Jensen Exam #1 ch. 3 questions

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A young adult client has come to the clinic for her scheduled Pap (Papanicolaou) test and pelvic examination. The nurse would implement which action to help reduce the client's anxiety during the physical exam?

: Ensuring client's privacy by providing an examination gown

A nurse is appraising a colleague's assessment technique as part of a continuing education initiative. The nurse demonstrates the proper technique for light palpation by performing which action?

:Feeling the surface structures using a circular motion

Which measure does the nurse take to prevent transmission of organisms?

:Maintains fingernails to ¼ inch or shorter.

A nurse must assess a client's red reflex. Which piece of equipment will the nurse need for this?


For which assessment would the nurse plan to use light palpation?

:Papular rash

A nurse must examine the rectum of a woman who has complained of bleeding from the anus and pain on defecating. Which of the following positions would be most appropriate for the client?

:The knee-chest position is useful for examining the rectum.

The nurse prepares to use mediate percussion to assess lung tissue. Which action will the nurse take when using this assessment technique?

:Use the middle finger to deliver two taps

A nurse is examining a client suspected of having a fungal infection of the skin. Which piece of equipment should the nurse use to confirm the presence of fungus?

:Wood's light

A nurse is preparing to perform intubation on a client. Which pieces of equipment are needed to prevent the transmission of infectious agents during this procedure? Select all that apply.

Gloves, Gown, Face shield

In which order should a nurse implement the four physical assessment techniques when initiating a health assessment?

Inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation

To adhere to standard precautions, the nurse should remember to:

wash hands before and after patient contact change white coat frequently

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