Jeopardy 7-10-18

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AFRICAN-AMERICAN AUTHORS 1600 'Set in Georgia, her first novel was 1970's "The Third Life of Grange Copeland"'

'Alice Walker'

LITERARY E-MAIL ADDRESSES 400 'hogwarts_ headmaster@'


BODY QUOTES 200 '"O, Susanna! O, don't you cry for me, I've come from Alabama with my" this'

'banjo on my knee'

THE MONUMENTS WOMEN 400 'O, a beautiful Falmouth, Mass. statue of Katharine Lee Bates shows her imagining the lines of this song'

'"America The Beautiful"'

MOVIE MUSICALS 1000 'James Cagney won his only Oscar for portraying this composer in 1942's "Yankee Doodle Dandy"'

'(George M.) Cohen'

CONTRARY TO POPULAR BELIEF 1000 "Some think America was named for Richard Ameryk, one of Cabot's investors, not for this Italian who died in 1512"

'Amerigo Vespucci'

BRITISH ROYAL HOUSE, PLEASE 400 'Surname of the actor who played Elmer Gantry on film'


TAKE A LETTER 1000 'An old book says it's pronounced "by closing the lips... and letting the voice issue by the nose"'


ALPHANUMERICS 600 'This British agency that takes care of international spying is formally the Secret Intelligence Service'


THEY'RE AFTER THE "CHEE"s 1000 'How close were we? This body part "by jowl"'


SCIENCE IN SPORTS 800 'Hockey pucks are frozen before a game to reduce this motion-resisting force'


BODY QUOTES 600 'Pontius Pilate "took water, and washed" these "before the multitude", saying he was innocent of the blood of Jesus'


IT'S A BIRD 200 'Bellicose 19th century southerners like Henry Clay were called war these'


BODY QUOTES 400 'Rudy Giuliani after 9/11: these "are broken, but they continue to beat, and the spirit of our city has never been stronger"'


POLITICAL JARGON Daily Double 'A state like Texas whose composition is less than 50% Caucasian is said to be this alliterative oxymoronic term'

'majority minority'

IT'S NOT TV, IT'S "HBO" 400 'Would you be mine, could you be mine, won't you be this term from the Old English for "near dweller"'


SCIENCE IN SPORTS 2000 "Geometric arch that's the natural path of a projectile; a narrower one helps free throws, Dwight Howard"


ADVENTUROUS WOMEN 400 'In 1900 Canada's Geraldine Moodie became the first female photographer working above this "circle"'

'the Arctic Circle'

ANCIENT BABYLON 800 'This Macedonian wanted to combine Asia & Europe into one country & make Babylon its capital; he died in the city in 323 B.C.'

'Alexander the Great'

PLACES THAT END IN "IA" 1000 'This Virginia city is politically not part of a county but is within the boundaries of Arlington & Fairfax'


AMERICAN ART & ARTISTS 400 "The title of this Grant Wood painting refers to the style of the house that's behind the farmer & his daughter"

'American Gothic'

ON BROADWAY 2010 1200 'Working-class characters seek redemption in this rock opera based on a Green Day album'

'American Idiot'

KNOW YOUR BOUNDARIES 2000 'This wee country has a 40-mile border with Spain'


I'VE GOT A 6-PACK 200 'During Prohibition this Budweiser maker brewed non-alcoholic beer & also made Bevo, a non-alcoholic cereal beverage'


EUROPEAN LIT 400 'Her diary was originally published in Dutch in 1947 as "Het Achterhuis"'

'Anne Frank'

TIME FOR A REVOLUTION! Daily Double 'The Redcoats & Minutemen first got it on in the American Revolution on the 19th of this month in 1775'


COCA-COLA PRODUCTS AROUND THE WORLD 800 'A mineral sports drink popular in Europe is named for this water bearer of the zodiac'


ON A FIRST-NAME BASIS 1200 "Telly Savalas may not have had Mr. Onassis' money, but he did share this intellectual first name"


U.S.A. 800 'Take part in a salad toss-off or do some vegetable carving at the annual Yuma Lettuce Days in this state'


19th CENTURY AMERICA 400 "Years before his book of watercolors, he conducted America's first bird-banding experiments"


2-LETTER RESPONSES 800 'Initials of the only Canadian province that lies on the Pacific'

'BC (British Columbia)'



ADVENTUROUS WOMEN 1600 "Around 1901 archaeologist Gertrude Bell excavated many of the ruins of Iraq & later began this city's Natl. Museum"


IN MY CABINET 400 'I have an owie, & I hear this adhesive brand "Heals the wound fast, heals the hurt faster"'


SULEIMAN THE MAGNIFICENT 1200 'As his top admiral Suleiman hired the pirate Khayr ad-Din, known as this for his red beard, like a crusading emperor'



'Barbra Streisand'

BIZ "B"s 800 'This company is known for its Weejun loafers'


THE LOOKING GLASS Daily Double 'This Rochester, N.Y. company named for 2 German men made the lenses for CinemaScope & won an Oscar for the work'

'Bausch & Lomb'

BAVARIA 1600 'The aircraft businesses of Gustav Otto & Karl Rapp merged to form this Munich company now known for cars'

'Bavarian Motor Works (BMW)'

THE BENJAMINS 1600 'In addition to twice serving as British prime minister, he also wrote many novels'

'Benjamin Disraeli'

CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN 800 'Though not a president, this founding father was put on the front of the half-dollar in 1948'

'Benjamin Franklin'

THE BENJAMINS 800 'He was born in Boston in 1706, the youngest of 10 sons of a soap & candle maker'

'Benjamin Franklin'

THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION 200 'This oldest delegate declared that a carved sun on Washington's chair was "a rising and not a setting sun"'

'Benjamin Franklin'

THE BENJAMINS 400 'In 2011 a newly updated 65th anniversary edition of his "Baby and Child Care" book was published'

'Benjamin Spock'

FROM U.S. TO USSR 200 'In 1962 this clarinetist decided to swing over to the Soviet Union & record a few concerts there'

'Benny Goodman'

BIBLICAL BOOK TITLES 800 'A collection of essays by Joan Didion is called "Slouching Towards" this biblical city'


A REAL RHODES SCHOLAR 400 'George Stephanopoulos was a Rhodes scholar in theology before becoming a senior aide to this Rhodie'

'Bill Clinton'

THEIR TV ROLES 800 'Alexander Scott & Cliff Huxtable'

'Bill Cosby'

BROADWAY BILLYS 400 '"Mr. Saturday Night" in the movies, in 2004 he starred in a one-man show called "700 Sundays"'

'Billy Crystal'

BROADWAY BILLYS 1200 'In 2010 this Broadway dancing title tot was played by Liam Redhead (& 3 other boys, on different nights)'

'Billy Elliot'

SINGLE NAMED SINGERS 2000 'In 1995 she sang "Army Of Me"--but really, when you wear a swan dress to the Oscars, that's what folks will remember'


BIZ "B"s Daily Double 'This company developed the Apollo lunar surface drill'

'Black & Decker'

& THE HORSE YOU RODE IN ON! 400 'In 1994 Alan Cumming was the voice of this "colorful" Anna Sewell horse'

'Black Beauty'

SODA 1000 'Mountain Dew offers a drink called Baja this--have one!'


WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF? 1600 'In 1904 Virginia & her siblings moved to this London district, where they would host "group" gatherings'


COLORS OF THE RAINBOW 400 'IBM is known informally as Big this'


GO IRISH! 1000 'For organizing Band Aid & other good works, this Irishman received an honorary knighthood in 1986'

'Bob Geldof'

BASEBALL: THE 1950s 2000 'In a 1951 playoff game, he hit the "shot heard 'round the world" propelling the Giants into the World Series'

'Bobby Thomson'

A NOVEL CATEGORY 1600 'Tom Wolfe wrote about the fall of Wall Street master of the universe Sherman McCoy in this, his first novel'

'Bonfire of the Vanities'

FILM SONGS 1000 '"Foggy Mountain Breakdown"'

'Bonnie and Clyde'

JOLLY OLD ENGLAND 'Queen Anne liked the Marquess of Normanby, gave him permission to build a huge home in London & made him Duke of this'




CARBON CREDITS 1600 'This carbon isotope, 2 down from radiocarbon, is the standard for the relative atomic mass of other elements'

'C-12 (or carbon-12)'

QUICK HISTORY 400 'In 1756 this city's "black hole" made news'


10 400 'This nation of 3.8 million square miles is made up of 10 provinces & 3 territories'


EUROPEAN LIT 200 'This 1759 Voltaire work attacks optimism by putting the title trusting young man through misery'


LEWIS OR CLARK 400 'Between 1981 & 1991 he won 65 consecutive long jump competitions'

'Carl Lewis'

ON A FIRST-NAME BASIS 1600 "In Spanish please, it's the real first name of Chuck Norris & Charlie Sheen"


MOVIE MONEY 1000 'This Cher film takes place at a Woolworth's in a small Texas town, not far from where "Giant" was shot'

'Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean'

U.S. STATES "This third-smallest state in area is home to the USA's third-oldest college"


I'VE GOT A 6-PACK 400 'The light beer from this brand is known as "The Silver Bullet"'


BIOGRAPHIES 1600 '1987's "Cory: Profile of a President" is a biography of this leader of the Philippines'

'Corazon Aquino'

ITALIAN CITIES & TOWNS Daily Double 'In 2003 a campaign was launched to change the name of this Sicilian town, associated with the Mafia due to U.S. pop culture'


I'VE GOT A 6-PACK 600 '"La Cerveza Mas Fina" is written on this Mexican brand's "Extra" bottles'


BODY QUOTES Daily Double 'This 1897 work includes the line "a great nose indicates a great man"'

'Cyrano de Bergerac'

THE NAME OF THE FLAG 200 "This country's flag is called the Dannebrog"


DIRECTED & STARRED IN 400 '"Easy Rider"'

'Dennis Hopper'

DREAMBOATS 800 'He was in all his "Glory" in 1996 when he was named People's Sexiest Man Alive, the first & only African American honored'

'Denzel Washington'

NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNERS 'The winner in 1984, he likes to be called "Arch", a reference to his job'

'Desmond Tutu'

HAWAIIAN CROSSWORD CLUES 800 "Honolulu's gem of a landmark (7, 4)"

'Diamond Head'

SINGERS "R" US 600 'At a January 14, 1970 concert, she announced that Jean Terrell would be replacing her in the Supremes'

'Diana Ross'

HE DIED A DEADLY DEATH Daily Double "On Nov. 8, 1887 TB claimed the life of this O.K. Corral vet; he's pretty famous for an ex-dentist"

'Doc Holliday'

QUOTABLE PLAYS 400 '"Hoke, what I'm looking for is somebody to drive my mother around"'

'Driving Miss Daisy'

GO IRISH! 200 "The Ha'penny Bridge spans the Liffey River in this Irish metropolis"


FORM LETTERS 200 'The simplest version of IRS Form 1040 adds these 2 letters'


AUTHORS ON AUTHORS Daily Double 'Conan Doyle wrote, "Where was the detective story until" this author "breathed the breath of life into it?"'

'Edgar Allan Poe'

BIBLICAL GEOGRAPHY 200 'When Joseph died he was embalmed & "put in a coffin in" this country where his father Jacob was also buried'


EDUCATION ABBREVIATION 1000 "ESEA, short for this act, dates from the 60's & morphed into No Child Left Behind"

'Elementary & Secondary Education Act'

THE NEW YORK TIMES IN THE 21st CENTURY 800 'Between 2001 & 2010 the Times won 26 Pulitzers, including one in 2009 for covering the stunning downfall of this governor'

'Eliot Spitzer'

POETS & POETRY 800 'She titled an 1851 collection of her poems "Casa Guidi Windows"'

'Elizabeth Barrett Browning'

10 200 'The 10 plagues of Egypt are enumerated in this biblical book'


DEATH OF AN AUTHOR 'In 1940 at age 44 he died of a heart attack at his Hollywood home while reading his Princeton Alumni Weekly'

'F. Scott Fitzgerald'

ON THE BRITISH MONARCHY'S WEBSITE 600 'The Queen & the British monarchy have pages on this social networking site; you can "like" them but you can't "friend" them'


ABBREVIATED MAGAZINES 1000 "For exciting things parents & children can do together: Disney's FF"


MOVIE MONEY 800 'This 1964 Sergio Leone film starring Clint Eastwood introduced the spaghetti western'

'Fistful of Dollars'

& THE HORSE YOU RODE IN ON! 1000 'When it comes to 1943 Roddy McDowall films about a boy & his horse, let me introduce you to "My Friend" this'


ITALIAN CITIES & TOWNS 2000 'Over 700 years old, the Palazzo Vecchio was the seat of government of this city back when it was a republic'


ABBREVIATED MAGAZINES 800 'Eat, drink & be merry: F&W'

'Food & Wine'

NAME THAT FOOD! 1200 'Sautxc3xa9ed in a mix of rum, brown sugar & banana liqueur & poured over vanilla ice cream, go Bananas this!'


KNOW YOUR BOUNDARIES 800 'These two countries have the longest international border formed by the Rhine river'

'France and Germany'

SITCOM COUPLES 2000 '"Uncle" Jesse Katsopolis & Rebecca Donaldson'

'Full House'

KNOW YOUR BOUNDARIES 1200 "Smuggling tunnels run under Egypt's border with this Hamas-controlled strip"


ACTORS WHO WRITE 400 'He co-wrote "Good Night, and Good Luck."'

'George Clooney'

THE LANGUAGE OF BEER 400 'Bier, bitte'


FOREIGN WORDS & PHRASES 200 'Said before a toast & after a sneeze, it means health in German'


SPEAKING FLUENT CANADIAN 2000 'We don't have "Thirty Two Short Films About" this Canadian pianist who learned to play at age 3, just 1 short clue'

'Glenn Gould'

AFRICAN-AMERICAN LITERATURE 1600 'This 1953 novel by James Baldwin is based on his own experiences as a teenaged preacher'

'Go Tell It on the Mountain'

JA, DAS IST MEIN POSSE 1600 'Worldwide there are about 150 institutes to promote German culture named for this 18th & 19th c. writer'


A NOVEL CATEGORY 2000 'A little birdie told us Donna Tartt won a 2014 Pulitzer prize for this novel that deals with a small, mysterious painting'


THE NEW YORK TIMES IN THE 21st CENTURY 2000 "In 2011 the Dealbook feature reported on this Wall St. bank's failed plan to let U.S. clients invest early in Facebook"

'Goldman Sachs'

LITERARY E-MAIL ADDRESSES 800 '[email protected]'


THE NEW YORK TIMES IN THE 21st CENTURY 1200 "The 1st Timescast of newsroom video aired in 2010 & 1 story discussed was this tech co.'s rocky relationship with China"


THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE 1000 'This 1990 winner said it was "a recognition of what we call perestroika and innovative political thinking"'


COUNTRIES' HIGHEST PEAKS 'These 2 nations, one an island, have highest peaks with the same name; they also share a common European culture'

'Greece & Cyprus'

THE LANGUAGE OF BEER 1000 'Bira, parakalo'


ON BASS & DRUMS 600 'Punk rockers with a "Longview": Mike Dirnt & Tre Cool'

'Green Day'

WHAT'S NEW IN ARCHAEOLOGY 800 'A team in this Central American country found a 2,200-year-old visual depiction of the Mayan creation story "Popol Vuh"'


LEADERS OF WORLD WAR II Daily Double 'Forced into exile by an Italian invasion in 1936, this emperor returned to his homeland in January 1941'

'Haile Selassie'

HELLO, CLEVELAND! 1600 'After playing Cleveland's Agora Ballroom, it was "Hello, Cleveland, hello, success" for this "Rich Girl" duo'

'Hall & Oates'

ANCIENT BABYLON 1200 '26 of his laws concerned regulations for professional men such as physicians & boatbuilders'


BASEBALL: THE 1950s 400 "On April 23, 1954 this Braves outfielder hit his first Major League home run; he'd hit 754 more before he retired"

'Hank Aaron'

BRITISH ROYAL HOUSE, PLEASE 1600 'Take a "G" away from what you have the next day after too many Pimm's cups the night before to get this royal house'


AUTHORS ON AUTHORS 400 'Charles Dickens wrote that a visit by this "Fairy Tales" scribe had been "five weeks which seemed to the family ages"'

'Hans Christian Andersen'

ALL ABOARD AMTRAK 1000 "The Keystone Route serves NYC, Philly & this capital; Three Mile Island's nearby if you're the nuclear plant gawker type"


10 800 'Canto 30 of Dante's "Paradiso" is titled not the seventh but "The Tenth" this, "or Empyrean"'


HE DIED A DEADLY DEATH 400 'On Jan. 28, 1547, after a physical & mental decline, this king of England was (surprisingly) survived by his wife Catherine'

'Henry VIII'

U.S.A. 'Chocolate Avenue & Cocoa Avenue are 2 of the main thoroughfares in this town that was established in 1903'

'Hershey, Pennsylvania'

PLAYING THE PONIES 2000 'Viggo Mortensen takes this title horse on the "Ocean of Fire" race in a 2004 movie'


MISSING LYRICS 200 '"Welcome to the ____ ____, such a lovely place, such a lovely face"'

'Hotel California'

ABBREV. TV 200 'Sitcom narrated through flashbacks from the future: "HIMYM"'

'How I Met Your Mother'

BRITS & AUSSIES ON TV 800 "He's gotten high praise for his American accent & his role as the curmudgeonly Dr. House"

'Hugh Laurie'

2-LETTER RESPONSES 200 "It was originally calculated by taking a person's mental age, dividing by chronological age & multiplying by 100"


EUROPEAN LIT 600 'When he lashed Norwegian society in "A Doll's House", he had been in his homeland only once in 15 years'


WORLD GEOGRAPHY 'Though it consists entirely of islands, this populous country borders 3 other nations'


AUTHORS 'He died in 1995, the day before the opening of a Glasgow veterinary library named for him'

'James Herriot'

THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION 600 'This "Father of the Constitution" told delegates they "would decide forever the fate of republican government"'

'James Madison'

BRITS & AUSSIES ON TV 400 'In the 1990s she played Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman'

'Jane Seymour'

AMERICAN WOMAN 200 "Florida's state attorney in 1978, she would add the rest of the country to her docket as U.S. Attorney General"

'Janet Reno'

THE LANGUAGE OF BEER 600 'Biru, kudasai'


WORDS FROM ARABIC 1600 'The fragrant name of this "Aladdin" princess comes from an Arabic word'


BIBLICAL GEOGRAPHY 600 "Only Rahab & her family, who had cared for Joshua's spies, survived the destruction of this city"


OSCAR-NOMINATED SPORTS FLICKS 200 'Rod Tidwell is an underpaid (by his lights) wide receiver in this film about a sports agent'

'Jerry Maguire'

PEOPLE 600 'A 2010 story informed us that Mike Sorrentino aka the Situation, is loving his new fame as part of this show'

'Jersey Shore'

BIBLICAL GEOGRAPHY 800 'This city is also called Zion, referring to one of the hills on which it stood'


KEEPING UP WITH THE JOANS 2000 '"A Prima Donna's Progress" is the autobiography of this Aussie dame'

'Joan Sutherland'

PENN. PALS 1200 'NFL quarterbacks from Pennsylvania include Dan Marino & this man, "Broadway Joe"'

'Joe Namath'

MOVIE MUSICALS 400 'She not only played Mary Poppins, she provided the whistling for the animatronic robin'

'Julie Andrews'

TEENS & POETRY 400 'Capulet, her father, says this Shakespeare heroine "hath not seen the change of fourteen years"'


NOTRE DAME 400 "The cathedral was built on the site of an ancient temple dedicated to him, Rome's supreme god"


NAME THAT FOOD! 800 'This puffy poppy seed roll shares its name with a former royal title'


NEWSPAPER HISTORY 1200 'Missouri poet Eugene Field wrote about this city's paper, "Twinkle, twinkle little Star, bright and gossipy you are"'

'Kansas City'

THEIR TV ROLES 1200 'Gemma Teller Morrow & Peg Bundy'

'Katey Sagal'

THE JUNIOR VARSITY 400 'The son of a veteran outfielder, he hit 630 major league home runs'

'Ken Griffey, Jr.'

ASIA LOVES THAT AMERICAN BRAND 1000 'In 2010 customers waited in line for 27 hours when this donut chain opened in Bangkok'

'Krispy Kreme'

JA, DAS IST MEIN POSSE 2000 'The artistic Novembergruppe included Bertolt Brecht & this composer, his collaborator'

'Kurt Weill'

OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE Daily Double '"Happy Mothers, Breastfed Babies" is the motto of this league whose name includes the Spanish for "milk"'

'La Leche'

CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN 400 'A series of presidential $1 coins features this symbolic lady on the reverse'

'Lady Liberty'

SIGN OF THE FOUR 200 'Of the 4 "Little Women" characters Jo, Beth, Laurie & Amy, the one not a sister of the others'


AUTHORS ON AUTHORS 800 'After reading this book, Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote Walt Whitman, "I greet you at the beginning of a great career"'

'Leaves of Grass'

ART & MYTHOLOGY Daily Double "In a painting by Cezanne, she's cozying up to a swan"


GLEE SONGS 1600 'Lea Michele played Cosette on Broadway in this show & sang "On My Own" from it on "Glee"'

'Les Misxc3x83xc2xa9rables'

AFRICAN CAPITALS 'This West Central African capital grew out of a settlement that France established for freed slaves in 1849'


STEAMBOATS 1000 'Mark Twain recounts learning to pilot steamboats called Paul Jones & Crescent City in this 1883 memoir'

'Life on the Mississippi'

SINGERS "R" US 1000 'In 2012 this singer released an album of country duets called "Tuskegee", for his birthplace in Alabama'

'Lionel Richie'

BEFORE & AFTER: SINGERS & PRESIDENTS 400 'I'm the "Tutti Frutti" singer who also made a historic visit to China'

'Little Richard Nixon'

TEENS & POETRY 1000 'Don Juan, the teenage hero of a poem by this British lord, is "tall, handsome, slender, but well knit"'

'Lord Byron'

NEW MEXICO 600 'In 1942 this comparatively isolated New Mexico place was chosen for an atomic research lab'

'Los Alamos'

U.S.A. 400 'For tourist information on this state, call 1-800-33-GUMBO'


CAVES 1600 'During the War of 1812, this Kentucky cave was used to mine saltpeter for the making of gunpowder'

'Mammoth Cave'

AMERICAN ART & ARTISTS 2000 'Emmanuel Radnitzky was the original name of this photographer who had a major role in Dadaism & Surrealism'

'Man Ray'

IT'S ALL ABOUT HER 800 '"The Downing Street Years"'

'Margaret Thatcher'

PEOPLE 1000 "We believe the only Canadian political wife to make the cover was this one linked in the '70s to players like Mick Jagger"

'Margaret Trudeau'

IT'S A FACT 800 "It's the shortest of the 4 gospels in the New Testament"


SITCOM COUPLES 400 "Al & Peg Bundy, seemingly to Al's dismay"

'Married... with Children'

THE JUNIOR VARSITY 200 'He became president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in 1957'

'Martin Luther King, Jr.'

THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION 1000 'Elbridge Gerry from this state refused to sign the Constitution because in it "liberties... were not secured"'


IT'S NOT TV, IT'S "HBO" 800 "Jim Gallegos' collection of this toy car brand is estimated to be worth $2 million"


ACTORS WHO WRITE 200 'They wrote "Good Will Hunting" together'

'Matt Damon & Ben Affleck'

MUSIC FESTIVALS Daily Double 'The Beale Street Music Festival in this city has been called the "Mardi Gras of the mid-South"'


RABBIT 2000 'The rare volcano rabbit lives around the lofty volcanoes that surround this North American capital'

'Mexico City'

SKYSCRAPER CITY 800 'The 67-story Marquis Residences at 1100 Biscayne Boulevard'


MICKEYPEDIA 800 'From 1951 to 1968 he hit 536 homers for the New York Yankees'

'Mickey Mantle'

MICKEYPEDIA 400 "At the urging of his wife, Walt Disney changed Mortimer's name to this"

'Mickey Mouse'

WATCH THOSE RATS & MICE 200 'His role as a mischievous deckhand in "Steamboat Willie" launched his career'

'Mickey Mouse'

MICKEYPEDIA 1600 'Born Joe Yule Jr. in 1920, he briefly changed his name to Mickey McGuire before settling on this stage name'

'Mickey Rooney'

MICKEYPEDIA 2000 'A 1996 documentary was titled this man, "Actor or Boxer?"'

'Mickey Rourke'

WRITE NOW! 800 'H. Rider Haggard is said to have penned "King Solomon's" these in a little over a month to back up a boast he'd made'


PEOPLE 400 'The magazine loves those "mid-life moms", like this actress who's "Pretty in Pink... and blue!"'

'Molly Ringwald'

TV THEME SONGS 'A 1984 country hit, "All My Rowdy Friends Are Coming Over Tonight" is the basis for its theme song'

'Monday Night Football'

MOVIE MONEY 600 'Oliver Stone's follow-up to "Wall Street" had this subtitle'

'Money Never Sleeps'

19th CENTURY PRESIDENTS 1200 'The time of his administration was known as "the Era of Good Feelings"'


ALL ABOARD AMTRAK 200 'The Adirondack route hits NYC, Albany & this second-largest Canadian city'


BIBLICAL BOOK TITLES 1000 '"The Bear" is one of the stories in Faulkner's collection called "Go Down," him'


MUSIC FESTIVALS 1000 'In 2006 year-long festivals in Salzburg & Vienna celebrated his 250th birthday'


& THE HORSE YOU RODE IN ON! 200 'This talking title horse had his own CBS sitcom from 1961 to 1966, but work slowed down for him after that'

'Mr. Ed'

WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF? 2000 'Michael Cunningham's "The Hours" was inspired by this novel that Woolf originally called "The Hours"'

'Mrs. Dalloway'

GAME DESCRIPTIONS 800 'In a Namco game, eat fruit, dodge ghosts, get the hungry gal around the maze'

'Ms. Pac-man'

QUOTABLE PLAYS 2000 '"Here's a paper written in his hand, a halting sonnet of his own pure brain, fashioned to Beatrice"'

'Much Ado About Nothing'

SPORTS BY MOVIE 600 '"Days of Thunder"'

'NASCAR auto racing'

THE NEW YORK TIMES DINING & WINE 600 'A 2010 article reported on the hard times that have fallen on wineries in this California valley'

'Napa Valley'

NOTRE DAME 600 'In 1431 Notre Dame held the coronation of King Henry VI & in 1804, the coronation of this man'

'Napoleon Bonaparte'

BAVARIA 800 'In gratitude for supporting him in his conquest of Europe, this leader made Bavaria a kingdom in 1805'


EXPOSÉS 1200 'Born Elizabeth Cochran, this journalist wrote an 1887 exposxc3xa9 on conditions in mental asylums'

'Nellie Bly'

WE'VE GOT YOU SURROUNDED! 400 'India, China'


ROME, IF YOU WANT TO 1600 'The ruins of the Domus Aurea, this Emperor's "Golden House" built after the Great Fire, sit in a public park in Rome'


LEWIS OR CLARK 600 'In 1994 James H. Clark co-founded this company known for its Navigator web browser'


STATE'S RIGHTS 400 'Vermont'

'New Hampshire'

THE 50 STATES 800 'In September bring your appetite to Las Cruces in this state for the Whole Enchilada Fiesta'

'New Mexico'

TALES OF ADVENTURE 800 'In "A Walk Across America", Peter Jenkins wrote of doing just that, from New York to this "new" city'

'New Orleans'

CAVES 400 "The Waitomo caves on this country's North Island are lit by thousands of glowworms"

'New Zealand'

NAME THAT FOOD! 2000 "Benjamin Wenberg had a lobster dish named for him; Ben got in a fight at Delmonico's, so that was changed to Lobster this"


EXPOSÉS 2000 "This coin phrase is the punning title of Barbara Ehrenreich's chronicle of making ends meet on $7 an hour"

'Nickel and Dimed'

I SAW IT ON TV 200 'I saw this guy's "resigned" expression during his speech on August 8, 1974'


A NOVEL CATEGORY 1200 'Nicholas Sparks has set many novels, including "Safe Haven" & "Nights in Rodanthe", in this, his home state'

'North Carolina'

STATE'S RIGHTS Daily Double 'Tennessee'

'North Carolina'

STATE'S RIGHTS 800 'Montana'

'North Dakota'

I SAW IT ON TV 1000 'I saw the announcement of the Good Friday Agreement for peace in this U.K. land'

'Northern Ireland'

B IN THE MIDDLE 1200 "It's the fourth book of the Old Testament"


U.S. LAKES & RIVERS 800 "One of Hawaii's longest rivers, the Kaukonahua flows into the Pacific near Waialua on this island"


THE MAD TEA PARTY 800 'The Tea Party demands repeal of new legislation on health insurance, derided with this 9-letter name'


19th CENTURY AMERICA 200 'In 1803 this "Buckeye State" entered the Union, the first state in which slavery was illegal from the outset'


THE 50 STATES 400 'To visit the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, you have to go to this state'


THE NAME OF THE FLAG 800 'On YouTube you can watch Jack Webb talk about the U.S. flag in a clip rhymingly called "The Story of" this'

'Old Glory'

NASHVILLE, GEOGRAPHIC 800 "This name of 22,500-acre lake near Nashville is also Andrew Jackson's nickname"

'Old Hickory'


'Old Lace'

PLACES THAT END IN "IA" 600 'One of the 2 U.S. state capitals that fit the category'

'Olympia (or Columbia)'

ANAGRAMS 800 "I'll be going to this Canadian province to give an oration"

'Ontario (from oration)'

CANADIAN PROVINCES 400 'The name of this province is said to mean "rocks standing high", referring to Niagara Falls'


NONFICTION 1600 '"American Prometheus" was subtitled "The Triumph and Tragedy of" this father of the atomic bomb'


COLORS OF THE RAINBOW 800 'William the Silent was Count of Nassau & Prince of this'


BEFORE, DURING & AFTER 400 "Florida NBA team that's central to a lofty Thomas Mann work about a soft drink"

'Orlando Magic Mountain Dew'

WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF? Daily Double 'This 1928 title character begins as a man & ends, almost 400 years later, as a young woman (but not in Florida)'


NONFICTION 400 'A former Navy SEAL chronicled "No Easy Day: The Firsthand Account of the Mission that Killed" him'

'Osama bin Laden'

NO WAY! IT'S NORWAY! 200 "The original site of this city, Norway's largest, was east of the Aker River, which it now straddles"


SHAKESPEARE'S ENDINGS 400 '"Gratiano, keep the house, and seize upon the fortunes of the Moor, for they succeed on you"'


QUOTABLE PLAYS 1600 '"Wait! One more look. Good-by, good-by world! Good-by, Grover's Corners"'

'Our Town'

TALES OF ADVENTURE 2000 "It's the story of the Devil's Island imprisonment & escape of Henri Charriere"


BEFORE, DURING & AFTER 800 "John Milton epic about Gertrude Stein's Parisian expatriate Yanks who were born starting in 1965"

'Paradise Lost Generation X'

WE'VE GOT YOU SURROUNDED! 600 'Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia'


TV SHOWS BY FAMILY 1600 'A bunch of Bravermans, including Adam, Sarah & Crosby'


STAY AWAY FROM MEAT 600 'Not "Yesterday" but in 2009, this musician & longtime vegetarian launched a "meat free Monday" campaign'

'Paul McCartney'

POETS & POETRY 400 '"The people will waken & listen to hear / The hurrying hoof-beats of that steed, / & the midnight message of" him'

'Paul Revere'

FROM U.S. TO USSR 800 'An admirer of the USSR, he gave a 1949 concert from Moscow's Tchaikovsky Hall that included "Ol' Man River"'

'Paul Robeson'

CLASSIC YUMMY ROCKERS 2000 'This band was once named for NBA star Mookie Blaylock, but decided to go with a more well-"preserved" name'

'Pearl Jam'

CAVES 800 'On December 2, 1929 a skull of this prehistoric man was discovered in Zhoukoudian Cave in China'

'Peking Man'

SODA 200 'The "Max" in the name of this soda's diet version refers to its taste'


NATIONAL BOOK AWARD WINNERS 1600 'In 1960 for "Goodbye, Columbus" & in 1995 for "Sabbath's Theater"'

'Philip Roth'

HELLO, CLEVELAND! 800 'In 1977 this "Dark Side of the Moon" band said "Hello, Cleveland", playing a concert there to more than 80,000 fans'

'Pink Floyd'

ASIA LOVES THAT AMERICAN BRAND 200 "This fast food chain is the No. 1 casual dining brand in China with 660 restaurants; that's a lot of P'zones to go"

'Pizza Hut'

ASIA LOVES THAT AMERICAN BRAND 400 'The CEO of this magazine with a bunny logo said it's "more of a fashion brand" in Asia & "we're more like Louis Vuitton"'


REBELS WITH A CAUSE 400 "The 1606-07 Zebrzydowski Rebellion was an uprising of nobles against this country's king"


LEADERS OF WORLD WAR II 1600 'Though he kept this country neutral, Antonio Salazar did allow the Allies to establish bases in the Azores'


TRADITIONAL ANNIVERSARY GIFTS 800 'You can buy a gift of this for the 9th anniversary from the store called this "Barn"'


ART & MYTHOLOGY 1200 'Cupid, Flora & 3 dancing Graces appear in this Botticelli masterpiece whose name means "springtime "'


CANADIAN PROVINCES 800 'Locals just call this seventh province "The Island"'

'Prince Edward Island'

SINGLE NAMED SINGERS 1200 "In 2010 this rocker wrote a theme song for the Minnesota Vikings; is that why he's so into purple?"


