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all better --------- completely cured

"All better?" asked Maureen, after her son stopped crying.

I'll say! --------- yes, definitely!

"Did you enjoy the Madonna concert?" - "I'll say!"

(to) not have a clue --------- to know nothing about

"Do you know how to fix a broken printer?" - "No, I don't have a clue!"

Help yourself --------- serve yourself NOTE: Pay attention to the reflexive form: Help yourself in singular, help yourselves in plural.

"Help yourselves to cookies and coffee," said Maria before the meeting started.

can't complain --------- things are going well; I'm fine

"How's business, Mike?" - "Can't complain. I sold a lot of computers this month."

How's it going? --------- How are you?

"How's it going?" I asked Ted. "Everything's fine. How are you?" he replied.

Don't mention it! --------- you're welcome

"Thanks for bringing the cookies," I said to Susan. "Don't mention it!" she replied.

(to) cost an arm and a leg --------- to be very expensive

A college education in America costs an arm and a leg.

(to) rant and rave --------- to talk loudly, often in anger

A customer in the video rental store was ranting and raving that the DVD he rented was broken.

conventional wisdom --------- a widely held belief

According to conventional wisdom, a diet high in salt can cause high blood pressure.

(to) make a fortune --------- to make a lot of money SYNONYMS: to make a bundle; to make a killing

Adam made a fortune when he sold his company to Microsoft.

rolling in dough --------- very rich SYNONYMS: rolling in it; rolling in money; loaded

Adam will be able to retire young. He's rolling in dough.

full of oneself --------- to think too much of oneself

After Angela appeared on the cover of Vogue magazine, she was really full of herself.

(to) get canned [slang] --------- to lose one's job; to get fired

After Chris got canned, it took him a year to find a new job.

nothing to do with (someone or something) --------- not have any relationship with someone; to not get involved with something

After I found out that Nora shoplifted some lipstick from the drugstore, I wanted nothing to do with her.

(to) break up with (someone) --------- to end a relationship with a romantic partner

After dating her boyfriend Dan for four years, Erica finally decided to break up with him.

three sheets to the wind --------- drunk SYNONYMS: wasted [slang]; liquored up [slang]; dead drunk

After drinking four beers, Bob was three sheets to the wind.

(to be) in a bad mood --------- unhappy; depressed; irritable

After her boyfriend broke up with her, Nicole was in a bad mood for several days.

(to) break into (4) --------- to suddenly begin an activity, such as singing

After receiving the check from the National Cookie Company, Susan broke into song.

basket case [slang] --------- someone or something in a useless or hopeless condition

After running the marathon, Brian felt like a basket case.

(to be) in good spirits --------- happy; in a good mood

After she won the tennis tournament, Elizabeth was in good spirits.

out of it --------- confused, disoriented

After staying up all night studying, Ted felt out of it the next day

no hard feelings --------- no anger; no bitterness

After the elections, Andrea said to Nicole, "I hope there are no hard feelings."

(to) work out (4) --------- exercise.

After working out at the gym for two hours, Scott could barely walk.

(to) find out --------- to learn; to discover

Al is calling the theater to find out what time the movie start

(to be) stressed out --------- under severe strain; very anxious

Al is so stressed out about his job that he can't sleep at night.

(to) do one's best --------- to try as hard as possible SYNONYM: to give it one's all

Although Ted did his best, he still failed his chemistry test.

(to) slack off --------- to waste time. NOTE: People who slack off all the time are called "slackers."

Amanda doesn't get much done at the office. She's too busy slacking off.

(to) mess up --------- to make a mistake; to spoil an opportunity

Amber messed up and put salt instead of sugar in the cookies.

(to) help out --------- to give assistance; to help SYNONYM: to lend a hand

Amber offered to help out in the kitchen by chopping nuts.

sweet tooth --------- an enjoyment of sugary foods

Amber's got a real sweet tooth. Last night, she ate a whole box of Godiva chocolates.

(to be) crazy about --------- to like very much

Amy is so crazy about golf, she'd like to play every day.

(to) get (something) straight --------- to clarify; to understand

Are you sure you got the directions straight?Let me get this straight — you're leaving your husband?

(to) freak out [slang] --------- to respond to something irrationally or crazily; to overreact

Ashley's parents freaked out when she told them she was dropping out of college to become an actress.

sold out --------- completely sold

Becky was really disappointed when she found out that the Britney Spears concert was sold out.

dragon lady --------- a nasty woman who misuses her power SYNONYMS: bitch [slang]; shrew

Beth is a real dragon lady. She's always screaming at her employees and blaming them for her mistakes. I hope she gets fired!

(to) give up --------- to admit defeat; to surrender

Bill gave up golf after realizing he'd never be good at it.

(to) get the hang of (something) --------- to learn how to do something; to acquire an effective technique

Billy had trouble learning how to ride a bike, but after a few months he finally got the hang of it.

(to) lose one's temper --------- to become very angry

Bob always loses his temper when his kids start talking on the telephone during dinner.

on a shoestring --------- on a very low budget

Bob and Susan were living on a shoestring after Bob lost his job

can't stand --------- to hate

Bob can't stand bureaucrats, so he'd never do well working at a large corporation.

(to) pick up (1) --------- to acquire; to learn

Bob picks up languages quickly. After two weeks in Spain, he was already speaking Spanish.

(to) shell out --------- to pay (often more than one would like)

Bob shelled out $5,000 for Nicole's piano lessons before she decided she'd rather play the flute.

(to) make a bundle --------- to make a lot of money

Bob's friend Charles made a bundle in the stock market and retired at age 45.

