Kin 300 exam 3 (FINAL)

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*** Body knows that when it spreads, (MESTASISIS: SPREADING OR MOVING DISEASE)

Cancer cell can move and create cancer in a different area, (lymph nodes, toe, etc.) Body knows that the cell isn't supposed to move and makes it for death. If that's bypassed, the body takes over from the cell.

The _____ vertebrae serve as a link between the thoracic spine-rib cage and the head.


Nearly all movement of the spinal column takes place within the two supportive structures known as the _____ and ________.

Cervical and Lumbar

All of the following are open chain exercises except for _____.

Chin up, (squat)?

Which of the following is correct regarding the patellofemoral joint?

Classified as an arthrodial type joint.

The internal oblique abdominal inserts on the _____.

Coastal cartilage, eighth, ninth and tenth ribs and linea alba

The alternating prone extension strengthens the trunk extensors through ____.

Concentric contractions during the lifting phase.

In the alternating prone extension exercise the hip extensors contract ________.

Concentrically during lifting phase.

Carbohydrate ARE PLANTS!


Which of the following is not true regarding the quadriceps muscle group?

Covered by the vastus fascia

The Q angle is usually ____ or less for males and ___ or less for females.

15, 20

The knee joint can extend

180 degrees normally although some individuals can extend slightly further.

The vertebral column is composed of

24 articulating vertebrae.

Protein synthesis one hour after working out is

A myth

A substantial number of low back problems are caused by improper use of the back over time.

A substantial number of low back problems are caused by improper use of the back over time.

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the diaphragm muscle?

All of the Above (Responsible for breathing during quiet rest, as it contracts and flattens air is inspired, when larger amounts of air are needed other thoracic muscles have a more significant contribution to inspiration.

Do not need fruits and veggies to function, just carbs.

Although being without them could cause other problems, THE BODY ONLY RECOGNIZES THE MAIN THREE!

Most of the rotation within the cervical region occurs in the joint between ______.

Atlas and Axis (Atlantoaxial joint)

Which of the following muscles externally rotates the knee?

Biceps Femoris

The tibial division of the sciatic nerve innervates all of the following muscles except?

Biceps Femoris Short Head

The femoral nerve innervates all of the following muscles except?

Biceps femoris. (Innervates all rectus, vastus muscles)


Body will not let you get abnormally low glucose without other problems. Can alliviate or remove health issues like diabetes.

Which of the following statements is not correct regarding the abdominal muscles?

Both choices are correct.(Some sections are linked by fascia and tendinosus bands, these muscles do not attach completely from bone to bone.)

Which of the following is not correct regarding menisci in the knee joint?

Decreases stability. (Either or both may be torn in serveral areas from various mechanisms, resulting in various problems. Tears often occur due to significant compression and shear forces during rotation while flexing or extending during quick directional changes in running. Forms cushions between bones, attached to tibia, deepens tibial fossa and enhances stability.)

Which of the following muscles actions is performed during the lowering phase of "hip sled" exercise?


The abdominal curl-up strengthens the abdominal muscles through ____.

Eccentric contractions during return of starting phase.

Which of the following muscles is not strengthened to any substantial degree by abdominal curl-ups without rotation to the right and left?

Erector Spinae

Which of the following muscles would be most effective in performing anterior pelvic rotation

Erector Spinae or Iliopsoas

Which of the following muscles is not strengthened to any substantial degree by sit-ups?

Erector Spinae or Quadratus Lumborum.

The primary movers in cervical spine extension (against resistance) are the:

Erector Spinae or Trapezius

Which of the following statements is correct regarding trunk movement at the lumbar spine?

Extends 20-30 Degrees

Extreme _____ of the spine would be prevented in part by the spinous processes.


The rectus femoris is more powerful in extending the knee when the hip is in _____.


Which of the following muscles actions is performed during the pushing phase of "hip sled" exercise?


Which of the following actions is performed during the arm pull/leg push phase of rowing exercise?

Extension, (Flexion, adduction, downward rotation, depression.)

An individual will develop adequate muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility through participation in sport activities.


During the arm pull/leg push phase of rowing exercise the knee joint performs flexion.


During the return phase of rowing exercise the wrist and hand joints perform extension.


It is not necessary to analyze each individual's exercise and skill technique in order to specifically design an exercise program to meet his/her needs.


Muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility are general body characteristics that are not specific to each body area and muscle group.


Sit-ups are an excellent exercise for strengthening the erector spinae muscles.


The abdominal curl-up does not strengthen the internal and external oblique abdominals unless trunk rotation is included


The anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments are located on the outermost anterior and posterior surfaces of the knee joint.


The dead lift is a closed kinetic chain exercise.


The hamstring muscles function as a decelerator of the knee when decreasing speed to change direction and especially when landing from a jump.


