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A solid structure which projects into the sea perpendicular tothe shore to berth vessels.


A time-dependent prestress loss in pretensioned concrete

Center of mass

The point of structure where the resultant vertical force acts

Center of mass

The point on a structure through which the applied seismic force acts

Center of rigidity

The point through which the resultant of the resistance to the applied lateral force acts

Proportional limit

The portion of the stress-strain curve beyond which the stress is no longer proportional to the strain


The pressure against a vertical wall due to waves


The pressure exerted onto a liquid is transmitted equally and undiminished to all portions of the liquid. This principle in fluid mechanics is know as


The stress point where a material will have appreciable deform when small amount of stress is experienced


The vena contracta of a circular orifice is approximately __ diameter downstream from the inner face of the oriface plate

Vertical curves

The vertical alignment of a road consists of a series of straight grades joined by


The warrant for barrier system can be determined by

Critical flow

Type of flow in which, for a fixed rate of flow, the specific energy is minimum

Continuous flow

Type of flow where at any time, the discharge or flow rate at every section of the stream is the same.

Steady flow

Type of flow where the flow rate does not change over time.

Uniform flow

Type of flow where the mean velocity of flow for a given length or reach is the same at every cross section.

Laminar flow

Uninterrupted flow in a fluid near a solid boundary in which the direction of flow at every point remains constant.

Overtaking lane/Passing lane

Used for passing other vehicles and is nearest the center of road

Lane line

Used to separate adjacent lanes of traffic moving in same direction. Generally broken lines except where lane changing is to probihited

Primary consolidation

Volume change in saturated soils cause by the expulsion of pore water from loading

(1) Fore slope of back slope steepness and height (2) Unforgiving hazards within the clear zone (3) Water hazards within the clear zone

Warrant for the use of safety barriers:

Deep water wave

Wave at a point where the water depth is equal to one-half of the wavelength greater to be expressed in terms of the parameters of significant wave.

Gravity Wave

Waves formed by the frictional drag of wind across the water surface


Waves under the influence of the winds that generated them are called:

Significant waves

Waves which fall forward since the forward velocity of the crest particle exceed velocity of propagation of the wave length L is less than 7 times of wave height (L<7H)

Natural Harbor

a harbor which is protected by storms and waves by the natural land contours, rocky outcrops or islands. The entrance to such harbor permits navigation.

Refuge Harbor

a harbor which is used as a haven in a storm.


a harbor with the necessary terminal facilities to expedite the moving of cargo and passenger atanystage of the journey aside from its wharves,pier and cargohandling machinery.


a landing place or the platform built out into or onto the water parallel to the shore for the berthing of vessels.


a space provided in large ports in front of berth to facilitate loading and unloading of cargo.


a structure constructed around harbor in order to protect the interior water area from the effect of stormy waves and making it possible for this area to be used for safe mooring, operating,loadingand unloadingof ships.


a structure where a ship is tied when it is anchored to enable cargo to be handled in the absence of wharves.

Over consolidated

It is a soil whose present effective over burden pressure is less than that which the soil experienced in the past

Entry Port

isolated area of ports where foreign goods are cleared through customs.


structures used for protecting river banks against erosion.

Approach Channel

the path or channel in which ship proceedsfrom the sea to the harbor.

Inner Channel

the portion lying between the entrance and harbor basin.

Outer Channel

the portion of the channel beyond harbor entrancein the open sea.

Dikes or Training Wall

these are employed to direct the flow of current in rivers with a view to the establishment of the more favorable and fixed channeland often also to prevent scour and erosion and the carrying away of river banks.


they are tall tower structures with a marine beacon-light camera lantern on top.They are usually erected on points along the shore to guide ships to a nearby port as well as on reefs, shoals or other pointsof danger toshipping.

Turning Basin

water space which is required for maneuvering the ships after they enter die harbor for going to or leaving a berth.