(to) break into (2) --------- to interrupt

Boris and I were talking. Please don't try to break into our conversation.

(to) change one's mind --------- to change one's opinion or decision

Brandon wasn't going to take a vacation this year, but then he changed his mind and went to Bora Bora for two weeks.

(to) blow something --------- to spoil or botch something

Brenda blew the interview and didn't get the job offer.

no wonder --------- it's not surprising SYNONYM: small wonder

Brian's entire body is in pain. It's no wonder since he ran a marathon yesterday!

(that's or those are) the breaks --------- when something bad happens and you can't do anything about it

By the time we got to the theater, the new Harry Potter movie was already sold out. Oh well, that's the breaks!

(to) strike it rich --------- to attain sudden financial success

Chad struck it rich with the winning lottery ticket.

(to) chill out [slang] --------- to relax

Chill out! If we miss this train, we'll just take the next one.

lost cause --------- something hopeless

Cindy spent five years studying Russian. Finally, she realized it was a lost cause. She would never learn it.

come on in --------- enter NOTE: This is a more conversational way of saying "come in."

Come on in, the door's open!

on the job --------- at work

Dan got fired for drinking on the job.

(to) make a living --------- to earn enough money to support oneself

Danny makes some money playing his guitar on street corners, but not enough to make a living.

(to) talk over --------- to discuss

Dave and I spent hours talking over the details of the plan.

(to) learn the ropes --------- to learn the basics

David worked at a big law firm for 10 years where he learned the ropes. Now he runs his own law firm.

(to) hit the nail on the head --------- to be right

Dawn hit the nail on the head when she said that Tiffany is jealous of Amber.

well off --------- wealthy; financially secure

Debbie is a doctor and her husband is a lawyer. They're quite well off.

(to) run around --------- to move about quickly

Debbie is exhausted. She ran around town all day today.

to brownnose [slang] --------- to try to win favor with people above them, such as teacher or bosses

Dennis is always brown-nosing the boss, but I still don't think he's going to get a promotion.

(to) make up one's mind --------- to reach a decision; to decide

Do you want an omelette or fried eggs? You'll need to make up your mind quickly because the waitress is coming.

(to) make time for --------- to put time in one's schedule for something

Don is a busy lawyer, but he always makes time for his family.

(to) work one's tail off [slang] --------- to work very hard

Don worked his tail off to save money for his son's

(to) drive one crazy --------- to annoy someone very much

Don't ask Mrs. Smith how old she is. It drives her crazy.

(to be) out of it --------- not aware or knowledgeable about trends or modern habits

Don't ask for Susan's advice on fashion. She's really out of it. She wears sneakers with everything.

(to) plug away (at something) --------- to proceed with a boring or routine task; to keep trying

Don't give up on chemistry class. If you keep plugging away, you will eventually learn the material.

(to) knock oneself out --------- to work very hard at something (sometimes too hard)

Don't knock yourself out for Jeremy — he won't appreciate it anyway

(to) take something the wrong way --------- to take offense This expression is often used in the negative form: "Don't take this the wrong way, but..."

Don't take this the wrong way, but I liked your hair better before you got it cut.

(to) get it --------- to understand

Don't you get it? Your company is about to go out of business!

head over heels in love --------- very much in love

During the first years of their marriage, Brad and Jennifer were head over heels in love with each other.

(to) shake in one's shoes --------- to tremble with fear; to be afraid

During the storm, Billy was hiding under his kitchen table and was really shaking in his shoes.

things are looking up --------- things are improving

Elizabeth found a wonderful new job and just moved into a beautiful new apartment. Things are looking up for her.

(to) keep one's chin up --------- to stay positive

Even when he was unemployed and homeless, Bill managed to keep his chin up.

(to be) on edge --------- nervous; irritable

Ever since his car accident, Neil has felt on edge.

feel free --------- go ahead and do something; don't hesitate (to do something)

Feel free to interrupt me and ask questions during my lecture," said the professor to his students.

(to) go wrong --------- to make a mistake; to go astray; to malfunction; to work incorrectly

Follow the directions I gave you, and you can't go wrong.

(to) go back to the drawing board --------- to start a task over because the last try failed; to start again from the beginning

Frank's new business failed, so he had to go back to the drawing board.

sure thing --------- an outcome that is assured

Gary bet all his money on a horse named Trixie, thinking she was a sure thing.

out of work --------- unemployed; not working

Gary was out of work for a year before finding a new job.

(to) live from hand to mouth --------- to barely have enough money to survive

George is really poor. He lives from hand to mouth.

(to be) sitting pretty --------- in a good position (often financially)

Gina was one of the first people to work at, and she made millions on her stock options. Now she's sitting pretty.

(to) give (someone) a ring --------- to telephone someone SYNONYMS: to give (someone) a buzz [slang]

Give me a ring tomorrow so we can discuss plans for this weekend.

(to) go into (2) --------- to enter

Go into the house and get a pen

goody-goody --------- self-righteously or smugly good SYNONYMS: goody two-shoes; teacher's pet

Goody-goodies usually sit in the front row and smile at the teacher during class.

(to) hang in there --------- to persevere; to not give up

Hang in there, Don! Your invention will soon be a success.

(to) get plastered [slang] --------- to get drunk SYNONYMS: to get loaded [slang]; to get sloshed [slang]

Harold got plastered at the wedding and fell into the wedding cake.

all the rage --------- the latest fashion; popular right now

Have you seen those new alligator-skin cowboy boots? They're all the rage this season!

gung ho --------- very enthusiastic; very excited (about something)

Heather is really gung ho about her new job.

