Jane Eyre Old Testament Bible Verses

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King Ahashverosh- from the purim story- she marries esther

"Curiosity is a dangerous petition : it is well I have not taken a vow to accord every request — " " But there can be no danger in complying with this , sir . " " Utter it , Jane : but I wish that instead of a mere inquiry into , perhaps , a secret , it was a wish for half my estate . " " Now , King Ahasuerus ! What do I want with half your estate ? Do you think I am a Jew - usurer , seeking good investment in land ? I would much rather have all your confidence . You will not exclude me from your confidence if you admit me to your heart ? " " You are welcome to all my confidence that is worth having , Jane ; but for God's sake , don't desire a useless burden ! Don't long for poison — don't turn out a downright Eve on my hands ! " " Why not , sir ? You have just been telling me how much you liked to be conquered , and how pleasant over - persuasion is to you . Don't you think I had better take advantage of the confession , and begin and coax and entreat — even cry and be sulky if necessary — for the sake of a mere essay of my power ? "

Gensis 18:27 And Abraham answered and said, "Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord, I, who am but dust and ashes. (about arguing with God about Sodom and Gemorrah) Isaiah 26:4 "Trust [confidently] in the Lord forever [He is your fortress, your shield, your banner], For the Lord God is an everlasting Rock [the Rock of Ages].

"Humility, Jane...is the groundwork of Christian virtues: you say right that you are not fit for the work. Who is fit for it? Or who, that ever was truly called, believed himself worthy of the summons? I, for instance, am but dust and ashes. With St. Paul, I acknowledge myself the chiefest of sinners; but I do not suffer this sense of my personal vileness to daunt me. I know my Leader: that He is just as well as mighty; and while He has chosen a feeble instrument to perform a great task, He will, from the boundless stores of His providence, supply the inadequacy of the means to the end. Think like me, Jane — trust like me. It is the Rock of Ages I ask you to lean on: do not doubt but it will bear the weight of your human weakness."

Achan from Joshua 7: 20 And Achan answered Josue, and said to him: Indeed I have sinned against the Lord the God of Israel, and thus and thus have I done. 21 For I saw among the spoils a scarlet garment exceeding good, and two hundred sides of silver, and a golden rule of fifty sides: and I coveted them, and I took them away, and hid them in the ground is the midst of my tent, and the silver I covered with the earth that I dug up. 24 Then Josue and all Israel with him took Achan the son of Zare, and the silver and the garments, and the golden rule, his sons also and his daughters, his oxen and asses and sheep, the tent also, and all the goods: and brought them to the valley of Achor: 25 Where Josue said: Because thou hast troubled us, the Lord trouble thee this day. And all Israel stoned him: and all things that were his, were consumed with fire.

"Oh, Adèle will go to school—I have settled that already; nor do I mean to torment you with the hideous associations and recollections of Thornfield Hall—this accursed place—this tent of Achan—this insolent vault, offering the ghastliness of living death to the light of the open sky—this narrow stone hell, with its one real fiend, worse than a legion of such as we imagine

Judges 16: According to the biblical account, Samson was given immense strength to aid him against his enemies and allow him to perform glorious feats,[2] such as quickly killing a lion, slaying an entire army with only the jawbone of an ass, and destroying a temple of the Philistines with his bare hands. However, if Samson's long hair was cut, he would lose his strength. Delilah cut his hair off.

About Mr. Rochester: His form was of the same strong and stalwart contour as ever : his port was still erect , his hair was still raven black; nor were his features altered or sunk : not in one year's space , by any sorrow , could his athletic strength be quelled or his vigorous prime blighted . But in his countenance I saw a change : that looked desperate and brooding — that reminded me of some wronged and fettered wild beast or bird , dangerous to approach in his sullen woe . The caged eagle , whose gold - ringed eyes cruelty has extinguished , might look as looked that sightless Samson

Exodus 21:24- an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth

But I feel this, Helen; I must dislike those who , whatever I do to please them , persist in disliking me ; I must resist those who punish me unjustly . It is as natural as that I should love those who show me affection, or submit to punishment when I feel it is deserved.

