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What is the asset limit for SSI (if you are single)


If a non married person receives SSI cash benefits, in order to remain eligible for SSI that person must remember to keep all resources below


How long does an SSDI recipient wait for their Medicare to start

24 months

When will an SSDI recipient receive their first monthly cash benefit

5 months form the date their application is approved

Under SSI which of these work incentives are available to help your return in work ( 20)

A student earn income, B. Plan for Achieving self support (x), C. continued medicaid unser 161 lb, D. all of the above

Substantial Gainful Acitivity (SGA) is

A test used by SSA to determine or establish disability status

Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA)

A test used by SSA to determine or establish disability status

A PASS Plan is an SSI work incentive, What goes if allow you to do?(7)

A, Have a pass to work B. Save money over the SSI asset limit towards a work goal C. Save for anything you need that will make you self sufficient (x) D. Develop a plan to get a passport

Who makes the Medicaid Eligibility decision for SSI and SSDI? (25)

A, Judge presiding over Social Security Court B. Social Security Administration (X) C. Disability Determination Service (c) D. Persons Doctor

Medicaid eligibility for SSI and SSDI is based on what (24)

A, Medical diagnosis (x) B. Resources and wages C. Ability to work at the Gainful Substantial Acitivity D. A and C (c)

Under SSI, what work incentives are available to help in your return to work (8)

A, Subsidy B. Trial work period (x) C. Continuation of Medicare Coverage D. All of the above

Which one of the following is not unearned income

A, The $721 Federal benefit B. SSDI cash benefits c. Unemployment compensation (x) D. Annuities (c)

How much can folks on SSI earn and keep Medicaid (3)

A, The SGA level (x) B. Depends upon your state but is at least $24,293 a year (C) C. You cannot earn any money if you are on SSI and need Medicaid D. Any amount a long as you only work part time.

The money person sets aside towards a PASS Plan work goal is kept where (10)

A, in the local Social Security office (x) B. in a bank account that you set up (c) c. in a secret hiding place house d. in Washington DC

New Set : Work Incentives When filing an application for Expedited Reimbursement of SSD! benefits, the request must be made with SSA within how many from the months SSDI benefits terminated (1)

A. 6 months (x) B. 60 months (c) C. 12 months D. 2 months

Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) is (2)

A. A level of physical activity that indicates that you are not disabled. (x) B. An individua's ability to manage their financial activities C. Level of work at which SSA says you are no longer disables (c) d. Banking term that describes a banks level of activity in a person's account

Is there any way a person on SSI can save money

A. Federal program called individual Development Accounts B. Plan for Achieving Self Support (PASS)X c. Property Essential to Self Support (PESS) d. All of the above (c)

What are two benefits to using Ticket to work (25)

A. Free employment services and SSA does not do a medical review B. You keep your benefits and you work in a volunteer position C) C. You get a free bus ticket and you get free employment services D. Free-employment services and you keep off all of your benefits (x) (c)

Which work incentive permits SSI to not count certain resources (such as regulated work tools and equipment that are essential to a persons means of self-sufficiency (17)

A. Impairment Related Work Expense (IRME) (x) B. Subsidy C. Extended Period of Eligibility (EPE) D. Property Essential for Self Support

When you receive SS1 and want to save money above the $2000 limit, you can save (16)

A. In an approval individual Development Account (IDA) (x) B. In an SSA-approved Trust C. In a PASS plan D. All of the above (c)

Does Medicaid stop if I no longer get an SSI payment because of my wages (14)

A. It depends, the State decides based on how much SSI you get (x) B. Yes, Medicaid stops, No SSI, no Medicaid, no matter what C. Under 1619B, Medicaid remains within certain rules D. a and c (c)

New Set: Work Incentives Medical eligibility for SSI and SSDI is based on what (1)

A. Medical diagnosis (x) B. Resources and wraps C. Ability to work at the Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) D. A and C (c)

On SSI, how do you pay for care your family provided when they are no longer able (7)

A. Money is a Special Needs Trust may not count as an asset B You can have savings over $2000 if used for medical care. C. You will need to apply for welfare D. SSI only cares about the money you earn (x)

On SSI, how do you pay for care your family provided when they are no longer able (16)

A. Money to special needs trust may not count as an assets. (c) B. You can have savings over $2000 if used for medical care (x) C. You will need to apply welfare, D. SSI only cares about the money you earn

Under SSDI, what work incentives are available to help in your return to work (12)

A. Subsidy B. Trail Work Period (x) C. Continuation of Medicare Coverage D. All of the above (c)

What are the options for people who receive SSI and/or SSDI and want to start their own business (19)

A. Support form the Small Business Administration B. Support from Vocational Rehabilitation(x) C. Use specific Social Security work incentives D. All of the above (c)

Vocational Rehabilitation provides the following services (24)

A. Testing and evaluation to measure your skills and abilities, B. Medical services, necessary to obtain or maintain employment, C. Job placement and on JOT (x) D. all of the above (c)

Which one of the following is not earned income (18)

A. The $721 Federal Benefit Rate B. SSDI cash benefits C. Unemployment compensation (x) D. Annuties

Which of the following is unearned income (18)