(to) hit the books --------- to start studying

Hit the books! I know you have a test tomorrow.

cup of tea --------- the type of person or thing that one generally likes This expression is almost always used in the negative. She's not my cup of tea

Hockey isn't Alan's cup of tea. He prefers soccer. I know Joy is nice, but she's simply not my cup of tea.

(to) make out (2) --------- to manage

How did you make out at the doctor's today?

for heaven's sake! --------- A way of expressing emotions such as surprise, outrage, or impatience SYNONYMS: for God's sake, for goodness sake, for Pete's sake

Hurry up, for heaven's sake! You're going to be late for school.

to screw up [slang]. --------- to spoil an opportunity

I can't believe you screwed up during the interview by asking for six weeks of vacation before you even got the job offer!

(to) go into (4) --------- to discuss details.

I don't have time now to go into the whole story.

(to) put up with --------- to endure without complaint

I don't know how Len puts up with his mean boss every day

last resort --------- if there are no other alternatives left; the last solution for getting out of a difficulty

I don't like taking medicine. I'll only take it as a last resort.

nuts and bolts --------- details; basic components of something

I don't need to know the nuts and bolts of how the computer works — just show me how to turn it on.

(to have) mixed feelings --------- to feel positive about one aspect of something and negative about another

I have mixed feelings about the president of our company. He's good with the clients, but he's nasty to his employees.

(to) give it one's best shot --------- to try as hard as one can

I know you're nervous about the interview — just give it your best shot.

(to) give it one's best shot --------- to try as hard as one can

I know you're nervous about the interview. Just give it your best shot and see what happens.

(to) pay (someone) back (2) --------- to get revenge

I know you're the one who stole my car, and one day I'll think of a way to pay you back!

(to) make a pig of oneself [slang] --------- to overeat; to eat too much

I made a pig of myself by eating four slices of pie.

(to) turn off --------- to cause to feel dislike or revulsion

I used to be friends with Monica, but she gossiped all the time and it really turned me off.

(to) lose one's touch --------- to no longer be able to do something well

I used to make delicious pies, but this one tastes terrible. I think I've lost my touch.

(to) drive a hard bargain --------- to be tough in negotiating an agreement; to negotiate something in one's favor

I wanted to pay less for the car, but the salesman drove a hard bargain.

just kidding --------- talking more to get a laugh than anything

I was just kidding when I said your new orange dress makes you look like a pumpkin.

(to) give credit where credit is due --------- to give thanks or acknowledgement to the person who deserves it

I will be sure to thank you when I give my speech. I always give credit where credit is due.

(to) blow it --------- to spoil an opportunity

I'll give you one more chance, but don't blow it this time!

you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours --------- if you do me a favor, I'll do you a favor; let's cooperate

I'll help you with your homework if you do the dishes. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.

(to) pick up (3) --------- to buy

I'll pick up some burritos on my way home.

(to) pick up (5) --------- to retrieve someone

I'll pick you up at seven for our date.

good thinking --------- good idea; smart planning

I'm glad you brought an umbrella — that was good thinking!

to be about to --------- ready to; on the verge of

I'm glad you're finally home. I was just about to have dinner without you.

(to) stop by --------- to pay a quick visit

I'm having some friends over for pizza tomorrow night. Why don't you stop by?

(to) look forward to --------- to anticipate eagerly

I'm looking forward to my trip to Mexico next month.

(to) buy (some) time --------- to make more time available (in order to achieve a certain purpose)

I'm not sure whether or not I want to take the job offer. I'd better buy some time to think about it.

(to) sweeten the deal --------- to make an offer more attractive

IBM offered to sweeten the deal by giving John a company car if he agreed to work for them.

(to) buckle down --------- to start working seriously

If Don buckles down now, he might be able to graduate from high school this year.

(to) get one's act together --------- to get organized; to start operating more effectively

If Ted gets his act together now, he might be able to get into a good college.

(to) come to an agreement --------- to reach an agreement

If we can come to an agreement now, I can start work on Monday.

(to) drop by --------- to pay a short, often unannounced visit

If we have time before the movie, let's drop by Bill's house.

to cut the mustard --------- to meet expectations; to do what's required

If you can't cut the mustard here, you'll have to find a new job.

(to) get going --------- to get started on something; to set off for a destination; to leave SYNONYMS: to get a move on; to get the show on the road

If you don't get going on your homework soon, you're going to be up all night.

(to) pitch in --------- to help SYNONYMS: to lend a hand, to lend a helping hand; to help out

If you need my help, just ask. I'd be happy to pitch in.

(to) beat around the bush --------- to talk around the subject; to avoid getting to the point

If you want something, tell me. Don't beat around the bush!

(to) break into (1) --------- to enter or be let into a profession

If you want to break into journalism, it's a good idea to work on a college newspaper.

(to) wrap up --------- to finish

If you wrap up your homework by eight o'clock, we'll have time to catch a movie tonight.

(to) get out of the way --------- to move out of the way; to stop interfering with someone's plans or activities

If you're not planning on helping us prepare dinner, please get out of the way. The kitchen is crowded.

cream of the crop --------- the best of a group SYNONYM: creme de la creme

In the world of women's tennis, the Williams sisters are the cream of the crop.

it looks like --------- it's likely that

It looks like I'll be able to get out of work early today, so let's plan on meeting downtown at 4:30.

(to be) up in the air --------- not yet determined; uncertain

It might rain later, so our plans for the picnic are up in the air.

love at first sight --------- an immediate attraction

It took Allison several months to fall in love with Karl. It wasn't love at first sight.

