sight Australia's fertile east coast, which he named "New" this South Wales


WORLD HISTORY $400: In the 3rd century B.C., during the reign of Shih Huang Ti, at least 1 million slaves were used to build this the Great Wall


WORLD HISTORY $400: In the first major charity event of its kind, a concert was held Aug. 1, 1971 to raise money for this country Bangladesh


WORLD HISTORY $400: The August 1819 Battle of Boyaca in Colombia convinced the bulk of the Spanish royalist army to surrender to him Bolívar


WORLD HISTORY $400: The allies began the invasion of Italy on July 10, 1943 by landing on this island Sicily


WORLD HISTORY $400: Thessaly, the land from which this Argonaut leader set out, also had a 4th century B.C. ruler of that name Jason


WORLD HISTORY $400: This Hun got an annual tribute of 2,100 pounds of gold from the Romans Attila


WORLD HISTORY $5,000 (Daily Double): By 1833 Spain had lost all of its empire in the New World except Cuba & this island; 65 years later, it lost those, too Puerto Rico


WORLD HISTORY $600: In 1200 Africa's Shona people had a mighty city called "Great" this, adopted in 1979 as Rhodesia's new name Zimbabwe


WORLD HISTORY $600: In 1950, 2 years into his long dictatorship, he invaded South Korea Kim Il-sung


WORLD HISTORY $600: In a 1587 edict, Boris Godunov bound these to the land they worked on by forbidding their trade serfs


WORLD HISTORY $600: Ruling from 1764 to 1795, Stanislaus II was the last king of this country Poland


WORLD HISTORY $600: This Cairo square was the heart of the 18 days of protest that toppled Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak in 2011 Tarir Square


WORLD HISTORY $800 (Daily Double): In the 1939-1940 "Winter War", the vast Soviet war machine was unleashed against this smaller country Finland


WORLD HISTORY $800: "Finlandization" entered the language to mean official neutrality under the influence of this country the USSR


WORLD HISTORY $800: (Cheryl of the Clue Crew reports from the Ginza in Tokyo.) Not much keeps the spirit of Tokyo down; this event in 1923 basically destroyed the city, but it was completely rebuilt in 1930 an earthquake


WORLD HISTORY $800: (Sarah of the Clue Crew narrates from Lima, Peru.) The Plaza Mayor, Lima's main square since colonial days, was used for executions during the time of this tribunal that began in Peru around 1568 the Inquisition


WORLD HISTORY $800: Around 4,500 years ago, the bronze age Minoan civilization emerged on this Mediterranean island Crete


WORLD HISTORY $800: Cities like Copan thrived in this Mesoamerican civilization's Classic Period, until about 900 the Maya


WORLD HISTORY $800: Columbus was the first European to reach S. America, landing at the mouth of the Orinoco in what's now this country Venezuela


WORLD HISTORY $800: During World War II, this queen of the Netherlands headed her government-in-exile from London Wilhelmina


WORLD HISTORY $800: In 1488 this king of Spain sent 100 Moorish slaves to Pope Innocent VIII who gave them as gifts to Cardinals Ferdinand


WORLD HISTORY $800: In 1606, Willem Janszoon landed on Cape York Peninsula, becoming the 1st European to visit this continent Australia


WORLD HISTORY $800: In 1910 Korea was annexed by this country that held it for the next 35 years Japan


WORLD HISTORY $800: More than a million died in this country's civil war that ended with the death of Carranza in 1920 Mexico


WORLD HISTORY $800: This King of Aragon freed the Catalan Serfs in 1486 & captured Granada in 1492 King Ferdinand


WORLD HISTORY $800: Zinoviev & Pyatakov were 2 victims of the 1930s proceedings called these trials due to their being public show trials


WORLD UP! $2000: In 1980 Luis Garcia Meza took power in this landlocked S. Amer. country that's had more than 180 coups in its history Bolivia


WORLD WAR I $800: In the 1st raid of its kind in history, the British town of Yarmouth was bombed in 1915 by a German one of these a Zeppelin