SOUP ALPHABET 600 '"P" is for this label founded in 1927 that makes beef barley & Italian-style wedding soup'


HELLO, CLEVELAND! 2000 'In 1999 this Chuck D group said, "Hello, Rock & Roll Hall of Fame" & played at a new hip-hop exhibit'

'Public Enemy'

BEFORE, DURING & AFTER 1600 "Possible 51st state that's part of a set of anti-crime laws & a penitential Catholic prayer"

'Puerto Rico Act of contrition'

CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN Daily Double 'The back of a U.S. quarter featuring this place calls it the "Isla del Encanto"'

'Puerto Rico'

U.S. LAKES & RIVERS 400 'Rivers that flow into this inlet in Washington state include the Puyallup & Skagit'

'Puget Sound'

"X" "Q"s ME 200 "It's the type of keyboard named for the succession of 6 letters found near the upper-left corner"


MARVEL-OUS 800 'In Neil Gaiman's graphic novel "1602", Marvel kills off this British ruler'

'Queen Elizabeth I'

NATIONAL BOOK AWARD WINNERS 1200 'In 1952 for her nonfiction bestseller "The Sea Around Us"'

'Rachel Carson'

OSCAR-NOMINATED SPORTS FLICKS 600 'Director Martin Scorsese had a bit part as a stagehand in this bio of Jake La Motta'

'Raging Bull'

SULEIMAN THE MAGNIFICENT 800 'In 1522 Suleiman recaptured this "colossal" Greek island from the knights of St. John'


SHAKESPEARE'S ENDINGS 800 '"We will unite the white rose and the red, smile heaven upon this fair conjunction"'

'Richard III'

BEFORE & AFTER: SINGERS & PRESIDENTS 2000 'Despite meeting "Mary Jane" & a "Super Freak", I never married; I'm...'

'Rick James Buchanan'

IT'S A FACT 1200 "It's the capital of Latvia"


SINGERS "R" US 400 "Not yet 25, she's the highest-selling digital artist of all time, with more than 47 million units sold"


1930s SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Daily Double 'In 1935 this American became the first to shoot a liquid-fuel rocket faster than the speed of sound'

'Robert Goddard'

DREAMBOATS 2000 'He was on the cover of GQ magazine in April 2009 with the tagline "Interview With a Vampire"'

'Robert Pattinson'

DIRECTED & STARRED IN 800 '"The Horse Whisperer"'

'Robert Redford'

OSCAR-NOMINATED SPORTS FLICKS 800 'This 1976 Oscar winner used the tagline "You have a ringside seat for the bloodiest Bicentennial in history"'


TIME FOR A REVOLUTION! 1200 'The first uprising called this natl. revolution was in 1905, after a massacre of peasants at the Winter Palace'


BIBLICAL BOOK TITLES 400 'One of Oprah's picks was Jane Hamilton's novel "The Book of" her; sounds just like an Old Testament book'


WE'VE GOT YOU SURROUNDED! 800 'Congo, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi'


CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN 1000 "She's on the front of the 2010 $1 coin that has the Hiawatha Belt on the reverse"


I SAW IT ON TV 800 'I saw U.S. Marines topple a statue of this man on April 9, 2003'

'Saddam Hussein'

BIOGRAPHIES 400 'Marquis James' 1929 biography "The Raven" was the story of this president of Texas, not Edgar Allan Poe'

'Sam Houston'

HE DIED A DEADLY DEATH 800 'This political legend of Texas had a problem--a serious problem--on July 26, 1863'

'Sam Houston'

COCA-COLA PRODUCTS AROUND THE WORLD 1600 'In Vietnam lay down your sword & enjoy this energy drink named for a Japanese warrior'


GOING TO PIECES 400 'Every Christmas, the Indiana post office in the town named for him postmarks a half a million pieces of mail'

'Santa Claus'

CANADIAN PROVINCES 2000 "Alphabetically, it's the last of Canada's 3 prairie provinces"


FILM SONGS 200 '"Stayin' Alive"'

'Saturday Night Fever'

IT'S A FACT 1600 'This Wisconsin governor survived a recall effort in 2012'

'Scott Walker'

SINGLE NAMED SINGERS 1600 '"But we're never gonna survive, unless" you name this singer who went "Crazy" on Billboard's Top 40 in 1991'


ACTORS WHO WRITE 800 'He adapted "Into the Wild"'

'Sean Penn'

SKYSCRAPER CITY 1000 "The West Coast's 76-story Columbia Center"


ACTORS WHO WRITE 1000 'He co-wrote "This Is the End"'

'Seth Rogen'

TV SHOWS BY FAMILY 2000 'On Showtime, Frank Gallagher & his 6 kids'


ON A FIRST-NAME BASIS 400 "Though spelled differently, it's the real first name of Diddy & Jay-Z"


CIVIL WAR NAMES 400 'He reached Savannah in time for Christmas 1864 & presented the city to the Pres., along with 150 captured cannons'


ITALIAN CITIES & TOWNS 1200 'The earth from this Tuscan city lent its name to a yellow-brown pigment & a "burnt" reddish-brown one'


BRITS & AUSSIES ON TV 1600 'Before he was "The Mentalist", this Aussie played "The Guardian"'

'Simon Baker'

TV 1000 "Nathaniel Fisher didn't let a little thing like being killed by a bus stop him from visiting his family on this HBO show"

'Six Feet Under'

ABBREV. TV 600 'A competition: "SYTYCD"'

'So You Think You Can Dance'

U.S.A. 1600 'With its Old World architecture, this California city is "The Danish Capital of America"'


"WONDER" LAND 1600 'Mary Stuart Masterson, Eric Stoltz & Lea Thompson are at the heart of this 1987 love triangle'

'Some Kind of Wonderful'

BIBLICAL BOOK TITLES 600 'Macon "Milkman" Dead is on a quest for his identity in this novel by Toni Morrison'

'Song of Solomon'

KNOW YOUR BOUNDARIES 1600 "If you cross any of Lesotho's borders, you can only end up in this other country"

'South Africa'

ABBREVIATED MAGAZINES 600 "Hey, y'all, for food, home & travel from Texas to Florida & the states in between: SL"

'Southern Living'

AIRLINES 800 "This airline began service to Houston & San Antonio from Dallas' Love Field on June 18, 1971"


19th CENTURY PRESIDENTS 400 'James K. Polk is the only president to have previously held this position in the House of Representatives'


HELLO, CLEVELAND! 1200 'This movie band shouts "Hello, Cleveland" as they get lost trying to find the stage of the Xanadu star theater'

'Spinal Tap'

2011 MOVIES 1000 'Kate Bosworth & James Marsden star in the 2011 remake of this Sam Peckinpah film'

'Straw Dogs'

BRITISH ROYAL HOUSE, PLEASE 2000 'Confederate general Jeb lent this surname to light tanks known as the M2, M3 & M5'


PEOPLE 200 'In April 2010 People reported this daughter of Tom Cruise is turning 4 with a style all her own'


FUNDRAISERS Daily Double "Race for the Cure is a fundraiser for the breast cancer foundation named for this woman, Nancy G. Brinker's sister"

'Susan G. Komen'

WORDS FROM ARABIC 400 'Derived from the Arabic sawahil, meaning "of the coasts", it's a language on the African continent'


NO WAY! IT'S NORWAY! 400 "In 1814 the Norwegian parliament accepted this country's King Charles XIII to rule Norway as well"


AUTHORS ON AUTHORS 2000 'In 1974, a decade after her suicide, James Dickey called her "the Judy Garland of American poetry"'

'Sylvia Plath'

PLACES THAT END IN "IA" 200 'This country is bordered by Turkey to the north & Iraq to the east'


THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN' 400 "Thousands have died in this country's 2011 uprising against the Assad regime"


ANIMALS IN THE NEWS 1600 'Tumors infecting these marsupials of an Australian island-state were found to be a contagious cancer'

'Tasmanian devils'

PENN. PALS 400 'This country singer from Wyomissing sang the national anthem at a 76ers game at 11 & had her 1st single, "Tim McGraw", at age 16'

'Taylor Swift'

MUSIC APPRECIATION 1200 "In 1990, on this composer's 150th birthday, Itzhak Perlman was fiddling away in Russia in his honor"


THEIR TV ROLES 1600 'Lois Lane & Susan Mayer'

'Teri Hatcher'

I SAW IT ON TV 600 'In September 2011 I saw some of the 1,600 homes burned out by wildfires around Bastrop in this state'


NEWSPAPER HISTORY 1600 'This Massachusetts daily's early issues included "The Sunday Pulpit", a review of local sermons'

'The Boston Globe'

MOVIE MONEY 200 'Paul Newman won an Oscar for this sequel to "The Hustler"'

'The Color of Money'

SITCOM COUPLES 800 "Cliff & Clair Huxtable, dontcha know, with the lovin' & the laughin' & the family stuff..."

'The Cosby Show'

BOOKS' FIRST LINES Daily Double 'A bestseller: "Renowned curator Jacques Sauniere staggered through the... archway of the museum's Grand Gallery"'

'The Da Vinci Code'

CASEY AT THE BAT 1000 '"Casey at the Bat" was first published on June 3, 1888 in this San Francisco newspaper owned by W.R. Hearst'

'The Examiner'

SITCOM COUPLES 1600 "Nickelodeon's animated magical power couple Cosmo & Wanda"

'The Fairly OddParents'

PROLOGUES 1200 'The prologue to this book, the first part of "The Lord of the Rings", says it "is largely concerned with hobbits"'

'The Fellowship of the Ring'

WHAT KIDS ARE READING THESE DAYS 1600 'In the 4th volume of a series, Percy Jackson & the Olympians must fight "The Battle of" this puzzling place'

'The Labyrinth'

NONFICTION 800 'In "Dream New Dreams", Jai Pausch carries on after the death of her husband Randy, best known for this "Last" book'

'The Last Lecture'

ON BROADWAY 2010 400 'Abigail Breslin made her Broadway debut in this drama in which she stars as Helen Keller'

'The Miracle Worker'

FROM U.S. TO USSR 400 'In 1977, when it was known simply as The Dirt Band, it became the first U.S. rock group to tour the USSR'

'The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band'

OSCAR-NOMINATED SPORTS FLICKS 1000 'Several major league ballplayers had cameos in this 1942 Gary Cooper flick, including Babe Ruth & Bill Dickey'

'The Pride of the Yankees'

POLITICAL JARGON 400 "Wolf Blitzer's show title refers to this place where activities are coordinated during a crisis"

'The Situation Room'

"WONDER" LAND 800 "It's the TV show where Kevin pined for Winnie"

'The Wonder Years'

NATIONAL BOOK AWARD WINNERS 2000 'In 1974 for "Gravity's Rainbow"'

'Thomas Pynchon'

TALES OF ADVENTURE 400 'The "Woodswoman" books cover Anne LaBastille's attempts to live rustically like this author did from 1845 to 1847'


MOVIE MONEY 400 'The title of this 1954 classic refers to the Trevi one in Rome'

'Three Coins in the Fountain'

SHAKESPEARE'S ENDINGS 2000 '"As for that ravenous tiger Tamora... being dead, let birds on her take pity"'

'Titus Andronicus'

25-GAME WINNERS 600 'Terrific! He racked up 25 wins for the Miraculous 1969 Mets'

'Tom "Terrific" Seaver'

WATCH THOSE RATS & MICE 400 '"Quiet Please!", starring this feline & mouse duo, won the 1945 Oscar for best cartoon short subject'

'Tom & Jerry'

WRITE NOW! 1200 'He wrote "The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby" in one night for Esquire magazine'

'Tom Wolfe'

THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE 800 'This U.N. agency, created in 1946 to aid children in Europe, won the 1965 Peace Prize'


AIRLINES 1000 'Pilot Sully Sullenberger performed the "Miracle on the Hudson" while flying for this airline'

'US Airways'

KNOW YOUR BOUNDARIES 400 'At the north end of South America, this country borders Colombia, Guyana & Brazil'


THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN' 1600 "This country's leader tried to squash rumors of his ill health with tweets from his account @chavezcandanga"


ODE TRIP 400 'Lord Byron sadly oded to this Italian city, "when thy marble walls are level with the waters..."'


FORM LETTERS 600 'In form VA4962, Verification of Eligibility for Burial in a National Cemetery, VA is this Cabinet department'

'Veterans Affairs'

INSTRUMENT-ATION 1000 'In "Twelfth Night", she's Sebastian's twin'


1930s SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 400 'Norman Haworth, who synthesized this vitamin aka ascorbic acid, won a 1937 Nobel Prize'

'Vitamin C'

TAKE A LETTER 800 'On a compass this letter is found at 270 degrees'


HELLO, CLEVELAND! 400 'It was "Hello, Cleveland, open the doors" when this singer who was "Born To Run" gave a free concert in 1978'

'(Bruce) Springsteen'

IT'S ALL ABOUT HER 200 '"Condi: The Life of a Steel Magnolia"'

'(Condoleezza) Rice'

IT'S NOT JUST A GOOD IDEA 2000 '"Law" was the middle name of this architect who co-designed New York's Central Park'

'(Frederick Law) Olmsted'

IT'S THE MATH OR SCIENCE LAW 400 'The second law of this 19th century botanist is the law of independent assortment'

'(Gregor) Mendel'

AMERICAN HISTORY Daily Double 'Selling out early, this prospector who gave his name to a mother lode of silver ended up broke & took his own life'

'(Henry) Comstock'

LEADERS OF WORLD WAR II 400 'As war minister & prime minister of Japan, he ordered the attack on Pearl Harbor'

'(Hideki) Tojo'

LITERARY CHARACTERS 800 'This greedy individual died 7 years before the narrative opens in "A Christmas Carol"'

'(Jacob) Marley'

2011 MOVIES 600 'He was busy in 2011, with parts in "Paul", "Horrible Bosses" & "The Change-Up"'

'(Jason) Bateman'

DREAMBOATS 1600 'Sorry, ladies, this Spanish heartthrob who starred in "Before Night Falls" is married to Penelope Cruz'

'(Javier) Bardem'

ESSAYS 800 'Naturally, this French philosopher wrote "Essays in Existentialism" & "Existentialism and Humanism"'

'(Jean-Paul) Sartre'

KEEPING UP WITH THE JOANS 1200 'This folk singer who once dated Steve Jobs sang "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" at his memorial'

'(Joan) Baez'

KEEPING UP WITH THE JOANS 400 'John's big sister, she recently played William H. Macy's love interest on "Shameless"'

'(Joan) Cusack'

IT'S THE MATH OR SCIENCE LAW 2000 '3 laws of planetary motion, including the law of areas, are named for this 17th century German astronomer'

'(Johannes) Kepler'

BOARDING SCHOOL 1200 "Famed for another signature, he signed the 1782 incorporation of Dummer Academy (now Governor's Academy)"

'(John) Hancock'

MATH MEN 'In 1880 he wrote, "We draw two circles, and make them include or exclude or intersect one another"'

'(John) Venn'

GOIN' SOLO 800 '...from *NSYNC with "Like I Love You"; nice career move, son'

'(Justin) Timberlake'

2011 MOVIES 800 'Known for his work as a Shakespearean actor, he directed "Thor"'

'(Kenneth) Branagh'

THE JUNIOR VARSITY 800 'Charles Black Jr. helped write the brief for this 10-year-old girl challenging segregation in Topeka'

'(Linda) Brown'

IT'S NOT JUST A GOOD IDEA 400 'Blinded at 3 in a harness shop accident, he developed a raised-dot reading system'

'(Louis) Braille'

ON BROADWAY 2010 2000 '"Red" stars Alfred Molina as this abstract expressionist who painted rectangles of color, a suicide in 1970'

'(Mark) Rothko'

LEADERS OF WORLD WAR II 2000 'In 1940, at age 84, he became premier of France; after the war he was tried for treason & sent to prison for life'

'(Marxc3xa9chal) Pxc3xa9tain'

AMERICAN ART & ARTISTS 1600 'This American Impressionist never married or had children, but in the 1880s she painted many scenes of mothers & children'

'(Mary) Cassatt'

PROLOGUES Daily Double 'A prologue by this author says, "I am an invisible man. No, I am not a spook like those who haunted Edgar Allan Poe"'

'(Ralph Waldo) Ellison'

BAVARIA 1200 'In the 1870s this composer built a theater, Festspielhaus, in Bayreuth to perform his operas'

'(Richard) Wagner'

AMERICAN HISTORY 1000 '"His name is" this & in 1869 this Doctor who had set John Wilkes Booth's leg was pardoned & freed from prison'

'(Samuel) Mudd'

SPEAKING FLUENT CANADIAN 400 'At the 2010 Olympics, this Pittsburgh Penguin & Nova Scotia native scored the gold medal-winning goal for Canada'

'(Sidney) Crosby'

HISTORY Daily Double 'As Vice Admiral, this circumnavigator helped command the fleet that beat the Spanish Armada in 1588'

'(Sir Francis) Drake'

NONFICTION 1200 'This author who died in 2012 sold over 20 million copies of his "7 Habits" books, not to mention "The 8th Habit"'

'(Stephen) Covey'

MODERN BABBLING 1200 'Seems impossible, but Victoria Beckham says, "I give" this percent & "I expect that from the people that work with me"'


TEENS & POETRY 200 'Geraldine Connolly recalls swimming pools & dancing in "The Summer I Was" this age at which you can get your driver's license'


TIME FOR A REVOLUTION! 800 "If it's July 14 of this year, it must be time to storm the Bastille & start the French Revolution"


SODA 800 "Splenda & real fruit juice make this alphanumeric soda's island fruit version special"

'7 Up'

ABOUT TIME 200 'In non-military time 2015 is this on the clock'

'8:15 P.M.'

NOW A FEW WORDS 400 'The use of these 2 letters joined together, as in alternate spellings of words like encyclopedia, is called an ash'

'A & E'

2-LETTER RESPONSES 600 'Red Cross data on U.S. blood types say 53% of Hispanics are O positive & 0.2% are this negative'


EDUCATION ABBREVIATION 600 '36 is a perfect score on the college entrance exam known by these 3 letters, kind of the opposite of "SAT"'


2-LETTER RESPONSES 400 'High school students can often earn college credits by taking this type of course or exam'


CIVIL WAR NAMES 1600 'This West Pointer threw out the first pitch, or rather, fired the first Union shot, in defense of Fort Sumter'

'Abner Doubleday'

RIBS 200 'In Genesis he wakes up to find himself minus one rib but plus one female'


BODIES OF WATER 1600 'The Cyclades Islands lie in this sea'

'Aegean Sea'

I HAVE A PREPOSITION FOR YOU 600 'It's the "A" in the advocacy group known as MADD'


NOTRE DAME 800 "In 2009 a memorial was held at Notre Dame for victims of this airline's Flight 447, which crashed after leaving Rio"

'Air France'

ON BROADWAY 1913 1600 'Later to help establish sound in the movies, he had them rolling in the aisles starring in "The Honeymoon Express" in 1913'

'Al Jolson'

STATE'S RIGHTS 1200 'Mississippi'


ARCHITECTS 2000 'His designs are seen in the film "Triumph of the Will"; after WWII he spent 20 years in Spandau Prison'

'Albert Speer'

ALL ABOARD AMTRAK 600 'The Southwest Chief route takes a "right toyn" after stopping at this 11-letter N.M. city (relax, we won't make you spell it)'


NEW MEXICO 200 "New Mexico's largest city, it was named for a viceroy of New Spain"


I HAVE ISSUES 800 "I've lost jobs by doing this, a verb meaning pretend to be sick"


2 PEOPLE, SAME POSITION 1000 'Baseball's Ozzie Guillen, Dunder Mifflin boss Andy Bernard on "The Office"'


"M.C." Daily Double 'It's "my bad"--in Latin'

'mea culpa'

PHYSICAL SCIENCE 1600 'In 1911 Heike Onnes first observed superconductivity when he cooled this slippery element to -452 degrees Fahrenheit'


WORK THOSE APPS! 1200 'Gym Goal Lite enables users to calculate both BMI, body mass index, & BMR, basal this rate'


THE LOOKING GLASS 400 'Anton von Leeuwenhoek ground lenses to make these, which magnified objects up to more than 200 times'


RABBIT 800 'Mother rabbits can be inattentive; to make up for that, nature made this liquid of theirs 15% protein'


SOUP ALPHABET 1000 '"M" is for this Japanese soup made from a paste & often served with rice at breakfast'

'miso soup'

WORDS FROM ARABIC 1200 'This "maternal" term comes from the Arabic for "resin" & might be heard when talking about King Tut'


WORDS FROM ARABIC 2000 'We've hit bottom with this 5-letter word from the Arabic for "opposite the zenith"'


"TIVITY" & COMPANY 800 'Birth, particularly of Jesus'


SAME FIRST & LAST LETTER 1000 'A noble gas, atomic number 10'


GOING TO PIECES 1000 'From the Latin for "of the night", these pensive musical pieces were popularized by Chopin & Bartok'


FOREIGN WORDS & PHRASES 600 'While nom de plume is a pen name, this phrase, "war name", is simply any pseudonym'

'nom de guerre'

PARTS OF SPEECH 400 '"Eating" and "jumping" are examples of the verbal type of these'


1930s SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 800 "Introduced by DuPont in 1938, Dr. West's miracle toothbrush was the first made of this synthetic polymer"


EXPOSÉS 400 '"Extra Virginity" is a book about the "scandalous world" of this liquid cooking product'

'olive oil'

NOW A FEW WORDS 800 'This 11-letter word can mean to plan & organize an event or to arrange music'


CARBON CREDITS 800 'This 2-word study of living things is primarily devoted to carbon compounds'

'organic chemistry'

JOY OF COOKING 200 'For Thanksgiving, "Joy of Cooking" suggests starting out with a bisque made with these shucked bivalves'


2-LETTER RESPONSES Daily Double 'These 2 letters & a number indicate the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution'


SCIENCE TERMS 200 'This measure of acidity & alkalinity tends to range between 0 & 14'


EDUCATION ABBREVIATION 800 'Students having trouble with articulation may go to an SLP, a speech language this'


"WAR" & "PEACE" 2000 'Exodus 20:24 mentions these, to be placed upon an altar of earth'

'peace offerings'

I HAVE A PREPOSITION FOR YOU 200 'This word meaning "for each" precedes annum or diem'


"PER"-FECT 400 "Cognition that can be so acute it's downright extrasensory"


GEOGRAPHIC TERMS 1200 "Also a term for brewing coffee, this is the movement of water from the earth's surface to its subsurface"


IT'S THE MATH OR SCIENCE LAW 800 'Mendeleev's Law is also called this law, a word found before "table of elements"'


"PER"-FECT 200 "It's when you lie under oath, I swear!"


"PER"-FECT 600 "Dessert fruit of Asia, where it's known as kaki"


ELEMENTS IN THE HUMAN BODY 600 'Your bones don't glow in the dark, but they do contain this "light-bringing" element that makes up 1% of you'


SOUNDS LIKE A LANGUAGE 800 'I have labored to learn this ancient tongue, which happens when the end of a race is too close for the naked eye'


"I"s IN THE PRIZE 800 'The only Nobel Prize that has 2 names is this "or medicine"'


____ OF ____ 1600 'Made from gypsum, this white powder mixed with water is used in sculpture to make molds & casts'

'plaster of Paris'

A LITTLE LEGALESE 600 "It's the unlawful taking or destroying of fish or game on another's land"


3-SYLLABLE WORDS 800 'In the 1960s Speaker of the California Assembly Jesse Unruh said, "Money is the mother's milk of" this'


SIGN OF THE FOUR 800 "Of the 4 principal directions on a sailing ship, the one that's also a potent potable"


BOARDING SCHOOL 400 'Many boarding schools are also prep schools, prep being short for this adjective'


SCIENCE IN SPORTS 1600 "A curveball curves because this is unequal on different sides where the ball's surface meets the air"

'pressure (or wind resistance)'

POLICE LINGO 800 "This word can also refer to high-ranking monks, but in cop-speak they're previous convictions"


THE LOOKING GLASS 2000 'To make binoculars compact, most contain these triangular glass objects; the Porro type gives better depth perception'


EDUCATION ABBREVIATION 400 'It's the "P" in FERPA, which makes schools get student or parent permission to release records'


"TIVITY" & COMPANY 600 'Amount of output per hour of work'


REBELS WITH A CAUSE 800 'In the 1799 Fries Rebellion, Pennsylvania took up arms against a tax on this, including land & slaves'


SAME FIRST & LAST LETTER 200 'Edible fruit matter, or lurid fiction'


"ARK", WHO GOES THERE? 800 'Hey! Look closely; if you do, & you should, you will see that there are 6 uses of these 2-word items used in writing! Now, 8!'

'punctuation marks'

RATHER COLORFUL LANGUAGE 1600 'This alliterative writing style uses exaggerated pathos to manipulate the reader'

'purple prose'

SCIENCE IN SPORTS 1200 "Golf's hottest controversy is over a type of this club with a longer shaft to stabilize your swing & nerves"


POP HIT MISSING LINKS 1200 'On the ___ Ga-Ga'


PARTY LIKE IT'S 1899 400 'Type of "activity" displayed by actinium, discovered by Andre Debierne'


ADD A LETTER 2000 'Add an "E" to a word meaning "reasonable" to get this underlying reason for doing something'


EDUCATION ABBREVIATION 200 'DEAR stands for "Drop Everything And" do this; you can even use your Kindle'


GET "REAL"! 800 'A viral video said this "hits you hard, bro"'


GET "REAL"! 1600 'To redistribute'


GET "REAL"! 400 'They sell houses'


5-LETTER WORDS 600 'This steel rod is used to strengthen concrete pourings'


ANAGRAMS 2000 'The article suggested going to see this type of musical program'

'recital (from article)'

THE NAME OF THE FLAG 1000 "Poland's flag is descriptively called bialo-czerwona, meaning these 2 colors"

'red and white'

CHEMISTRY 200 'When lemon juice is dropped on blue litmus paper, the paper will turn this color'


SYSTEMS OF THE BODY 800 'Your teenage students might be curious about this system that includes the ductus deferens and the Fallopian tubes'

'reproductive system'

ALL A DREAM 400 'Add 3 letters to reve, French for "dream", & you'll have this word for a daydream'


3-SYLLABLE WORDS 1000 'In 392 B.C. Isocrates founded a school to teach this skill of using language effectively & persuasively'


EUROPEAN LIT 800 '"Outpouring Of The Heart Of An Art-Loving Lay Brother" from 1797 is called the first German work in this movement'


IN COURAGE 400 "It's a cosmetic used to color the cheeks"


PHYSICAL SCIENCE 1200 'Thin slabs of itacolumite, a rare kind of this "grainy" rock, can actually be bent or squeezed out of shape'


ANAGRAMS 1600 'Marcel is a saint for letting his wife dress him in this, especially the duchess or slipper style'

'satin (from saint)'

JOY OF COOKING 400 'Under "Hot dogs", there's a Mexican dog topped with salsa & a German dog topped with this fermented cabbage'


NOW A FEW WORDS 200 'This 4-letter word for a type of jazz singing is also used to shoo cats'


SIGN OF THE FOUR 600 'Of the 4 traditional symphonic movements, the one whose name is Italian for "joke"'


FAMOUS LAST WORD 1600 'In "America the Beautiful"'


MUSICAL IDIOMS 800 'To "play" this stringed instrument means to serve in a subsidiary capacity'

'second fiddle'

SHALL I COMPARE THEE? 400 'Money in the bank is like this 2-word bedding item that kids tote around'

'security blanket'

JOY OF COOKING 800 'For your Super Bowl party, the book recommends the traditional dip of this many layers'


FAMOUS LAST WORD Daily Double 'In the first sentence of a Miranda warning'


MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 200 'The strings on the Japanese koto, a type of zither, were traditionally made of this fiber but are now mostly synthetic'


TRADITIONAL ANNIVERSARY GIFTS 1600 'The traditional gift for a 12th anniversary is this luxurious fabric, in the name of an ancient trade route from China'


SYSTEMS OF THE BODY 2000 'In this 8-letter system, some of 270 important parts we have at birth get fused, leaving only 206 in adults'

'skeletal system'

WORK THOSE APPS! 800 'The RunKeeper app uses GPS to track distance, speed & other data for a host of activities, such as this Bode Miller sport'


FUN RAISERS 2000 'Look, ma! No plane & no parachute! A Vegas wind tunnel lets you experience indoor this, aka bodyflight'


ANCIENT BABYLON 400 'Babylonian society had 3 classes: free citizens, partially free dependents & these people who could buy their freedom'


LATIN IN PLANT NAMES 400 'Somnifera means inducing this'


RETRONYMS 400 'This rhyming term refers to the letters the postal carrier brings to your house'

'snail mail'

POLITICAL JARGON 800 'Middle-class suburban women with kids kicking the ball around fall into this demographic'

'soccer moms'

FOREIGN WORDS & PHRASES 1600 'Come closer--if you don't want to be overheard, speak softly, this way, Italian for "in a low voice"'

'sotto voce'

LATIN IN PLANT NAMES 200 'Australis is from this general direction'


"ARK", WHO GOES THERE? 600 'In a gas engine, these ignite the fuel-air mixture'

'spark plugs'

MODERN BABBLING 1600 'Resigning in 2001, Canadian senator Therese Lavoie-Roux, like many politicians, said she wanted to do this "time"ly thing'

'spend time with her grandchildren/family'

MISSING LYRICS 1000 '"What goes up must come down, ____ ____ got to go 'round"'

'spinning wheel'

ODE TRIP 200 'Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind" asks, "if winter comes, can" this "be far behind?"'


