Jesuit Terms

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A.M.D.G—Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

"For the greater glory of God." Motto of Jesuits

Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556)

Child to noble Basque family, loyal to Spanish crown. Defending Pamplona in 1521 when French cannonball shatters leg. Turns to reading about Jesus/saints when recovering. Set out for Holy Land, lived in Manresa for a year. Forced out of Palestine after 1 month. Went to many Spanish university cities. Was imprisoned and interrogated in each for speaking of "spiritual things" w/o theology degree or being a priest. Got education w/ younger boys in Barcelona so he could be able to "help souls". Went to Uni of Paris for 5 years, got "Master of Arts". Changed name in Paris to Ignatius. Roomed in Paris w/ Francis Xavier and Peter Faber. They and others made Society of Jesus. Ignatius lived rest of his life in Rome directing order while others traveled.


Describes Jesuits and spirituality that derives from the lay person Ignatius Characteristics of Ignatian/Jesuit Vision—Many common Ignatius/Jesuit concepts in vision 1. Life calls for wonder/thankfulness. 2. Imagination, emotion, intellect 3. Find the divine in all things 4. Awareness of evil, God's love more powerful tho 5. Freedom, need for discernment, responsible action 6. Empowers leaders, "men for others", making world better place Word's can't express fully what living Ignatian tradition is. Characteristics are not individually unique to Jesuits; combination of characteristics makes them uniquely Jesuit. Jesus stands at center of Jesuit and Catholic tradition.

Cura Personalis (Latin meaning "care for the [individual] person")

Guide adapts spiritual exercises to individual. Teacher connects w/ students, teaches, leads them to responsibility. Attitude of respect for the dignity of each individual

Arrupe, Pedro (1907-1991)

Important leader of Jesuits. Central figure in renewal of Society after Vatican Council II. Left med school in N. Spain to join Jesuits. Coined term "men for others". Jesuits kicked out of Spain, so he went and studied in Holland and US. Spent 21 years in Japan. Cared for Hiroshima bomb victims. Elected superior general of Jesuits. Considered founder of modern, post-Vatican II Society of Jesus.

Finding God in All Things

Jesuits summed up w/ this phrase. God is everywhere. God revealed through wonder. How to find God everywhere: 1. Practice attentiveness to what's really there. 2. Reverence what you feel and appreciate it. 3. First 2 help you find devotion, which reveals God Many names for God, who's beyond human conception. God the father, son, and Holy Spirit. Ignatius believed in trinity, "Divine Majesty" which stresses "godness" of god. Some reluctant to say word "God".

The Spiritual Exercises

Made by Ignatius of Loyola from personal experiences and from listening to others. Meditate on Christian faith and contemplate on life/death/resurrection of Jesus. Adapted to individual. Guide uses book to help person going through exercises. Goal is spiritual freedom, ability to act out of love and trust in God. Adapted to be completed over 6-10 months. 1 hr prayer per day and guide seen every 1-2 week. Originally made for 4 weeks. Ignatius took 28 years to publish book in 1548, 4500 more edits. Retreat in Ignatian spirit for week(end) with guide and presenters in group. 4.5 million copies, Ignatius known for Exercises.

Men and Women for Other/Whole Persons of Solidarity for the Real World

Pedro Arrupe painted profile of what a graduate should be, Arrupe called for a re-education to justice. Men for Others. Important to help others find God. Justice. Difficult to do good in evil world. Make no decision w/o first think how it would impact the least in society. Humans fail to serve others despite technology. Educate whole person of solidarity for real world. Solidarity learned through contact that challenges mind to change when heart touched (Service). Faculty need to work w/ church to help poor and work for justice. Service experiences important. How universities develop and impact society (character) is important. Jesuit universities need to have dedication to education and service. Nature of universities found in hiring/tenure policies, important to beyond tenure/hiring norms. Important for schools to address world and reshape it w/ help of Gospel.


Process of making choices for all good options. Involves prayer, consultation, rationality, and emotions. Good spirit leads us to good. Are our impulses from good or evil spirit? Bad spirit agitates and keeps us from doing good.


member of Society of Jesus. Originally a putdown by people who felt members of Society of Jesus was arrogant. Term adopted later by society and those favoring. Other orders named after founders. New negative term is an adjective meaning "sly, devious".

Magis (Latin for "more")

term used by Ignatius to carry on ministry

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