The horizontal indentations that transect the rectus abdominis, giving it a segmented appearance is the linea alba.


The lateral collateral ligament originates on the lateral femoral condyle distally to popliteus origin and inserts on the fibular head.


The patella is classified as an "irregular" bone because it is imbedded in the patellar tendon.


The popliteus originates on the medial aspect of lateral femoral condyle.


The posterior portion of the trunk contains the abdominal muscles.


The quadriceps muscles perform eccentric contractions during accelerating actions.


The spinous processes are located anterior with respect to the vertebral bodies.


When performing a "squat" exercise the hip is extended during the lowering phase.


The vertebral column has 32 pairs of spinal nerves

False, 31

The lateral collateral ligament is more frequently injured than other knee joint ligaments.

False, MCL

Kyphosis is increased posterior concavity of thoracic curve of the vertebral column.

False, anterior

Most of the movement that occurs in the spinal column occurs in the cervical and thoracic regions of the spine.

False, cervical and lumbar

The diaphragm depresses and draws the central tendon forward during exhalation.

False, during inhalation.

The quadriceps muscle group functions as a decelerator to knee joint flexion in weight-bearing movements by contracting concentrically to prevent too rapid of a downward movemen

False, eccentric

The femoral condyles articulate with the fibular condyles during flexion of the knee.

False, tibial

All of the erector spinae muscles run horizontally parallel to the spinal column.

False, vertical

Remember three food groups.

Fat, carbs, protein

Which of the following actions is performed during the return phase of rowing exercise?

Flexion (Extension, abduction, upward rotation, elevation).

The dead lift strengthens the knee extensors through ____.

Flexion and extension. Eccentric during lowering.

All of the following are key bony landmarks of the knee joint except?

Gerdy's Condyle (Landmarks include Landmarks include superior and inferior patellar poles, tibial tuberosity, gerdy's tubercle, medial and lateral femoral condyles, upper anterior medial tibial surface and head of fibula.)

The iliotibial tract of the tensor fasciae latae inserts on

Gerdy's condyle.

The movement that occurs between the superior and inferior articular processes of the vertebral facet joints is characterized as ____.


Which of the following is not an agonist muscle of trunk extension when performing "alternating prone extension" exercise?

Gluteus Maximus

Which of the following muscles is not activated during the hip flexion portion of an isometric "leg lifter" exercise?

Gluteus Maximus

The pes anserinus tendinous expansion is comprised from the ______.

Gracilis, Sartorius, Semitendinous

The squat and dead lift are similar in that they both strengthen the ____.

Hip Extensors

Sugar comes from cane, beets, etc. Comes from plants.

However, not all plants contain sugar, (like celery). Is still a carb, but without sugar.



If apoptosis fails

INDOGENOUS APOPTOSIS (Inside Cell)... Surrounding cells can send small signals (proteins) that activate sensors outside of cells to surround cancerous cell and trigger apoptosis externally, (EXOGENOUS APOPTOSIS)!

From medial to lateral the erector spinae muscles are the ________.

Iliocostalis, Longissimus, Spinalis.

The external oblique abdominal inserts on the _____.

Ilium. Anterior half of crest of ilium, crest of pubis, fascia of rectus abdominis *

Which of the following is not considered to be a large abdominal muscle?

Lateral Abdominus

Which of the following muscles would not be concentrically active when attempting to place the right ear on the right shoulder while lying on the left side?

Left Sternocleidomastoid

When performing the up portion of the sit-up with rotation to the left, which of the following muscles are utilized the most?

Left internal and right external oblique abdominal.

Increased posterior concavity of the cervical spine is known as _____.


The _____ vertebrae serve as a link between the pelvic girdle and the thoracic spine-rib cage.


Which of the following is true regarding the medial collateral ligament?

Maintains medial stability by resisting valgus forces or preventing knee from being abducted.


Mostly determined by hereditary and training. Food can only make you perform as well as you're capable of performing. It can't increase MITO, decrease heart rate, etc.

Seated row seat movable or unmovable?


During the squat the hip flexors are strengthened by ______.

None of the above.(Choices include: Concentric, or eccentric actions during the lowering phase and eccentric actions during the lifting phase.)

Is hip sled seat movable or unmovable?

Not moveable.

Optimal time to eat is when glucose level is low.

Only when you have time between meals.

The only uniarticular knee flexor is the _____.

Popliteus or vastus medialus

Which of the following is not considered very important in skillful performance of physical activity and body maintenance from a kinesiological perspective?

Power. (Strength, endurance and flexibility of the lower extremity, trunk and ab muscles ARE important.)

Which of the following is not true regarding the hamstring muscle group?

Provides Static Stability to the knee joint.

Which of the following is not true with respect to the synovial cavity?