SOUP ALPHABET 400 '"S" is for this soup base made by boiling meat or vegetables'


APPROXIMATE WEIGHTS & MEASURES 800 'It's the "elastic" word for a period of imprisonment'


MUSICAL IDIOMS Daily Double 'To trigger a potent memory is to do this 3-word phrase, play a combination of 3 notes'

'strike a chord'

SULEIMAN THE MAGNIFICENT 400 'In 1520 Suleiman took over this title as ruler of the Ottoman Empire'


GEORGE WASHINGTON 200 'His occupation starting with his first known efforts at age 15'


19th CENTURY SPORTS 200 'In 1896, for the longest Olympic event in this sport the athletes were taken 1,200 meters out to sea by boat & left there'


THE NEW YORK TIMES DINING & WINE 1000 'A recipe for Mediterranean citrus chicken skewers had this Mid-Eastern sauce made of ground sesame seeds'


"TAR" & "FEATHER"s 400 'Late or overdue'


"TAR" & "FEATHER"s 1200 'The surface of an airport runway'


SOUNDS LIKE A LANGUAGE 400 'Like shiny metal dulled by oxidation, I like to damage reputations; you could say I speak this verb'


"TAR" & "FEATHER"s 2000 'This Atlantic game fish is also called the silver king & grand xc3xa9caille'


ALICE 400 'Chapter XI of "Alice in Wonderland" is "Who Stole" these pastries?'


COCA-COLA PRODUCTS AROUND THE WORLD 1200 'In Japan, Hajime is the green type of this beverage'


DISNEYLAND RIDES & ATTRACTIONS 200 "In a ride that dates from the park's 1955 opening, you spin in these"


19th CENTURY AMERICA 600 'About 4,000 Cherokee Indians died on the "Trail of" these in the late 1830s'


HOMOPHONES 1200 'High-strung, or shelters for camping'


CARBON CREDITS 2000 'The atoms in a diamond are arranged in this "4-faced" pyramid-shaped pattern, giving it a rigid structure'


HOLD IT! 200 'The Ark of the Covenant'

'the 10 Commandments'

EUROPEAN LIT Daily Double 'Yannis Ritsos' poetry collection "O Epitafios" was symbolically burned at the foot of this hill'

'the Acropolis'

THE LAST BATTLE 200 'The Siege of Yorktown'

'the American Revolution'

THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION 800 'The original intent of the convention was to revise this first constitution'

'the Articles of Confederation'

ROME, IF YOU WANT TO 400 '3,000 Romans at a time could clean up in this facility named for Diocletian'

'the Baths'

NEWSPAPER HISTORY 2000 "After 143 years, the Sacramento Union ceased publication in 1994, leaving this paper as the city's oldest"

'the Bee'

I SAW IT ON TV 400 'I saw this come tumbling down November 9, 1989'

'the Berlin Wall'

THE 1870s Daily Double 'On June 16, 1870 this was dedicated in Atlantic City; at the end of the summer season, it was taken apart & stored'

'the Boardwalk'

WHAT'S NEW IN ARCHAEOLOGY 2000 "The earliest known records of this Native American people's syllabary were found carved in a cave wall"

'the Cherokee'

ALICE 1200 'A common phrase in Lewis Carroll's day was "grin like" one of these; it grins in his story'

'the Cheshire Cat'

ALL ABOARD AMTRAK 400 "I'm the train route they call the City of this, which also hits Memphis & Chicago; I'll be gone 500 miles when the day is done"

'the City of New Orleans'

25-GAME WINNERS 800 'The last Major League 30-game winner was Denny McLain, for this team in 1968'

'the Detroit Tigers'

ON BASS & DRUMS 400 'Beginning in 1977: Timothy B. Schmit & Don Henley'

'the Eagles'

ANCIENT BABYLON Daily Double 'This longest river in southwest Asia flowed through the center of ancient Babylon'

'the Euphrates'

FORM LETTERS 400 'To get the 411, submit an eFOIA (Freedom of Information Act) form to this Justice Dept. main investigative body'

'the FBI'

FORM LETTERS 800 '302-AM is an application for a broadcast station license with this agency'

'the FCC'

ESSAYS 2000 'All 85 essays in this 1787-88 series appeared over the signature "Publius"'

'the Federalist Papers'

U.S. LAKES & RIVERS 1600 'At 618 feet, Seneca Lake is the deepest of this group of long & narrow lakes in Western New York'

'the Finger Lakes'

MICKEYPEDIA 1200 'Mickey Hart joined Bill Kreutzmann for some long jams as they formed the drumming duo of this band'

'the Grateful Dead'

COLORS OF THE RAINBOW 200 'In the 1996 & 2000 presidential elections, Ralph Nader ran as a member of this party'

'the Green Party'

ABOUT TIME 1000 'In 1752 calendars in Britain jumped forward 11 days following the switch to this'

'the Gregorian calendar'

OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE 2000 'The name of this Northern European trade league comes from the medieval German for "guild"'

'the Hanseatic League'

DISNEYLAND RIDES & ATTRACTIONS 800 'A "Doom Buggy" transports you through this attraction'

'the Haunted Mansion'

WRITE NOW! 2000 'Unable to sleep, Longfellow knocked out "The Wreck Of" this ship between midnight & 3 A.M.'

'the Hesperus'

ADVENTUROUS WOMEN 1200 'In 1906 explorer Fanny B. Workman claimed to have climbed higher than 23,000 feet in these mountains'

'the Himalayans'

QUICK HISTORY Daily Double 'In German it was called "Heiliges Romisches Reich"'

'the Holy Roman Empire'

THE LAST Daily Double 'Francis II was the leader of this empire when it was dissolved in 1806'

'the Holy Roman Empire'

REBELS WITH A CAUSE Daily Double 'The 17th & 18 century Jacobite Rebellions attempted to return this royal house to the British throne'

'the House of Stuart'

ANCIENT BABYLON 2000 "Processional Way, Babylon's main street, ran through this gate on the north known for its blue glazed brick"

'the Ishtar Gate'

OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE 400 'It includes Princeton & the University of Pennsylvania'

'the Ivy League'

NEWSPAPER HISTORY 800 'In the 1920s Margaret Mitchell wrote for this Atlanta newspaper that later merged with the Constitution'

'the Journal'

ON BASS & DRUMS 1000 'True rock royalty: Jared & Nathan Followill'

'the Kings of Leon'

OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE 1600 'Celebrating its 90th anniversary in 2010, this nonpartisan political org. is open to men as well'

'the League of Women Voters'

ALICE 2000 'This tea-party guest poses the riddle, "Why is a raven like a writing-desk?"'

'the Mad Hatter'

DISNEYLAND RIDES & ATTRACTIONS 400 'The abominable snowman resides inside the ride named for this Alpine mountain'

'the Matterhorn'

THE LAST BATTLE Daily Double 'The Battle of Chapultepec'

'the Mexican-American War'

NO WAY! IT'S NORWAY! 800 'For its continuous daylight from mid-May through July, the far north of Norway is called "the Land of" this'

'the Midnight Sun'

THE 1870s 1000 "On June 21, 1877 10 alleged members of this Irish secret society were hanged in Penn.'s largest mass execution"

'the Molly Maguires'

FUNDRAISERS 200 'In 2011 this group, the MDA, put on a 6-hour, Jerry Lewis-less version of its telethon'

'the Muscular Dystrophy Association'

NATIVE AMERICAN TRIBES Daily Double 'Code talkers using the language of this Southwestern were involved in every U.S. Marine assault in the Pacific 1942-45'

'the Navajo'

"ARK", WHO GOES THERE? 200 'This mountain range extends from southern Illinois across Missouri into Arkansas'

'the Ozarks'

THE LAST 2000 'A Japanese officer found hiding on this island country 29 years after WWII was the last fighting soldier to surrender'

'the Philippines'

MUSIC FESTIVALS 800 'Founded by Hugh Hefner, this 2-day festival has been grooving at the Hollywood Bowl since 1979'

'the Playboy Jazz Festival'

19th CENTURY SPORTS 400 'On May 27, 1873 Survivor won the first running of this Triple Crown race in Baltimore by 10 lengths'

'the Preakness'

19th CENTURY AMERICA 800 'On May 11, 1894 workers at this Chicago railroad car plant began a strike that lasted almost 3 months'

'the Pullman'

BOARDING SCHOOL 1600 'Olney Friends School was founded in 1837 by this religious group & still teaches its values'

'the Quakers'

U.S. LAKES & RIVERS 2000 "Running from New Mexico's northern border to its southern border, this river splits the state in 2"

'the Rio Grande'

ON THE BRITISH MONARCHY'S WEBSITE 800 'If the Queen has an engagement outside London, her journeys often use a helicopter or an aircraft from this military group'

'the Royal Air Force (RAF)'

NATIVE AMERICAN TRIBES 1200 'In 1957, a century after a series of wars against the U.S., this tribe from Florida regained Federal recognition'

'the Seminoles'

THE MAD TEA PARTY 1200 'Many TPers are mad at the 17th Amendment, ratified in 1913 to provide for direct election of this body'

'the Senate'

ROCK DOCUMENTARIES 400 'These rotten punks were captured in "The Great Rock & Roll Swindle" & "The Filth and the Fury"'

'the Sex Pistols'

HISTORY 1600 'In the early 1500s Shah Ismail conquered what is today Iran & converted the region to this branch of Islam'

'the Shia'

PARTY LIKE IT'S 1899 200 'In 1899 the Senate ratified the Treaty of Paris, ending this war'

'the Spanish-American War'

ROME, IF YOU WANT TO 800 'Rome lies on both banks of this roughly 250-mile-long river'

'the Tiber'

TALES OF ADVENTURE 1200 'Walter Lord's "A Night to Remember" is a riveting tale of this early 20th century disaster'

'the Titanic'

NEW MEXICO Daily Double 'Most of what is now New Mexico was ceded to the U.S. in 1848 through this treaty that ended the Mexican War'

'the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo'

ROME, IF YOU WANT TO 1200 'Nicola Salvi won a 1732 competition by designing this Baroque fountain; it took 30 years to complete'

'the Trevi Fountain'

19th CENTURY SPORTS 800 "What's now this tennis tournament began as an event hosted by a Newport, Rhode Island casino in 1881"

'the U.S. Open'

THE MAD TEA PARTY 1600 'The Tea Party is leery of this intl. body, which it suspects of plots like trying to get people in Denver to bike more'

'the UN'

NATIVE AMERICAN TRIBES 2000 'The name "Comanche" comes from a word meaning "enemy" or "stranger" in the language of this 3-letter tribe'

'the Ute'

THE LAST BATTLE 1000 'The Battle of Bosworth'

'the Wars of the Roses'

QUICK HISTORY 1000 'Party formed to oppose "King Andrew" Jackson'

'the Whig Party'

JA, DAS IST MEIN POSSE 400 'Andreas Brehme was the hero as the West German team won this in 1990'

'the World Cup'

25-GAME WINNERS 200 'In 1961 Whitey Ford won 25 games for this American League team'

'the Yankees'

COLORS OF THE RAINBOW 600 'Korea Bay is an arm of this sea'

'the Yellow Sea'

ON BROADWAY 1913 2000 'The sufferings of Suffragettes were spoofed at the New Amsterdam Theatre in the 1913 edition of these "Follies"'

'the Ziegfeld Follies'

BE A PART OF SEWCIETY 1000 'In sewing, "on the" this means diagonally, not prejudiced'

'the bias'

CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN 200 "The thinnest coin we use today, it's 1.35 mm thick"

'the dime'

SYSTEMS OF THE BODY 1600 'Composed of 8 glands, this system maintains internal balance by releasing hormones'

'the endocrine system'

RETRONYMS 200 'Typewriter keyboards had only one kind of slash; on computer keyboards, it's now called this "slash"'

'the fore-slash (forward slash)'

RATHER COLORFUL LANGUAGE 2000 "It's vital that a victim gets attention during this 60 minutes after a serious injury"

'the golden hour'

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 1000 'In 1810 Sebastien Erard patented a pedal device for this instrument that changed the pitch of its strings'

'the harp'

"I" LOVE SCIENCE 2000 'In humans, the hipbone is 3 fused bones: the pubis, the ischium & this one'

'the ilium'

SYSTEMS OF THE BODY 1200 'The lymphatic system is on the front lines of this system that fights abnormal substances'

'the immune system'

PHYSICAL SCIENCE 800 'Types of these fast-moving air currents found in the troposphere include polar & subtropical'

'the jet stream'

ODD WORDS 800 'To "bury" this is to place an item of lesser significance first in an article'

'the lede'

5-LETTER WORDS 400 'In the song "American Pie", it was dry'

'the levee'

____ OF ____ 400 "In football it's the boundary between the teams prior to the snap of the ball"

'the line of scrimmage'

IT'S NOT JUST A GOOD IDEA 1600 'Thanks to John Gibbon for his 1953 machine that replaces the function of these 2 organs during surgery'

'the lung & the heart'

THE NEW YORK TIMES IN THE 21st CENTURY 1600 'Around this event in the fall of 2010, ran a "word train" to gauge readers' moods--no. 1 was "disgusted"'

'the mid-term election'

LATIN IN PLANT NAMES 800 'Fetidus means it offends this'

'the nose (your sense of smell)'

ALSO A BODY PART 600 "Florida's state tree is a species of this"

'the palm'

SHALL I COMPARE THEE? 1000 'Biff went home to mom & dad like this biblical guy did in Luke 15 after some "riotous living"'

'the prodigal son'

ABOUT TIME 600 "In the NBA it's continually reset to 24; in men's college hoops, to 35"

'the shot clock'

ALSO A BODY PART 200 "It's a border along a highway where vehicles can pull over in an emergency"

'the shoulder'

THE NAME OF THE FLAG 400 'Hinomaru, the name of Japan's flag, means "the circle of" this body'

'the sun'

DO NOT PASS "O" 800 'The body without the limbs or head'

'the torso'

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 400 'This small Hawaiian instrument was probably 1st made by Portuguese cabinet makers who emigrated to the islands'

'the ukulele'

CASEY AT THE BAT 600 'After Casey stared at a called strike one, someone in the stands shouted, "Kill" this person'

'the umpire'

LATIN IN PLANT NAMES 600 'Muralis means growing on this part of a building'

'the wall'

"WAR" & "PEACE" 1200 'In "The Green Mile" James Cromwell played the man in this job'

'the warden'

CASEY AT THE BAT 200 'As Casey came up to the plate, "there was Jimmy safe at second and Flynn a-hugging" this base'


ALSO A BODY PART 400 'Hitch a ride'


HOLD IT! 400 'A humidor'

'tobacco (products)'

IT CAME FROM THE NEW WORLD 400 'In 1604 King James I called this plant a "perpetual stinking torment" & "dangerous to the lungs"; he was right'


WHEN "GH" SOUNDS LIKE F 400 'A person difficult to know or convince is a this nut to crack'


"ARK", WHO GOES THERE? Daily Double 'The U.S. Patent Office lists 3 types of intellectual property--patents, copyrights & these'


GROUP COUNTDOWN 1000 'It can mean "one" or a military entity like the army's Third Armored Division'


MUSICAL IDIOMS 2000 "You have to live with the consequences; you can't do this, reverse what you did to the carillon"

'unring that bell'

IN COURAGE 1200 'Impel or goad'


HOMOPHONES 800 'Egotistical, or a blood vessel'


RIBS 400 'In architecture a ribbed ceiling with arches is called one of these, like a room in a bank'


STAY AWAY FROM MEAT 400 'This 5-letter term coined in 1944 is the beginning & end of "vegetarian"'


POLICE LINGO 1000 '4-letter word for crimes like prostitution & gambling without any obvious complaining parties'


HOMOPHONES 400 'Walk through water, or measured the ounces of something'


"WAR" & "PEACE" 400 'To sing like a bird'


"WAR" & "PEACE" 1600 'This word for a black-magic user comes from an Old English word meaning "oathbreaker" or "devil"'


BE A PART OF SEWCIETY 800 'This word means the yarns in a woven fabric that run lengthwise, at right angles to the woof'


RABBIT 1200 'Yes, Mr. Beatty, European rabbits do construct extensive burrow systems called these'


STOPPED BREATHING IN THE 1800s 800 After giving up the ship on Jan. 4, 1877, this "Commodore" left over $100 mil., the most in U.S. history at the time

(Cornelius) Vanderbilt

SHORT STORIES 800 Montresor seeks revenge on wine connoisseur Fortunato in his 1846 tale "The Cask of Amontillado"

(Edgar Allan) Poe

HAWAIIAN HISTORY Daily Double Fresh out of Harvard's School of Horticulture & Agriculture, he founded the Hawaiian Pineapple Company in 1901

(James) Dole

PAINTED LADIES Daily Double The lady in this Dutchman's "A Lady Writing" wears a yellow jacket, hair ribbons & pearl earrings

(Jan) Vermeer

ANOTHER DAY OLDER 600 One more march... on May 12, 1930 he conducted the public premiere of his "Royal Welch Fusiliers"

(John Philip) Sousa

SOME PEOPLE CALL ME MAURICE 800 Ida Rubinstein commissioned him to compose a work for ballet with a Spanish flavor & he did--"Bolero"

(Maurice) Ravel

SOME PEOPLE CALL ME MAURICE 400 In 2013 Google commemorated his 85th birthday with a doodle featuring characters from "Where the Wild Things Are"

(Maurice) Sendak

DEEPER IN DEBT 800 This 1919 treaty imposed a stiff 132 billion marks in reparations on Germany, which paid off the debt in 2010

(Treaty of) Versailles

NEW WORLD EXPLORATION 1600 Accompanied by his dog, he climbed a peak in September 1513 & became the first European to see the Pacific from its eastern shore

(Vasco de) Balboa

LEADER OF THE PACK 200 In 1959 this new coach of the Packers said, "Dancing is a contact sport; football is a hitting sport"

(Vince) Lombardi

POETS & POETRY 800 "That is no country for old men", begins this Irishman's poem "Sailing to Byzantium"

(William Butler) Yeats

HOME SWEET MOTOR HOME 1000 'The film "This Is Nowhere" explores the trend of motor homes "camping" in the parking lots of this colossus of chain stores'


ABBREV. TV 400 'Fashion rules from Stacy & Clinton: "WNTW"'

'What Not To Wear'

LEADERS OF WORLD WAR II 1200 'Affer Germany invaded the Netherlands, this queen, her family & cabinet fled to London'


THE EMMY WINNER'S SHOW 1000 "2003: Debra Messing wasn't messing around that night"

'Will & Grace'

THE 50 STATES 200 '"America's Dairyland", it produces about 1/4 of our nation's butter & cheese'


"WONDER" LAND 2000 'Bob Dylan won an Oscar for the song "Things Have Changed" from this 2000 film'

'Wonder Boys'

"WONDER" LAND 1200 'Drusilla, played by Debra Winger, left Paradise Island & joined her sister Diana Prince on this TV show'

'Wonder Woman'

MUSIC FESTIVALS 200 'It was billed as "an Aquarian exposition in White Lake, N.Y., 3 days of peace & music"'


JOY OF COOKING 1000 'Move over, Lea & Perrins--"Joy of Cooking" has a recipe for this made with walnut catsup, vinegar & anchovy essence'

'Worcestershire sauce'

THE LAST BATTLE 600 'The Battle of the Meuse-Argonne'

'World War I'

GREAT NOVELS 'A preface to this novel called it "rustic all through... Moorish, and wild, and knotty as the root of Heath"'

'Wuthering Heights'

"X" "Q"s ME 800 'He succeeded his dad, Darius I, as king of Persia'


BODIES OF WATER 800 'To remember the names of the world's 3 longest rivers, just say "nay", for the Nile, Amazon & this one'


WORK THOSE APPS! 1600 'The "RELAX" entry in this app series provides detailed descriptions of poses, including their Sanskrit names'


HOLD IT! 600 'A jewel case (not jewelry)'

'a CD'

B IN THE MIDDLE 800 'This trademark machine is a real (ice rink) smoothie'

'a Zamboni'

I WANT MY "BABY" BACK, "BABY" BACK 200 'A small piano about 5 feet long'

'a baby grand'

GROUP COUNTDOWN 200 'In this sporting quintet, the center is considered No. 5 when diagramming plays'

'a basketball team'

RATHER COLORFUL LANGUAGE 1200 'It's a songbird of the genus Sialia & "of happiness"'

'a bluebird'

BE A PART OF SEWCIETY 400 "It's a length of fabric, especially as it comes in a roll from the loom"

'a bolt'

B IN THE MIDDLE 2000 'A small group of secret plotters'

'a cabal'

WORDS & PHRASES 1600 "Today representing a family or country, it's the 3-word name for the emblem painted on a medieval knight's shield"

'a coat of arms'

"D" LICIOUS 200 'A cruller or old-fashioned'

'a donut'

APPLIANCES 200 'Keep this home appliance running efficiently by cleaning the lint filter after each use'

'a dryer'

INSTRUMENT-ATION 200 'Proverbially, if you're in perfect health, you're "fit as" one of these'

'a fiddle'

FAMOUS FIRSTS Daily Double 'In March 1841 the U.S. Senate experienced its first continuous one of these; it lasted 6 days'

'a filibuster'

MODERN BABBLING 800 'As John McCain lagged in fund-raising in 2007, an ex-supporter said in a Texas paper, "stick" this "in him, he's done"'

'a fork'

DO NOT PASS "O" 600 'A wall painting on wet plaster'

'a fresco'

FUN RAISERS 1600 'Each October Albuquerque holds an international fiesta of these--up, up & away'

'a hot air balloon'

GROUP COUNTDOWN 600 'If Andy yearns for Brenda & Brenda cares about Charlene who pines for Andy, the 3 of them form one of these'

'a love triangle'

HAWAIIAN CROSSWORD CLUES 400 'Outdoor bash (4)'

'a luau'

"M.C." 400 "Usually a den with a TV & not a hollow in the earth, it's a place where a guy can get away from it all"

'a man cave'

THE AMAZON Daily Double 'The largest mammal of the Amazon is this sirenian said to resemble a floating hippopotamus'

'a manatee'

ALL A DREAM 800 'Eat that 11 p.m. quesadilla & you might have a pesadilla, Spanish for this'

'a nightmare'

20th CENTURY AMERICA 'In 1923 Fanny Brice made news by having this procedure, later rejected by a woman portraying her'

'a nose job'

ANSWERS IN ABUNDANCE 1000 'A subtle difference'

'a nuance'

STEAMBOATS 800 'Charlotte Dundas, an early steamer, was powered by an adaptation of the Watt engine linked to one of these in a stern well'

'a paddle wheel'

BAVARIA Daily Double 'Every 10 years the villagers of Oberammergau stage about 100 performances of this type of Easter drama'

'a passion play'

"WAR" & "PEACE" 800 'The Pawnee & Crow crafted complex dances for this sacred item that produced smoke offerings to the almighty'

'a peace pipe'

RETRONYMS 1000 "It's what the white rabbit consulted when Alice heard him remark that he would be late"

'a pocket watch'

RETRONYMS 800 "PBS' Jay Jay the jet plane has a friend in Big Jake, this type of plane"

'a propeller aircraft'

RATHER COLORFUL LANGUAGE 400 "It's a flight leaving late at night & arriving early the next morning"

'a red-eye'

PATENTS 400 "1860: Christopher Spencer's breech-loading repeating this"

'a rifle'

WHEN "GH" SOUNDS LIKE F 800 'It means having a coarse surface; you can find it bordering a golf fairway'

'a rough'

THE AMAZON 1200 "Until competition from plantations in southeast Asia, this Amazon tree was a boon to Brazil's economy"

'a rubber tree'

DO NOT PASS "O" 1000 'A round of gunfire'

'a salvo'

GEOGRAPHIC TERMS 400 "Cerro Blanco, the world's highest one of these wind-blown desert formations, rises almost 6,800 feet in Peru"

'a sand dune'

THE NEW YORK TIMES DINING & WINE 800 'A tasty but tongue-twisting recipe from Mark Bittman paired the bay type of this bivalve mollusk with scallions'

'a scallop'

GOING TO PIECES 800 '5-letter archaeological term for a broken scrap of earthenware'

'a sherd'

FAMOUS FIRSTS 1000 'On July 28, 1933 Western Union operator Lucille Lipps delivered the first one of these to Rudy Vallee on his birthday'

'a singing telegram'

MUSICAL IDIOMS 400 'Something at a very low price can be had "for" this'

'a song'

ABOUT TIME 400 'The oldest surviving examples of these time-telling devices date from about 1500 B.C. in Egypt'

'a sundial'

IT CAME FROM THE NEW WORLD 1600 "When this member of the nightshade family reached Italy, it was known as pomi d'oro, or gold apple"

'a tomato'

IT'S THE MATH OR SCIENCE LAW 1200 'The law of sines states that the lengths of the sides of this shape are proprtional to the sines of the opposite angles'

'a triangle'

WHEN "GH" SOUNDS LIKE F 600 'This long, narrow receptacle holds food for animals'

'a trough'

I HAVE ISSUES 1000 "I'm so fanatical, I've been called this, named for a Judean sect that battled Rome"

'a zealot'

"Z" IS FOR... 2000 'This Babylonian temple tower'

'a ziggurat'

"Z" IS FOR... 800 'This musical instrument with strings stretched across a soundboard'

'a zither'

WHAT'S NEW IN ARCHAEOLOGY 400 'Hippos & baboons were part of the first known one of these, though no "please don't feed the animals" hieroglyphics'

'a zoo'

"ARK", WHO GOES THERE? 400 'This African mammal is a walking can of Raid--its diet consists almost entirely of ants & termites'


WORK THOSE APPS! 400 "The iFitness app's exercises screen is organized alphabetically by muscle groups; these stomach muscles are first"


MISSING LYRICS 800 '"And then while I'm away I'll write home ev'ry day and I'll send ____ ____ ____ ____ ____"'

'all my loving to you'

MUSICAL IDIOMS 1200 'Like that Roy Scheider movie about Broadway, it means "those other similar things"'

'all that jazz'

FAMOUS LAST WORD 400 'In the Pledge of Allegiance'


GEOGRAPHIC TERMS 2000 'From the Latin for "tide", it's the place where the wide mouth of a freshwater river meets the ocean tides'

'an estuary'

B IN THE MIDDLE 400 'An apparatus in which eggs are hatched artificially'

'an incubator'

THE NEW YORK TIMES DINING & WINE 400 'The Bitten blog discussed how these salty little fish "turn up on traditional & not-so-traditional English menus"'


3-SYLLABLE WORDS 600 'This highly poisonous semi-metallic element, As, is often used in insecticides & weed killers'


PARTS OF SPEECH 1200 '"An eagle and a leopard saw the goat" has 3 of these, totaling 6 letters'


1930s SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 1600 'In 1930 astronomer Clyde Tombaugh discovered not only Pluto but Shawna, a main-belt one of these'


SOUNDS LIKE A CLASSIC ARCADE GAME 200 'They can be near-earth, Trojan, or main-belt'


IN COURAGE 1600 "This carpenter's tool bores holes in wood"


SAME FIRST & LAST LETTER Daily Double 'An invisible emanation, or an intangible quality'


ODE TRIP 1000 'John Keats' odes include one "to" this season'


I WANT MY "BABY" BACK, "BABY" BACK 800 'At power outlet covers are listed among the "essentials" for this activity'


POLICE LINGO 200 'I need this, assistance from other cops that sounds like an additional vocalist'


HOMOPHONES 2000 'Sterile, like some women, or a member of the lowest grade of nobility, like some men'


GAME DESCRIPTIONS 400 'Send a one-hopper home to get the guy who tagged up; shoot it around the horn'


SPORTS BY MOVIE 200 '"Mr. 3000"'


SPORTS BY MOVIE 400 '"Like Mike"'


MUSIC APPRECIATION 400 'This Italian term for the deepest male voice range can precede profundo or continuo'


BE A PART OF SEWCIETY 600 'To a chef, it means to moisten meat with drippings; to a seamstress, to sew temporarily with long, loose stitches'


ANSWERS IN ABUNDANCE 200 'Lima or pinto'


ANIMALS IN THE NEWS 400 'In Chicago there was a 2010 summit regarding these bloodsucking insects that once took over U.N. headquarters'


BAVARIA 400 'Every spring Bavarians have a 2-week celebration of doppelbock & other strong types of this'


I HAVE A PREPOSITION FOR YOU 800 'Neil Gaiman wrote, "Now slip, now slide, now move unseen, above, beneath, betwixt," this'


I HAVE ISSUES 600 "I'm an onychophagist, which means I do this, so you're safe--only my manicure is not"

'bite your nails'

MISSING LYRICS 400 '"And another one gone and another one gone, another one ____ ____ ____"'

'bites the dust'

SOUNDS LIKE A LANGUAGE 1200 'I speak a little this, a scar or birthmark or a stain on your record'


SHALL I COMPARE THEE? 800 'Something that happens "as quick as" this action literally takes place in 2/5 of a second'

'blink of an eye'

THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN' 2000 'In 2011 the Kimberly Process regulating these "sanguine" items allowed Zimbabwe to sell certain gems'

'blood diamonds'

MUSIC FESTIVALS 400 'Telluride's festival for this "colorful" style of country music is a good place to fiddle around'


GET "REAL"! 1200 "The northern hemisphere's aurora"


BOARDING SCHOOL 800 'From 1896 to 1974 Choate was just for these; then it merged with Rosemary Hall'


HEALTH MATTERS 'This term for sudden severe head pain that typically lasts only a few minutes was trademarked by 7-Eleven in 1994'

'brain freeze'

GROUP COUNTDOWN 400 'A foursome is required to play this game where you try to win the rubber'


SOUP ALPHABET 200 '"B" is for this thin soup; Swanson's makes beef, chicken & vegetable varieties'


ELEMENTS IN THE HUMAN BODY 800 'This essential mineral is the most abundant metal in your body'


"TIVITY" & COMPANY 200 '3 kittens born to mom Saliega in 2005 are the first Iberian lynx to be born here'


CARBON CREDITS 400 'This gas, CO, prevents hemoglobin from supplying oxygen to the body'

'carbon monoxide'

ELEMENTS IN THE HUMAN BODY 400 'As it makes up 18% of us, humans are described as life-forms "based" on this element'


THE MAD TEA PARTY 400 'The Tea Party is mad at government programs, like the cap & trade system meant to reduce this element'


IT'S A BIRD 800 "It's a number like 2 or 7, as opposed to 2nd or 7th"


3-SYLLABLE WORDS 400 'In 1966 Bobby Darin sang, "If I were a" this, "and you were a lady, would you marry me anyway? would you have my baby?"'