It is defined as the number of vehicles per unit distance occupying a section of roadway at a given instant in time, and is usually measured in vehicles per mile or vehicles per kilometre


It is defined as the number of vehicles per unit distance occupying a section of roadway at a given instant time

(1) Sight distance is requirement in all situations for driver's safety (2) Appearance is generally required in low fill and flat topography situations (3) Riding comfort is generally requirement with specific need on approaches to a flood way where the length of depression needs to be minimized

Minimum K value sag vertical should be selected on the basis of three controlling factors:


Material property which enables it to under large permanent strains before failure


Materials having the same composition at any point are termed as


Maximum hourly rate at which vehicles can be reasonably expected to traverse a point or a uniform segment of a lane/roadway.

Three words or less

Messages when painted on pavement should be limited to how many words only?

Reciprocal of stiffness

Refers to flexibility of a structure

Storey drift

Refers to the lateral displacement of one level relative to the other level above or below

Reciprocal of deflection

Refers to the rigidity of a structure


Refers to the stress at which a material begins to deform plastically


Refers to the tendency of solid materials to return to their original shape after being forces are applied on them.When the forces are removed, the object will return to its initial shape and size.


Road messages color

Ground displacement

Seismometer can measure _

(1) Integrity of pavement (2) With to place edge line pavement markings (3) Additional safety to prevent vehicles skidding or drivers losing control in gravel (4) Low maintenance cost compared with unpaved shoulders

Shoulder paving is a valuable method of providing:

(1) Integrity of the pavement (2) Width to place edgeline pavement markings (3) Additional safety to prevent vehicles skidding or drivers losing contro in gravel (4) Low maintenance cost compared with paved shoulders

Shoulder paving is a valuable method of providing:

Overhead Signs

Signs which provide means of displaying essential traffic information on wide multi-lane roads, where some degree of lane use control is required or where side of road clearance is insufficient to accommodate a road side sign,


Standard sign shape for directional signs, roadwork signs, signs for special purposes, and supplementary plates for warning signs


Standard sign shape for facility information signs, instruction signs, guide signs and destinations f point of interest


Standard sign shape for pedestrian and school crossing sign

Equilateral triangle

Standard sign shape for warning signs


Tendons are stressed after concrete has hardened


Tendons are stressed before concrete is poured

0.15m - 0.30m (Not sure)

The PPA (Philippine Ports Authority) requires that water level that guarantees about water depth for safety of the ships berthing on a certain ports and harbor, below the mean lower low water should be equal to:


The datum line for design of port facilities in accordance with charts which being used by Philippine Ports Authority.

Orthotropic material

The material composition is the same but its mechanical properties are different in every direction

Possible Capacity

The maximum number of passenger cars that can pass a given point on a lane or roadway during one hour under prevailing roadway and traffic conditions.


Actual number of vehicles observed to pass a given point on a highway in a given time

Metacenter is above its center of gravity

A floating body will be stable when its


A fluip property that measure the fluid's resistance to shear stress


Standard sign shape for additional information


A body of water with navigable depth leading to a harbour is called

Soft storey

A building which has a floor which is less than 70% as stiff as the floor immediately about it, or less than 80% as stiff as the average stiffness of the three floors above it

25 to 50

A cohesive soil deposit is considered soft if the unconfined compression strength, in kPa, is between

100 to 200

A cohesive soil deposit is considered stiff if the unconfined compression strength, in kPa, is between

0 to 25

A cohesive soil deposit is considered very soft if the unconfined compression strength, in kPa, is between

Significant wave

A hypothetical wave having a wave height and peroid equal to average values of the wave height and period of the largest 1/3 of all waves in the train as counted in the order of greater wave height

Hydraulic gradient

A line joining the points of highest elevation of water in a series of vertical open pipes rising from a pipeline in which water flows under pressure is referred to as

Highest wave

A maximum wave height and wave period of the maximum wave height in the wave train


A phenomenon in which the strength and stiffness of a soil is reduced by earthquake shaking or other rapid loading

Effective stress

A pile of sand keeps from spreading out like a liquid because the weight of the sand keeps the grains stuck together in their current arrangement, mostly out of static friction. This weight and pressure is called.


A platform extending from a shore over water and supported by piles, used to secure, protect,and provide access to ships or boats.

