Jeopardy Set 7

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In 1892 rehearsals of his play "Salome" were halted by the censor

Oscar Wilde

This scandalous Irish wit: "He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends"

Oscar Wilde

This large bird was once found as far as the deserts of Arabia & Syria but is now confined to parts of Africa


Its metropolitan area straddles the Ontario-Quebec border


There are 192 of these in 12 pounds


(Alex) Parts of this 1985 movie were filmed right here in Karen, a suburb of Nairobi

Out Of Africa

If you're dining alfresco, you're dining here

Out Of Doors

In "The Caisson Song", it precedes "We have hit the dusty trail"

Over Hill, Over Dale

"Legend of the Guardians: The ____ of Ga'Hoole"


Without this endangered layer of the atmosphere, you'd get a real bad sunburn

Ozone Layer

These 2 letters precede Cruiser in the name of a cute car from Chrysler

P & T

"Much Obliged, Jeeves", this author's last collection of Bertie-&-Jeeves stories, was published in 1971

P.G. Wodehouse

Originating in 1844's "Settlers in Canada", this phrase about boat propulsion means to decide your own fate

Paddle Your Own Canoe

It's the "court"ly cut seen here

Page Boy

The roof of the mouth; a cleft one may lead to difficulty in articulation


The Romans referred to this pipe-playing god as Faunus


In 1992 United began flying the Latin American routes purchased from this airline that folded in 1991

Pan American

When she opened the box that released all the misfortunes on the world, she shut it in time to keep hope inside


In grammar, they're a pair of curved lines used to indicate interjected explanatory material


Antoine-Joseph Sax patented his famous reed instrument in this French city


Tannheuser & Lohengrin are knights; this title character of another Wagner opera is a "pure fool"


It means "unresisting", but it often precedes "resistance"


Perhaps an alteration of the word "potato", this word follows "sweet" in a slang term for a pretty girl


This highest social class, whose name still refers to aristocracy, once made up the entire Senate


You can smell like Dr. McDreamy with Unscripted, an Avon fragrance created by this actor

Patrick Dempsey

Made by Raytheon, these antimissile missiles intercepted scuds in the Gulf War

Patriot Missiles

Shifting your debts is "Robbing Peter to pay" this saint


He's the French Postimpressionist who painted "Mont Sainte-Victoire" & "The Card Players"

Paul Cezanne

We were "Mad About" his performance as a bad guy named Burke in "Aliens"

Paul Reiser

He's been David Letterman's musical director & late-night sidekick for more than 20 years

Paul Shaffer

A Bolivian disguised as a priest attempted to assassinate this pope in 1970

Paul Vi

In a poem, the color of the boat in which the owl & the pussycat went to sea

Pea Green

Site of the historic attack seen here [December 7, 1941]

Pearl Harbor

Unlike the green variety of this vegetable, the string on sugar snaps runs around both sides of the pod


The room in a writer's house for his ballpoints

Pen Den

It loves to swim, but this bird seen here is one of the few that do not fly


A 1981 Steve Martin movie took its name from this 1936 song

Pennies From Heaven

Nazareth Speedway, Pocono Raceway


A past tense in grammar, it also means "without blemish"


El Cazador was found 200 years after it sank with 400,000 of these monetary units worth of silver


California advertising man Gary Dahl created this popular geological "pet" in 1975

Pet Rock

He titled his 1993 autobiography "Where Have All The Flowers Gone?"; he also wrote the song

Pete Seeger

During the meal Jesus predicts that this man will deny knowing him 3 times


In John 21, "when" he "heard that it was the Lord, he girt his fisher's coat unto him... & did cast himself into the sea"


In one of this apostle's epistles, he uses the additional name Simon


He acted in 9 German films before playing Ugarte in "Casablanca" & Mr. Cairo in "The Maltese Falcon"

Peter Lorre

In the 1964 film "Ensign Pulver", this future game show host played Carney

Peter Marshall

In this work, James M. Barrie based Nana partly upon his wife's St. Bernard, Porthos

Peter Pan

Beatrix Potter also wrote about Benjamin Bunny, a cousin of this naughty title rabbit

Peter Rabbit

Walter the Penniless & this Peter led early groups of poor peasants into the fray

Peter The Hermit

On April 6, 1327, Good Friday, this Italian lyric poet saw a girl named Laura at a church in Avignon


This word means paralyzed by fear or turned to stone, like a forest that's a National Park in Arizona


This alliterative '60s soap about a New England town shot Ryan O'Neal to stardom & came to DVD in 2009

Peyton Place

Dennis Rodman's father, who reportedly has 27 children, has the first name ____, which means "to womanize"


As a younger son of Amyntas III, he never expected to rule Macedonia--but then his older brother died in battle


A dancer in "The Wiz" & an understudy in "Dreamgirls", she's sung & danced on "The Cosby Show"

Phylicia Rashad

First used in 1706 by William Jones, it's the symbol for the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter


Fortissimo's antonym


Called the "Drawing Room of Europe" by Napoleon, it's been the heart of Venetian life for over 1,000 years

Piazza San Marco (St. Mark's Square)

This word can refer to a size of type on a typewriter or an unnatural appetite for clay or chalk


This Milton Bradley board game is a quick-draw version of charades


The ancient Greeks used these birds to carry news of the Olympic Games


Christian, Evangelist, Mr. Worldly Wiseman

Pilgrim's Progress

The white types of these trees grow needles in bunches of 5; the yellow types, in bunches of 2 or 3


A monkey named Mr. Nilsson often rides on the shoulder of this freckle-faced orphan with crazy red pigtails

Pippi Longstocking

This Swedish girl's "hair, the color of a carrot, was braided in two tight braids that stuck straight out"

Pippi Longstocking

The World Book illustration for this occupation has a man with a cutlass, daggers, a pistol & a boarding ax


Milan company known for its tires & sexy calendars


"The Great Waldo Pepper"

Planes (Biplanes & Triplanes)

Through the house of York, Richard I was the last king of this dynasty


This cluster known as the "Seven Sisters" actually has over 300 stars within a 30 light year diameter


In 1930, he appeared as Minnie Mouse's dog, Rover; in 1931 he became Mickey's dog & was renamed this


A step further than trespassing, it's sneaking onto the manor grounds to do some hunting or steal game


This term for a small, out-of-the-way town is also the name of a long-gone Algonquian Indian tribe


Founded in 1912, the magazine named for this literary genre has published Wallace Stevens & T.S. Eliot


Gwendolyn Brooks, the first African American to win a Pulitzer Prize, won for this category in 1950


The name of this country means "plain" & its flatness was helpful to the Nazi war machine


This country's Jagiellonian University was largely built by Queen Jadwiga


In 1998 Billy Boat started the Indianapolis 500 from the No. 1 spot, also called this

Pole Position

W szczebrzeszynie, chrzaszcz brzmi w trzcinie, "...a beetle buzzes in the reeds", is a tongue twister in this language


A game played on horseback shares its name with this style of shirt seen here


In 44 B.C. Caesar was assassinated & fell dead at this foot of the statue of this rival, his son-in-law

Pompey The Great

Head down south to see this, a plain covered with pieces of fried corn bread


"Fish & guests stink in 3 days" are among this almanac's wise words

Poor Richard('S Almanack)

It was the nickname of Eddie Egan, the cop whose life was the basis of "The French Connection"


The Osborne, the first portable one of these, weighed 24 pounds but could fit under an airline seat

Portable Computer

In the gerund phrase in "Tony didn't mind John visiting", the word "John" should properly be in this form

Possessive Form



This man is the honorary president of the Boy Scouts of America

President Of The United States

Mr. Bingley leases an estate near the 5 unwed Bennet daughters in this 1813 novel; complications ensue

Pride And Prejudice

His 1985 hit "Raspberry Beret" was his first on his own label, Paisley Park


Introduced in 1976, this "regal" brand of tennis racket with an oversized head revolutionized the game


While studying at Cambridge in the late 1960s, this prince showed a flair for acting in comedy revues

Prince Charles

Express mail offers next-day delivery; this U.S. postal "mail" service offers delivery within 2 days

Priority Mail

(Jimmy of the Clue Crew) Instead of simple mirrors, some submarine periscopes transmit images with these devices that Newton used to analyze light


This type of court is used to determine the validity of a deceased person's will


A synonym for "punctual", it's also a reminder that a computer is ready for input; the C: type is one


This gas used primarily as a fuel is also called dimethylmethane


Estramustine is a chemotherapy agent for this glandular cancer in men

Prostate Cancer

Containing the name of a defunct kingdom, this iron blue tint was discovered by a color-maker in 18th century Berlin


...And one more thing--you tack it on to the end of a letter to tack on an extra thought


"He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence; I shall not be greatly moved"


The pterodactyl had pteeth but, as its name indicates, this later pterosaur didn't


(Cleopatra) Don't make an "asp" of yourself, as you tell me the name of this royal family to which I belonged


General Nelson Miles led the invasion of this Caribbean island & reported that 4/5 of its people were thrilled

Puerto Rico

Often used of women, it's a fancy word for beautiful


An elevated platform used by harpooners on a whaling ship, or a lectern from which a sermon is delivered


Students especially should know this is the "black hole" in the center of the eye's iris


Appropriately, Oklahoma's Tyny Goat Ranch specializes in this breed of goat

Pygmy Goat

Society of Friends' parcels of land

Quakers' Acres

In the early 1860s this band of Confederate guerillas raided Missouri & Kansas border towns loyal to the Union

Quantrill's Raiders

This "master" takes care of clothing & providing sustenance for a body of troops


Italian poet who won 1959 Nobel Prize, or a Victor Hugo character


In May 1975 this Indian language joined Spanish as an official language of Peru


Her roles include Motormouth Maybelle in "Hairspray" & Matron Mama Morton in "Chicago"

Queen Latifah

In 2006 this first lady of hip-hop came out with her first children's book, "Queen of the Scene"

Queen Latifah

Royal rapper seen on TV's "Living Single" & in the movie "Living Out Loud"

Queen Latifah

With 160 inches of rain a year in some places, it's Australia's wettest state


To equivocate, or to find fault for petty reasons


The ham & cheese version of this egg dish is prepared in much the same manner as the Lorraine


Dubonnet is an aperitif flavored with herbs & a form of this malaria medicine


To give up or resign


Meaning "which was to be demonstrated": This is QED

Quod Erat Demonstrandum

Anne got an Oscar nomination for this 2008 film in which she was the troubled sister of the bride

Rachel Getting Married

Harvard's sister college was named for Lady Anne Molson, whose maiden name was this


Weather request couplet that precedes "Little Johnny wants to play"

Rain, Rain, Go Away/Come Again Another Day (Rain, Rain, Go Away/Come Again Some Other Day Accepted)

In the book of Tobit, this archangel who shares his name with a renaissance artist saves Sarah from a demon


A steak with a cool to warm red center of 120 degrees F. has been cooked to this "unusual" level


The appendage seen here gives this variety of snake its name


This sitarist's brother Uday danced with Pavlova & created dances for her, too

Ravi Shankar

This actor played "Abe Lincoln in Illinois"; his brother Vincent was Canada's Governor-General

Raymond Massey

Romijn or De Mornay


My Red Cross blood donor id card with my blood type, AB positive, known as the universal this


The article suggested going to see this type of musical program

Recital (From Article)

In 1986 this athletic shoe company introduced Weeboks for infants & toddlers


On an invitation, the phrase these "only" means we assume you're coming, but let us know if you're not


An unsold book left in the publisher's inventory, or a number left over in division


Among his many sculptures are "The Cowboy" & "Coming Through the Rye"


The years 1490-1520 saw the "High" this period in Rome, Florence & Venice


Once known as Lake's Crossing, it's the place where many folks have crossed from marriage to divorce


Elected the 19th U.S. president in 1876, Rutherford B. Hayes was a member of this political party


Bravo Team kills lots of zombies in this video game; Milla Jovovich was in the movie

Resident Evil

Requiescat in pace (on a tombstone)

Rest In Peace

Blitzer started his career in 1972 with this huge news service named for the German who started it in 1851


Last name of R.J.'s grandson Patrick, who ditched the family business to lead the Foundation for a Smokefree America


In mythology she's the wife of Cronus & the mother of Zeus


From the Greek for "orator", it's the art or study of using language effectively


Scarlett O'Hara told him that he was "no gentleman" & he replied that Scarlett was "no lady"

Rhett Butler

The USA's second-largest city in area, Juneau is larger than either of these 2 states

Rhode Island & Delaware

Vincent DeDomenico of Golden Grain Macaroni Co. introduced this "San Francisco Treat" in 1957


In 1999 Julia Roberts & this pretty man reunited for "Runaway Bride"

Richard Gere

On June 14, 1959 this vice president & his family opened Disneyland's monorail

Richard Nixon

In 1994 he was named Womenswear Designer of the Year for his own clothing line

Richard Tyler

In the 3rd inning of a 1982 game, this Oakland player set a record with his 119th stolen base of the season

Rickey Henderson

It's where you'll find the Parisian districts of Montmartre & La Villette

Right Bank Of The Seine

Correct, or a proper religious ceremony


According to the Times, this show is "Ireland's answer to the Rockettes"


A medical professional: a letter you learn "The 3" of in school & the chess symbol for the knight


This Pulitzer Prize winner read poetry at JFK's presidential inauguration

Robert Frost

You might read this New Englander's blank verse play "A Masque of Reason" "On A Snowy Evening"

Robert Frost

The fact the Spanish cut off this British shipmaster's ear started a war in 1739

Robert Jenkins

His name was dropped from "The MacNeil-Lehrer Newshour" after his retirement in October 1995

Robert Macneil

"The Godwulf Manuscript" in 1974 was his first book about Boston policeman-turned-private eye Spenser

Robert Parker

As hunky private eye Dan Tanna, this actor drove topless around Vegas

Robert Urich

Over half the use of this mineral in the U.S. is for spreading on roads & highways to melt ice & snow

Rock Salt

To aid in digestion & help with ballast, crocodiles swallow these


Sadly, this undefeated boxing legend from Brockton, Massachusetts died in a plane crash in 1969

Rocky Marciano

From Latin "to gnaw", there are more of this group than all other mammals combined


This other name for Gypsies is also what Italians call their capital


In 1947 this future president testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee

Ronald Reagan

The Brothers Grimm wrote that Snow White was quieter & gentler than this sister


Sometimes her daughter Becky is played by Sarah Chalke, sometimes by Lecy Goranson


In the movie "She-Devil", this actress takes revenge on her husband for taking up with Meryl Streep

Roseanne Barr

The grandiflora varieties of this flower were developed from crossing hybrid teas with floribundas


In a 1966 Royal Ballet version, he was Romeo to longtime partner Margot Fonteyn's Juliet

Rudolf Nureyev

Just so you know, "The Beginning of the Armadillos" is one of his "Just So Stories"

Rudyard Kipling

English educator Thomas Arnold was the longtime headmaster of this boys school that shares its name with a sport


This type of spirit was once known as Barbados waters


Julia Roberts escapes from getting married to an evil doll boy

Runaway Bride Of Chucky

He auditioned for & won the part of Ron Weasley with a rap that he wrote

Rupert Grint

He's owned the New York Post, 20th Century Fox & DirecTV; one of you 3 probably worked for him at one point

Rupert Murdoch

In this 1991 film, Jason Patric & Jennifer Jason Leigh played narcotics officers who become hooked on drugs


The candy once marketed as "Mrs. Stover's Bungalow Candies" is sold under this brand name today

Russell Stover

Notified of this rival's death in March 1993, Dr. Jonas Salk called it "a great loss"


From French for "little bag", rose petals may fill this in your lingerie drawer


It's the "Golden City" of the "Golden State"


Kierkegaard said that God telling Abraham to do this in Genesis 22 is an example of absurdity in religion

Sacrifice His Son (Kill Isaac)

The story of Gisli Sursson, or John Jakes' chronicle of the Kent family


The Log is the monthly newspaper of a union of these


Seen here, a grizzly bear prepares to feed on this fish, a staple of its diet


"Salary" comes from the Latin for "of" this seasoning


The November 19, 2001 ceremony seen here kicked off a series of events that ended in February 2002 in this city

Salt Lake City (Home Of The Winter Olympics)

Elected with both Communist & Socialist support, he was Chile's president from 1970-1973

Salvador Allende

This term for a balm for the skin or the conscience goes back to the Sanskrit sarpis, "melted butter"


You can visit the Museum Carolino-Augusteum as well as Mozart's birthplace in this Austrian city


At the Watergate hearings this N.C. senator said, "That is not executive privilege. It is executive poppycock"

Sam Ervin

Popular comedians helped along by Rodney include Jerry Seinfeld, Jim Carrey, Tim Allen & this late ex-preacher

Sam Kinison

For playing Chuck Yeager in "The Right Stuff", this dramatist got an Oscar nomination as Best Supporting Actor

Sam Shepard

In Judges 16 this strong man dies in Gaza, one of the Philistines' 5 strong cities


This strongman's last prayer was that God give him the strength to collapse the temple of his Philistine captors


If you don't know he's trapped in the future by the evil shape-shifting wizard Aku, then you don't know this guy

Samurai Jack

This California city was the site of the 1996 Republican Convention

San Diego

This site of the 1992 America's Cup races was originally called San Miguel

San Diego

Largest Chinese community outside Asia lives in this city's Chinatown

San Francisco

This Calif. city's Transamerica Pyramid stands on the site of the Exchange Saloon where Mark Twain once imbibed

San Francisco

5 miles from Rimini, Italy, this nation has a population of about 30,000

San Marino

It took less than 20 minutes for Houston's forces to defeat this Mexican's troops at San Jacinto

Santa Anna

This genus of woodpecker includes the red-breasted & the yellow-bellied types


"Wide" sea of seaweed that encompasses Bermuda

Sargasso (Sea)

If you're sending a love letter to your Canadian sweetie & put SK on the envelope, she lives in this province


The name of this joyous December 17 festival is now a "planetary" synonym for wild revelry


A 1954 James Michener book, or a 1957 film with Ricardo Montalban as Nakamura (Nakamura?)


One of 2 films for which Steven Spielberg won a Best Director Oscar, both in the 1990s

Schindler's List Or Saving Private Ryan

The two signs of the Zodiac symbolized by arthropods

Scorpio & Cancer

If writing to this board game's association in Greenport, N.Y., send them a double letter (it scores more)


Look up the name of this Dickens character, & you'll find it can mean any miserly person


In a Judith Krantz bestseller, Billy Ikehorn Orsini owns this title boutique


You've got this sailor's disease if you're not getting enough vitamin C


In mission types it precedes -and-attack, -and-destroy & -and-rescue


In 1999 this U.S. city's police chief quit after riots disrupted the World Trade Organization meetings


It's the ordinal name for a friend who would accompany you to your duel


Take this down: it's the horse that won the Belmont in 1973 by a record 31 lengths


In 1973 William Rogers was replaced in this post by a German import

Secretary Of State

Now home to the National Women's Hall of Fame, this N.Y. city was the site of the USA's first Women's Rights Convention

Seneca Falls

Bosnia's constitutional court banned the anthem of this other former Yugoslav republic


Title age for a Tarkington lad (9)


[audio clue]

Sex Pistols

On "Police Woman" Angie Dickinson played a cop with this name (which made her sound like a Beatles album)

Sgt. Pepper

For many years this award-winning puppeteer left her hand to Lamb Chop

Shari Lewis

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah", this song was the Beatles' 2nd No. 1 hit in the U.S. after "I Want to Hold Your Hand"

She Loves You

John & Paul wrote this hit June 26, 1963; Paul flipped the angle from 3 earlier songs all had the word "me" in the title

She Loves You

Mike Cameron, on problems caused by the sun at this New York Mets home field: "The sun has been there for 500, 600 years"

Shea Stadium

St. Augustine's Castillo de San Marcos is an old fort built from a form of limestone known as coquina, or "little" these


Psalm 23 compares the divine-human relationship to this one

Shepherd & His Flock

A counter-terrorism program is called "NYPD" this, another term for a police badge


Oscar winner who led the singing of "God Bless America" at the end of 1988's Republican Convention

Shirley Jones

This film starring Ally Sheedy, Steve Guttenberg & a robot electrified audiences in '86

Short Circuit

Tourists flocked to California wineries after seeing this 2004 Paul Giamatti film but probably held off on the Merlot


Sebastien Vauban changed this military operation by using zigzag trenches to reach the defending fortress

Siege (Lay Siege To A Fort)

The blue on this west African nation's flag represents the harbor at Freetown, the capital

Sierra Leone

2002: "There's a monster outside my room, can I have a glass of water?"