FOREIGN WORDS & PHRASES 1000 'This Greek word is also used in English & means a cleansing of the emotions, especially pity & fear'


ART & MYTHOLOGY 800 'An early sculpture by Michelangelo depicts "the battle of" these mythical half-man, half-horse creatures'


SOUNDS LIKE A CLASSIC ARCADE GAME 600 'Multisegmented predaceous arthropod'


THE NEW YORK TIMES DINING & WINE 200 'On Dec. 23, 2009 The Pour, a blog about wine on, focused on this bubbly beverage'


ADD A LETTER 800 'Add an "H" to a feline to get this informal talk (& also the French for feline)'


THE LAST 400 'The end of U.S. TV ads for these was postponed a day to Jan. 1, 1971 to get some last ones in during football games'


THE NEW YORK TIMES IN THE 21st CENTURY 400 'A local news blog that debuted in 2007 is called this "room", conjuring up visions of fedoras & copy boys'

'city room'

2 PEOPLE, SAME POSITION 800 "Baseball's Mariano Rivera, TV's Kyra Sedgwick (by the show's title)"


HOLD IT! 800 'A demitasse'


MEDICAL PROCEDURES 1600 'You can plump up those wrinkles by injecting zyderm, a cow type of this protein'


BANKING & FINANCE 400 "It's property that a debtor has pledged, mortgaged or assigned to a creditor"


A LITTLE LEGALESE 200 'This "of court" may be direct, like using insulting language, or indirect, like refusal to obey a lawful order'


I HAVE A PREPOSITION FOR YOU 1000 'It means against, & is also a prefix found before -diction'


RIBS 600 'This cotton fabric with vertical raised ribs comes in wide wale & pinwale varieties'


IT CAME FROM THE NEW WORLD 800 'Christopher Columbus sampled this grain in Cuba, declaring it "most tasty boiled, roasted or ground into flour"'

'corn (or maize)'

IN COURAGE 800 "It's another name for the mountain lion"


"TIVITY" & COMPANY 400 'The quality of generating new ideas; it may be stifled by too many rules'


ANSWERS IN ABUNDANCE 600 'A baby Kodiak'


SIGN OF THE FOUR 400 "Of the 4 suits in tarot cards, the one that's designed to hold liquids"


ON THE BRITISH MONARCHY'S WEBSITE 400 'Traditional forms of greeting the Queen: "For men... a neck bow (from the head only) whilst women do a small" one of these bows'


FUNDRAISERS 600 'Great Strides is a fundraising event used in "taking steps to cure" this disease, CF for short'

'cystic fibrosis'

BE A PART OF SEWCIETY 200 "That wasn't a mild curse: this 4-letter word means to mend a hole with a row of stitches, as most commonly done to socks"


POLICE LINGO 400 'The LAPD defines this type of "force" as causing a risk of serious bodily injury or, of course, worse'


A LITTLE LEGALESE 1000 'Libel & slander are both forms of this 10-letter term, often found before "of character"'


SOUNDS LIKE A CLASSIC ARCADE GAME 1000 'It precedes "of the faith" in a title used by British monarchs since the 1500s'


20th CENTURY QUOTATIONS 'In 1947 Churchill called it "the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried"'


IN MY CABINET 800 "Oral-B's Complete Deep Clean Ultra this hits those hard-to-reach spots"

'dental floss'

BANKING & FINANCE 1200 'Term for the amount by which the economic value of something is reduced over time by wear & tear & other factors'


HOME SWEET MOTOR HOME 200 "Unlike fixed homes, most motor homes power their lights with this type of current that's found in batteries"

'direct current'

10 600 "They're the 3 thrown objects in the Olympic decathlon"

'discus, shot put, & javelin'

LITERARY TITLE WORDS "It was Giovanni Boccaccio who added this adjective to another Italian author's work"


"D" LICIOUS 1000 "2-word term for any cow's milk cheese enriched to contain at least 60% butterfat"

'double cream'

A FORCE OF NATURE 2000 "Next time you're falling from a great height, thank air resistance, aka this 4-letter force, for slowing you down"


IT'S A BIRD 1000 'Before it was a Marx Brothers film title, it meant something easy to do'

'duck soup'

SHALL I COMPARE THEE? 600 'Something less than thrilling is commonly said to be this "as ditchwater"'


RABBIT 1600 'On many rabbits these can rotate 270 degrees, presumably to get a clearer TV picture'


STAY AWAY FROM MEAT 1000 'The Food Network says kosher salt is optional for a 1 lb. serving of this, Japanese for green soybeans'


THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN' 800 "In 2011 the New York Times it was a-changin' as Jill Abramson became its first female executive this"


IN COURAGE 2000 'It's just "I" in Latin'


WORDS & PHRASES 800 'It pairs with "odds" in a 3-word term for miscellaneous items'


FOREIGN WORDS & PHRASES 800 'This 2-word French term for an incorrigible child sounds a lot worse than it is'

'enfant terrible'

WHEN "GH" SOUNDS LIKE F 1000 'An adequate quantity'


CHEMISTRY 400 'At a temperature of -183 degrees Celsius, liquid oxygen does this'

'evaporates (or boils)'

STRIVING FOR AN "F" 600 '1-word term for a superficial appearance or the front of a building'


MEDICAL PROCEDURES 2000 '"Daddy, you're so handsome", said the 3-year-old daughter of the man who got the USA's 1st full one of these surgeries'

'face transplant'

THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO 600 'Deuteronomy 5: "neither shalt thou bear" this 2-word phrase "against thy neighbour"'

'false witness'

"TAR" & "FEATHER"s 800 'Battling Battalino & Azumah Nelson had success as these'


ALL A DREAM 2000 'You might have surreal dreams when you try to sleep when your temperature is 102, defined as this 5-letter condition'


HOME SWEET MOTOR HOME 600 'Ray Frank, who coined the term motor home, also built the first one made of this synthetic material'


____ OF ____ 1200 'Similes, metaphors & personification, for example'

'figures of speech'

HOLD IT! 1000 'A creel (these creatures, primarily)'


NOW A FEW WORDS 600 'According to Merriam-Webster, "take" followed by either of these 2 numbers means to take a break'

'five & ten'

CHEMISTRY Daily Double "Olympiadane is a molecule so-named because it's composed of this many interlocking rings"


STRIVING FOR AN "F" 1000 "The USS President was Commodore Stephen Decatur's this"


19th CENTURY SPORTS 600 'In the 1890s strategy in this sport included kicking opponents, & the flying wedge was a popular offensive play'


ADD A LETTER 1200 'Add an "R" to a place where a Smith works to get this counterfeiter'


2 PEOPLE, SAME POSITION 400 "Hockey's Bobby Hull, basketball's Dennis Rodman"


MODERN BABBLING 2000 'One of Forbes' "89 business cliches that will get any MBA promoted" is "low-hanging" this'


SHALL I COMPARE THEE? 200 'A crazy person is said to be "nutty as" this notoriously unloved holiday dessert'


STRIVING FOR AN "F" 200 '8-letter term meaning to exterminate pests using smoke'


"GAS" UP 600 "To manipulate events, as Charles Boyer does to Ingrid Bergman to make her think she's crazy"


"GAS" UP 800 'Whelks are these animals whose name is from the Greek for "stomach foot"'


SOUNDS LIKE A CLASSIC ARCADE GAME 800 'A medieval plate mail glove'


FOREIGN WORDS & PHRASES 1200 'Russian for "openness", it was Mikhail Gorbachev's policy of open discussion'


5-LETTER WORDS 1000 'Collect bit by bit, such as grain left by reapers'


HOME SWEET MOTOR HOME 800 'This 5-letter action comes before "out" in the name of a motor home attachment that adds room space'

'glide (or slide)'

MUSIC APPRECIATION 1600 'The name of this instrument consisting of steel bars on a frame is from the German for "play of bells"'


2 PEOPLE, SAME POSITION 600 "Hockey's Patrick Roy, Soccer's Hope Solo"


ODD WORDS 2000 'Put these 3 letters, meaning "mouth", in front of "-smacked" & you get a word meaning "flabbergasted"'


GROUP COUNTDOWN 800 "In interrogation, one officer who acts threatening & another who comes on nicer to win the suspect's trust"

'good cop, bad cop'

IT'S A BIRD 400 "Aka the pilomotor reflex, it's skin's response to cold or emotional stress"


"GR"8 WORDS 1600 'Magnificence, or nobility & greatness of character'


STAY AWAY FROM MEAT 800 'Kashi makes this type of crunchy grain-fruit-honey-nut breakfast cereal & bars of it, too'


"GR"8 WORDS 800 'This steel-gray mineral is often used to make electrodes & crucibles'


CARBON CREDITS 1200 'AKA black lead, this form of carbon has a greasy feel & is used in making lubricants'


"GR"8 WORDS 1200 'A wrestler'


"GR"8 WORDS 2000 'We use this Latin word to mean appropriate seriousness or solemnity'


A FORCE OF NATURE 1200 'We all feel it, but Britannica calls this "by far the weakest known force in nature"'


"GR"8 WORDS 400 'A football field, or a flat framework of parallel metal bars used for broiling meat'


SAME FIRST & LAST LETTER 400 "Old-time sailors' drink made from rum"


2 PEOPLE, SAME POSITION 200 "Basketball's Steve Nash, football's Larry Little"


CAVES 1200 "The walls of Oklahoma's Alabaster Caverns are formed of this soft white mineral often used to make drywall"


RABBIT 400 "North American jackrabbits aren't really rabbits, they're members of this group often confused with rabbits"


BOARDING SCHOOL 2000 'For 66 years at Deerfield Academy, Frank Boyden held this 10-letter title, equivalent to principal'


SCIENCE TERMS 800 'Factor VIII is missing in the A type of this hereditary coagulation disorder'


CASEY AT THE BAT 400 '"Responding to the cheers, he lightly doffed" this'

'his hat'

I HAVE ISSUES 200 'I never throw anything away; I've got what the Mayo Clinic calls "Compulsive" this "Syndrome"'


GAME DESCRIPTIONS 1200 'Clear the zone; stay out of the crease when trying to score on the power play'


A LITTLE LEGALESE Daily Double 'Leading questions may be used when dealing with an adverse witness, also called this type of witness'


NOW A FEW WORDS 1000 'It means raising livestock or crops, though it sounds like the art of making your wife happy'


ELEMENTS IN THE HUMAN BODY 200 'These 2 chemical elements make up 100% of a glass of water & 75% of the human body'

'hydrogen and oxygen'

"TIVITY" & COMPANY 1000 "In 1987 this was combined with A.D.D. to create a diagnosis that's now applied to as many as 7% of U.S. schoolkids"


SPORTS BY MOVIE 1000 '"Miracle"'

'ice hockey'

"I" LOVE SCIENCE 800 'Pumice is this type of rock formed by magma that stops being molten'


"I" LOVE SCIENCE 400 'The bursting inward of something hollow'


SOUNDS LIKE A LANGUAGE 2000 'I get by in this, a verb meaning to reduce someone to a state of dire want'



'in the Park'

"I" LOVE SCIENCE 1600 "It's the invisible part of the spectrum from about 800 nanometers to 1 millimeter in wavelength"


FAMOUS FIRSTS 600 'In 1963, for the 1st network use of this technology, Lindsey Nelson cautioned that "Army did not score again"'

'instant replay'

WORK THOSE APPS! 2000 'FitDeck helps users with this "timely" training in which short, intensive exercises alternate with slow, easy activity'

'interval training'

ADD A LETTER 1600 'Add an "I" to a measure of interest on a loan to get this synonym for "angry"'


ELEMENTS IN THE HUMAN BODY 1000 'You contain copper, zinc & this metal, the most abundant element in our planet'


POETS & POETRY 1600 'Whittier wrote, "Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these" 4 of regret that complete the line'

'it might have been'

5-LETTER WORDS 200 'The name of this yellowish white color is from a word for "elephant"'


TRADITIONAL ANNIVERSARY GIFTS 1200 'For the 14th anniversary, you could give a piano, whose keys symbolize this traditional gift'




ODD WORDS 1600 "Those born under Jupiter's sign were supposed to be joyful & this word describing them is derived from Jupiter's alias"


FOREIGN WORDS & PHRASES 800 'Italian for "the sweet life", it was popularized by a 1960 Fellini film'

'la dolce vita'

MISSING LYRICS 600 '"Upside, inside out she's livin' ____ ____ ____"'

'la vida loca'

SAME FIRST & LAST LETTER 800 'Pertaining to the lips'


GO IRISH! 400 'Onions, potatoes & this meat go into the traditional dish called Irish stew'


THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE 600 "1997's prize went in part to an international group trying to clear these from the world"

'land mines'

POLICE LINGO 600 'When trying to locate a suspect, cops will often check this, his "L.K.A."'

'last known address'

WHEN "GH" SOUNDS LIKE F 200 'Proverbially, you can do this "out of the other side of your mouth"'


ODD WORDS 1200 'A lazaretto is a hospital especially for these people'


IT CAME FROM THE NEW WORLD Daily Double 'Also known as butter beans, they were, prior to being exported to Europe, a diet staple of the Inca'

'lima beans'

ANAGRAMS 400 "Miguel called Ramon cool; I think he's this, as his therapist might suggest"

'loco (from cool)'

BODY QUOTES 800 'A World War II slogan said these "sink ships"'

'loose lips'

APPROXIMATE WEIGHTS & MEASURES 400 "When you're choked up emotionally, this irregular-shaped mass in the throat is the culprit"


MOVIE MISTAKES 200 A white car makes a very surprise appearance in a battle scene in this Mel Gibson Scottish history pic


LITERARY NEW YORK CITY 2000 This Jay McInerney novel evoked the yuppie party scene of 1980s New York City

Bright Lights, Big City

ALL ABOOT CANADIAN GEOGRAPHY 800 The southern border of this westernmost province touches Idaho & Montana

British Columbia

ALL IN THE FAMILY? 1600 In the English version of a song, he's informed that "morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing"

Brother John

SINGERS' REAL NAMES 400 Perhaps this singer born Peter Hernandez got his stage name from an "Unorthodox Jukebox"

Bruno Mars

THE ERIE CANAL 400 When the canal opened in 1825, it was only 4 feet deep & ran 363 miles from Albany to this city on Lake Erie


TV GUIDES 200 Giles, the librarian at Sunnydale High School, served as the watcher to this title student

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

HOLIDAYS & OBSERVANCES Daily Double Technically, June 17 in Massachusetts should be called Breed's Hill Day instead of this

Bunker Hill Day

LAUGH-IN AT 50 600 Announcer Gary Owens declared that each episode was shot in "beautiful downtown" this So-Cal city


POPULAR WEBSITES 600 600 reasons you'll name this Jonah Peretti-founded social news site

STATE FLAGS Daily Double This state's flag is the only one of the 50 to bear the word "republic"


LITERARY NEW YORK CITY 1600 The New York times called "One Fifth Avenue" a "glossy new offering" from this "Sex and the City" scribe

Candace Bushnell

DOCTORED BOOKS 1200 Eternally optimistic Dr. Pangloss is a companion & tutor to this title Voltaire fellow


NICE LONG DANES 800 In 1012 Danish marauders under Thorkell the Tall seized England's Archbishop of this & brutally beat him with steak bones


ISLAND NATIONS 200 The Ivory Coast is officially Cote d'Ivoire & as of 2013, this island country not far off is Cabo Verde

Cape Verde



CIRCLE TIME 400 All official distances from NYC are measured from this point at the intersection of 59th Street, Eighth Avenue & Broadway

Columbus Circle

PLACES TO "C" 600 This L.A. suburb settled in 1867 came straight outta an 18th century Spanish land grant


"CON"CENTRATION 600 "The Analects" is a collection of this ancient thinker's doctrines & beliefs


19th CENTURY BUSINESSMEN 400 In 1873 this Prussian-American founded a brewery on the banks of Clear Creek in Colorado


LITERARY VILLAINS 1600 Bald, pale & homicidal, Judge Holden is the monstrous nemesis in this author's "Blood Meridian"

Cormac McCarthy

ON TO GRAD SCHOOL 800 You'll learn how to use "Big Red" if you get an MFA at this Ivy League school founded in 1865


PLACES TO "C" 1000 For more than 3 centuries, this "Garden" in the city of Westminster was home to London's flower market

Covent Garden

THE OLD MAN & THE "C" 1000 It's not his toothpaste, it's his cholesterol medication aka rosuvastatin, one of the USA's most prescribed drugs


1866 1600 This novel about a murder & its aftermath was first published in installments in the Russian Messenger

Crime and Punishment

BEN & JERRY'S FLAVOR GRAVEYARD 800 In 1987 the stock market plunged & Ben & Jerry put almond, pecans & walnuts into "Economic" this


LEADER OF THE PACK 600 The Packers' home field is named for him, the team's coach for its first 30 seasons

Curly Lambeau

ISLAND NATIONS Daily Double Just like Greece, the Greek section of this Asian island nation in the Mediterranean has a Mount Olympus


INVASIONS 1600 Liberalization under Alexander Dubcek led the USSR to invade this then-country & restore hardline communism in 1968


INTO THE WILD BLUE YONDER 1000 This Benz partner suggested using an engine with an open-flame ignition in hydrogen airships; not such a good idea


REALITY TV JUDGES 600 "Entertainment runs through your veins like Chianti does through Bruno's", said Len to Marie Osmond on this show

Dancing with the Stars

WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE SOAP? 600 In 1991 Ben Cross looked good for a 200-year-old as vampire Barnabas Collins on this remake of a '60s soap

Dark Shadows

ESSAY TEST 200 "Two essays written in 1842 and 1844" by this man laid "the foundations of the origin of species"


THE ERIE CANAL 2000 New York governor from 1817 to 1823, this man with a familiar political last name led the effort to fund & build the canal

DeWitt Clinton

COMMUNICATION IS KEY 400 Take a picture, it lasts longer! In 2012 Mark Zuckerberg paid a cool billion to acquire this photo-sharing app


MOM GENES 1000 She really took after mom Marie--married a guy from the lab, studied polonium & won a Nobel Prize

Irène Curie

BRAND NAMES 1000 In the early 1970s Aris created this stretchable brand of leather-trimmed gloves


SYMPHONY ORCHESTRAS 400 This country's philharmonic was founded in 1936 as the Palestine Orchestra


FRENCH CONNECTIONS 1200 The Frejus Tunnel carries car traffic from Mondane, France to the Piedmont region of this country


SHORT STORIES 1200 "A Perfect Day for Bananafish" introduced his characters the Glass family

J.D. Salinger

19th CENTURY BUSINESSMEN 1200 This banker preferred to be called by his middle name, Pierpont, which was his mother's maiden name

J.P. Morgan

THE LEADERS & BEST 800 French president from 1995 to 2007 he was followed by his onetime protege Nicolas Sarkozy

Jacques Chirac

COUNTRIES OF THE U.N. The 3 U.N. member states that begin with the letter "J"; 2 are island nations & one is nearly landlocked

Jamaica, Japan, and Jordan

NONFICTION 2000 In this author's analysis, the effects of "Guns, Germs, and Steel" are vital to "the Fates of Human Societies"

Jared Diamond

WOMEN AUTHORS 800 In "Little Women", Louisa May Alcott portrayed herself as this second-oldest March girl, who naturally becomes a writer


19th CENTURY BUSINESSMEN Daily Double After selling his fur business in 1834, he devoted himself to real estate, building the world's biggest hotel in NYC

John Jacob Astor

GEORGIA IN SONG 800 This singer/guitarist gave us "Your Body Is A Wonderland" & "Why Georgia"

John Mayer

OSCAR-WINNING TITLE SUBJECTS The only Nobel Prize winner to be the title subject of a Best Picture Oscar winner is this man

John Nash

THE POPES 800 He was the first pope to choose a double name but, sadly, only had 34 days on the job

John Paul

I'M WITH HER 1000 I'm the Virginia planter who married Pocahontas

John Rolfe

NBA GREATS 200 Alphabetically first on the NBA's list of its 50 greatest players is this Bucks, Lakers & Celebrity "Jeopardy!" star

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

SPORTS EQUIPMENT 800 After an eye injury in 1974, this legendary NBA center began wearing Plexiglas goggles

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

STOPPED BREATHING IN THE 1800s Daily Double Broken by the death of his wife, he was das kaput, all on March 14, 1883

Karl Marx

SHAKESPEARE'S WOMEN Daily Double Bianca must wait for this bad-tempered older sister to wed before she can


ABBREVIATED K 800 A Michigan food company on the New York Stock Exchange


RECENT R&B & HIP-HOP HITS 2000 Hitmaking was in his "DNA." He had "Loyalty." He was "Humble." & in "Love."--"Damn."

Kendrick Lamar

NBA GREATS 800 At the Beijing Olympics, the Chinese called this Laker Xiao Fei Xia or Peter Pan, due to his "flying" ability

Kobe Bryant

ABBREVIATED K 1000 In a catalog of Mozart's works


TV GUIDES 1000 In the '70s Keye Luke as Master Po was a teacher on this show

Kung Fu

LETTER PERFECT 600 This letter stands for the currency of Albania; when it comes before F, it's often silent


SINGERS' REAL NAMES 200 Stefani Germanotta hit "The Fame Monster" under this name

Lady Gaga

FRENCH CONNECTIONS 1600 This lake lies between southwestern Switzerland & the Haute-Savoie Department of France

Lake Geneva

NEW WORLD EXPLORATION 1200 When Alonso de Ojeda landed at this lake, the villages on stilts reminded him of Venice, so he called the area Venezuela

Lake Maracaibo

GEOGRAPH"IA" 1200 It covers more than 26,000 square miles, mainly in Tanzania & Uganda

Lake Victoria

OUR OFFICE FANTASY FOOTBALL TEAM NAMES 600 Darn, somebody beat us to this Hall of Fame 1970s Dolphin fullback "& the Chocolate Factory"

Larry Csonka

JESUS 200 ...betook himself to Bethany & brought this old friend back to life


16 TONS 800 In 2015 Ukrainian activists got rid of a 16-ton statue of this Bolshevik Revolution leader


19th CENTURY BUSINESSMEN 800 He incorporated his San Francisco company in 1890, the same year his XX waist overalls were given the lot number 501

Levi Strauss

LITERARY EPONYMS Daily Double This nickname of little Margery Meanwell has come to mean one who is cloyingly virtuous

Little Goody Two-Shoes

SYMPHONY ORCHESTRAS 2000 In 2015 this capital's symphony appointed Sir Simon Rattle its new music director effective September 2017


DOVE Daily Double 1997's "Comanche Moon" was the last published of the 4 novels in this Western series

Lonesome Dove

LAUGH-IN AT 50 400 Before he created "Saturday Night Live", he practiced his sketch skills as a "Laugh-In" writer

Lorne Michaels

LITERARY EPONYMS 2000 Casanova, Romeo & Don Juan are all synonyms for this eponymous seducer from a 1703 play


ANOTHER DAY OLDER 800 On June 5, 1694 he could have celebrated (but probably didn't) his 18,650th day as France's king

Louis XIV

WHO WAS PRESIDENT WHEN I DIED? 600 Martin Luther King Jr.

Lyndon Johnson

LETTER PERFECT 200 This letter was used by the Romans to represent 1,000


ON TO GRAD SCHOOL 400 Initially, the 2017 U.S. News grad school rankings put this "Bay State" school at the top for engineering


ISLAND NATIONS 800 The majority of the citizens of Antananarivo, this nation's capital, are of Indonesian ancestry


NONFICTION Daily Double "Prague Winter" is this Secretary of State's memoir of her life as a child in Czechoslovakia during WWII

Madeleine Albright

I'M WITH HER 800 I married my second wife, Nomzamo Winifred Zanyiwe Madikizela, during my trial for treason


PEACE 800 Long a prisoner, he said, "To make peace with an enemy one must work with that enemy", who then becomes a partner


WOMEN AUTHORS 2000 This 18th century feminist author of "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman" died after giving birth to Mary Shelley

Mary Wollstonecraft

STATE SONGS Its state song rhymes "patriotic gore" with the name of its largest city


THE AUSSIE INVASION 800 This band topped the charts for 4 weeks in 1983 with the perfect-for-the-category song "Down Under"

Men at Work

ASTRONOMY 400 Craters on this smallest planet are named for giants of the humanities including Bach & Balanchine


TV MOVIES 800 This Oscar-winning actor brought the man & the music to life as Liberace in "Behind the Candelabra"

Michael Douglas

SHORT STORIES 400 In Agatha Christie's "The Tuesday Club Murders", this detective & her friends gather to swap tales

Miss Marple

THE UNITED STATES OF KENTUCKY 600 Montauk Springs in the Ozarks of this state has a daily flow of about 50 million gallons


16 TONS 600 Terry Jones was crushed by a 16-ton weight in a comedy sketch from this British troupe

Monty Python

LITERARY CRIME WATCH 400 Col. Sebastian Moran was the evil sidekick of this Sherlock Holmes nemesis


LITERARY VILLAINS 800 Sherlock Holmes called him "a genius" & "the organizer of half that is evil" in London


ALL ABOOT CANADIAN GEOGRAPHY 2000 X-Man Wolverine knows this Yukon mount is almost 20,000' high & has the largest base circumference of any mountain

Mount Logan

CURRENT POP CULTURE 1000 After 14 years, Jamie & Adam decided they had nothing left to disprove & this Discovery show signed off in 2016


IT'S DEBATABLE 800 In 1993 Al Gore & Ross Perot appeared on Larry King's show to debate this pact


1866 2000 2016 is the 150th birthday of Fisk University in this city, home of the Jubilee Singers & alma mater of W.E.B. Du Bois


ANCIENT NAMES 1600 DNA analysis suggests that King Tut may have been the son of Akhenaten & this main wife


ANCIENT NAMES Daily Double Around 60 A.D. this emperor began giving public performances playing the lyre & later appeared on stage as a actor


MOVIE MISTAKES 600 A young extra puts his fingers in his ears moments before a gun fires at Cary Grant in this "directional" Hitchcock film

North by Northwest

DEEPER IN DEBT 1000 Treasurer Robert Citron, whose name is also a fruit, went to jail for this Calif. county's 1994 bankruptcy

Orange County

STATE FLAGS 800 This state's flag is the only one with different designs on each side; one features a yellow beaver


DIVISION I SPORTS TEAMS 400 Its Nittany Lions roar their approval

Penn State

GEOGRAPH"IA" 400 Until 1935 Iran was known by this name


WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE SOAP? 800 One of the first successful primetime serials, it aired 2 nights a week & was based on a Grace Metalious novel

Peyton Place

THE ERIE CANAL Daily Double With the success of the canal, in a few short years, NYC had replaced this city as the nation's no. 1 port


THE MIDDLE AGES 800 Adopted "municipal" name of Odo de Lagny, elected pope in 1088 & a leader of ecclesiastical church reform

Pope Urban

& I CANNOT LIE 800 The title of this official newspaper of the Communist Party of the USSR translates to "truth"


A CELEBRITY CHRISTMAS 400 David Beckham has said that he loves listening to the annual message given by her

Queen Elizabeth

DRINKS IN THE FRIDGE 600 Dietrich Mateschitz, creator of this energy drink, has the zodiac sign Taurus

Red Bull

YOU DISCOVER THE ASTRONOMICAL BODY 200 Everyone wants a turn gazing at this spectacular planet

Saturn (in wants a turn)

& WHAT DO YOU "GET" Daily Double A plain in northwest Tanzania


THE PLAYWRIGHT WRITES 1600 "I sold flowers. I didn't sell myself. Now you've made a lady of me I'm not fit to sell anything else"


GETTING RELIGION 1200 Amenouzume, the "heavenly alarming female", is among the major kami of this Japanese religion


ESSAY TEST 1000 Camus wrote the philosophical essay "The Myth of" him, punished to roll a stone uphill only to have it roll down again


A NON-COMPOTE CLAUSE 400 This company that says, "With a name like" this, "it has to be good" sells jams & jellies but no compote


THE BOOK OF PROVERBS 200 Chapter 1 tells you you're reading "the proverbs of" this man, "king of Israel"


LITERARY VILLAINS 2000 Ray Bradbury wrote "The Illustrated Man" & this novel about the sinister tattoo-covered Mr. Dark

Something Wicked This Way Comes

AFRICA SINCE 1750 Daily Double A series of anti-apartheid protests in this South African township in 1976 led to a larger uprising




ISLAND NATIONS 400 This country has been called the "teardrop of India" due to its location & shape

Sri Lanka

THE MIDDLE AGES 1600 After his death in 1226, "The Life of" this Italian saint told of his life of poverty & the founding of his order

St. Francis (of Assisi)

IT BELONGS TO THE BRITISH Daily Double Longwood House on this South Atlantic island is said to be the finest Napoleon museum in the world

St. Helena

RECENT POP CULTURE 400 Accepting a Golden Globe, he said, "I want to thank my imaginary friend Rocky Balboa for being the best friend I ever had"


MOVIES' VILLAINS 400 Non-spoiler alert! Kylo Ren is the bad guy

Star Wars Episode VII

THE COMPANY STORE 200 You know the tea at the Teavana at the mall is good, as the company was acquired by this hot drinks behemoth in 2012


STOPPED BREATHING IN THE 1800s 1000 No debate--in 1860 he was second in the popular vote for president; a year later, his ballot got punched

Stephen Douglas

LANDMARKS 1600 In Brazil this mountain is called Pão de Açúcar


TV MOVIES 400 Lifetime's movie with the same title as this feature film had Julie Benz, not Liam Neeson, tracking down a daughter


TV MOVIES 2000 In "The Deliberate Stranger", Mark Harmon eerily played this handsome serial killer executed in 1989

Ted Bundy

BEN & JERRY'S FLAVOR GRAVEYARD 200 In the '80s you could enjoy this state's "Mud", flavored with Jack Daniel's


THE PLAYWRIGHT WRITES Daily Double "Time just outran me, Big Daddy--got there first"

Tennessee Williams

I LIKE BIG BUCKS 800 In 2016 this car company said orders for its new Model 3 electric sedan topped $10 billion in 36 hours


WOMEN, IMMORTALIZED 1000 A statue of late congresswoman Barbara Jordan was unveiled in 2009 at this state university


DIVISION I SPORTS TEAMS 800 Its Horned Frogs leap about the "Lone Star State"

Texas Christian (TCU)

LITERARY CRIME WATCH 1200 Los Angeles-based novels by James Ellroy include "L.A. Confidential" & this one about an actual unsolved 1947 murder

The Black Dahlia

THE "BLIND" SPOT 400 Sandra Bullock won an Oscar for this movie

The Blind Side

LITERARY NEW YORK CITY 400 In this novel we see the city through the eyes of young Holden Caulfield

The Catcher in the Rye

LEONARDO DiCAPRIO MOVIES 1600 Leo & Matt Damon have competing squad goals as Boston cops in this drama

The Departed

APOCALYPSE NOW 400 In this Douglas Adams novel, the Earth is demolished in favor of a new hyperspatial express route

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

CURRENT POP CULTURE 200 Ben Kingsley voiced a protective panther in this movie, just as Rudyard Kipling must have imagined

The Jungle Book

BEFORE & AFTER 2000 An Asia-set musical merges with an Isaac Asimov tale known for its 3 laws

The King and I, Robot

THE RAZZIE FOR WORST ACTOR 1600 It was Raspberry nirvana for Mike Myers when he won for the title role in this 2008 comedy about a holy man

The Love Guru

LEONARDO DiCAPRIO MOVIES 2000 This 1998 adaptation had Porthos wanting to replace French king Leo with non-french king Leo

The Man in the Iron Mask

DOCTORED BOOKS Daily Double Dr. Bernard Rieux forgoes escape to stay behind & fight the deadly contagion in this Albert Camus work

The Plague

LEONARDO DiCAPRIO MOVIES 800 This 1820s-set tale won Leo his first Oscar

The Revenant

A CELEBRITY CHRISTMAS 1200 This group has its version of an ugly Christmas sweater available from Questlove's Okayplayer music site

The Roots

THE AUSSIE INVASION 1200 Hope at least 1 of you has a toddler! This Sydney group entertains the tots with songs like "Hot Potato" & "Fruit Salad"

The Wiggles

LEONARDO DiCAPRIO MOVIES 1200 This 2013 movie had Margot Robbie keeping businessman Leo at foot's length

The Wolf of Wall Street

TV MOVIES 1600 This 1937 novel by Zora Neale Hurston was turned into a TV movie starring Halle Berry

Their Eyes Were Watching God

REALITY TV JUDGES 800 Tom Colicchio blogged "Why Stefan's dish was the worst" in a post called "Hog Hell" on this Bravo show's website

Top Chef

ALL ABOOT CANADIAN GEOGRAPHY 400 Ontario's area is 400,000-plus square miles but 1/5 of its population lives in this city


WOMEN, IMMORTALIZED 600 In 2005 Lord Nelson got company in this London square: almost 12 feet of "Alison Lapper Pregnant"

Trafalgar Square

THE GUMMELIER 400 With the name of a three-pronged weapon, this brand produces a fine wintergreen that is steely & unctuous


I'M WITH HER 600 I'm the nephew of King Mark of Cornwall who loves Isolde


POPULAR WEBSITES 400 As of February 2016, this .com boastd 281.9 million blogs


I LIKE BIG BUCKS 400 Need a lift? Apparently so, as in 2016, this 7-year-old app was valued at nearly $70 billion


YOU DISCOVER THE ASTRONOMICAL BODY 600 I'll bet that more than seven used-up probes will someday orbit this planet

Venus (in seven used-up)

THE COMPANY STORE 400 This store has an online Angel Bra Guide that you can consult before visiting

Victoria's Secret

THE FILING CABINET 2000 In the 1970s Tippi Hedren found work for refugees from this country filing nails; now that ethnic group rules the salon biz


DIVISION I SPORTS TEAMS 200 Its Wildcats ran wild as the 2016 NCAA men's basketball champs


RECENT POP CULTURE 1600 Marty & Mick (Scorsese & Jagger) bring us the '70s music scene on this HBO show


COMMUNICATION IS KEY 800 This company was founded in 1851 to build a telegraph line from Buffalo to St. Louis

Western Union

THE VIETNAM WAR ERA 2000 The 4-year tenure of this controversial general as commander of U.S. forces ended in 1968


ON TO GRAD SCHOOL 600 The MBA, it's fantastic! In 1970 this biz school at Penn offered the first MBA program in health care management


THE COMPANY STORE 800 This hyphenated upscale store that's "inspiring cooks everywhere" sells All-Clad & its own line of bakeware


SUFFRAGETTE CITY 600 In 1913 Alice Paul arranged for a demonstration of over 5,000 women before this man's inauguration in D.C.


