Japanese grammar patterns

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~baii (wa/ni wa)

"when if/in case of ~" (Ex: ron bun o kaku baai ni wa, "dadai/de aru da" o tsukaukoto ga ooi desu- When writing my thesis, I use the casual and expository form a lot)

Rules of 'to give' and 'to recieve'

- When giver is the subject, use agemasu - When the reciever is the subject, use moraimasu - When the subject is givinfto someone higher in status, use sashiagemasu When the subject is giving to someone lower in status, use yoru - When you are the reciever and are the objext, use kureru - When the subjext is higher than the reciever, use kudasaru -When the subjext is recieving something from someone higher up, use itadaku

N1 wa adjective+N2 shiteiru

- describes a feature of something, focusing n a certain part or characteristic (Ex: part wa azarashi no Katachi wo shiteiru. robot desu- Paro is a robot in the shape of a seal)

Verb(non-past,plain) you ni

- states a purpose or why a verb is to be done; unlike tameni, the verb is not beyond the control of the subject y, usually the verb is in the potential or nai form (Ex: sensei wa,gakusei ga wakaru you ni yasashi tango wo tsukatte setsumeishimashita - Sensei, so the students can understand, uses simple vocabulary when explaining)

A (de shima/Ja) naku (te) B

A is incorrect, B is right


A way to say something is representative of Noun (the noun isusally a concrete thing, and the representation is usually positive; Rashii is conjugated like an I-verb) (Ex: Kendo wa totemo nihonrashii spo-tsu da to omou - I think Kendo is a very Japanese sport.)

C1 (ta form) + ato de C2

After C1, C2 (Ex: Kesa, shujin ga shigoto itta ni itta ato de, haha ni denwa shimashita - After my husband left for work this morning, I called my mom)

C1 (te form) kara C2

After C1, C2 (connects two clauses) (Ex: daigaku o sotsugyou shite kara nihon e itte tsumaridesu - After I graduate, I plan to go to Japan)

C1 (ta form) ra C2

After C1, C2 or If C1, C2 (You use this form for the second versin when c2 is a command) (Ex: moshi okane ga takusan attara kuruma ga kaitai desu - If I had lots of money, I would want to but a car)

Verb (te form) -temo c2

Although c1,c2 (Ex: American football wa, are ga futtemo yarimasu- In American football, although it's raining, they'll play) (Different from -noni, as c1 is a fact and c2 is a hypothetical)

Verb (te) kuru

An action/process started in the past, and continues till now ( Ex yonnennihongo o benkyoushitekimashita - I started learning Japanese four years ago)

X to onaji gurai (adj)

As adjective as x (Ex: Cake wa cookie to onaji gurai amai desu- Cake is just as sweet as cookie)

Noun (quantity) + mo

As many/as much as (Noun) (Ex: Jyuu dory gurai da to omotteimashitaga, rokujyuu doru mo kakarimashita - I thought it would cost $10, but it cost as much as $50)

C1 (dictionary form) mae ni C2

Before C1, C2 (Ex: ane ga kiru mae ni, heya o katazukemasu - Before my sister comes, I'll clean my room)

C1(conditional form) ba C2

If C1, C2 (Ex: Kyou, jikan ga areba, hirune o shimasu)

N ni totte~

Somthing is important/necessary/difficult/etc to x ( Anata ni yotte, icihiban taisetsu na hito wa daredesuka?- Who is the most important person to you?)

V1 (ta form) ri V2 (ta form) ri + masu

Subject does V1 and V2, among other things (Ex: nichiyoubi ni wa, sentaku shitari, heya o souji shitari, terubi o mitarimasu - On sundays, I do my laundry, clean my room, and watch tv)

adj-noun + naru

to become noun/adjective)

Pre-masu form + sugiru

to do excessively (Ex: Haha wa uchi o souji shisugimasu - My mom cleans our house excessively)

te-form +bakkari iru

to do nothing but (verb) (Ex: musume wa computer de asonde bakkari imasu- my sister does nothing but play on her computer)


to list examples, can be preceeded by verb phrases

adj/noun + suru

to make x noun/adjective

Conditional form

u- verbs: stem + e + ba ru- verbs: stem +reba I-adj: stem + kereba Na-adj: stem deareba