Moisture & temperature are regulated in these rounded buildings to keep the fodder nutritious


Montana: "Oro y plata", translated as "Gold and" this


This general's birthday, July 24, is a national holiday in Ecuador & Venezuela

Simon Bolivar

This liberator is often called the "George Washington of South America"

Simon Bolivar

World Book recommends that when you open with "Dear Sir", you close this way, whether you mean it or not


Your hook & line won't do much good without one of these to keep them at the right depth


This portraitist was born in Devon on July 16, 1723

Sir Joshua Reynolds

He was sentenced to death for the murder of Robert Kennedy; the sentence was later changed to life in prison

Sirhan Sirhan

Your mom is this to your first cousin's mom


In 2002, Jim Shea took the gold in this event that gets its name because of the sled's "bony" appearance


Place designed for a small spraying striped animal to sleep

Skunk Bunk

Hebridean isle, or its terrier (4)


This fairy tale was published in 1697 under the French title "La belle au bois dormant"

Sleeping Beauty

Tell Mrs. Freud her unterrock, this, is showing


In a 19th century Russian novel, Oblomov is the epitome of sloth, always in a robe & this footwear


It's an arboreal mammal of the Americas, & some have 3 toes


"Brainiac visits Clark from the future"


The olfactory nerve is the nerve of this sense


Of people named this, it wasn't Dean or Bessie but Ian who led Rhodesia


This 2-word phrase may be traced to a line in a Sherlock Holmes story, "The chaplain stood with a... pistol in his hand"

Smoking Gun

If you're downright mean, your veins are filled with this reptile's "blood"


These flowers are named for their resemblance to tiny jaws


To deceive or cheat, possibly at this variety of pool


As a kid, he loved Charlie Brown's dog, adding, "And my mama thought I looked like him" ...the birth of this rap name

Snoop Dogg

Dial & Zest are 4-letter brands of this


It's the 2-word chemical name for table salt; pass it around!

Sodium Chloride

Streaming out of coronal holes, it causes comet tails to point away from the sun

Solar Wind

Mohammed Farah Aidid, a warlord of this country who battled U.S. forces in 1993, died in 1996


In this Bibilically named Morrison novel, Macon Dead is called Milkman because he was nursed into childhood

Song Of Solomon

This high female voice may be classified as lyric, dramatic or coloratura


Nadine Gortimer, born in the Transvaal in this country, had her 1st story published when she was 15

South Africa

Musical in which Lester Billis was Nellie Forbush's "honey bun"

South Pacific

Hot suey


Ferdinand VII, Juan Carlos


It's the nickname of hall of fame baseball manager George Anderson of the Reds & Tigers


Parlando is a direction to sing with clear enunciation as if doing this, as its name implies


This brand whose name means "spotlessly clean" began as a glue-based wall cleaner

Spic & Span

Experts can identify whales by the height & shape of this, the cloud produced when a whale exhales


In 2007 President Bush said he'd do this "to the finish...that's one way to ensure that I am relevant"


Teddy Roosevelt's policy that promises fairness & a chance to win cash on a game show hosted by Howie Mandel

Square Deal Or No Deal

A chain of shoals known as Adam's Bridge stretches between India & this island nation

Sri Lanka

He left home in 1206 to devote himself to caring for the lepers & rebuilding churches in & around Assisi

St. Francis

The frescoes that decorate the interior of the dome of this London cathedral are by Sir James Thornhill

St. Paul's Cathedral

Collectors of these may specialize in topicals or first day covers


In the 1940s Core pioneered sit-ins & also used these protests whose name in show biz means "substitutes"


We think jazzman Ron Carter is this kind of "guy"; we know he plays the same kind of bass

Stand-Up Guy

Astro means this, & examples include Procyon & Arcturus


The Outstanding Entertainment Children's Series of 1974-75 was a cartoon based on this '60s sci-fi series

Star Trek

Data & his evil twin Lore were brilliant androids on this show

Star Trek: (The) Next Generation

Scallops swim for their lives when they sense these 5-armed creatures approaching


Van Gogh's 1889 painting of director George Romero's 1968 zombie film classic

Starry Night Of The Living Dead

Rhyming nickname for the first official Confederate flag

Stars And Bars

"Cagney & Lacey", "Starsky & Hutch", "Mork & Mindy"

Starsky & Hutch

"Veronica wipes the face of Jesus" is one of the 14 stops in this devotion

Stations Of The Cross

It's the law that sets the period of time, sometimes years, during which legal actions may be taken

Statute Of Limitations

Born Stefania Federkiewicz, she used the name Taffy Paul before she became a TV "Hart"throb

Stefanie Powers

This U.S. composer was born July 4, 1826 to William Barclay Foster, a Pennsylvania merchant

Stephen Foster

He said he's lucky to have chosen theoretical physics--his work isn't affected by his degenerative disease

Stephen Hawking

In the 1980s he was quite at home on the bestseller list with books like "Misery", "Cujo" & "Christine"

Stephen King

"The Ladies Who Lunch" love this composer's "Company", which began keeping company on B'way again in 2006

Stephen Sondheim

In TV commercials, the U.S. Postal Service uses his band's hit song "Fly Like An Eagle"

Steve Miller

Blind since birth, he's given us such great hits as "Part-Time Lover" & "You are the Sunshine of My Life"

Stevie Wonder

In 1951 investigators recovered this royal "stone" stolen from Westminster Abbey in 1950

Stone Of Scone

Winston Churchill reportedly called this strait "The world's best tank trap"

Strait Of Dover

TNW is tactical nuclear weapon; SNW is this longer-range counterpart

Strategic Nuclear Weapon

A little firebird told us that the father of this composer was one of the leading Russian operatic basses of his day


A throat culture shows if you have this kind of sore "throat", an infection caused by certain bacteria


Kevin Smith's movie "Jay and Silent Bob" do this features a lightsaber battle with Mark Hamill

Strike Back

There may be stupid answers, but proverbially, there are no these

Stupid Questions

Could go in an "nct" category. Period


You quickly get used to the eggy smell at the Colorado resort called "Hot" this type of "Springs"


Oh, my! A George Takei TV character shares his last name with this sea between the Philippine Islands & Borneo


When Phaeton borrowed his dad Helios' chariot, he was joy-riding on this heavenly body


In 1843 Heinrich Schwabe noted that the number of these dark areas varies in a periodic cycle


From the 1930s to the 1980s it was the 2-chambered legislature of the USSR

Supreme Soviet

"The Endless Summer" is considered one of the best documentaries ever made about this sport


Carrie Chapman Catt succeeded this woman as president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association

Susan B. Anthony

In her lifetime, this dollar coin suffragette's autograph was traded much like baseball cards today

Susan B. Anthony

This "Backlash" author won a Pulitzer for a story she wrote while at the Wall Street Journal

Susan Faludi

Von Rotbart is the evil, bird-like sorcerer in this classic 1877 ballet

Swan Lake

Gnats, flies & bees all get together in groups called these


What the Brits call a jumper is a pullover one of these to an American


This country's oldest institution of higher learning, the University of Uppsala, was founded in 1477


Writer Carl Sandburg


In the 2005 revival of this musical, Patti Lupone not only played Mrs. Lovett, she also played the tuba

Sweeney Todd

In cases of snakebite, remove jewelry, because this condition develops quickly


In a 19th century novel, this stranded family built a house in a tree

Swiss Family Robinson

"If you change your mind, I'm the first in line, honey I'm still free..." do this

Take A Chance On Me

In this comedy Petruchio says, "Kiss me, Kate, we will be married o' Sunday"

Taming Of The Shrew

1979: "Stand by your Man"

Tammy Wynette

South America's Tupi Indians named this cassava starch that we use in pudding


Tarte makes a dual-ended lip gloss named for this romantic pair, swingin' in the jungle since 1912

Tarzan & Jane

In 1953 Tetley introduced bags filled with this to Britain


This drink is used in the traditional Japanese ceremony of Chanoyu


About 4,000 Cherokee Indians died on the "Trail of" these in the late 1830s


In an Andrew Lloyd Webber-Tim Rice show, it's the other title word describing Joseph's amazing dreamcoat


(Dr. John) Becker

Ted Danson

He hosts a late-night network news show, but not from Lancashire, England, where he was born

Ted Koppel

His hunting rifle accessory made him "Telescope Teddy"

Teddy Roosevelt

Robin leads Beast Boy, Cyborg & the rest of this superhero group on Cartoon Network

Teen Titans

An animal that's described as heterodont has different kinds of these


Son of Penelope & Odysseus (10)


In 1934 F. Scott Fitzgerald published this novel about psychiatrist Dick Diver & his schizophrenic wife

Tender Is The Night

Net, ace, foot fault


...of this on your bow that's overstrung


Doomed damsel of the d'Urbervilles (4)


Counties in this state named for people killed at the same site include Floyd, Travis & Bowie


Get away to Holiday World in Indiana to ride the Gobbler Getaway in the area named for this holiday


(Jimmy of the Clue Crew in Cape Cod, Massachusetts) Long used by whalers, this 3-word phrase lets others know a whale has been spotted

Thar She Blows!

This Florida team is the only NFL franchise whose team name is that of a sea-dwelling creature

The (Miami) Dolphins

Enchanters, such as Gandalf

The (Washington) Wizards

Michaelangelo paints the Sistine Chapel: this century

The 16Th

After the war, this latitude line roughly separated North & South Korea

The 38Th Parallel

"Breadbasket" is a slang term for this part of the body

The Abdomen

Pugsley & Wednesday

The Addams Family

During the Revolutionary War, the Earl of Sandwich was First Lord of this, governing Britain's navy

The Admiralty

This royal breed of Japan is commonly used there as a police & guard dog

The Akita

On March 6, 1836 Jim Bowie, weak as a kitten from illness, was killed by Mexican troops while lying in his cot there

The Alamo

In 1968 work began on this project that stretched from the North Slope by Prudhoe Bay to the Port of Valdez

The Alaska Pipeline

Pico Bolivar is the highest mountain in the Venezuelan part of this chain & is covered in part by a glacier

The Andes

"It is best to prepare for the days of necessity" is the moral of this Aesop fable

The Ant & The Grasshopper

This spotted breed developed by the Nez Perce was praised in Lewis & Clark's journal for its quality

The Appaloosa

Tradition states that it contained Aaron's miraculous rod as well as the tablets of the law

The Ark Of The Covenant

Marcel Duchamp's "Nude Descending a Staircase" caused a stir at this 1913 show in New York City

The Armory Show

World War I flying ace Frank Luke

The Army

Charley Bates is the boisterous sidekick to this "Oliver Twist" pickpocket

The Artful Dodger

The name of Iran comes from the name of this people

The Aryans

"T.A.O.H." by Barack Obama

The Audacity Of Hope

Sandy Powell must have been flying high after winning the Oscar for Costume Design for this film

The Aviator

Cuauhtemoc, the last ruler of this empire, was hanged by Hernando Cortes

The Aztecs

Trista Rehn was this 2003 TV title person

The Bachelorette

Unpunished in the Maxwell Anderson play, Rhoda is roasted by lightning in this movie's finale

The Bad Seed

It's what's rolled out in the following:

The Barrel

Rejecting a valuable thing along with the unimportant is "throwing the baby out with" this

The Bath Water

Many hitters try to gain an advantage by scratching the back line of this

The Batter's Box

France's historic Canal du Midi & the Garonne River connect the Mediterranean with this bay on the Atlantic

The Bay Of Biscay

A place to get your feet wet: Der Strand

The Beach

They showed white "boys" can rap with the 1986 album "Licensed to Ill"

The Beastie Boys

At a weddng reception, he traditionally proposes the first toast

The Best Man

Cousin Pearl, Mr. Drysdale, Elly May

The Beverly Hillbillies

Floral nickname of aspiring actress Betty Short, victim of a still unsolved 1947 murder

The Black Dahlia

Fir tree cover gave this region of southwest Germany its name

The Black Forest

BSEC is the economic cooperation zone named for this body of water; its 12 members include Bulgaria

The Black Sea

Weighing 1½ tons per foot, this mammal generates up to 500 H.P. with its tail

The Blue Whale

Isabella Stewart Gardner was a patron of artists like John Singer Sargent & an ardent fan of this baseball team

The Boston Red Sox

Someone compared to this Aesop kid has lied so many times no one believes him even when he's telling the truth

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

In this sitcom's theme song, "All of them had hair of gold like their mother, the youngest one in curls"

The Brady Bunch

Rock me, Ann B. Davis! Ms. D played housekeeper Alice Nelson on this sitcom from 1969 to 1974

The Brady Bunch

Commissioner Bud Selig is a former owner of this Midwestern Major League Baseball team

The Brewers

Lonely Iowa housewife Francesca Johnson

The Bridges Of Madison County

Rimsky-Korsakov used rapid bowing to produce the tremolo effect required for his famous "Flight of" one of these

The Bumblebee

"As It Happens", produced by this network, campaigns for official status for the beaver

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

For much of the 20th c., Gregor Piatigorsky was regarded as the world's second-greatest virtuoso on this instrument

The Cello

This newspaper, the CSM, was established in 1908

The Christian Science Monitor

This Armed Forces branch normally operates under the D.O.T., but in wartime it operates under the Navy

The Coast Guard

"Political power... is merely the organized power of one class for oppressing another" is from this work

The Communist Manifesto

This daily account of the goings-on in the House & Senate has been published by the government since 1873

The Congressional Record

It begins, "We the people of the United States, in order to form..."

The Constitution

He showed he was yellow inside as well as out after Dorothy hit him for scaring Toto

The Cowardly Lion

King Louis IX of France died while leading the eighth one of these in 1270

The Crusades

Sink it & you've scratched

The Cue Ball

1996: "Kolya"

The Czech Republic

"See that girl, watch that scene, dig in" this ABBA title teen

The Dancing Queen

Familiar from Hartford Insurance ads, Lawrence the Elk also played a part in this 1978 movie

The Deer Hunter

A movie you can watch at the visitor center, it was also the original title of Francis Scott Key's poem

The Defense Of Fort Mchenry

"Darken my Fire: A Gothic" CD "Tribute to" this group boasts the Electric Hellfire Club's rendition of "Light my Fire"

The Doors

If you know the correct procedure, you "know" this tool

The Drill

A process called candling involves removing excess wax from these organs

The Ears

Dublin's Brazen Head has a function room decorated in memorabilia from 1916, the year of this revolt

The Easter Uprising

It served as the gateway entrance to the International Exhibition of 1889, held in Paris

The Eiffel Tower

In 1993 people sent letters with these stamps to fake addresses so they would be marked "return to sender"

The Elvis Stamps

In the painting seen here, Lincoln is reading this historic document that led to the end of slavery

The Emancipation Proclamation

Brutus Jones shoots himself with a silver bullet in the opera based on this Eugene O'Neill play

The Emperor Jones

You could call this canal that connects the middle ear to the back of the throat the "eu" tube for short

The Eustachian Tube

An 1879 mass movement of Southern blacks to the West was known by this Biblical name

The Exodus

A poetic preface by Sir Walter Raleigh introduces this epic Spenser poem

The Faerie Queene

War was near on April 7, 1982 after the U.K. declared a 200-mile exclusion zone around this archipelago

The Falkland

Adam & Eve sewed leaves of this tree "together, and made themselves aprons"

The Fig Tree

Trinity Site July 16, 1945

The First Nuclear Blast

Bela Fleck & this group's 2000 CD "Outbound" featured guest stars Shawn Colvin & Yes' Jon Anderson

The Flecktones

Remember Chuck Mangione? Remember this instrument that he plays?

The Flugelhorn

During World War II, a famous American volunteeer air corps in Asia was nicknamed this

The Flying Tigers

It's the numerical name for the principal works of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John

The Four Gospels

David Janssen had a 4-year "run" in this series; Tim Daly hopes for at least that in the remake

The Fugitive

The tingling sensation that arises when the ulnar nerve is struck gives a point on the arm this name

The Funny Bone

Florida State's nickname is the Seminoles & the University of Florida's is this

The Gators

Delivered November 19, 1863, it began, "Four score and seven years ago our fathers..."

The Gettysburg Address

This "golden" era following the Civil War took its name from a novel by Mark Twain & Charles Dudley Warner

The Gilded Age

This "cheeky" muscle is the body's largest

The Gluteus Maximus

"The squeaking wheel gets..."

The Grease

One of the principal religious obligations of Muslims, it's the Arabic term for a pilgrimmage to Mecca

The Hajj

In 1241 Hamburg & Lubeck businessmen formed an association that grew into this big league

The Hanseatic League

This strait connects the Sea of Marmara with the Aegean Sea

The Hellespont (Or The Dardanelles)

Finishing this, which should be invisible, is usually the last step in making a dress

The Hem (Or The Seam)

Also the king of Hungary & Bohemia, Joseph I held this other imperial crown in 1708

The Holy Roman Empire

Francis II was the leader of this empire when it was dissolved in 1806

The Holy Roman Empire

He wasn't England's Henry VIII, but Henry VIII of Bavaria who was also this empire's Henry IV

The Holy Roman Empire

"The Flintstones" was modeled on this Jackie Gleason series

The Honeymooners

1901: Baskerville Hall

The Hound Of The Baskervilles

In May 1960, the San Francisco meeting of this House committee was disrupted by protesters from Berkeley

The House Un-American Activities Committee

Deformed bellringer who does a pas de deux with Rudolf Nereyev in "Swan Lake"

The Hunchback Of Notre Dame Margot Fonteyn

A Hungarian light cavalry force formed during the 15th century

The Hussars

The sum of the squares of the lengths of the legs of a right triangle is equal to the square of the length of this

The Hypotenuse

Chemicals turn Lily Tomlin into this title "Woman" in a 1981 Joel Schumacher film

The Incredible Shrinking Woman

The title of this Ralph Ellison novel refers to its nameless narrator & protagonist

The Invisible Man

The Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca tribes made up this "league" founded around 1450

The Iroquois League

Fitzgerald's "Tales of" this alludes to the 1920s, but most of the stories were written before 1920

The Jazz Age

You'll find the official website of this religious group at

The Jehovah's Witnesses

River mentioned most often in the Bible

The Jordan

This 1906 Upton Sinclair novel centers on Jurgis Rudkus, a worker in the Chicago stockyards

The Jungle

Tradition says the author of this work was the sage Vatsyayana; surprisingly, he was celibate

The Kama Sutra

In 2005 the woman in Robert Doisneau's photo called this "at the Hotel de Ville" sold her copy for $242,000

The Kiss

After slaying the minotaur, Theseus found his way out of this maze by following a thread

The Labyrinth

Merlin finds a "while you were out" message from this damp lady who will ultimately be his doom

The Lady Of The Lake

l.h. written on a score suggests the player use this

The Left Hand

In 1751 the Penn Provincial Assembly placed the order for this symbol of freedom, now in Philadelphia

The Liberty Bell

"Leonine Monarch"

The Lion King

This Edvard Erikson sculpture guards Copenhagen Harbor

The Little Mermaid

“Not I†said the duck & the cat & the dog when she asked them, “Who will thresh the wheat?â€

The Little Red Hen

The part of Florida's Walt Disney World that's similar to California's Disneyland is called this

The Magic Kingdom

"The Seven Samurai"

The Magnificent Seven

Charles Bronson & 6 other gunslingers save a town & then all get married

The Magnificent Seven Brides For Seven Brothers

Laurence Harvey & Frank Sinatra starred in this 1962 political thriller based on a novel by Richard Condon

The Manchurian Candidate

At over 36,000 feet, it's the deepest spot in the North Pacific, or anywhere else on Earth

The Marianas Trench

"In the snow of far off northern lands and in sunny tropic scenes" is in the second part of their hymn

The Marine Corps

Hey, Dean! 8 species make up this group of weasel-like mammals including the fisher & sable

The Marten Family

On "Sex and the City", Samantha moved to this now-trendy West Side district known for its butcher trade

The Meatpacking District

The 1965 film "Ferry Cross" this starring Gerry & the Pacemakers featured 9 songs written by Gerry

The Mersey

It's believed the Earth is over 4.5 billion yrs. old, based on 4.6 billion yr. old rocks found on this neighbor

The Moon

It's the state animal of Vermont

The Morgan Horse

With over 20,000 performances, the longest-running show in London's West End is this Agatha Christie play

The Mousetrap

There's trouble in River City when professor Harold Hill comes a-calling in this musical

The Music Man

It's the 2-word name for the van driven around by the kids on "Scooby Doo"

The Mystery Machine

Kaasdopen, a cheese fondue dish from this country, is made with Gouda & served with bread

The Netherlands

Emma Lazarus is best known for this sonnet inscribed on the Statue of Liberty's base

The New Colossus

The bison depicted on this coin, 1913 to 1938, was Black Diamond, an animal on exhibit at the N.Y. Zoological Gardens

The Nickel

Beckett won this big prize in 1969, but declined the trip to Sweden to avoid the public speeches at the ceremony

The Nobel Prize In Literature

700 B.C.: Greek warrior takes epic 10-year journey to get home

The Odyssey

Cities on this river include Aliquippa, Pennsylvania & Louisville, Kentucky

The Ohio River

Also called the "forest giraffe", this small member of the giraffe family was discovered around 1900 in the Congo

The Okapi

One of the earliest, this Mesoamerican people's civilization flourished around 1200 B.C.