WRITTEN BEHIND BARS $1600: While imprisoned in the Tower of London, this Elizabethan courtier began writing a "History of the World" (Walter) Raleigh


WRITTEN BY ANONYMOUS $2,000 (Daily Double): Work thought to be by an 8th C. East Anglican poet who fused Scandinavian history with Christian elements Beowulf


YANKEE STADIUM $400: History ain't what it used to be: 2 No. 8's are on Yankee Stadium's retired Nos. wall, Bill Dickey's & this malaprop-master's Yogi Berra


YES, SIR! $400: Knighted in 1585, from 1603 to 1616 he was imprisoned in the Tower of London & wrote his world history there Sir Walter Raleigh


YOU GET A "D" $200: Curl up on a desert island with his "Political History of the Devil" or "Robinson Crusoe" Daniel Defoe


YOU GET AN "A" $400: ...in American History, if you know that this man was the only U.S. President named Chester Arthur


YOU PICKED A FINE TIME $1600: We had pleasant sensations learning about this era in U.S. history covering President Monroe's 2 terms "Era of Good Feelings"


YOU'RE HISTORY! $1000: On Feb. 1, 1587 Elizabeth I reluctantly signed this royal woman's death warrant Mary (Queen of Scots)


YOU'RE HISTORY! $1000: This future U.S. president graduated from West Point in 1915, 61st in a class of 164 President Eisenhower


YOU'RE HISTORY! $1000: When Alexander the Great became king, this tutor of his returned to Athens & founded his Lyceum Aristotle


YOU'RE HISTORY! $1200: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew delivers the clue from Mount Vernon.) This is where Washington planned for this 1781 battle, one of the most skillful military operations in history Yorktown


YOU'RE HISTORY! $2,000 (Daily Double): At age 70, this Athenian was put on trial for "not believing in the gods the state believes in" Socrates


YOU'RE HISTORY! $2000: The only monarch representing a state in the National Statuary Hall represents this state Hawaii


YOU'RE HISTORY! $200: Born in Caracas in 1783, he's been called the "George Washington of South America" (Simón) Bolívar


YOU'RE HISTORY! $200: Godfrey of Bouillon was a leader of the First Crusade & was elected ruler of this city after its capture Jerusalem


YOU'RE HISTORY! $200: Heads up! This 16th century British king had 6 wives & a Tudor garage King Henry VIII


YOU'RE HISTORY! $250 (Daily Double): Hold the phone! said Elisha Gray & Thomas Edison, who both sued this Scottish-born inventor (& lost) Alexander Graham Bell


YOU'RE HISTORY! $400: Around 1325 B.C. this boy king was buried in a gold mask inside 4 coffins, one of which was made of gold King Tut


YOU'RE HISTORY! $400: In 1703 he founded a city that served as Russia's capital until 1918 Peter the Great


YOU'RE HISTORY! $400: Pictured here as a young man, this emperor remained an avid marine biologist throughout his life Hirohito


YOU'RE HISTORY! $400: This fighter for a woman's right to vote died in 1906, 14 years before the 19th Amendment made her dream a reality Susan B. Anthony


YOU'RE HISTORY! $600: In 45 B.C. this Roman's army defeated the 2 sons of Pompey; it would be his final battle Julius Caesar


YOU'RE HISTORY! $600: In April 1945 this leader & his mistress were executed at Lake Como Mussolini


YOU'RE HISTORY! $600: Known as the father of the Keystone State, he also fathered 14 children William Penn


YOU'RE HISTORY! $800: In 1542 this 50ish SWK (single white king) was looking for lucky wife No. 6 King Henry VIII


YOU'RE HISTORY! $800: In 1909 The New York Times helped sponsor this man's race to the North Pole in return for exclusive reports (Robert) Peary


YOU'RE HISTORY! $800: This Borgia died in 1519 from childbirth complications, leaving behind at least 5 other kids Lucretia


YOUNG ACTORS $2,400 (Daily Double): This "Harry Potter" actress made history in 2005 as the youngest ever to grace the cover of Teen Vogue Emma Watson


