James Madison

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He became a prominent figure in Virginia state politics. He helped draft Virginia's "______________ of ______________ _______________".

Declaration of religious freedom

Who were the first four Presidents of the United States?

George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison

Fun Fact:

He last words were "I always talk better lying down."

Who was the fourth President of the United States?

James Madison

Who was the last founding father to die?

James Madison

Madison pushed for the build up of the ___________ which began pointing towards war with Britain.


Madison was always sick as a childhood, but used his time in bed to _______ and studied various ____________ ___________

read; political theories

He was considered a _____________ and _________________ or parliamentary detail.

workhorse; master

How many children did he have?


What years did Madison serve on the state legislature?


What years did he serve as a delegate of the Continental Congress?


What years did Madison serve as President?


What year did Madison die?


His most famous contribution was drafting what document?

Bill of Rights

Fun Fact:

Both Madison's vice presidents (George Clinton & Elbridge Gerry) died in office

Just before coming President, Madison pushed for taxes on what two countries?

Britain & France

Madison fled to the city and watched as the White House was set on fire by whom?

British troops

Fun Fact:

Madison was the shortest President at 5'4 and 100 pounds

Fun Fact:

Madison's portrait is on the $5000 bill

When was Madison born?

March 16, 1751

After leaving office, Madison retired where?

Montpelier, to his tobacco plantation in Virginia

The defeat of what leader caused the exhaustion of Britain and America, and ended fighting?


Where was Madison born?

Port Conway, Virginia

Madison was known as a protege of whom?

Thomas Jefferson

Montpelier, Madison's tobacco plantation, was not far from whose house?

Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

True or False: America had barely escaped being wiped off the map?


What University did he serve on the Board of Visitors at? How many years did he serve?

University of Virginia; 17 years

Madison's draft of the ___________________ ___________ and his revolutionary idea of ____________ branches of government became basis of the American Constitution.

Virginia Plan; three

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