The Olmecs

Left, center & right are its 3 sections on a baseball field

The Outfield

While smaller types of this bird settle for beetles & snails, the Great Horned type goes after other owls & rabbits

The Owl

The Neutrality Treaty of 1978 designated this as an international waterway which is always to be neutral

The Panama Canal

On March 1 this helpful corps was created by presidential executive order

The Peace Corps

This symbol incorporates the semaphore signs for the letters N & D, for nuclear disarmament

The Peace Symbol

It's the ship in Melville's famous whale tale

The Pequod

The name of this 1931 surreal painting also known as "Soft Watches" should be easy to remember

The Persistence Of Memory

In 1972 Steve Carlton was a 27-game winner for this team that won 59 the whole season

The Philadelphia Phillies

Imelda Marcos' son "Bong Bong" lost his bid for a seat in this country's senate--& was convicted of tax evasion

The Philippines

In southeast Asia: President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo

The Philippines

Khrushchev's U.N. shoe-banging outburst came as Lorenzo Sumulong of this Asian country attacked Soviet policy

The Philippines

Rev. John Robinson, Minister to these people, wrote them a letter saying how upset he was not to be going with them

The Pilgrims

The man born Angelo Roncalli said, "Anybody can" be this exalted person; "The proof is that I have become one"

The Pope (Pope John Xxiii)

The phoenix, thunderbird, mermaid, minotaur & butterfly are the symbols for this group's "Mystic Force"

The Power Rangers

Identical-looking boys trade places & a wacky mix-up ensues in this 1881 Twain novel

The Prince And The Pauper

A series of wars in north Africa & around the Mediterranean: 264-146 B.C.

The Punic Wars

This luxury liner moored in Long Beach, Calif. is said to be haunted by a mysterious woman in white

The Queen Mary

The few in Winston's quote, "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few"

The Raf

A Slovak state was nominally independent during WWII, but collapsed when this army arrived in April 1945

The Red Army

To the ancient Greeks, this "solid" landmark on the Spanish coast was 1 of the Pillars of Hercules

The Rock Of Gibralter

Some dancers get their kicks doing high kicks in this Radio City Music Hall chorus line

The Rockettes

2009: This Denver paper

The Rocky Mountain News

A Russian royal family: July 16, 1918

The Romanovs

Size 6B, this pair of movie memorabilia items sold for $165,000 at auction in June 1988

The Ruby Slippers From The Wizard Of Oz

Legal aide for Judge Winthrop at these notorious trials in 1692

The Salem Witch Trials

Founded as the Christian Mission, it changed its name to this in 1878

The Salvation Army

It may surprise you that Montana is a good place to find this blue September birthstone

The Sapphire

Known in the Middle Ages as the Gateway to China, Lanzhou was an important stop on this trade route

The Silk Route

Its 3 main sections are the duodenum, the jejunum & the ileum

The Small Intestine

Hells Canyon is also known as the Grand Canyon of this river

The Snake

The opening credits to this series showed Tony's commute home to the suburbs of Northern New Jersey

The Sopranos

February 11, 1913: "Scott Finds" this location, "Then Perishes"

The South Pole

This country's big bomber of the 1950s was the TU-95 Bear

The Soviet Union

2 solid rocket boosters along with the 3 main engines help this craft, such as the Atlantis, go 3,000 mph

The Space Shuttle

Louis XI of France earned this nickname by his unpleasant appearance & by weaving webs of intrigue

The Spiderman

"Rock This Town", "Runaway Boys"

The Stray Cats

Galileo damaged his eyesight staring at this

The Sun

The seductive Queen of Shemakha sings a "Hymn to" this heavenly body in "Le Coq d'Or"

The Sun

On March 18, 1891, this mode of communication was inaugurated between London & Paris

The Telephone

It's about this guy who hires non-permanent secretarial help for his office

The Tempest

At one time, W was the managing general partner of this baseball team

The Texas Rangers

Also a Lone Star State lottery game, it's a numerical country dance

The Texas Two-Step

When this eye-gouging comedy team started in Vaudeville in 1923, they were just a duo

The Three Stooges

There's very little hair on an adult elephant; the longest & thickest are the eyelashes & those found on this

The Tip Of The Tail

Benjamin Guggenheim made sure to dress in his evening clothes before going down with this ship in 1912

The Titanic

St. Rene Goupil was martyred in 1642 with this hand-axe for making the sign of the cross over a Mohawk child

The Tomahawk


The Tongue

This structure from Genesis "whose top may reach unto Heaven" didn't end up as planned

The Tower Of Babel

This British fortress includes Bloody Tower, Wakefield Tower & Devereux Tower

The Tower Of London

The final scene of this fourth part of the "Ring" cycle takes place at the Hall of the Gibichungs

The Twilight Of The Gods (Or Gotterdammerung)

The matches coming before the main boxing match

The Undercard

These mystical scriptures of Hinduism date from about 900 B.C.

The Upanishads

All paths lead to Dr. Chearles Primrose, this title Oliver Goldsmith reverend

The Vicar Of Wakefield

Completes the title of the Strauss waltz "Tales from the..."

The Vienna Woods

Point Udall in the U.S. these is the easternmost U.S. point

The Virgin Islands

This wild African pig has 2 pairs of tusks that may reach a length of 24 inches

The Warthog

Polling partnerships include CBS News with the New York Times & ABC News with this Graham family paper

The Washington Post

D.C.-you there! 132 rooms on 18 acres. Boasts 140-guest dining room. Its main office is 1 of a kind!

The White House

Part of this U.N. agency's mission is to stimulate work on the prevention of epidemic diseases

The Who (World Health Organization)

Gene Wilder's remake of the '77 French comedy "Pardon mon Affaire"

The Woman In Red

In 1986 Mexico scored as the first country to host this international sports competition twice

The World Cup

A general aviation airport 12 miles south of Dayton, Ohio is named for these 2 men

The Wright Brothers

Asia's longest river, it rises in China's Kunlun Mountains & empties into the East China Sea near Shanghai

The Yangtze River

The shield on Botswana's coat of arms is flanked by 2 of these striped mammals

The Zebra

Shortly after the release of "Sister Carrie", his publisher withdrew it due to the book's "amorality"

Theodore Dreiser

By definition, liquids & gases do this under stress, solids don't

They Flow

Prison gangs, pocket watches, bicycles

Things With Chains

If you're triskaidekaphobic, you're afraid of this number, & not just on a Friday


Pyramus & her


Ancestors of this elusive modern author protested after Hawthorne used their name in "The House of the Seven Gables"

Thomas Pynchon

This 1954 film set in Rome featured a Jule Styne-Sammy Cahn title song

Three Coins In The Fountain

Ballistics, the science of projectiles, comes from the Greek "ballein", to do this to something


Appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1967, he's now its oldest member

Thurgood Marshall

May 14, 1998, when Frank Sinatra died & the last "Seinfeld" aired, was this day of the week


The ninth of the Ten Commandments instructs, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against" this person

Thy Neighbor

In the 23rd Psalm, David referred to these two items of God's, saying "they comfort me"

Thy Rod And Thy Staff

In 1989 the name of this locale was made famous by footage like the following: (In the middle of Beijing)

Tiananmen Square

It's the river that flows through the city


On July 17, 1998 3 of these, one of which was estimated at over 30 feet high, hit Papua New Guinea

Tidal Waves/Tsunami

He fell out of the top 50 world golf rankings for the first time since 1996

Tiger Woods

He was 18 in 1994 when he won the first of his 3 U.S. Amateur Golf Championships

Tiger Woods

"Imprisoned is he, say you?" is the first line spoken by this title Athenian

Timon Of Athens

This Fairy queen in "A Midsummer Night's Dream" mentions the hedgehog


Eeek! It's the tufted woodland bird seen here


To burn slowly without flame, like a suppressed anger or passion

To Smolder

To run naked in a public place

To Streak

11 letters of trouble, he introduces after-dinner speakers; raise a glass in fear to...


Sure, salsa verde has jalapenos & cilantro, but most of the "verde" comes from these


No one would understand if you literally "spoke wth" this -- it means what was said is meant to be humorous


"Song Of Solomon" was the first of her novels to have a male protagonist

Toni Morrison

"The Bluest Eye" (1970)

Toni Morrison

Milkman is the son of Ruth & Macon Dead in her novel "Song of Solomon"

Toni Morrison

Schweppes says this product is the perfect accompaniment to gin


In his best English Bronx accent he cried "Yonder lies the castle of my father"

Tony Curtis

511 is another way to say it: TMI

Too Much Information

How convenient--the title character of this Puccini opera is an opera singer


In the thesaurus, this one of the traditional 5 senses is found with "tangency" & "palpation"


This syndrome named for a French physician may involve barking & continuous cursing

Tourette's Syndrome

Direct pressure & elevation can control bleeding; this device -- a last resort -- can cause gangrene & the loss of the limb


(Cheryl of the Clue Crew in London) A hill & fortress, we explain, also share this bridge's name

Tower Bridge

A "man on the street" is an ordinary Joe; a bon vivant is a "man about" this


The building housing local administration offices that are also used for public meetings

Town Halls

In a nod to the TV show of Tim Allen, voice of Buzz Lightyear, a "Binford Tools" toolbox appears in this '95 film

Toy Story

If you've got a "Fast Car", you can pick up her 1995 album "New Beginning"

Tracy Chapman

East met west when the final spike of this was hammered in at Promontory, Utah

Transcontinental Railroad

The SEC ensures equal access to information by all investors, this 12-letter quality also found in windows


Doctor portrayed on film by Elliott Gould & on TV by Wayne Rogers & Pernell Roberts

Trapper John

Linden, Sumac, Yew

Trees (Or Wood)

In 1989, his first year as Dallas' QB, the team went 1-15; they later improved

Troy Aikman

Endotracheal & nasogastric types of these are inserted to help patients breathe


These 2 days were named for 2 sons of Odin

Tuesday & Thursday (Tue & Thor)

(Alex: Here's Cheryl at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York) On November 28, 1946 the Allied Council adjourned their peace talks here at the Waldorf for a dinner of this

Turkey For Thanksgiving

When used to mean a road, pike is short for this


The green sea type of this swims over 1,000 miles from South America to Ascension Island, in order to breed


In this comedy's subplot, Sir Toby Belch & Maria play a trick on Malvolio, Olivia's steward

Twelfth Night

"Alan Harper, Frontier Chiropractor"

Two And A Half Men

Better one are heads than two

Two Heads Are Better Than One

In non-traditional usage, like in text messages, it's also a pronoun


This small Hawaiian guitar was derived from a Portuguese instument


Henry Clay Frick organized a coke company in 1871 & was part of this giant company's formation 30 years later

U.S. Steel

On February 25 J.P. Morgan & others organized this company, the world's first billion-dollar corporation

U.S. Steel

Feb. 1, 1790: John Jay presides over the first meeting of this body

U.S. Supreme Court

The state silver serving pieces in Augusta's executive mansion were salvaged from this ship

U.S.S. Maine


UK HOW DO I (heart) Elizabeth Barrett Browning ("How Do I Love Thee")

John Wooden coached this basketball team to 88 consecutive victories


Quartz is more effective than glass for making lenses for this kind of light, UV for short


On March 12, 1864 he was promoted to commander of all Union forces

Ulysses S. Grant

This general & his wife were supposed to go with the Lincolns that night but begged off

Ulysses S. Grant

Businessmen in London's "The City" carry rolled-up black ones of these, also called bumbershoots


This fictional storyteller tells tales of Miss Sally, Brer Bear & Brer Fox

Uncle Remus

When I take off all my clothes, I'm this, just like a salad without its vinaigrette


This body's peacekeeping forces were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1988

United Nations

The Lindy Hop

United States

With over 200,000 miles of railroad tracks, this country has more than any other

United States

The three countries that border Mexico

United States, Guatemala & Belize

It begins, "When this old world starts getting me down and people are just too much for me to face"

Up On The Roof

It comes in radioactive isotopes like 235 & 238


Big bear

Ursa Major

The fact that some vehicles have gone more than 600 mph on its Bonneville Salt Flats amazes me


It was not J. Edgar but William Hoover whose name went on these household items

Vacuum Cleaners

This Liechtenstein capital is known for its postal museum & state art collection


A Ft. Worth piano contest is named for this winner of the 1958 Int'l Tchaikovsky Competition

Van Cliburn

A spot with a wide perspective; Lyndon Johnson used it as the title of his memoir of the presidency

Vantage Point

On "Late Night" David Letterman put on a suit of this material & stuck himself to a wall of it


As the dictator of this city-state, Francesco Foscari ruined its army & economy by endlessly fighting Milan


In 1929 most of the canals Abbot Kinney added to this community were filled in


At a mean distance of 67 million miles, it's the second planet from the sun


In October 2010 these 2 sisters ranked first & third in women's tennis

Venus & Serena Williams

These 2 sisters have faced each other in the Wimbledon singles finals 4 times

Venus & Serena Williams

The name of the U.S. state is partly from the French word for "green"


November 11th

Veterans Day

The winner of a contest


Killer of "the radio star" in a Buggles song


A Canadian war memorial stands atop this French ridge where fighting raged in April 1917

Vimy Ridge

"The Potato Eaters"

Vincent Van Gogh

It's the "flowery" color of Elizabeth Taylor's eyes


This special flower for March lies at one end of the spectrum, so to speak


It's not only the "Mother of Presidents", it's the "Mother of Statesmen" as well


Night blindness may come from a deficiency in this vitamin, also called retinol

Vitamin A

Full of life, or when talking about color, strikingly intense


Under this pen name, Francois-Marie Arouet wrote "Micromegas", a tale of a 120,000-foot-tall being


A whirling mass of air or water


The white-headed variety of this high-flying scavenger is seen here


Maiden name of the author of "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman"


The USA's largest private employer, it has over 700,000 workers, most stocking shelves & pushing carts


Half a mile long, in the 1840s it inspired an American literary classic

Walden Pond

"A Little Yellow Dog" is a recent novel featuring his reluctant detective Easy Rawlins

Walter Mosley

This gossip & radio man greeted audiences, "Good evening, Mr. & Mrs. North & South America & all the ships at sea"

Walter Winchell

This $104 million sequel to "The Winds of War" had 358 speaking parts & used 41,720 extras

War And Rememberance

As of Jan. 1, 2008, this Pacific Northwest state had the highest statewide minimum wage, $8.07 an hour


Don't miss the pie-eating contest at this northwest state's Apple Blossom Festival in Wenatchee

Washington State

Of an artist, a fish, or a wasp, it's what a mud dauber is


One difference between wide & narrow craters is the presence of this to mix with magma & cause big steam explosions


One reviewer called this recent Sara Gruen bestseller "so much more than a tale about a circus"

Water For Elephants

The U.S. Senate inquiry noted that the 16 compartments in the Titanic's hull that supposedly were this, weren't


Hockey's "The Great One"

Wayne Gretzky

In 1953 the Rocket Chemical Company developed this, first used to protect the Atlas missile from rust & corrosion


In Spanish it's nosotros


Travel song from 1939 film to which the following 1970s song is equivalent:

We're Off To See The Wizard

They can raise your spirits by expressing their hopes for your success


Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of this, was known as a soldier but had an eye for art, as you can see at Apsley House


This company helped track down Black Bart, who'd robbed its stagecoaches about 27 times

Wells Fargo

This London stadium has been the site of cup finals in soccer & of Live Aid

Wembley Stadium

Traditionally, the entrance of a cathedral faces this direction


In 1948 more than 2 million tons of food, fuel & other supplies were airlifted into this city

West Berlin

"Montani Semper Liberi (Mountaineers are Always Free)"

West Virginia

(Jimmy of the Clue Crew reporting from Cincinnati) In the 1850s Hiram Sibley bought up telegraph lines & used railroad rights-of-way to create what became this company

Western Union

Buckingham Palace is in this borough of London


Inventor of the boxing glove, English boxer Jack Broughton is commemorated in this regal resting palace

Westminster Abbey

The loudest sound from a living source is produced by these sea creatures


A homeowner is lured away while a loved one redecorates the house as a surprise on this TLC show

While You Were Out

Hamilton used the 1786 Shays Rebellion & this 1794 rebellion as proof of a need for a strong central gov't

Whiskey Rebellion

As Lauren Bacall advised, you just put your lips together & blow


You can see his mother (aka "Arrangement in Grey and Black No. 1")


2005 saw the debut of a new Take 5 candy bar made with this "pale" chocolate

White Chocolate

Because the shorter blue light waves are scattered around the atmosphere, while longer red ones aren't

Why Is The Sky Blue?

Eugene O'Neill: "Ah, _____!"


This 18th century visionary poet penned the "Songs of Innocence" & the "Songs of Experience"

William Blake

In 1917, at age 52, this Irishman got married & published his book "The Wild Swans Of Coole"

William Butler Yeats

Sherwood Anderson helped this Mississippian find a publisher for "Soldier's Pay", his first novel

William Faulkner

1644-1718: "Quaking Billy"

William Penn

Until the 1980s no building in Philly rose higher than the statue of this man that tops City Hall

William Penn

Adela Rogers St. Johns, who was hired by this man in 1913, reported on his granddaughter's trial in 1976

William Randolph Hearst

In 1857 Delia Bacon alleged that this playwright was a fraud & didn't write his plays

William Shakespeare

Going where no man had gone before, as Ozzie in "Over the Hedge": "Playing possum is what we do. We die so...we live"

William Shatner

Act 1 of this Rossini opera takes place on the shores of Lake Lucerne

William Tell

He wrote, "My heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky" in the early 1800s at Grasmere

William Wordsworth

Over 309 of these are operating in the Barossa Valley, the Aussie equivalent of our Napa


This Manitoba capital's name is derived from 2 Cree Indian words meaning "murky water"


This leader rebounded from his Gallipoli disaster in WWI to have his "finest hour" in WWII

Winston Churchill

We're pro-this state, though it has a "con" in the middle


Igor Stravinsky, Claude Debussy, Wolfgang Mozart

Wolfgang Mozart

Taylor Kitsch is Gambit in this 2009 X-Men flick


This X-Man has adamantium-laced, retractable claws in his forearms


Hersheypark's new "Wildcat" rollercoaster is a blast from the past; it's made of this material


This president collapsed September 25, 1919 & one week later suffered a stroke

Woodrow Wilson

In 1973 this environmentalist got his own comic book

Woodsy Owl

The kids were too lazy to learn about this measure of energy transfer that equals force times distance


Micah says, "They shall lick the dust like a serpent" & "move out of their holes like" these annelids "of the earth"


This development divides prehistoric times from historic times

Written Records (Or Writing)

It's a sausage, or the absolute least best


It comes between the following pronunciations: eks _____ ze


To text the 2-letter postal code of this U.S. state, get your thumb on the 9


Chromosomal pairing in humans that traditionally leads to frogs & snails & puppy-dogs' tails


Many computers won't recognize 00 as the year 2000 because of this problem, also known as "The Millennium Bug"


A stupid one of these Tibetan creatures would be an "oxymoron"


In 1892 this New Haven, Connecticut university first admitted women to its graduate school


The soundtrack to this animated feature included such songs as "Pepperland" & "March of the Meanies"

Yellow Submarine

In the U.S. Navy this petty officer performs clerical duties


Turkish word for a popular food made of milk curdled by bacteria


Extra ludum es!

You're Out Of The Game! Or "You're Ejected!"

This eastern state once occupied the whole of the peninsula it's on


Of all movies to win the Best Foreign-Language Oscar, this 1969 Costa-Gavras thriller has the shortest title


The shield on Botswana's coat of arms is supported by 2 of these equines


This Buddhist sect seeks truth through concepts like "the sound of one hand clapping"


Under Robert Mugabe of this country, life expectancy went from 62 to 38 years


A metallic element: 26-9-14-3


In Psalms "We wept, when we remembered" this, also preceding a "Crossroads" near Charlottesville, Virginia


One birthstone of the last month of the year is this 6-letter gem that starts with the last letter of the alphabet


Associated with Caribbean voodoo cults, these entranced folks are also known as the walking dead


Founded by & named for a Persian prophet, this religion flourished during Persia's Achaemenian empire


The name Apache is a word for "enemy" among these Arizona pueblo dwellers


Located toward the end of the dictionary , it's "z" chemistry of fermentation


You may have studied these Chopin pieces whose name is French for "studies"


Since 1820, 1 of 3 men to lose a presidential election but win the rematch with the same individual 4 years later

(1 Of 3) Andrew Jackson, William Henry Harrison Or Grover Cleveland


(1954) Audrey Hepburn

Quicksilver messenger

(7) Mercury

Studied music & the violin at the behest of his mother, Paulina

(Albert) Einstein

In 1888 this son of a British clergyman founded the De Beers mining company

(Cecil) Rhodes

This Frenchman showed that the inverse square law applied to the forces between magnetic poles

(Charles Augustin De) Coulomb

This Frenchman prepared the first systematic catalog of nebulous objects; each object has an "M" number

(Charles) Messier

By surname of current Supreme Court justices

(Clarence) Thomas

In 1970 she wrote an article for National Geographic called "Making Friends with Mountain Gorillas"

(Dian) Fossey

This artist's 1909 U. of Oslo murals were done after receiving electroshock & contain no scenes of personal anguish

(Edvard) Munch

May 1 is the perfect time to read "May Day", one of this author's "Tales of the Jazz Age"

(F. Scott) Fitzgerald

A few weeks before their 1864 wedding, his fiancee Elizabeth called him her "old fellow with the golden curls"

(George Armstrong) Custer

He was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives from Michigan 13 straight times

(Gerald) Ford

When he died in 1924, he was working on the last act of "Turandot"; Franco Alfano completed the opera

(Giacomo) Puccini

This British inventor created a steelmaking process allowing large quantities of steel to be produced cheaply

(Henry) Bessemer

He & his wife translated into English "De Re Metallica", a 16th century Latin work on mining

(Herbert) Hoover

This Belgian detective doesn't buy suicide as the cause of a dentist's death in "One, Two, Buckle My Shoe"

(Hercule) Poirot

His 1922 novella "Siddhartha" tells the story of an Indian boy on a spiritual journey during the time of Buddha

(Hermann) Hesse

This 1968 presidential candidate once was a professor at Macalester College in St. Paul

(Hubert) Humphrey

He was an Esquire copywriter in 1953 when he designed his own men's magazine in his Chicago apartment

(Hugh) Hefner

In 1415 this Bohemian religious reformer was condemned for heresy & burned at the stake in Germany

(Jan) Hus

In 1993 she became the first female director to win the Cannes Film Festival's Palme d'Or

(Jane) Campion

Finally finishing his performance in "The Imaginary Invalid", it's this great 17th century playwright

(Jean Baptiste Poquelin) Moliã¨Re

1990s: "You might be a redneck if your family tree does not fork"

(Jeff) Foxworthy

In 1786 this German immigrant founded his fur business

(John Jacob) Astor

In the '70s, Charlie Townsend (voice only... Hello, Angels!)