(to) make out (3) --------- to understand or see with difficulty

It was so foggy, I could barely make out the street sign

(to be) down in the dumps --------- to feel sad; to be depressed

It's easy to feel down in the dumps when it's raining outside.

like pulling teeth --------- very difficult

It's like pulling teeth getting Max to talk about his girlfrien

it looks like --------- it is likely that..."

It's snowing, so it looks like the schools will be closed today.

in that case --------- under that circumstance

It's snowing? In that case, you'd better take the bus to school today instead of driving.

(as) sharp as a tack --------- very intelligent

Jay scored 100% on his science test. He's as sharp as a tack.

(to) go into business --------- to start a business

Jeff decided to go into business selling baseball cards.

(to) bite off more than one can chew --------- to take on more than one is capable of; to take on too much

Jennifer is having a dinner party for 50 people, and she can't even cook. I think she's bitten off more than she can chew.

(to) be / (to) get in over one's head ---------

Jennifer is in over her head with this dinner party!

(to) burn someone up --------- to make someone angry

Jenny didn't vote for Nicole. That really burns Nicole up.

all along --------- throughout; from beginning to end

Jenny told Nicole she would vote for her, but all along she was planning on voting for Andrea.

(to) kid around --------- to joke around; to tease

Jeremy loves to kid around, so don't be offended by anything he says.

(to) go nuts [slang] (2) --------- to go crazy, to become crazy with anger

Jim went nuts when his wife told him she was leaving him for another man.

dead-end job --------- a job that won't lead to anything else

Jim worked many dead-end jobs before finally deciding to start his own business.

to be full of oneself --------- arrogant; too proud of oneself

Joan is really full of herself. She's always talking about how smart she is.

(to be) on thin ice (with someone) --------- to be in a dangerous position; to be temporarily on somebody's bad side

Joey was on thin ice with his mom after he spent his lunch money on candy bars.

(to be) in charge of --------- having responsibility for

John is in charge of all international sales for his company.

(to) do the trick --------- to achieve the desired results

Juan changed the light bulb and said, "That should do the trick!"

right-hand man --------- the most helpful assistant or employee

Juan's right-hand man helps him make all of his decisions

(to) take off (1) --------- to become popular; to grow suddenly

Julia Roberts' career took off with the film "Pretty Woman."

(to) wine and dine --------- to take someone out for an evening or an expensive meal

Kate was wined and dined during her trip to Santiago.

(to) keep posted --------- to provide up-to-date information

Keep me posted about your plans for the summer. If you're going to be at your cottage on the lake, I'd love to come visit.

(to) think big --------- to set high goals

Ken and Sandra hope to sell their house for $3 million dol-lars. They always think big.

(to) make ends meet --------- to manage one's money so as to have enough to live on; to be okay financially

Kimberly wasn't able to make ends meet so she had to ask her parents to pay her rent

(to) get or to have under one's belt --------- to have or to get experience

Kristen had three years of working for a large law firm under her belt before leaving to start her own firm.

(to) work like a dog --------- to work very hard SYNONYMS: to work one's tail off; to work like a horse; to work one's fingers to the bone

Larry became an investment banker after college, and now he works like a dog.

by a hair --------- just barely; very narrowly; by a small amount

Larry won the bicycle race by a hair. The second-place winner came in just a second behind him.

(to) have a blast [slang] --------- to enjoy oneself very much

Last summer, Nicole had a blast backpacking through Europe with some friends.

brown-noser [slang] --------- a person who's constantly trying to win favor with people above them, such as teachers or bosses

Lauren is such a brown-noser. She's always telling her teacher how much she enjoys class.

(to be or to get) in touch with (someone) --------- to be or to get in contact with (someone)

Leave me your contact information in case I need to get in touch with you while you're on vacation.

(to) level with (someone) --------- to speak openly and honestly with someone

Let me level with you. I'm voting for Andrea instead of you.

worth one's while --------- worthy of one's effort or time

Let me make it worth your while to work weekends. I'll pay you an extra $10 per hour on Saturdays and Sundays.

(to) set the record straight --------- to correct an inaccurate account

Let me set the record straight. I won the last game.

(to) call it a night --------- to stop an activity for the rest of the night

Let's call it a night and meet back at the office at seven o'clock tomorrow morning to finish preparing our report.

(let's) face it --------- accept a difficult reality

Let's face it, if you don't have a college degree, it can be difficult to find a high-paying job.

(to) get the ball rolling --------- to get started

Let's get the ball rolling on this project. We've only got one week to finish it.

(to) sweep (something) under the rug --------- to hide something, often a scandal

Let's just sweep this incident under the rug and move on.

(to) pick up (4) --------- to clean up

Let's pick up the bedroom before the guests arrive.

(to) roll up one's sleeves --------- to prepare to work

Let's roll up our sleeves and finish making these cookies!

(to) round up --------- to gather people together

Let's round up some volunteers to help bake cookies and pies for the bake sale.

(to) take a break --------- to stop and rest from an activity

Let's take a break from our work and go get some ice cream.

(to) lighten up --------- to stop taking things so seriously SYNONYMS: chill out [slang]; take it easy

Lighten up! I'm sure Ted was only joking when he said your guitar playing gave him a headache.

to blow someone off --------- to be cold to someone on purpose; to snub someone

Lisa blew her off at the mall.

(to) go into (1) --------- to enter a profession

Lisa enjoys arguing with people, so she decided to go into law.