LETTER PERFECT 200 It comes before chromosome, factor & box 360


LETTER PERFECT 400 This letter is used to define a generation & also as a label for superhero mutants


"HAPPY" NEW YEAR 200 From the mind of a McDonald's ad exec, this selection was first served up in 1979

a Happy Meal

& WHAT DO YOU "GET" 200 A bite-size piece of McChicken

a McNugget (or nugget)

SOUND 800 A speaker for high-frequency sounds, or a high-frequency social media messager

a Tweeter

THE POPES 600 In 1302 Boniface VIII took none of this in affirming authority over secular rulers in a papal this

a bull

DRINKS IN THE FRIDGE 400 Adnan said I could try his kefir, the milk of this 2-humped beast of burden

a camel

THEATRE OF THE ABSURD 400 Arthur Adamov's absurdist play "La Parodie" has a handless one of these watching humans endlessly discussing time

a clock or watch

"CON"CENTRATION 1000 A person used to transmit information, or a structure containing electrical wiring

a conduit

THE LAW 400 In criminal law, it's a statement in which a suspect admits he or she is guilty of a crime & often gives details

a confession

"CON"CENTRATION 800 Someone you trust & can share your most private feelings & secrets with

a confidant

PARTS OF SPEECH 400 Whereas, but & because tie things together as this part of speech

a conjunction

"C" IN SCIENCE 800 Sounds sweet, but it's actually an electronic footprint that allows websites to monitor a user's online movements

a cookie

THE OLD MAN & THE "C" 800 It's finally time to open that 1964 Pomerol, so he'll need this implement

a corkscrew

FINANCIAL LITERACY 400 If your health insurance carries a $500 this, you're out 5 bills to the doctor before the insurer pays a dime

a deductible

JESUS 800 ...entered Jerusalem in triumph via this transport

a donkey

"OFF" WE GO 200 It's when the puck gets dropped

a face-off

COMMUNICATION IS KEY 600 The first primitive form of this device that sends print over a telephone line was made in 1843 by a Scottish inventor

a fax machine

AT HOME WITH ADAM & EVE 1200 Today a synonym for something used to conceal an embarrassment, it was the height of fashion in Genesis 3

a fig leaf

SPORTS EQUIPMENT 1600 After cracking 3 ribs in 1978, QB Dan Pastorini became the first NFLer to don this 4-letter "jacket"

a flak jacket

& WHAT DO YOU "GET" 600 Rise to the occasion & say this informal word for an outfit or costume

a getup

SILENT "H" 800 From the Dutch, it's a small cucumber used to make pickles

a gherkin

"HAPPY" NEW YEAR 1000 A good balance, of the ghost-summoning Madame Arcati in "Blithe Spirit"

a happy medium

A NON-COMPOTE CLAUSE 1000 "Compote" can mean a dish for serving it; this layered dessert also has its own glass, but it's taller & narrower

a parfait

EDUCATION 600 From the Latin for "parish", it's a primary or secondary school supported by a religious group

a parochial school

THE LAW 800 Let's set this, a legal decision that serves as an authoritative rule for future similar cases

a precedent

SOUND 400 An example of metathesis, the switching of sounds, is saying "per" for "pre" in this word for a Dr.'s written order

a prescription

PARTS OF SPEECH 600 Myself, I'd know "yourself" is a reflexive this, itself

a pronoun

MIDDLE I 600 Preaching often accompanies this evangelical assembly

a revival

"OOK" 800 7-letter "chess" term for a penguin's breeding colony

a rookery

CIRCLE TIME 600 In the U.K., a sign with 3 arrows going around in a circle indicates one of these, also called a traffic circle

a roundabout

COLLUSION 1200 It was hats off & lawsuit on when NFL players sued the owners for $4 billion for setting a secret this 2-word term in 2010

a salary cap

FINE FEATHERED IDIOMS 800 The world of hunting gave us this term for a ridiculously easy target

a sitting duck

BEAR WITH US 1200 All this "deadly sin" bear wants for Christmas is its 2 upper front teeth, which it lacks

a sloth bear

MARINE LIFE 400 Some species of this echinoderm in the class Asteroidea may have as many as 50 arms rather than the usual 5

a starfish

RANDOM WORDS 800 As a verb it means to wander off from a course; as a noun, it's a homeless animal

a stray

16 TONS 200 Some of these in Seattle weigh 16-tons, less than half the heft of the one named Desire in New Orleans

a streetcar

PARTS OF SPEECH 800 Anyway, anyhow, anywhere, those 3 words are this part of speech

an adverb

HYPHENATED TERMS 2000 During the Revolution, Thomas Paine was this type of French-named military assistant to Gen. Nathanael Greene

an aide-de-camp

TURN UP THE A_C 1200 It's a grayish element with a metallic luster; old lace is sold separately


PARTS OF SPEECH 200 I read Playboy for a, an & the--you know, these


5 SHADES OF GRAY 200 Don't get burned up naming this 3-letter tree in a type of light greenish gray


LATIN CLASS Daily Double Before TV, "panem et circenses" were these 2 things used to satisfy the Roman masses

bread and circuses

AFRICA SINCE 1750 1200 Long a threat to water buffalo, giraffes & mainly these livestock, the viral disease rinderpest was eradicated in 2011


SILENT "H" 2000 In Greek myth, before the universe was created, there was nothing but this void


YOU NEED FOOD TO GROW ON 200 They're high in good carbs & a great source of fiber, so go for garbanzo beans, aka these


"CON"CENTRATION 400 Gymnosperms like yews & cypresses


"CON"CENTRATION 200 A prize given not because you won, but to make you feel better


3-SYLLABLE WORDS 1000 Pronounced one way, it means to complete the union of a marriage; another, it means supremely skilled


YOU NEED FOOD TO GROW ON 800 This "homey" food, aka Dutch cheese, is high in casein, a slow-digesting protein; it lends its name to less desirable "thighs"

cottage cheese

SPRING MEDLEY 1000 Each spring, half a million sandhill ones hang out in Nebraska as they migrate


THE OLD MAN & THE "C" 600 The old man keeps sharp with these, which first appeared in the New York World newspaper in 1913

crossword puzzles

MIAMI 400 Miami's port calls itself this type of vacation trip "capital of the world"


A NON-COMPOTE CLAUSE 200 Unlike compote, pie has this; the perfect one has been described as "wonderfully flaky, tender" & golden brown


THE OLD MAN & THE "C" 200 The old man hurt himself rumba-ing & is using these supports whose length should be your height minus 16 inches


SHORT "E" 800 Storywise, TV dramas are usually dubbed either "serial" or this kind


LITERARY EPONYMS 800 This classic men's hat was named for a 19th century play whose title character was actually a woman


MIDDLE I 200 To tell a trivial lie


A FEW GOOD "MEN" 200 Term for first-year high school or college students


PAST TENSES 1600 Buy, sell & this third traditional stock analyst rating all have irregular past tenses


FINANCIAL LITERACY 200 Your credit card's APR tells what the money you're borrowing costs each year, including any fees but mainly this


PARTS OF SPEECH 1000 Golly! Prime examples of this part of speech are bravo & fiddlesticks


MIDDLE I 800 Instinctive knowledge or belief; "woman's" is said to be keen


THE FILING CABINET 800 Metallic powder commonly used to demonstrate magnetism

iron filings

FISHING FOR COMPLIMENTS 1000 From the Greeks to you, this "K" word; you'll receive 'em if you respond correctly


MOTTOES & SLOGANS 800 A recent slogan for New York's lottery was "What will you think about when you don't have to think about" this


MARINE LIFE 600 The last of many books by Jacques Cousteau was titled "The Human, the Orchid, and" this other "O" creature


RANDOM WORDS 400 It means unusual or applies to numbers like 5, 37, or 1,041


"OFF" WE GO 400 At a distance from the coast, like certain oil rigs


PEACE 600 The Global Peace Foundation sponsors synchronized meditation with the use of this sacred mantra


ABBREVIATED K 600 On the periodic table, it's elementary, my dear chemist


BASKETBALL 1000 Karl Malone was one of the most dominant at this 2-word position

power forward

FISHING FOR COMPLIMENTS 200 Proverbially, you "sing someone's" these


WEARABLES' OTHER MEANINGS Daily Double In blackjack it holds multiple decks of cards


WEARABLES' OTHER MEANINGS 2000 Gives someone less than all the money he is due


ALL IN THE FAMILY? 400 Bordeaux & Beirut are 2 of these in relation to Los Angeles

sister cities

THE "BLIND" SPOT 2000 Photokeratitis, basically a sunburned eye, includes this condition that's especially common on high mountains

snow blindness

FOREVER STAMPS 1200 In 2015, just in time for winter, the Postal Service issued 4 colorful stamps featuring geometric these


SOCK IT TO ME 200 Original Rockford red heel socks come with instructions on making these animals, around since the 1900s

sock monkeys

RENEWABLE ENERGY 400 The Department of Energy says homes employing this water heating method can save 50% on their bills

solar energy

SOUND 1600 It's the next sound you hear after an osprey spots & heads for its dinner


SPRING MEDLEY 200 "The Wind in the Willows" opens with Mole doing this with brooms & dusters

spring cleaning

AND SO IT BEGINS... 1600 "Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed..."

the 8th Amendment

HYPHENATED TERMS 1600 From 1955 until he retired in 1979, George Meany was the president of this union


HYPHENATED TERMS 400 Pillsbury trademarked this term for a type of contest it has been holding since 1949

the Bake-Off

HISTORIC AUTOMOBILES 400 This 1960s TV superhero vehicle was a modified version of a concept car called the Lincoln Futura

the Batmobile

MOTTOES & SLOGANS 2000 "Destroy foreigners" was part of the slogan of this secret Chinese organization around 1900

the Boxers

MANY RIVERS TO CROSS 1000 The Volga River flows more than 2,000 miles into this body of water

the Caspian Sea

LITERARY GROUPS 1200 Richard Lovelace & Sir John Suckling were 2 of the gentlemen poets named for these rivals of the Roundheads

the Cavaliers

BASKETBALL 400 The 2015 & 2016 NBA finals both matched up these 2 teams

the Cavs & the Warriors

NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES 1000 With the merger of a morning paper & an evening one, Marshall Field III created this Chicago newspaper

the Chicago Sun-Times

GOVERNMENTAL BEFORE & AFTER 800 Conflict between the U.S. & the Soviet Union from the 1940s to the 1990s that's a science fiction novel by H.G. Wells

the Cold War of the Worlds

LANDMARKS 400 This Roman amphitheater was officially dedicated in 80 A.D. by Titus

the Colosseum

HOLIDAYS & OBSERVANCES 400 A 1952 bill designated September 17 as Citizenship Day to coincide with the 1787 signing of this

the Constitution

COAST 1000 This Croatian coast with destinations like Split & Brac has been called the next Riviera

the Dalamatian Coast

MIAMI 800 Barack Obama marked Earth Day 2015 in this swampy national park that borders greater Miami

the Everglades

IT BELONGS TO THE BRITISH 400 In 1985 South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands separated from this island group off Argentina

the Falklands

ESSAY TEST 600 In the 12th of these essays, Alexander Hamilton argued for "The Utility of the Union In Respect to Revenue"

the Federalist Papers

AMERICAN HISTORY 800 In 1974, over Ford's veto, Congress passed amendments to this act granting public access to government files

the Freedom of Information Act

BEFORE & AFTER 800 A landmark Louisiana area featuring Bourbon Street gets a classic burger from McDonald's

the French Quarter Pounder

AMERICAN HISTORY 400 In 1540 Garcia Lopez de Cardenas found this natural wonder; his men tried to climb down to the Colorado River but failed

the Grand Canyon

THEY'RE "GREAT"! 800 The promoter of an 1820 Congressional quid pro quo, Henry Clay was nicknamed this

the Great Compromiser

THEY'RE "GREAT"! 1200 Wayne Gretzky, "The Great One", is a native of the country with this 3-word nickname

the Great White North

THE MIDDLE AGES 1200 With its excellent port facilities, Riga, Latvia was an important center of this league of merchant cities

the Hanseatic League

SYMPHONY ORCHESTRAS 1600 The Los Angeles Philharmonic has 2 homes: the Walt Disney Concert Hall & this outdoor venue

the Hollywood Bowl

ASTRONOMY 2000 Dwarf planets lying within this belt at the edge of the solar system include Haumea & Makemake

the Kuiper Belt

FOREVER STAMPS 400 Ding dong! The first Forever stamps, issued in 2007, featured this iconic symbol

the Liberty Bell

LITERARY GROUPS 400 "Misplaced" term for Hemingway & other writers who came of age during World War I

the Lost Generation

BEAR WITH US 2000 The sun bear of this Thai peninsula is the smallest bear species, only 3 feet long

the Malay Peninsula

MARINE LIFE 800 In 2014 a fish with an eel-like tail & winglike fins was discovered a record 5 miles deep in this trench

the Mariana Trench

NONFICTION 400 Nathaniel Philbrick's account of this 1620 voyage is subtitled "A Story of Courage, Community & War"

the Mayflower

THE POPES 400 Family name of Renaissance-era Pope Leo X, born in Florence to proud papa Lorenzo

the Medici

1866 Daily Double Garnier & Doudart de Lagree, sort of the French Lewis & Clark of Asia, left Saigon in 1866 & journeyed up this river

the Mekong

MANY RIVERS TO CROSS 400 Show me you know that this stately river has a "Little" 600-mile namesake that joins it in North Dakota

the Missouri

TOUGH CHILDREN'S LIT 1600 This "Alice in Wonderland" reptile studied such subjects as "reeling and writhing" & "seaography"

the Mock Turtle

THE ERIE CANAL 1600 In part, the canal snakes its way through the valley of this river named for a Native Amer. tribe that once lived there

the Mohawk River

JESUS Daily Double ...ascended into heaven from atop this peak 40 days after his resurrection

the Mount of Olives

AMERICAN HISTORY 1600 A 1621 treaty with the Wampanoags gave the Pilgrims protection against this tribe from what's now Rhode Island

the Narragansett

NICE LONG DANES Daily Double In 1990 6'2" Dane Peter Martins succeeded Jerome Robbins as boss of this Big Apple artistic organization

the New York City Ballet

SYMPHONY ORCHESTRAS 800 In 1962, after 70 years in Carnegie Hall, this orchestra moved to its new home in Lincoln Center

the New York Philharmonic

NEW WORLD EXPLORATION 400 In 1631 Luke Foxe sailed the coast of Hudson Bay & proved it didn't lead to this long-sought waterway

the Northwest Passage

PEACE 400 To join this group founded in 1961, you must commit to work in the host country for 2 years & learn its language

the Peace Corps

BUSINESSES An 1860 ad for this business that only lasted 19 months sought "ten or a dozen men, familiar with the management of horses"

the Pony Express

FRENCH CONNECTIONS 800 Aneto Peak is the highest point in these mountains that connect (or separate) France & Spain

the Pyrenees

LITERARY GROUPS 2000 The 19th century's Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood of artists & poets included a brother & sister of this family

the Rossetti

MOTTOES & SLOGANS 1600 "Blood and fire" is the motto of this "Army"; the blood comes from Jesus & the fire from the Holy Spirit

the Salvation Army

JESUS 400 ...walked on the water of this large local lake

the Sea of Galilee

LEADER OF THE PACK 400 Mike Holmgren left Green Bay in 1999 to coach this team in the Northwest

the Seattle Seahawks

AND SO IT BEGINS... 1200 "An act to provide for the general welfare by establishing a system of federal old-age benefits..."

the Social Security Act

"S.A." TEST 800 This period of modern history is said to have begun on October 4, 1957, when the soviets launched Sputnik I

the Space Age

ALL ABOOT CANADIAN GEOGRAPHY 1600 On the Canadian-U.S. border, this seaway serving Thunder Bay & Hamilton, among others, took 5 years to build

the St. Lawrence

PEACE 1000 1648's peace of Westphalia ended this long conflict

the Thirty Years' War

THE BOOK OF PROVERBS 1000 "The fruit of the righteous is" this, which also grows in the garden of Eden

the Tree of Life

INVASIONS 400 In 409 Spain was invaded by this Germanic people who did more than damage property & spray graffiti

the Vandals

LANDMARKS Daily Double A place of prayer for Jewish people, it's all that remains of the Second Temple of Jerusalem

the Western Wall

GOVERNMENTAL BEFORE & AFTER 600 The president's mansion that also serves as the elected British parliamentary body

the White House of Commons

AND SO IT BEGINS... 800 "Now these are the names of the children of Israel, which came into Egypt"

the book of Exodus

BEAR WITH US 800 Many readers enjoyed "The Clan of" this bear that went extinct 10,000 years ago

the cave bear

"OOK" 200 Caught demanding a bribe? You have your proverbial "hand in" this 2-word item

the cookie jar

EDUCATION 200 The "formal" type of this Latin word is the course of study; the "hidden" one is the social cues & values kids pick up

the curriculum

YOU NEED FOOD TO GROW ON 1000 The people behind the slogan "the incredible edible" this food want you to know it helps you grow

the egg

AROUND THE WORLD 400 This line goes around the world & gave its name to an Andean country

the equator

HISTORIC AUTOMOBILES 200 The 1897 Panhard Levassor was one of the first autos to put the engine in the "French style" here on the car

the front

AT HOME WITH ADAM & EVE 2000 At God's urging, Adam performs this task in Genesis 2, then takes a long nap

the naming of the animals

POETS & POETRY 1600 In a poem by William Carlos Williams, it's easy to visualize this title object "glazed with rain water beside the white chickens"

the red wheelbarrow

THE BOOK OF PROVERBS 600 Proverbs 13 warns that "He that spareth" this "hateth his son"

the rod

BONE"S" 2000 This bone attached at the hips helps form the pelvis

the sacrum

BONE"S" 1200 The bones of the shoulder are the humerus, the clavicle & the shoulder blade, aka this bone

the scapula

BASKETBALL 600 In the NBA an award is given to the best of these ordinal players, usually the first off the bench

the sixth man

BONE"S" 400 Collectively it's made up of the cranial bones & most of the facial bones

the skull

ALSO FOUND ON A CAR 1600 An athlete who inspires his teammates; Draymond Green is said to be the Warriors'

the spark plug

BONE"S" 1600 Together with the malleus & the incus, this tiny bone forms the middle ear

the stapes

BONE"S" 800 The top 7 ribs on each side attach to this bone in the center of your thorax

the sternum

YOU DISCOVER THE ASTRONOMICAL BODY 400 All that we are came from this unmistakable entity

the sun (in this unmistakable)

ALSO FOUND ON A CAR 2000 Your body, excluding the head & limbs; it's AKA the torso

the trunk

16 TONS 1000 The largest fish in the world, it's known to tip the scales at 16 tons

the whale shark

LATIN CLASS 1200 When I stole Johnny's donut, he said, "Hoc est bellum", meaning this

this is war

WEARABLES' OTHER MEANINGS 800 To neither win nor lose a contest


ALSO FOUND ON A CAR 800 4-letter verb meaning to become weary


SOUND 1200 This verb meaning to change the play at the line of scrimmage can also mean to improvise in a non-football situation

to audible

COOKING METHODS 200 To pass dry ingredients like flour through a fine-meshed sieve; doing so removes large pieces & incorporates air

to sift

"OFF" WE GO 1000 Boil butter & sugar together to make this


BIZ "B"s 200 'Its original Irish cream is a blend of Irish whiskey with hints of vanilla & chocolate'


FOREIGN WORDS & PHRASES 400 'Someone who takes the opposite side of an argument for argument's sake is "advocatus diaboli", or this'

"Devil's advocate"

"WONDER" LAND 400 'Jimmy Stewart said this film was his favorite, as "it's what a true motion picture should be"'

"It's a Wonderful Life"

AUTHORS' RHYME TIME 2000 "Tolstoy's Prizms & Metros"

"Leo's Geos"

WRITE NOW! Daily Double "For a magazine story, this author of westerns once did his day's writing on a traffic island on Sunset Blvd."

"Louis L'Amour"

THE AUSSIE INVASION 2000 The Little River Band sang, "We'll go dancing in the dark, walking through the park &" doing this title


WHAT'S THAT SONG? 800 In a Top 10 hit by Walk the Moon, it's the woman's title response to an overly garrulous singer

"Shut Up And Dance With Me"

SPEAKING FLUENT CANADIAN Daily Double 'In 1985 Margaret Atwood published this "Tale" of women stripped of all rights in a post-U.S. country'

"The Handmaid's Tale"

AUTHORS' RHYME TIME 400 "Ms. Morrison's friends & followers"

"Toni's cronies"

AUTHORS' RHYME TIME 1600 "Eudora's Scottish sheepdogs"

"Welty's shelties"

DOVE 200 No. 1 in 1984, this Prince hit reaches the Top 10 again in 2016 soon after his death

"When Doves Cry"

"D" LICIOUS 600 'Demonic term for a dark, dense baked chocolate item'

"a devil's food cake"

IT'S ALL ABOUT HER 400 '"A Woman Named Jackie"'

'(Jackie Kennedy) Onassis'

GEORGE WASHINGTON 1000 "It's where George is at rest"

'Mount Vernon'

HAWAIIAN CROSSWORD CLUES 1000 'A young woman (6)'

'a wahine'

STAY AWAY FROM MEAT 200 'AKA soybean curd, it can be frozen up to 3 months--but that will change its texture, making it slightly chewier'


SOUP ALPHABET 800 '"T" is for this classic; Martha Stewart says to make it with the whole plum variety'

'tomato (soup)'

WORDS & PHRASES 400 'The word language comes from "lingua", Latin for this body part'


BANKING & FINANCE 800 "The Fed says bigger banks can risk more because Uncle Sam won't let them go under, this 4-word principle"

'too big to fail'

PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN YEARS Year the New York World lamented, "The age of statesmen is gone... The age of rail-splitters and tailors... has succeeded"


ESSAY TEST 400 In this essay, Virginia Woolf said that a woman must have money & the title place "if she is to write fiction"

A Room of One's Own

THE AUSSIE INVASION 400 In 1985 this "Back In Black" group played the Rock in Rio festival before a fairly big crowd of 342,000


REALITY TV JUDGES 400 Maroon 5's debut album, "Songs About Jane", was influenced by this lead singer's breakup with a girlfriend

Adam Levine

SINGERS' REAL NAMES 1000 Legend says that a Ouija board told Vincent Damon Furnier he was the reincarnation of a witch named this

Alice Cooper

PAINTED LADIES 800 Among Rembrandt's mythological paintings was one of this woman chained to a rock


& I CANNOT LIE 1200 The game show "To Tell the Truth" returned to TV in 2016 with this star of "black-ish" as its host

Anthony Anderson

THE PLAYWRIGHT WRITES 800 "If there is one thing interesting--remarkable indeed--in the whole province, it's just our cherry orchard"

Anton Chekhov

DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME 1600 When Daylight Saving Time began in 1918, Maricopa County in this state refused to use it & the state still doesn't


DIVISION I SPORTS TEAMS 600 Its Sun Devils create a desert storm

Arizona State

THE PLAYWRIGHT WRITES 400 "I'm gonna show you and everybody else that Willy Loman did not die in vain"

Arthur Miller

ANOTHER DAY OLDER 400 One more homer... on Aug. 30, 1928 he took Sad Sam Jones deep for his 463rd

Babe Ruth

AROUND THE WORLD 800 Airports serving this capital city include Tegel & Schonefeld


IT BELONGS TO THE BRITISH 1200 From 1612 to 1614 this Atlantic island territory was a part of the Virginia Colony


THE GUMMELIER 1000 Also a nickname for Cornell, this cinnamon gum I have chosen conveys a bold, cloying zest

Big Red

A CELEBRITY CHRISTMAS 1600 George Clooney & Miley Cyrus showed up for "A Very" him "Christmas" on Netflix in 2015

Bill Murray

SYMPHONY ORCHESTRAS 1200 In 1926 this symphony that hatched the Pops became the first to play live on the radio


LITERARY VILLAINS 400 This villain said a crocodile has followed him "from sea to sea... licking its lips for the rest of me"

Captain Hook

GOVERNMENTAL BEFORE & AFTER 400 John Roberts' job that's a team of comic book superheroes

Chief Justice League

MOM GENES 600 Up-&-coming model Kaia Gerber really did inherit her mom's genes, Mom being this supermodel

Cindy Crawford



PLACES TO "C" 800 Eau to visit this largest city in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia


GEOGRAPH"IA" 2000 You might say this region of Croatia that extends about 230 miles along the coast has a "spotty" reputation


WHY DO I KNOW THAT NAME? 400 He's the current James Bond

Daniel Craig

TV GUIDES 800 Stick is the martial arts master who taught Elektra & the title guy all they know on this Netflix series


DOCTORED BOOKS 800 This doctor/poet was Boris Pasternak's alter ego

Doctor Zhivago

WORDS IN JEOPARDY 800 This youngest Disney dwarf can't talk because he has never tried


DOCTORED BOOKS 400 Like his roommate, this doctor first shows up in "A Study in Scarlet"

Dr. Watson

SOME PEOPLE CALL ME MAURICE 2000 Maurice Evans played this wise simian "Dr." in "Planet of the Apes"

Dr. Zaius

POPULAR WEBSITES 200 "The worldwide leader in sports" is at


GEOGRAPH"IA" 800 2 of the 3 Baltic states

Estonia & Latvia (& Lithuania)

ANOTHER DAY OLDER 1000 Soon to give historic speeches, on June 10, 1931 this N.Y. gov. spoke to Vassar grads on how study is like boating


HOLIDAYS & OBSERVANCES 1600 President Harding honored this British woman by endorsing her birthday, May 12, to be Natl. Hospital Day

Florence Nightingale

AN "F" IN GEOGRAPHY 800 It left the Union 16 years after joining it


A HARRY POTTER BESTIARY 800 Slightly misleading name of the scary giant 3-headed canine who guards the Philosopher's Stone & falls asleep to music


IT'S DEBATABLE 1000 In a 1976 presidential debate, he said, "There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe"




NONFICTION 1200 Thanks to a 2009 film, Julia Child's 48-year-old "Mastering the Art of" this reentered the bestseller lists

French Cooking

MOVIES' VILLAINS 1600 In this 2015 edition of a franchise, Deckard Shaw, who gets a piece of The Rock

Furious 7

TOUGH CHILDREN'S LIT 2000 An Albee couple, or the 2 lovable hippos in James Marshall stories like "The Tooth" & "The Tub"

George & Martha

THE OSCARS For films of 2005 through 2012, he received nominations for Best Picture, Director, Writing & Acting

George Clooney

WHY DO I KNOW THAT NAME? 1600 He's had a ton of country No. 1s like "Does Fort Worth Ever Cross Your Mind"

George Strait

THE PRO SPORTS TEAM & BAND NAME 400 Sadaharu Oh? Frank Gifford? Tim Lincecum? They Might Be these


IT BELONGS TO THE BRITISH 800 At its southernmost tip, Europa Point, there are great views of Apes' Den as well as North Africa


MANY RIVERS TO CROSS 800 The bonny Rivers Clyde & Kelvin flow through this largest Scottish city


LITERARY VILLAINS 1200 This James Bond villain shows his accomplices a map of Fort Knox, including Bullion Boulevard


INSIDE THE NEW YORK TIMES 400 At the daily Page 1 meeting, 1 decision is the prime spot, top right; on 7/14/15 it was this E.U. country's new austerity deal


WOMEN OF NOTE 200 In 2009 the Cabinet opened for ex-Kansas gov. Kathleen Sebelius, who began leading HHS, this department

Health and Human Services

A HARRY POTTER BESTIARY 200 Hagrid buys this pet as a birthday present for Harry at Eeylops Owl Emporium


LITERARY CRIME WATCH 800 This 1966 book begins, "The village of Holcomb stands on the high wheat plains of western Kansas"

In Cold Blood

THE PRO SPORTS TEAM & BAND NAME 800 It follows "Sacramento" or "Gipsy"


GETTING RELIGION 800 Only Muslims may enter this, the religion's holiest city, Muhammad's birthplace


A FEW GOOD "MEN" 600 The Vikings of Europe were also known by this name


THEATRE OF THE ABSURD 800 In 1953 "Waiting for Godot" premiered at a small theatre in this European capital


IT BELONGS TO THE BRITISH 1600 In 2008 the New Zealand mint began producing gold coins featuring the Bounty for this tiny island


FRENCH CONNECTIONS 2000 Baptiste du Cerceau & Pierre des Illes designed this, the oldest existing bridge across the Seine

Pont Neuf

DEEPER IN DEBT 400 In June 2016 Congress passed a rescue bill for this island's $70 billion debt

