JT-101 Test Qs

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Senior MACCS agency

Marine Tactical Air Command Center (TACC)

NPGs (common)

NPG 5/6 - PPLIs NPG 7 - Surveillance NPG 9 - Control NPG 12/13 - Voice NPG 19/20 - Fighter to Fighter (9, 12, 13, 19, 20 = stacked nets)

# of center frequencies Link 16 uses ?


Freq band for Link 16

960-1215 mHz

Match Ts and Rs connectivity matrix


NDD understanding, review how to read




(5) Type of Nets

- Air Defense Command & Control Net (ADCC) AADC uses to C2 functions - Data Link Coordination Net (DCN) JICO uses to manage & coordinate entire multi-link interface - Track Supervision Net (TCN) FTC/TDC uses to ensure all data is promptly reported, in the correct location, reported by only one unit and data reported correctly - Voice Product Net (VPN) Provides amplifying SIGNALS INTELLIGENCE (SIGINT) information to IUs on a timely basis - Engagement Control Net (ECN) provides voice connectivity between the control (ADAFCO) and any GROUND BASED AIR and MISSILE DEFENSE

Requirements to get from no synch to course Sync

- Course Sync is achieved when a terminal received a valid and error free IEM (initial entry message)

(3) access modes techniques (define all)

- Dedicated Access - Contention Access - Timeslot Reallocation (TSR)

Normal IPF setting used if supporting an operation?

- Exercise (Exercise Protect)

Requirements to get from Course Synch to Fine Sync

- Fine Sync is achieved after at least three (3) successful RTT interrogations on a source time quality five (5) or greater (highest time quality).

What sets the time in an External Time Reference Network (ETRN) ?

- Global Positioning Systems (GPS)

(5) Steps involved with Network Management System (NMS)

- IER (info exchange requirements) definition - Network Design - Network Planning - Network Initialization - Network Operations * IDPIO *

Operational considerations when designing an MTN

- IERs are satisfied by the design and that individual units aren't asked to operate in an unrealistic manner - Anti-jam considerations, minimize critical nodes, minimize data forwarding

Where is terminal programming located ?

- Initialization Data Load (IDL)

(4) Components of a timeslot

- Jitter - Synch & Header - Data - Propogation

(2) Products that result from the Network Design Phase (Step 2)?

- Network Description Document (NDD) - Initial Data Load (IDL) Files

Product that results from the Network Planing Phase (Step 3)


(2) Info Assurance Techniques used in Link 16

- Reed-Solomon EDAC and Double Pulse

Why continue to exchange RTTs after we're in fine synch

- Synch maintenance

(5) Types of Indirect (Relay) Connectivity

- Unconditional Relay - Conditional Relay - Flood Relay - Zoom Relay - Multi-Hop Relay - understand them all

Link margin defininition

- a way to express the strength of the data link and is measured against an optimal jammer with worst case capabilities. - in a scenario where the platform is equidistant from a transmitting platform and a jammer, the link margin of 21 dB means that the jammer must produce 128 kW of power to interfere with the receipt of the JTIDS/MIDS transmission

CRC purpose

- a worldwide deployable battle-space management platform employed at the USAF tactical level to support air operations planning and execution across the entire range of operations.

Anti-Jam definition

- ability to operate within a hostile electromagnetic environment

Common Tactical Picture

- an accurate and complete display of relevant tactical data that integrates tactical information from the multi-tactical data link network.

RELGRID (Relative Grid)

- based on a flat plane that is tangent to the GEOGRID - Reported in U, V (sometimes W), 2048 NM on each axis


- basic RE-ACURRING unit of time in JTIDS/MIDS - 1536 timeslots in each frame


- basic unit of access in JTIDS/MIDS TDMA - 72, 258, or 444 pulse transmission - each timeslot is 7.8125 milliseconds


- deployable terminal missile defense system capable of conducting endo/exo atmospheric intercepts with a high pk. - used to protect strategic assets from short to medium range ballistic missiles.

AOC purpose

- develope air and space operations strategy and planning documents integrating air, space and information operations (IO) to meet JFACC objectives and guidance.


- encrypted SATELLITE link using a serial data interface to exchange info in a half-duplex or broadcast mode

GEOGRID (Geodetic Grid)

- geocentric, has earth as center - latitude, longitude and altitude

Guided Missile Cruiser (CG) and Guided Missile Destroyer (DDG)

- multi mission platforms that are able to conduct Air Warfare, BALLISTIC MISSILE DEFENSE, Surface Warfare, Strike Warfare and Undersea Warfare

Patriot System

- provide air and missile defense of high value assets determined by the Combatant Commander

Understand JANUS table

- read

Duplicate Track Numbers

- same track number used for two or more different tracks.


- synchronous or asynchronous POINT-TO-POINT mode of JREAP (think phones)

What sets the time in a System Time Reference Network (STRN) ?

- the Net Time Reference (NTR)


- the multi-TDL archecture systems AND associated data. ** the purpose us to satisfy JTF Information Exchange Requirements (IERs).


- the physical configuration, functional organization and operational procedures used in the design, establishment, modification and operations of the Multi-Tactical Data Link Networks.

Reporting Responsibility (R2)

- the requirement for the IU with the best position data on a track to transmit the track data on the interface.

Dual Designations

- two or more tracks representing the same object reported on the interface.


- use of INTERNET PROTOCOL (IP) in conjunction with either the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) or Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

Purpose of the OPTASKLINK

- used to promulgate detailed tasking and provide instructions regarding the operation of tactical data links. is is a directive message from the AADC written by the JICO.

Understand/know purpose of Link 16 Pulse De-confliction Server (LPDS)

- web accessable, 24/7, automated tool which allows users to schedule their anticipated JTIDS/MIDS use. - this AVOIDS INTERFERENCE with FAA and other agencies thought use of Link 16

(3) Requirements for Direct Connectivity

-Common time, crypto and net number RF connectivity must exist between the transmitter and receiver to exchange data Line of sight, signal level and electronic limit are needed for Direct Connectivity.

(3) Types of SADL

Air-to-Air Gateway Air-to-Ground

Preferred way to deconflict networks ?


Roles and resoonsibilities of JICC and players

Headed by the JICO who isresponsible to the CJTF and functional component CCs through the AADC for the ENTIRE INTERFACE to include all planning and execution functions. - Joint Interface Control Cell (JICC) is then broken up into specific area managers (Link 11/11B, Link 16, Track Data Coordinator, and SIS manager). From there the RICO's are responsible for their "region" then the SICO's are responsible for their sectors to the RICO.

J-Serires Messages (common)

J2.X = PPLI (JX.X numbers match surveillance, i.e. J2.2 = air) J3.X = Surveillance J3.0 = reference J3.1 = emergency J3.2 = air J3.3 = surface J3.4 = subsurface J3.5 = ground J3.6 = space J3.7 = electronic warface

The _______ uses the _____ to manage and coordinate the entire multi-link interface.

JICO uses the NDD

Link 11 normal mode of operation is ________ ?

Roll Call

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