Provides the knee with stability

During the lifting phase of a "dead lift" exercise the agonist muscles of the wrist and hand include all of the following except?

Quadratus Lumborum.(Includes wrist and hand flexors (isometric contraction), flexor carpi radialis and ulnaris, parmaris longus, flexor digitorum profundus and superficialis, flexor pollicis longus.)

In performing lateral flexion against gravity such as in a lateral sit-up, which of the following muscles would be least effective?

Rectus Abdominis

Which of the following muscles does not perform hip extension during the lifting phase of a "squat" exercise?

Rectus Femoris

Which of the following is not true regarding the bursae of the knee?

Bursae are composed mainly of fatty tissue.( True statements: More than 10 in and around knee. Some are connected to synovial cavity. Absorbs shock or prevents friction. False: Composed mainly of fatty tissue.)

Which if the following muscles contract concentrically to cause extension of the head, right cervical rotation, and right cervical lateral flexion?

Right Splenius Capitus



During the lowering phase of a "dead lift" exercise the agonist muscles of the knee include all of the following except?

Semimembranosus(Includes knee extensors (quadriceps, eccentric contraction), rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis.)

Which of the following muscles internally rotates the knee?

Semitendonosus, Semimembranosus, Popliteus

Which of the following muscles is not activated during an isometric abdominal exercise?

Serratus Anterior

Glucose level determines how food interacts in your body...

Slightly low glucose will act different when It's low, but especially when it's high.

Muscles that flex the knee include all of the following except?

Tensor Fascia Lata

*** ALL CANCER STARTS WITH ONE CELL! BECOMES A CANCEROUS / MUTANT cell for a variety of reasons. That one cell out of TRILLIONS can kill you.

That one cell out of TRILLIONS can kill you.

Which of the following statements is not true regarding the "bent knee sit-up" exercise?

The strength of the erector spinae muscles are benefited significantly through this exercise.

The trunk is composed of the _______.

Thoracic Spine, Rib Cage, Pelvic Girdle


Throws T-Cells and uses the immune system to try to destroy it, although cancer cells are like a ghost to it, making it hard to recognize with antibodies disguises itself with tissue.

Of the four abdominal muscles, which is a prime mover in lateral pelvic rotation from a hanging overhead by the hands position?

Transverse Abdominis

Which of the following is not an agonist muscle of shoulder flexion when performing "alternating prone extension" exercise?

Triceps Brachii

Increased pressure on the spinal nerves may result from a herniated lumbar disc and result in radiating pain, tingling, numbness, and weakness in the lower extremity.


Optimal time based on lifestyle.


The "alternating prone extension" exercise can be broken down to two separate phases.


The fibula is not part of the ginglymus articulation of the knee joint


Which of the following is not an agonist muscle of hip extension when performing "alternating prone extension" exercise?

Vastus Medialus

Which of the following is not considered to be one of the quadriceps muscle group?

Vastus Medialus

During the lifting phase of a "dead lift" exercise the agonist muscles of the hip include all of the following except?

Vastus Medialus(Includes hip extensors, gluteus maximus, semimembranosus, semitendinosus, biceps femoris.)

Immune system can detect polio. Polio being injeccted near cancer cells would cause the body to destroy both

Wasn't universal, but worked in some cases.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the action of the quadriceps muscle group during squatting?

When the descent is at the same speed as gravity no muscular control is exerted.

Not eating has a more powerful effect on killing cancer cells than anything else, including quitting smoking.

Won't get rid of it, but will help fight it.

Can go days without eating.

Would be best for weight loss since your glucose will remain low.

Six pairs of ribs attach directly to the sternum via

a separate costal cartilage.

Compared to an untrained person,

a well-trained person will see relatively minor improvements in the amount of weight that can be lifted over the same period of time.


cancer cell lives and makes copies of itself.

The rowing exercise is a

closed kinetic chain exercise.

The specific needs of each individual must be specifically addressed when

designing an exercise program.

Hereditary diseases can become more suceptible depending on

diet and glucose levels. Can be avoided.

The lateral fibula serves as the attachment for knee joint structures but

does not articulate with the femur or patella

During the arm pull/leg push phase of rowing exercise the shoulder joint performs


The erector spinae iliocostalis are considered to be

agonist muscles during extension of the spine.

The semimembranosus inserts

anteromedially on the medial tibial condyle.

Vertebrae increase in size from the cervical to the lumbar region

because the lower back supports more weigh

Articular cartilage is located on the surfaces of both the

femur and tibia

The tibia bears the majority of the weight as compared to the


During the return phase of rowing exercise the hip joint performs


The brain gets used to whatever is in the bloodstream

good or bad. Can adapt in a bad way, now desiring what it originally rejected.

Eccentric actions occur when muscles lengthen under tension to control the joints moving with

gravity or a resistance.

