Jurassic Park

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At the raptor pen, Grant, Sattler, Malcolm, and the kid see only one raptor at first. What is the one raptor doing?

"Hunting them." Moving slow and moving the ferns.

How much funding for grants dig is received from the Hammond foundation?

$30,000 a year

How do the scientists enssure that the dinosaurs will not breed in the wild?

1) irradiate then with X-rays 2) all female

What is Dr. Ellie Sattler's specialization?


According to Hammond, how many people have died during the construction on Hammonds Park?


How many lizards were involved in the Gruesome attack on the newborn baby?27


What do Grant and his team affectionately call the CAST program they use to locate fossils underground?


Who is traveling in the second car for the tour through the animal enclosures?

Tim, Lex, and Ed Regis

What is the Cowan, Swain and Ross attorney's mission when he accompanies Grant to the Costa Rican island?

To inspect and resolve the Costa Rican situation

What type of vehicle is used for the tour through the animal enclosures?

Toyota Land Cruiser

How many kinds of animals are originally supposed to be on Hammonds Island?


When the InGen helicopter lands outside of the clinic, who gets out of the helicopter?

Two black crewmen, limp body, Ed Regis

What is kept in a locked room in the basement of the compound that only Muldoon has the key to?

Two laser guide and missle launches

As Alan is getting ready to leave the dig site, what type of fossil is he worried about protecting until his return?


Which dinosaurs kill simply for the pleasure of killing?


What does the sign of the group travels under on their way to the tourist compound say?

Welcome to Jurassic Park

What is the name of the environmental protection agency agent that visits grant at his dig site?

Bob Morris

Once doctor guitierrez retrieves the carcass of the lizard on the beach, where does he send the carcass for testing? Page 24

Columbia University in New York. Edward H. Simpson.

When the animals on the island are finally identified, what are the animals Identified as?


Who is the head of the tropical diseases laboratory that Dr. Gutierrez sent the lizard carcass to? Page24

Dr. Richard Stone

What type of dinosaur do the tour group members first see as their tour begins through the park?


Years before the story takes Place, Malcolm worked as a consultant. Whom did Malcolm consult for?


What area of the park is not under constant monitoring from the control room?

Jungle River

Who is in charge of creating and controlling the dinosaurs?

Jurassic park lab and nursery

Where was Robert Muldoon raised as a child?


What university is Dr. Grant affiliated with?

University of Denver

As the group watches the one raptor they can see in the pen, what happens?

2 raptors charged and hit the fence while the third struck the fence at chest level

As Gennaro and Hammond are flying en route to pick up Grant and Sattler, how many kinds of animals does Hammond reveal are actually on the island?


What version number are the dinosaurs that are currently living on the island?

4.1 or 4.3

How long has the park's geneticist been working on the dinosaur creations?


How many miles of electrified fences are on the island?


How many different toxic enzymes are contained in the version of a dilophosaur?


How big was the elephant that Hammond used to carry around in a cage to help him in his fundraising meetings?

9 inches high and 1 foot long

As Hammons group makes its way from the landing site to the tourist compound, what does Alan Grant see?

A Dinosaur

Where does the grow some attack by lizards on a newborn baby take place?27

A clinic in Bahia Anasco

When Hammond is carrying the elephant around trying to raise money, what kind of company is Hammond trying to start?

A genetics company

What type of baby dinosaur does the tour group me when they enter the nursery?

A velociraptor

How does the control room keep track of the animals in the park?

Animals are counted for every few minutes and motion detectors

What is delivered to Grant and Sattler at the dig site from InGen?

Architectural plans

Where is the dig site located that Grant and Sattler are currently working?

Badlands outside of Snakewater, Montana

What does Grant notices exist in the real tourist compound that was absent on the architectural drawings that Grant received from Hammond?

Bars on the skylight

While on the dig site, how do Grant and his team measure the passing of time?


What is the name of InGen's main competitor?