Water hammer

A pressure surge or wave caused when a fluid in motion is forced to stop or change direction suddenly (momentum change) is referred to in hydraulics as


A process by which water-saturated soil sediment temporarily loss strength and acts as a fluid

Rumble strip

A type of thermoplastic lane marking designed to aid and provide motorist with visual, audio, and motion warning on the road

Hydraulic jump

A type shock where the flow undergoes a sudden transition from swift flow to tranquil flow


A vertical curve is expressed as a

Deep water wave

A wave at a point where the depth is equal to 1/2 of the wavelength or greater to be expressed in terms of the parameters of significant wave

1 to 2

According to NSCP, cut and fill slopes must not be steeper than

Normal Curves

Bell shaped and symmetrical

Horizontal control

Commonly identified as primary, secondary, and working control on the jobsite


Deals with forces at rest


Defined as the property of a material which permits the passge of water or other fluids through its interconnecting voids

(1) Intitial diverge taper (2) Auxiliary lane length (3) End or merge taper

Design of overtaking lanes and climbing lanes requires the consideration of the following:


Determines whether a body will be at rest or motion

Traffic signs

Device mounted on a fixed support(permanent signs) or portable support (temporary signs) whereby a specific message is conveyed by means of words or symbols placed or erected for the. purpose of regulating,warning or guiding traffic


Energy by virtue of velocity

Inverse of stiffness

Flexibility of a structural system


Forces generated by a bodies in motion

(1) Longitudinal lines (2) Transverse lines (3) Other lines (4) Other markings

Four types of pavement and curb markings

2.5 m

Height of road messages in urban areas

5 m

Height of road messages on high speed highways

Spring tide

Highest tide which occurs at intervals of half a lunar month when the sun, moon, and earth fall in line


In any stream flowing steadily without friction the total energy contained is the same at every point in its path of flow. This principle Is attributed to:

Remain the same

In laboratory test of determining the maximum dry density of a soil, if the compaction pressure is increased, the maximum dry density will

Road capacity

It is the maximum number of vehicles, which have a reasonable expectation of passing over a given section f a lane or a roadway in one direction or in both direction during one hour under prevailing road and traffic conditions.

Center of rigidity

It is the point through which the resultant of the resistance to the applied lateral force acts

(1) Across signalized intersections (2) Across side street entrances unless it is one-way (3) Past time start of taper at which a multi-lane road narrows down

Lane lines must not be continued of following cases:

(1) 150 mm width (2) 3 m long (3) 6 m gap

Lane lines with speed of 60 kph or less shall be:

(1) 150 mm width (2) 3 m long (3) 9 m gap

Lane lines with speed of greater that 60 kph shall be:

Sudden drop of shear strength

Liquefaction means

Neap tide

Lowest tide which occurs at intervals of half a lunar month when the sun, moon, and earth form a right triangle

Mean lower low water


Velocity head

Minor losses through valves, fittings, bends, contractions are commonly modeled as proportional to:

Sending out a large enough number of surveys

Most important in avoiding bias in surveying


Number of vehicles over a stretch of roadway (Veh/km)


Primary consideration in the design of geometric cross section of highways, runways and taxiways.

(1) Plan and prepare (2) Perform the calculation (3) Repeat the calculation (4) Check the calculation

Procedures for calculating azimuths clockwise:


Rate at which vehicle pass a fixed point. (Veh/hr)

Regulatory Signs

Signs that inform road users of the traffic laws and regulations which is disregarded will constitute an offense.

Special Instruction Signs

Signs that instruct road users to meet certain traffic rule requirements on road condition.

Chevron signs

Signs used to guide drivers through a change in horizontal alignment of the road.

Guide Signs

Signs which inform and advise road users of directions, distances, routes and the location of services for road users and point of interest

Warning Signs

Signs which warn road users of condition on or adjacent to the road maybe unexpected or hazardous.

Roadwork Signs

Signs which warns or advise temporary hazardous conditions that could endanger road users or the men and equipment engaged on roadworks.


Soil derives its strength from its capacity to resist:


Standard sign shape for STOP sign


The ability of a deformed material body to return to its original shape and size when the forces causing the deformation are removed


The ability of a material to absorb energy when it is deformed elastically and release that energy upon unloading

Traffic Capacity

The ability of a roadway to accomodate traffic volume.It is expressed as the maximum number of vehicle in a lane or a road that can pass a given point in unit time.