(to) go belly-up --------- to go bankrupt

Many people lost their jobs when Enron went belly-up.

big shot --------- a powerful or important person

Martin has become a real big shot in Hollywood. This year he produced several movies.

spending money --------- money for minor expenses SYNONYM: pocket money

Martin's parents are paying his college tuition, but he has to earn his own spending money.

(to) give someone the ax --------- to fire someone

Mary used to talk to her friends on the phone all day at work, until one day her boss finally gave her the ax.

made of money --------- very rich SYNONYMS: loaded; rolling in dough; to have money to burn

Max should be willing to loan you $10,000 to start your new business. He's made of money.

crunch time --------- a short period when there's high pressure to achieve a result

May is crunch time for many students. It's when they have their final exam

(to) buy out --------- to purchase an entire business or someone's share of a business

Microsoft bought out Adam's company for $12 million.

under one's breath --------- quietly; in a whisper

Mike agreed to take out the garbage, saying under his breath, "I always do the dirty work around here."

easier said than done --------- more difficult than you think

Moving into a new home is easier said than done.

out of this world --------- delicious

Mrs. Field's oatmeal raisin cookies are out of this world!

(to) put the blame on (someone) --------- to name somebody else as responsible for a misdeed or misfortune

Mrs. Lopez put the blame on her husband for losing their life savings in the stock market.

(to) count on someone --------- to depend or rely on someone

My brother has a great sense of humor, so I can always count on him to cheer me up.

one's heart goes out to (someone) --------- to feel sorry for someone

My heart goes out to the Richardsons. Their home was destroyed in a fire.

(to) get on one's nerves --------- to annoy or irritate someone SYNONYMS: to get under someone's skin; to bug someone [slang]

My neighbor's dog barks all night. It really gets on my nerves.

(to) take over --------- to assume control

My new boss will be taking over some of my projects.

tricks of the trade --------- clever shortcuts gained by experience

My new job will be easier once I learn some tricks of the trade.

(to) butt in [slang] --------- to interrupt; to interfere

Nancy is always butting in to other people's business.

never mind --------- don't worry about something; forget it; it doesn't matter

Never mind what your friends say. You need to do what you think is right.

at first --------- in the beginning

Nicole didn't like Don Quixote at first, but after 200 pages she started to get into it.

piece of cake --------- very easy

Nicole finished her physics test in just 25 minutes. It was a piece of cake.

(to) have one's heart set on --------- to really want something

Nicole has her heart set on going to New York this weekend.

(to) hold a grudge against (someone) --------- to stay angry with someone about a past offense

Nicole holds a grudge against Jenny for voting for Andrea instead of her.

shut up (2) --------- stop speaking! NOTE: Remember that telling somebody to "shut up!" is rude. It's better to say "Be quiet!" or more politely, "Please be quiet!"

Nicole kept telling Ted to turn down his stereo. Finally, he got angry and said, "Shut up!"

(to) lose one's head --------- to lose control of one's behavior; to not know what one is doing

Nicole lost her head after losing the elections and started yelling at all her friends.

(to) pay (someone) back (1) --------- to repay a loan or debt

Nicole paid her friend back the $10 she borrowed.

top dollar --------- the highest end of a price range; a lot of money

Nicole paid top dollar for a shirt at Banana Republic. Wait until those jeans go on sale. Why pay top dollar?

(to) jump the gun --------- to start doing something too soon or ahead of everybody else

Nicole really jumped the gun by writing her acceptance speech before the results of the elections were announced.

(to) work out (1) --------- to find a solution; to resolve

Nicole spent half the night helping Ted work out a very difficult chemistry problem.

taken aback --------- surprised

Nicole was taken aback when her friend Rosa told her she no longer wanted to hang out with her.

(to) treat (someone) like dirt --------- to behave in a nasty way towards someone; to treat someone poorly

Nobody was surprised when Nicole's boyfriend broke up with her, since she treated him like dirt.

(to) have a good time --------- to enjoy oneself

Nora and Jake had a good time on their honeymoon in Maui.

all over --------- throughout; everywhere

Oh no! I got ketchup all over my white sweater.

(to) twist (someone's) arm --------- to persuade someone; to convince someone

Okay, you've twisted my arm. You can borrow my new car and drive it across the country.

(to) get down to business --------- to get serious about a task

Our dinner guests are arriving in two hours. We'd better get down to business and start preparing.

(to) make one's day --------- to give one great satisfaction

Our neighbors with the crazy dogs are moving away? That really makes my day!

just what the doctor ordered --------- exactly what was needed

Our trip to Florida was so relaxing. It was just what the doctor ordered!

like a chicken with its head cut off --------- in a hysterical manner; in a frenzy; in a very nervous way

Patricia ran around the school looking for her lost backpack like a chicken with its head cut off.

(to) deliver the goods --------- to meet expectations; to do what's required

Peter thought Bob wasn't delivering the goods, so he fired him.

chitchat --------- casual conversation; gossip SYNONYM: to shoot the breeze NOTE: Chitchat can also be a verb. Example: Amber and Ted were chitchatting all night long.

Peter told Heather to stop the chitchat and get back to work.

(to) pick up (2) --------- to take from the floor or ground

Pick up the pen you droppe

(to) make out (4) --------- to prepare a check or other payment.

Please make out a check for this month's rent.

(to) make a fool of oneself --------- to cause oneself to look stupid

Please stop arguing with me in front of all these people. You're making a fool of yourself!

(to) take off (2) --------- to remove

Please take off your shoes before coming inside our apartment. We just vacuumed this morning.

look like --------- have the appearance of

Please tell me what the cover of that new book looks like so it will be easier for me to find it in the bookstore.