What two colors comprise The entire wardrobe of Ian Malcolm?

Black and gray

What is the name of the family on vacation in the jungles of Costa Rica?


What type of animal does Grant first see after landing on the island?


According to Tina's description, what do the noises the lizard makes remind Tina of? Page 1

Chirped like an ocean bird. The parents compared it to a mouse.

Who is John Arnold?

Computer analyst

Who is the staff member primarily responsible for designing the computer systems on Safari Island?

Dennis Nedry

What is the name of the lawyer assigned to the Hammond File at Cowan, Swain, and Ross?

Donald Gennaro

What is the name of Tina's doctor in Puntarenas? Page 16

Dr. Cruz

Who is the researcher that Tina's doctor refers the family to in order to determine what kind of animal attacked their daughter on the Costa Rican beach? Page 17

Dr. Guitierrez

Who meets Hammonds group after they land on the Safari island?

Ed Regis

What is the name of the midwife who finds the gruesome body of a newborn baby attacked by lizards in Costa Rica?

Elena morales

What is the name of Gennaro's wife?


What is Amber?

Fossilized tree sap

In the meeting that takes place between a staff member and John Hammond in Hammond's bungalow, what does the staff member try to convince Hammond to do?

Get rid of the dinosaurs now and make brand new ones

How does the grandmother whose sleeping grandchild is bitten describe the lizard she sees?

Green with brown stripes

As the group reassembles in the visitor center to begin their tour, a helicopter rides on the island. Who is on the helicopter?

Hammonds grandkids, Tim and Alexis Murphy

According to Regis, why does the Tyrannosaurus rex never venture out into the open during the daylight hours?

Has sensitive skin and sunburns easily

How does the researcher obtain the carcass of the lizard on the beach where Tina was attacked? Page 24-25

He shoots the howler monkey in which he drops the carcass of the lizard and Dr. Guitierrez obtains it in a ziplock bag inside of a cylinder container

How does Donald Gennaro react when he sees the islands animals?

He was Speechless and wondered how much money they would make.

How does Hammonds group of travelers arrive on safari island?


How does Tim come to recognize Dr. Grant?

His book.

What is the name of the mathematician that will be accompanying Grant and Sattler to the Costa Rican island?

Ian Malcolm

How will the embryos be smuggled off of Hammons Island?

In a shaving cream can

What is John Hammons island off of the Costa Rican coast also known as?

Isla Nublar/ Safari island

In the coffee shop at The San Francisco airport, a man from InGens competitor meets with an unidentified employee of InGen. Who is the man representing InGens competition?

Lewis Dodgson

What is Ian Malcolm's profession?


How often does the computer conduct the category tally on the dinosaurs?

Once every 15 minutes

Who provides the voice for the self-guided tour through the animal enclosures?

Richard Kiley

What is the name of the visiting physician working in a clinic on the west coast of Costa Rica?

Roberta (Bobbie) Carter

What does Tina do when she notices the lizard on the Costa Rican beach?

She stays still to not frighten and scare him away.

How does Ellie Sattler React when she sees the islands animals?

She was shocked and said they were extraordinarily beautiful.

How does the research doctor explain the symptoms that Tina experienced after being bitten by the lizard?

Swelling, tremendous pain from serotonin in saliva, high blood pressure

As the tour progresses, what glitch does Arnold see with the electric vehicles?

The electronic clutches in the vehicles

Why does the tour group not initially enter the control room but head to the raptor pens instead?

The men were busy trying to dock the ship

According to the findings at the tropical diseases laboratory, what is the lizards blood mildly reactive to?

The venom of the Indian king cobra

What does Sattler notice About many of the plants surrounding the pool at the tourist compound?

They contain a deadly beta; carbon alkaloid.

Why is the species type of the lizard not determined in the initial work up by the tropical diseases laboratory?

They were waiting until the return of Dr. Simpson

What about the lizard on the Costa Rican beach catches Tina's attention? Page 15

it's three toed tracks

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