(John) Forsythe

He elected to join the Mercury program in 1959; 15 years later, he'd be elected to join the Senate

(John) Glenn

In his 1690 work "Two Treatises of Government", he argued against the Divine Right of Kings

(John) Locke

This man who triumphed over polio in 1955 said his mother had no schooling & lived her ambitions through her kids

(Jonas) Salk

His July 6, 2003 op-ed doubted Iraq's uranium purchase; 8 days later his wife was outed as a CIA agent

(Joseph) Wilson

This French novelist who predicted space travel in his stories has been called the "father of science fiction"

(Jules) Verne

44 B.C.: "All Gaul is divided into 3 parts"

(Julius) Caesar

Alexander McQueen named a chic handbag for this blonde who gave me "vertigo" when I saw her in "Picnic"

(Kim) Novak

This "Oz" author was urged to write his stories by his mother-in-law, noted suffragette Matilda Gage

(L. Frank) Baum

Once Lenin's heir apparent, in 1925 he was removed as Commissar of War; by 1929 he was banished from the country

(Leon) Trotsky

Of the five standard U.S. coins, the one on which you can see the right ear of a president

(Lincoln) Penny

In 1969 he won his only Indy 500

(Mario) Andretti

This director used insights from growing up in little Italy for his film "Mean Streets"

(Martin) Scorsese

He published his quantum theory in 1900 while a professor of physics in Berlin

(Max) Planck

He penned a campaign biography for Franklin Pierce and pinned "The Scarlet Letter" on Hester Prynne

(Nathaniel) Hawthorne

In "Green Shadow, White Whale", this sci-fi author recalls writing the "Moby Dick" screenplay while living in Ireland

(Ray) Bradbury

He sold milkshake machines to the McDonald Bros.' burger joint, got curious about their operation & soon made history

(Ray) Kroc

In 1838 he transmitted 10 words a minute over the telegraph using his new code

(Samuel) Morse

The most-visited grave site at St. Mary's cemetery in Rockville Maryland is that of this author & his wife Zelda

(Scott) Fitzgerald

This novelist's story collections include "Nightmares and Dreamscapes" & 2002's "Everything's Eventual"

(Stephen) King

The 3 main types of faults are normal, reverse & strike-this


Each correct response in the "VOCABULARY" category was a title word in this author's alphabet mystery series

(Sue) Grafton

In 1944 this Republican presidential candidate used the campaign slogan "Time for a Change"

(Thomas) Dewey

The founders of the Bell Telephone Company were Gardiner Hubbard, Thomas Sanders, Bell & this assistant

(Thomas) Watson

On June 16, 1963 she blasted into orbit, joining Valery Bykovsky who had been launched 2 days earlier

(Valentina) Tereshkova

A fall from a subway platform in 1943 left this "St. Louis Blues" composer completely blind

(W.C.) Handy

He had more than 300 field animals in his private zoo at his San Simeon estate

(William Randolph) Hearst

He was half of the research duo who wrote books on sex like "Human Sexual Inadequacy"

(William) Masters

He was James Gamble's brother-in-law & business partner

(William) Procter

An IRA named for this longtime Delaware senator was created in 1998

(William) Roth

Like the "Idiot's Guide" series 2 years earlier, this series with a similar title began with a book about DOS

...For Dummies

No one wants to date Julia Stiles in this 1999 movie except Heath Ledger, & he does it on a lark

10 Things I Hate About You

2, 3 or this number means you rolled craps, so give up the dice already


At Maundy Thursday mass, a priest traditionally washes the feet of this many people


Of 6, 12 or 18, the number of streets that radiate out from the Arc de Triomphe


King John puts his seal on the Magna Carta


The Apollo lunar mission with this number was aborted en route to the Moon in 1970 due to an in-flight explosion


In this year of Paul Revere's ride, Arthur brandished a pickaxe at a sheriff who tried to cut off the brewery's water


The U.S. declared war against Spain on April 25 of this year


Bolsheviks Kill the Czar & His Family!


Irish leader Michael Collins had his last pint of Guinness in this year he was assasinated


Capone set 1-year income record, Ruth set 1-year homer record, Lindbergh set 1-man flying record


"I Love Lucy" premieres


The Summer Olympics in Munich in this year were sadly marred by terrorism & tragedy


Setting the stage for later revolts, the prophet Hung Hsiu-ch'uan led the Taiping Rebellion in this century

19Th Century

The act that created the Department of Homeland Security was passed early in this year


A synonym for blackjack, or a "numerical" restaurant on West 52nd Street


On January 5, 1995 "All My Children" celebrated this anniversary


Matchbox 20 sang "She says baby, it's" this title time "I must be lonely"

3 A.M.

Multiply 3,465 by this number to square it


If a dieting 2-ton elephant lost 10 pounds a week for a year he'd weigh this much

3,480 Pounds

The sum of all the interior angles in a pair of isosceles triangles

360 Degrees

The foxtrot is done in 4/4 time & the waltz is done in this time


It's the product of the number of days in the week times itself

49 (7 X 7)

It's the number of books in the Torah


1978: Billy Joel leans against an alley wall holding a trumpet

52Nd Street

It's the greatest common factor of 18 & 24


Total of the horsemen of the apocalypse & the traditional number of Magi in Matthew's gospel

7 (4 Horsemen & 3 Magi)

Going 60 mph, it's on a 2-hour run from Pottsville to Scottsville; at Knottsville, 3/4 of the way there, it's gone this far

90 Miles

You can load it in your 8-track

A (Tape) Cartridge

A prejudice, or a diagonal line across a woven fabric

A Bias

Yum, yum! Wednesday's special is this crustacean that has its own festival in Panacea, Florida

A Blue Crab

A narrowing of traffic flow leading to congestion

A Bottleneck

An elasticized cord that's handy for jumping safely from a great height

A Bungee Cord

Weber makes this car part in 1-barrel & 2-barrel versions

A Carburetor

Done since Cleopatra's time, a chemical this involves removing the top layer of cells to reveal smoother skin

A Chemical Peel

Whether Anaheim or Poblano, these are technically fruits because they develop from the ovary of a flower

A Chili Pepper

From the Latin for "strain", it's a bowl-shaped strainer used to drain liquids from such foods as pasta

A Colander

Realtors often are paid this fee, usually rendered as a percentage of the costs

A Commission

The metal grille projecting from the front of a locomotive

A Cowcatcher

Like the Old West's Doc Holliday, Zane Grey was a practicing one of these in NYC before becoming a novelist

A Dentist

Injurious to crops, it's a long period of dry weather with little rainfall

A Drought

From the Latin for "to lead", it's a pipe or passage that can carry body fluids or air

A Duct

The substitution of an inoffensive word for an offensive word is this type of "-ism"

A Euphemism

This was Burns' day job, hence the rustic touch to his poetry

A Farmer

2-word phrase for a predetermined ending; Othello talks of one in Act III

A Foregone Conclusion

Its name comes from geranos, Greek for "crane"; its seed capsules look like a crane's bill

A Geranium

It's the thick-walled muscular pouch that grinds food in a bird's lower stomach

A Gizzard

It was good to be Antony around 40 B.C., when he went to Athens & had himself declared this, as the "New Dionysus"

A God

Before the metal-tipped pen, the standard writing instrument was a feather from this bird

A Goose

Weighing upwards of 25 pounds, a Toulouse is the traditional one of these eaten at Christmas

A Goose

Canada wild rye isn't liquor from Yukon but this type of plant of the genus Elymus

A Grass (Grain Accepted)

Wal-Mart welcomer

A Greeter

A Pseudofolliculitis barbae is an "ingrown" one of these

A Hair

An advantage in golf or a disadvantage through lack

A Handicap

Chicago's Palmer House is a famous one

A Hotel

Various sources say it's named for one of Popeye's pals, or for initials of "general purpose", G.P.

A Jeep

A loupe & a ring sizer are standard tools for this occupation

A Jeweler

By 7-2 we agreed with the Supreme Court in Ring v. Arizona that only this group can impose the death penalty

A Jury

From a Washington Irving character, it's a nickname for a New Yorker, Dutch-descended or otherwise

A Knickerbocker

Too bad when Hart Crane jumped ship his father couldn't throw him this, like the same-named candy he invented

A Lifesaver

The word for a song element you won't find in instrumentals comes from the name of this instrument

A Lyre

This dyed cherry originally referred to a type of wild cherry indigenous to the Dalmatian Mountains

A Maraschino Cherry

This piece of fencing equipment is made of strong wire mesh & may be padded

A Mask

The humans in this play inspire Puck to say, "Lord, what fools these mortals be!"

A Midsummer Night's Dream

The New Main Street Singers, Mitch & Mikey & The Folksmen are groups in this Christopher Guest film

A Mighty Wind

In 1973 Maureen McGovern sang, "There's got to be" one of these "if we can hold on through the night"

A Morning After

An application to a judge to obtain an order; a lawyer might make one to dismiss or to suppress

A Motion

Please, no mumbling when I tell you it's an abnormal sound in a person's heartbeat

A Murmur

In 2000 a group of physicists finally found evidence of the tau type of this subatomic particle

A Neutrino

A Native American infant

A Papoose

An Easter- or Passover-time rogue

A Paschal Rascal

Usually roasted, squab is a young one of these birds

A Pigeon

In 2004 a N.J. man pulled one of these tropical predators also called a caribe from the Delaware River

A Piranha

It's not good when you "let the cat out of the bag" when you were expecting a "pig in" this

A Poke

This ursine likes to eat seals as well as fish

A Polar Bear

The world's longest of these floating bridges spans 7,518' across Lake Washington

A Pontoon Bridge

The California French variety of this dried fruit can be juiced, stewed or eaten out of hand

A Prune

After a female ant mates & loses her wings, she becomes one of these

A Queen (Or An Egglayer)

This punctuation mark is also known as an interrogation point

A Question Mark

Sidney Poitier co-starred in this 1959 drama, the 1st play by a black woman produced on Broadway

A Raisin In The Sun

This farm machine that travels along cutting standing grain shares a name with a grim angel of death

A Reaper

Stephen Crane wrote, "He wished that he, too, had a wound," this

A Red Badge Of Courage

With a designed speed of 128 mph, the fastest of these rides is Kingda Ka at Six Flags in New Jersey

A Roller Coaster

One meaning of this word is any member of Christ's church, as in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day ones

A Saint

The Moon is one

A Satellite

This word for a leisurely stroll sounds like Mrs. Claus' hubby

A Saunter

Pig 2 likes having all the rooms open one into the next in a line from front to back & builds this "weaponized" type of "shack"

A Shotgun Shack

"He's an angel" is a metaphor: "Smart as a whip" is one of these comparisons

A Simile

6th century B.C. Greece must have been a happy place, as this facial expression is characteristic of its sculpture

A Smile

A Scottish cap made from Hormel's "spiced ham"

A Spam Tam

A format that allows the user to lay out data in multiple fields on a computer screen

A Spreadsheet

To an architect, it's a supporting strut; to a cowboy, it's a metal device worn on a boot

A Spur

Bow to yer partner, bow to yer corner, now allemand left & do-si-do, yer doin' this dance now, dontcha know

A Square Dance

Relatively speaking, it's your mom's husband by a later marriage

A Stepfather

Most Orkney Islanders overstep their bounds

A Stork (In Most Orkney)

It was a small, flowing body of water before it became a continuous data transfer

A Stream

One who is possibly the perp plus a muscle in the chest

A Suspectoral

I may gulp when I say its name: LOW LAWS

A Swallow

It's a good idea to regularly test the pH & chlorine levels of the water in one of these

A Swimming Pool

Some monkeys use this as a fifth limb; it's prehensile, after all

A Tail

17-year-old usher Sheila Delaney got a taste for theatre and went home one night to start this play

A Taste Of Honey

You wear one of these to protect your fingers when sewing

A Thimble

In emergencies, this neck operation may be performed with a penknife & the empty shell of a pen

A Tracheotomy

If a pyramid is also a tetrahedron it means its base is in this shape

A Triangle

Ususally an altarpiece, it's a painting consisting of 3 separate panels

A Triptych

Made famous by "Jurassic Park", this 6-foot-long "swift robber" had a "killing claw" on each foot

A Velociraptor

A roofed porch or balcony may be called a gallery, a lanai, or especially in the south, this

A Verandah

This 10-letter word is the part you look through on your camera

A Viewfinder

The Inuit use all parts of this pinniped; its large canine teeth are used to carve small decorative objects

A Walrus

It's the type of pot that "never boils"

A Watched Pot

Sacred to the ancient Egyptians, the lotus is a member of this family of plants

A Water Lily

Wisconsin honeymooners may visit Big Manitou, at 165 feet one of the highest of these east of the Rockies

A Waterfall

In 1978 this future baseball commissioner became the youngest pres. of Yale in 2 centuries

A. Bartlett Giamatti

This travel organization rates lodgings from 1 diamond (modest) to 5 diamonds (world class)


You'll get 3 As for effort for knowing the name of this mammal comes from Afrikaans for "earth pig"


A spider's body has 2 main sections: a cephalothorax, which includes the head & thorax, & this


F. Murray _____ _____ Nebraska

Abraham Lincoln

On Oct. 15, 1860 11-year-old Grace Bedell of Westfield, N.Y. wrote him urging him to grow a beard; he did

Abraham Lincoln

Originally beardless, Uncle Sam got his chin whiskers from images depicting this real-life man

Abraham Lincoln

This 19th C. man's ghost appears at Loudon Cottage, once owned by the woman who sat next to him when he was shot

Abraham Lincoln

A scandal involved the treatment of prisoners at this Iraqi jail west of Baghdad

Abu Ghraib

Though better known for his guitar, Leadbelly also played the windjammer, a Cajun type of this instrument


To build up or gather, like snow


He loved Polyxena but demanded that she be slain at his tomb--what a "heel"!


Drop a letter into "acid" & it becomes this, meaning bitterly pungent


From the Greek for "walking on tiptoe", it's another name for a gymnast


This man said, "This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman"


In 1934 he spent several months alone near the South Pole

Admiral Byrd

This Havana-born designer is known by his first name, not by his last, Sardina


Venice is known as the "Queen Of" this sea


We know you're very smart, but are you smart enough to know: very


A man of morals (5)


This word for a devotee of an activity is Spanish for "enthusiast"


From Peshawar, Pakistan


Pakistan, India, Afghanistan


This "African" flower is also called the Saintpaulia for its discoverer, Baron Walter von Saint Paul-Illaire

African Violet

A descendant of 17th century Dutch settlers in South Africa


"Flow gently" this "sweet river, among thy green braes, flow gently. I'll sing thee a song in thy praise"


The soothsayer Calchas told this king he had to offer up his daughter Iphigenia to Artemis to get winds to rise


Some linguists claim this word can mean only "to make worse" & never "to irritate"


The Red Fort, built by Akbar, is the second-most famous landmark in this city in India


This Japanese art translated as "way of harmony of the spirit" uses opponents' energy against them


In 1933 when Cie. Internationale de Navigation merged with Air Orient & others, it took this name

Air France

Gore's buddies

Al's Pals

This state's largest national forest, Talladega, covers 2 different areas of the state


1995: "You Oughta Know"

Alanis Morissette

No "Purple Haze" here; in 1980 President Carter signed legislation to protect over 100 million acres in this state


____ king crab, also called Japanese king crab


In 1986 this New York capital celebrated the 300th anniversary of its charter as a city


The Soviets canceled this Czech leader's "Prague Spring" reforms by invading the country in 1968

Alexander Dubcek

In 1876 Elisha Gray tried to file for a telephone patent just hours after this inventor

Alexander Graham Bell

When he conquered Thebes, he destroyed every house but the one the poet Pindar had lived in

Alexander The Great

Here's an IQ test: He was responsible for the first French psychology journal

Alfred Binet

The Flying Dr. Service & School of the Air are based in this isolated central Australian town

Alice Springs

She's the 1982 Pulitzer Prize author seen here early in her career

Alice Walker

This African-American author's works include the 500,000-year-spanning "Temple of My Familiar"

Alice Walker

Proverbially this "is not gold"

All That Glitters

Journalist Bob Woodward

All The President's Men

In 1850, Hawthorne wrote of Hester Prynne's crime, & this Scot opened his Chicago detective agency

Allan Pinkerton

Before each shuttle landing at the KSC, workers have to remove these reptiles that like to sun on the runway


This Cameron Crowe film was a fictionalized account of his adventures writing for Rolling Stone

Almost Famous



In astronomy, this letter typically designates the brightest star in a constellation


An alnico magnet is an alloy having these 3 elements as its principal ingredients

Aluminum, Nickel, Cobalt

This Peter Shaffer tragedy focuses on the life of a great composer, as seen by his rival in the Austrian court


Orlando's own Mandy Moore


It's home to Hampshire College & to a campus of the University of Massachusetts


To build tissue, the body needs 20 different ones of these "protein building blocks", both "essential" & "nonessential"

Amino Acids

In 1839 Joseph Cinque led a mutiny aboard this Spanish slave ship


Let's go Dutch: SIGHT MALLET

Amstel Light

Steven Spielberg divorced this actress in '89; was the courtroom a War of the Worlds? (Sorry, pun fatigue [I'm sure])

Amy Irving

An epilogue

An Afterword

An artificial human

An Android

Fiery activist Anna Dickinson was put in this type of facility in 1891; she got out & sued

An Asylum

The lunar kind means the light of the Moon is obscured because the Earth is between the Moon & the sun

An Eclipse

The "snowy" type of this member of the heron family is known for its beautiful white plumes

An Egret

A smoldering remnant in a dying fire

An Ember

It's someone who presides over an event or who acts as host of a performance

An Mc

Among bodily noises, hiccup & burp are this type of word that imitates sound

An Onomatopoeia

This city really must be the Magic Kingdom! Here, Ducks become champions of pro hockey


The diocese of Urgel shares control of this country wedged between France & Spain


This star of "Annie" returned to Broadway as John Davidson's daughter in the 1996 staging of "State Fair"

Andrea Mcardle

Rachel Donelson Robards

Andrew Jackson

"I Don't Know How To Love Him" & "Don't Cry For Me, Argentina"

Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim Rice

Adjective meaning having both male & female characteristics


Not that you asked, this "60 Minutes" curmudgeon reads his own book "Not That You Asked..."