(to) pay (someone) a compliment --------- to give someone a compliment; to offer someone an admiring comment

Professor Russo paid Jennifer a compliment. He said she had a beautiful smile.

crash course --------- short and intensive instruction

Rachel had a date on Friday night with an auto mechanic. He gave her a crash course on changing her oil.

dime a dozen --------- so plentiful as to be nothing special; common NOTE: This expression comes from the fact that a "dime" is worth only ten cents (very little value).

Reality TV shows are a dime a dozen these days.

rest assured --------- be sure

Rest assured that the police will find the thieves.

(to have a) one-track mind --------- having all thoughts directed to just one thing or activity; focused on just one thing

Ryan thinks about football all the time. He's got a one-track mind.

(to) go into (3) --------- to enter another emotional state

Sally went into hysterics.

(to) break the news --------- to make something known

Samantha and Michael are getting married, but they haven't yet broken the news to their parents.

to learn to live with it --------- to get used to something annoying or difficult

Sandra knew that Roger would always throw his dirty clothes on the floor. She'd just have to learn to live with it.

(to not) give someone the time of day --------- to ignore someone; to refuse to pay any attention to someone

Sandra never gave me the time of day back in college, but now she calls me all the time for advice.

night owl --------- a person who enjoys being active late at night

Sara goes to sleep every night at 3 a.m. She's a real night owl.

hard times --------- a time of difficulty

Since his wife left him for her dentist, Dan has been going through hard times.

(to) sit tight --------- to wait patiently

Sit tight, the doctor will be with you in a few minutes.

by far --------- by a wide margin; by a great difference SYNONYMS: by a long shot; far and away; hands down

Some people think Tom Hanks is by far the best actor in America today.

(to) break into (3) --------- to enter illegally or by force

Somebody broke into Peter's house and stole his DVD player.

(to) fool around (2) --------- to have casual sexual relations

Steve and Tanya were fooling around in the back seat of the car when a policeman knocked on the windo

(to) know one's stuff- --------- to have an expertise in a field

Steve has been an auto mechanic for 25 years. He really knows his stuff.

(to have a) big head --------- arrogant; too proud of oneself

Stop bragging so much about the award you got at work! People will think you've got a big head.

(to) fool around (1) --------- to waste time, or spend it in a silly way

Stop fooling around! You've got lots of work to do.

(to) talk into --------- to persuade; to convince

Stop trying to talk me into going to the dance club on Saturday night.

(to) cheer someone up --------- to make someone happy You can tell somebody to "Cheer up!" if they are feeling sad.

Susan called her friend in the hospital to cheer her up.

(to be) out of practice --------- no longer good at doing something

Susan studied French in high school, but she hasn't spoken it since. She's really out of practice.

(to) make out (1) --------- to kiss with much passion

Ted and Amber started making out at the stoplight and didn't realize that the light had turned green.

(to) stay up --------- not to go to bed; to stay awake

Ted and Amber stayed up all night talking about cookies.

(to) figure out --------- to solve; to determine

Ted couldn't figure out one of his math problems, so he asked his sister for help.

(to be) nuts about --------- to like very much SYNONYM: crazy about

Ted has every single Metallica album — he's nuts about that band.

(to be) sick and tired of --------- completely bored with; sick of

Ted is sick and tired of hearing about what an excellent student Nicole is.

there's no accounting for taste --------- it's impossible to explain individual likes and dislikes

Ted likes to put sugar on his spaghetti. I guess there's no accounting for taste.

(to) cut class --------- to miss class without an excuse

Ted often cuts class to spend more time with his girlfriend.

(to) pig out [slang] --------- to eat greedily; to stuff oneself NOTE: Pay attention to the preposition "on" after the verb "to pig out." One can pig out on hotdogs, pig out on candy, pig out on ice cream.

Ted pigged out on hot dogs and hamburgers at the barbeque and then got a stomachache.

(to) pull an all-nighter --------- to stay up all night to do work

Ted pulled an all-nighter to study for his chemistry test and ended up falling asleep in class the next day.

(to) hang out --------- to spend time (often doing nothing)

Ted spent all of last summer hanging out by his friend's pool.

in reality --------- in fact; actually

Ted thinks it'll be easy to become a rock star. In reality, it will take years of hard work.

nervous wreck --------- a person feeling very worried

Ted was a nervous wreck before his chemistry test.

(to) set eyes on --------- to look at; to see for the first time

Ted was in love from the moment he set eyes on Amber.

(to) not sleep a wink --------- to be awake all night

Ted was so nervous about his chemistry test that he didn't sleep a wink the night before.

if worse comes to worst --------- in the worst case; if absolutely necessary

Ted's car isn't running well. If worse comes to worst, he can take the bus to school.

(to) give one the creeps --------- to create a feeling of disgust or horror

Ted's friend Matt has seven earrings in each ear and an "I Love Mom" tattoo on his arm. He really gives Nicole the creeps.

head and shoulders above --------- far superior to

The Boston Symphony Orchestra is head and shoulders above any other orchestra in the area.

real flop or flop --------- a failure

The Broadway play closed after just 4 days - it was a real flop!

(to) save the day --------- to prevent a disaster or misfortune

The Christmas tree was on fire, but Ted threw water on it and saved the day.

not kidding around --------- to take something very seriously

The White House is not kidding around with airport security.

(to) let (someone) go --------- to fire; dismiss employees

The Xerxes Corporation was doing so poorly, they had to let many workers go earlier this year

(to) take off (5) --------- to leave the ground

The airplane took off on time.

over one's head --------- beyond one's understanding

The article on cloning was written for scientists. It was over my head.