A. The 721 Federal Benefit Rate B. SSDI cash benefits C. Unemployment compensation D. Annuities (x)

What is a person's ability to draw Social security is based on (25)

A. The current salary, B. The work history, : C C. The amount of money they have in savings, D. The state in which they live (x)

How much money does an SSDI recipient each months (17)

A. There is a monthly limit that changes each year (685) (x) B. Depends on how much they paid into the system C. Usually 900 per month but less if they work part time (c) D. SSDI only provide Health Insurance, not cash benefits

(24x). How much money does an SSI recipient receives each month

A. There is monthly max that changes each year B. Varies based on the years worked and amount paid into the system C. Usually 900 per month but less if they work part time D.SSI only provides healthinsurance , not a cash benefit

People who receives SSDI and have no work record may get thier SSDI through which of these options (17)

A. They are 65 years of age or older (c) B. They are married and their spouse is retired (x) C. They are drawing off a deceased siblings work history D. Their deceased, disables or retired parents work record

Can SSA review my financial information like a bank account or IRS information (10)

A. This information is always protected (X) B. Yes, SSA can request such information anytime C. Only your IRS information not banking information D. Only if you give them permission (c)

SSDI cares only about the money you earn (11)

A. True, money from investments and assets do not count under SSD! (c) B. False: SSDI cares about ALL your money C. False, SSDI does not care about the money you earn D. True, but SSDI also wants to know how much money is spent (x)

When can a person on SSI use Subsidy as a work incentive (5)

A. When they are applying and during a medical review (CDR) B. Anytime their employer gives them extra support (x) C. When they work and earn over the SGA level (c) D. Never subsidy is not an SSI work incentive

Is there any way a person on SSI can save money

All of the above (IDA, PASS, PESS, )

Which groups are federally funded to assist people with disabilities find work

All of the above One Stop career center, emplyment networks, vocational rehab

How are you able to use the money saved in IDA

All of the above Purchase a home Start your own business, Get post secondary education

Under SSI, which of these work inceptives are available to help in your return to work

All of the above Student Earned Income Exclusion, PASS, Continued Medicaid

Vocational Rehabilitation provides the following services

All of the above Testing and evaluation to measure your skills and abilities, Medical services necessary to obtain or maintain employment, job placement and on-the job training

How is "earned income" defined for Supplemental Security Income

All of the above Wages from a job whether cash or any form, payment for sheltered workshop or work activity center work, Net earning forma self-employment, royalties or stipends

Under SSDI, what work incentives are available to help in your return to work?

All of the above Subsidy, Trail Work Period, Contribution of Medicare Coverage

During the trail work period, you continue to receive SSDI as long as you earn how much

Any amount

A statement or listing of an individual's disability and work history is called

Benefits Planning Query

If you need SSA's level of blindness, which of the following extra work incentives are you eligible for

Blind work expenses and Blind SGA level

At what age can a person qualify to receive SSDI

Depends on the age they became disables and their prior work

What age can a person qualify to receive SSDI

Depends on the age they became disables and their prior work

Can a person receives SSDI benefits and SSI

Depends upon the amount of SSDI receive

How much can folks on SSI earn and keep Medicaid

Depends upon you state but is at least $24,203 a year

Who makes the Medical Eligibility decision for SSI and SSDI

Disability Determination Service

What does EITC stand for?

Earned Income Tax Credit

The subsidy work incentive considers the value of what

Extra work supports you receive from your employer

If a person on SSI earns income they will not receive ab SSI check


If a person on SSI earns income, they will not receive an SS! check


If a person on SSI earns income, they will not receive an SSI check


If a person who is on SSI earns SGA that person will lose their eligibility for SS!


Medicaid is the same every time


When the person is on SSI and is earning income, only the earned income is included in "countable income" in order to remain eligible for SSI


What is FICA

Federal Insured Contribution Act

What is FICA?

Federally Insured Contributed Act

What are two benefits to using Ticket to work

Free employment services and SSA does not do a medical review

The cost of getting your taxes at a Vita site is

Free, there is no costto anyone who qualifies

What is the fee for speaking with a Community Work Incentive Coordinator (CWCI)

Free, there is no fee

What is the fee for speaking with a Community Work Incentive Coordinator (CWIC)

Free, there is no fee

A VITA site is a place where you can do what?

Get your taxes done for free by certified volunteers

When a person is on SSI which recourses may not count as part of the limit

Home, if you live in the home

Tax Preparation at VITA sites are trained by whom


Tax Prepares at VITA sites are trained by whom


Tax prepares a VITA sites are talented by whom


Can you keep your SSDI Medicare benefit when you work and earn income

If you are still disables Medicare remains for at least 93 months

To deduct the cost of items you purchase to go to work, because of your disability, you should use what work inceptive

Impairment Related Work Expense

To deduct the cost of items you purchases to go to work, because of your disability you should use what work incentives

Impairment Related Work Expenses

An IDA is what type of saving account

Matched-an IDA provider matches your money at a certain level

The EITC is a refundable credit that provides what

Money to low income workers they file their taxes

You can put ANY money you have towards your PASS plan excepts

Money your receive form your SSI cash benefit

New Set: Work Incentives If someone gets SSI or SSD!, will an EITC check cause him or her to loose benefits