YOUR NEW CLASS SCHEDULE $200: History: Study up on this ship that anchored in Plymouth Harbor on Dec. 26, 1620 the Mayflower


THE ASSASSINATION OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN $200: (Alex walks the stage of Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C.) President Lincoln arrived late at Ford's Theatre; the show was already under way, but when he was spotted walking down the stairs toward the presidential box, everything here stopped; then the orchestra struck up "Hail To The Chief", the audience gave him a thunderous round of applause, the president waved & bowed, & then the performance of this play continued Our American Cousin


THE ASSASSINATION OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN $400: (Alex stands on the stage of Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C.) Police work in those days could be a little bit shoddy: hours after the murder, a man named William Kent came back to the presidential box looking for his keys; what he found was the murder weapon, the small .44-caliber single-shot pistol bearing the name of this Philadelphia gunsmith who invented it Henry Deringer


20th CENTURY HISTORY $1600: Look to the heavens & name this duffer seen here in 1971 Alan Shepard


20th CENTURY HISTORY $2000: He witnessed the ends of the Earth while accompanying seven expeditions to the Arctic Matthew Henson


20th CENTURY HISTORY $200: The British shortened this term to "bolshie", which also came to mean stubborn & uncooperative bolshevik


20th CENTURY HISTORY $3,600 (Daily Double): It's the year of the promised return seen here. 1944


20th CENTURY HISTORY $400: Around 1950 3 Southeast Asian states were given some autonomy, ending the union known as French this Indochina


A STUDENT OF HISTORY $400: History was his thing in college; now he's the USA's Chief Justice (John) Roberts


A STUDENT OF HISTORY $800: George W. Bush graduated from this Ivy League university with a B.A. inhistory Yale


AFRICAN AMERICANS $200: In 2010 this Lakers guard became the youngest player in NBA history to reach 25,000 points Kobe Bryant


AMERICAN HISTORY $2,000 (Daily Double): In 1638 he organized the first Baptist Church in America in Providence, Rhode Island Roger Williams


ANCIENT HISTORY $400: Babylon was united in the 18th century B.C. under this Amorite king best known for his legal pronouncements Hammurabi


ANCIENT HISTORY $400: His father told him to "Seek out a kingdom worthy of thyself, for Macedonia is too little for thee" Alexander the Great


ANCIENT HISTORY $400: Much of what is known about Babylonian society comes from this 18th century B.C. king's code Hammurabi


ANCIENT HISTORY $400: The first one of these tombs was built about 2650 B.C. by Imhotep for King Zoser & rose about 200 feet using steps a pyramid (the pyramids accepted)


ANCIENT HISTORY $400: This Thracian gladiator organized a revolt of gladiators & slaves & defeated 2 Roman armies in 72 B.C. Spartacus


ANCIENT HISTORY $600: In 1700 B.C. the palace of Knossos on this Minoan island was destroyed by an earthquake Crete


ANCIENT HISTORY $600: In 337 A.D. this first Christian Roman emperor abolished crucifixion as a form of execution Constantine


ANCIENT HISTORY $600: In 509 B.C. the Romans drove out these darn invaders from the north & established the Roman Republic Etruscans


ANCIENT HISTORY $800: The son of Suddhodana, a wealthy ruler, he was born in what's now Nepal around 563 B.C. Buddha


ENTERTAINMENT HISTORY $2000: Cathy Lewis was this title character paired with Fibber McGee on a '50s TV show based on a hit radio show Molly


ENTERTAINMENT HISTORY $400: Born William Claude Dukenfield, he's supposed to have said, "Anyone who hates children and dogs can't be all bad" W.C. Fields


ENTERTAINMENT HISTORY $800: Dance style of brothers & Kennedy Center honorees Fayard & Harold Nicholas tap


EUROPEAN HISTORY $400: Beginning around 697 A.D., it was the title of the leader of the Venetian Republic doge


MODERN CHINESE HISTORY $2000: Big newsmakers in 1954, Quemoy & this island off of Red China are still held by Taiwan today Matsu


