Jay's Treaty, Treaty of Greenville, Pinckney's Treaty, Washington's Farewell Address

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What was the background behind Pinckney's Treaty?

Before the treaty, the western and southern borders of the United States were a source of tension between Spain and the U.S. The United States' border extended to the Mississippi River; its southern area was in Spanish territory. Spanish officials, reluctant to encourage American trade (and settlement), kept the Mississippi River closed to American shipping. Also, both Spain and the U.S. claimed portions of what is now Alabama and Mississippi. John Jay arrived in London to create a treaty with Great Britain. Spain feared that this would result in an Anglo-American alliance that would gang up on Spain. So, Godoy sent a request to negotiate a new treaty. U.S. agreed not to threat Spanish territory. Border of Florida is settled by Pinckney's treaty. The western Border has not been settled. Land that was in dispute is now settled.

What was President Washington's most important advice about economics?

Cherish public credit, avoid likewise the accumulation of debt, use credit wisely, taxes are important to the survival of the nation. Do not pass debt. Government has the right to tax fairly.

What was President Washington's most important advice about political parties?

Discourage unity, divided people by region, place the needs of the region above the nation (sectionalism), U.S. cannot prosper if politicians argue and people are taking sides.

What was the opposition to Jay's Treaty in the U.S. and why?

Many people were against Jay's Treaty; it almost didn't pass through senate. The democratic-republicans argued that the act of signing the treaty with Britain could bring up Monarchy again. The Hamiltonian federalists were all for the treaty because they were Pro-British like Hamilton.

What was President Washington's most important advice about foreign policy?

Observe good faith and justice toward all nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all. Extend commercial relations to have with them as little political connection as possible. (neutrality)Don't become entangled in other nations' affairs.

What was the significance of Pinckney's Treaty?

Pinckney's Treaty encouraged and enabled Americans to continue expansion westward. The creation of the treaty reversed Spanish Politics and placed the U.S. in a strong position. ABILITY TO USE NEW ORLEANS AS A DROP PORT. SHIP DOWN THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER AND DROPPED INTO NEW ORLEANS. IT WOULD THEN BE SHIPPED OUT TO OTHER PLACES.

What was Pinckney's Treaty?

Pinckney's Treaty was a treaty that established intentions of friendship between the United States and Spain.

Why did President Washington feel the need to negotiate a treaty with Great Britain in 1794? (Jay's Treaty)

President Washington knew that there were many unsolved issues following the Revolutionary War. To prevent these problems from getting bigger and starting another war with the British, he negotiated a treaty.

What was the background behind the Treaty of Greenville?

The Treaty came about in order to end a brutal war. The treaty was signed August 3rd, 1795; it was represented by General Anthony Wayne and the chiefs of the Indian Tribes located in the Northwest territory. The negotiations took place at Fort Greenville on the southwestern branch of the Miami River where Greenville, OH is now located.

What was the significance of the Treaty of Greenville?

The Treaty of Greenville established a clear boundary between the Native American lands and the lands open to white settlement. ALlowed more settlers to move into the region.

What was the Treaty of Greenville?

The Treaty of Greenville was a treaty of "peace and friendship" between the U.S. and Native American tribes (northwest territory). Near Great Lakes and Ohio River Valley.

What was the U.S. asking for in the negotiations? (What was John Jay asking for from the British)

The U.S. was asking the British to abandon forts in northwest territory; this was to stop making Native Americans fight against them. Britain agreed to pay for 250 merchant ships seized in the past two years. Britain also agreed not to interfere with trade between America and West Indies.

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