The ability of material to absorb energy and plastically deform without fracturing


The ability of the material to absorb energy in the elastic range


The ability of the material to absorb energy in the plastic range


The ability of the material to deform in plastic range without braking


The ability of the material to deform in the plastic range without breaking


The ability of the material to deform under tensile stress

Mean sea level

The average height of the sea for all stages of the tide obtained from systematic observations of sea levels at equal intervals over a long period of time along a given coastline


The best hydraulic cross section for a trapezoidal channel of base width "b" is one for which the length of the side edge of the flow section is:


The distance between the center of mass and center of rigidity


The distance that the wind blows over the sea is generating the waves is knows as

Surface Tension

The elastic tendency of liquids which makes them acquire the least surface area possible. It is responsible, for example, when an object or insect such as mosquitoes that is denser than water is able to float or run along the water surface.

Ebb tide

The falling tide is known as


The fraction of soils passing which sieve number is used for Atterberg Limits tests of soils

Elastic limit

The greatest stress that can be applied to an elastic body without causing permanent deformation

Basic Capacity

The maximum number of passenger cars that can pass a given point on alane orroadwayduring onehourunder themostnearlyidealroadwayand trafficconditions whichcanpossiblybeattained.

Practical Capacity

The maximum number of passenger cars that canpass a given point on a lane or roadway during one hour without traffic density being so great as to cause unreasonable ' delay, hazard, or restrictions to the driver's freedom to maneuver under traffic conditions.


The maximum number of vehicles, passengers, pedestrians or the like, which can be accommodated by a given facility under a given level of service


The maximum sustained 15-minute rate of flow, expressed in passenger cars per hour per lane, which can be accommodated by a uniform freeway segment under prevailing traffic and roadway conditions in one direction is called

Traffic Volume

The number of vehicles moving in a specified direction on a given lane or roadway that pass a given point during specified unit time


The ratio between the volume of voids and the volume of the soil mass

Degree of saturation

The ratio between the volume of water and the volume of voids

Moisture Content

The ratio between the weight of water and the weight of solid particles.

Poisson's ratio

The ratio of lateral strain to longitudinal strain


The ration of the wave height to its wave length


The regular periodic rise and fall of the surface of the sea, observable along ther shores

(1) The paving of outside curve shoulder width (2) Widening of traffic lanes

Things to consider on curve alignments:

North direction

This should always be shown on site plans for orientation purposes

Diurnal tide

Tides which occurs only high tide a day is called

Semi-diurnal tide

Tides which occurs only high tide twice a day is called

Torsional shear stress

What will develop if the center of mass and center of rigidity of a structure does not coincide


When the path lines of the individual particle sof a flowing liquid are irregular curves and continually cross each other and form a complicated network,the flow is called:


When the path lines of the individual particles of a flowing liquid are irregular curves and continually cross' each other and form a complicated network, the flow is called


When the water table rises, effective stress will


Which component of rock or soil is independent of interparticle friction

Youngs's modulus

Within elastic range, the slope of the straight line portion of the stress-strain curve

Hooke's Law

Within proportional limit, the stress is directly proportional to strain.

Commercial Harbor

a harbor in which terminal facilities are provided.

Artificial Harbor

a harbor protected by means of engineering works on all sides.


an embankment built along the side of the rivers to prevent the overflow of bank sand thus to protect the adjoining land from flood waters.

Free Port

an isolated and enclosed area within which goods maybe landed, stored, mixed, repacked, manufactured and reshipped without payment of duties and without intervention of custom officials.


any body of water with sufficient depth for ships to enter and find shelter in storm and other natural phenomena.

Harbor Engineering

design and construction of a calm anchorage for ships to enable repairs and overhauls, refueling, loading and unloading of cargo and passenger. It also includes the planning and marking of ship channels as well as the placement of lighthouses, buoys, beacons and other navigational aids to ensure the safe passage of ships into and out of harbor.

Ocean Port

ports of call for large ships or ocean Liners.

Inland Port

ports which are located at the entrance of a river.

Quaywall or Bulkhead

protection walls for quay and wharves for retaining and protecting embankments or retaining fill.

Climbing lanes

roadway lane design usually used on interstate highways. Allows slower travel for large vehicles

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