Andy Rooney

This son of the Celtic river god Boann shares his name with a breed of cattle


After hiding for 760 days in a secret room, this diarist & her family were found by Nazis on August 4, 1944

Anne Frank

This woman's cottage is an attraction in the village of Shottery, a suburb of Stratford

Anne Hathaway

In 1991 she had her first museum exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery, a rare honor for a living photographer

Annie Leibovitz

Usually affecting teenage girls, it's an extreme eating disorder marked by an excessive fear of being overweight


1959: 12 countries including the U.S. & the U.S.S.R. sign a treaty to keep this continent a scientific preserve


Arriving in 1947, Edith Ronne & Jennie Darlington were the 1st U.S. women to spend a year on this continent


Like many insects, prawns also feature pairs of these long, thin sensory organs on their heads


"Titus" (1999)

Anthony Hopkins

Anthony Quayle & this man were the 2 "A.Q."'s in "The Guns of Navarone"

Anthony Quinn

Sophocles wrote a tragedy about this self-sacrificing daughter of Oedipus


Using this Time Warner ISP, you can see if "you've got mail" or sign up for its Instant Messenger


Tourists can view most of the annual puberty rites of the Mescalero branch of this tribe


Planting spearmint or peppermint near your roses will deter these pests also called greenflies


1995 film based on "Lost Moon" by Jim Lovell & Jeffrey Kluger

Apollo 13

When "do not" and "should not" are contracted, this mark of punctuation is used to show missing letters


In 1993 the failure of the handheld Newton device helped force out John Sculley as this company's CEO


In 1995 this firm released an upgraded version of its Newton messagepad, a hand-held computer


On May 8, 2006 this computer co. won a dismissal of a trademark infringement lawsuit by this "Corps"


U.S. Grant was known as "The Hero of" this place, where he's pictured here:


From the Latin for "to set forth", it means fitting or at the right time


The word Sahara means "desert" in this language of north Africa & the Middle East


From the Latin word for "tree", it's a place where many kinds of trees & plants are exhibited


Appropriately, the name of this Greek god means "male warrior"


Nestor Kirchner is the current president of this South American country


Alphabetically, it's the first of the noble gases


[video clue]

Aries The Ram (Two Horns)

Before Jackie, he romanced Maria Callas & was married to Athina Livanos

Aristotle Onassis

In 1864 its capital moved from Fort Whipple to Prescott, which lost the honor in 1867, then got it back in 1877


You may want to explore a ghost town when you drive the Apache Trail in this state


This Virginia suburb where famous dead are remembered has the easily remembered code 22222


College professor Jeff Bridges begins to suspect that his neighbor Tim Robbins is a terrorist in this 1999 thriller

Arlington Road

He's Woody's folk singer son, known for "Alice's Restaurant"

Arlo Guthrie

This chairman of Occidental Petroleum said he will raise $250 million a year in a "Stop Cancer" drive

Armand Hammer

This man was the lead vocalist on the 1970 No. 1 hit "Bridge Over Troubled Water"

Art Garfunkel

Hercules had to catch a gold-horned stag that was sacred to this goddess of the hunt


Interior of a flower-like vegetable preferred by Kurtz in a Joseph Conrad novel

Artichoke Heart Of Darkness

In this Faulkner classic, Addie Bundren's family goes through heck & high water to get her to the graveyard

As I Lay Dying

In this comedy Jaques says to Orlando in the Forest of Arden, "Let's meet as little as we can"

As You Like It

The EPA has called for a 94% reduction of this mineral fiber, a cause of lung disease, by 1997


It completes the line, "Ask not what your country can do for you..."

Ask What You Can Do For Your Country

Traces of iridium in rocks lend credence to the theory that this cosmic event led to the dinosaurs' extinction

Asteroid/Meteorite Hitting The Earth

This capital lies on the Attica Plain surrounded by mountains including Parnes & Hymettus


The best way to prevent this fungal disease, tinea pedis, is to keep your feet dry & cool

Athlete's Foot

This playwright grew up in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, & he often sets his plays there

Athol Fugard

This state capital's seal shows the phoenix rising from the ashes, symbolic of its rebuilding after the Civil War


11 nominations but no wins for "Steel Pier", which dramatized a 1930s dance marathon in this city

Atlantic City

Bleda co-ruled with this younger brother for 12 years until his brother had him killed in 445

Attila The Hun

This carpenter's tool bores holes in wood


In 1799 this city became the seat of Kennebec County; 33 years later, it became a state capital

Augusta, Maine

One of your grandmother's daughters


This concentration camp in Poland is on the list as evidence of the inhumane nature of the racist Nazi policy


At 30 years, this PBS series from the Austin music scene is the longest-running music showcase now on TV

Austin City Limits

Around 1605 Dutchman Willem Jansz became the first European to sight this continent


Between 1801 & 1803 Matthew Flinders became the first person to circumnavigate this country


On July 4, 1828 the last surviving Declaration signer laid the first stone for the railroad known by these 2 letters


Nickname of Haiti's Jean-Claude Duvalier

Baby Doc

A Carroll Baker title role, or a short nightgown that can be sheer or opaque

Baby Doll

This city was almost 2000 years old when Nebuchadnezzar II developed it as an urban model




Last name of Reagan's commerce secretary Malcolm, or his sister, etiquette expert Letitia


A moist 3-layer cake: Lord or Lady ___


Frederick, Maryland was named for the 6th Baron this

Baltimore (The Barons Baltimore; The Calvert Family)

The Book of Knowledge calls this tropical fruit the most commonly eaten fruit in the world


In 1971 Dacca was made capital of this new country


Buy books at this company, BKS, which also goes under the B. Dalton name

Barnes & Noble

On July 20, 1858 about 1,500 fans in N.Y. were 1st to pay an admission charge to watch this sport


While a Golden Gloves winner is a boxer, a Gold Glove winner is this

Baseball Fielder

One of these mammals that inhabits the East Indies has a wingspan of over 5 1/2 feet


Take your loofa to the National Roman Museum; part of it was once these of Diocletian


Each June 60,000 visitors are served bowls of cereal in this Michigan city's Cereal City Festival

Battle Creek

You'll find this bay at the northwestern-most point of the Pyrenees

Bay Of Biscay

This command is the motto of the Girl Scouts of America

Be Prepared

Dinky the Dodo Bird, Issy & Eggs the Bear were among the "Most Wanted" at this toy's website

Beanie Babies

Males of these animals abandon their mates, so the "Goldilocks" family isn't realistic


A song in this Disney musical asks, "How long must this go on?" ---4 years & counting

Beauty And The Beast

It's a short, high-pitched tone, & can also mean "to summon"


Imported into Brazil from Africa, these "killer" insects escaped the lab & bred with locals


Poignant movie in which Peter Sellers turned on the TV & tuned out the world

Being There

A small German-speaking minority lives on the eastern edge of this country's region of Walllonia


In 1862 Great Britain formally took control of this country, then called British Honduras


Some "general" info--this military man died in London on June 14, 1801, unpopular in 2 countries

Benedict Arnold

This Connecticut native was a general in both the American & British armies during the war

Benedict Arnold

Of Balinese, Bengali or Bulgarian, the one that has the most speakers by far


In his 1748 work "Advice to a Young Tradesman" he wrote, "Remember that time is money"

Benjamin Franklin

To give by will


The language group named for these nomadic tribesmen of north Africa is also called Tamazight


Give me the ring, Ting! Ting Ming Siong served as this in 1,089 weddings between 1975 & 1997

Best Man

This Pennsylvania city was founded in 1741 & named on Christmas Eve of that year


This kind of lettuce was named for a 19th century American vegetable grower

Bibb Lettuce

It can be a 200th anniversary, or something lasting 200 years


You can see the mountains of Mexico from Emory Peak in this Texas park

Big Bend

Nicknamed for the granddaughter of arms maker Alfred Krupp, this howitzer weighed 43 tons

Big Bertha

At 8'2", he's over a foot taller than his best friend Snuffleupagus

Big Bird

This rapper had the aptly titled hit "Big Poppa"

Biggie Smalls

This hearty species shares its name with a river & a mountain range

Bighorn Sheep

In February 1989 this New Jersey senator was seen playing basketball on "The Cosby Show"

Bill Bradley

Sitcom star, author & creator of Fat Albert

Bill Cosby

2003: Actor Bob Harris, suffering from jet lag in Tokyo

Bill Murray

"God bless Captain Vere!" are the last words this Melville foretopman speaks before being hanged

Billy Budd

The "Pittsburgh of the South", Alabama


In the endgame, 2 opposing ones of these pieces that always move on the same color often leads to a draw


Also known as a plains buffalo, it's the logo & nickname of North Dakota State's athletic teams


Colorful nickname of Charles E. Bolton, the robber & poet who held up 27 stagecoaches from 1875 to 1883

Black Bart

Located in these hills, South Dakota's Wind Cave National Park features a cavern with reversible winds

Black Hills

This South Dakota national forest surrounds Jewel Cave National Monument & Mount Rushmore

Black Hills National Forest

A race-conscious term, buppie is short for this

Black Urban Professional

This term, German for "lightning war," was used to describe the rapid capture of Poland by Germany in 1939


By definition, vasodilator drugs are used to widen these

Blood Vessels

Like whales, manatees have a layer of this fat under their skin


This No. 1 hit also includes the line "Softer than satin was the light"

Blue Velvet

The first new variety of Eggo waffle Kellogg's made was one with this fruit in 1972


Redfoot Coonhound, Greenhead Coonhound, Bluetick Coonhound

Bluetick Coonhound

A short haircut for women, or what you do "for apples" on Halloween


Folk rocker Robert Zimmerman

Bob Dylan

Known as "Bullet Bob", he won Olympic gold & a Super Bowl ring

Bob Hayes

On Sept. 10, 2000 he was fired as coach of the Indiana Hoosiers after a 29-year stay at the school

Bobby Knight

This Oxford library was stripped of books around 1550 but reopened 50 years later

Bodleian Library

Prague is in this region whose name comes from the Boii, a tribe that once populated the area


In 2006-07, the only undefeated team in Division 1-A was from this capital city, the "Crossroads of the Oregon Trail"


It's how the original Enterprise crew went "Where no man has gone before"


One reviewer said, like this 1967 title duo themselves, "The film rides off in all directions and ends up full of holes"

Bonnie & Clyde

Due to its curved shape, the coastal strip where most Australians live is named for this weapon


Soft woolen shoes for a baby


Mining of this mineral began in Death Valley in 1883 with 20-mule teams dragging it out


This city in a wine-producing area was the seat of the French government briefly during both WWI & WWII


I'm hitting the road, Mr. DJ, so please put on this title track of Springsteen's 1975 album

Born To Run

Accept the loan of someone else's pain & sadness

Borrow Sorrow

On "The Dukes of Hazzard" Sheriff Coltrane was this crooked politician's right-hand man

Boss Hogg

Much of the trendy Back Bay area of this state capital is built on a landfill


The Ritz-Carlton hotel in this Mass. capital is the setting for Moss Hart's comedy "Light Up the Sky"


In 1968 this team's Carl Yastrzemski led the A.L. with a .301 avg., the lowest average to win a league title in MLB history

Boston Red Sox

Concerning this 1773 event, John Adams wrote, "This is the most magnificent movement of all"

Boston Tea Party

The "straight" type of this liquor is distilled from a mash of at least 51% but not more than 79% corn


Wheaton College in Illinois recently ranked No. 1 in college food, followed by this school in Brunswick, Maine

Bowdoin College

George Alan O'Dowd

Boy George

He was the androgynous lead singer of Culture Club

Boy George

In England his 1950 science fiction novel "The Martian Chronicles" was titled "The Silver Locusts"


This star of "Moesha" shares her name with a potent potable she's too young to drink


The layout of this, the capital, resembles a jet airliner


1 of the 2 Best Picture winners in the 1990s with one-word titles

Braveheart Or Unforgiven

Buying a ticket on this country's Varig Airlines will cost you real money; the real is its currency


A significant advance in science, like the polio vaccine


The Soviet Union 1964-1982


1 out of every 4 players in one of these card clubs is a dummy

Bridge Club

An MTV "Making the Video" episode explored her "Slave 4 U" shoot

Britney Spears

The center of the Czech Republic's wool industry, it looks like it needs to buy a vowel


"Promises are like pie-crust, made to be..."


The Stone Age lasted until this metal replaced stone as the primary tool-making material


Then the world's longest suspension bridge, it opened over the East River May 24, 1883

Brooklyn Bridge

Of the Ivy League colleges, this one is alphabetically first


Daffy Duck's "Duck Dodgers" character is a parody of him

Buck Rogers

In the 200s B.C. Indian emperor Ashoka converted to this religion that had been founded about 300 years earlier


He played father-in-law to Betty Jones & now is uncle to Matt Houston

Buddy Ebsen

After hearing Elvis live in his hometown of Lubbock, Texas, he switched to singing rock 'n' roll

Buddy Holly

An assassin fired 2 shots into William McKinley at the 1901 Pan-American Exposition in this city


Animal that was the main staple of the Plains Indians economy


Perhaps reflecting the bust, for the first time in 15 yrs., no cos, from this industry; last year the list had Centex & Pulte


You wouldn't let the Phillies’ Greg Luzinski, nicknamed this, into your China shop


"To eat lead" in old gangster slang meant to be exposed to these coming your way


Have it your way at this chain & order a Mustard Whopper, which substitutes the yellow stuff for mayo

Burger King

When Myanmar won its independence from the U.K. in 1948, it was still known by this name


Turn on this show on USA Network to see Jeffrey Donovan as a blacklisted spy

Burn Notice

In a William Inge play, people in a small Kansas town gather at a restaurant that's near this title place

Bus Stop

Watch Jeopardy! & find out how to succeed in this group of ferrets without really trying


This line follows "Poems are made by fools like me"

But Only God Can Make A Tree

In the alkane family, methane is followed by ethane, propane & this, C4 H10


This English Romantic poet is a "slave again of love" in his Stanzas to the Po


Ascorbic acid is another name for this vitamin


This West Coast company has been refining that pure cane sugar since 1906


An underwater line that carried messages overseas, or a single message sent through it


Chicken is popularly prepared this way, Italian for "hunter's style", with mushrooms, onions & tomatoes


Sportswriter Rick Reilly wrote about lugging golf bags for Donald Trump & Jack Nicklaus in "Who's Your" this


This "imperial" surgical procedure can be used to deliver babies in distress at the time of birth

Caesarean Section

Of the first 2 people to make offerings to God, the one who had his rejected


Born Martha, this Wild West gal, Wild Bill Hickok's pal, sometimes toiled as a lady of the evening

Calamity Jane (Martha Jane Canary)

By far, it's the state with the most foreign-born people in its population


Different campuses of the university of this state are home to Anteaters, Banana Slugs & Golden Bears


No. 89 is this 1966 hit that John Phillips came up with on a cold winter's night in Manhattan

California Dreamin'

The first name of this "Ally McBeal" star means "most beautiful" in Greek

Calista (Flockhart)

It's said that when told of a bet to get more than 2 words out of him, he said, "You Lose"

Calvin Coolidge

Eternity, Truth, Obsession: they're all fragrances from this designer

Calvin Klein

This Frenchman did not allow the publication of his "Carnival of the Animals" during his lifetime

Camille Saint-Saens

Our neighbor


The pre-Columbian Hohokam Indians produced networks of these engineering marvels for their agriculture


This sign represents very sensitive people who sometimes withdraw into their little "crab" shells


Spanish for "tube", there's a grand old one in Arizona


South Africa

Cape Town

This sign of the zodiac is often depicted with the head of a goat & the tail of a fish


Simon wasn't born in Bolivia, he was born in this city, now the capital of Venezuela


Pop Rocks pop in your mouth because they contain bubbles of this gas

Carbon Dioxide

Illinois' state bird: CLAN RAID


Goatwater stew, made with goat & vegetables, is a specialty of Montserrat, an island in this sea

Caribbean Sea

His book on the evolution of the human brain is called "The Dragons of Eden"

Carl Sagan

"Hello, Dolly!" was conceived with Ethel Merman in mind, but this actress was the first to play the title role

Carol Channing

In the autumn many tree leaves turn yellow or orange because of this 8-letter pigment


Basically a garage without side walls, it's associated with 1950s architecture


A star of the "Matrix" movies, she was named after a Hollies song

Carrie-Anne Moss

Virginia Spencer Carr's "The Lonely Hunter" chronicles the life of this author

Carson Mccullers

Hey, baby, you a Gemini? These twin brothers of Helen of Troy are, literally

Castor & Pollux

Barcelona is the capital of this autonomous region of northeast Spain


Approximately 7 out of every 10 people over 75 are affected by these, a clouding of the eye lenses


Spilling the ceremonial wine might qualify as one of these disasters, from the German for "overturned"


Like Southern cooking, Thai-American cuisine features this be"whiskered" creature, deep-fried


This French actress' films include "The Umbrellas of Cherbourg" & "Indochine"

Catherine Deneuve

When 1400 actresses show up to audition for 1 part

Cattle Call

To keep it white, the head of this cruciferous vegetable is tied up in its leaves when it's young to keep the sun off


Elvis' last feature film was in this movie co-starring Mary Tyler Moore as a dedicated inner-city nun

Change Of Habit

On Christmas Day, 800, as he prayed at St. Peter's Church, he was crowned Emperor of the Romans


Charles Buchinsky

Charles Bronson

Inspired by Thomas Malthus' food-supply ideas, his 1859 book was called "the book that shook the world"

Charles Darwin

Because his proposals for constitutional change were defeated, this French president resigned in 1969

Charles De Gaulle

In December, he became head of France for the 2nd time

Charles De Gaulle

A Santa Rosa, Ca. museum devoted to this cartoonist nicknamed Sparky features a re-creation of his work studio

Charles Schulz

The Sternwheel Regatta, a 10-day river festival, is held each summer in this West Virginia capital


You'll find a hornet's nest on a tree branch depicted on this North Carolina city's seal


Ran after someone, or pure & virginal


The nymphs of Hermes taught Aristaeus to make this dairy product; perhaps it was feta


Warm some milk & add specialized bacteria, separate out the curd clumps, then shape & age the curd to make this


In 1912 New York Journal photographer James Kane coined this word to refer to sexy photographs


North Bank area known for its bun, or a presidential daughter (not a son)


Dad Bill was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford Univ.; she earned a master's in international relations at Oxford in 2003

Chelsea Clinton

A 1912 gift from Japan, the Yoshino species of this tree is found in great abundance by the Jefferson Memorial

Cherry Trees

Neil Diamond had his first Top 10 hit with this song that says, "She got the way to move me"

Cherry, Cherry

"Give 'em the old razzle dazzle, razzle dazzle 'em"


Bebe Neuwirth won a 1997 Tony for playing a homicidal hussy named Velma in this musical revival


This Midwestern city's Madison & State Streets form the basis for its address system


Gatsby's friend Meyer Wolfsheim was the man behind this 1919 sporting scandal

Chicago Black Sox

This fowl character was convinced the sky was falling after being hit on the head with an acorn

Chicken Little

The Casa of the "Royal Dog of the Americas" would be in this city twice occupied by American troops in the 1840s


Credited to Luo Guanzhong, "All Men Are Brothers" is a famous tale about an outlaw gang of this country


Max Frankel won a 1973 Prize for his reporting on President Nixon's trip to this country


Antiquers know this French term for "Chinese-style" furniture such as 18th c. Chinese Chippendale

Chinoiserie (Chinois Accepted)

This most recent Dick Grayson wore an earring

Chris O'donnell

In 1998 this "Pump Up the Volume" star mopped floors in jail while serving time for a drug-related crime

Christian Slater

In the 1950s she was the outcome of the world's first publicized sex change

Christine Jorgensen

This British architect's epitaph is "If you seek his monument, look around you"

Christopher Wren

January 1, 1971 was the last day these could be advertised on U.S. TV


This city's Red Stockings were the first baseball team to receive salaries


In an opera based on a fairy tale, this title girl gives the prince one of a pair of bracelets before leaving the ball


Let's see if all their ads have worked; company whose logo is seen here


The first of Bernard Herrmann's many film scores was for this 1941 classic

Citizen Kane

Dion Boucicault's play "Belle Lamar" is said to be based on Belle Boyd, imprisoned as a spy during this war

Civil War


Civilian Conservation Corps

Harvey Mudd & Pomona Colleges are part of this California consortium of schools


In 1931 this famed lawyer narrated "The Mystery of Life", a movie about evolution

Clarence Darrow

One of this heroine's last lines is "Poor venomous fool, be angry, and dispatch"


"It's a... fact that cows were domesticated in Mesopotamia & were also used in China as guard animals"

Cliff Clavin



Cussler's honeybee homes

Clive's Hives

In card games, the 4 of this suit is called the devil's bedposts


A rough route

Coarse Course

There are king & Asian species of this "charming" snake seen here


The Mayans' principal unit of currency was this bean

Cocoa Bean

Can't keep this co. bottled up--it was the first U.S. co. to distribute in China when that nation was opened in 1979


Abrupt withdrawal from addictive drugs

Cold Turkey

His early ambition was to be a pro soccer player, like his dad

Colin Farrell

He was the first African-American Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Colin Powell

Panamanians celebrate November 3, the day of their independence from this country


(Hi, I'm Pat Schroeder) In 1972 I became the first woman ever to be elected to Congress from this state


Because of the potential damage, potato growers are very wary of this "Rocky Mountain State" beetle

Colorado Beetle

It begins as a creek near an old mining town called Lulu City in Rocky Mountain National Park

Colorado River

The Pantone formula guide shows 1,114 of these with their corresponding ink formulas


Corinthian, Composite, Tuscan, Doric, Ionic


Some shearing goes on, but removal of fibers from the Kashmir goat is usually done with this "Kookie" accessory


It was Otto von Guericke who theorized that these "return" & Halley ursurped, er... jumped on the idea


When someone "gets" this, it's regarded as a just punishment


1989: Whitley Strieber, an abductee?