Psalm 69: 'save me, o god; for he waters are come in unto my soul. I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing: I am come into deep waters, where the floods overflow me...8 I am become a stranger unto my brethren, and an alien unto my mother's children'.

Chapter 26: When she learns about mr. Rochester: it could not seek mt. rochester's arms...the whole conscienceness of my life lorn, my love lost, my hope quenched, my faith death-struck, swayed full and mighty above me in one sullen mass, that bitter hour cannot be described: in truth, 'the waters came into my soul; I sank in deep mire: I felt no standing; I came into deep waters; the floods overflowed me'.

solomon's proverb (JE ch 8) Chapter 10 The sayings of Solomon: 11 The mouth of the one who is right with God is a well of life, but the mouth of the sinful hides trouble.

I examined, too, in thought, the possibility of my ever being able to translate currently a certain little French story which Madame Pierrot had that day shown me; nor was that problem solved to my satisfaction ere I fell sweetly asleep. Well has Solomon said—"Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith.... I would not now have exchanged Lowood with all its privations for Gateshead and its daily luxuries (chap 8)

Genesis 2:23: The man said, "This is now bone of my bones, And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man."

Jane of Mr. Rochester when they meet again and she helps him see. No woman was ever nearer to her mate than I am: ever more absolutely bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh.

king Nebuchadnezzar underwent a time of madness: Daniel ch 4 31-37 'there fell a voice from heaven...the kingdom is departed from thee. And they shall drive thee from men...dwelling with the beasts of the field...his haris were frown like eagles feathers and his nails like birds claws. And at the end of days I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up mine eyes unto heave, and mine understading returned unto me, and I blessed the most high...and I was established in my kinddowm, and excellent majesty was added ynto me...I praise the king of heaven'

Jane to Rochester when they reunite (ch37): 'it is time some one undertook to rehumanize you' said I, parting his thick and uncut locks, 'for I see you are becoming metamorphose into a lion, or something of that sort. You have a faux air of Nebuchadnezzar in the fields about you, that is certain: your hair reminds me o feagles' feathers; whether your nails are rown like bird's claws or not, I have not yet noticed' (ch 37)

Exodus 12:29: And it came to pass at midnight, that the LORD smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the first-born of Pharaoh that sat on his throne unto the first-born of the captive that was in the dungeon; and all the first-born of cattle.

Jane's prospects after learning of mr. Rochester: My hopes were all dead — struck with a subtle doom, such as , in one night , fell on all the first - born in the land of Egypt . I looked on my cherished wishes , yesterday so blooming and glowing ; they lay stark , chill , livid corpses that could never revive .

Eliezer and Rebecca (JE ch 18) Genesis 24 16 An exceeding comely maid, and a most beautiful virgin, and not known to man: and she went down to the spring, and filled her pitcher and was coming back. 17 And the servant ran to meet her, and said: Give me a little water to drink of thy pitcher. 18 And she answered: Drink, my lord. And quickly she let down the pitcher upon her arm, and gave him drink. 19 And when he had drunk, she said: I will draw water for thy camels also, till they all drink. 20 And pouring out the pitcher into the troughs, she ran back to the well to draw water: and having drawn she gave to all the camels.

Miss ingram playing charades: Both her cast of form and feature , her complexion and her general air , suggested the idea of some Israelitish princess of the patriarchal days ; and such was doubtless the character she intended to represent... It was Eliezer and Rebecca : the camels only were wanting . The divining party again laid their heads together : apparently they could not agree about the word or syllable

I Kings ch.19 11- and he said...the lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and breake in pieces the rocks before the lord; but the lord was not in the wing: and after the wind as earthquake: but the lord was not in the earthwauke: and after the earthwuale a fire: but the lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice. And it was so, when Elijah heard it that he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entereing oin of the cave. And behold there came av ocie unto him and said, what doest thou here, Elijah?