(to be on a) winning streak --------- a series of wins

The basketball team hasn't lost a game all season. They're on a winning streak!

take it or leave it --------- accept or reject an offer, usually a final one

The highest salary we can offer you is $50,000 a year — take it or leave it.

from scratch --------- from the beginning; using all fresh ingredients rather than using a prepared mix

The house was in such bad shape, they decided to tear it down and re-build it from scratch.

(to) throw the book at someone --------- to punish or chide severely

The judge threw the book at Matt for stealing a football from the store. He'll be going to jail for six months.

(to) take (something) by storm --------- to win popularity quickly

The play "The Producers" really took New York by storm.

in progress --------- happening; under way; going on now

The play is already in progress, so you'll have to wait until intermission to sit down.

ballpark figure --------- an approximate number

The plumber estimated that it would cost $150 to fix our sink, but that was just a ballpark figure.

shut up (1) --------- be quiet, stop speaking

The professor talked for hours. I thought he'd never shut up.

(to) burn the midnight oil --------- to stay up late studying or working

The project is due tomorrow and we're far from finished. We're going to have to burn the midnight oil tonight

(to) give (someone) credit --------- to acknowledge someone's contribution; to recognize a positive trait in someone

The scientist gave his assistant credit for the discovery.

(to) take off (4) --------- to deduct

The waiter forgot to bring us drinks, so he took $10 off the bill.

track record --------- a record of achievements or performances

The women's basketball team at the University of Connecticut has an excellent track record.

no point in --------- no reason to; it's not worth (doing something)

There's no point in worrying about things you can't change.

(to) blow things out of proportion --------- to exaggerate; to make more of something than one should SYNONYM: To make a mountain out of a molehill

They sent a 12 year-old boy to jail for biting his babysitter? Don't you think they're blowing things out of proportion?

(to) get a handle on --------- to gain an understanding of

This new computer program is very difficult. I still haven't gotten a handle on it.

(to) work out (2) --------- succeed; prove effective

This plan won't work out — you'll need to go back to the drawing board and work out a new plan.

for sure --------- definitely

This year, Tom Cruise will win an Academy Award for sure.

(to) sell like hotcakes --------- to sell fast; to be a popular item

Those new Fubu blue jeans are selling like hotcakes. All the girls love them.

(to) make a splash --------- to win popularity quickly

Those new jeans really made a splash. All the kids are wearing them.

in person --------- personally; in one's physical presence

Tim hoped that he and Svetlana would get along as well in person as they did over the Internet.

(to) give (someone) a run for (one's) money --------- to be strong competition

Tina is a good tennis player and always gives me a run for my money.

to tell you the truth --------- to speak openly; to admit

To tell you the truth, Ted isn't a very good student.

(to) not give a hoot --------- to not care about SYNONYMS: to not give a damn; to not give a darn

Tom likes to walk around town in his pajamas — he doesn't give a hoot what people think.

(to) work out (3) --------- endure; last.

Tony and Angela argue all the time. I don't think their marriage will work out.

fair and square --------- honestly

Tony won the ping pong tournament fair and square.

(to) cut it out --------- stop it; stop the annoying behavior

Tracy was chewing gum loudly during the movie. Her boyfriend finally told her to cut it out.

(to) get the show on the road --------- to start working; to begin an undertaking

We can't afford to waste any more time — let's get the show on the road!

(to) get rid of --------- to free oneself of; to throw out

We finally got rid of our spider problem, but now we have ants.

(to) hang around --------- to spend time idly; to linger

We had to hang around the airport for an extra six hours because our flight was delayed.

bright and early --------- early in the morning SYNONYM: at the crack of dawn

We have lots of cookies to bake so we'll have to start bright and early tomorrow.

go ahead --------- to continue; to proceed without hesitation

We have more than enough food for dinner. Go ahead and invite your friend to join us.

(to) crank out --------- to produce rapidly or in a routine manner

We just bought a new printer at work. It can crank out 20 pages per minute.

as a matter of fact --------- in fact; actually

We need more milk? As a matter of fact, I was just going to ask you to go shopping.

better off --------- in a more fortunate position

We're better off leaving for France on Thursday evening, so we can spend the entire weekend there.

(to) take off (3) --------- to move

We're taking off now. See you later!

at least --------- anyway; the good thing is that...

We've run out of coffee, but at least we still have tea.

(to) crunch numbers --------- to perform calculations (especially financial calculations)

Wendy spends all her time at work in front of the computer crunching numbers and analyzing sales data.

What's the matter? --------- What's the problem?

What's the matter, Bob? You don't look very happy.

What's up? --------- What's going on? What's new?

What's up? I haven't spoken to you in a long time.

load off one's mind --------- a relief

When Amber called Ted to tell him that she arrived home safely, it was a big load off his mind.

(to) go nuts [slang] (1) --------- to react with great enthusiasm

When Eminem appeared on stage, everybody went nuts.

happy camper [slang] --------- a happy person; a satisfied participant NOTE: This expression is usually used in the negative (not a happy camper).

When Linda's passport was stolen in Florence, she was not a happy camper.

(to) give someone the cold shoulder --------- to be cold to someone on purpose; to snub someone

When Lisa saw Amber at the mall, she didn't even stop to talk to her. She really gave her the cold shoulder.

right away --------- immediately

When Meg realized her house was on fire, she called the fire department right away.

wise guy --------- a smart aleck; one who makes a lot of sarcastic comments SYNONYMS: wise ass [rude], smart ass [rude]

When Mrs. Lee asked Joey what he wanted to be when he grew up, he said, "An adult." She told him not to be such a wise guy.

like crazy --------- with great speed or enthusiasm

When Pete Sampras won the tennis match, the crowd started cheering like crazy.

thank goodness --------- I'm grateful; I'm relieved

When Ted came home at 4 a.m. last Sunday, his mother said, "Thank goodness you're home! I was so worried about you."

