jamestown test

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What is the contrast between the Chesapeake Bay colonists and the New England colonists?

*New England colonists*: - Inherit stuff - Had 6-8 children - Men had power - Lived to 70 - Larger age range - Had family *Chesapeake:* - Children sometimes before marriage - around 8 children - 1 to 3 girls to men ratio - Women had power - lived to 45

Some colonies maintained an established church, what is an established church? Examples?

An established church is an official church of a state or nation. An example is Church of England, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Rhode Island.

In general, what did most Europeans considered the Indians to be?

At first they were portrayed at welcoming natives, however, later they were portrayed as savages. They taught them how to farm in the area, but later started attacking the settlers as they were taking more and more.

What was the primary cause of Bacon's Rebellion?

Bacon and Westerners were upset with Governor Berkley for trying to appease the Doeg Indians after the Indians attacked western settlements.

For most of their early history, the colonies of Maryland and Virginia (Chesapeake) shared what experiences?

Both were havens for Catholics, both grew tobacco, they had little urban development but had many plantations, and both also had many slaves.

The ___ is the name given to the transatlantic trade of crops, technology, and culture between the Americas and Europe, Africa, and Asia that began in 1492.

Colombian Exchange.

Which 3 colonies were offshoots of the Puritan colony of Massachusetts Bay?

Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hemisphere

What were settlers who established the British colony in Virginia during the seventeenth century primarily seeking?

Gold and Silver which meant to profit economically.

What was the first representative assembly in the colonies?

House of Burgesses

How were the House of Burgesses' and the New England Town Meetings similar?

House of Burgesses was the first legislative body in colonial America, and allowed all types of people's opinions to be voiced by representatives. New England town meetings were a democratic meeting where people of an area would come together and discuss new laws/rules. This meeting acted like a legislative body and included voting on matters.

What was the most distinctive feature of the Rhode Island?

It was the only colony at the time to demonstrate complete freedom of religion. It was also the first land to be agreed to be taken from the Indians, as Roger Williams bought it from them.

As a result of the Colombian Exchange, Europe, Africa, and the Americas began engaging in a wide variety of triangular trade routes. The name specifically given to the term used to refer to the forced transport of slaves from Africa to the Americas is known as the __.

Middle Passage

Be able to identify colonial characteristics with a colonial region

New England: -puritans + separatists - ship building, fishing, lumbering, subsistence farming (crops to support the farmer's family), manufacturing - believe church and state were one - Athenian democracy (The town meeting is the closest thing left to the ancient Athenian assembly--direct rule by the residents of a town.) through town meetings, Angelicans were people who served at the church of england - covenant community: A covenant community is a religious group whose members bind themselves to one another and to the group by a solemn agreement called a covenant. Middle: - Quakers, huguenots, jews, presbytarian (this religion was seen as more radical). - Ship building, small-scale forming, trading - NYC, Philly, Baltimore became big parts - Large middle class with artisans, entrepreneurs, small farmers - Most democratic colonial region - Most religiously tolerant Southern: - Angelicans - lawlands - plantations, slaves, cash crops - based on family-status + land ownership - large landowners played major role in legislature - first elected assembly (HOB)

What are the characteristics of the New England colonies?

New England: -puritans + separatists - ship building, fishing, lumbering, subsistence farming (crops to support the farmer's family), manufacturing - believe church and state were one - Athenian democracy (The town meeting is the closest thing left to the ancient Athenian assembly--direct rule by the residents of a town.) through town meetings, Angelicans were people who served at the church of england - covenant community: A covenant community is a religious group whose members bind themselves to one another and to the group by a solemn agreement called a covenant. Middle: - Quakers, huguenots, jews, presbytarian (this religion was seen as more radical). - Ship building, small-scale forming, trading - NYC, Philly, Baltimore became big parts - Large middle class with artisans, entrepreneurs, small farmers - Most democratic colonial region - Most religiously tolerant Southern: - Angelicans - lawlands - plantations, slaves, cash crops - based on family-status + land ownership - large landowners played major role in legislature - first elected assembly (HOB)

In which American colonies were attempts to escape religious persecution key factors in the original settlement?

Pennsylvania (made by William Penn, a Quaker, to provide protection for other Quakers), Maryland (a colony formed so Catholics would be free from persecution), and Rhode Island (formed to provide a haven for all religions including christian denominations and Jews.)