Volitional form

u-verbs: drop u and add ou ru- verb: drop ru and add you Irrevular verbs: Kuru - Koyou, Suru - Shiyou

Noun ga mirareru

you can observe noun, noun can be observed (Ex: nihongo now kaiwa dewa, bun no touchi mo yoku miraremasu- You can see in japanese conversation the inverted grammar)

Plain form C1 no ni C2

Even though C1, C2 (Ex: amari tabenai no ni, dondon futurimasu - Even though I dont eat a lot, I'm gaining weight very quickly)

ta-form +ra doudesuka

How about (verb)ing? (Ex: me ga tsukareta toki ni, hiyashitaradoudesuka? - when you're eyes are tired, how about cooling them off?)

ta form + ra iidesuka?

How should I verb? (Watashi wa nezu ga shimasu. Doushitara iidesuka? - I have a fever, what should I do?)

Verb (te form) + shimau

I finished verbing (usually to show regret) (Ex: okane o zenbu tsukatte shimaimashita - I've spent all my money)

Clause + (you na) ki ga suru

I have the feeling that/It seems to. me that (Clause) (Ex: dareka ga doa o knock shitayouna ki ga suru kara, chotto mite kurenai - I have a feeling that someone knocked on the door, please go check

Plain-form + souda

I heard that/it is said that ~ (Ex: shinbun ni yoru to stanford nikatta soudesu - According to the news, we won a game against stanford)

Dictionary/nai form + younisuru

I make an effort to do (verb) (Ex: Mai tsuki, chokin suru younshiteimashita - I'm trying to save money every month)

Verb (non-past, plain) youni suru

I try my best too...

Noun/Verb (non-past) tameni

I verbed/Noun is for the purpose of/In order to (Ex: Watashi wa genkou tame, elevator ni norinaide kaisan o tsukau koto shimasu - For my health, I'm not going to use the elevator and take the stairs)

Clause (plain) nichigainai

I' certain,I'm sure that (Clause) (Ex: smith sawn nihonni jyuu new mo sundeitakara, nihongo ga jouzu ni hanaseru ni chigai irai - Since smith has lived. in Japan for more than 10 years, I'm sure he speaks Japanese very well)

C1 (plain form) nara C2

If (you say/think that) C1, C2 (Ex: moniter o kau nara, daigaku no computer shop de ima sale o shiteimasu- if you're buying a computer, the university store is having a sale today)

Noun + sae + Verb (conditional) ba C2

If Noun verbs, C2 (Ex: Yumi sae fukaranakereba, kuruma no unten wa kowakunai - If it's not snowing, then driving isn't scary) (Sae replaces the particles ga and o, but not others)

When to use plain form when quoting someone?

If you are quoting them indirectly (Ex: Son-san wa chuugoku yomeru to immashita - Son san said she can read Chinese)

(ta form) -bakari

Indicates something/somebody just verbed (Ex: watashi wa narai hajimeta bakari des - I just started learning)

Pre-masu +souda

It looks like ~ (Ex: Koyama san wa akai kao o shitemasu. Netsu ga ari soudesu - Koyama san has a red face. It looks like she has a fever)

nai form +houga ii desuyo

It'd be better not to (verb) (Ex: me ga tsukareta tokini, computer o shinai houga iidesuyo- When you're eyes are tired, it's be better not to use your computer)

Dictionary/Potential form + youni naru

It's become (im)possible that... (Ex: Watashi wa sake ga yomeru youninarimashita - I've become able fo drink alcohol)

Plain-form + kamoshirenai

It's possible/may might be ~ (Ex: Konban, tomodachi ga kuru kamoshiremasen -a friend of mine might be coming this evening)

Plain form + deshou

It's probably the case that

Te- form + moiidesuka?

May x do (verb) ?

