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What did Isaiah say about the people being unable to believe? John 12:40

"He has blinded their eyes and deadened their hearts, so they can neither see with their eyes, nor understand with their hearts, nor turn-and I would heal them."

What was the crowd shouting as Jesus was on His way into Jerusalem from Bethany? John 12:13

"Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the King of Israel!"

What did the voice from heaven state when Jesus said, "Father, glorify your name!"? John 12:28

"I have glorified it, and will glorify it again."

When Jesus' heart was troubled what did Jesus say instead of: "Father, save me from this hour."? John 12:27-28

"It was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name!"

What was Jesus' response to Judas Iscariot statement about selling the perfume and giving the money to the poor? John 12:7-8

"Leave her was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial. You will always have the poor among you but you will not always have me."

What request did the Greeks bring to Philip? John 12:21

"Sir, we would like to see Jesus."

Why does Jesus say that He has come into the world as a light? John 12:46

"So that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness."

In response to the Greeks request to see Him, Jesus stated what about His hour? John 12:23

"The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified."

What was done in Jesus' honor at the home of Lazarus six days before the Passover? John 12:2

A dinner was given in His honor

How much was the perfume worth that Mary used to put on Jesus' feet? John 12:5

A year's wages

On what did Jesus ride as He entered into Jerusalem? John 12:14

A young donkey

How much perfume did Mary put on Jesus' feet at the dinner held in His honor? John 12:3

About a pint

When did the disciples understand all the things that were happening to Jesus as He entered Jerusalem on a donkey? John 12:16

After He was glorified

Who did Philip take with him to tell Jesus of the request of the Greeks? John 12:22


Why did Judas care about what happened to the perfume that was poured on Jesus' feet? John 12:6

Because he was a thief

Some of the leaders believed in Jesus but would not confess their faith, why? John 12:42

Because of fear that they would be put out of the synagogue

Why did the chief priests want to kill Lazarus? John 12:11

Because on account of him many of the Jews were going over to Jesus and putting their faith in Him.

Why did many people go out to meet Jesus after He raised Lazarus? John 12:18

Because they had heard that He had given this miraculous sign.

Why were the leaders who believed in Jesus afraid of being put out of the synagogue? John 12:43

Because they loved praise from men more than praise from God.

Where was Philip from? John 12:21

Bethsaida in Galilee

The command of the Father leads to what? John 12:50

Eternal life

For whose benefit did Jesus say the voice from heaven was given? John 12:30

For the benefit of the people

What did Jesus say about the man who walks in the dark? John 12:35

He does not know where he is going

What did Judas do as keeper of the money bag that he should not have? John 12:6

He helped himself to what was put into it

What will happen to the man who hates his life in this world? John 12:25

He will keep it for eternal life

What will happen to the man who loves his life (in this world)? John 12:25

He will lose it

What did Jesus say He would do when He was lifted up from the earth? John 12:32

He would draw all men to himself

With what did Mary wipe the feet of Jesus after pouring the perfume on them? John 12:3

Her hair

What part of Jesus' body did Mary anoint with perfume at the dinner held in His honor at Bethany? John 12:3

His feet

What did Judas Iscariot say could have been done with the perfume that was put on Jesus' feet? John 12:5

It could have been sold and the money given to the poor

What two things did the crowd that had heard the voice from heaven say it was? John 12:29

It has thundered or an angel had spoken to Him

If a kernel of wheat dies, what happens? John 12:24

It produces many seeds

Jesus states that the poor will always be among us, who will not be? John 12:8


Who were the two people that a large crowd came to see at Bethany? John 12:9

Jesus and Lazarus

Quote John 12:23-25

Jesus replied. "The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life."

Who was keeper of the money bag among the apostles? John 12:6


Which of Jesus' disciples objected to the perfume being used to anoint the feet of Jesus? John 12:4

Judas Iscariot

Besides Jesus, who did the chief priests want to kill? John 12:10


What man was among those reclining at the table with Jesus at the dinner given at Bethany? John 12:2


What man lived at Bethany? John 12:1

Lazarus whom Jesus had raised from the dead

What prophecy was fulfilled by the people not believing in the Jesus? John 12:40

Lord, who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?

Who served at the dinner given in Jesus' honor at Bethany? John 12:2


Who put perfume on Jesus at the dinner held in His honor at Bethany? John 12:3


What physical objects did the crowd from Jerusalem take as they went out to meet Jesus who was on His way into Jerusalem? John 12: 12-13

Palm branches

To which apostle did the Greeks ask to see Jesus? John 12:20-21


In what two ways was the nard described which Mary put on Jesus' feet? John 12:3

Pure and expensive

What kind of perfume did Mary put on Jesus' feet at the dinner held in his honor? John 12:3

Pure nard

How long before the Passover did Jesus arrive at Bethany? John 12:1

Six days

Why should the people have put their trust in the light while they still had it? John 12:36

So that they may become sons of light

From where had the crowd heard that the Christ will remain forever? John 12:34

The Law

How was the house affected by the perfume Mary put on the feet of Jesus? John 12:3

The house was filled with the fragrance.

Who else does a man believe in when he believes in Jesus? John 12:44

The one who sent Jesus

According to Jesus, His father will honor whom? John 12:26

The one who serves Jesus

What does Jesus say will judge the one who rejects Him and does not accept His words? John 12:48

The very word which Jesus spoke

What was the crowd doing that had been with Jesus when He raised Lazarus from the dead? John 12:17

They continued to spread the word that Jesus had called Lazarus from the tomb

After Jesus had done all the miraculous signs in the presence of the people after His truimphal entry, how did they respond to Him? John 12:37

They still would not believe in Him

Jesus did not come to judge the world but to do what? John 12:47

To save it

Why did Jesus say, "when I am lifted up from this earth"? John 12:32-33

To show the kind of death He was going to die

What two things did the Father command Jesus concerning the word He spoke? John 12:49

What to say and how to say it

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