What was one way in which Pennsylvania differed from Virginia?

Pennsylvania cultivated peace with the local Indians

What was the economy of the Southern Colonies was based on?

Plantations, slave labor, and cash crops (tobacco, rice, and indigo)

How do the Plymouth colony and the Massachusetts Bay colony compare?

Plymouth colony was established by few Pilgrims, which means the colony followed their way of religion as well as on the voyage half of the people died at sea; while the Massachusetts Bay Colony was established by Puritans and was more advanced, the settlers there were supplied as they were approved by King Charles.

Dissenters ( a member of a non-established church) from New England founded which colonies?

Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, and Maryland.

What is the legacy of Jamestown?

Rights of individuals to own property, first successful English colony in North America. Legacies were: a system of free enterprise was when individuals could make their own profit, they could own their own property, had a legislative and representative government, and had started the base for the now diverse America.

Why did Anne Hutchinson run afoul of the Puritan clergy? (afoul - entangled with; conflict with)

She defined the conservative views and stated that anyone could go to heaven as long as they had a relationship with God no matter their behavior. She was highly liked as she was caring and highly intelligent, but was soon started to be unliked for her outspoken nature and religious views. She believed that people's relationship with God did not need guidance from ministers.

What did Puritan believe was the connection between government and religion?

The Government was made to punish people for breaking the laws of God. They believed established churches made the connection, making everyone in the area required to attend the church of the official religion.

What is the Great Awakening of the 18th century and why is it significant?

The Great Awakening (1739-1744) was when Puritanism has declined and people were upset about the decline in religiosity. A sudden outbreak of religious passion that swept through the colonies establishing a religion once more and uniting the colonies together. It is significant as it brought the colonies together through religion and was the first act to unify them.

What did the movement known as the Great Awakening encouraged people to do?

The Great Awakening was a major religion revival that began in the 1730s. It encouraged people to renew their religious fervor and to develop a greater appreciation for God's mercy in their lives.

What was the document drawn up by the Pilgrims granting their leaders the right to make laws?

The Mayflower Compact (1620)

How did Bacon's Rebellion begin?

The frontiersmen formed an army and went to kill the Indians for trying to appease the Doeg Indians after they burned down western settlements. They did this because they were unhappy with how their governor at the time handled the attack from the Doeg Indians.

What is the exportation of Africans from Africa to America known as?

The middle passage, Atlantic slave trade

Why is the Mayflower Compact important to the concept of a democratic society?

The reason it is so impactful is that it was the 1st form of people agreeing to a form of government and making it official. It provided structure to the new colony and would become an example to others of a representative democracy.

What is the central theme of the Puritan ethic that aided in the survival of Plymouth Colony?

The sense of community and the bringing over of things to sustain life.

Why did people of different religious backgrounds settle in the colony of Pennsylvania?

There was more of a religious tolerance there, compared to other colonies. This was because Pennsylvania was the first colony to offer freedom of religion.

Why did early European contact devastate Native American populations?

They brought over diseases that the Indians were not immune to and do killed them wiping out the population in order to claim the land for themselves.

What did the Puritans that settled Massachusetts Bay wanted their colony to be?

They intended to set up a society that would accord with what they believe to be God's wishes. King Charles gave the Puritans the right to settle and govern a colony in the Massachusetts Bay area. The colony established political freedom and a representative government.

During the late 1600's, why did the system of indentured servitude become less popular?

They only worked for 5-7 years while other forms of labor could last for a lifetime, costly for voyage as in order for them to serve, the master would have to pay for their passage, and they could easily run away as they were white, and blended in with the crowd.

In the Colonial Era, what did the developments such as the New England Town Meetings and the establishment of the Virginia House of Burgesses represent?

They represented the 1st examples of self-government and representative democracy as well as a legislative body.

What was the motivation for the settlement of Jamestown in 1607? What does this demonstrate for colonization in the Southern colonies?

To increase their wealth and power in hopes to find gold and silver, and establish trade routes. This demonstrates to prioritize money over anything, as their society was desperate for a way to make money in order to save the settlers from dying.

Which colonies were founded for commercial profit (as a primary motive)?

Virginia, New York, Delaware, North and South Carolina, and New Jersey

Political and economic power in the South was dominated by ___.

Wealthy planters, or rich white men.

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