N1/question word ka/kadouka wa N2 (yotte chigau/yoru)

N1 is different depending on N2 (ex: nansaj de unten menkyou ga toreru ka wa, kuni ni yoyte chigau youdesu- What age you can take your drivers license test depends on the country)

N1 wa N2 + particle no hitotsu da

N1 is one of N2, but not the only example of N2 (ex: kanji wa nihongo no benkyou suru de mottomo taisetsu na mono no hitotsu desu - Kanji is one of the most important parts in studying Japanese)

N1 no kawarini N2/sentence

N2 has replaced N1 (pen no kawarini enpitsu o tsukatte kaite kudasai - Please replace your pen for a pencil for writing)

X hodo wa (negative adjective)

Not as adjective as X (Kim san wa son san hodo wa majime ja arimasen- Kim san is not as adjective as son san)

~dake (denaku(te)/Janaku(te))~mo

Not only X, but y (Ex: nihongo wa hiragana dakenakute, katakana ya kanji mo oboenakutewakimasen- In japanese, you have to memorize not only hiragana, but katakana and kanji as well.)

~wa Noun/sentence de (yuumeida/shirareteiru)

Noun/Sentence is what place is famous for/known for (Ex: Egypt wa pyramid ya sphinx de yuumeidesu- Egypt is famous for the pyramids and the sphinx)

Noun + shikai + negative verb

Only (this much) noun (Ex: Ryoushin wa kimasendeshita. Ane shikai kimasendeshita. -My parents didnt come. Only my sister came.)

Verb (masu) + sae +sureba

Same meaning as Noun + Sae + Conditional verb

Subject wa object o (causative verb)

Subject makes object do something (Ex: imouto wa akachan o nakasemashita - my little sister made the baby cry)

-zu (ni)

Synonymous with naide, means "without doing something" (Ex: jisho o mizu ni shinbunga yomeru youninaritai desu- I want to be able to read a newspaper without looking at a dictionary)

Passive construction

The direct object becomes the subject (Ex: Miller san wa sensei ni homeraremashita - miller san was praised by sensei)

Volitional form + to omou

The speaker is thinking something (Ex: Watashi wa rainen, nihon e ikou to omoumasu - Next year, I'm thinking of going to japan)

Noun + toshite

The subject functions as/occupation is (Noun) (Ex: Kono keitai den wa, denwa o sure dake de naku,camera toshite moo tsukaeru - A sport phone isn't only used for calls, but also functions as a camera)

Noun + Teki

The suffix tiki turns nouns into na-adjectives (Usually. used with more abstract concepts) (Ex: kyotoyanara wa rekishiteki na tatemono ga takusan aru dentouteki na machi desu - Kyoto and Nara have a lot of historical buildings, they are very traditional. cities)

Verb(dictionary, te+iru, ta) + Tokoro

This indicates the subject is about to verb, is in the middle of verbing, or just finished verbing (Ex: kore kara kouen e soccer o shi ni iku tokoro desu. - I was just about to go to the park to play soccer)

Noun bakkari verb

To (verb) nothing but (noun)

Verb (volitional form) youni toshita (ga/keredo/ra)

To attempt to do something and fail/ you were going to do something but didn't/ something happened when you were going to do something

Verb (plain) youni (tanomu/iu/ossharu)

To command someone to verb

Te-form + iku/kaeru/kuru

To do something and then go (Ex: Toshokan de hon o kaeshite kaerimashita- I return the book at the library and went home)

te-form + oku

To do something in preparation (Ex: door o akete okimashita- I have opened the door)

Te-form + verb meaning "to give"

To do verb on behalf of someone (ex: haha wa watashi ni atarashii computer o katte kuremashita - my mom bought me a new computer)

verb (nai) youni (tanomu/iu/ossharu)

To forbid someone to verb

Verb (te) kureru youni(tanomu/iu)

To request someone to verb (Ex: Watashi wa kurasumate ni shukudai tetsudattekureru youni tanomimashita - I requested my classmate to help me with the homework)

Adjective + sugiru

Too adjective (ongaku wa urusaisugimasu - the music is too loud)