Puerto Rico

SHAKESPEARE'S WOMEN 400 Cordelia refuses to flatter Dad just to get a bigger inheritance, unlike these 2 siblings

Regan & Goneril

BEFORE & AFTER 400 The group assigned to protect the president proceeds through this door meant for delivery people & other help

Secret Service entrance

AFRICA SINCE 1750 800 Similar to Liberia, this "lion mountains" nation began as a colony for freed slaves in 1787

Sierra Leone

DIVISION I SPORTS TEAMS 1000 Its Orange grows in New York



The Hunchback of Notre Dame

POPULAR WEBSITES 800 This satiric site: "EPA Urges Nation to Develop New Air Source"

The Onion

MOVIES' VILLAINS 2000 Revolutionary War British Colonel Tavington, who earns payback from Mel Gibson

The Patriot

THEATRE OF THE ABSURD 1200 This Czech author's satirical plays like "Protest" used absurdist themes to denounce Communist rule

Vaclav Havel

WOMEN OF NOTE 1000 In 1865 Maria Mitchell, the USA's first female professional astronomer, was made a professor at this N.Y. college


APOCALYPSE NOW 1600 This Max Brooks novel begins, "It goes by many names: 'The Crisis,' 'The Dark Years,' 'The Walking Plague'"

World War Z

LITERARY EPONYMS 1600 Any trusted adviser, like the one who taught Telemachus in the "Odyssey"

a mentor

TV GUIDES 600 On "Game of Thrones", a 3-eyed this that appeared in Bran's dreams was actually a seer seeking Bran as his successor

a raven

NICE LONG DANES 1200 Eva Bang uses her 5'11" to good advantage in this sandy sport

beach volleyball

RENEWABLE ENERGY 2000 This 7-letter word can refer to the total weight of one plant species or to plant material used as fuel


FINE FEATHERED IDIOMS 1600 A fast, risky detox method

cold turkey

HYPHENATED TERMS Daily Double The name of this figure in square dancing comes from a corruption of the French for "back to back"


THE FILING CABINET 400 IRS filing statuses include married filing separately & married filing this way


MARINE LIFE Daily Double Natl. Geographic says without this small shrimplike crustacean, most "life forms in the Antarctic would disappear"


TALK ABOUT THE WEATHER 1600 As its name implies, the website lets users track this atmospheric phenomenon around the world


ELEMENT-IUM 1600 It's used for rechargeable batteries; in a Nirvana song, its lyrics include "I love you, I'm not gonna crack"


COOKING METHODS 1000 From the Latin for "to make soft", it's soaking food, usually fruit, in a liquid in order to infuse it with the liquid's flavor


WEARABLES' OTHER MEANINGS 400 Breathes heavily, like a dog


COOKING METHODS 800 To cook fish en papillote, you'll need this type of paper to seal in the flavor & juices

parchment paper

MIDDLE I 1000 This official rebuke or censure is often quite severe


5 SHADES OF GRAY 600 You might find this dark purplish gray atop a roof or underneath the felt on a pool table


TALK ABOUT THE WEATHER 800 5-letter name for raindrops that freeze into ice pellets before reaching the ground


"S.A." TEST 400 Fire departments say when you reset your clock for daylight saving time, also change the batteries in these

smoke alarm

WEARABLES' OTHER MEANINGS 1600 To put money away in savings


DROPPIN' MAD BEETS 1000 This specific sugar is the most prevalent in sugar beets, making up about 20% of their weight


DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME 400 Daylight Saving Time is sometimes called this, like a song from "Porgy and Bess"


HAWAIIAN HISTORY 200 Missionaries preached against this ocean pastime, but it was designated the state individual sport in 1998


AND SO IT BEGINS... 400 "John, by the grace of God, king of England... to the archbishops, bishops, abbots, earls, barons..."

the Magna Carta

SPRING MEDLEY 400 From the Latin, it means "relating to spring"


RENEWABLE ENERGY 800 100-foot-tall towers grouped in "farms" are used to create this type of power


SUFFRAGETTE CITY 200 The National American Woman Suffrage Association became the League of these in Chicago in 1920

women voters

ALL IN THE FAMILY? 2000 In the King James Bible, these 3 words starting with a relative precede "for they know not what they do"

"Father, forgive them"

AMERICAN WOMAN 600 "In 1934, after a nervous breakdown, this painter discovered N.M.'s ghost ranch, where she'd make her home"

"Georgia O'Keeffe"

GEORGIA IN SONG 400 "Georgia, Georgia, the whole day through, just an old sweet song, keeps" this 4-word title around

"Georgia On My Mind"

NATIONAL ANTHEMS In her memoirs Queen Liliuokalani tells us that before Hawaii had its own national anthem, it used this one

"God Save The Queen"

ON BASS & DRUMS 800 'Livin' in "Paradise City" in the '80s: Duff McKagan & Steven Adler'

"Guns N' Roses"

MODERN BABBLING 400 'The book's title says it all: "It's Not" this science "and Other Irritating Modern Cliches"'

"It's not Rocket Science"

WHAT'S THAT SONG? 200 Picture it: Ed Sheeran wrote this hit about a memento of love while building a Lego X-Wing fighter in a hotel room


LEADING INTO THE SONG TITLE 1600 'The Bangles: "My I don't have to run day, it's just another..."'

'"Manic Monday"'

CASEY AT THE BAT 800 'These 5 concluding words follow "there is no joy in Mudville..."'

'"Mighty Casey has struck out."'

MUSIC APPRECIATION 2000 'In 1888 John Philip Sousa wrote this march that later became the official march of the Marine Corps'

'"Semper Fidelis"'

LEADING INTO THE SONG TITLE 2000 'Journey: "One night will remind you, how we touched & went our..."'

'"Separate Ways"'

DREAMBOATS 400 'Time magazine said this blond Bond-shell has shoulders & pecs "so well defined, they could be in Webster's"'

'(Daniel) Craig'

DIRECTED & STARRED IN 1000 '"Throw Momma From The Train"'

'(Danny) DeVito'

GOIN' SOLO 1000 '...from the Eagles with "All She Wants To Do Is Dance"'

'(Don) Henley'

AMERICAN WOMAN 1000 'The first U.S.-born person to be named a saint, she has a "Hall" of a college named for her'

'(Elizabeth Ann) Seton'

PENN. PALS Daily Double 'This general from Uniontown won the 1953 Nobel Peace Prize for his plan helping European recovery'

'(George) Marshall'

CIVIL WAR NAMES 800 'Of a doomed attack at Gettysburg, this Confederate made the charge that Lee "had my division massacred"'

'(George) Pickett'

THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE 200 'In his acceptance speech, Pres. Obama quoted this 1964 American recipient saying, "violence never brings permanent peace"'

'(Martin Luther) King (Jr.)'

NAME THAT FOOD! 1600 'Last name of the opera singer for whom the French Chef Escoffier created a "peach" dessert in the late 1800s'

'(Nellie) Melba'

SPEAKING FLUENT CANADIAN 1200 'Not a cartoonist, he lost the P.M. job on May 22, 1979 but had it back by March 3, 1980'

'(Pierre) Trudeau'

AFRICAN-AMERICAN LITERATURE 1200 'His 1940 novel "Native Son" was adopted by the Book of the Month Club'

'(Richard) Wright'

THE 1870s 200 "In 1873 this gunmaker's company introduced its most popular revolver, the Peacemaker"

'(Samuel) Colt'

SPEAKING FLUENT CANADIAN 800 "As of 2010 he was Canada's prime minister; he's our next-door neighbor, you should know him"

'(Stephen) Harper'

WHAT KIDS ARE READING THESE DAYS 800 'This horror master's "Full Dark, No Stars" is a collection of creepy campfire tales'

'(Stephen) King'

GOIN' SOLO 600 '...from Fleetwood Mac with "Stand Back"'

'(Stevie) Nicks'

GOIN' SOLO 200 '...from the Heartbreakers with "You Don't Know How It Feels'"'

'(Tom) Petty'

AFRICAN-AMERICAN LITERATURE 2000 'His "Souls of Black Folk" expressly attacked Booker T. Washington, the most powerful black American of that time'

'(W.E.B.) Du Bois'

PENN. PALS 2000 'This 19th century educator known for his "Readers" began teaching at age 14 with little formal education'

'(William) McGuffey'

APPROXIMATE WEIGHTS & MEASURES 600 "According to ads, there's 1 of these of raisins in half a package of Kellogg's Raisin Bran"

'(one) scoop'

ARCHITECTS 400 'The art of this center named for an oilman is housed in a Los Angeles hilltop complex designed by Richard Meier'

'(the) Getty (Center)'

PARTY LIKE IT'S 1899 600 'Smith & Wesson introduced the K-frame M&P revolver known as this numerical "special"'


IT'S A FACT 2000 'The Battle of Guadalcanal began in August of this year'


TIME FOR A REVOLUTION! 2000 'The Hungarian Revolution was in October of this Cold War year'


ALPHANUMERICS 200 'This company makes scotchlite reflective material'


ALPHANUMERICS 800 'Selective Service classification for a person physically unfit for military duty'


IT'S A FACT 400 'NBA games are this many minutes of regulation playing time'


FILM SONGS 800 '"This Used To Be My Playground"'

'A League of Their Own'

BIBLICAL BOOK TITLES 200 'In Ecclesiastes this 1989 book title precedes "and a time to heal"'

'A Time to Kill'

SODA 600 'This root beer derived its name from the names of partners Roy Allen & Frank Wright'


AMERICAN WOMAN 400 '"Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor", this future first lady wrote in 1780'

'Abigail Adams'

AIRLINES 200 'Its loyalty program is called "AAdvantage"'


DIRECTED & STARRED IN 600 '2010's "The Town"'

'Ben Affleck'

WATCH THOSE RATS & MICE 1000 'This rat had his own movie in the sequel to "Willard", which featured a hit Michael Jackson tune'


THE OSCARS 'The only remake of a U.S. film to win Best Picture; the original was made in the 1920s, the Oscar-winning remake in the 1950s'


IN MY CABINET 1600 "It's the ultra strength pain relieving cream by this brand, not the Browns running back of the same name"


THE BENJAMINS 2000 'In 1976 this "Billy Budd" composer was made a British life peer'

'Benjamin Britten'

AFRICAN-AMERICAN AUTHORS Daily Double 'Kristin Hunter took the title for her novel "God Bless the Child" from this singer'

'Billie Holiday'

IT'S ALL ABOUT HER 1000 '"Lady Sings the Blues"'

'Billie Holiday'

LITERARY CHARACTERS 400 'In "To Kill a Mockingbird", recluse Arthur Radley is known by this nickname'


POLITICAL JARGON 1600 "This last name of a judge denied a Supreme Court spot in 1987 is now a verb meaning to attack someone's character"


TALES OF ADVENTURE 1600 'Joy Adamson & her husband adopted an orphaned lion cub in this true story published in 1960'

'Born Free'

THE 1870s 600 'In November 1873 this Tammany Hall politician was convicted on 204 charges of fraud'

'Boss Tweed'

THE EMMY WINNER'S SHOW 600 '2007: James Spader won fair & square'

'Boston Legal'

FADE INTO BOLIVIAN 200 "Bolivia's longest border is with this neighbor to the east"


CLASSIC YUMMY ROCKERS 400 'You can't make a sandwich without this band whose hits include "Make It With You" & "If"'


THE 1870s 400 'On October 2, 1871 this Mormon leader was arrested for practicing polygamy'

'Brigham Young'

CANADIAN PROVINCES 1600 'On its north, this province borders the Yukon; on its south, Idaho'

'British Columbia'

BIZ "B"s 600 'This "fraternal" company was the official supplier of typewriters to the 1984 Summer Olympics'


BRITS & AUSSIES ON TV 2000 "Aussie actress Rachel Griffiths & Welsh actor Matthew Rhys play 2 of Sally Field's children on this series"

'Brothers & Sisters'

HE DIED A DEADLY DEATH 2000 'After the second battle of Philippi in 42 B.C., this Roman general could have said, "Et tu, me?" as he killed himself'


ON THE BRITISH MONARCHY'S WEBSITE 200 'It "has served as the official London residence of Britain's sovereigns since 1837"'

'Buckingham Palace'

ASIA LOVES THAT AMERICAN BRAND 800 '"Wouldn't you really rather have" this car? China would, buying triple the number of them sold in the U.S. in 2010'


REBELS WITH A CAUSE 1200 "For 2 decades, Nobel Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi has been the focal point of resistance to this country's ruling regime"


THE HISTORIC SEÃ'OR-"A" OR SEÃ'ORIT-"A" 2000 "The daughter of Belgium's King Leopold I, she was Empress of Mexico from 1864 to 1867"


NASHVILLE, GEOGRAPHIC 2000 'Juniper trees mistaken for cedars led to the biblical name of this state park, east of Nashville'

'Cedars of Lebanon State Park'

BIOGRAPHIES 2000 'Einhard served this ruler for 23 years & wrote a 9th century biography of him, "Vita Karoli Magni"'


THEY'RE AFTER THE "CHEE"s 400 '"Up in Smoke" comedy duo'

'Cheech & Chong'

THE EMMY WINNER'S SHOW 400 "1991: Let's hear it for Kirstie Alley"


THEY'RE AFTER THE "CHEE"s 200 'A puffed cornmeal snack created in 1948'


MOVIE MUSICALS 600 'In "Burlesque", this pop diva runs a club & sings "you haven't seen the last of me"'


SKYSCRAPER CITY 400 'Water Tower Place at 835 North Michigan Avenue'


SIGN OF THE FOUR 1000 'Of the 4 Marx Brothers in "Horse Feathers", the one with the same name as a California city'


EVENTS OF 2010 'A piece of custom-made equipment called the Phoenix played a key role in an October event in this country'


GLEE SONGS 2000 'Amber Riley showed off her singing chops covering "Beautiful" from this blonde pop star'

'Christina Aguilera'

ARCHITECTS 1600 "In 1657 he was appointed professor of astronomy at London's Gresham College"

'Christopher Wren'

ROCK DOCUMENTARIES 800 '"Hail! Hail! Rock 'n' Roll" is a celebration of this '50s rock pioneer'

'Chuck Berry'

NASHVILLE, GEOGRAPHIC 1200 'Quit monkee-ing around if you want to catch the last train to this Tennessee city 40 miles from Nashville'


THE HISTORIC SEÃ'OR-"A" OR SEÃ'ORIT-"A" 400 'Caesarion was the son of Julius Caesar & this queen'


DREAMBOATS 1200 'This Brit had us the moment we saw him as the haughty (but smoldering) Mr. Darcy in a 1995 miniseries of "Pride and Prejudice"'

'Colin Firth'

10 1000 'One of the 2 universities that joined the Pac-10 in 2011, making it the Pac-12'

'Colorado (or Utah)'

STEAMBOATS 200 'Steamboat Springs in this state was so named because the bubbling springs sounded like a chugging steamboat'


PEOPLE 800 'A 2000 issue had Caroline Kennedy on the cover with the line "Profile in" this'


NAME THAT FOOD! 400 "Orange-butter sauce doused in grand marnier & prepared in a chafing dish, it's flame on! for this crepe dish"

'Crepe Suzette'

ODE TRIP 800 'This Lord Protector's "Return from Ireland" occasioned an ode by Andrew Marvell'


THE NAME OF THE FLAG Daily Double 'This Caribbean nation flies La Estrella Solitaria, "The Solitary Star"'


TEENS & POETRY 600 'In John Dryden's "Sylvia the Fair (In the Bloom of Fifteen)", Sylvia meets this mythological love god'


AMERICAN ART & ARTISTS 1200 'Louis Maurer was the horse-drawing specialist in the stable of artists of this 19th century printmaking duo'

'Currier & Ives'

19th CENTURY AMERICA 1000 'In an 1830 debate this senator said, "Liberty and union, now and forever, one and inseparable"'

'Daniel Webster'

POETS & POETRY 1200 'He had the ideas used in "The Divine Comedy" by around 1293 & took from about 1308 to 1320 to write it'


ANSWERS IN ABUNDANCE 800 'European river of 1,700 miles'


MARVEL-OUS 1200 'While studying at Columbia, Elektra Natchios dated blind Matt Murdock, later known as this superhero'


ROCK DOCUMENTARIES 2000 'An oversized suit he wears is a memorable image from "Stop Making Sense"'

'David Byrne'

THEIR TV ROLES 400 'Hank Moody & Fox Mulder'

'David Duchovny'

SINGERS "R" US 200 'After leaving Van Halen, he had 4 Top 20 hits, including "Just Like Paradise"'

'David Lee Roth'

BEFORE & AFTER: SINGERS & PRESIDENTS 800 'I sang "Atomic" as part of Blondie & also made the decision to use the atomic bomb'

'Debbie Harry Truman'

AIRLINES 600 'One of its slogans was "We love to fly and it shows"'


FAMOUS FIRSTS 800 'Frank McNamara created this first multipurpose charge card in 1950 after finding his wallet missing at a restaurant'

'Diners Club'

MARVEL-OUS 2000 'His surgical career was cut short after an accident, so now he's "Master of the Mystic Arts"'

'Doctor Strange'

LITERARY E-MAIL ADDRESSES Daily Double '[email protected]'

'Dorian Gray'

AUTHORS ON AUTHORS 1200 'When reviewing "Dawn" in the New Yorker, she quipped, "Theodore Dreiser should ought to write nicer"'

'Dorothy Parker'

I'VE GOT A 6-PACK 1000 '"I don't always drink beer, but when I do, I prefer" this brand'

'Dos Equis'

ABOUT TIME 800 'This religious observance is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox'


"I"s IN THE PRIZE 1000 'The Medal of Honor named for this island was "designed to pay homage to the immigrant experience"'

'Ellis Island'

BEFORE & AFTER: SINGERS & PRESIDENTS 1200 '"B-B-B-B-Bennie!" Bennie Franklin! You & I negotiated peace with Britain in the 1780s'

'Elton John Adams'

SINGLE NAMED SINGERS 800 'This rapper has been called many things, but don't forget "Oscar winner" (for original song) for "8 Mile"'


BASEBALL: THE 1950s 1600 'In 1958 this man, "Mr. Cub", hit 47 home runs, still the National League record for a shortstop'

'Ernie Banks'

ALL ABOARD AMTRAK 800 'The express route named for this Fort Ticonderoga hero has stops in Rutland & Castleton, Vermont'

'Ethan Allen'

FOREIGN WORDS & PHRASES 400 "Aha! I have found it, this Greek word that's the state motto of California"


COCA-COLA PRODUCTS AROUND THE WORLD 2000 'In addition to the classic orange & grape, this soda brand also comes in flavors like aloe vera muscat, lychee & guarana'


EXPOSÉS 1600 'Subtitled "The Dark Side of the All-American Meal", this expose was made into a 2006 film'

'Fast Food Nation'

GOIN' SOLO 400 '...from the Black Eyed Peas with "Big Girls Don't Cry"'


ABBREVIATED MAGAZINES 200 'For the true outdoorsman: F&S'

'Field & Stream'

OSCAR-NOMINATED SPORTS FLICKS 400 'This 1989 Oscar nominee was based on the W.P. Kinsella book "Shoeless Joe"'

'Field of Dreams'

TV 400 '"Have Fork, Will Travel", "Kid in a Candy Store" & "Glutton for Punishment" were shows on this network'

'Food TV'

ARCHITECTS 800 'From 1887 to 1893 he was chief draftsman for the Chicago firm of Adler & Sullivan'

'Frank Lloyd Wright'

NATIONAL BOOK AWARD WINNERS 800 'In 2001 for his novel "The Corrections"; it was also an Oprah selection'


TV 200 'In 2012 the salary of this crane operator would be $42,574 --enough to keep his daughter Pebbles in diapers'

'Fred Flintstone'

APPLIANCES 1000 'In the 1930s this trademarked coolant replaced ammonia, methyl chloride & sulfur dioxide in U.S. refrigerators'


ALL A DREAM 1200 'In 1899 he wrote of hypermnesic dreams, in which memories, inaccessible by day, turn up in the dream'


LITERARY CHARACTERS 200 'Robinson Crusoe writes, "I made him know his name should be" this, "which was the day I saved his life"'


THE EMMY WINNER'S SHOW 200 '1998: Lisa Kudrow enjoyed the Emmy buffet'


A REAL RHODES SCHOLAR Daily Double 'This Arkansas senator for whom an international scholarship is named was a Rhodes scholar'


THE LOOKING GLASS 800 'He told of the discoveries he made looking through a telescope in 1610's "The Sidereal Messenger"'


19th CENTURY PRESIDENTS 2000 'On Nov. 2, 1880 he was a member of the House of Representatives from Ohio, a senator-elect & president-elect'


"GAS" UP 1000 'The Romans called this historical French region Novempopulana'


FILM SONGS 600 '"You're The One That I Want"'


I'VE GOT A 6-PACK 800 'In 1784 this Irish brewery was granted water rights to its nearby channel for 8,975 years; is that a record?'


U.S.A. 2000 'In Mitchell, Ind. a rocket memorial honors this hometown hero who died in a fire on the launch pad in 1967'

'Gus Grissom'

FORM LETTERS 1000 'These 3 letters refer to a Cabinet department & precede 30106 in a sample move in/move out inspection form'


GAME DESCRIPTIONS 2000 'As Master Chief, shoot at the Covenant, massacre the flood; rinse, repeat'


AMERICAN HISTORY 400 'At least 50 of the 85 letters making up the "Federalist Papers" were written by this future treasury secretary'


ON BROADWAY 1913 400 'The fabulous Shubert theatre opened with British star Johnston Forbes-Robertson as this doomed Dane'


SHAKESPEARE'S ENDINGS 1600 '"Take up the bodies. such a sight as this becomes the field, but here shows much amiss"'


SKYSCRAPER CITY 200 'Moana Pacific, East & West Towers'


CLASSIC YUMMY ROCKERS 1200 '"30 Days in the Hole" if you can't name this old Peter Frampton band whose name refers to a forced apology'

'Humble Pie'

ALICE 800 '"The egg only got larger and larger, and more and more human... when (Alice) had come close to it, she saw... that it was" him'

'Humpty Dumpty'

SULEIMAN THE MAGNIFICENT 1600 'At the 1526 Battle of Mohxc3xa1cs, Sulei & his boys crushed the forces of this kingdom, which had advanced from Buda to meet him'


NATIVE AMERICAN TRIBES 400 'In the mid-1600s, the Iroquois nearly wiped out the Erie & this other tribe that shares its name with a Great Lake'


ARCHITECTS 1200 'In the 1970s this Chinese American designed the aluminum-clad skyscraper at 88 Pine Street in New York City'

'I.M. Pei'

THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION 400 'Sessions of the convention took place in the assembly room of this brick building in Philadelphia'

'Independence Hall'

COUNTRIES "By area, it's the world's largest country that's named for a river"


DISNEYLAND RIDES & ATTRACTIONS 600 "This movie character's adventurous ride takes you through the Temple of the Forbidden Eye"

'Indiana Jones'

COLORS OF THE RAINBOW 1000 'A famous song by Duke Ellington is called "Mood" this'


STATE'S RIGHTS 1600 'Nebraska'


THE HISTORIC SEÃ'OR-"A" OR SEÃ'ORIT-"A" 800 "Spain's queen from 1474 to 1504, she had some trouble with her daughter who was known as Joan the Mad"


CIVIL WAR NAMES 2000 'This cavalryman twice led his troops in a ride around McClellan, boosting southern morale'

'J.E.B. Stuart'

LITERARY E-MAIL ADDRESSES 1600 '[email protected]'

'Jack Ryan'

ON A FIRST-NAME BASIS Daily Double "Paul McCartney's real first name; he shares it with 2 apostles"


EXPOSÉS 800 'Seymour Hersh's "The Dark Side of Camelot" showed this president's reckless side'

'John F. Kennedy'

PENN. PALS 1600 "This author's early novels, including one about Harry Angstrom, were set in his native Pennsylvania"

'John Updike'

THEIR TV ROLES 2000 'Hurley Reyes & Dr. Diego Soto'

'Jorge Garcia'

ON THE BRITISH MONARCHY'S WEBSITE 1000 'Before Elizabeth II, Queen Victoria was the last monarch to celebrate the anniversary called a Golden this'


AMERICAN WOMAN 800 'This children's author wrote the 1980 sequel "Superfudge"'

'Judy Blume'

A NOVEL CATEGORY 800 'At last count there were 16 books in this apocalyptic series that began with "A Novel of the Earth's Last Days"'

'Left Behind'

ON A FIRST-NAME BASIS 800 'Like late actor Nielsen, Gerald Ford had this given first name'


LEWIS OR CLARK 1000 "This pen name was made by Latinizing the author's 1st 2 names, reversing their order & then translating them back to English"

'Lewis Carroll'

ANAGRAMS 1200 'ABC had to figure out what to do with the time slot for this show'

'Lost (from slot)'

THE HISTORIC SEÃ'OR-"A" OR SEÃ'ORIT-"A" Daily Double 'Her father, Pope Alexander VI, arranged several marriages for her, including one at age 13 in 1493 to Giovanni Sforza'

'Lucrezia Borgia'

WE'VE GOT YOU SURROUNDED! 1000 'France, Germany, Belgium'


IN MY CABINET 1200 'This indigestion relief product from Novartis gets an "AA" for effort'


IT'S ALL ABOUT HER 600 '"Goodness Had Nothing to Do With It"'

'Mae West'

BIOGRAPHIES 800 'Norman Mailer wrote a biography of this screen goddess, & the 2 of them shared the July 16, 1973 cover of Time'

'Marilyn Monroe'

ESSAYS Daily Double 'His essay "On the Decay of the Art of Lying" was "read at a meeting of the historical and antiquarian club of Hartford"'

'Mark Twain'

CLASSIC YUMMY ROCKERS 800 'This artist's "Bat Out of Hell" album contained music originally intended for a Peter Pan project'

'Meat Loaf'

ART & MYTHOLOGY 2000 'Eugene Delacroix painted this enchantress as she was about to kill her children'


ACTORS WHO WRITE 600 'He co-wrote "The Passion of the Christ"'

'Mel Gibson'

BEFORE, DURING & AFTER 2000 '"Don't Cry Out Loud" singer & Beckham's 1992-2003 team remind us that "a mind is a terrible thing to waste"'

'Melissa Manchester United Negro College Fund'

WHAT KIDS ARE READING THESE DAYS 2000 '"I Shall Wear" this is Terry Pratchett's latest bestseller about young witch Tiffany Aching'


SITCOM COUPLES 1200 'Cameron Tucker & Mitchell Pritchett'

'Modern Family'

ABBREVIATED MAGAZINES 400 'Featuring pricing guides & reviews of the latest cars & trucks: MT'

'Motor Trend'

MOVIE MUSICALS 800 '5'6" John Leguizamo would tower over Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, whom he played in this 2001 musical'

'Moulin Rouge!'

ASIA LOVES THAT AMERICAN BRAND 600 'The survey "Asia's top 1,000 brands 2011" had this maker of the Zoom Hyperdunk shoe at No. 10 (ahem, at No. 1? Sony)'


POETS & POETRY 2000 'In an Ode to the West Wind, this Romantic poet called it "thou breath of Autumn's being"'

'Percy Bysshe Shelley'

ABBREV. TV 1000 'Drama starring Jim Caviezel: "POI"'

'Person of Interest'

COCA-COLA PRODUCTS AROUND THE WORLD 400 'Inca Kola, developed in this country in 1935, is considered a national beverage there'


REBELS WITH A CAUSE 2000 "Maoists known as the Shining Path have tried to overthrow this South American country's government"


SKYSCRAPER CITY Daily Double 'One Liberty Place & Two Liberty Place'


AMERICAN HISTORY 200 'In 1620 pilgrims established this colony, the first permanent English settlement in New England'


WATCH THOSE RATS & MICE 600 'Remy is a frustrated chef in this kitchen caper from Pixar'


GET "REAL"! 2000 "Herr Bismarck's doctrine of practical diplomacy"


MARVEL-OUS 1600 '"She-devil with a sword", she made her first appearance in Marvel's Conan the Barbarian No. 23'

'Red Sonja'

THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO 800 'Judges 15: he "said, with the jaw-bone of an ass, heaps upon heaps, with the jaw of an ass have I slain a thousand men"'


THE LANGUAGE OF BEER 200 'Cerveza, por favor'


SODA 400 'A half-lemon, half-lime appears to dot the "I" in this soda's name'


FUNDRAISERS 400 "A 5k walk benefits this children's research hospital founded by Danny Thomas"

'St. Jude'

GO IRISH! 600 'This Roman missionary brought Christianity to Ireland in the 5th century'

'St. Patrick'

MARVEL-OUS 400 'He became editor-in-chief of Timely (later Marvel) comics in 1942 at age 18 & stayed in that role until 1972'

'Stan Lee'

LITERARY CHARACTERS 600 'In "A Streetcar Named Desire", Mitch is a more genteel friend of this man'


FROM U.S. TO USSR 600 'In 1987 the first U.S. symphony orchestra to play Russia in a decade offered this Sousa piece as its final encore'

'Stars and Stripes Forever'

FAMOUS LAST WORD 800 'In the constitutional text of the presidential oath of office--a 6-letter word'


IN MY CABINET 2000 'Swabpoules of this 7-letter brand stop bleeding of minor abrasions within 10 to 20 seconds'


CIVIL WAR NAMES Daily Double "Gen. Bee's comment about this man may not have been a compliment of steadfastness but a complaint about a lack of support"

'Stonewall Jackson'

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 800 '"The Messiah" & the "Lady Blunt" are said to be the only violins he built that are still in practically new condition'


WE'VE GOT YOU SURROUNDED! 200 'Italy, France, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein'


WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF? 800 'Virginia's father Sir Leslie Stephen was earlier married to a daughter of this "Vanity Fair" author'


ROCK DOCUMENTARIES 1600 'Robbie Robertson & this group bow out in "The Last Waltz"'

'The Band'

ON BASS & DRUMS 200 "In the '60s: Brian Wilson & Dennis Wilson"

'The Beach Boys'

U.S.A. 1200 "At a museum at the college of the Ozarks in Missouri, you can see the Clampetts' car from this classic sitcom"

'The Beverly Hillbillies'

BRITS & AUSSIES ON TV 1200 'Michelle Ryan was "better, stronger, faster" as Jaime Sommers in the 2007 remake of this series'

'The Bionic Woman'

CLASSIC YUMMY ROCKERS 1600 'This "Airborne" country rock band included Gram & Gene Parsons, who, despite the group's name, are unrelated'

'The Flying Burrito Brothers'

FILM SONGS 400 '"Mrs. Robinson"'

'The Graduate'

PARTY LIKE IT'S 1899 800 'The first peace conference at this Dutch city was held in 1899'

'The Hague'

2011 MOVIES 400 "Emma Stone starred as aspiring writer Skeeter Phelan in this '60s-set drama based on a novel"

'The Help'

PLAYING THE PONIES 1600 'Robert Shaw bets on Lucky Dan at 4-1 in this movie, but not to place--oops!'