In January 1990 it voted itself out of existence & reformed as the Social Democrats

Communist Party

Multislacking means playing with one of these instead of working


Joe Lieberman


In 325 A.D. this Christian Roman emperor presided over the council of Nicaea


Draco, Lyra, Mensa


C.W. McCall: "We's headin' for bear on eye-one-oh, 'bout a mile outta Shakeytown, I says 'Pigpen, this here's Rubber Duck'"


Marcus Gavius Apicius wrote one of these in the first century; that's why Apician means gourmet


This fabric may take its name from the Old French for "cloth of the king"


Its name is an Italian corruption of the Greek Coryphai, meaning "crests"


A goddaughter of the Duke & Duchess of Windsor, this debutante used to date Sly Stallone

Cornelia Guest

The appropriate one-word title of Dr. Noguchi's 1983 bestseller


Climate change & deforestation are threats to Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve in this Central American nation

Costa Rica

Of the Western Hemisphere countries with both an Atlantic & a Pacific coast, it's the smallest in area

Costa Rica

Dracula, the bloodsucking vampire of Transylvania, sported this title


This type of chemical bond can be polar, nonpolar, single, double, triple or coordinate

Covalent Bond

The Sandhill type of this can fly; Diatryma, the predatory 7-foot "terror" type, couldn't


A swimming stroke consisting of alternating overarm strokes & a flutter kick


In 1990 this brand retired raw umber, a color whose name came from Umbria


This group made its Top 40 debut in 1968 with "Suzie Q"

Creedence Clearwater Revival (Ccr)

After a 20-year siege, the Turks took control of this Greek island in 1669 & held it for over 200 years


An association in Beijing sponsors fighting tournaments for the field type of these chirping insects


The book-of-the-month club calls this Dostoyevsky work "the greatest crime novel ever written"

Crime And Punishment

Intensive care is also called this "care", like the condition patients may be in


In case you want to "steal" a look at them, they're in a room in Wakefield Tower

Crown Jewels

Bohemond I was a great leader of the first of these expeditions, in the 1090s


From the Greek for "vault", it can mean secret or hidden, like some crossword clues


1996: Football player Rod Tidwell

Cuba Gooding, Jr.

It's the area of hardened skin at the base & sides of your fingernails, or a protective outer layer of a hair


It can mean zero; something of no value; or a coded message


Add C plus C plus C plus C plus C & you get this Roman numeral


Before a new facility was built, Love Field was this Texas city's main airport


This author of the "Guys & Dolls" stories really was from Manhattan--Manhattan, Kansas, that is

Damon Runyon

As Elwood Blues, he hosts "The House of Blues Radio Hour"

Dan Aykroyd

He was the QB for the Miami Dolphins from 1983 all the way to 1999

Dan Marino

1992: "____ at Lughnasa"


In "Royal Wedding" Fred Astaire gives a textbook demonstration of this, the title of a 1986 Lionel Richie hit

Dancing On The Ceiling

In 2002 he published "Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers"

Daniel Ellsberg

In a busy 1997, this queen of romantic novels hit the list with "The Ghost", "The Ranch", & "Special Delivery"

Danielle Steel

In German


In the film "Maverick", he has a cameo, almost recognizes Mel Gibson & says, "I'm gettin' too old for this..."

Danny Glover

This female star of "Splash" sung backup vocals on Jackson Browne's hit "You're A Friend of Mine"

Daryl Hannah

His groovin' combo is heard here

Dave Brubeck

Name of the singer whose famous features are seen here

David Bowie

Barkis, Peggotty, Steerforth

David Copperfield

This "Oleanna" playwright also wrote the movie "Wag the Dog"

David Mamet

Inside "deceased" is this word meaning deceased

Dead (In Deceased)

Dictionaries commonly describe "the" as this type of "article"


60 minutes -- on a map


Named for its builder, it's the innovative make of car seen here with its distinctive doors


This Atlanta-based airline's "flight delights" includes hummus, pita chips & a deck of miniature playing cards


In 1874 the king of this nearby Scandinavian country vested the Althing with legislative power in internal affairs


I don't want to get off on a rant, but this comic was great when he started on "MNF" in July 2000

Dennis Miller

This 60-something California tycoon became the first space tourist when he went into orbit on April 28, 2001

Dennis Tito

It's the divisor or, less technically, the bottom part of a fraction


City name for the device that keeps a parked car from going anywhere

Denver Boot

You can wear an ascot to Ascot or this hat to the horse race of the same name at Epsom Downs


November 26, 2006: Mike the plumber is arrested for murder; Edie visits him in jail & tells him she's dumping him on this series

Desperate Housewives

The "D" in radar stands for this


In 1995 Camilo Jose Vergara proposed making this city's abandoned skyscrapers a theme park


One who vigorously defends a seemingly hopeless position, perhaps like Bruce Willis


The smell of the document you receive upon graduating

Diploma Aroma

Be careful when you do a flip, that one of these back parts doesn't slip


Click on this channel & you might find yourself in the middle of "Shark Week"

Discovery Channel

In 1959 this Calif. amusement park became the first locale in the U.S. to have an operating monorail


Alabama's state nickname is the "Heart of" this region


An occupation: medico


Stratus & Stealth


"Harry the Dirty _____"


For his noise reduction systems that revolutionized the audio industry


A curvaceous blonde falls off her high heels & wakes up as POLLY TARNOD

Dolly Parton

The 2 countries in the Caribbean that border only one other nation, each other

Dominican Republic And Haiti

Ultimate deep dish/ hand tossed & crunchy thin crust/ Heatwave carriers


In the 1980s this golfer was the leading money winner 3 times on the Senior PGA circuit

Don January

As even old Aristotle once rhymed, "Well begun is half" this


She won 2 Olympic gold medals in swimming in 1964 & has covered the games for ABC

Donna De Varona

From the Latin for "sleep", it's a building at a college for housing students


"Tonstant weader fwowed up", she wrote after finding "The House At Pooh Corner" hard to swallow

Dorothy Parker

On July 8, 1950 he was named commander-in-chief of the United Nations command

Douglas Macarthur

(Sarah of the Clue Crew) When your campfire is over, you should do this to it, preferably with water


Founded in 1683 by William Penn, this city was officially laid out in 1717 over an area of 125 acres


His body came to Westminster Abbey from Africa, arriving after an 11-month journey in 1874

Dr. David Livingstone

(VIDEO DAILY DOUBLE): "(Hi, I'm astronaut Wendy Lawrence aboard the space shuttle Discovery. Many space shuttle missions have taken U.S. astronauts to the orbiting Russian space station Mir.) This woman who spent six months on Mir in 1996 holds the U.S. astronaut record for consecutive days in space"

Dr. Shannon Lucid

In a 1965 epic this Omar Sharif character keeps getting separated from his beloved Lara

Dr. Zhivago

The value of this Greek coin was originally equivalent to that of a handful of arrows


A projectile's trajectory is subject to gravity, lift & this force that's heavily dependent on nose shape


1948: Johns Hopkins scientists find that this antihistamine alleviates motion sickness


Someone considered very good-looking is said to be one of these "ships"


Frank Rich wrote you could feel Broadway history being made in this musical about a black female singing group


2 days after James Buchanan's Inauguration, the Supreme Court announced its decision regarding this man

Dred Scott

Famous poetical drinking instruction Ben Jonson gave “to Celiaâ€

Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes

Joyce made the city the setting for this 1914 story collection because it was "the centre of paralysis"


An Auburn, Indiana museum has over 15 examples of this "Duesy" of a car, including the one seen here


Not sharp & a cow's mate

Dull & Bull

John Foster Dulles

Dwight D. Eisenhower

His 1940 "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog" is semi-autobiographical

Dylan Thomas

This Welsh poet's "Fern Hill" says, "Now as I was young & easy under the apple boughs ...& happy as the grass was green"

Dylan Thomas

It's the more common name for the tympanic membrane


It's a bergamot-flavored brew

Earl Grey Tea

Once a favorite of Elizabeth I, this earl conspired against her & was executed in February 1601

Earl Of Essex

March 27, 1964 wasn't a good Good Friday in Anchorage, Alaska: one of these struck


A prop for an artist: S L


Cotopaxi, this country's highest active volcano, is only 35 miles south of Quito


In the '80s he hopped up the charts with songs like "Step by Step" & "I Love a Rainy Night"

Eddie Rabbitt

A mall is a major attraction in this Canadian provincial capital that averages 8 degrees F. in January


Roscoe was the middle name of this man known for his calm radio reportage during WWII

Edward R. Murrow

On Jan. 22, 1901 the Prince of Wales succeeded to the English throne as this king

Edward Vii

Defeated in his quest to rule Rome, Mark Antony committed suicide in this country in 30 B.C.


God guided the Israelites out of this country with a pillar of cloud by day & of fire by night


Its people called it "kemet", color of black, from land after flooding by Nile


He was better known as a bridge engineer before his "tower"ing achievement of 1889


"Arsenic and Old Lace" recommends a teaspoon of arsenic per gallon of this wine


This author of "Soul On Ice" was minister of information for the Black Panthers in the 1960s

Eldridge Cleaver

Hans Oersted & Michael Faraday were among those who found magnetism could be converted into this & vice versa


Metal can be recovered from a solution by this process, also the name of a hair-removal method


In the 1850s this man sued Isaac Singer over infringements on the patents of the sewing machine

Elias Howe

Of Elie Saab, Elie Saturn or Elie Subaru, the one who designed the gown Halle Berry wore when she won her Oscar

Elie Saab

At a Seder dinner, a ceremonial cup of wine is left for this prophet; a door is opened to welcome him, too


"Whoso loves believes the impossible", wrote this love of poet Robert in her own beguiling way

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Losing sight in the eye meant she couldn't perform surgery, but she became the USA's first woman doctor

Elizabeth Blackwell

An earthquake flattened her sitcom bookstore at the beginning of the 1995-96 season

Ellen Degeneres

In the 1970s he held more cabinet posts than anyone in U.S. historyâ€"4, including Attorney General

Elliot Richardson

Most of "Hamlet" takes place within this castle


The most popular commemorative U.S. stamp ever featured this man

Elvis Presley

It's the rudimentary plant contained within a seed, or a developing human before it's a fetus


2004: Matt Dillon; 2006: Jessica Simpson (there are 12 a year at some businesses)

Employee Of The Month

In "Home Thoughts from Abroad", Browning wrote, "Oh to be in" this place, "now that April's there"


Keep a lookout for the village of Eye in Peterborough in this country


The largest in area of the 3


This is the only European language where adjectives don't change to agree with the nouns they modify


This 1872 Samuel Butler satire has the alternate title "Over The Range"


"In the light of the moon a little egg lay on a leaf" is the first line of his story "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"

Eric Carle

In 1980 he won gold medals in all 5 men's speed skating events

Eric Heiden

After this waterway opened in 1825, freight rates between Buffalo & NYC were cut by more than 90%

Erie Canal

Classified 4-F during WWII, this swashbuckling Tasmanian only fought on film

Errol Flynn

Seen here, he "hacked" plenty of on & off-screen adventure into his life; 1909 to 1959

Errol Flynn

Make one of these & you may say my "blad"


With a tambourine & a goat, this gypsy girl dances before Notre Dame


There are links to musings by its columnists Rick Reilly & Bill Simmons, & also "Fantasy & Games"


Of Latvian, Lithuanian, or Estonian, the language not closely related to the other 2


From the Latin for "frenzy", it's the regular period of ovulation in female mammals


A color version of this toy was introduced in 1993 & it didn't use a stylus & aluminum powder

Etch A Sketch

In Rembrandt's time, his reputation for this type of art was greater than for painting


Santorini, Stromboli


Argentina cried for her when this former actress & first lady died of cancer in 1952

Eva Peron

You'll find the word "angel" in this movement that stresses the Gospels & personal salvation


Mexican presidential elections

Every 6 Years

A prefix meaning "out of", or informally, your former spouse


In this bet, the first & second place finishers in a horse race must be picked in order correctly


He's unforgivable, intolerable, unpardonable; he's Justin this, from the Latin for "accusation"


The first design of the reverse featured a scene from this biblical book with Moses on the shore of the Red Sea


You can book a trip right on the website with a link to this site whose logo shows a plane & a globe


Boyd Matson hosts this National Geographic television program


Not of this Earth


On the housefly, these are large, compound & composed of up to 4,000 individual lenses


These organs have a transparent membrane called the conjunctiva covering the front of them


1989: "The ___ Baker Boys"


An Arabic word for "poor" gave us this term for a Muslim or Hindu beggar said to have mystical powers


Even if you're not all related, we serve our portions this "style", so get used to sharing

Family Style

The name of this lively Spanish dance form has also come to mean tomfoolery


"Come, and trip it, as you go, on the light ___ toe"


Returned to youth, this Goethe professor has his way with the innocent Gretchen


Joe DiMaggio hit safely in a record 56 straight games


Alexander Pope: "Fools rush in where angels ____ ____ ____"

Fear To Tread

In January 2000 Alan Greenspan was nominated to a fourth term as chairman of this agency

Federal Reserve

On April 20, 1912 the first game at this new venue went 11 innings & ended with a Red Sox win

Fenway Park

In 1488 this king of Spain sent 100 Moorish slaves to Pope Innocent VIII who gave them as gifts to Cardinals


Captivating, or a doggie duty (8)


You're in fine fettle if you're as fit as one of these


Attention, matchmakers: Tzeitel, Hodel, Chava, Shprintze & Bielke are the 5 daughters in this musical

Fiddler On The Roof

Plots to kill this leader have involved the use of CIA-engineered exploding cigars

Fidel Castro


Field Glasses

On 2/23/94 more U.S. households tuned in to watch Nancy & Tonya in this sport than any other Olympic sportscast ever

Figure Skating

Cavemen first got it from natural sources; rubbing sticks & sparking flint came later


A mixture containing antimony is sprayed on canvas to render it this


The U.S. Treasury announced a budget surplus of $70 billion on Sept. 30, 1998, the end of this financial period

Fiscal Year

It's the "beastly" government entity known as the FWS

Fish And Wildlife Service

A 2002 study found this job, perhaps on the Dogger Bank, is Britain's riskiest profession


Intense glaciation has formed these long, steep-sided coastal inlets; the ones in Norway & Chile are especially deep


On '70s TV he often exclaimed, "The Devil made me do it!"

Flip Wilson

It's the disk that goes into your PC


Of this athlete, Pres. Clinton said, "We were dazzled by her speed, humbled by her talent & captivated by her style"

Florence Griffith Joyner ("Flojo")

Over 50 years after nursing soldiers in the Crimea, she became the first woman awarded the Brit. Order of Merit

Florence Nightingale

The dolphin & the manatee are in the swim as its state marine mammals


To build this state's Alligator Reef Light, the piles had to be driven 10 feet into solid coral


Sudden snow gust (6)


The first page in a hardbound book


This 1917 song's title was borrowed from the last line in "Shine On Harvest Moon"

For Me And My Gal

Some unkindly called this vice president & successor "Nixon's revenge"


Thinking of his sins, poet Heinrich Heine said, "Of course" God will do this to "me; that's his business"


By researching the rainiest places in the U.S., Stephenie Meyer came up with this tiny town to set her story

Forks, Washington

Brahms' Opus 55, first played April 7, 1871, was a "Triumphlied" of victory in this war

Franco-Prussian War

His directing credits include "Lost Horizon", "Arsenic and Old Lace" & "It Happened One Night"

Frank Capra

"The doctor can bury his mistakes, but we can only advise clients to plant vines", said this architect

Frank Lloyd Wright

This cop who blew the whistle on police corruption in NYC was played by Al Pacino in a 1973 film

Frank Serpico

Barry Manilow's 1998 tribute album to this singer included the songs "All The Way" & "My Kind Of Town"

Frank Sinatra

Danny Ocean, 1960

Frank Sinatra

Frank Paul Lovecchio; he rode a "Mule Train" to fame

Frankie Laine

David Hyde Pierce, on this NBC sitcom: "Her lips were saying 'No' but her eyes were saying 'Read my lips'"


"Swing Time" was the sixth film to team this pair of legendary dancers

Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers

He was born in Zelazowa Wola, near Warsaw, in 1810, to a French father & a Polish mother

Frederic Chopin

Dr. King said it's what we must let ring "from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city"


Hyphenated adjective for food quickly chilled & vacuum dehydrated to preserve freshness


In Vietnamese, this European language is known as Phap


Japan's most sacred mountain, or the brand of film one may use to photograph it


When Slim gets this hand it reminds him of Bob Saget, Lori Loughlin, & the Olsen Twins

Full House

In 1896 a $2 "Educational" Series Silver Certificate was issued featuring this steamboat designer


Elway error


The real-life murder of a Moscow student inspired him to write his 1872 novel "The Possessed"

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Bill bargained for a suit made of it

Gabardine (Bargained)

These sailing ships were the largest in the Spanish Armada


These electromagnetic beams are particularly intense in the Crab Nebula

Gamma Rays

At Santa Clara U., really talk trash as you learn about mold & rates of decomposition in "The Joy of" this


Seen here, he's given us plenty of "Happy Days"

Garry Marshall

AKA Mr. Gwen Stefani, this former singer for Bush put out a solo CD in 2008 called "Wanderlust"

Gavin Rossdale

This Polish city known for its shipyards is part of a tri-city area with Gdynia & Sopot


This hard rock bassist did a cover in March 1999; come on & give us a kiss!

Gene Simmons

4 treaties to mitigate the horrors of war were signed in this city in August 1949


You'll find the European headquarters of the U.N. in this Swiss city


In 1864 the first Red Cross conference was convened in this city

Geneva, Switzerland

1206-1227: Under this man, the Mongols kill millions seizing an empire from the Black Sea to the Pacific

Genghis Khan

Simone Boccanegra was the first doge of this city, home to Columbus


He won the heavyweight title in 1892 & was known as "Gentleman Jim" for his fancy style of dress

Gentleman Jim Corbett

An area that goes upscale, driving out low-income folks & maybe some character, is undergoing this


With little wind resistance, these domes housed the radar equipment along the DEW line

Geodesic Domes

"The Doctor's Dilemma" dramatist (4)

George Bernard Shaw

26 years after writing it for the stage, he won Oscar for the screenplay "Pygmalion"

George Bernard Shaw

Campbell was the middle name of this actor who refused an Oscar in 1971

George C. Scott

James Brown, George Clinton, Sylvester Stone

George Clinton

She created Adam Bede, Silas Marner & Daniel Deronda

George Eliot

"Lady, Be Good!" was the first show he wrote in full collaboration with his brother Ira

George Gershwin

Sir Joshua Reynolds was knighted by this king in 1769

George Iii

His dozens of country hits have included "He Stopped Loving Her Today" & "She Thinks I Still Care"

George Jones

Luke Floorwalker was the hero of my script "Store Wars", a better tale than this director's "Star Wars" movie

George Lucas

He attacked poor writing in 1946's "Politics and the English Language" before inventing Newspeak

George Orwell (Eric Blair)

After meeting this author, Chopin wondered, "Is she really a woman?"

George Sand

The first issue cost 6 pence & was published during this U.S. president's first term

George Washington

Named for the Southern poet, Lake Sidney Lanier is a popular manmade lake in this state


Liechtenstein's official language is this, with the people speaking an Alemannic dialect


Words in the English language taken directly from this language include flak, hinterland & kindergarten


Its northernmost mainland point lies on the Jutland Peninsula at its border with Denmark


Sherwood Anderson & Ernest Hemingway were among the expatriate writers who hung out at her Paris salon

Gertrude Stein

In this spy film a phone-throwing Steve Carell unleashed "the element of surpraaaah...!"

Get Smart

"You just can't imagine the thrill of shooting the curl", said this 1959 Sandra Dee character


Hey, dude, this 1959 Sandra Dee film led to the TV series that made Sally Field a star


Harry Potter accomplishes the task of breathing underwater with the help of this weed


Donald L. Coburn's "The ____ Game"


Hendrick's & Boodles


Before she was shipwrecked, this "Gilligan's Island" character made films like "Mohawk Over the Moon"

Ginger (The Character Tina Louise Played)

Ironically, this Milli Vanilli album went to No. 1 in 1989

Girl You Know It's True

"All the World's a Stage" is from "As You Like It", the first comedy Shakespeare wrote for this theater

Globe Theater

The opposite of matte, it follows "lip" in a cosmetic that makes lips shiny


"Firefly" is a compound word, & so is this term for a wingless firefly


In medicine, "blood sugar" refers to levels of this monosaccharide


The 4 words preceding "...and grow up with the country"

Go West, Young Man

Used in bags, wallets & belts, Moroccan leather comes from this animal


The 2 participants in a conversation up on Mount Sinai in Exodus 3

God & Moses

The serpent said that on eating the fruit, "Ye shall be as" these, "knowing good and evil"


1950s Tokyo-threatening titan (8)


A museum on Main Street is named for this Klondike event that turned 1890s Seattle into a boom town

Gold Rush

You can visit this sport's hall of fame on PGA Blvd. in Pinehurst, North Carolina


Champion of Gath in the First Book of Samuel


A regular on "Hee Haw", George Lindsey played this "nutty" character on "Mayberry, RFD"


This Matt Damon-Ben Affleck movie grew out of a scene Matt wrote for a playwriting class at Harvard

Good Will Hunting

"1876" novelist who also styles hair

Gore Vidal Sassoon

Damaging emails liven things up at the Constance Billard & St. Jude's graduation on this show

Gossip Girl

So my ankles are sore & swollen--doesn't mean I have this painful arthritic buildup of uric acid in my joints


Guinness says this star of "Rear Window" was Eisenhower's favorite actress

Grace Kelly

In 1991 Cyd Charisse made her Broadway debut as the ballerina in this musical set in Germany

Grand Hotel

On "Hee Haw", he was the man who was often asked, "What's for supper?"