Question word -temo

Used to say "no matter-" or "without regard to-" the question word (If a verb, it's in the the form; Adjectives are in their conjugated form and are followed by demo;Nounas are followed by demo) (Ex: Kare wa guitar ga totemo jouzu da. donnakyoku demo hikeru - My boyfriend is a really good guitar player. No matter what tune, he can play it)

Quote + kadouka to (aku/kiku)

Used when quoting someone elses yes/no question (Ex: Miller san wa son san ni, computer o tsukau kadouka - Miller san asked son san if he could use his computer)

Te-form + aru (object marked by ga)

Verb is already done (Ex: cheese to cracker g table no ue ni dashite arimasu - The cheese and crackers have been put on the table)

Pre-masu + nikui

Verb is difficult to do

Pre-masu form + yasui

Verb is easy to do

Negative forms of 'souda'

Verbs: sounimonai I-adj: soujanai na-adj: janasou Nominal predicates: janasasou

Number +Counter(Gurai)/Noun(dake) + wa

When "wa" follows a qualifier, it means 'at least' (Ex: ishuukan ni ichinan wa pool de yogi younishite iru - I try to go swimming in the pool at least once a week)

C1 to C2 (past tense)

When C1 is in the dictionary form, then C1 + C2 occur simultaneously; When C1 is in the te form, then C1 is the background of C2

C1 (dictionary) to C2 (non-past)

When if/Whenever C1, C2 (Ex: kanji o tsukawanai to, wasurete shimaimashita - If we dont use kanji, we'll forget it)

Quote +ka

When quoting someone's WH question (Ex: Yamada san wa watashi ni, itsukara nihongo o benkyuu shite iru ka kikimashita - Yamada san asked me when I started studying japanese)

Verb (plain, non past), I-adje (plain non past), Na-adj (followed by na), Noun +no, -uchi ni

While - (something happens); -nai uchi de means before something happens (Ex: Nihon ni iru uchi ni, iroirona tokoro ni ryoukannui ikitai -While I'm in Japan, I want to vacation in various places)

V1 (nai form) de V2

X does V2 without doing V1 (Ex: kinou wa, ha o migakanai de nemashita - Yesterday, I went to be without brushing my teeth)

Verb(nai form - い) + kute mo ii

X doesnt have to verb

Te form + wa ikemasen

X may not do (verb)

X touiniwa (Noun/sentence) (no koto/touikoto/touimi) da

X means Noun/Sentence (Ex: ryuugakusei suru toiunowa, gaikoku de benkyuu suru toui koto da- to study abroad means to study in a foreign country)

Verb (nai form - い)+ kute wa ikemasen

X must do verb

Noun + no/Verb (plain) + youni

X resembles Y, X is as Y shows, X does something as said by X (Ex: Sono shashin o mireba wakaru youni, london niwa, iroiro na meisho ga aru- As you can see from the photo, london has many famous landmarks)

Pre-masu form + nagara * Verb 2

You do both verbs at the same time (Ex: ongaku o ki nagara soujishimashita - I listen to music while I clean)

ta form + houga ii desu you

You ought to (verb)

Verb (te) iku

an action or state that will continue from the present into the future ( Ex: Kongakkiwa,ichishuukan ni jyuu atarashii kanji o benkyuushiteikimasu - This semester, I will study ten new kanji every week)

mai (time word) no you ni -

indicates "almost every (time word) (Ex: terubidemomainichinoyouni,iroironasportsbangumigamirareruga- Almost every day on tv, you can see various sports channels)

Verb (plain, non past) hitsuyou (ga aru/ wa nai)

it is necessary to verb, not necessary to verb


mfies a verb phrase to mean as much as possible (Ex: Nihongo no kurasu de, narubeku nihongo de setsumeishitekudasai - during japanese class, try to explain in Japanese as much as possible)

Verb (plain and non-past) koto (ga/mo) aru

something occurs/someone does something occasionally (ex: bangohan wa taitei uchi de tabemasuga, tokidoki tomodachi to restaurant ni iku koto ga arimasu- I usually eat dinner at home, but sometimes I go out with friends to a restuarant)

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