(to) tell off --------- to scold; to tell someone in strong words what one really thinks

When Ted showed up for chemistry class a half an hour late, his teacher really told him off.

rule of thumb --------- a useful principle

When cooking fish, a good rule of thumb is 10 minutes in the oven for each inch of thickness.

no laughing matter --------- nothing to joke about; something serious

When the tornado came into town, it was no laughing matter.

beside the point --------- not relevant; not important

Whether or not I asked the waiter to bring us water is beside the point. Waiters should always bring water to the table.

When pigs fly! --------- never SYNONYMS: when hell freezes over; never in a million years

Will Ted teach Nicole how to play the guitar? When pigs fly!

your guess is as good as mine --------- I don't know; I don't know any more than you do

Will we ever find intelligent life on other planets? Your guess is as good as mine.

(to) stand a chance --------- to have the possibility of success

Wilton High School has the best soccer team in the state. I'm afraid we don't stand a chance against them!

second nature --------- a behavior that has been practiced for so long, it seems to have been there always

With practice, riding a unicycle becomes second nature.

(to) lend a hand --------- to help

Would you mind lending a hand in the garden? We need to finish planting these flowers before it starts raining.

pain in the neck --------- an annoyance

Yesterday I had to stay home all day and wait for the repairman. What a pain in the neck!

(to) have a heart of gold --------- to be very kind and giving

You adopted five children from a Romanian orphanage? You've got a heart of gold!

(to) give it a shot --------- to try something SYNONYMS: to give it a try; to try one's hand at something

You can't open that jar? Let me give it a shot.

too many cooks spoil the broth --------- too many people involved in an activity can ruin it

You don't need to help us. We have enough people helping already, and too many cooks spoil the broth.

Give me a break! --------- that's ridiculous; that's outrageous

You expect me to believe that excuse? Give me a break!

(to) look on the bright side --------- to be optimistic; to think about the positive part or aspect of a situation

You lost your job? Look on the bright side, now you'll have more free time!

that's the way the cookie crumbles --------- that's the way things go sometimes and there's nothing you can do about it

You lost your job? That's the way the cookie crumbles.

take it easy --------- relax; don't worry

You lost your keys? Take it easy, I'm sure you'll find them.

(to) foot the bill --------- to pay SYNONYM: to pick up the tab

You paid last time we went to the movies. Let me foot the bill this time.

Good for you! --------- Good job! Well done!

You passed your math test? Good for you!

easy as pie --------- very easy

You should have no trouble passing the driving test. It's as easy as pie.

you can say that again --------- I agree with you

You think our house needs repairs? You can say that again — even our toilet is broken!

Get real! --------- be serious or realistic about what's going on

You think you're going to win $1 million in the lottery? Get real!

Nothing doing! --------- Not a chance! SYNONYMS: No way! Not on your life!

You want me to buy the Golden Gate Bridge from you for a million bucks? Nothing doing!

tall order --------- a task or goal that is difficult to achieve

You want me to figure out how to clone your pet rabbit? That's a tall order!

Not on your life! --------- definitely not

You want me to sit in that sauna for an hour? Not on your life!

first things first --------- let's focus on the most important thing or task first

You want to ask your teacher if you can hand in your paper two weeks late? First things first, you'd better think of an excuse.

pipe dream --------- an unrealistic hope

You want to become a famous actor on Broadway? That sounds like a pipe dream.

Fat chance! --------- definitely not SYNONYMS: never in a million years; no way!

You want to borrow my new car and drive it across the country? Fat chance!

out of the question --------- impossible

You want to borrow my new car and drive it across the country? I'm sorry, but that's out of the question.

now you're talking --------- you're saying the right thing

You want to offer me free tickets to the J. Lo concert? Now you're talking!

Way to go! --------- Good work!

You won $2,000 in the poetry writing contest? Way to go!

small fortune --------- a good amount of money

You won $25,000 in the lottery? That's a small fortune!

Big deal! --------- So what? That doesn't really matter.

You won five dollars in the lottery? Big deal!Your father has a job with a big company in New York City? Big deal!

green with envy --------- desiring another's advantages or things

You won the lottery? I'm green with envy!

after all --------- despite everything; when everything has been considered; the fact is

You'd better invite Ed to your party. After all, he's a good friend.

it's a deal --------- I agree (to a proposal or offer)

You'll make dinner every night for a month if I help you with your homework? Okay, it's a deal!

in any case --------- whatever the fact is; certainly

You'll probably be too tired on Sunday to come over. In any case, give me a call in the morning to discuss.

(to) stab someone in the back --------- to betray someone

You're firing me after all I've done for this company? You're really stabbing me in the back!

(to be) in good hands --------- in good, competent care

You're in good hands with Tony. He's an excellent driver.

needless to say --------- obviously

You've got a test tomorrow morning. Needless to say, you can't stay out late tonight.

it goes without saying --------- obviously

You've got a test tomorrow, so it goes without saying that you can't stay out late tonight.

no use crying over spilt milk --------- there's no point in regretting something that's too late to change

Your bike was ruined in an accident? There's no use crying over spilt milk. You'll just have to buy a new one.

(to) live with it --------- to accept a difficult reality

Your boss is an idiot. Live with it.Your hair will never be straight. Just live with it!

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