KIN 389 Chapter 6

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Exclusion criteria

List of characteristics that individuals cannot possess in order to qualify as participants in a study.

With ex post facto designs, the independent variable is not controlled by the researchers.


external Validity

ability to generalize the results of a study to the sample population in a real world setting

Confounding Variables

uncontrolled factors other than the independent variable that influence the measures of the independent variables.

External validity determines the extent to which the results of a study can be generalized to the population the participants represent.


Cause- Effect Relationship

Defined association between two variable precedes and leads to the other in a predictable fashion

True Experimental designs

Designs that begin with random assignment of participants to groups, thereby controlling most threats to internal validity.


Group of participants in a study selected as being representative of a defined population

Which type of variable is investigated as being a cause in a cause-effect relationship?


Which of the following statements is true regarding internal and external validity?

No study design can optimize both internal and external validity.

Hawthorne Effect

Phenomenon in which participants performances during a research stud improved due solely to the fact they know they are being observed.

Plausible Rival Hypothesis

Proposal that something other than the independent variables affected measures of the dependent variables

Which of the following statements is true regarding experimental research designs?

The posttest-only design is the same as the static group comparison, only with random assignment of participants to groups.

Which of the following are necessary for establishing a cause-effect relationship?

There is a strong correlation between the cause and the effect. The cause precedes the effect. The cause almost always produces the effect. There is not a viable alternative explanation for the effect.

The general goal of experimental research is exploring _______ relationships



defined, large group to which the results of a study conducted on a sample of that group may be generalized

effect factor

dependent variable

Taking steps to ensure that extraneous variables do not affect the results of the study is referred to as

experimental control

extraneous Variables

factors other than the independent variables that can exert an effect on the measures of the dependent variables.

cause factor

independent variable

Inclusion Criteria

list of characteristics that individuals must possess in order to qualify as participants in a study

Experimental research is also referred to as _____ research.


Control Group

participants who are measured for the dependent variables but do not revive any experimental treatment.

A reasonable explanation that the dependent variables could have been affected by a factor other than the independent variables is called a....

plausible rival hypothesis

Mechanistic Research

research aimed at discovering or explaining underlying mechanisms or causation

experimental group

tested on the dependent variables (reaction time, movement time, and manual dexterity) before and after a prescribed period of sleep deprivation


the ability of a research stud to faithfully reflect the true state of the population of interest

internal validity

the ability to conclude that only independent variables affected any differences in measures of he depend variables across groups or across tests on the same group.

Experimental control

the ability to eliminate all influences other than the independent variable but do not receive an experimental treatment

experimental treatment

the exact amount or dosage of sleep deprivation that the participants will undergo in the course of the study.

Ecological Validity

the extent to which the testing conditions in a study are like conditions in the environment being studied

In order for a cause-effect to exist..

there is strong correlation between the cause and the effect the cause precedes the effect the cause always produces the effect (in the absence of some other simultaneously acting factor intervening) There is nota viable alternative explanation for the effect.

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