Grandpa Jones

The "lead" used in pencils is actually this form of carbon once thought to be a type of lead


"Hopelessly Devoted to You" (1978)


A beloved high school musical, it's also what the buffet home fries are dripping with


Do not go gentle into this "ursine" Canadian lake / Rage, rage against the cold; it can be just too much to take

Great Bear Lake

The Blue Ridge Parkway connects Shenandoah National Park in Virginia with this North Carolina-Tennessee park

Great Smoky Mountains (National Park)

This phrase once meant a Caucasian who could outbox Jack Johnson; later it referred to any promising leader

Great White Hope

Eleanor the cow swallowed Eb's radio on "Music to Milk By", a 1967 episode of this classic down-on-the-farm sitcom

Green Acres

There are 2 major ice sheets on Earth; one covers most of Antarctica & the other most of this island


This 840,000-square mile area belonging to Denmark lies within 15 miles of Canada


He began monk-ing around with garden peas in 1856

Gregor Mendel

We were "Spellbound" when Eldred Peck acted under this name

Gregory Peck

She was only in her 30s when she retired from film after the release of "Two-Faced Woman" in 1941

Greta Garbo

"Pardon me, but do you have any" of this fancy mustard?

Grey Poupon

The cut in a board meant for the tongue, & a small forested area

Groove & Grove

Jazzmen used this slang word in the '40s; Tommy Dorsey insisted it had nothing to do with lines on a record's surface


It's the ceremony that starts a construction project


Every December 12, Mexicans converge on a basilica in Mexico City to honor the virgin of this place


"Arthur-itative" sources say her name is Welsh for "white" or "fair"


The cover seen here is from a Penguin Classic of this 1726 novel

Gulliver's Travels

Her husband, from the band Bush, could tell you she's sung about rich, Orange County & Harajuku girls

Gwen Stefani

His rescue of 2 EDS employees from a prison in Iran was the subject of Ken Follett's "On Wings of Eagles"

H. Ross Perot

The National Archives displays a copy of the Magna Carta on loan from this Dallas businessman

H. Ross Perot

Link Larkin, Amber Von Tussle, Wilbur Turnblad


February 7, 1986: ending a 28-year family dynasty, "president for life" Jean-Claude Duvalier flees this island nation


In 2008 pirates twice boarded ships at Port-au-Prince in this country


In Jan. 2010, D.O.T. Sec. Ray LaHood announced he was sending 5 Merchant Marine vessels to help with relief in this country


At the 2006 Winter Olympics, Shaun White took gold in this snowboarding competition


"Neither a borrower nor a lender be"


"Small Village"


"To be or not to be...that is a real head-scratcher"


This tragedy has got to be set in a small village, hence the title


Oscar-winning actor Tom's practical jokes

Hanks' Pranks

The Second Punic War ended in 201 B.C when this Carthaginian general made peace with Rome


Act III of this 1893 Engelbert Humerpdinck opera features the "Gingerbread Waltz"

Hansel And Gretel

Gave refuge to the right side of a ship

Harbored Starboard

George Clooney boycotted "Entertainment Tonight" to protest this TV newsmagazine videotaping him

Hard Copy

He won the 100m in 1924, & over 50 years later, he "won" it again in "Chariots of Fire"

Harold Abrahams

"Little Lady" depicted here who wrote the bestselling American novel of the 1850s

Harriet Beecher Stowe ("Uncle Tom's Cabin")

Death claims this antislavery novelist whose most famous work was serialized in 1851

Harriet Beecher Stowe ("Uncle Tom's Cabin")

This woman's work on the Underground Railroad later inspired an opera called "She Never Lost a Passenger"

Harriet Tubman

In Paris order up a Bloody Mary at this bar, a favorite of Hemingway's, where it was created

Harry's Bar

A monument dedicated to the men who lost their lives on the USS Maine stands in this capital's Parque del Maine


124 islets, reefs & shoals & 8 major islands make up this U.S. state


The only palaces on U.S. soil that were built for monarchs are found in this state


Iolani Palace in Honolulu was seen as the headquarters for the state police unit on this '70s TV series

Hawaii Five-O

"H" is for this 1956 song for which Elvis found "a new place to dwell"--at the top of the charts

Heartbreak Hotel

The New York Times wondered if the death of this actor, who plays the Joker, will make "The Dark Knight" darker

Heath Ledger

Ben Hecht's partner, Chas. MacArthur, was married to this "First Lady of the American Theater"

Helen Hayes

"Shalom Aloha"

Hello Goodbye

In the 19th c. this plant first cultivated in China had become so widely used that its name came to mean "rope"


...beginning in the 1950s was ambassador to the U.N., to South Vietnam & to West Germany

Henry Cabot Lodge

His museum in Dearborn, Michigan was once known as "Henry's Attic"

Henry Ford

Hefty king whose sister Mary was the grandmother of Lady Jane Grey

Henry Viii

The descendants of this "labor"er are known as Heraclidae


They were the 2 parents of a son who ended up half man, half woman

Hermes & Aphrodite

"House Hunters", "Lien On Me" & "Closet Cases" are shows on this network


The 9th sect. of this Longfellow poem begins, "On the shores of Gitche Gumee, of the shining Big-Sea-Water"


On July 28, 1996 the USA's Charles Austin set the Olympic record in this event with a leap of 7' 10"

High Jump

In 2001 she became the first first lady to win elective office, becoming a senator from N.Y.

Hillary Clinton

After bidding on about $3 million in goods, 13-year-old Andrew Tyler was banned by eBay & by this pair

His Parents

The 5 words that follow "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!" in the first verse of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic"

His Truth Is Marching On

In "GoldenEye" Bond's belt shot out a rappeling cord; in "The World Is Not Enough", this accessory did it

His Watch

College major of the man (Newt Gingrich) seen here; he's also taught the subject


The Navajos build these traditional dwellings out of earth & mud


The famous hideout in Wyoming's Powder River country used by the Wild Bunch, Butch Cassidy's gang

Hole In The Wall

On TV this Springfield safety inspector once corrected someone who said nuclear instead of "nucular"

Homer Simpson

The last stage of an undertaking, or the last part of a race


Nicolas Cage (of course) skydives into Vegas with a troup of Elvis impersonators in this 1992 comedy

Honeymoon In Vegas

Among cobras, the Indian cobra has the best developed one of these features


Richard Llewellyn novel with coal miner Gwilym Morgan & minister Mr. Gruffydd

How Green Was My Valley

In his "24 Rules for Learners", he said, "When in doubt, win the trick"


In "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", he was "The juvenile pariah of the village", the "son of the town drunkard"

Huckleberry Finn

In 1905 this still-controversial Twain book was banned because a character said sweat instead of perspiration

Huckleberry Finn

He became king of France in 987, beginning a dynasty of 14 kings

Hugh Capet

He played "The Gentleman on the Plane" in a "Friends" episode before becoming "House M.D."

Hugh Laurie

Jefferson: "When in the course of bleep events, it becomes necessary for one people..."


Shades of Scrooge? Chapter XVI is "The Magic Art of the Great" this 6-letter word for "impostor"


In Houston in the summer, this averages over 90% for the morning


Jean Froissart died in his 60s around 1400, so he only got to chronicle about half of this war

Hundred Years' War

Greek for the upper abdomen, supposed seat of melancholy, gave us this word for anxiety about health


The administration of drugs was made much easier by this 1853 invention seen here

Hypodermic Needle

In 1998 this largest automaker of South Korea acquired a major stake in Kia Motors


1020 Palm Drive, Cocoa Beach, Florida was home to all the magical fun on this classic sitcom

I Dream Of Jeannie

They're the 3 words that complete Benjamin Disraeli's famous quote, "When I want to read a book..."

I Write One

His statement to Othello, "My Lord, you know I love you", is not entirely truthful


Ian Holm, Ian Fleming, Ian Paisley

Ian Fleming

Cool it! The German "eis" gives us this word


Biology majors at Humboldt might take mammalogy, herpetology or this, the study of fish


In 1913 this Kiev-born aircraft designer built Le Grand, the world's first 4-engine plane

Igor Sikorsky

When "Fantasia" was released in 1940, he was the only one of its composers still alive to hear his music

Igor Stravinsky

If you're leaving Normal, you're leaving a university town near Bloomington in this "Prairie State"


It's the dentist's term for "heavily-wedged" & applies to some wisdom teeth


1967: James Coburn battles a secret society of women plotting to take over the world

In Like Flint

After the death of a friend, Tennyson wrote poems on death, faith & immortality that he linked in this elegy

In Memoriam

They're the ancient South American people who built the lost city seen here (Machu Picchu)


Cotton's father, this Puritan minister was also president of Harvard

Increase Mather

Country whose languages include Gujarati, Assamese & Punjabi


Jammu, the former seat of the Rajput dynasty, is found in this country


Morarji Desai, former prime minister of this country, died in 1995 aged 99 (or just 24)


"Oh the moonlight's fair tonight along the Wabash"


The Democratic Convention's keynote address was given by Evan Bayh, the governor of this state


When driving through South Bend in this state, you can visit the Studebaker National Museum


The Wonowidjojos & former president Suharto are among this country's wealthiest citizens


A Scandinavian movie director: "The Magic Lantern"

Ingmar Bergman

In 1862 Darwin published a book on how orchids are fertilized by these creatures


Boldly rude or disrespectful


1993: this company introduces its Pentium processor


So when you're happy (hooray!) or sad (aw!) or frightened (eek!) or mad (rats!): hooray, aw, eek, rats


As CEO, Harold S. Geneen led this communications company abbreviated ITT in acquiring 350 companies

International Telephone & Telegraph

From the Old English for "twisted thread", to twist 2 or more fibers together to form a single strand


On Dec. 28, 1846 it joined the U.S. as the 29th state


On March 23, 2010 the State Dept. issued a warning on going to this Mideast country; hiking its border is a bad idea, too


April Glaspie, ambassador to this nation, held a controversial meeting with Saddam Hussein July 25, 1990


Adjective meaning feeling great anger


Standish O'Grady was known for writing histories of this country, his birthplace


In an unsold pilot, this "Fame" singer starred as aspiring singer "Irene"

Irene Cara

Don't take this the wrong way: it's the most used & cheapest metal


He wrote the songs "There's No Business Like Show Business" & "White Christmas"

Irving Berlin

Spain's queen Joan the Mad & Catherine of Aragon


Libya's national flag is solid green & represents this religion


In December 1993 the Catholic Church agreed to establish diplomatic ties with this state founded in 1948


Appropriately, this 1967 song is a duet by Marvin Gaye & Kim Weston

It Takes Two

In this language, Fra Diavolo means "brother devil"; you'll know why when you eat it


Stadio Giuseppe Meazza


Ruling Muscovy from 1462 to 1505, he was "The Great"; it was the IV who was the terrible one

Ivan (Iii)

Sergei ran afoul of Stalin while making a film on the life & times of this brutal czar

Ivan The Terrible

Having over 50,000 members puts this "angler" author's league in the big leagues

Izaak Walton League

They're the 3 letters above the number 5 on a standard telephone button


He's credited with establishing the world's largest fingerprint file

J. Edgar Hoover

Bilbo Baggins

J.R.R. Tolkien

In 1917 he began "The Silmarillion", a history of Middle Earth before the Hobbits appeared

J.R.R. Tolkien

Harry Patterson wrote the spy novels "Storm Warning" & "The Eagle Has Landed" under this pen name

Jack Higgins

This plant, the silent preacher, changes sex during its life, perhaps going from a Jack to a Jill


These 2 sisters-in-law have each won 3 Olympic gold medals in track & field events

Jackie Joyner-Kersee & Florence Griffith-Joyner

This First Lady referred to her husband's circle of advisers as the "Murphia"

Jackie Kennedy

The seal of this Southern city shows the seventh U.S. president on horseback

Jacksonville, Fl (Andrew Jackson)

He gave his brother Esau over 300 animals, including 20 female donkeys


Rachel became jealous of Leah's fertility & told this husband, "Give me children, or else I die"


The Chinese call it the "jewel of heaven" & believe it protects against accidents


In 1619 the Dutch East India Company took it over & began rebuilding it in the form of a Dutch city with many canals


On a plane trip to this capital, you'd likely land at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport


This tropical island has roads linking Port Antonio, Montego Bay & Kingston


...who first met Samuel Johnson May 16, 1763

James Boswell

His 1993 novel "Gai-Jin" takes place in 19th century Japan

James Clavell

The unit of magnetic flux abbreviated Mx was named for this physicist

James Clerk Maxwell

Chief Conanchet is a major character in "The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish", an 1829 novel by this American author

James Fenimore Cooper

Our shortest president, his fear of crowds made him almost hysterical when asked to speak in public

James Madison

In 1733 this Georgia Governor ordered Tybee Island Lighthouse to be built; it was America's tallest at 90 feet

James Oglethorpe

After meeting this woman at the Rockford Female Seminary, Ellen Gates Starr founded Hull House with her

Jane Addams

"On Golden Pond" (2 of 'em)

Jane And Henry

Traditionally, this name is given to a woman whose identity is unknown during legal proceedings

Jane Doe

Her latest exercise video is called "Her Lean Routine"; we don't know if Ted Turner uses it

Jane Fonda

Before becoming attorney general of the U.S., she was state attorney for Dade County, Florida

Janet Reno

A long-necked lute called the samisen is a popular instrument of this country


He ultimately got "fleeced" by Medea


This "90210" star was badly injured in 2002 going 180 mph at the Kentucky Speedway

Jason Priestley

This artist has made a bronze sculpture of two beer cans as well as paintings of the U.S. flag

Jasper Johns

In 1677 this dramatist's play "Phedre" was produced & he became Louis XIV's official historian

Jean Racine

This '60s "White Rabbit" band mutated into Starship in the 80s

Jefferson Airplane

Miles drew criticism after the Civil War for imprisoning this former Confederate president in leg irons

Jefferson Davis

Ronald Reagan's Presidential library boasts an unusual portrait of Reagan made from 10,000 of these beans

Jelly Beans

This ex-governor of Minnesota rumbled in the jungle with Arnie in "Predator"

Jesse Ventura

This PBS "newshour" anchor edited the student newspaper at Victoria College in Beaumont, Texas

Jim Lehrer

This Dolphins coach has a yacht named Three Rings for his 2 Super Bowl titles & 1 college championship

Jimmie Johnson

At the start of his Presidential campaign, he said "I'm not from Washington and I'm not a lawyer"

Jimmy Carter

The Who's demo of "I Can't Explain" featured this Led Zeppelin guitarist

Jimmy Page

The 1st Olympic marathon for women was won by this American in 1984

Joan Benoit Samuelsson

Patient & faithful Old Testament figure's ear parts

Job's Lobes

They can be ankle-high boots worn for riding or the flaring breeches worn with them


In 2006 at Penn commencement, Yakov Smirnoff got his Masters in positive psych & this "Nell" actress gave a speech

Jodie Foster

He uses his muscle to oversee a $400 million health & fitness empire based in Woodland Hills, California

Joe Weider

Brer Bear is one of the animals in his "Uncle Remus" stories

Joel Chandler Harris

It's the usual 2-word nickname for "Matrix" & "Memento" actor Joe Pantoliano

Joey Pants

Like Nathan Hale, this British major was caught in civillian clothes and hanged as a spy

John Andrã©

Christopher Plummer won for his magnificent portrayal of this actor known as the "Great Profile"

John Barrymore

This song was written to tease a Civil War sergeant who had the same name as the abolitionist

John Brown's Body

In 1962 he went into space; in 1975, he went into the Senate

John Glenn

"The Dead" (1987)

John Huston

Oscar winner Anjelica

John Huston

If she was still married to this man, Julia Thorne might have hit the campaign trail, instead of Teresa Heinz

John Kerry

Succeeding his brother Richard the Lionhearted as king, he also succeeded in alienating everyone he knew

John Lackland

This ex-Beatle co-wrote & sang back-up on "Fame", Bowie's first song to hit No. 1 in the U.S.

John Lennon

Justice Harlan was named for this earlier justice & served nearly as long, 1877-1911

John Marshall

Of John Riggins, O.J. Simpson, or Jim Brown, the 1 holding record for most TDs scored in an NFL season

John Riggins

This outlaw's father, a minister, gave him his first & middle names after an 18th century English clergyman

John Wesley Hardin

In a classic "Twilight Zone" episode, a time traveler tries to save Lincoln but is drugged by this man

John Wilkes Booth

In the '50s this movie Tarzan was still hanging out with a chimp, but he wore more than a loincloth as TV's "Jungle Jim"

Johnny Weissmuller

It was the last name of the 17th & 36th presidents

Johnson (Andrew & Lyndon)

This pitcher known for his postgame jigs was on the mound to close out the Red Sox' 2007 World Series victory

Jonathan Papelbon

You might say this season 6 winner is so electrifying that she gives off discharges

Jordin Sparks

In 1968 he "Lit a Fire" under traditionalists with his bluesy version at the World Series

Jose Feliciano

The gospel according to Mark doesn't mention this husband of Mary by name


His experiences as a bombardier in WWII were the basis of the novel "Catch-22"

Joseph Heller

This dictator was born on December 21, 1879 in the city of Gori, Georgia

Joseph Stalin

It's the celebration of a special anniversary, perhaps the "diamond" one


Built in 1763, the oldest existing house of worship of this religion in the U.S. is in Rhode Island


Samuel Sewall was the only one of these officials who publicly admitted his guilt after the trials


Her dad George works for Spacely Sprockets

Judy Jetson

Gastric ____ box


A party of this leader's so-called friends conspired to kill him, & did, in March 44 B.C.

Julius Caesar

"I like New York in" this month, "How about you?"


Io is seduced into orbiting this planet


In population, this city on the Rio Grande is the largest Mexican city on the border with the U.S.


(AUDIO DAILY DOUBLE): Heard here, this singer hails from the small prairie town of Consort: "Constant cravings...."

K.D. Lang

Freed from the Taliban, in 2001 men in this capital lined up for their first shaves in 5 years


This troubled capital lies 5,890 feet above sea level in the Hindu Kush mountains

Kabul, Afghanistan

On January 18, 1871 the German Empire's Wilhelm I received this title which means "emperor"


Sesame seed roll, or a German emperor (6)


You're on a roll if you know this was the title of the German emperor from 1871 to 1918


It's the third-largest city in Kansas

Kansas City

Missouri poet Eugene Field wrote about this city's paper, "Twinkle, twinkle little Star, bright and gossipy you are"

Kansas City

"The Human Mind" & "Man Against Himself" were written by this Topeka, Kansas psychiatrist

Karl Menninger

In 1982 President Reagan awarded this "God Bless America" singer the Presidential Medal of Freedom

Kate Smith

This designer known for her handbags is comic David Spade's sister-in-law

Kate Spade

This Irish form of Katherine is currently one of the 100 most popular names for girls


This country, home to Borat, misspelled the word "bank" on its currency


Off the coast of California, this brown seaweed can grow almost a foot a day




A whole seed grain of corn, or a military rank


This actor who plays Hercules has become one of TV's leading heartthrobs

Kevin Sorbo

(Jimmy of the Clue Crew) As opposed to backlight or fill light, the main spotlight in a scene is usually called this light

Key Light

In real life it was the nickname of welterweight champ Benny Paret; in the movies, of the "Galahad" played by Elvis


In 2004 some residents of this city, Vermont's largest & most bustling ski area, wanted to secede & join N.H.


Shortly after independence in 1956, Mohammed V changed his title from sultan to this


Laurence Harvey reigned in this regal role in the 1964 London production of "Camelot"

King Arthur

Saudi Arabia's King Fahd is a half brother of this monarch who was murdered in 1975

King Faisal

He invented a razor with disposable blades after experts at M.I.T. told him it was impossible

King Gillette

A translation of the Bible: KJV

King James Version

Demented dad: LINK RAGE

King Lear

This king was granted his wish to have the golden touch before he realized he couldn't eat gold food

King Midas

Smenkare of the 18th Dynasty

King Tut

2004: Liam Neeson as this behavioral researcher


11th, 12th, 13th letters


In the familiar jokes, it precedes "Who's there?"