MUSIC & HISTORY $400: "Belgium Put the Kibosh on the Kaiser" was made popular during this war World War I


SCHOOL OF ROCK $1600: The Ramones, about this title institute of learning: "Well, I don't care about history" "Rock 'n' Roll High School"


THAT'S ANCIENT HISTORY! $200: Around 447 B.C. this group led by the "Scourge of God" devastated the Balkans & drove south into Greece the Huns


THAT'S HISTORY, KIDS! $200: April 14, 1828: Noah Webster publishes this type of book a dictionary


THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE $800: 1952: Paul Zoll develops the first of these cardiac aids that help control an irregular heartbeat a pacemaker


THEATRE HISTORY $1200: In classic commedia dell'arte, many characters wore these on their faces, but the lovers did not masks


U.S. CITY HISTORY $1200: It was Arizona's territorial capital from 1867 to 1877, & a university was founded there in 1885 Tucson


VIDEO GAME HISTORY $600: id Software says hardcore PC games went mainstream in 1994 when it unleashed this fatal-sounding game Doom


WORDS IN HISTORY $1200: Hector's home in mythology Troy


WORLD HISTORY $1000: In 1793 the Committee of Public Safety would try people & execute them by this method all in the same day the guillotine


WORLD HISTORY $400: In 1871 the Treaty of Frankfurt ended the war between France & this German state, led by Bismarck Prussia


WORLD HISTORY $400: In 73 B.C. this Thracian gladiator began a 2-year slave revolt against Roman rule Spartacus


WORLD HISTORY $400: In 896 Prince Arpad led the Magyar people over the Carpathians & entered this land, their permanent home Hungary


WORLD HISTORY $400: On Feb. 18, 2008 the U.S. recognized this new Balkan state Kosovo


WORLD HISTORY $400: The 843 Treaty of Verdun divided his empire; grandson Louis II received lands east of the Rhine River Charlemagne


this is


"TIME"LY WORDS $1000: "Army Wives" is the most-watched original series in this cable network's 25-yearhistory Lifetime


"W"ORLD HISTORY $1000: Signed in 1648, the peace of this historic German region ended the Thirty Years' War Westphalia


"W"ORLD HISTORY $200: In 1900 they made historywith a glider that had a new feature: a horizontal front rudder for pitch control the Wright Brothers


"W"ORLD HISTORY $400: This duke of Bohemia spread Christianity, was martyred & is remembered in a Christmas carol as a "good king" Wenceslas


"W"ORLD HISTORY $600: It's what the "W" stands for in WPA, a New Deal program FDR created for the unemployed in 1935 Works


"W"ORLD HISTORY $800: This English cardinal died Nov. 29, 1530, on the way to face treason charges Wolsey


1840 $400: The second-deadliest tornado in U.S. historykills 317 as it destroys this state's city of Natchez Mississippi


18th CENTURY HISTORY IN ART $1200: Seen here, Nader Shah of what's now this Mideastern land loved conquering places like Bahrain and Oman Iran


18th CENTURY HISTORY IN ART $2,000 (Daily Double): Now hanging in the Capitol, the 20th-century work seenhere depicts a scene in this building in 1787 Independence Hall


18th CENTURY HISTORY IN ART $2000: The battle hereis off South Africa in 1757 during this conflict that's been called the "real first world war" The Seven Years' War


18th CENTURY HISTORY IN ART $400: William Hodges, official artist to this captain and explorer, painted "Tahitian War Canoes" in 1774 (Captain) Cook


18th CENTURY HISTORY IN ART $800: Here, army officer Rouget de Lisle tries out this new patriotic song he's written in 1792 "The Marseillaise"


19, 20, 21 & 22 $200: He was only 21 when he won the 1997 Masters golf tournament by 12 strokes, the biggest margin in its history Tiger Woods


21st CENTURY HISTORY $1000: In 2004 7 countries that were once Soviet allies were admitted as new members of this military alliance NATO


