Jumping Landing Article

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Phase 4 plyometric training concentrates on jumps that are

"sport specific."

what is an effective jump landing sequence?

(1) head upright (2) chest above knees with feet shoulder width apart (3) shoulders and hips level (4) descend to a self-selected depth with knees in line with toes (5) jump vertically with minimal forward/back and side-to-side movement (6) land with a forefoot to heel foot placement and adequate flexion of hips, knees, and ankles.

how can the female develop a high jump landing impact tolerance?

. This can be achieved by gradually increasing the stress imposed on the body

why is jumping box helpful for athlete in developing a perfected landing technique

1.descendeing away from gravity forces helps athlete to reduce landing impact 2. bc of the varying height of the box, the athlete does a forward deep squat position which can help later with an eccentric phase of a jump landing

all landings should be --- secs when developing perfect lannding technqiue

3-5 sec



what causes the LE under risk of injury?


it is suggested that resistance training could progress to fast explosive movements

Olympic-style weightlifting derivatives. Weightlifting exercises, such as power cleans and snatches,

why are women linked to incorrect landing technique?

The inability for female athletes to correctly attenuate high jump landing impact forces through muscle contraction has been linked to incorrect landing technique insufficient muscular strength a lack of balance and deficiencies in neuromuscular control

phase 3 has the term "short term" response

These exercises are designed to develop functional stability while also continuing to improve technique in both landing and takeoff position

in phase 3, this phase emphasizes development of neuromuscular control by what factors?

Unconscious muscle recruitment, coactivation, and coordination (are critical factors involved in successful jumping landing in females)

eccentric excercise is better than concentric excercise bc it promotes

ability for more heavier loads and therefore greater hypertrophy

balance training, basic stability exercises are initially static with limited movement and this can help with

activate the stabilizer muscles and bring the body to concentrate on proprioceptive information being received to maintain stability; therefore providing a stronger proprioception.

during jumping landing propulsive excercises, these groups of muscles were working together

adductor and abductor

when does progressioin from phase 2 to 3 happen?

adequate eccentric landing during squating with a load

Progression to phase 2 (of jump landing) is recommended once the athlete demonstrates

adequate strength endurance during squatting and lunging patterns at an appropriate load in addition to demonstrating satisfactory single-leg balance

an ex of perturbed dynamic is?

an athlete to catch a medicine ball while standing with one leg.

stability is maintained by the--- when th body is in a static position or when there is an end recover phase of a jump landing


While landing, balance is achieved primarily through the

ankle and/or hip

swings help which muscles

ankle str its stability and str glutueal muscles

what are to dymanic movements during swinging?

ask the person's torso to stand tall and strong stand on the swing w their feet both of these causes COM to be rised higher

describe the 3 levels of mature str endurance excercise for a squat?

assisted squat BW squat Resisted squat

without feedback on cond/str the athlete

athletes may not effectively integrate the benefits of their increased strength into their movement patterns.

ex of learning a perfect landing technqiue?

box jumping

how can static exceesises be manipylated

closing eyes, one leg, and unstable grounds

This first stage should focus on exercises and techniques aimed at developing

competent movement patterns and general strength

dynamic static in phase 2 focuses on

continous of a a stance while doing different synamic movemenet encourages a stronger eccentric descent from jump landin

short response?

emphasizes development of neuromuscular control, particularly aiming to stabilize the working joints through unconscious activation of the surrounding musculature

Females have a tendency to adopt an ------ position during landing which can subsequently reduce ---- of the knee

erect trunk (position) flexion


focus on exercises and techniques aimed at developing propulsive power and landing ability

phase 4 goal is "perturbed dynamic" what's that?

for balance and stability training, the ultimate aim during phase 4 is to advance the athletes' ability to maintain steadiness and regain stability while resisting external forces.

demonstrating that precise kinematic instruction (feedback on knee flexion angle at initial ground contact) can mediate decreases

in landing GRF by -13%.

how is relative str achieved?

increasing maximum strength while minimizing changes in body mass; however, it can also be developed by maintaining strength and reducing body mass such as in reducing fat

A typical adaptation of consistent highintensity strength training

is the growth and proliferation of myofibril muscle filaments; however, increases in strength can also be achieved by increasing neural activation, which limit changes in muscle size

co activation of the quads and hamstrings causes less injury to the


in phase 3 what exercises are designed to develop functional stability while also continuing to improve technique in both landing and takeoff position

landing will be preceded by a pre-movement, such as a lateral jump and an unstable surface. ALSO add a jump and land with each swing repetition.

In most sports necessitate athletes to possess certain amounts of strength endurance and power; therefore, ------- is an optimal quality to develop given the strong correlation between both strength endurance and muscular power.

maximal relative strength (phase 3)

greater horizontal and/ or lateral momentum to arrest or control during this phase because of the inclusion of the propulsive jump phase the strength training needs to become --- in focus.


which phase of jump landing will there be a liekely increase of muscle mass>

phase 2

why is it important for great eccentric str during jumping landing

proper alignment and balance enables to safely control descent of a jumping landing

implementing any type, it is imperative to emphasize

proper technique

phase 3 goal is to increase

relative strength

Another effective set of exercises that can be used to develop muscular power for jump-landing proficiency are

resisted jump squat variations

what are some plyomteric excesies that would promote stability

single-leg squats, split squats, and lunges

what are excercises that focuses on competent movement patterns and general str?

squats, lunges, push, pull, bend, and twist patterns, form the basis of much of the training

"two up one down-type exercises" where athletes push concentrically with 2 limbs and eccentrically lower with one.


In the same respect, larger jumping distances yield greater propulsive forces upon takeoff (15), which effectively increases both vertical and horizontal COM velocities during landing.


t/f:The movement patterns used in these types of exercises of Olympic-style weightlifting derivatives. Weightlifting exercises, such as power cleans and snatches,are similar to movement witnessed in jumping landing patterns


t/f:adolescent females do not seem to develop the neuromuscular system at the same rate as the musculoskeletal system


t/f:because of the hip joint's larger ranges of motion, which is achieved in both the medial-lateral and anteriorposterior planes. . This type of balance is termed "dynamic" as the body endeavors to stabilize while simultaneously performing movement.


t/f:location of the upper body COM has been shown to affect the final position of the knee during landing (6), particularly during single-leg landings.


t/f:s. The use of video feedback and expert feedback has been shown to significantly reduce vertical ground reaction force (VGRF) (225.8%)


the association between decreased strength and increased injury brings importance to

that maximum neural strength is continually increased in an effort to attenuate the increased impact forces experienced during the advancement of exercises performed throughout this phase

When landing is projected from a mediolateral direction or when landing from a perturbed jump, balance is maintained predominately through

the hip joint

why is it called Plyometric training during phase 1 and termed "long response?

the propulsion and landing are represented by adequate hip, knee, and ankle flexion and also alignment upon impact to the surface

unstable surfaces training provides

the syrgnesit muscles recruitement and activation patterns

what is the speculation about females tendency for an upright position?

they have weak glutes and hamstrings which are necessary for proper extension of the hip and stabilization of the trunk or they tend to overuse their quads than hamstrings


to develop eccentric leg strength along with enhancing balance, stability, and control of joint alignment.

single-leg landing the foot should be positioned

under the body's center of mass (COM)

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