The patella serves as a pulley by improving the angle of pull with the result being a

greater mechanical advantage for the quadriceps during knee extension.

The abdominal curl-up strengthens the

hip flexors.

The knee joint is

is the largest joint in the body.

Milk has carbs but isn't a plant. However,

it has carbs due to ingesting and transferring plant based food to milk internally.

The sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus all insert

just below the medial condyle on upper anteromedial tibial surface.

Each thoracic vertebrae has one pair of ribs that attaches to it


Body mainly functions on glucose

like gasoline

The normal curves of the cervical and lumbar spines are


The "SAID Principle" indicates that strength gains beyond the range of motion utilized in the training are usually


Milk is not


Reduction of the spine is defined as a return movement from lateral flexion to a

neutral position.

Total number of calories when you add all three is the most important health factor,

not cutting out any one type.

When using free weights for strength training it is important to ensure that

one group of muscles is not overdeveloped and another is underdeveloped.

3500 calories =

one pound is determined by normal glucose levels. Low = gain no weight long term.

Muscles may shorten or lengthen in the absence of a contraction through passive movement caused by

other contracting muscles.

All three of the vasti muscles of quadriceps originate on proximal femur and insert on

patellar superior pole.

The semimembranosus is located

posteromedially and internally rotates the knee.


programmed cell death. Every cell has apoptotic genes to commit suicide if abnormal. Breaks off into capsules and is reabsorbed while keeping surrounding cells separate. Cancer forms when these genes are turned off. Millions are doing so at all times.

Tears in menisci can occur due both compression and shear forces during rotation while flexing or extending during

quick directional changes in running.

The location of the erector spinae muscles enables them to extend spine and assist in

rotation and lateral flexion.

A sideward deviation of the spine is known as


Functions of the abdominal muscles include assisting in

spinal stabilization and respiration.

The brain gets addicted to glucose level when it's

steady every day

The longer you exercise

the better

Spinal flexion is defined as anterior movement of the spine where

the head moves toward chest and the thorax moves toward pelvis.

The biceps femoris inserts primarily on

the head of the of the fibula

The medial collateral ligament originates on

the medial aspect of upper medial femoral condyle and inserts on medial tibial surface

Many types of back pain and other physical ailments can be avoided through proper maintenance of

the musculoskeletal system.

Concentric muscle actions are

the shortening contraction of muscles against gravity or a resistance.

As the knee approaches full extension the tibia must externally rotate approximately 10 degrees to achieve proper alignment of

the tibial and femoral condyles.

The rectus abdominis muscle can control

the tilt of the pelvis when contracting.

The gastrocnemius and soleus are strengthened in the lowering phase of the squat due to

their eccentric contractions.

Blind people gain weight faster because

they don't burn energy to see.

The pelvic girdle rotates as a unit due to movement occurring in hip and lumbar spine.

to movement occurring in hip and lumbar spine.

The "SAID Principle" is applicable in every form of muscle training as well as

to the systems of body.

A "dead lift" exercise is divided into

two phases.

The linea alba runs vertically from the xiphoid process through the

umbilicus to the pubis and divides the rectus abdominis

Body needs protein.

will die in 1 or 2 months without

In basketball and soccer injury to the ______ occurs much more commonly to females than to males.


The most common serious knee ligament injury involves the _____.


Which of the following is not true regarding the rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis?

All are superficial and palpable except for vastus medialis.

Which of the following is not correct regarding the knee joint proper?

Sometimes referred to as trochoginglymus joint due to internal and external rotation occurring when in full extension.(Correct responses include: it's name is the tibiofemoral joint, classified as a ginglymus joint, sometimes referred to as trochoginglymus joint where internal and external rotation occur during flexation. Some argue for condyloid classification. Not true: Sometimes referred to as a trochoginglymus joint due to internal and external rotaion occuring when in full extension.) *

The ________ process can be palpated on the posterior surface of the spine when it is flexed:


Which of the following is not a phase of "sit-up" exercise?

Starting Phase

Which if the following muscles contract concentrically to cause cervical flexion, left cervical rotation, and right cervical lateral flexion

Sternocleidomastoid (Right)

Which of the following is not true regarding strength and endurance being essential for maintenance of patellofemoral stability?

Strength and flexibilty are not often a problem with the muscles of the knee joint.(True Statements: Often a problem, quads are particularly prone to atrophy when injuries occur, may be developed by resisted knee extension activities from a seated position, functional weight bearing activities such as step-ups or squats are particularly useful for strengthening and endurance. Not true: strength and flexibility are not often a problem with the muscles of the knee joint.)

The vastus lateralis provides a _____ pull on the patella when contracting concentrically


The vastus medialis provides a _____ pull on the patella when contracting concentrically


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