1960s SPORTS LEGENDS $1000: On August 1, 1964 this man nicknamed "Big Daddy" became the first in drag racing history to exceed 200 mph Don Garlits


1990s HISTORY $1000: A 51-day standoff between the feds & Branch Davidians took place in 1993 near this seat of McLennan County, Texas Waco


1990s HISTORY $200: On Aug. 2, 1990 this nation invaded Kuwait & within 48 hours, had complete control; didn't last Iraq


1990s HISTORY $400: Let me tell you something, McMahon! In 1999 he joined "the body" politic & became governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura


1990s HISTORY $600: The British government returned this "Stone of Destiny" to Edinburgh in 1996 the Stone of Scone


1990s HISTORY $800: In 1997 he became the U.N.'s first secretary-general from sub-Saharan Africa; in 2012 he tried to make peace in Syria Kofi Annan


19th CENTURY AMERICAN HISTORY $1600: In 1888 this type of ballot based on a type from overseas was first used in a U.S. local election in Louisville, Ky. the Australian or secret ballot


21st CENTURY HISTORY $1000: Way back in 2005, & 10 years after an assassination attempt, he was reelected president of Egypt (Hosni) Mubarak


21st CENTURY HISTORY $200: In 2001 she became the first first lady to win elective office, becoming a senator from N.Y. Hillary Clinton


19th CENTURY AMERICAN HISTORY $2,000 (Daily Double): In 1866 the Supreme Court said this military rule may not be in place when the civil courts are functioning martial law


19th CENTURY AMERICAN HISTORY $2000: In 1816 this naval officer & victor against the Barbary pirates gave the toast "Our country, right or wrong" Stephen Decatur


19th CENTURY AMERICAN HISTORY $400: The earliest American play about this wife of John Rolfe was "The Indian Princess", performed in 1808 Pocahontas


19th CENTURY AMERICAN HISTORY $800: On April 17, 1824 this country signed a treaty agreeing that 54 degrees, 40 minutes N. latitude was the southern limit of its claim Russia


19th CENTURY HISTORY $1000: During this war, the Allies took Sevastopol on September 9, 1855 the Crimean War


19th CENTURY HISTORY $200: In 1889 this island joined up with Tobago as a single colony Trinidad


19th CENTURY HISTORY $400: This "wild" guy was hired as the marshal of Abilene in 1871 Bill Hickok


19th CENTURY HISTORY $600: In 1827 Allan Cunningham became the first European to explore this continent's Darling Downs Australia


19th CENTURY HISTORY $800: In the 1870s this U.S. political party was split between the Stalwarts & the Half-Breeds the Republican Party


2001: A SPORTS ODYSSEY $2000: This Aussie lliving llegend became the youngest year-end No. 1 in men's tennis history Lleyton Hewitt


2001: A SPORTS ODYSSEY $400: As GM of this team, Michael Jordan made history by picking high schooler Kwame Brown No. 1 in the NBA draft the Washington Wizards


20th CENTURY CHINA $200: The founding of this party on July 1, 1921 opened a pivotal period in Chinese politics & history the Communist Party


20th CENTURY FOX HISTORY $1600: The bombing of Pearl Harbor is featured in this Richard Fleischer epic! epic! epic! Tora! Tora! Tora!


20th CENTURY FOX HISTORY $2,400 (Daily Double): The bombing of the city of Darwin is featured in this Baz Luhrmann epic Australia


20th CENTURY FOX HISTORY $2000: In this 1952 film assassins gun down the title Mexican revolutionary but miss his horse Viva Zapata!