'The Sting'

SHAKESPEARE'S ENDINGS Daily Double '"With the help of your good hands, gentle breath of yours my sails must fill, or else my project fails"'

'The Tempest'

NEWSPAPER HISTORY 400 'In 1896 the Dow Jones Industrial Average officially appeared in print for the first time in this newspaper'

'The Wall Street Journal'

ROCK DOCUMENTARIES Daily Double "Title of Roger Waters' 1990 concert documentary filmed in Berlin"

'The Wall'

PLACES THAT END IN "IA" 800 'Hungary regained about 2/5 of this region in WWII, but the entirety was ceded to Romania in 1947'


& THE HORSE YOU RODE IN ON! 800 "Roy Rogers' original horse named this was foaled in 1934 on a ranch co-owned by Bing Crosby"


A NOVEL CATEGORY 400 'He spent a lot more time in Kansas than he would have otherwise to prepare "In Cold Blood"'

'Truman Capote'

ALPHANUMERICS 1000 'This military plane that made unwanted headlines in 1960 is still in use, though a phaseout is coming in 2015'


ART & MYTHOLOGY 400 'Both Titian & Giovanni Bellini painted this beautiful Roman goddess gazing in a mirror'


THE 50 STATES 1000 "It's the only New England state that doesn't have a coastline on the Atlantic Ocean"


ITALIAN CITIES & TOWNS 400 'A neolithic skeletal pair were unearthed "embracing" near this city where Romeo & Juliet lived'


RANKS & TITLES 'In 1858 rule of India went from the East India Company to the British Crown & Lord Canning became the first holder of this title'

'Viceroy of India'

PLACES THAT END IN "IA" 400 'This capital of British Columbia has a regal name'


SULEIMAN THE MAGNIFICENT 2000 "Hoping to rid himself of those troublesome Hapsburgs, in 1529 Suleiman laid siege to this city but couldn't take it"


LITERARY CHARACTERS 1000 'In his "Secret Life", this James Thurber character imagines himself as a surgeon & a WWI soldier'

'Walter Mitty'

AFRICAN-AMERICAN LITERATURE 800 'He created the reluctant private eye Ezekiel Rawlins, nicknamed "Easy"'

'Walter Mosley'

& THE HORSE YOU RODE IN ON! 600 'This 2011 Spielberg film is about a man named Albert & a loyal equine named Joey'

'War Horse'

TEENS & POETRY 800 'Lisel Mueller's "For a Thirteenth Birthday" begins, "You have read" this Tolstoy epic'

'War and Peace'

THE JUNIOR VARSITY 1000 'This conservative columnist put his ideas on the "Firing Line"'

'William F. Buckley, Jr.'

LITERARY E-MAIL ADDRESSES 2000 '[email protected]'

'Winston Smith'

WHAT KIDS ARE READING THESE DAYS 400 'A "howling" success, Maggie Stiefvater's "Shiver" is the first entry in the series these "of Mercy Falls"'


THE 50 STATES 600 "This state's only public university is located in Laramie"


U.S. LAKES & RIVERS 1200 'Buffalo Bill Reservoir near Cody in this state was formed by the damming of the Shoshone River'


"X" "Q"s ME 400 '"Magic" & "Have You Never Been Mellow" are songs from this roller-skating musical that hit Broadway in 2007'


BRITISH ROYAL HOUSE, PLEASE 1200 'In 1940 this company began making Peppermint Patties in Pennsylvania'


BEFORE & AFTER: SINGERS & PRESIDENTS 1600 'Helping win the Mexican War was nothing compared to being CMA Entertainer of the Year as a teenager'

'Zachary Taylor Swift'

"Z" IS FOR... 1600 'This African island which, oddly, once was home to the capital of Oman'


ESSAYS 1600 'She's the Zora in Alice Walker's "Looking For Zora"'

'Zora Neale Hurston'

WHAT KIDS ARE READING THESE DAYS 1200 'Lauren Kate's "Fallen" tells the story of Luce, a young woman in love with a guy who's actually one of these'

'a (fallen) angel'

I WANT MY "BABY" BACK, "BABY" BACK 600 'In 2007 the first of these, born 1 second after midnight January 1, 1946, filed for social security'

'a Baby Boomer'

FAMOUS FIRSTS 200 'Starting an annual tradition, Calvin Coolidge lit the first national one of these in 1923 south of the White House'

'a Christmas tree'

ANSWERS IN ABUNDANCE 400 'A copenhagener'

'a Dane'

FUN RAISERS 400 'On a clear day, the first of these amusement park rides offered views not just of Chicago but miles out onto the lake'

'a Ferris wheel'

GO IRISH! 800 'The Irish town of Kerry lends its name to this colorful breed of pooch'

'a Kerry blue terrier'

INSTRUMENT-ATION 600 'Sawyer Sawyer, Thumb Thumb or Brokaw Brokaw'

'a Tom Tom'

ALPHANUMERICS 400 'Standard tax form showing the total wages paid to an employee & taxes withheld during the year'

'a W-2'

BRITISH ROYAL HOUSE, PLEASE 800 'A type of wide, triangular necktie knot'

'a Windsor'

ODE TRIP 600 'Thomas Gray penned an "Ode on the Death of a Favourite" one of these, "Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes"'

'a cat'

CHEMISTRY 800 'Term for a substance that modifies & speeds up a chemical reaction without itself being affected'

'a catalyst'

ADD A LETTER 400 'Add a "c" to a security device to get this timepiece'

'a clock'

PARTS OF SPEECH 1600 'Polysyndeton is the repetition of this part of speech for effect, as in "It was red and yellow and green and brown"'

'a conjunction'

5-LETTER WORDS 800 "In the Catholic Church, it's a small vessel for holy water; in the kitchen, it holds a condiment such as vinegar or oil"

'a cruet'

ANCIENT WEIGHTS & MEASURES 'The Hebrew word for this Biblical unit of measurement is Ammah, aptly meaning "elbow" or "forearm"'

'a cubit'

19th CENTURY SPORTS 1000 'Candy Cummings is credited with introducing this pitch in the 1860s; some thought it was an optical illusion'

'a curve ball'

ON BROADWAY 1913 1200 '"The Sunshine Girl" was a hit & popularized the turkey trot, a new one of these'

'a dance'

"D" LICIOUS 800 'These British biscuits got their name because the baking soda in them was thought to help the body process food'

'a digestive'

"D" LICIOUS 400 '2-word Chinese term for small, often steamed dishes served as light meals or appetizers'

'a dim sum'

MEDICAL PROCEDURES 800 'Reduction is the medical name for "popping it back in", which tough guys try to do with this displacement of a joint'

'a dislocation'

BEFORE, DURING & AFTER 1200 "Poker hand of 3 aces & 2 kings with a British royal family name adopted in 1917 that's a great way to tie a tie"

'a full house of Windsor knot'

"GAS" UP 200 'These protective devices typically feature a filter like charcoal to capture or alter potential poisons'

'a gas mask'

"GAS" UP 400 "It's a piece between machine parts to prevent fluid from escaping"

'a gasket'

ADVENTUROUS WOMEN 800 '19th c. Congo traveler Mary Kingsley said this large ape is "the most horrible wild animal I have seen"'

'a gorilla'

WORDS & PHRASES Daily Double 'Meaning to be skeptical, to take something "with" this comes from an old Roman recipe for a poison antidote'

'a grain of salt'

A LITTLE LEGALESE 400 'This type of clause that sounds elderly was born in 1895, when Southern states used it to deny black suffrage'

'a grandfather clause'

LEWIS OR CLARK 200 'In 1982 Barney Clark got the first permanent, completely artificial one of these organs, the Jarvik-7'

'a heart'

DO NOT PASS "O" 400 'A homeless migrant who might ride the rails'

'a hobo'

HAWAIIAN CROSSWORD CLUES 200 'Lei day dance (4)'

'a hula'

APPLIANCES 800 'A blender liquifies whole fruits put into it; this appliance extracts fluids from the fibers & separates the pulp'

'a juicer'

PATENTS 1600 '1878: Joseph Winters for a wagon-mounted fire escape one of these'

'a ladder'

PHYSICAL SCIENCE 400 'A pair of pliers is an example of this type of simple machine'

'a lever'

"M.C." 2000 'A diamond shaped in this style is an oval, usually with 58 facets'

'a marquise cut'

A FORCE OF NATURE 400 "I don't give a fig if you know that this standard unit of force is equal to about .225 pounds"

'a newton'

PHYSICS 'Discovered in the early 20th century, these 2 particles, 1 with a positive charge, the other a packet of energy, differ by a letter'

'a proton & a photon'

GOING TO PIECES 200 'This type of "piece" sounds like a smoking pipe, but it's an article written to flatter or glorify the subject'

'a puff piece'

HAWAIIAN CROSSWORD CLUES 600 'Necklace shell (4)'

'a puka'

"X" "Q"s ME 600 'The name of this case used to carry your arrows might make you tremble'

'a quiver'

THE AMAZON 400 'With 80" a year, Sena Madureira in the Amazon basin has lots of the "rain" typical of this ecosystem'

'a rain forest'

AMERICAN HISTORY 600 'For fiscal 2000, the U.S. had a $236 billion one of these, our largest ever'

'a surplus'

THE LAST 1200 'The last of these sent by Western Union on Jan. 27, 2006 included birthday wishes & condolences'

'a telegram'

I WANT MY "BABY" BACK, "BABY" BACK 400 "Louise Brown's arrival in 1978 made her the first successful one of these in vitro creations"

'a test tube baby'

APPLIANCES 600 " has offered one of these appliances that burns Darth Vader's image onto your food"

'a toaster'

FUN RAISERS 1200 'Like a 19th century song says, you can float "through the air with the greatest of ease" on this piece of circus equipment'

'a trapeze'

INSTRUMENT-ATION 800 "Don't be obtuse! okay, be obtuse if you're one of these figures, or even isosceles if you'd like"

'a triangle'

GOING TO PIECES 600 "The U.S. hasn't minted these, between a penny & a nickel, since 1872"

'a two-cent coin'

APPLIANCES 400 'Women once blew their hair dry by using the exhaust function on this cleaning appliance'

'a vacuum cleaner'

A FORCE OF NATURE 1600 "In physics, forces have magnitude & direction, so they're this type of quantity represented by an arrow"

'a vector'

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 600 'The amadinda, a type of this percussion instrument from Uganda, uses logs instead of wooden bars'

'a xylophone'

PATENTS 1200 "1866: Haven & Hettrich's whirligig, better known now as this stringed toy"

'a yo-yo'

MAMMALS 'Ancient Romans knew this animal featured in their circuses as a hippotigris'

'a zebra'

PARTS OF SPEECH 800 '"This" and "some" are examples of the limiting type of these'


PARTS OF SPEECH 2000 'On "Schoolhouse Rock!" this part of speech was presented by the Lolly family'


PATENTS 2000 "1975: Donald Bateman's ground proximity warning system designed for use in these"


THE AMAZON 800 "Marajo, one of these in the Amazon's delta, is almost as big as the Netherlands"

'an island'

B IN THE MIDDLE 1600 'This type of sash is from the Japanese for "girdle"'

'an obi'

ANIMALS IN THE NEWS 1200 'Paul the "psychic" this sea creature intrigued World Cup fans in 2010 with his spot-on picks'

'an octopus'

THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN' 1200 'A hunger strike by Anna Hazare forced India's govt. to agree to this type of "man" investigating corruption'

'an ombudsman'

BANKING & FINANCE 2000 "It's a contract that gives someone the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell something before a certain date"

'an option'

PATENTS 800 '1846: Drs. Morton & Jackson for this, used in surgery... zzzz'


GAME DESCRIPTIONS 1600 'Roll dice & try to get your 15 counters off the board before the other guy; watch out for doubling'


3-SYLLABLE WORDS 200 "It's the first 3-syllable word in the text of the King James Bible"


APPROXIMATE WEIGHTS & MEASURES 1000 'Several items packaged together, such as software that comes with the purchase of a computer'


FOREIGN WORDS & PHRASES 2000 'Japanese for "way of the warrior", it was the chivalric code of the samurai'


CHEMISTRY 600 'Around 1630 Jan van Helmont discovered this gas given off by burning wood & called it gas sylvestre'

'carbon dioxide'

WORDS FROM ARABIC 800 "If you don't know that this popular beverage comes from the Arabic qahwah, you get 2 lumps, not one"


LEWIS OR CLARK 800 'Chemist Gilbert Lewis suggested that a chemical bond involves 2 atoms sharing a pair of these, as in a covalent bond'


SPORTS BY MOVIE 800 '"Remember the Titans"'

'high school football'

DO NOT PASS "O" 200 'According to Catholic doctrine, not quite heaven or hell'


WHAT'S NEW IN ARCHAEOLOGY Daily Double 'Device used by Terry Herbert to find the "Staffordshire Hoard" of buried Anglo-Saxon gold'

'metal detector'

I HAVE A PREPOSITION FOR YOU 400 "5-letter word meaning less by the subtraction of; don't overthink it"


NO WAY! IT'S NORWAY! 1000 'Norway rakes it in off this resource & has high hopes for more from the Goliat Field in the Barents Sea'


"PER"-FECT 800 'Adjective meaning full of holes'


IT'S A BIRD 600 'This term meaning to rigidly categorize comes from small desk compartments'


ALL A DREAM Daily Double 'Misty thoughts while smoking opium are the origin of the expression this type of dream'

'pipe dreams'

ANIMALS IN THE NEWS 2000 'In Sept. 2010 the FDA held hearings over approving genetically altered these fish for human consumption'


I HAVE ISSUES 400 "My favorite actor says I've been doing this, defined in California as willfully following & making a credible threat"


RETRONYMS 600 'Sometimes we have this, as opposed to daylight saving'

'standard time'

THE JUNIOR VARSITY 600 'Future WWII general George S. Patton Jr. became an early expert in these weapons during WWI'


GEOGRAPHIC TERMS 1600 "It's an imaginary circle located approximately at 66 1/2 degrees south latitude"

'the Antarctic Circle'

OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE 1200 'It's what the "AD" stands for in the ADL, a league that's been fighting bigotry since 1913'

'the Anti-Defamation League'

HISTORY 800 'The martial artists who fought against Western control of China from 1898 to 1900 were known as these'

'the Boxers'

ANIMALS IN THE NEWS 800 'In 2011 New Yorkers followed the saga of a cobra missing from this zoo (& found right there 6 days later)'

'the Bronx Zoo'

25-GAME WINNERS 400 'In 1956 Don Newcombe won 27 games for this National League team'

'the Brooklyn Dodgers'

THE LAST EMPEROR 1000 'Constantine XI'

'the Byzantine Empire'

CAVES Daily Double "The Republic of Georgia's Krubera Cave in this mountain system is the world's deepest at 7,188 feet"

'the Caucasus'

STEAMBOATS 600 'On Aug. 22, 1787 John Fitch made a successful trial of his steamboat on the Delaware River before delegates to this'

'the Constitutional Convention'

NASHVILLE, GEOGRAPHIC 400 'There must be a "gap" in your memory if you don't know that Nashville lies on this river'

'the Cumberland'

____ OF ____ 800 'Had Julius Caesar heeded the warning about this day, he might have survived it'

'the Ides of March'

NONFICTION 2000 'Cheryl Strayed's "Wild" takes her "From Lost to Found" on this West Coast pathway, the PCT'

'the Pacific Crest Trail'

ON BROADWAY 1913 800 'Playing at the Hippodrome, the musical "America" had a bizarre plot about stealing the plans to this 50-mile-long dig'

'the Panama Canal'

NASHVILLE, GEOGRAPHIC 1600 "Nashville's Centennial Park on West End Ave. sports a full-size replica of this Athenian temple"

'the Parthenon'

THE MAD TEA PARTY 2000 'Ironically, the Boston Tea Party ("Time to party like it's 1773!") opposes this Oct. 2001 anti-terrorist law'

'the Patriot Act'

25-GAME WINNERS 1000 'In 1972 Steve Carlton was a 27-game winner for this team that won 59 the whole season'

'the Philadelphia Phillies'

PARTY LIKE IT'S 1899 1000 'This Asian island group demanded independence from the USA'

'the Philippines'

HISTORY 1200 "Louis XIV wanted to make this German river France's eastern border"

'the Rhine'

NO WAY! IT'S NORWAY! 600 'Norway occupies the western side of this peninsula'

'the Scandinavian Peninsula'

NOTRE DAME 200 "Paris' Notre Dame Cathedral stands on an island in this river"

'the Seine'

NATIVE AMERICAN TRIBES 800 'The Yankton & Oglala were members of this broad alliance of tribes'

'the Sioux'

DISNEYLAND RIDES & ATTRACTIONS 1000 'It's a South Seas paradise in this "enchanted" room'

'the Tiki Room'

ALSO A BODY PART 800 "It's a collection of supplementary material at the end of a book"

'the appendix'

THE LAST 800 'This animal was last observed in 1681 on Mauritius'

'the dodo'

IT CAME FROM THE NEW WORLD 1200 "This fruit from the family Bromeliaceae is native to Brazil & Paraguay; it didn't reach Hawaii until the early 1500s"

'the pineapple'

SCIENCE TERMS 600 'Basketball players learn not to move this foot, the term for the axle around which a wheel turns'

'the pivot'

ESSAYS 400 'After some of his writings were suppressed, John Milton argued for freedom of this in "Areopagitica"'

'the press'

SCIENCE TERMS 1000 'This life stage in the development of an insect occurs between the larva & the imago'

'the pupa'

RIBS 1000 'The ribs of a boat's frame, they're "shiver"ed in a salty expression'


FAMOUS LAST WORD 2000 'In the "Flintstones" theme'


ODD WORDS 400 'To chirotonize is to exercise this democratic right'

'to vote'

RATHER COLORFUL LANGUAGE 800 'Term describing attire worn or crimes committed by businesspeople'

'white collar'

JOY OF COOKING 600 'The section on "Pasta, noodles, and dumplings" includes a recipe for these Chinese dumplings served in soup'


TRADITIONAL ANNIVERSARY GIFTS 400 "The 7th isn't so lucky if your skin is sensitive to this natural fabric, though the Merino type is finer"


"X" "Q"s ME 1000 "Alphabetically, it's last of the noble gases"


MEDICAL PROCEDURES 1200 'Carrie on "Homeland" had ECT, electroconvulsive therapy, on this organ'

'your brain'

"Z" IS FOR... 400 'This scientific field that might study pandas or pumas'


"Z" IS FOR... 1200 "This getup popular in the '40s that lent its name to a wartime L.A. riot"

'zoot suit'

THE RAZZIE FOR WORST ACTOR 400 For 2003 this actor held off stiff competition from Cuba & Ashton, winning the award for "Gigli"

(Ben) Affleck

DOCTORED BOOKS 1600 Dr. Faustus is a scholar & magician in a work by this English playwright published posthumously in 1604

(Christopher) Marlowe

NBA GREATS 1000 This Houston "Dream" added an "H" to his first name midway through his pro career

(Hakeem) Olajuwon

WOMEN OF NOTE 800 This actress invented technology that would become part of cell phone security, & it's Hedy, not Hedley

(Hedy) Lamarr

LAUGH-IN AT 50 1000 Nixon famously appeared on "Laugh-In" for the 1968 election; this Democratic challenger declined

(Hubert) Humphrey

POETS & POETRY 2000 In the 1650s he wrote a very personal sonnet, "On His Blindness"

(John) Milton

I LIKE BIG BUCKS 1200 This ex-Microsoft man has fun with his billions, owning 3 pro sports teams & giving away $2 billion to charity

(Paul) Allen

ESSAY TEST 800 This transcendentalist preached the ethics of "Self-Reliance" in an essay with that title

(Ralph Waldo) Emerson

GEORGIA IN SONG Daily Double Nice neighbor! This "stately" mega-group of country sang "Burn Georgia Burn"




I'M WITH HER 400 I'm the prince of a guy who accepted my first cousin Victoria's marriage proposal on October 15, 1839


OUR OFFICE FANTASY FOOTBALL TEAM NAMES 800 "I'm Just A" him, the Patriots head coach who won at least 10 games a season from 2003 to 2015

Bill Belichick

SOME PEOPLE CALL ME MAURICE 1200 Maurice Lucas of the 1970s Portland Trail Blazers inspired this teammate to name his son Luke

Bill Walton

LITERARY NEW YORK CITY 1200 Suze Rotolo's "A Freewheelin' Time" is a memoir of her life in the 1960s Greenwich Village folk scene with this boyfriend

Bob Dylan

THE VIETNAM WAR ERA 800 In 1964 this comedian performed the first of his 9 USO Christmas shows for American troops in 'Nam

Bob Hope

RECENT POP CULTURE 1200 T.J. Miller has a less-than-flattering review of Ryan Reynolds' new face in this 2016 film


LITERARY CRIME WATCH 1600 Sci-fi author Douglas Adams created this title "holistic detective"

Dirk Gently

ANCIENT NAMES 800 Hamilcar Barca put the hand of this 9-year-old son on a sacrificed animal & made him swear hatred of Rome


BRAND NAMES 400 Suck it up & name this vacuum maker that shares its name with FDR's predecessor


LEONARDO DiCAPRIO MOVIES 400 Last name of Leo's title role in "J. Edgar"


THE COMPANY STORE 1000 "Hit fashion" offerings at this "scorching" clothier include cosplay, steampunk & goth

Hot Topic

THE LEADERS & BEST 400 In 1992 the Presidential Medal of Freedom was awarded to this Chinese-American architect

I.M. Pei

THE AUSSIE INVASION 1600 In 1988 this group hit the Top 5 with both "Devil Inside" & "New Sensation"


19th CENTURY BUSINESSMEN 2000 When cigarette makers formed the American Tobacco Company in 1890, this North Carolinian became its first president

James Buchanan Duke

MOTTOES & SLOGANS 1200 In 2015 this 3-word motto was coined by French art director Joachim Roncin after a terrorist attack

Je suis Charlie

MOVIE MISTAKES 1000 What a rare gift! In 2015 "The Boy Next Door" gave this actress a first edition of "The Iliad"

Jennifer Lopez

CURRENT POP CULTURE 400 She credited her "American Horror Story" producer Ryan Murphy for her Best Actress in a Play win at the Tonys in 2016

Jessica Lange

RECENT POP CULTURE 2000 This R&B queen, who ought to team up with Jack Johnson or Jack Jones, had a No. 1 album with "Woman"

Jill Scott

MIAMI 1200 In 2009 this singer of the easy life rewrote his tune "Fins" with new words for the Miami Dolphins

Jimmy Buffett

NEW WORLD EXPLORATION 2000 This Italian in the service of England reached the area of Newfoundland in 1497; son Sebastian was likely a crew member

John Cabot

A CELEBRITY CHRISTMAS 2000 Emily Blunt & this hubby associated with pranking pulled one on neighbor Jimmy Kimmel, gift-wrapping his SUV

John Krasinski

THE LEADERS & BEST 600 Leading the fight against polio, his 1955 vaccine quickly dropped incidences of the disease from about 20 to 2 in 100,000

Jonas Salk

THE LEADERS & BEST 200 After Moses died this man led the children of Israel over the Jordan & conquered Jericho


LETTER PERFECT 1000 The Greek roots of "ceramic" gave us an alternate spelling & pronunciation that starts with this letter


WHY DO I KNOW THAT NAME? 800 At the Grammys in 2016, his "To Pimp a Butterfly" won for Best Rap Album

Kendrick Lamar

NBA GREATS 600 OKC fans were thunderstruck in 2016 when this star announced he was leaving for Golden State

Kevin Durant

THE RAZZIE FOR WORST ACTOR 2000 For "Saving Christmas", this born-again former TV star took 2014's "honors"

Kirk Cameron

AROUND THE WORLD 200 Hands & feet in the vehicle at all times driving around this Asian island that gave its name to the world's largest lizards


THE COMPANY STORE 600 This auto supply store named for Manny, Moe & Jack has a proprietary brand called Definity

Pep Boys

THEY'RE "GREAT"! 400 In 1697 he toured western Europe incognito under the name Sgt. Mikhaylov

Peter the Great

CITY NAME ORIGINS This city that's home to an NFL team is named for an 18th century British prime minister


ANIMATED DISNEY FILM BY VILLAIN Daily Double Governor Ratcliffe


LETTER PERFECT 800 This letter denotes a member of the Grand Old Party


OUR OFFICE FANTASY FOOTBALL TEAM NAMES 1000 We'll have this 2-time Super Bowl-winning starting QB for the Steelers "To Go"; enjoy the 240-pounder!


GOVERNMENTAL BEFORE & AFTER 1000 Capitol Hill newspaper that's also a Jack London novel about a dog

Roll Call of the Wild

LETTER PERFECT 400 Instead of a middle name, Harry Truman's parents gave him just this middle initial


ASTRONOMY 800 The Omega Nebula in this "archer" constellation was named for its resemblance to the Greek letter


"S.A." TEST 2000 In 2011 the body of this first socialist president of Chile was exhumed; an autopsy confirmed he'd committed suicide

Salvador Allende

WHY DO I KNOW THAT NAME? 1200 She taught us about shoes & sex as Carrie Bradshaw

Sarah Jessica Parker

COAST 600 Costa Smeralda, or Emerald Coast, on this island just south of Corsica has been a haven for the jet set since the 1960s


THE "BLIND" SPOT 800 Traditional offering to someone facing a firing squad

a blindfold

"OOK" 1000 It's a rivulet, pretty much

a brook (a brooklet accepted)

FINANCIAL LITERACY 600 Since the 1600s this word has meant a situation where stock values are inflated beyond their actual worth

a bubble

COLLUSION 800 6-letter term for an international syndicate like OPEC that colludes to regulate prices in a specific field

a cartel

YOU DISCOVER THE ASTRONOMICAL BODY 1000 To see one of these objects, come to the observatory

a comet (in come to)

ALSO FOUND ON A CAR 1200 A quick race, or a punctuation mark

a dash

ALSO FOUND ON A CAR 400 It grows on the snout of a rhino

a horn

ABBREVIATED K 200 As a unit of computer memory

a kilobyte

ABBREVIATED K 400 In the NFL, K is a position; in MLB, it's this stat

a strikeout

THE LAW 2000 6-letter type of "law" or "clause" providing that a legal entity ceases to exist by a certain date unless renewed

a sunset law

FINE FEATHERED IDIOMS 1200 A final performance before retirement

a swan song

OF CAKE 1000 The Linzer type of this small, rich cake is filled with jam

a torte

FISHING FOR COMPLIMENTS 800 Proxy Music, Non Jovi & the Faux Fighters are this type of band

a tribute band

MIDDLE I 400 A type of broom, or an egg beater

a whisk

TURN UP THE A_C 800 Pertaining to the sense of hearing, or a certain type of guitar


A FEW GOOD "MEN" 1000 From a Latin word for "sharpness", it means keen insight


A++ 800 It has about 6% alcohol by volume


DROPPIN' MAD BEETS 200 A good source of iron, beets are said to improve this condition, a deficiency of hemoglobin


TURN UP THE A_C 2000 This type of mechanical special effects puppetry aims to make its critters more real & less robotic


A++ 1000 Any unbroken part of the circumference of a circle


SHORT "E" 600 Fit to be chosen, like the bachelors on that show


FISHING FOR COMPLIMENTS 400 To officially approve a politician, or to sign the back of a check


LATIN CLASS 800 If you get paid "by the day", it's these 2 words in Latin

per diem

BEAR WITH US 400 These Arctic animals may weigh less than 3 pounds at birth but later, around a ton

polar bears

RECENT POP CULTURE 800 Though officially 0-0 as interim coach, Luke Walton was an NBA coach of the month for Oct./Nov. 2015, as this team was 19-0

the (Golden State) Warriors

DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME 800 The U.S. experimented with year-round Daylight Saving Time during the energy crisis of this decade

the 1970s

THE PRO SPORTS TEAM & BAND NAME 1200 One had Ron Jaworski; the other, Don Henley

the Eagles

AND SO IT BEGINS... 2000 "Homage to thee, Osiris, lord of eternity, king of the gods..."

the Egyptian Book of the Dead

ALL ABOOT CANADIAN GEOGRAPHY 1200 Take the combined area of the Great Lakes, multiply that by 3, & you're still short of this bay named for an English explorer

the Hudson Bay

STATE FLAGS 400 On New York's state flag, 2 ships are sailing on this river

the Hudson River

ON TO GRAD SCHOOL 1000 The National Endowment for these helped create Marshall's grad program in these, uniting lit, history & culture

the Humanities

THE VIETNAM WAR ERA 400 Attacks on the U.S. destroyer Maddox in this gulf in August 1964 prompted LBJ to order air strikes against the North

the Tonkin

"OFF" WE GO 800 "Give" this to rebuff someone or to remove a piece of lint

the brush-off

SPRING MEDLEY 800 Spring training baseball in Florida is known as this league

the grapefruit league

THE LAW 1200 California car buyers know the Tanner Consumer Protection Act is one piece of this "fruity" legislation

the lemon law

AT HOME WITH ADAM & EVE 1600 Meaning "leave this guy alone", it's the 3-word name for what God placed upon one of Adam's sons

the mark of Cain

INTO THE WILD BLUE YONDER 400 In 1910 Walter Brookins broke this altitude barrier with 895' to spare, though he didn't join the "club" there

the mile-high

2011 MOVIES 200 'In "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" the name of the fictional drug ALZ112 indicates it's a possible treatment for this'


ABBREV. TV 800 'Miss J. Alexander prepped the beauties: "ANTM"'

"America's Next Top Model"

AUTHORS' RHYME TIME 1200 "Ian's migratory rodents"

"Fleming's lemmings"

THE LANGUAGE OF BEER 800 'Pijiu, qing'

'Mandarin Chinese'

THE EMMY WINNER'S SHOW 800 '1987: Bruce Willis detected a win'


BIBLICAL GEOGRAPHY 400 'The King James Bible refers to it as the Salt Sea'

'the Dead Sea'

THE LAST BATTLE 400 'The Battle of New Orleans'

'the War of 1812'

NEW OLYMPIC SPORTS 'This sport introduced in Summer 2000 plays out over a raised area 16 1/2 feet long & 9 1/2 feet wide'


I LIKE BIG BUCKS Daily Double An article about this app was titled "How 3 guys turned renting an air mattress in their apartment into a $25 bil. company"


STOPPED BREATHING IN THE 1800s 200 Philip, eldest son of this Federalist, died in a duel in 1801; sadly, dad would not learn from history

Alexander Hamilton


Barack Obama

PLACES TO "C" 400 It covers 70,000 square miles of southeast Asia


COLLUSION Daily Double In 2000 these 2 art auction houses agreed to pay $500 million in restitution for engaging in price-fixing

Christie's and Sotheby's

WOMEN AUTHORS 1600 Much of this Maeve Binchy novel covers the teen years of Irish gal pals Benny Hogan & Eve Malone

Circle of Friends

A NON-COMPOTE CLAUSE 600 Compote is often made with apples or berries; marmalade, most commonly from fruit of this genus


OUR OFFICE FANTASY FOOTBALL TEAM NAMES 200 "Every Little Wheeze Seems to Whisper" this Saints QB who threw for 5,069 yards in 2008

Drew Brees

SOME PEOPLE CALL ME MAURICE 1600 Sadly, shining star Maurice White, who founded this R&B group, passed away in 2016

Earth, Wind & Fire

ANOTHER DAY OLDER 200 One more patent... on April 12, 1892 he received his 717th, for an ore-screening apparatus


THE PLAYWRIGHT WRITES 2000 "A big nose is indicative of a soul affable, and kind"

Edmond Rostand

GETTING RELIGION 1600 In the '90s, this 2-word Chinese spiritual movement meaning "discipline of the dharma wheel" ran afoul of the government

Falun Gong

BRAND NAMES 200 Kellogg's makes these "Famous" chocolate chip cookies with a rhyming name