Mr. Rochester dressed as a gypsy to Jane: The forehead declares, 'Reason sits firm and holds the reins, and she will not let the feelings burst away and hurry her to wild chasms. The passions may rage furiously, like true heathens, as they are; and the desires may imagine all sorts of vain things: but judgment shall still have the last word in every argument, and the casting vote in every decision. Strong wind, earthquake-shock, and fire may pass by: but I shall follow the guiding of that still small voice which interprets the dictates of conscience.' "Well said, forehead; your declaration shall be respected. Chapter 27: Some time in the afternoon I raised my head , and looking round and seeing the western sun gilding the sign of its decline on the wall , I asked , " What am I to do ? " But the answer my mind gave — " Leave Thornfield at once " — was so prompt , so dread , that I stopped my ears... Conscience , turned tyrant , held Passion by the throat , told her tauntingly , she had yet but dipped her dainty foot in the slough , and swore that with that arm of iron he would thrust her down to unsounded depths of agony . Vol 3 ch 1 'some time in the...then a voice within me averred that I could do it...I rose up suddenly, terror streuch at thte solitude which so rutles ajudge haunted,-- at the silence which so awful a voice filled. Vol 3 ch9: 'all the house was still... I saw nothing: but I heard a voice somewhere cry. 'jane! Jane! Jane!' nothing more. 'oh god, what is it? I gasped...'I am coming!' I cried 'wait for me! Oh, I will come!' I flew to the door, and looked into the passage: it was dark. I ran out into the garden: it was void. 'where are you?' I exclaimed. The hills beyond marsh glen sent the answer faintly back—where are you! I listened. The wind sighed low in the firs: all was moorland loneliness and midnight hush... eager but for the daylight.'

1 Samuel 16:23 So it came about whenever the evil spirit from God came to Saul, David would take the harp and play it with his hand; and Saul would be refreshed and be well, and the evil spirit would depart from him.

Mr. Rochester to jane when she comes back to him: You mocking changeling—fairy-born and human-bred! You make me feel as I have not felt these twelve months. If Saul could have had you for his David, the evil spirit would have been exorcised without the aid of the harp

the proverb: the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb

Mr. Rochester: 'it won't do to neglect her; she is a Fairfax, or wed to one; and blood is said to be thicker than water.'

helping me, and from the words of my roaring? 2 O my God, I cry in the day time, but thou hearest not; and in the night season, and am not silent. 3 But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. 4 Our fathers trusted in thee: they trusted, and thou didst deliver them. 5 They cried unto thee, and were delivered: they trusted in thee, and were not confounded. 6 But I am a worm, and no man; a reproach of men, and despised of the people. 7 All they that see me laugh me to scorn: they shoot out the lip, they shake the head, saying, 8 He trusted on the Lord that he would deliver him: let him deliver him, seeing he delighted in him. 9 But thou art he that took me out of the womb: thou didst make me hope when I was upon my mother's breasts. 10 I was cast upon thee from the womb: thou art my God from my mother's belly. 11 Be not far from me; for trouble is near; for there is none to help.

One idea only still throbbed life-like within me—a remembrance of God: it begot an unuttered prayer: these words went wandering up and down in my rayless mind, as something that should be whispered, but no energy was found to express them "Be not far from me, for trouble is near: there is none to help."

Genesis 4:14: (God to Cain) "Behold, You have driven me this day from the face of the ground; and from Your face I will be hidden, and I will be a vagrant and a wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me."

Page 146: I still felt as a wanderer on the face of the earth; but I experienced firmer trust in myself and my own powers , and less withering dread of oppression . The gaping wound of my wrongs, too , was now quite healed ; and the flame of resentment extinguished .