Knock Knock

"Gosford Park", "Random Hearts", "The Horse Whisperer"

Kristin Scott Thomas

It's no secret--the name of this element that makes up a tiny fraction of the atmosphere is from the Greek for "hidden"


The name of this small oil-rich state at the head of the Persian Gulf means "little fort"


An anagram of the present-day capital, this city was the capital of Japan from 794 to 1868


It's the Roman numeral for 50


Spell loot & liar this way to turn them into musical instruments

L-U-T-E & L-Y-R-E

In 1900 he sent the Library of Congress $2.20 to copyright his "The Navy Alphabet" & another, more "Wonderful", book

L. Frank Baum

While singing "A Little More Mascara", Albin tranforms himself into Zaza in this musical

La Cage Aux Folles

In June 1812, Napoleon sent this French army to defeat the Russians -- didn't work

La Grande Armã©E (The Grand Army)

Bellini's 1831 opera "Norma" had its world premiere at this Milan opera house

La Scala

In 2001 you could have taken in performances of "Il Grande Gatsby" & "Turandot" at this famous opera house in Milan

La Scala

A 1937 general strike in Trinidad is commemorated every June 19, celebrated as this day

Labor Day

Not surprisingly, the French town of Chantilly is known for this type of fabric


She's a ____ Marmalade


During the 1960 presidential campaign, this Texan was called the Democrats' "secret weapon"

Lady Bird Johnson

This term used to designate all monks in Tibetan Buddhism means "superior one"


The luxo, with springs to tilt it at the correct angle, is a favorite desktop one of these


Judge Ito, or a weapon


On his third voyage, Gulliver encountered this floating island populated by philosophers


In a 1972 book, Hunter S. Thompson sent Raoul Duke & Dr. Gonzo to this city to cover the Mint 400 race

Las Vegas

This gambling mecca was originally settled by Mormons back in 1855

Las Vegas

From the Latin for "of the side", it's a type of football pass


Take out the "U" in a synonym for "to praise" & you get a youthful boy

Laud & Lad

To cachinnate is to do this loudly, maybe while watching your favorite sitcom


7-8-9: A type of hyena


Don't giggle, this gas, the first chemical anesthetic, began life as a party fad

Laughing Gas/Nitrous Oxide

This author of "The Alexandria Quartet" was the elder brother of zoologist & writer Gerald Durrell

Lawrence Durrell

"Weary Blues" was the unlikely title of a 1956 hit from this purveyor of upbeat champagne music

Lawrence Welk

In mythology: Hero & ___


Goneril is the eldest of his 3 daughters


Orangutans are tool-using animals; they use sticks to dig & these to soak up water & to clean themselves


He's the tough guy turned leading man profiled here

Lee Marvin

Nickname shared by Hall of Fame pitchers Steve Carlton & Robert Grove


Samuel Beckett wrote "Waiting for Godot"; Clifford Odets wrote "Waiting for" this man


In February 2000 American Airlines began removing some coach seats on its aircraft to allow for more of this


Meet me in the library for a liaison at your liesure


The bright star Regulus represents the lion's foot in this constellation


1 of 2 Spinks brothers to win boxing gold medals at the 1976 games

Leon Or Michael

Yuri Churbanov, son-in-law of this Soviet leader, was tried for taking bribes

Leonid Brezhnev

This breed used to guard monasteries

Lhasa Apso

This flamboyant pianist said he did "Reader's Digest versions of concertos"


At 136 degrees F., the hottest place ever recorded on Earth was near Tripoli in this country in 1922


At 9:32 A.M. on July 16, 1969, Jack King declared, "We have" this "on Apollo 11"


He eulogized George Washington as "first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen"

Light Horse Harry Lee

The flowers of the lily of this are used to make the French toilet water eau d'or


Mark Twain said this slug-making machine could work like 6 men & do everything but drink, swear & go out on strike

Linotype Machine

Speech sound formed by the active use of these is called labial


It's the monetary unit of Vatican City


Called the "Napoleon of the Piano", this Hungarian virtuoso played 1,000 concerts in less than 10 years


In 1968 O.C. Smith sang, "God didn't make" these "and it don't snow in Minneapolis when the winter comes"

Little Green Apples

"L.H.O.T.P" by Laura Ingalls Wilder

Little House On The Prairie

In this 1935 novel Laura & her family leave the big woods & go west in a covered wagon

Little House On The Prairie

"She'll make you live her crazy life but she'll take away your pain, like a bullet to your brain" in this 1999 song

Livin' La Vida Loca

"Life Is A Cabaret" for this star who was 19 when she won a Best Actress Tony for "Flora, The Red Menace"

Liza Minnelli

Joan Alexander played this role on "The Adventures of Superman"

Lois Lane

Thomas addressed the Blitz in "A Refusal to Mourn the Death, by Fire, of a Child in" this city



Los Angeles

Desmond David Hume, Jin-Soo Kwon, Claire Littleton


Cal Ripken broke this man's consecutive -games record

Lou Gehrig

This Auchincloss used the pen name Andrew Lee in his first novel, "The Indifferent Children"

Louis Auchincloss

Prosecuting the "Pizza Connection" case before becoming FBI director in 1993

Louis Freeh

In 1770 Marie Antoinette married the Dauphin who would become this king of France 4 years later

Louis Xvi

The parishes in this state's East Gulf Coastal Plain are called the "Florida Parishes"


Made for over a century by Hillerich & Bradsby Inc., it's the best-known brand of baseball bat

Louisville Slugger

"Love and the Spaced-Out Chick"

Love, American Style

If you lack good fortune, you're out of this


Despite his "fortunate" nickname, this gangster was deported to Italy in '46

Lucky Luciano

Founded in Cologne, this German airline really took off in 1953


On a meal break in Alabama, you might visit the museum for these; it also includes thermoses


The hunt is on for Peter Lorre in this 1931 Fritz Lang film about a child murderer


In 1881 this nut was introduced to Hawaii when the first tree was planted at Kapulena on the island of Hawaii


You'll earn a feather for your cap if you know Caroline Kennedy had a pony named this


"Someone left the cake out in the rain, I don't think that I could take it 'cause it took so long to bake it..."

Macarthur Park

This country is located across the Mozambique Channel from the coast of Africa


Courtney Love said of this singer, "Every decade has its star...but the '80s are over"


All distances in Spain are measured from kilometer 0 on the Puerta Del Sol in this capital city


2-word "conjuring" brand name for a felt-tip pen that comes in many colors

Magic Marker

Sirius is really bright--it has an apparent this of -1.44 (the lower the brighter)


Dots make up 36 of the tiles in this Chinese game; there are also cracks & winds

Mah Jongg

Years after his death, the social teachings of this man reached into the heart of America: (died in 1948)

Mahatma Gandhi

Transmitted by a mosquito bite, protozoans called plasmodia cause this dangerous disease


Justin Berfield is actually younger than Frankie Muniz, but he played his older brother Reese on this sitcom

Malcolm In The Middle

It's been ruled by the Phoenicians, Romans, Arabs, Normans, Knights, France, Britain & since 1964, itself


In her final big screen role, Lucy coaxed the blues right out of the horn as the auntie in this musical with a one-word title


Once a teenaged muleteer in a San Diego production, Brian Stokes Mitchell now has the lead in this show on Broadway

Man Of La Mancha

Laurence Olivier sets dentistry back about 1,000 years as he works on Dustin in this film; that's not safe at all

Marathon Man

These toys represent one's common sense; don't "lose" them


He's described as "The triple pillar of the world transformed into a strumpet's fool"

Marc Antony

Until 1752, the 13 colonies observed Annunciation Day, the 25th of this month, as new year's


In 1935 she sent a telegram to a Macmillan editor: "Please send manuscript back I've changed my mind"

Margaret Mitchell (\"Gone With The Wind\")

In 1972 this real-life heroine of "The Sound of Music" published her autobiography, "Maria"

Maria Von Trapp

Daughter of an opera singer heard here with a 1992 No. 1 hit: ("I'll Be There")

Mariah Carey

1859: This author receives his steamboat pilot's license

Mark Twain

In "Blazing Saddles", Madeleine Kahn as Lili Vonshtupp parodied this legendary German

Marlene Dietrich

American flags flew at half-mast when this Frenchman died in Paris May 20, 1834

Marquis De Lafayette

Science: "Rover" around & discover that a "year" on this planet lasts 687 days


Aaron Copland composed "Appalachian Spring" for this choreographer

Martha Graham

(Sarah of the Clue Crew at Motown Records in Detroit) Diana Ross was once a secretary at Motown, as was this singer before she went "Dancing in the Street" with the Vandellas

Martha Reeves

Seen here, he ran for president three times, but only won the first time in 1836

Martin Van Buren

The author of "A Stranger is Watching", she's been called "America's Queen of Suspense"

Mary Higgins Clark

The first two presidents not born in Virginia were born in what is now this state


The war began during Thomas Gage's tenure as the last British governor of this colony


A phillumenist--these smoking aids


If you like singing furniture--& who doesn't?--you'll love "L'enfant et les sortileges" by this "Bolero" composer

Maurice Ravel

Of Malta, Mauritius or Mauritania, the one that isn't an island


This chain with a month as its name has acquired stores like Kaufmann's in Pittsburgh & Robinson's in L.A.

May Company (May's Department Store Accepted)

Ernest Rutherford was working at this Montreal university when he explained how radioactivity works


Grassy field that joins with "lark"


A songbird of the genus Sturnella, or a Globetrotter of the Genius variety


A free-floating jellyfish is called this, also the name of a mythological snake-haired woman


The tempter in Goethe's "Faust" goes by this 14-letter name


On his dad Duke's death in 1974, he took over the orchestra

Mercer Ellington

Betty Crocker has a recipe for rhubarb pie topped with this fluff made from egg whites


The iron first used by man was probably taken from these that fell to Earth


In 1968 Placido made his debut at this New York opera house with only 35 minutes notice

Metropolitan Opera House

During Polk's administration, the U.S. waged this war of expansion from 1846 to 1848

Mexican-American War

This country calls an 1846 to 1848 military conflict "The War of American Aggression"


...the Hollywood sign

Mexico City

Diego Rivera created a mural called "Creation" for the National Preparatory School in this capital city

Mexico City

"Soccer player... (She) debuted with national team against China on 8-3-87 as its youngest player ever, at age 15"

Mia Hamm

This soccer player whose real first name is Mariel is one of 4 women to have scored over 100 goals in international play

Mia Hamm

They say piv while stealing havarti & squitt squitt if they get into the provolone


2007: George Clooney is the fixer for a law firm

Michael Clayton

In his 1st feature film, he played The Scarecrow in “The Wizâ€

Michael Jackson

This TV "Pretender" was the voice of "Disney's Tarzan" on TV

Michael T. Weiss

Walking stick for 1966's "Alfie"

Michael's Cane

In 2002, at age 12, she became the youngest golfer ever to qualify for an LPGA event

Michelle Wie

This Pulitzer Prize-winner by Jeffrey Eugenides follows a Greek family from Smyrna to the Detroit suburbs


Ogden Nash "The cow is of the bovine ilk; one end is moo, the other, ____"


Penelope Ann, Glenn, Arthur


A type of cereal & forage grass


On trial for war crimes, he was found dead in his cell in The Hague March 11, 2006


To drink, you may want metaliko nero, this non-potent potable

Mineral Water

Columbus carried a letter from Ferdinand to the Grand Khan not knowing this dynasty was now in power

Ming Dynasty

The Dodge Caravan & the Plymouth Voyager, for example


This state's 3rd district is a major shopping district; the Mall of America is there


"They're team is dead...they knew we were coming"

Mission: Impossible

"Sip" your favorite libation while you're in this state


A 1795 land fraud case concerned land near the Yazoo, a tributary of this American river

Mississippi River

Its upper part runs clear; it clouds up near Great Falls, Montana & gets muddier from there


The lowest point in the great state of Nebraska is a spot along this river that forms its eastern border

Missouri River

"I'll be home for Christmas, you can plan on me, please have snow and" this "and presents on the tree"


"Windy" novelist Margaret & lady astronomer Maria


An organelle in the cytoplasm of cells that functions in energy production


(Jimmy of the Clue Crew at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh) Term for a machine, like these small robots, that's an assembly of interchangeable, smaller units


A woolly growth produced by a fungus; don't eat the Jell-O if there's some on it


In 1866 a leper colony was founded on this Hawaiian island's Kalaupapa Peninsula


It's famous for its luxury hotels; it's on the Riviera; Princess Stephanie was born there


Luxembourg, Andorra, Monaco


The ancient Greek name of this country means "one house", maybe reflecting that the area had only 1 temple


A 2010 paper shows Megan's amygdala maintains her "loss aversion" when faced with decisions about risking this


This cobra killer was introduced into the Western Hemisphere to kill rats but has done more harm to birds


The March 9, 1862 battle of these 2 ships was the 1st conflict between ironclads

Monitor & Merrimac

The world champion at this game gets $15,140, the amount of money in it


A pen with 1,400 diamonds depicting a mountain range was created in 2006 to celebrate this company's 100th anniversary


The 2009 Pulitzer for history went to Annette Gordon-Reed for "The Hemingses of" this home


Hockey's hard-hitting "Boom Boom" Bernie Geoffrion played for this team in the '50s

Montreal Canadiens

The moon speed record, 11.2 MPH, was achieved by this vehicle during the Apollo 16 mission

Moon Rover

A lunar eating utensil

Moon Spoon

Famous in Utah, this type of cricket that's actually a katydid bears the name of a religion

Mormon Cricket

The Spanish ports of Ceuta & Melilla actually lie on the Mediterranean coast of this North African nation


Poet Alexander Pushkin's home at 53 Arbat Street in this capital is now a museum


In a Brecht play, she schleps through the 30 Years' War as her children are taken from her one by one

Mother Courage

The inner iridescent layers of the shells of many bivalve mollusks

Mother Of Pearl

Elijah took on 450 prophets of Baal & 400 from Asherah on the slopes of this mountain above Haifa

Mount Carmel

Seen here is one of Hokusai's famous wood-block prints of this mountain

Mount Fuji

Please excuse this tallest peak in the Cascades -- although it is dormant, it still exudes gassy fumes

Mount Rainier

Maputo is the capital & largest city of this country


This Austrian Freemason used references to Masonry in his "Magic Flute"


In 2007 Rowan Atkinson returned to the big screen in this bumbling man's "Holiday"

Mr. Bean

About the bombing of Pan Am 103 he said, "The evidence against Libya is less than a laughable piece of fingernail"

Muammar Qaddafi

I stared down into my ___ of latte so I wouldn't have to look at his ugly jowly ___


In the Harry Potter novels, they're your average non-magical humans


"Stripped of title in 1967 because he refused to serve in the Vietnam War. Career record 56-5 with 37 KOs"

Muhammad Ali

On September 15 he regained the heavyweight boxing crown for a record third time, by beating Leon Spinks

Muhammad Ali

1.3 million strong, the AFSCME is the American Federation of State, County & these employees


By age 18 the average American sees 40,000 of these acts, not all of them solved by Angela Lansbury


The Battle of Stones River is also known as the Battle of this city, once Tennessee's capital


Shiitake & Portobello


On April 28, 1945 Clara Petacci died alongside this man, her lover for more than a decade


It's from Gulden's, it's spicy & it's brown


On its extreme east, India borders this nation that changed its name following a coup in 1989

Myanmar (Or Burma)

Than Shwe rules this country that moved its capital from Rangoon & leads the world in child soldiers

Myanmar (Or Burma)

Rex Reed gets a sex change operation & becomes Raquel Welch in this 1970 Mae West film

Myra Breckenridge

Spice things up with this snack--tortilla chips covered with melted cheese & dare I say jalapenos!


Ruth told her, "Whither thou goest, I will go"


Calistoga Water calls itself the original mineral water of this California valley better known for wine


Yountville & St. Helena are towns in this Central California wine-producing county


In 1808, Antonio Canova sculpted this emperor’s sister as a seminude, reclining Venus


In 1809 this Corsican divorced his 46-year-old wife; a few months later, he married a 19-yr.-old Austrian archduchess


Jack Cawthon, the "Bar-B-Que King" of this town, has a restaurant overlooking the Ryman Auditorium


To his fellow slaves, this 19th century insurrectionist was known as "The Prophet"

Nat Turner

This organization publishes a bimonthly magazine titled "American Birds"

National Audubon Society

Steve McCurry took a photo of an Afghan girl for this venerated magazine in 1984, then reunited with her 17 years later

National Geographic

From Old English "nay", no, and "whit", thing, this word means zero


By the end of 1845, Mormon industry had turned it from swampland into the largest city in Illinois


Congressman Tom Osborne used to coach a little football at this Big 12 school, going 255-49-3


In an opera based on history, the pharaoh Akhenaten gives up polygamy for this beautiful queen


We're sure this Ohioan's mother, Viola, was elated on July 20, 1969, but she kept her feet on the ground

Neil Armstrong

She must be a Keith Jackson fan, as she titled one of her albums "Whoa, Nelly!"

Nelly Furtado

This '70s vice president's wife Margaretta was known as Happy

Nelson Rockefeller

One of the 2 monarchies that border China

Nepal (Or Bhutan)

Some creatures are nidicolous, meaning they remain in these for a while after birth


To generate income, this state legalized the 6-week divorce in 1931 as well as gambling


After a 1614 voyage along America's northeast coast, John Smith gave the area this name, which is still used

New England

Cape May, at the end of the Garden State Parkway in this state, is the USA's oldest seashore resort

New Jersey

Fort Dix in this state is bordered by McGuire Air Force Base & Naval Air Engineering Station Lakehurst

New Jersey

Things get tense with the boyfriend when Bella cuts her arm in this Stephenie Meyer book

New Moon

Ordered to capture this city on the Mississippi, David Farragut forced its surrender April 25, 1862

New Orleans

In office from 1995: George Pataki

New York

In the spring of 1964 this city sprang its World's Fair on the world

New York City

Pitcairn Island & the Cook Islands use this country's dollar as their currency

New Zealand

Postal abbreviation of the state whose largest city is Manchester

Nh (New Hampshire)

Born in Genoa in 1782, this virtuoso played so well listeners thought he was in league with the devil

Niccolo Paganini

This Riviera city has a museum devoted to the works of artist Henri Matisse, who spent his last years there


This gritty 1961 Tennessee Williams play unfolds in a seedy Mexican hotel

Night Of The Iguana

This 1968 George Romero classic filled rural Pennsylvania with zombies

Night Of The Living Dead

Ads for this 1939 film said, "Garbo Laughs"


When bubbles of this gas form in a scuba diver's blood, the bends can occur


Don't worry about exploding when using this heart medicine -- it's too diluted


In 1844 Horace Wells became the first to have a tooth pulled while under the influence of this gas

Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas)

While on his boat, he sent out a dove to see if there was any dry land yet


In "A Doll's House", she forges a check to help her sick husband Torvald but he scolds her for doing it


At the mouth of Chesapeake Bay: Old Dominion


This master carpenter is pure New England & even has the same name as a "Cheers" character

Norm Abram

A webcam on this university's School of Communications is pointed at Lake Michigan


King Haakon I of this country was killed in battle while fighting Erik Bloodax' sons


Contrary to myth, this part of a dog doesn't need to be cold, but should usually be moist


Inverness on Cape Breton island

Nova Scotia

The annual games in Antigonish, a town in this Canadian province, are similar to those in Braemar, Scotland

Nova Scotia

Russians celebrate the October Revolution of 1917 during this month


Lady Godiva


In 1904 this short story author's first book, "Cabbages and Kings", was published

O. Henry

Designed locally & cast in Japan, a peace & friendship bell was dedicated in this Tennessee city in 1996

Oak Ridge

Some "languish in" this word that means "darkness" or "indistinctness"


This black glass named for its discoverer is formed by the high heat of a volcanic eruption


These spotted cats are the coolest!


A group or series of 8 related items


The works of ancient Greece's Pindar include this type of poem in praise of victories in the Olympic Games


A synonym for scent, this noun is from the Latin for "smell"


After she fell in love with him, Circe lifted the spell that had changed men into swine


Libya's history & economy were forever changed when this was found there in 1959


A "musical" state


The large star on its state seal displays symbols of the 5 Civilized Tribes which first settled there


"An Elderly Scotsman Owned One Ranch"

Old Macdonald Had A Farm

"Green Acres" character (6)


2005: Pickpocket patriarch Fagin

Oliver Twist

Bull's-Eye was the vicious pet dog of burglar & murderer Bill Sikes in this Dickens story

Oliver Twist

The premiere of Cecil B. DeMille's "Union Pacific" was a 3-day costume spectacle in this city where the U.P. railroad began

Omaha, Nebraska

This is the end, my only friend, the end (of the alphabet, this 24th letter, the end)


The title of this novel that became an Oscar-winning film comes from the rhyme "One flew east, one flew west..."

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

It precedes "Three, four, open the door"

One, Two, Buckle My Shoe

This "Grand Ole" theme park is celebrating its 25th anniversary in 1996

Opryland Usa

The Jack-o'-lantern mushroom, whose cap & gills are this color, gets its name because it glows in the dark


Sepilok is a sanctuary on Borneo established primarily for these rare creatures


It's the more spacey term for the eye socket


To instill with ministerial authority


This pizza herb was virtually unknown to Americans until WWII soldiers came home & raved about it


The head of this "hunter" is marked by the binary star Meissa


A New York City-based conductorless chamber orchestra is named for this mythic musician, Eurydice's mate


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