Jurassic Park Questions

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What two colors comprise the entire wardrobe of Ian Malcolm?

black and gray

Who meets Hammond's group after they land on Safari Island?

Ed Regis

when the animals on the island are finally identified, what are they identified as?


How many kinds of animals are originally supposed to be on the island?


What do grant and his team affectionately call the CAST program they use to locate fossils underground?


What university is Dr. Grant affiliated with?

University of Denver

Once dr. gutierrez retrieves the carcass of the lizard on the beach, where does he decide to send the carcass for testing?

Dr. Simpson at Columbia University

How does the research doctor explain the symptoms that Tina experienced after being bitten by the lizard?

It was an allergic reaction. Serotonin made it swell

As Gennaro and Hammond are flying en route to pick up Grant and Sattler, how many kinds of animals does Hammonds reveal are actually on the island?

238, 15 species

According to Hammond, how many people died during the construction on his park?


How much funding for Grant's dig is received from the Hammond Foundation?

35K a year for the last 5 years

How big is the elephant that Hammond used to carry around in a cage to help him in his fund-raising meetings?

9 in high, 1 ft long

According to Tina's description, what do the noises the lizard makes remind Tina of?

A Mouse

Where does the gruesome attack by lizards on a newborn baby take place?

A clinic in Bahia Anasco

How does the grandmother whose sleeping grandchild is bitten describe what she sees?

A green lizard with brown stripes

How does the researcher obtain the carcass of the lizard on the beach where Tina was attacked?

A money was eating it and he tranquilized the monkey

What is the name of InGen's main competitor?

Biosyn Corporation

What is the name of the Environmental Protection Agency agent that visits Grant at his dig site?

Bob Morris

While on the dig site, how do grant and his team measure the passing of time?

By cases of beer

Who is the staff member primary responsible for designing the computer systems on safari island?

Dennis Nedry

What is the name of the lawyer assigned to the Hammond file at Cowan, Swain, and Ross?

Donald Gennaro

What is the name of Tina's doctor in Puntarenas?

Dr. Cruz

Who is the researcher that Tina's doctor refers the family to in order to determine what kind of animal attacked their daughter on the Costa Rican beach?

Dr. Guitierrez

Who is the head of the Tropical Diseases Lab that Dr. Guiterrez sends the lizard carcass to?

Dr. Richard Stone

When the InGen helicopter lands outside of the clinic, who gets out of the helicopter?

Ed Regis

What is the name of the midwife who finds the gruesome body of a newborn baby attacked by lizards in Costa Rica?

Elena Morales

What is the name of Gennaro's wife?


What is the name of the mathematician that will be accompanying Grant and Sattler to the Costa Rican island?

Ian Malcolm

How will the embryos be smuggled off the island?

In a shaving cream can

What is the John Hammond's island off of the Costa Rican island also known as?

Isla Nublar

in the coffee shop at the San Fransisco airport, a man from InGen's competitor meets with an unidentified employee of InGen. who is the man representing InGen's competition?

Lewis Dodgson

What is Ian Malcolm's profession?


How does Hammond's group of travelers arrive on Safari Island?

a Helicopter

As alan is getting ready to leave the dig site, what type of fossil is he worried about protecting until his return?

a baby velociraptor

When Hammond is carrying the elephant around trying to raise money, what kind of company is he trying to start?

a genetics company

What is Dr. Ellie Sattler's specialization?


what is the name of the visiting physician working in a clinic on west coast of costa rica?

Roberta Carter

Where is the dig site located that Grant and Sattler are currently working on?

Snakewater, Montana

What is the name of the family on vacation in the jungles of Costa Rica?

The Bowmans

According to the findings at the tropical diseases lab, what is the lizards blood mildly reactive to?

The venom of the indian cobra

Why is the species type of lizard not determined in the initial work up by the tropical disease lab?

They were waiting on dr. simpson to return

What is delivered to Grant and Sattler at their dig site from InGen?

plans and blueprints

How many lizards were involved in the attack of the baby?


What is the attorney's mission when he accompanies Grant to the Costa Rican island?

to inspect the island

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