NO,EITC money does not count against your benefits

When can person on SSI use Subsidy as a work incentive

Never, subsidy is not an SSI work incentive

Does the person have to pay income tac on SSI benefits

No you never have to pay income tax on SSI money

If someone get SSI or SSDI, will an EITC check cause him or her to lose benefits

No, EITC money does not count against your benefits

If someone gets SSI or SSDI, will EITC check cause him or her to lose benefits

No, EITC money does not count against your benefits

Does a person have to pay income benefits

No, you never have to pay income tax on SSI money

Under SSDI which of these work incentives are available to help in your return work

None of the above (Student Earned income Exclusion, PASS, Continues Medicaid under 1619b

Under SSDI, which of these work incentives are available to help in your return to work

None of the above Student, Earned Income Exclusion, Plan for Achieving Self Support, Continued Medicaid under 1619b

Under SSI, which of these work incentives are available to help in your return to work

None of the above Subsidy, Trail work period, Continuation of Medicare coverage

Under SSDI, which of these work incentives are available to help in your return to work?

None of the above (Student earned Income Exclusion, Plan for Achieving self Support Continued Medicaid Under 1619b

Under SSI which of these work incentives are available to help in your return to work?

None of the above. ( Subsidy, Trial work period , comtinuation of medicare coverage)

If you receive SSI or SSDI the money you place in an approved IDA account has what impact

Not count as part of your assets

If a person is a payee for someone on SSI how can they spend the money

On the individual's basic needs food and shelter

Who is eligible for Ticket to work

People who get disability bendfits (SSI or SSDI) age 18-64

Who is eligible for a Ticket to Work

People who get disability benefits (SSI or SSD) age 18-64

What does Pass Stand for

Plan Achieving self-Sufficiency

The following allows a person to save for an occupations objective without counting the income or asset as a response

Plan to achieve Self support (PASS)

Which work incentive permits SSI to not count certain resources (such as required work tools and equipment) that are essential to person means and self sufficiency

Properly Essential for Self Support (PESS)

Which can incentive permits SSI to not count certain resources that are essential to a person means self sufficiency

Property Essential for Self Support (PESS)

22. Will SSA give credit for disability needs the individual pays to go to wo work

SSA will give you credit by reducing the wages SSA counts

Under which program would an SSA beneficiary receive Medicare


The IRME work incentive is for folks on what SSA program

SSI and/or SSDI

The IRWE (Impairment-Related Work Expense) work incentive is for folds on what SSA Program

SSI and/or SSDI

The Subsidy work incentive can be used by people who receive what SSA program

SSI at time of application and SSDI anytime

The subsidy work inceptive can be used by people who receive what SSA program

SSI at time of application and SSDI anytime

The subsidy work inceptive can be used by people who receive what SSA programs?

SSI at time of application and SSDI anytime

The Social Security Administration (SSA) provides disability benefits through which two programs

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

When you are age 18, SSI hold which of the following peoples earning against you?

Spouse if married

When will a SSI recipient receive their first monthly cash benefit

That SSI checks start the first month they are disables

Which of the following is not unearned income?

The $721 Federal Benefit Rate

Which of the following is true if a person in on SSDI and earning wages

The person will get credit for out-of-pocket cost to support the disability

When will a SSI recipient their first monthly cash benefit

Their SSI checks start once the SSI application is approved

Which of the following is not a building block for self-determination?

Trail Work Period

What is a Community Work Incentive Coordinator (CWIC)

Trained by SSA to help people with their SSI/SSDI work/incentives

A person may be able to make over $1070 gross per month in wages and be able to continue to receive Medicaid


Community Work Incentive Coordinators (CWICs) are able to provide a Benefits Summary and Analysis after consulting with someone about their earnings and benefits status


If a person who is receiving SSDI wants to try working the nine months in "Trial work period" do not need to be consecutive or occur in a row


If an SSI Beneficiary owns a house is excluded as a resource as long a the beneficiary continues to live in it.


If an SSI beneficiary owns a house, the house is excluded as a resource as long as the beneficiary continues live in it.


When beneficiary earns enough income to no longer receive an SSI monthly cash payment but maintains medical eligibility, the work incentive 1619b permits contribution of medicaid benefits under SSI


When the social security Admin calculates a persons SSI, the wages a person uses to support their disability may not count as income


Does Medicaid stop if I no longer get an SSI payment because on my wages

Under 1619b. Medicaid remains within certain rules

What does VITA stand for

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance

When you have changes in your address or wages or job, do you need to tell SSA

When there is a change always tell SSA

23. Does SSDI come with health insurance

Yes , medicare

Can individuals receive SSDI and SSI

Yes some people receive both

Can individuals receive SSDI and SSI

Yes, some people receive both

The money a person sets aside towards a PASS work goal is kept where?

in a bank account that you set up

When you earn wages and we are on SSI, you

lose a portion of your SSI check based on earnings

When you earn wages and are on SS! you,

lose a portion of your SSI eligibilty

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