20th CENTURY FOX HISTORY $400: 10 years after Newman & Redford, Tom Berenger & William Katt played this duo in their early days Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid


20th CENTURY FOX HISTORY $800: In "History of the World, Part I" he plays a waiter at the Last Supper & asks if the diners want separate checks Mel Brooks


20th CENTURY HISTORY $1000: The Nazis may have contrived the February 1933 burning of this parliament building, giving them more control the Reichstag


20th CENTURY HISTORY $400: It's the city where the heroic action seen here took place in 1989. Beijing


20th CENTURY HISTORY $600: Support from laborers called descamisados, "shirtless ones", brought him to power in Argentina in 1946 Juan Peron


20th CENTURY HISTORY $800: He's the man seen heretrying to reassure us in March 1981 [Video: "Now, I am in control ...] Alexander Haig


20th CENTURY HISTORY $800: The 1992 Olympics in this Spanish city were the first boycott-free summer games in 20 years Barcelona


"C" IN HISTORY $800: In 1614 explorer Adriaen Block claimed what is now this U.S. state for the Dutch Connecticut


"CH"ECK THE NAME $400: Politician & author of "AHistory of the English-Speaking Peoples" Churchill


"D" MEN OF HISTORY $1200: This man who lost the 1948 presidential election was referred to as "the little man on the wedding cake" (Thomas) Dewey


"D" MEN OF HISTORY $1600: This U.S. mayor who died in 1976 was called the "last of the big-city bosses" (Richard) Daley


"D" MEN OF HISTORY $3,000 (Daily Double): The topic of the paper he gave to the Manchester Literary & Philosophical Society in 1794 was color blindness John Dalton


"D" MEN OF HISTORY $400: In 1581 this world-circumnavigating sailor was made the mayor of Plymouth, England Sir Francis Drake


"D" MEN OF HISTORY $800: Tsangyang Gyatso, the sixth man to hold this title, died mysteriously in 1706 the Dalai Lama


"ECO" FRIENDLY $1200: This period in American historylasted from 1865 to 1877 Reconstruction


"EN"CHANTED $800: In December 2001, it filed the largest corporate bankruptcy in U.S. history Enron


"GOOD" PEOPLE $1000: In 1995 she won a Pulitzer Prize for History for "No Ordinary Time: Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt" Doris Kearns Goodwin


"MIND" GAMES $800: 3-word history-based Emmy Award-winning PBS TV show written & introduced by Steve Allen Meeting Of Minds


"O", 'BAMA $1,200 (Daily Double): Population 100, it shares its name with a Tennessee city famous in atomichistory Oak Ridge


"O.L." $800: (Jon of the Clue Crew reports next to a giant cetacean at the American Museum of Natural History in New York.) Featuring the world's biggest blue whale model, one of New York's most iconic spaces is the American Museum of Natural History's Milstein Hall of this Ocean Life


"PRIME"D FOR SUCCESS $1600: In Aristotelian philosophy, it's the godlike source of all activity in thehistory of the universe the prime mover


"PRO" NOUNS $800: Introduced in 1986, it's one of the most widely prescribed antidepressants in history Prozac


"A" "P" HISTORY $1000: In ancient Rome the 2 main social classes were the aristocratic patricians & these common citizens the plebeians


"A" "P" HISTORY $200: The people of this empire called themselves the Mexica or Tenochca Aztecs


"A" "P" HISTORY $400: On converting to Christianity, this daughter of Powhatan took the name Rebecca Pocahontas


"A" "P" HISTORY $600: At age 20 he became king of Macedonia; by 32, his empire stretched from the Mediterranean Sea to India Alexander the Great


"A" "P" HISTORY $800: Byblos, from which we got the word "Bible", was one of the foremost cities of these ancient seafaring people the Phoenicians


"ARM"s $2000: (Cheryl reports from the American Museum of Natural History in New York.) A new pavilion features a 3500 lb. sculpture of one of these spheres used by early astronomers to represent the circles of the heavens armillary


"C" IN HISTORY $1000: Legends of riches led a set of Zuni villages to be dubbed the Seven Cities of this Cibola


"C" IN HISTORY $200: For a few years in the 1890s, this future prime minister was heir presumptive to the Dukedom of Marlborough (Winston) Churchill


"C" IN HISTORY $400: This Ohio city was called the "Queen of the West" even before a Longfellow poem popularized the nickname Cincinnati


"C" IN HISTORY $600: The fabled emerald mines named for this ancient queen were rediscovered around 1818 Cleopatra




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