Famous Amos

COAST 400 Gulf Coast State College is in Panama City in this state


AN "F" IN GEOGRAPHY 400 The New England Patriots are based in this Massachusetts town


THE MIDDLE AGES 400 By 1240 Batu Khan, grandson of this man, had conquered most of Russia

Genghis Khan

NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES 800 This magazine's "tested and approved" seal debuted in the December 1909 issue

Good Housekeeping

APOCALYPSE NOW 1200 Galactic apocalypse? No problem for Cortana & Master Chief in this video game series


WHY DO I KNOW THAT NAME? 2000 He wrote the philosophical classic "Critique of Pure Reason"

Immanuel Kant

EDUCATION 1000 In 1907, in a slum in Rome, she set up her casa dei bambini, or "children's house"

Maria Montessori

MOM GENES 800 Richard, son of Louis & this other anthropologist, followed in their fossil-finding footsteps

Mary Leakey

DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME 1200 In 2007 Daylight Saving Time was changed in the U.S. so that the end date was moved to the first Sunday in this month


THE UNITED STATES OF KENTUCKY 200 The shoreline of this state includes 50 miles along Sandusky Bay


WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE SOAP? 1000 For 45 years the town of Llanview was the setting for this serial

One Life to Live

I'M WITH HER 200 I'm the lyre-playing hero who went to rescue my wife Eurydice from Hades


LETTER PERFECT 800 It looks just like the Greek letter rho, but it's not "R"


JESUS 600 ...was celebrating this holiday at the Last Supper, so says Mark


GEOGRAPH"IA" Daily Double This dry, windswept region covers almost all of southern Argentina


THE RAZZIE FOR WORST ACTOR 800 The verdict was in & this stand-up comedian won for 1995's "Jury Duty"

Pauly Shore

HAWAIIAN HISTORY 400 Arriving in 1911, the first large warship to dock at this port just west of Honolulu was the USS California

Pearl Harbor

SHORT STORIES 1600 Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Celestial Railroad" is an allegory based on this John Bunyan work

Pilgrim's Progress



TOUGH CHILDREN'S LIT Daily Double In an 1883 book the talking insect tells him, "Woe to boys who refuse to obey their parents and run away from home"


HISTORIC AUTOMOBILES 600 In the 1977 movie "Smokey & the Bandit", Burt Reynolds drove a classic Trans Am from this brand


THE POPES 200 His resignation was the first since that of Gregory XII about 600 years earlier

Pope Benedict

LETTER PERFECT 600 The songs "It Sucks To Be Me" & "Everyone's A Little Bit Racist" are featured in the musical "Avenue" this


TOUGH CHILDREN'S LIT 800 Anyone who wanted to enter the tower to see this girl would call, "Let down your hair to me"


IT'S DEBATABLE 400 When asked if at the age of 73 he was too old to be pres., he quipped he wouldn't exploit Mondale's youth & inexperience


TV MOVIES 1200 The 2000 presidential election was the basis for this HBO TV movie with Kevin Spacey


POETS & POETRY 400 He penned the lines "The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep"

Robert Frost

THE PRO SPORTS TEAM & BAND NAME 1600 Also an NBA team name, in a British band name, it follows "Love and"


NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES 600 Ralph Gleason, a critic for the San Francisco Chronicle, co-founded this music magazine that debuted in 1967

Rolling Stone

A HARRY POTTER BESTIARY 400 Scabbers is this character's pet rat

Ron Weasley

"OOK" 600 He's the sensational point guard for the Oklahoma City Thunder

Russell Westbrook

MOM GENES Daily Double Her daughter Jane teaches I.P. law at Columbia, her alma mater; she cited Jane's work in an opinion for the Supreme Court

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

GOVERNMENTAL BEFORE & AFTER 200 Hillary Clinton's former job that's an annual piece of presidential oratory

Secretary of the State of the Union

CURRENT POP CULTURE 800 Kevin Hart said filmmakers put "a small black guy in a small white rabbit's body" in this 2016 animated movie

The Secret Life of Pets

TV GUIDES 400 Patti LaBelle was a guest mentor on this singing competition, teaming up with Christina Aguilera

The Voice

NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES Daily Double This newspaper's 1889 first issue promised "to get the news, to publish it instantly, whether bull or bear"

The Wall Street Journal

ASTRONOMY 1600 In 2014 images of the surface of this largest Saturnian moon showed the Sun's reflection off its polar seas


MOVIES' VILLAINS 800 Cal Hockley, who didn't go down with the ship


OUR OFFICE FANTASY FOOTBALL TEAM NAMES 400 Let's be "Fiddling While" this Cowboy QB "Burns"; he was hot when he won the D-1AA version of the Heisman

Tony Romo

ADVERTISING ICONS This spokes-animal created in 1951 got a wife & a daughter, Antoinette, in the 1970s

Tony the Tiger

ACTRESSES Already an Emmy winner, in 2017 she won an Oscar for the same role that had won her a Tony

Viola Davis

THE UNITED STATES OF KENTUCKY 400 It was one of the original 13 colonies


NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES 200 This magazine edited by Anna Wintour is known as "high fashion's Bible"


BEN & JERRY'S FLAVOR GRAVEYARD 1000 This Woodstock-era personality outlived the rhyming flavor named for him

Wavy Gravy

THE UNITED STATES OF KENTUCKY 800 Huntington & Martinsburg are at opposite ends of this state

West Virginia

PAINTED LADIES 400 Officially, this maternal painting is titled "Arrangement in Grey and Black, No. 1"

Whistler's Mother

BEN & JERRY'S FLAVOR GRAVEYARD 600 This flavor had coffee ice cream & Kahlua--but vodka, nyet

White Russian

ENTERTAINMENT AWARD WINNERS She won a Comedy Grammy in the 1980s, a Supporting Actress Oscar in the 1990s & a Daytime Emmy in the 2000s

Whoopi Goldberg

AMERICAN HISTORY 1200 This Nebraska Democrat lost an 1894 bid for the U.S. Senate but was nominated for president 2 years later

William Jennings Bryan

THE GUMMELIER 200 I've chosen for you this company's Juicy Fruit, with subtle hints of cassis & a flamboyant finish


MOVIE MISTAKES 800 Ben Stiller simply repeated "But why male models?" to David Duchovny because Ben had forgotten his next line in this movie


ANCIENT NAMES 2000 This Persian prophet founded a religion based on a supreme god named Ahura Mazda, the "wise lord"


LETTER PERFECT 1000 The NATO phonetic alphabet version of this letter is also the name of an African people


SPORTS EQUIPMENT 1200 Lee Trevino said if you're afraid of lightning, hold up this lowest-number club of its type--not even God can hit one

a 1-iron

DODGE PODGE 600 One who vies against a boxer for his title

a Challenger

DODGE PODGE 200 What a cell phone with a low battery needs

a Charger

DODGE PODGE 400 A projectile hurled in pubs

a Dart

DODGE PODGE 1000 A city in Colorado

a Durango

LITERARY EPONYMS 400 Dr. Seuss might have coined "nerd" & definitely came up with this word for an ill-tempered spoilsport

a Grinch

DODGE PODGE 800 "Separate Ways" band

a Journey

A HARRY POTTER BESTIARY 1000 A sort of combination bird & horse, Buckbeak is one of these magical creatures

a hippogriff

FINE FEATHERED IDIOMS 400 Someone who likes to stay up late

a night owl

EDUCATION 400 The first of these "average" schools in the U.S. was founded in 1823 in Vermont to train elementary school teachers

a normal school

YOU DISCOVER THE ASTRONOMICAL BODY 800 Traveling near one of these would be no vacation

a nova (in no vacation)

INSIDE THE NEW YORK TIMES 1200 The web feature "Watching", which began in 2014, gives running updates of news like this National Zoo arrival in Aug. 2015

a panda

OF CAKE 800 The name of the French Christmas cake buche de noel means this, which it is made to resemble

a yule log

3-SYLLABLE WORDS 400 To relinquish your royal gig as king


A++ 200 I know the material cold--this is what I'm going to do to the test


FRENCH CONNECTIONS 400 Opened in 1932, Orly is this type of place where one might make a connection

an airport

STATE FLAGS 1600 This sailing accessory can be found on the flags of both Rhode Island & Wisconsin

an anchor

THE BOOK OF PROVERBS 400 "Go to" this hardworking insect, "thou sluggard; consider her ways"

an ant

TURN UP THE A_C 400 This part of a house is also known as a garret

an attic

SHORT "E" 400 This type of "calorie" has no real nutritional value

an empty calorie

SHORT "E" 200 It's the symbol over the one on your computer keyboard

an exclamation point

RANDOM WORDS 1200 Type of verb whose past tense & past participle aren't formed by adding -ed to the present tense

an irregular verb

"OFF" WE GO 600 Insulting, or a military campaign of attack

an offensive

DOVE 400 Noah knew the waters of the earth had abated when a dove flew back with a leaf from this tree in its beak

an olive

PEACE 200 In 1782 the seal of the U.S. was adopted with an eagle brandishing the arrows of war & this, of peace

an olive branch

A FEW GOOD "MEN" 400 A prophetic sign or warning

an omen

COMPLIMENTS FOR FISHING 800 9 pounds, 12 oz.?! Well done, Brent Ehrler, who boated the biggest one at the 2017 this Master Classic


BEAR WITH US 1600 We're an American bear! Ursus Americanus, we're comin' to your town, we're 600 pounds, we're an American bear!

black bear

COOKING METHODS 400 Highly seasoned meat is seared so that the surface forms a crust in this "colorful" Cajun technique


THE "BLIND" SPOT 1200 With your eyes covered, try to catch & identify other players in this game

blind man's bluff

SOCK IT TO ME 600 These ankle socks provided a nickname for girls in the 1940s & '50s who followed all the latest fads

bobby socks

DROPPIN' MAD BEETS 800 This classic Russian beet soup can be served hot or cold; top it with a dollop of sour cream


THE LAW 1600 The onus is on you--onus probandi literally means this

burden of proof

THE OLD MAN & THE "C" 400 A grandson does this carrying job & doesn't mind shaving a few strokes off the old man's scorecard


ELEMENT-IUM Daily Double Got milk? Yes? Then also got atomic No. 20, this


NONFICTION 800 Dr. Siddhartha Mukherjee's "The Emperor of All Maladies" is a scientific "Biography" of this disease


THE "BLIND" SPOT 1600 Said to be without racial prejudice


DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME 2000 A request to Congress to change a state's DST status should be for the "convenience of" this other "C" word


SOCK IT TO ME 1000 "Support" or this word comes before the socks designed to increase circulation, sold in gradients like 20-30 mmHG

compression (or pressure)

"C" IN SCIENCE 400 Taiga forests of the Northern Hemisphere are generally composed of this type of tree, not deciduous


WORDS IN JEOPARDY 400 Highly esteemed or regarded, it's often used in the salutation of a letter


A HARRY POTTER BESTIARY 600 Varieties of these include the Ukrainian Ironbelly & the Antipodean Opaleye


WORDS IN JEOPARDY 1200 Cover or decorate with cloth in loose folds


3-SYLLABLE WORDS 600 Name of a magazine & a deep black wood


SHORT "E" 1000 From Latin for "to instruct", it means "learned" or "scholarly"


LATIN CLASS 400 2 Latin words usually abbreviated in 3 total letters; they mean "and others"

et cetera

PAST TENSES 400 It's a homophone of a word for a chimney pipe


THE FILING CABINET 1200 says files are always stored in these, also called directories


FINE FEATHERED IDIOMS 2000 Dr. Dre said watching "Straight Outta Compton" gave his skin this reaction


"HAPPY" NEW YEAR 400 Summertime counselors know who is & who isn't this, a phrase popularized in the 1980s

happy campers

3-SYLLABLE WORDS 800 Getting along; in music, there are 2-part & 3-part types


10-LETTER WORDS 2000 10-letter "cardiac" object of passion, maybe even a "teen" one like Shaun Cassidy or Ryan Beatty


5 SHADES OF GRAY 800 Maybe American Eagle flew to the moors of Scotland to get this speckled gray for its zip pocket jogger pants

heather gray

ELEMENT-IUM 400 On the periodic table, it's the first element to have a 2-letter symbol


SILENT "H" 400 According to a proverb, it's "the best policy"


YOU NEED FOOD TO GROW ON 400 Men's Health says get bigger by eating pineapple to boost the pituitary gland's production of this, abbrev. HGH

human growth hormone

TALK ABOUT THE WEATHER 400 If this is 100% an 85-degree day can feel like it's 108 degrees


RENEWABLE ENERGY 1200 Fuel cells made of this most abundant element in the galaxy powered the Space Shuttles


DRINKS IN THE FRIDGE 200 Made from the black, not the green type, this'll cool me off like it did 1904 fairgoers in St. Louis

iced tea

LATIN CLASS 2000 In Latin something in its original position is said to be "in" this

in situ

RANDOM WORDS 2000 Hotels ask for your credit card to pick up these, meaning "minor expenses"


FISHING FOR COMPLIMENTS 600 Plant term for honors earned during a career; don't "rest on" them & be too content


PAST TENSES 800 It's a homophone of the period starting on Ash Wednesday


"HAPPY" NEW YEAR 800 This common 3-word wish literally means "I hope you have many more joyous such events"

many happy returns

SILENT "H" 1600 This feeling of sadness was once thought to be caused by an excess of black bile


PAST TENSES 1200 Verbs with their present & past tenses the same include this one meaning "chose the wrong actor"


DOVE 600 According to the ads, the Dove Beauty Bar's "gentle cleansing formula contains 1/4" this kind of cream

moisturizing cream

ALL IN THE FAMILY? 1200 A Tina Fey skit popularized this name for unfashionable high-rise pants

mom jeans

DRINKS IN THE FRIDGE 800 I didn't bring in pineapple juice, but the pineapple type of this godly drink


5 SHADES OF GRAY 400 A grayish white, or a tasty mollusk of that color


BEFORE & AFTER 1600 A 1940 way to say "carrying a gun" becomes "carrying a measurement of temperature & humidity"

packing heat index

WORDS IN JEOPARDY 2000 "50 Shades of Chicken", a cookbook with 50 chicken recipes, is a literary example of one of these


BEN & JERRY'S FLAVOR GRAVEYARD 400 They are a classic "unbeatable duo! Yet somehow it managed to flop in a cone"--but we still have the sandwich

peanut butter & jelly

SOCK IT TO ME 800 Nike & Adidas still make low-cut socks with one of these ornamental tufts on the heel

pom-pom socks

ELEMENT-IUM 2000 The 40 isotope of this element is radioactive; isn't that bananas?


BASKETBALL 200 If you want to play tight defense, employ a "full-court" this


SPRING MEDLEY 600 From the Italian, it means "spring" or "served with veggies"


ON TO GRAD SCHOOL 200 Probe the mind with a UCLA Ph.D. after getting trained in clinical, cognitive or social this field


A NON-COMPOTE CLAUSE 800 Compote is traditional on Rosh Hashanah; this dessert, on Christmas--Mrs. Cratchit even whips some up


DROPPIN' MAD BEETS 400 Like turnips & parsnips, beets are this hearty type of vegetable named for a botanical part

root vegetables

10-LETTER WORDS 1600 Skill in navigating a boat on the waves


MARINE LIFE 200 The red algae pepper dulse & landlady's wig are types of this found in the North Atlantic


COMMUNICATION IS KEY 1000 Claude Chappe's set of arms that pivoted on a post in 1794 was an early version of this communication system using flags


THE BOOK OF PROVERBS Daily Double The house of wisdom, says the 9th chapter, hath this many pillars


"S.A." TEST 1200 This Hebrew greeting means "peace be with you"

shalom alechem

THE FILING CABINET 1600 Elinor Wylie wrote, "In masks outrageous and austere / the years go by" this way, one by one

single file

COOKING METHODS 600 This synonym for perspire is also a method of cooking over low heat to soften ingredients without browning


A CELEBRITY CHRISTMAS 800 Eva Longoria returns to her roots cooking these treats traditionally wrapped in corn husks


10-LETTER WORDS 800 A stern boss or supervisor may be called a "harsh" this


EDUCATION 800 In 2012 the Sec. of Education said, "No teacher should have to" do this 4-word result of standardized exams

teach to the test

GEORGIA IN SONG 2000 In 1973 Gladys Knight & the Pips rode this title transportation to No. 1

the "Midnight Train To Georgia"

CIRCLE TIME 800 Parallel to the equator, it runs along 66 degrees, 30 minutes south latitude

the Antarctic Circle

A++ 600 The Egyptian cobra

the asp

"C" IN SCIENCE 1600 It's the second-largest part of the brain

the cerebellum

YOU NEED FOOD TO GROW ON 600 Order the sheepshead; like most of these animals, it's a good source of omega-3 fatty acids

the fish

1866 400 To replace the silver half-dime, Congress authorized this U.S. coin for the first time

the nickel

THE ERIE CANAL 800 The $7 million cost of the canal was recouped in only 10 years largely through these, in place until 1882


INSIDE THE NEW YORK TIMES 800 In 2014 the Times got less legalistic & began using this word instead of terms like "harsh interrogation techniques"


RENEWABLE ENERGY 1600 Hydroelectric power employs rushing water passing through these rotored machines that turn generators


ELEMENT-IUM 800 In nature, it occurs in 3 isotopes: 234, 235 & 238


FINANCIAL LITERACY 800 After a certain time with an employer, you're fully this, entitled to the benefits of your pension plan


INSIDE THE NEW YORK TIMES 1600 The Times has covered same-sex marriages since 2002; weddings are in a section named for these solemn promises


WORDS IN JEOPARDY 1600 Verily, in the King James Bible, the 23rd Psalm says this word, "though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death"


A++ 400 In cooking it means prepared in the manner of


SUGAR 1200 'In golden syrup, a byproduct of refining, some of the sucrose is broken down into these 2 sugars'

'glucose & fructose'

AMERICANA "A bo'sun whistle was once a prize in boxes of this alliterative product introduced in 1963"

"Cap'n Crunch"

WHAT'S THAT SONG? 1000 Omi was rah rah for this title gal who was "always right there when I need her"


AUTHORS' RHYME TIME 800 "Cussler's itchy skin eruptions"

"Clive's hives"

TV 800 'In 2010 this talk show host said, "I never thought I'd be jealous of the long, illustrious run that NBC gave "Joey"''

"Conan O'Brien"

MOTTOES & SLOGANS 400 This defiant motto was launched 30 years ago as a Lone Star State anti-littering slogan

"Don't mess with Texas"

WHAT'S THAT SONG? 400 Meghan Trainor's title advice for how to respond to a boy who "ain't giving up"? this word


MOVIE MUSICALS 200 'Gene Kelly was sick with fever when he did his title number in this 1952 film; mom must not have been there to warn him to stay dry'

"Singin' in the Rain"


"Smokey Joe's"

BRITISH POP MUSIC This song released on July 11, 1969 to coincide with the Apollo 11 mission was used in the BBC's coverage of the Moon landing

"Space Oddity" (by David Bowie)

WHAT'S THAT SONG? 600 Nurse! Shawn Mendes needs the "needle & the thread" in this Top 10 hit


GEORGIA IN SONG 1600 Reba McEntire is among those who've sung about this title evening of murder injustice & power outage

"The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia"

CIRCLE TIME 1000 This song is sung at the end of the annual Country Music Hall of Fame ceremonies... "By and by, Lord, by and by"

"Will The Circle Be Unbroken?"

WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF? 400 'In an essay Woolf wrote, "A woman must have money and a" this "of her own... to write fiction"'

"a room of one's own"

APPROXIMATE WEIGHTS & MEASURES 200 'The length a rock can be hurled, in common practice this phrase is used to mean nearby or a short distance'

"a stone's throw"

"TAR" & "FEATHER"s 1600 "This phrase means growing wealthy by taking advantage of one's position"

"feathering one's nest"

TIME FOR A REVOLUTION! 400 "Castro's Cuban revolution happened at the end of this decade"

"the '50's"

HOMOPHONES 1600 'A small sailing vessel, or a Southern contraction used to address 2 or more people'


WRITE NOW! 400 'As the story goes, this poem was written on December 24, 1822 on the way home with a turkey for dinner'

'"'Twas the Night Before Christmas" ("A Visit From St. Nicholas")'

GLEE SONGS 1200 'The "Glee" cast gave its all when it covered this "Rhapsody" by Queen'

'"Bohemian Rhapsody"'

LEADING INTO THE SONG TITLE 400 'Springsteen: "'cause tramps like us, baby we were..."'

'"Born To Run"'

LEADING INTO THE SONG TITLE 800 'The Beach Boys: "I wish they all could be..."'

'"California Girls"'

GLEE SONGS 400 'The first episode featured the ensemble singing this Journey song that begins, "Just a small town girl"'

'"Don't Stop Believin'"'

ALICE 1600 'Alice holds this poem up to a looking-glass to decipher it'


NEW MEXICO 800 "Lilian Whiting used this phrase as the title of a 1906 book; it became New Mexico's official state nickname in 1999"

'"Land of Enchantment"'

GLEE SONGS 800 'Finn sang that he was losing this, just like R.E.M. did in 1991'

'"Losing My Religion"'

LEADING INTO THE SONG TITLE 1200 'Gotye: "Guess I didn't need that though, now you're just..."'

'"Somebody That I Used To Know"'

BANKING & FINANCE 1600 'FDIC-insured banks will now protect deposits up to this amount, up from $100,000'


AFRICAN-AMERICAN LITERATURE 400 'He wrote the acclaimed "Roots", a 7-generation family chronicle'

'(Alex) Haley'

BIOGRAPHIES Daily Double 'Hertha Pauli's 1942 biography of this man was subtitled "Dynamite King, Architect of Peace"'

'(Alfred) Nobel'

NATIONAL BOOK AWARD WINNERS 400 'In 1974 this beat poet for "The Fall of America: Poems of These States, 1965-1971"'

'(Allen) Ginsberg'

THE BENJAMINS 1200 'He was the grandson of "Tippecanoe"'

'(Benjamin) Harrison'

INVASIONS 1200 Information minister "Comical Ali" said in 2003, "There are no American infidels in" this city--"never!"


OF CAKE 400 This "stately" dessert is sponge cake topped by ice cream & meringue! That's hot! & cold!

Baked Alaska


Beauty and the Beast

THE GUMMELIER 800 You'll love the pink packaging of this rhyming brand's bubble tape gum; pull some out & embrace the lean suppleness

Hubba Bubba

APOCALYPSE NOW 2000 Will Smith is the last man on Earth you'd expect to star in this 2007 film dealing with a vampiric plague

I Am Legend

THE UNITED STATES OF KENTUCKY 1000 Edgar Lee Masters anthologized & immortalized the Spoon River in this state


LITERARY NEW YORK CITY 800 E.L. Doctorow's "The Waterworks" is a Gothic thriller set during this man's corrupt 19th century rule of the city

Boss Tweed

COMMUNICATION IS KEY 200 Last name of the man who published a reading system in 1829 based on a "cell" of 6 dots


SHAKESPEARE'S WOMEN 1000 After being banished, Rosalind runs off to the Forest of Arden dressed like a man in this play

As You Like It

HOLIDAYS & OBSERVANCES 1200 Taking place about 6 weeks before Easter, this day begins a season of fasting & prayer

Ash Wednesday (first day of Lent)

STOPPED BREATHING IN THE 1800s 400 This painter who was for the North American birds drew his last breath on Jan. 27, 1851


MOVIES' VILLAINS Daily Double Biff Tannen, whether in 1955, 1985 or 2015 in this film series

Back to the Future

HYPHENATED TERMS 800 Historically, these Germanic people lived in & ruled England & Wales until the Norman conquest


WOMEN AUTHORS 400 Sink your teeth into this author's other novels like "The Witching Hour" & "The Vampire Armand"

Anne Rice

HOLIDAYS & OBSERVANCES 800 On this day in 1996 Taco Bell announced it had bought the Liberty Bell & was going to rename it the Taco Liberty Bell

April Fools' Day



STATE FLAGS 2000 This state's flag was designed by Miss Willie Hocker of the D.A.R.'s Pine Bluff chapter


MIAMI 1600 The color-filled Miami Beach architectural district is also known as the this architectural style District

Art Deco

THE GUMMELIER 600 You'll swoon over Ice Arctic Chill from this "toothy" gum brand; its crisp, earthy vibe is all the rage


LANDMARKS 2000 867 feet high from base to top, this Wyoming natural landmark is sacred to the Lakota

Devils Tower

DOVE 800 In 2013 a peace dove consisting of 1.2 million buttons was created at the Burj Khalifa complex in this UA Emirate


HAWAIIAN HISTORY 600 In 1898 a camera crew from this inventor's company filmed scenes in the Hawaiian Islands


SCIENTISTS In a 1694 Royal Society lecture, he suggested an astronomical cause for the biblical flood in Genesis

Edmond Halley

AMERICAN HISTORY 2000 On April 4, 1891 this brother of John Wilkes Booth ended his 40+-year acting career appearing in "Hamlet" in NYC

Edwin Booth

LITERARY ANIMALS In a 1926 book, he "is in a very sad condition, because it's his birthday, & nobody has taken any notice of it, & he's very gloomy"


COLLUSION 1600 In 2015 Mohammed Morsi, former president of this nation, got a death sentence for colluding with Islamists




WOMEN, IMMORTALIZED 200 A plaque at her bronze statue in Manhattan calls her a "delegate to the United Nations" & "the First Lady of the World"

Eleanor Roosevelt

WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE SOAP? 400 Its creator described this Fox series centering on a hip hop music & entertainment co. as "black Dynasty"




AFRICA SINCE 1750 1600 At 1896's Battle of Adwa, Menelik II, emperor of this nation, defeated an Italian army & kept the country independent


& I CANNOT LIE 400 Using accepted truths like axioms & postulates, this Greek came up with 467 propositions of plane & solid geometry


THE VIETNAM WAR ERA Daily Double In 1968 this anti-war candidate vied with fellow Minnesotan Hubert Humphrey for the Democratic nomination

Eugene McCarthy

WOMEN OF NOTE 400 In the Bible, this woman says God "hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel"


THE RAZZIE FOR WORST ACTOR 1200 Even George W. Bush heated things up in 2005, winning for playing himself in this documentary

Fahrenheit 9/11

AN "F" IN GEOGRAPHY 2000 Vanua Levu is its second-largest island


CURRENT POP CULTURE 600 The visual album "Endless" & the album "Blonde" were this singer/rapper's follow-up to "Channel Orange"

Frank Ocean

THEY'RE "GREAT"! 2000 During his 1740-1786 reign, Prussia became a leading military power

Frederick the Great

AN "F" IN GEOGRAPHY 1600 Take U.S. Hwy 50 to find the path to this Colorado county named for an explorer who mapped the area in 1843


DEEPER IN DEBT 600 The OECD tracks countries' debt as a percentage of this 3-letter stat; in 2014 Japan's topped 240%


BRAND NAMES 600 In 1986 the first store opened with "Kids" after the name of this clothing company


SINGERS' REAL NAMES 600 We will kiss & tell that he was born Chaim Witz in Israel

Gene Simmons

WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE SOAP? 200 In 1981 Elizabeth Taylor played a villainous & uninvited guest who crashed Luke & Laura's wedding on this soap

General Hospital

SHAKESPEARE'S WOMEN 200 In Ambroise Thomas' opera version, you'll need a mezzo-soprano to play this queen & mother of Hamlet


PAINTED LADIES 1200 In 1906 during Picasso's "rose is a rose is a rose" period, he finished a portrait of this author

Gertrude Stein

BRAND NAMES 800 Harry Burt was the "Man" who founded this ice cream company & its fleet of vending trucks

Good Humor

"HAPPY" NEW YEAR 600 Tap-dancing is cool-- very cool-- in this 2006 Oscar winner

Happy Feet

THEATRE OF THE ABSURD 1600 This author of the absurdist plays "The Birthday Party" & "The Room" was awarded the Nobel Lit prize in 2005

Harold Pinter

DRINKS IN THE FRIDGE 1000 I got this old favorite in pouch form, Aloha Morning Orange Citrus to be precise

Hawaiian Punch

THEY'RE "GREAT"! 1600 In TV's "Killing Jesus", Kelsey Grammer played this king

Herod the Great

ANCIENT NAMES 400 Aristotle described him as a great physician & implied he was small in stature


BEFORE & AFTER 1200 The cruise line whose ships include the Rotterdam manages to sail to "purple mountain majesties"

Holland "America The Beautiful"

INSIDE THE NEW YORK TIMES Daily Double In 2015 the Intl. NYT debuted a monthly digest of Times content in Chinese for these 2 administrative regions

Hong Kong & Macau


"Polk's folks"

BROADWAY BILLYS 1600 '"Movin' Out", which moved into the Richard Rodgers Theatre in 2002, was based on the songs of this pop star'

'Billy Joel'

AFRICAN-AMERICAN AUTHORS 400 'In 2010 this city gave landmark status to the homes of Lorraine Hansberry, Gwendolyn Brooks & Richard Wright'


BROADWAY BILLYS 800 'In 2003 Patrick Swayze did a 2-week stint as lawyer Billy Flynn in this musical'


WATCH THOSE RATS & MICE 800 'The mice Bernard & Bianca travel to save a rare eagle in the sequel titled "The Rescuers" here'

'Down Under'

POLITICAL JARGON 1200 '"FLOTUS" is an acronym for this title; its holder is not elected but has to serve anyway'

'First Lady of the United States'

GEORGE WASHINGTON 800 'Not knowing this European language was a problem when George parleyed with speakers of it on the Ohio River'


THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO Daily Double 'Joshua 6:1: "now" this city "was straitly shut up because of the children of Israel"'


THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO 200 'John 11:35 (the King James Version's shortest verse): he "wept"'


THEY'RE AFTER THE "CHEE"s 800 'Wapshot chronicler who published his first short story at age 18'

'John Cheever'

THE MONUMENTS WOMEN 800 'Mary Hays, famed under this name for 18th century water-bearing, is immortalized by her grave in Carlisle, Pennsylvania'

'Molly Pitcher'

GEORGE WASHINGTON 400 "The city where he was sworn in as president in 1789 (don't say Washington, D.C., it wasn't built yet)"

'New York City'

BODIES OF WATER 2000 'This serene-sounding river of western Canada is named for the site of a territorial settlement between Indians'

'Peace River'

THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO 1000 '1 kings 2: "then sat" this man "upon the throne of David his father; and his kingdom was established"'


IT'S TV, IT'S HBO 1000 'Mary Lou got a new job in the 1998 finale of this Garry Shandling show--"Jeopardy!" contestant coordinator'

'The Larry Sanders Show'

IT'S NOT TV, IT'S "HBO" 1200 'If your actions are open to public scrutiny, you're "living life in" one of these glass enclosures'

'a fishbowl'

AFRICAN-AMERICAN AUTHORS 800 'Set 15 years later, Terry McMillan's "Getting to Happy" checks back in on the ladies we last met "Waiting to" do this'


ADVENTUROUS WOMEN 2000 'In the 1840s Ida Pfeiffer of Austria published an account of her trip along this long river to the Black Sea'

'the Danube'

IT'S NOT TV, IT'S "HBO" 1600 "Those darn Etruscans were said to use this chicken part to tell their fortune; wasn't so lucky for the chicken"

'the wishbone'

GEORGE WASHINGTON 600 "Henry Knox succeeded George as army commander & was George's secretary of this"


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