Genesis 19: 17 And they brought him forth, and set him without the city: and there they spoke to him, saying: Save thy life: look not back, neither stay thou in all the country about: but save thyself in the mountain, lest thou be also consumed. 24 And the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrha brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven. 25 And he destroyed these cities, and all the country about, all the inhabitants of the cities, and all things that spring from the earth. 26 And his wife looking behind her, was turned into a statue of salt.

Saint John to Jane: "Very well ; I hope you feel the content you express : at any rate , your good sense will tell you that it is too soon yet to yield to the vacillating fears of Lot's wife . What you had left before I saw you, of course I do not know ; but I counsel you to resist firmly every temptation which would incline you to look back : pursue your present career steadily , for some months at least.

Manna: Exodus 16:14-15- when the laying of the manna is first explained.

She will have nothing to eat: you will starve her," observed Adèle. "I shall gather manna for her morning and night: the plains and hillsides in the moon are bleached with manna , Adèle' 'She will want to warm herself (ch24)

Forbidden Fruit from Genesis 3, marking the fall of man

St. John to Jane about finding something to take up her time: we have but to seek another nourishment for the mind , as strong as the forbidden food it longed to taste — and perhaps purer ; and to hew out for the adventurous foot a road as direct and broad as the one Fortune has blocked up against us, if rougher than it.

The West: The west symbolizes both negative and positive elements. To the west of the land was the sea, representing evil and death (Dan. 7:2, 3). In fact, the term "sea" often referred to the west (Num. 3:23). It is also the place of darkness because that's where the sun sets (Ps. 104:19, 20).

The breeze was from the west : it came over the hills , sweet with scents of heath and rush ; the sky was of stainless blue (with st john)

The East: The importance of the east as the main point of orientation may be related to the rising of the sun and its importance in the religions of the ancient Near East. In the Bible its symbolism emerges for the first time in Genesis. The Garden of Eden was placed in the East (chap. 2:8), and its entrance faced the east (chap. 3:24). After sinning, Adam and Eve left the garden and went toward the east (chap. 3:24). This eastward movement continued with Cain (chap. 4:16) and culminated in the movement of the human race toward the east (chap. 11:2-4).

The east had its own charm or fine deep blue, and its own modest gem...No nook in the grounds more sheltered and more Eden - like...enticed there by the light the now rising moon cast on this more open quarter, my step is stayed — not by sound , not by sight , but once more by a warning fragrance. Sweet - briar and southernwood , jasmine, pink , and rose have long been yielding their evening sacrifice of incense : this new scent is neither of shrub nor flower ; it is — I know it well — it is Mr . Rochester's cigar.

Numbers 16 30 But if the Lord do a new thing, and the earth opening her mouth swallow them down, and all things that belong to them, and they go down alive into hell, you shall know that they have blasphemed the Lord. 31 And immediately as he had made an end of speaking, the earth broke asunder under their feet: 32 And opening her mouth, devoured them with their tents and all their substance. 33 And they went down alive into hell the ground closing upon them, and they perished from among the people.

Were I in her place, it seems to me I should wish the earth to open and swallow me up

Isaiah 62:4 (Beulah means married) 'thou shalt no more be termed forsaken; neither shall thy land any more be termed desolate: but thou shalt be called hepzibah and thy land Beulah: for the Lord delighteth in thee, and thy land shall be married'

chapter 15: when jane tries to get back to sleep after rescuing Rochester from the fire: 'till morning dawned I was tossed on a buoyant but inquiet sea...I thought sometimes I saw beyond its wild waters a shore, sweet as the hills of Beulah...drove me back'

Young Jane: "Do you read your Bible ? " " Sometimes . " " With pleasure ? Are you fond of it? " " I like Revelations , and the book of Daniel , and Genesis and Samuel , and a little bit of Exodus , and some parts of Kings and Chronicles , and Job and Jonah . " " And the Psalms ? I hope you like them?" " No, sir."

young jane prefers the old testament

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